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Business Communications e-Handbook

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© 2011 Information Mapping International nv (“IMI”). All rights reserved. The Information Mapping® Format (“the IMI Format”) is the specific research-based approach to the analysis, organization, and visual presentation of information developed and owned by Information Mapping International NV (“IMI”). The Information Mapping® Format is incorporated in this book. This book and the IMI Format are protected under various international IP laws and under Article 39 of the TRIPS Agreement (1994) and Article 10bis of the Paris Convention (1967) and are confidential and proprietary and a valuable commercial asset of IMI. All intellectual property rights in, title to and ownership of this book and the IMI Format shall at all times remain with IMI. No part of this book or the IMI Format may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from IMI. Creation of derivative works, such as information abstracts and infringing methods, unless agreed to in writing by IMI is forbidden. This book and the IMI Format may not be used except as explicitly set forth in the license included in this book or other written license granted by IMI. Infringement is subject to civil and criminal sanctions. DON’T PURCHASE THIS BOOK IF YOU DON’T AGREE TO THE APPLICABLE LICENSE TERMS. Information Mapping ® is a registered trademark of IMI. Business Communications e-Handbook, version 4.0

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Business Communications e-Handbook i

Business Communications e-Handbook—Table of Contents

Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1 Documents in the Business Communications e-Handbook ............................................. 2 Information Types ............................................................................................................ 5 Document: Agenda ......................................................................................................... 7 Agenda Example .............................................................................................................. 9 Agenda Template ............................................................................................................. 11 Document: Announcement............................................................................................. 13 Announcement Example .................................................................................................. 15 Announcement Template ................................................................................................ 17 Document: Briefing ......................................................................................................... 19 Briefing Example .............................................................................................................. 21 Briefing Template ............................................................................................................. 28 Document: Business Case ............................................................................................... 33 Business Case Example .................................................................................................... 37 Business Case Template ................................................................................................... 45 Document: Documentation Plan .................................................................................... 51 Documentation Plan Example .......................................................................................... 55 Documentation Plan Template ........................................................................................ 65 Document: Feasibility Report ......................................................................................... 71 Feasibility Report Example ............................................................................................... 74 Feasibility Report Template ............................................................................................. 79 Document: Job Aid .......................................................................................................... 83 Job Aid Example ............................................................................................................... 85 Job Aid Template ............................................................................................................. 89 Document: Meeting Minutes .......................................................................................... 91 Meeting Minutes Example ............................................................................................... 93 Meeting Minutes Template ............................................................................................. 97 Document: Policy ............................................................................................................ 99 Policy Example ................................................................................................................. 100 Policy Template ................................................................................................................ 102

Continued on next page

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ii Business Communications e-Handbook

Business Communications e-Handbook—Table of Contents, Continued

Document: Problem Analysis Report .............................................................................. 103 Problem Analysis Report Example ................................................................................... 104 Problem Analysis Report Template ................................................................................. 106 Document: Project Plan .................................................................................................. 107 Project Plan Example ....................................................................................................... 110 Project Plan Template ...................................................................................................... 116 Document: Proposal ....................................................................................................... 121 Proposal Example ............................................................................................................. 125 Proposal Template ........................................................................................................... 140 Document: Request for Information .............................................................................. 149 Request for Information Example .................................................................................... 150 Request for Information Template .................................................................................. 151 Document: Request for Proposal (RFP) .......................................................................... 153 Request for Proposal (RFP) Example ............................................................................... 158 Request for Proposal (RFP) Template .............................................................................. 165 Document: Request for Quotation ................................................................................. 173 Request for Quotation Example ...................................................................................... 174 Request for Quotation Template ..................................................................................... 175 Document: Request for Review ...................................................................................... 177 Request for Review Example ........................................................................................... 178 Request for Review Template .......................................................................................... 179 Document: Sales Report ................................................................................................. 181 Sales Report Example ....................................................................................................... 183 Request for Report Example ............................................................................................ 186 Document: Status Report ................................................................................................ 189 Status Report Example ..................................................................................................... 191 Status Report Template ................................................................................................... 193

Continued on next page

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Business Communications e-Handbook iii

Business Communications e-Handbook—Table of Contents, Continued

Document: Task Assignment ........................................................................................... 195 Task Assignment Example ................................................................................................ 197 Task Assignment Template .............................................................................................. 200 Document: Trip Report ................................................................................................... 201 Trip Report Example ........................................................................................................ 202 Trip Report Template ....................................................................................................... 203 Document: Verification of Agreement............................................................................ 205 Verification of Agreement Example ................................................................................. 207 Verification of Agreement Template ............................................................................... 209

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iv Business Communications e-Handbook

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Business Communications e-Handbook 1


Introduction The Business Communications e-Handbook is a collection of typical business

documents that you can use as models for your own documents.

