By: Dan Granato Jaymie Foreman Jerry Jackson Krystle Hyman Gina Garro

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 Create outline of your presentation in Word  Highlight titles  Under Styles, choose Heading 1  Highlight subtopics,  Under Styles, choose Heading 2  Save your document  Go to File, Send To, Microsoft Office PowerPoint

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By: Dan Granato Jaymie Foreman Jerry Jackson Krystle Hyman Gina Garro Limit Text and Bullets - 6 X 6 Rule Check for Errors Choose Colors Carefully Keep It Simple Limit Transitions and Animations Choose Fonts Wisely: Sans Serif (Arial) vs. Serif (Times New Roman) Create outline of your presentation in Word Highlight titles Under Styles, choose Heading 1 Highlight subtopics, Under Styles, choose Heading 2 Save your document Go to File, Send To, Microsoft Office PowerPoint Gina Garro First click on Design and in the right side margin or top of screen, design choices will appear Click on as many as you like to try each style Once you have chosen a design, click on format at the top, then slide layout Layout options will appear in the right hand side or top (depending on your Powerpoint version) If you have a lot of text, then a simple layout with just a title is appropriate. Otherwise a layout with more than one section can divide text and graphics better. May choose a Design Template or Color Scheme Cool colors (such as blue, green, violet) work best for backgrounds Warm colors (such as red, orange, yellow) work best for text Dan Granato Add new blank slide to your presentation Go to Insert, Picture, from file or from Clip Art or from Photo Album Right-click on your inserted image (4- interlocking puzzle pieces) Under Grouping, choose Ungroup Click on one puzzle piece to select it Right-click and choose Format Shape Change the color under Fill Repeat for other pieces as desired Highlight what you want to animate. Click on Animations on the top tool bar. Click on Custom Animations. Click Add Effect. Select Entrance, Emphasis, Exit, or Motion Path. Select one of the animations available, or click More Effects to see other options. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Click on the image you want to animate. Repeat steps from Animating Text. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Click on the insert tab. Under Media Clips click on Movie. Click on Movie From File. A screen will pop up after you choose your video. Click on Automatically if you want the movie to play instantly with the slide is shown. Or click When Clicked if you want the movie to start when you click it. Locate Slide Show In the set up show look for kiosk (full screen) Then Click OK To test the slide show go to slide 1 and click slide show Press ESC to stop power point show Click Insert, Sound from clip organizer Choose a sound from the right drop down menu Choose whether you want the clip to play Automatically or When Clicked Under Effect Options, can choose when to start and stop clip Insert Sound from File Play CD Audio Track Create Music Track using Audacity Slide Sorter View Slide Show View Notes Feature