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Business Free Talk

Lesson 10 Trojan And Virus

Chapter 2 Computer

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Useful expressions under this topic for your reference.


Questions for you to discuss freely with your teacher.

3Further Reading

An article for you to read after class.


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Useful expressions about Trojans and viruses. You can refer to them to provoke your thoughts in the Discussion part.



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Trojan (horse) 木马 malware 恶意软件

infect 感染 get rid of 根除

antivirus software 杀毒软件 detect 检测

panda burning incense virus / panda joss-stick virus


Trojans and viruses can bring great trouble to us.

In this part, you are going to study and practice some

expressions and sentences about Trojans and viruses.

1 Expressions Glossary

In Sentences

• A new virus is circulating* on the Internet. If you receive

an email titled “I LOVE YOU”, don't open it.

• Oops, my computer is down* again. I guess it may be

infected with some Trojan horse.

• Viruses can spread* through USB drives and emails.

• It won't help much to simply delete the infected file.

You need to install an antivirus program to get rid of it.

(suggested time: 8mins)

circulate: 传播 down: 宕机,当机,死机 spread: 传播

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Discuss questions about Trojans and viruses. Use your experience and imagination to talk about them with your teacher.



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Q1. Has your computer ever been infected with a virus or Trojan?

How did it get infected? How did you remove* the virus/Trojan?

Q2. Computer viruses and Trojans usually spread in three ways:

removable media (like USB drives); Internet download*; e-mail

attachments. How do you think we can protect our computer

from being infected?

Q3. Some people say we don't need any antivirus program as long

as* we don't click suspicious links*. Do you agree with that?

Q4. Some people think those who create dangerous viruses should

be arrested*, while some think that they should be hired by

government and work for national security agency. What is your opinion?

Discuss these questions in detail with your

teacher. Give reasons and explanations for your

opinion and speak as much as possible. You can

use words you learnt in Expressions to help you.

2(suggested time:


remove: 除掉 download: 下载 as long as: 只要 suspicious link: 可疑的链接 arrest: 逮捕

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3Further Reading

An article about the most destructive computer virus ever created. You can read it after class if you are interested.




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• ILOVEYOU is considered one of the most virulent computer virus ever created. It

managed to wreak havoc (带来巨大破坏) on computer systems all over the world

with around $10 billion worth of damages. 10% of the world’s computers were

believed to have been infected. It was so bad that governments and large

corporations took their mailing system offline to prevent infection.

• The virus was created by two Filipino programmers, Reonel Ramones and Onel de

Guzman. What it did was use social engineering to get people to click on the

attachment; in this case, a love confession. The attachment was actually a script

that poses as a TXT file, due to Windows at the time hiding the actual extension (扩

展名) of the file.

• Once clicked, it will send itself to everyone in the user’s mailing list and proceed to

overwrite files with itself, making the computer unbootable (无法启动). The two

were never charged, as there were no laws about malware. This led to the

enactment of the E-Commerce Law to address (解决) the problem.

DeadliestComputer Virus of All Time

3 Further Reading


• manage /ˈmænədʒ/v. (成功)做某事

• billion /ˈbɪljən/n. 十亿

• corporation /ˌkɔːrpəˈreɪʃən/n. 大公司,集团

• prevent /prɪˈvent/v. 预防

• attachment /əˈtætʃmənt/n. 附件

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