Content Each document in the Business Communications e-Handbook consists of

• a description • a list of typical Map titles and Block labels • an example, and • a document template containing − the typical Map titles and Block labels, and − suggestions for Block content.

Note: You may edit the Map titles and Block labels and add or delete Maps and Blocks to suit your needs.

Getting Started Wizard

The document templates contained in this e-Handbook are also contained in the FS Pro Getting Started Wizard. To access the document templates • click the Getting Started Wizard icon on the FS Pro toolbar (Word 2003) or

ribbon (Word 2007/Word 2010), or • select the Getting Started Wizard from the InfoMap pull-down menu in

Word 2003.

Custom templates

You are not limited to the templates in the Getting Started Wizard. You can also create your own by • starting fresh in an FS Pro document, or • copying and pasting various Blocks from Wizard templates into a new


Note: These are not true templates saved as .dot or .dotx . They are standard Word documents used as templates, as the ones in the Wizard are.

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2 Business Communications e-Handbook

Introduction, Continued

Adding a template to the Wizard

Once you have created your own custom template, you can add it to the Getting Started Wizard. You can add as many custom templates as you want. Follow these steps:

Step Action 1 Create a new template in FS Pro, combining Blocks from existing

Wizard templates or starting “from scratch” with a fresh document.

2 Save your created template as a .doc or .docx file. 3 • Open the Getting Started Wizard, then

• click ‘Custom’ and ‘Add’. 4 Click the ‘Browse’ button and go to your new template. 5 Select it and click ‘Open’. 6 • Give the template a name in the ‘Enter Document Display

Name’ window, and • add a description if you wish.

7 Click ‘Import’.

Result: Your new template name appears in the ‘Custom’ window. If you highlight it, any description you have written appears in the lower ‘Document Description’ window.

8 To use a created template, highlight it and click ‘Select’. 9 If at some later time you want to delete a template,

• highlight it in the custom list, then • click ‘Delete’ and ‘Close’.

Reusing Maps and Blocks

You can take full advantage of the Custom feature by reusing not only complete documents and document templates, but also pieces of information that you often need, such as:

• a Map with a description of your company • a Map with a description of one of your products, or • a Block with your terms and conditions.

The content that you add to the Getting Started Wizard can be as small as a single Block. Using the Getting Started Wizard for this purpose will lead to even more consistency in your documents.

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Business Communications e-Handbook 3

Documents in the Business Communications e-Handbook

Document descriptions

The table below provides • an alphabetical list of the documents contained in the Business

Communications e-Handbook (and Wizard) • a document description, and • the page number where you will find the document description, example,

and template in this e-Handbook.

Document Description Page Agenda Identifies the

• date, time, and place for a meeting,

and • topics to be discussed.


Announcement Describes something that will happen (or has happened) in an organization.


Briefing Summarizes essential information about an issue or topic, so that the audience can • make a decision, and/or • participate in educated discussions.


Business Case Supports or influences decision-making by proving that a particular course of action makes good business sense.


Documentation Plan Describes the written documentation that will be produced to support a • product • service • system, or • business process.


Feasibility Report • Evaluates options for solving a business problem, and

• recommends a course of action.


Job Aid Explains how to perform a job-related task.


Continued on next page

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4 Business Communications e-Handbook

Documents in the Business Communications e-Handbook, Continued

Document descriptions (continued)

Document Description Page

Meeting Minutes Provides a detailed, formal record of a discussion for those who • attended a meeting, or • did not attend the meeting, but may

be affected by a decision made or an action required as a result of the meeting.


Policy Explains what the reader should or should not do in specific situations or circumstances.


Problem Analysis Report

• Describes an existing or potential problem

• analyzes the cause, and • recommends a solution.


Project Plan • Describes the purpose of a project • identifies the tasks and activities

required to complete the project, and • identifies risks and contingencies.


Proposal Persuades an organization to purchase a product or service to satisfy a business need.


Request for Information

Asks the recipient to provide you with facts, opinions, help in solving a problem, or other specific types of information.


Request for Proposal (RFP)

Invites vendors to submit a proposal that describes how they would • solve a business problem, or • address a business need.


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Business Communications e-Handbook 5

Documents in the Business Communications e-Handbook, Continued

Document descriptions (continued)

Document Description Page

Request for Quotation

Asks vendors to quote a price for a product or service.


Request for Review Asks recipients to review and provide feedback on a document you are sending them.


