Abnormal labour By Asmaa kadhim 2018

By Asmaa kadhim 2018 - University of BabylonCauses of abnormal progress of labour Related to the 3 Ps 1-power ( uterine contraction) 2-passeges bone (maternal pelvis) soft tissue (

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Page 1: By Asmaa kadhim 2018 - University of BabylonCauses of abnormal progress of labour Related to the 3 Ps 1-power ( uterine contraction) 2-passeges bone (maternal pelvis) soft tissue (

Abnormal labour


Asmaa kadhim


Page 2: By Asmaa kadhim 2018 - University of BabylonCauses of abnormal progress of labour Related to the 3 Ps 1-power ( uterine contraction) 2-passeges bone (maternal pelvis) soft tissue (
Page 3: By Asmaa kadhim 2018 - University of BabylonCauses of abnormal progress of labour Related to the 3 Ps 1-power ( uterine contraction) 2-passeges bone (maternal pelvis) soft tissue (
Page 4: By Asmaa kadhim 2018 - University of BabylonCauses of abnormal progress of labour Related to the 3 Ps 1-power ( uterine contraction) 2-passeges bone (maternal pelvis) soft tissue (
Page 5: By Asmaa kadhim 2018 - University of BabylonCauses of abnormal progress of labour Related to the 3 Ps 1-power ( uterine contraction) 2-passeges bone (maternal pelvis) soft tissue (

Abnormal labor

Labor considered abnormal when there is :

abnormal progress

-Fetal distress

-Induction of labor -Induction of labor


-Multiple pregnancy

-Scarred uterus

Page 6: By Asmaa kadhim 2018 - University of BabylonCauses of abnormal progress of labour Related to the 3 Ps 1-power ( uterine contraction) 2-passeges bone (maternal pelvis) soft tissue (

Abnormal progress of labor

labourSlow progress of

1st stage

Prolonged latent phase

active phase abnormality

Primary dysfunctional laborPrimary dysfunctional labor

Secondary arrest of labor

2nd stage

Secondary arrest


Rapid progress of labor

(precipitated labour)

Page 7: By Asmaa kadhim 2018 - University of BabylonCauses of abnormal progress of labour Related to the 3 Ps 1-power ( uterine contraction) 2-passeges bone (maternal pelvis) soft tissue (

Causes of abnormal progress of labour

Related to the 3 Ps

1-power ( uterine contraction)


bone (maternal pelvis)

soft tissue ( uterus , cervix ,vagina &perineum)soft tissue ( uterus , cervix ,vagina &perineum)

3-passanger ( fetus)

abnormal fetus

malposition and


Page 8: By Asmaa kadhim 2018 - University of BabylonCauses of abnormal progress of labour Related to the 3 Ps 1-power ( uterine contraction) 2-passeges bone (maternal pelvis) soft tissue (

CPD Cephalopelvic disproportion

Page 9: By Asmaa kadhim 2018 - University of BabylonCauses of abnormal progress of labour Related to the 3 Ps 1-power ( uterine contraction) 2-passeges bone (maternal pelvis) soft tissue (
Page 10: By Asmaa kadhim 2018 - University of BabylonCauses of abnormal progress of labour Related to the 3 Ps 1-power ( uterine contraction) 2-passeges bone (maternal pelvis) soft tissue (

Prolonged latent phase

Duration of latent phase difficult to be determined

Begin from starting labour till 4 cm cervical


Prolonged latent phase is more common in primigravida

Usually due to inefficient uterine contraction Usually due to inefficient uterine contraction

Usually managed conservatively by reassurance , analgesia ,mobilization .

ARM & oxytocin may result in poor progress later on and increase CS rate

Partogram should not be commenced until beginning of active phase

Page 11: By Asmaa kadhim 2018 - University of BabylonCauses of abnormal progress of labour Related to the 3 Ps 1-power ( uterine contraction) 2-passeges bone (maternal pelvis) soft tissue (

active phase abnormality primary dysfunctional labor

There is slow progress of labor of less than 2 cm/ 4 hrs

Common cause is inefficient uterine contraction

could be due to CPD

Secondary arrest of labor

labor begin & progressed normally then slowed

Usually occur at 7 cm dilatation

Page 12: By Asmaa kadhim 2018 - University of BabylonCauses of abnormal progress of labour Related to the 3 Ps 1-power ( uterine contraction) 2-passeges bone (maternal pelvis) soft tissue (


