By, Deavina Godina , Brianna lake , Femando Hernandez, Agustin Sanchez, Gisela Segura, Stephanie Cuanas, Nancy Garcia, Roxanna Soto Stephanie Hernandez , Kristina DeAnda

By, Deavina Godina, Brianna lake, Femando Hernandez, Agustin Sanchez, Gisela Segura, Stephanie Cuanas, Nancy Garcia, Roxanna Soto Stephanie Hernandez,

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By, Deavina Godina , Brianna lake , Femando Hernandez, Agustin Sanchez, Gisela Segura,

Stephanie Cuanas, Nancy Garcia, Roxanna Soto Stephanie Hernandez , Kristina DeAnda

*messages were hidden away in carving in wall. *this was used for direction and other

awareness to the public or how ever was looking at it.

• Thing can be known about a group a or own single people by the way every thing was designed.

• Story were told in small little drawings/paintings

• The way things were shaped can tell about what they had worship like animals.

Myths and Legends

• Middle Americans believed god destroyed and recreated the world every 52 years. He was called Kukulacan by the Maya and Quetzalcoatl by Aztecs.

Myths and legends

• Lesser gods has special names, but were actually creator gods.

• They insure the gods graces by offering gifts regularly.

Myths and legends

• Viracocha the creator god of the Incas.

• He was also the sun and thunder god.

• His face marks are teardrops that represent rain.

Influence from Europe:

• European Style:

• What they bring???

• What they change??

Gisela Segura

• Christian Churches went up…

• Middle of sixteenth century ….

• Even though Indians copied from European illustrations….

LA Sagrada Familia

Mountain setting resemble Andean region, South America birds, and on the ground grow Andean flowers

By: Kristina D.

• Instead of traditional European vines that decorated church walls….

• The Indianizing of Christian are took place through out Latin America

• The European style was expensive….

• They also avoided the….

• The colonial period began with the arrival of the church missionaries and…

By: Kristina D. and Stephanie H.