Sales Report Presents detailed information about sales performance during a specific time period.


Status Report Describes • project activities • milestones achieved, and • any deviations from the project plan.


Task Assignment • Assigns a task to an individual or group, and

• explains how to complete it.


Trip Report Summarizes the events of a business trip.


Verification of Agreement

Confirms and documents an agreement reached between two or more parties.


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6 Business Communications e-Handbook

Information Types

Information Types

The Business Communications e-Handbook provides many examples of the Information Types.

Examples The table below identifies where you will find examples of the Information

Types in this e-Handbook.

Information Type Document Page Procedure Job Aid 87 Process Proposal 132 Principle Policy 100 Concept Business Case 38 Structure Job Aid 86 Fact Meeting Minutes 93

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Business Communications e-Handbook 7

Document: Agenda

Description An agenda identifies the

• date, time, and place for a meeting, and • topics to be discussed. Some writers issue a draft agenda inviting attendees to submit topics for the final agenda.

Formality and detail

Agendas vary in formality and detail. While some agendas include a detailed list of topics, other agendas identify a single or general topic to be discussed.

Success factors A successful agenda communicates the

• date, time, and place of the meeting • topics to be discussed • name of the person responsible for leading each discussion, and • any actions necessary to prepare for the meeting.

Typical Blocks The table below identifies typical Blocks in an agenda and content to include

in each Block.

Block Content To, from, date • A list of agenda recipients

• your name, and • today’s date

Meeting purpose Purpose for the meeting Date, time, and place When and where the meeting will

take place Objectives Desired meeting outcomes

Continued on next page

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8 Business Communications e-Handbook

Document: Agenda, Continued

Typical Blocks (continued)

Block Content

Discussion topics • Topics to be discussed • discussion leaders, and • allotted discussion time

Attachments Description of any attached documents attendees should read to prepare for the meeting

Confirm attendance How to confirm attendance at the meeting

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Agenda Example

Business Communications e-Handbook 9

Agenda: Meeting to Discuss Intranet

To, from, date To: Distribution List A

From: Chris Graham Date: June 16

Meeting purpose

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the need and possible requirements for a corporate intranet.

Meeting date, time, and place

Date: June 23 Time: 9:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m. Place: Board Room

Objectives The objectives of the meeting are to identify

• the pros and cons of having an intranet • user requirements • technical requirements • resource requirements, and • next steps.

Discussion topics

The table below identifies the topics to be discussed, discussion leaders, and allotted time.

Topic Discussion Leader Time (in minutes) Background Chris 15 Pros and cons Pete 45 User requirements Stuart 30 Technical requirements Susan 30 Resource requirements Megan 30 Next steps Chris 30

Continued on next page

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Agenda Example

10 Business Communications e-Handbook

Agenda: Meeting to Discuss Intranet, Continued

Attachment The attached document is a briefing paper summarizing background

information and key issues related to intranet development. Please review this document and bring it with you to the meeting.

Confirm attendance

Please confirm that you can attend this meeting by 9 a.m. tomorrow. Call me at extension 8900 or e-mail: [email protected].

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Agenda Template

Business Communications e-Handbook 11

Agenda: [Topic]

To, from, date To:

From: Date:

Meeting purpose

[Explain the purpose of the meeting.]

Meeting date, time, and place

Date: Time: Place:

Objectives [List the desired outcomes of the meeting.]

Discussion topics

The table below identifies the topics to be discussed, discussion leaders, and allotted time.

Topic Discussion Leader Time

Attachment [Describe any attached documents that attendees should read to prepare for

the meeting.]

Confirm attendance

[Explain how to confirm attendance.]

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Business Communications e-Handbook 13

Document: Announcement

Description An announcement describes something that will happen (or has happened)

in an organization.

Success factors A successful announcement communicates

• the details of what will happen • when it will happen • who will be affected, and • any actions the reader should take to prepare for or support what will


Examples An announcement can be about anything, such as

• new products, programs, or services • updated policies, work processes, or procedures • changes in staff roles and responsibilities, or • revised project plans.

Typical Blocks The table below identifies typical Blocks in an announcement and content to

include in each Block.

Block Content • Change • Update, or • New

An explanation of what will happen (or has happened) in the organization

Details Details of what will happen Background Events that led to what will happen Rationale Reason it will happen

Continued on next page

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14 Business Communications e-Handbook

Document: Announcement, Continued

Typical Blocks (continued)

Block Content

Effective date Date it will happen Who (or what) is affected Who or what will be affected Additional information Additional information that explains

or will facilitate what will happen Required actions Actions the reader should take to

prepare for what will happen Contact The name of someone to contact for

more information

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Announcement Example

Business Communications e-Handbook 15

Announcement: Changes to the Checking Account Program

Change We are changing our checking account program to provide an expanded

range of services to our customers.

