Butterworth Gospel Hall I. Biblical Worship (5 th June, 2011) A. Preliminary Notes on Worship 1) Confusion regarding worship: It is Response to God’s Attributes and Acts; not praying to Receive God’s Blessings and Benedictions. 1) Conditions for Worship: Leviticus is a manual on worship for Israel in Rites and Rituals which are shadows pointing to the Reality of worshipping. Cf. Lev. 1:2 3) Clarifications on Worship. Approaching God to Worship Him is… Lev. 1:1-4 cf. Rom. 12:1, 2

Butterworth Gospel Hall I. B IBLICAL W ORSHIP (5 th June, 2011) A. P RELIMINARY N OTES ON W ORSHIP 1)Confusion regarding worship: It is Response to God’s

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Page 1: Butterworth Gospel Hall I. B IBLICAL W ORSHIP (5 th June, 2011) A. P RELIMINARY N OTES ON W ORSHIP 1)Confusion regarding worship: It is Response to God’s

Butterworth Gospel HallI. Biblical Worship (5th June, 2011)A. Preliminary Notes on Worship1) Confusion regarding worship:

It is Response to God’s Attributes and Acts; not praying to Receive God’s Blessings and Benedictions.

1) Conditions for Worship:Leviticus is a manual on worship for Israel in Rites and Rituals which are shadows pointing to the Reality of worshipping. Cf. Lev. 1:2

3) Clarifications on Worship. Approaching God to Worship Him is…

Lev. 1:1-4 cf. Rom. 12:1, 2

Page 2: Butterworth Gospel Hall I. B IBLICAL W ORSHIP (5 th June, 2011) A. P RELIMINARY N OTES ON W ORSHIP 1)Confusion regarding worship: It is Response to God’s

Approaching God to Worship Him is…Lev. 1:2-4

a) An Offertory (1:2) Cp. Deut. 16:16

b) Voluntary (1:3)

c) Compulsory (1:3)

d) Based on Ability to offer (1:4)

e) Identity with the offering (1:4)

f) Requiring “Quality” (1:4)

g) Acceptability (1:4)

If any man of you bring an offering [qorban = something brought near the altar, i.e. a sacrificial present]

If any man…; Cp. he shall offer it of his own voluntary will.

ye shall bring…; Cp. let him offer… cattle (1:2), of his flock (1:10), of his fowls (1:14)

Every man shall give as he is able (Deut. 16:17) – an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour (1:9; 13, 17)

put his hand upon the head

Accepted...atonement (cf. 6:25)

it shall be accepted for him (cf. Eph. 1:6)

Page 3: Butterworth Gospel Hall I. B IBLICAL W ORSHIP (5 th June, 2011) A. P RELIMINARY N OTES ON W ORSHIP 1)Confusion regarding worship: It is Response to God’s


Or 1st occurrences of Worship in Scripture.

1. Worship in the OT: 1st. occ. in KJV;

Gen. 22:5 cf. 18:2

2. Worship in the NT: 1st. occ. in KJV; Mt. 2:2

3. Thus, Worship in Scripture is …

shachah (Heb.) = to depress, i.e. prostrate.


proskuneo (Gk.) = to crouch, i.e. prostrate.


Page 4: Butterworth Gospel Hall I. B IBLICAL W ORSHIP (5 th June, 2011) A. P RELIMINARY N OTES ON W ORSHIP 1)Confusion regarding worship: It is Response to God’s

Thus, Worship in Scripture is:a. To Bow in Homage to royalty or God; Strongb. To Bend down Humbly, i.e. fall down (flat)… do obeisance, do reverence, make to stoop. Strongi. Cf. he ran to meet them…and bowed (shachah) himself toward the ground. Gen. 18:2 [1st. occ.]ii. Cf. he bowed (shachah) himself with his face toward the ground. Gen. 19:1iii. Cf. they saw the young Child with Mary… fell down, and worshipped (proskuneo) Him. Mt. 2:11 [Cf. 2:2]The Posture of Worship is ever one of Reverence, and not of Revelry! Exo. 34:8 ct. 32:6, 17-19, 25[rose up to play (tsachaq), from root = to laugh outright (in merriment or scorn); by impl. to sport:--laugh, mock, play, make sport.) Strong

Page 5: Butterworth Gospel Hall I. B IBLICAL W ORSHIP (5 th June, 2011) A. P RELIMINARY N OTES ON W ORSHIP 1)Confusion regarding worship: It is Response to God’s


WORSHIP C. THE PURPOSE OF WORSHIP1. To Adore the Attributes of the Lord –

Who He is. Bless the LORD, O my soul...bless His holy Name. Psa. 103:1 The

LORD, The LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth. Exo. 34:6

Cf. Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to Thee, How great Thou art! How great Thou art!

2. To Appreciate the Acts of the Lord – What He does.

Bless the LORD, O my soul, forget not all His benefits Psa. 103:2 Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin… Exo. 34:7 Cf. O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder

consider all the works Thy hand hath made.

Page 6: Butterworth Gospel Hall I. B IBLICAL W ORSHIP (5 th June, 2011) A. P RELIMINARY N OTES ON W ORSHIP 1)Confusion regarding worship: It is Response to God’s

C. THE PURPOSE OF WORSHIP1. To Adore the Attributes of the Lord – Who He is.

2. To Appreciate the Acts of the Lord – What He does.3. To Appear before Him with Heads, Hands and Hearts Filled Full ready to Adore Him.

