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Business needs to rock

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Page 1: Business needs to rock

7/28/2019 Business needs to rock

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in quanto consente di stabilire un collegameartistica di Los Angeles e la zona del busineconseguenza nuovi spazi pedonali e attrazion

A Seattle invece quest’anno aprirà un pa

ettaro dedicato al suo cittadino forse più famJimi Hendrix, uno dei più grandi chitarristi di t

Il parco costerà circa 2 milioni di dollari e a

una delle chitarre di Hendrix. Comprenderà ue uno spazio pubblico che si integra ed estend

Focus on...

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18 Focus on...

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C major (used for many popular songs)

and its notes cover 2 octaves.

Some of these instruments are also

available for indoor spaces. For the veryyoung, however, indoor music is more

popular when played on traditional in-

struments. Multinationals have recently

d i h C

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In G&PI March we erroneously wrote that Gib

has established a partnership with Ubisoft to la

 Rocksmith, a sort of video game similar to the v

popular Guitar Hero. In fact Rocksmith has for

alliance with Epiphone, another historic guitar

that, despite being part of the Gibson group, ha

own target and models, and more focus on lear