Details Specifically, we will

• change the name from Checking Account to Premier Plus • provide $1000 interest-free overdraft protection for salary-funded

accounts • provide no-fee ATM usage • distribute a Welcome Pack for new accounts • redesign checkbooks, check cards, and statements, and • increase promotion of the upgraded services.

Background Recent market research highlighted three key areas for improving checking

accounts if we are to remain a serious and successful player in this market. We must • increase consumer awareness that we offer a checking account that

compares favorably with our competitor’s products • be seen as fair in our fee structure, and • overcome customer concerns when transferring checking accounts from

another financial institution.

Rationale For the past year, we have been losing considerable market share to BigTime

Bank. BigTime is currently offering checking accounts with many of the features we plan to provide.

Effective date The change will take effect Wednesday, September 1st.

What is affected The change affects all

• existing checking accounts, and • applications for new accounts received on or after the effective date.

Continued on next page

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Announcement Example

16 Business Communications e-Handbook

Announcement: Changes to the Checking Account Program, Continued

Additional information

Branches will receive the following informational materials on August 5th: • sample Welcome Packs • revised point-of-sale materials • Checking Account Upgrade: Manager’s Implementation Guide, and • Checking Account Upgrade: Sales Guide for Staff.

Required actions

The following table identifies actions that managers, supervisors, and sales staff must complete to support the change.

Action Responsibility Completion Date

Read Checking Account Upgrade: Manager’s Implementation Guide

Managers and supervisors

August 10

Read Checking Account Upgrade: Sales Guide for Staff

All sales staff August 10

• Remove and destroy out-of-date point-of-sale materials, and

• display new point-of-sale materials.

Supervisors August 27

Contact For questions or non-receipt of materials, contact

Carol Jones 1234 N. Main Street Anywhere, USA 05678 Fax: (783) 555-0123 Telephone: (783) 555-0234 E-Mail: [email protected]

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Announcement Template

Business Communications e-Handbook 17

Announcement: [Topic]

Change [or Update, or New]

[Explain what will happen (or has happened) in the organization.]

Details [Explain the details of what will happen.]

Background [Describe the events that led to what will happen.]

Rationale [Explain the reason it will happen.]

Effective date [Identify the date it will happen.]

Who is affected [Identity who or what will be affected by what will happen.]

Additional information

[Identify additional information that explains or will facilitate what will happen.]

Required actions

The table below identifies actions employees must take to support the change.

Action Responsibility Completion Date

Contact [Identify someone to contact for more information.]

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18 Business Communications e-Handbook

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Business Communications e-Handbook 19

Document: Briefing

Description A briefing summarizes essential information about an issue or topic, so that

the audience can • make a decision, and/or • participate in educated discussions.

Success factors A successful briefing

• focuses on a single issue • communicates the importance of the issue • summarizes the key points related to the issue • identifies next steps, if any, and • takes only a few minutes to read.

Typical Maps Typical Maps in a briefing include

• Overview • Background • Key Issues, and • Summary and Next Steps.

Typical Blocks: Overview Map

The table below identifies typical Blocks in an Overview Map and content to include in each Block.

Block Content

Purpose Purpose of the briefing Audience Audience for the briefing In this document Map titles and page numbers in the


Continued on next page

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20 Business Communications e-Handbook

Document: Briefing, Continued

Typical Blocks: Background Map

The table below identifies typical Blocks in a Background Map and content to include in each Block.

Block Content

Description Nature of the matter Problem Problems caused by or related to the

matter History How the matter was identified or evolved Urgency Why the matter should be addressed now Potential impact Potential impact of action or inaction on

the matter

Typical Blocks: Key Issues Map

The table below identifies typical Blocks in a Key Issues Map and content to include in each Block.

Block Content

Overview A list of key issues related to the topic of the briefing

Key issue: [Name] Example: Key issue: Cost Note: Include one Block for each issue listed in the Overview Block.

What the audience needs to know about each issue in the list above

Typical Blocks: Summary and Next Steps Map

The table below identifies typical Blocks in a Summary and Next Steps Map and content to include in each Block.

Block Content

Summary: Key issues A list or summary of the key issues discussed in the briefing

Decisions Decisions to be made Next steps What must happen next

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Briefing Example

Business Communications e-Handbook 21

Briefing: Implementing an Intranet


Purpose The purpose of this briefing is to describe the background and key issues

involved in implementing an intranet.