My heart is inditing a good matter… My tongue is the pen of a ready writer. Cf. Psa. 45:1

a. They shall not appear before the LORD empty. Deut. 16:16

b. They…fell down and worshipped Him: and…presented unto Him gifts. Mt. 2:11

•The Purpose of Worship is to bring Pleasure to God, and not to Please ourselves.

Page 7: Butterworth Gospel Hall I. B IBLICAL W ORSHIP (5 th June, 2011) A. P RELIMINARY N OTES ON W ORSHIP 1)Confusion regarding worship: It is Response to God’s

D. The Prerequisites of Worship. Jn. 4:20-24God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must

worship Him in spirit and in truth.

1.The Worship of the Samaritans: it was local and Physical and it would Pass away.

• Woman…the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.

1.We do not need an Atmosphere and the Ambience of a place to worship.

Page 8: Butterworth Gospel Hall I. B IBLICAL W ORSHIP (5 th June, 2011) A. P RELIMINARY N OTES ON W ORSHIP 1)Confusion regarding worship: It is Response to God’s

1. The Worship of the Samaritans: it was local and Physical and it would Pass away.

2. The Worship of the Jews: it was ceremonial, pointing to Salvation through the Shadows. Jn. 4:22Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.

[OT rituals and ceremonies] serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things… Heb. 8:5; 10:1 For the law having a shadow of good things to come….

Rites and Rituals of O.T. Approach to worship God have given place to the Rights of direct Access in the N.T. Heb. 9:7, 8

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Rites and Rituals of O.T. Approach to worship God have given place to the Rights of direct

Access in the N.T. Heb. 10:19-22

Principles of Tabernacle Worship were Shadows Pointing to the Substance in New Testament Worship:

a. The Purpose of the Tabernacle – God dwelling in the midst of His people.Exo. 25:8 cf. Mt. 18:20

b. The Presence of God’s Glory in the Tabernacle – pillar of cloud by day and fire by night..

Exo. 40:34, 35, 38 cf. Rev. 5:6, 9

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a. The Purpose of the Tabernacle b. The Presence of God’s Glory in the Tabernacle

c. The People’s Reverence for Worship in the Tabernacle –

i.They had to worship afar off. Exo. 24:1 ct. Heb. 4:16; 10:22ii.The high priest could enter the Holy of holies only one day in a year. Lev. 16:2 ct. Heb. 9:11, 12 d. The Purity for Tabernacle Service – Priests had to wash their hands and feet first. Exo. 40:30-32 cf. I Cor. 11:28But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. Jn. 4:23

Page 11: Butterworth Gospel Hall I. B IBLICAL W ORSHIP (5 th June, 2011) A. P RELIMINARY N OTES ON W ORSHIP 1)Confusion regarding worship: It is Response to God’s

1. The Worship of the Samaritans: it was local and Physical2. The Worship of the Jews: it was ceremonial.

3. Thus, the Worship of Christians: it is Spiritual, the Substance has taken over from the Shadows.•But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him.Worship of God today needs no assistance from human or angelic intermediation; material or physical instruments to create an ambience; or ceremonial rituals to point to a reality that is already here!•However, OT practices used as Shadows to teach God’s people to worship still point to the principles that need to be observed in the Spiritual Substance of Worship.  

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1. Abraham Prepared for Worship. [1st occ. of worship in the O.T. in KJV] Gen. 22:3-6

2. The Magi Prepared for Worship. [1st occ. of worship in the N.T. in KJV] Mt. 2:1, 11

3. The Sinner in Simon’s house was Prepared for Worship, but Simon was not! Lk. 7:44-46

4. Mary was Prepared for Worship. Jn. 12:3; Lk. 10:39; Jn. 12:7

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5. We too need … to Prepare ourselves for Worship.

a. Worship comes from time spent in His Presence. Psa. 46:10.

b. Worship comes from knowing His Person:Psa. 100:3, 4

c. Worship springs from experiencing His Power in our lives. Eph. 1:18-23

d.Thus, to Worship is to be Prepared with Presents for Him. Deut. 16:16

e. Worship is giving unto the Lord and bringing pleasure to Him, not mere receiving from Him!

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1) Confusion regarding worship.2) Conditions for Worship:3) Clarifications on Worship.

Approaching God to Worship Him is…Lev. 1:1-4

C. THE PURPOSE OF WORSHIP1. To Adore the Attributes of the Lord.2. 2. To Appreciate the Acts of the Lord. 3. To Appear before Him with Heads, Hands and

Hearts Filled Full ready to Adore Him

Page 15: Butterworth Gospel Hall I. B IBLICAL W ORSHIP (5 th June, 2011) A. P RELIMINARY N OTES ON W ORSHIP 1)Confusion regarding worship: It is Response to God’s

D. THE PREREQUISITES OF WORSHIP. Jn. 4:20-241. Worship of the Samaritans: local and physical

2. Worship of the Jews: ritual and ceremonial.3. Worship of the Christians – Spiritual, the Substance

has taken over from the Shadows.

E. THE PREPARATION FOR WORSHIP1.Abraham Prepared for Worship. Gen. 22:3-6

2.The Magi Prepared for Worship. Mt. 2:1, 11

3.The Sinner in Simon’s house was Prepared for Worship, but Simon was not! Lk. 7:44-46

4.Mary was Prepared for Worship. Jn. 12:3; Lk. 10:39; Jn. 12:7

5.We too need to Prepare ourselves for Worship

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1.The Concept of the Lord’s

Supper – is it a Worship


Page 17: Butterworth Gospel Hall I. B IBLICAL W ORSHIP (5 th June, 2011) A. P RELIMINARY N OTES ON W ORSHIP 1)Confusion regarding worship: It is Response to God’s