Ensure maternal &fetal wellbeing

Further action taken according to the cause

Inadequate contraction

ARM if not yet ruptured

2hrs later if no contraction , start oxytocin gradually with 2hrs later if no contraction , start oxytocin gradually with monitoring

If there is no progress after 4 hrs of efficient

contraction then CS is advised



Page 13: By Asmaa kadhim 2018 - University of BabylonCauses of abnormal progress of labour Related to the 3 Ps 1-power ( uterine contraction) 2-passeges bone (maternal pelvis) soft tissue (
Page 14: By Asmaa kadhim 2018 - University of BabylonCauses of abnormal progress of labour Related to the 3 Ps 1-power ( uterine contraction) 2-passeges bone (maternal pelvis) soft tissue (
Page 15: By Asmaa kadhim 2018 - University of BabylonCauses of abnormal progress of labour Related to the 3 Ps 1-power ( uterine contraction) 2-passeges bone (maternal pelvis) soft tissue (
Page 16: By Asmaa kadhim 2018 - University of BabylonCauses of abnormal progress of labour Related to the 3 Ps 1-power ( uterine contraction) 2-passeges bone (maternal pelvis) soft tissue (
Page 17: By Asmaa kadhim 2018 - University of BabylonCauses of abnormal progress of labour Related to the 3 Ps 1-power ( uterine contraction) 2-passeges bone (maternal pelvis) soft tissue (
Page 18: By Asmaa kadhim 2018 - University of BabylonCauses of abnormal progress of labour Related to the 3 Ps 1-power ( uterine contraction) 2-passeges bone (maternal pelvis) soft tissue (

Management – cont.

Fetal malposition – could be corrected

by rotational forceps

Last choice is caesarean section which

is difficult and associated with a lot

of complications

Page 19: By Asmaa kadhim 2018 - University of BabylonCauses of abnormal progress of labour Related to the 3 Ps 1-power ( uterine contraction) 2-passeges bone (maternal pelvis) soft tissue (
Page 20: By Asmaa kadhim 2018 - University of BabylonCauses of abnormal progress of labour Related to the 3 Ps 1-power ( uterine contraction) 2-passeges bone (maternal pelvis) soft tissue (
Page 21: By Asmaa kadhim 2018 - University of BabylonCauses of abnormal progress of labour Related to the 3 Ps 1-power ( uterine contraction) 2-passeges bone (maternal pelvis) soft tissue (
Page 22: By Asmaa kadhim 2018 - University of BabylonCauses of abnormal progress of labour Related to the 3 Ps 1-power ( uterine contraction) 2-passeges bone (maternal pelvis) soft tissue (

Abdominal examination

Strong frequent uterine contractions

Evidence of fetal distress by CTG

Constriction ring

Unengaged presenting part ??

Vaginal examinationVaginal examination

edematous vulva and vagina

Fully dilated cx ??

Ruptured membrane

Unengaged presenting part

Bleeding ?

Page 23: By Asmaa kadhim 2018 - University of BabylonCauses of abnormal progress of labour Related to the 3 Ps 1-power ( uterine contraction) 2-passeges bone (maternal pelvis) soft tissue (
Page 24: By Asmaa kadhim 2018 - University of BabylonCauses of abnormal progress of labour Related to the 3 Ps 1-power ( uterine contraction) 2-passeges bone (maternal pelvis) soft tissue (
Page 25: By Asmaa kadhim 2018 - University of BabylonCauses of abnormal progress of labour Related to the 3 Ps 1-power ( uterine contraction) 2-passeges bone (maternal pelvis) soft tissue (

Anticipate PPH

Maternal genital tract shoud be checked after precipitate labour to exclude genital tract trauma

Page 26: By Asmaa kadhim 2018 - University of BabylonCauses of abnormal progress of labour Related to the 3 Ps 1-power ( uterine contraction) 2-passeges bone (maternal pelvis) soft tissue (
Page 27: By Asmaa kadhim 2018 - University of BabylonCauses of abnormal progress of labour Related to the 3 Ps 1-power ( uterine contraction) 2-passeges bone (maternal pelvis) soft tissue (