Audience This briefing is for RiskIt Insurance senior management and their designees

involved in the intranet initiative.

In this document

This document contains the following topics.

Topic See Page

Background # Key Issues # Summary and Next Steps #

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Briefing Example

22 Business Communications e-Handbook


Description RiskIt is moving toward implementing an intranet to provide Benefit and

Claims Representatives (BCR) with more reliable and accessible information. In this initiative, content from the Claims Processing Requirements (CPR) and Benefit Administration and Delivery (BAD) manuals will be available online.

Problem The CPR and BAD manuals are currently provided in hard-copy only.

Information required for benefit inquiries and claims payment is difficult to access and often out-of-date. BCRs often must put customers who call the Customer Support Line on hold while they look up information in the manuals.

History In the spring of 2003, RiskIt contracted with Omniscient Consultants to

assess RiskIt’s CPR and BAD manuals. As a part of the audit, Omniscient assessed the time BCRs take to locate information in both the CPR and BAD manuals. The average search lasted 7 minutes 20 seconds with an accuracy rate of 62%. This confirmed BCR focus group results that identified their top concerns as being that information is often inaccurate and difficult to find. Many create their own job aids, which are often out-of-date. Omniscient also measured customer satisfaction. Nearly 30 percent of customers who called with an inquiry indicated they were either “dissatisfied” or “very dissatisfied” with the way their inquiry was handled.

Urgency Last month CEO George McDuff announced plans to reduce RiskIt’s

customer service force by 30 percent over the next two years. This reduction in force means our BCRs will need to answer more claims and benefits inquiries in less time. Additionally, claims processing errors are costing RiskIt over $10 million a year in recovery efforts and re-processing. The errors also place the company at legal risk.

Continued on next page

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Briefing Example

Business Communications e-Handbook 23

Background, Continued

Potential impact Omniscient benchmarked productivity of similar insurance call centers who

have intranets. They report 25 percent faster call rates and a re-processing rate that is 15 percent lower. If RiskIt information was accurate and more easily accessible, millions could be saved in recovery efforts, re-processing, and legal expenses. Further, RiskIt customers would be better served and consequently more satisfied with their policies.

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Briefing Example

24 Business Communications e-Handbook

Key Issues

Overview The following issues require discussion and/or a decision:

• Intranet goals • ROI considerations • hosting and technical needs, and • steering committee selection.

Key issue: Intranet goals

Before designing or implementing an intranet, RiskIt must have clear and measurable goals. These goals must define what the intranet is intended to accomplish and how it will be accomplished. This will establish the scope of the initiative and focus the efforts of those responsible for implementing it.

Key issue: ROI considerations

A reliable ROI plan will need to consider the costs of implementing an intranet compared with gains by more productive and accurate BCRs. While reductions in legal risk are valid, BCR rates are easier to quantify. The table below describes the primary costs associated with implementing an intranet.

Cost Type Description

MIS Personnel Train employees to have the skills and/or contract vendors with the skills for creating and/or maintaining an intranet.

Capital Investment

Purchase • server software and hardware, and • additional or replacement computers for the BCRs.

Continued on next page

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Briefing Example

Business Communications e-Handbook 25

Key Issues, Continued

Key issue: ROI considerations (continued)

Cost Type Description

Site Design, Development, and Validation

Secure personnel whose time is allocated for • creating the user interface • developing the content and architecture, and • validating the content and navigation.

BCR Training Secure personnel or vendors whose time is allocated to developing and providing BCR training to address • computer literacy, and • the new intranet structure.

Key issue: Hosting and MIS needs

RiskIt has two hosting options. We can either • purchase and install a new server to house our information, or • pay for an outside service to host our intranet. Hosting the intranet in-house means a capital investment in the server hardware and software required for an intranet. Additionally, we would need to increase our MIS staffing by at least two FTEs (full-time equivalent staff) to install and support the intranet. However, our own server will increase security and provide more flexibility. Using an outside host requires a lower initial capital investment, but capabilities and scalability will vary by vendor. The greatest concern is the higher security risk. With an external host our intranet is more vulnerable.

Continued on next page

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Briefing Example

26 Business Communications e-Handbook

Key Issues, Continued

Key issue: Steering committee selection

A steering committee is needed to guide RiskIt through the process of implementing an intranet. RiskIt needs to determine the composition of the committee. Typically, such committees involve senior management or designees from the following areas: • MIS • Finance • Legal • Benefits • Claims • Compliance, and • Quality Assurance.

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Briefing Example

Business Communications e-Handbook 27

Summary and Next Steps

Introduction This topic summarizes the issues and identifies next steps in moving forward

with the intranet initiative.

Summary: Key issues

The key issues related to the intranet are • intranet goals • ROI considerations • hosting and MIS needs, and • the composition of the steering committee.

Decisions We must decide on

• the goals and scope of the intranet • whether the potential gains justify the cost • whether to host the intranet in-house or outsource, and • who will participate in the steering committee if we decide to go forward.

Next steps For the next implementation planning meeting

• invite members of your team whose buy-in or insight you feel would be

valuable to the process, and • come prepared to discuss the key issues presented in this document. Reference: For information regarding the next meeting, refer to the agenda sent by Susan Delaney.

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Briefing Template

28 Business Communications e-Handbook

Briefing: [Topic]


Purpose [Explain the purpose of the briefing.]

Audience [Identify the audience for the briefing.]

In this document

This document contains the following topics.

Topic See Page

Background # Key Issues # Summary #

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Briefing Template

Business Communications e-Handbook 29


Description [Explain the nature of the matter.]

Problem [Describe any problems caused by or related to the matter.]

History [Explain how the matter was identified or evolved.]

Urgency [Explain why the matter should be addressed now.]

Potential impact [Explain the potential impact of action or inaction on the matter.]

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Briefing Template

30 Business Communications e-Handbook

Key Issues

Overview [List the key issues explained below.]

Key issue: [Name]

[Explain what your audience needs to know about the first issue listed above.]

Key issue: [Name]

[Explain what your audience needs to know about the second issue listed above.]

Key issue: [Name]

[Explain what your audience needs to know about the third issue listed above.]

Key issue: [Name]

[Explain what your audience needs to know about the fourth issue listed above.]

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Briefing Template

Business Communications e-Handbook 31

Summary and Next Steps

Summary: Key issues

[List or summarize the key issues addressed in this briefing.]

Decisions [Identify any decisions that need to be made related to the issues.]

Next steps [Explain what must happen next.]

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32 Business Communications e-Handbook

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Business Communications e-Handbook 33

Document: Business Case

Description A business case supports or influences decision-making by proving that a

particular course of action makes good business sense.

Length and complexity

Business cases vary in length and complexity. For example, a short document may be all that is required to confirm that a particular recommendation supports an organization’s business strategy. However, a longer document or presentation may be required to persuade senior management that a significant change in business strategy is prudent.

Success factors A successful business case

• addresses all the key business issues • anticipates and responds to the reader’s main concerns and objections • presents specific and compelling evidence (such as, facts and statistics

that can be verified, expert opinion, and examples) • focuses on presenting benefits from the business perspective (such as

how the proposal fits in with corporate strategy, business objectives, and goals)

• shows the implications for the organization of not adopting or acting on any proposals or recommendations presented, and

• justifies any significant expenditure.

Typical Maps Typical Maps in a business case include

• Overview • Background • Business Considerations • Key Issues • Details, and • Summary and Next Steps.

Continued on next page

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34 Business Communications e-Handbook

Document: Business Case, Continued

Typical Blocks: Overview Map

The table below identifies typical Blocks in an Overview Map and content to include in each Block.

Block Content

Recommendation A brief explanation of what you are recommending

Audience The audience to whom you are presenting the recommendation

In this document The Map titles and page numbers in the business case

Typical Blocks: Background Map

The table below identifies typical Blocks in a Background Map and content to include in each Block.

Block Content

History The events that led to the need for what you are recommending

Purpose The purpose of your recommendation Definitions Terminology or concepts the reader must

know to understand your recommendation Scope The scope of what you are recommending

and anything not included in the scope

Continued on next page

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Business Communications e-Handbook 35

Document: Business Case, Continued

Typical Blocks: Business Considerations Map

The table below identifies typical Blocks in a Business Considerations Map and content to include in each Block.

Block Content

Business objectives The business objectives or corporate initiatives that your recommendation supports

Implications The positive implications of implementing your recommendation, as well as the negative implications of not implementing it

Cost justification The cost of implementing your recommendation and a justification of those costs

Risk assessment Business risks involved in implementing your recommendation, as well as the risks involved in not implementing it

Typical Blocks: Key Issues Map

The table below identifies typical Blocks in a Key Issues Map and content to include in each Block.

Block Content

Overview A list of key business, operational, resource, or logistical issues related to your recommendation

Key issue: [Name] Note: Include a separate Block like this one to explain each key issue.

An explanation of the first key issue listed in the Overview Block above

Continued on next page

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36 Business Communications e-Handbook

Document: Business Case, Continued

Typical Blocks: Details Map

The table below identifies typical Blocks in a Proposal Details Map and content to include in each Block.

Block Content

Description A detailed explanation of what you are recommending

Rationale Sound, business reasons that support your recommendation

Benefits Benefits to be gained by implementing your recommendation

Supporting evidence Evidence to support your recommendation, such as statistics, expert opinions, and so on

Typical Blocks: Summary and Next Steps Map

The table below identifies typical Blocks in a Summary and Next Steps Map and content to include in each Block.

Block Content

Summary A summary of the key points presented in the business case

Next steps The next steps or decisions required to move forward with your recommendation

Approval required Necessary authorizations or approvals that must be obtained, if your audience does not have full decision-making authority

Timeline or deadline Date by which a decision must be made or approval obtained if your recommendation is time-sensitive

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Business Case Example

Business Communications e-Handbook 37

Business Case: Web-based Training Course



This document recommends that we develop a Web-based training version of our popular, instructor-led course: Designing Games and Simulations for the Web.

Audience This document is presented to senior management of Generico Training


In this document

This document contains the following topics.

Topic See Page

Background # Business Considerations # Key Issues # Details # Summary and Next Steps #

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History Over the past two years, enrollment in our instructor-led course, Designing

Games and Simulations for the Web, has fallen by 15% and continues to decline. While the course continues to receive high ratings from students, enrollment has been negatively impacted by the current economic climate. Specifically, travel budgets have been slashed and prospective clients are reluctant to send employees to other cities or states for training.

Purpose The purpose of developing a Web-based version of the seminar is to

provide an option for clients who wish to offer the course without incurring travel costs or causing employees to take excessive time away from the job.

Definitions The table below defines terms you should know to understand this


Term Definition Web-based training or e-Learning Training delivered over the Web. Virtual campus A Web site from which students can

• download course materials, and • interact with an instructor and

other students Synchronous Web-based training “Live” Web-based training delivered

by an instructor in real-time, usually in a lecture-based format

Asynchronous Web-based training Self-paced Web-based training that students complete at their convenience

Instructor-led, asynchronous training

Web-based training that is guided or facilitated by an instructor, with mostly asynchronous learning materials and activities

Scope The course will be offered over an eight-week period with the lesson

materials for one lesson posted each week. The course will achieve the same learning objectives as the current, instructor-led course.

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Business Communications e-Handbook 39

Business Considerations

Business objectives

An e-Learning version of the instructor-led course will support our business objectives of • increasing seminar sales by 20% next year • reducing printing and shipping costs for seminar materials by 25% by

providing these materials online for downloading, and • reducing instructor utilization costs by 20%.

Implications An e-Learning course will enhance our sales strategy by

• providing an option for clients faced with reduced training budgets • demonstrating a flexible approach to solving training problems, and • leveraging our expertise in using current training technologies.

Cost justification

We estimate that the cost of re-purposing the current course for delivery over the Web will be approximately $70,000. Assuming an average enrollment of 20 students per course at $1000 each, we will have recouped development costs within six months of product release. This amount is on par with the costs associated with normal course development.

Risk assessment If we do not develop an e-Learning version of this course, the risk is losing

business to our chief competitor, Specifico Consultants. They are undertaking an initiative to transition all of their instructor-led courses to an online environment by the end of next year, in keeping with market trends.

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Key Issues

Overview Key issues we have considered for developing and delivering the course

over the Web are • content re-purposing • instructor training • resources • course management system, and • hosting.

Key issue: Content re-purposing

We will use the current course content as source material. However, approximately 70% of this material will require re-purposing for the Web. Specifically, since the instructor will no longer lecture, lecture content will be presented in either readings or interactive multimedia presentations to engage the learner.

Key issue: Instructor training

Training over the Web requires a different skill set than live, instructor-led training. The e-Learning instructor’s role is to facilitate and guide student learning, not lecture and model skills. We will choose e-Learning instructors from our instructor pool whose personalities suit this role, and provide training and co-teaching opportunities until they develop proficiency and ease in teaching the course.

Key issue: Resources

In addition to instructors, we must decide who will • manage the administrative aspects of the course, such as student

registrations and billing • maintain the course and upload materials, when necessary • back up the courses on the server, and • provide instructional support.

Continued on next page

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Key Issues, Continued

Key issue: Course management system

We will require a course management system for building the online campus, registering students, administering tests, posting materials, and tracking student progress. We are currently evaluating two course management systems, which provide these features.

Key issue: Hosting

We recommend hosting the course on our servers instead of outsourcing it. IT suggests that we use a dedicated server, so as not to slow access to our corporate Web site or intranet. A separate server is currently available for this purpose.

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Introduction Below are the details of what we are recommending.

Description The course will be “asynchronous,” meaning that students will not have to

attend live events, except optional chat sessions. Students can log on to the course Web site day or night, at their convenience, to complete the lessons. Though the course will be asynchronous, it will also be instructor-led, or more appropriately, instructor-guided. Students will complete lesson materials and assignments within a weekly time frame. Students will post their assignments on the course Web site, and the instructor will e-mail comments back to each student.

Rationale We chose an instructor-led, asynchronous model for this course, instead of

synchronous or completely asynchronous, because • live or synchronous instruction over the Web places constraints on

student time and instructor availability, and • completely asynchronous instruction does not allow students to interact

with and receive input from an expert instructor and other students. Given the technical nature of the subject matter, we feel that student-instructor interaction is as critical in this course as it is in the classroom.

Benefits An instructor-guided, asynchronous course has the following benefits:

• Students learn on their own time, but within a structured timeframe to

ensure timely completion of the course. • The student experience is personalized through frequent contact with,

and input from, the instructor. • Instructors can manage two or more courses simultaneously, since their

overall time commitment per class is reduced.

Continued on next page

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Details, Continued

Supporting evidence

The following evidence supports the need for and value of Web-based training. • When polled, 60% of our clients said that they would be more likely to

purchase a Web-based course than a standard, classroom-based course. • Thirty-percent of clients have a corporate initiative in place to transition

from classroom to Web-based courses. • The Keenan Market Research Group predicts that Web-based training will

become a six billion dollar industry within the next five years, replacing 70% of all instructor-led courses on the market.

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Summary and Next Steps

Summary A Web-based version of Designing Games and Simulations for the Web will

• provide clients with a wider range of training options • support market trends • help us compete more effectively • improve instructor utilization, and • reduce the cost of printing and shipping hard copy training materials to

seminar sites.

Next step We recommend developing an alpha version of this course for pilot testing

during Q2 of this year. Release will occur at the end of Q4.

Approval required

To move forward with this recommendation, we need approval from the Finance and Development Committees to • choose a content management system that supports the course

infrastructure • assign a development team • assign an instructor to teach the pilot, and • identify clients who will agree to participate in the pilot.

Timeline/ deadline

We need to make the decisions listed above and receive the acquired approval for the content management system by March 15th. We are scheduled to discuss these issues at the next Leadership Team meeting.

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Business Case Template

Business Communications e-Handbook 45

Business Case: [Recommended Action]



[Briefly explain what you are recommending.]

Audience [Identify the audience to whom you are presenting your recommendation.]

In this document

This document contains the following topics.

Topic See Page

Background # Business Considerations # Key Issues # Details # Summary and Next Steps #

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History [Describe the events that led to the need for what you are recommending.]

Purpose [Explain the purpose of your recommendation.]

Definitions [Define terminology or concepts the reader needs to know in order to

understand your recommendation.]

Scope [Explain the scope of your recommendation and anything not included in

the scope.]

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Business Case Template

Business Communications e-Handbook 47

Business Considerations

Business objectives

[Identify the business objectives or corporate initiatives that your recommendation supports.]

Implications [Discuss the positive implications of implementing your recommendation,

as well as the negative implications of not implementing it.]

Cost justification

[Discuss the costs associated with your recommendation and justify those costs.]

Risk assessment [Identify the business risks involved in implementing your recommendation,

as well as the risks involved in not implementing it.]

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Key Issues

Overview [List the key business, operational, resource, or logistical issues relating to

your recommendation.]

Key issue: [Name]

[Explain what your audience needs to know about the first issue listed above.]

Key issue: [Name]

[Explain what your audience needs to know about the second issue listed above.]

Key issue: [Name]

[Explain what your audience needs to know about the third issue listed above.]

Key issue: [Name]

[Explain what your audience needs to know about the fourth issue listed above.]

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Business Case Template

Business Communications e-Handbook 49


Description [Explain your recommendation in detail, using extra Blocks, if needed.]

Rationale [Provide sound, business reasons to support your recommendation.]

Benefits [List the benefits of implementing your recommendation.]

Supporting evidence

[Provide evidence to support your recommendation, such as statistics, expert opinions, and so on.]

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Summary and Next Steps

Summary [Summarize the key points of your recommendation as presented in this

business case.]

Next steps [Explain the next steps or decisions required to move forward with your


Approval required

[Identify the necessary authorizations or approvals that must be obtained, if your audience does not have full decision-making authority.]

Timeline/ deadline

[Identify the date by which a decision must be made or approval obtained, if your recommendation is time-sensitive.]

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