Annual Report 2011 Burnaby

Burnaby Division of Family Practice 2011 Annual Report

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Burnaby Division of Family Practice 2011 Annual Report

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Page 1: Burnaby Division of Family Practice 2011 Annual Report

Annual Report 2011


Page 2: Burnaby Division of Family Practice 2011 Annual Report

Mission, Vision and ValuesOur VisionPatients and physicians achieving health and happiness

Our MissionTo engage, support and mobilize family physicians in co-creating a network that will support the well-being of all members of the Burnaby community.

ValuesThe Burnaby Division of Family Practice will promote and practice the following values: patient-centred, transparency, respect, excellence, ethical, collaboration (teamwork/community), equal access, equity/equality, education/knowledge, optimal health, and physician health.

BELOW - The Burnaby Division Board of Directors (back left to right) Dr. Victor Kan, Dr. Baldev Sanghera, Dr. Jennifer Moore - treasurer, Dr. Mike Look – vice-chair, Dr. James F.K. Hii, (front left to right) Dr. Davidicus Wong – chair, Dr. Mary Kagan and Dr. Charline Lui. Absent - Dr. Karimé Mitha - secretary (pictured on page 5 of this report).

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Message from the ChairIt has been my honour to serve on the inaugural board of our Division. Together, we accomplished much more than any of us could have achieved alone. That is part of the magic of Divisions.

As we celebrate our first birthday, I would like to review the events of the year. We incorporated our non-profit organization on June 3rd, 2011, selected our Board Executive on July 20th and hired our capable coordinator, Anneke Rees in August 2011.

We held our first members’ event on September 28th, 2011 to introduce our colleagues to the Divisions of Family Practice initiative. Dr. Baldev Sanghera guided us through the new GP billing codes, and I talked about “Surviving and Thriving in Family Practice.” Our members’ survey gave us insights into the needs and priorities of Burnaby’s family physicians.

From the input of our membership and with the patience and guidance of our physician engagement lead, Tanis Evans, we developed the vision and mission of the Burnaby Division.

Our vision for the Burnaby Community is patients and physicians achieving health and happiness.

Our mission is to engage, support and mobilize family physicians in co-creating a network that will support the wellbeing of all members of the Burnaby community.

Our second members’ event was held on October 29th. Dr. Sanghera gave an encore presentation on more of the new GP billing codes and I spoke on “Physician Health and Wellness.” We talked about the warning signs of stress and burnout and how best to cope. Participants recognized our individual need to meet regularly with a small group of trusted colleagues to talk about the challenges of our profession.

On November 30th, 2011, we hosted a members’ social event and were introduced to many of the new Burnaby specialists. Anneke hosted our first meeting of physicians’ office staff on January 31st, 2012. On February 8th, Burnaby hospitalists and community family physicians met and began an insightful dialogue on working together to support our shared patients.

Our ongoing accredited CME sessions commenced with Dr. Lawrence Wong (cardiology) on March 7th and Dr. Danny Goel (orthopaedics) on May 9th. We hosted our second “Meet the Specialists” event on April 18th.

Life is all about relationships, and relationships are at the core of our organization. Together we have created a community of colleagues. Our first meeting was a long-awaited reunion of old friends. Our Division has

Dr. Davidicus WongBoard Chair

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become the new doctors’ lounge. In a warm and informal setting, we can speak our minds, share our pearls and help one another.

But our Division is so much more than the old doctors’ lounge. We have been given the resources to find solutions to our greatest challenges. The GPSC beginning with the Practice Support Program and now the Divisions and Shared Care initiatives are examples of the recognition and support now given to the value of family physicians.

In just one year, our membership has steadily grown from nine to over 120. Our community’s family physicians now have a voice in health care decision-making. Members of our board will be meeting regularly with Fraser Health representatives in our Collaborative Services Committee as well as the physician leaders of other Divisions of Family Practice.

We are strengthening the collegial relationships between our hospitalist and community family physician members and our relationships with our specialist colleagues. We are building bridges, enhancing personal and professional connections.

But the relationship at the heart of all that we do – as a group and as individuals – is the patient-doctor relationship. I envision all of us working with community leaders, our patients and our other partners to transform this all-important relationship. This transformation will improve the experiences of both provider and patient and enhance the care we give.

Without a doubt, we are now witnesses and participants in the Renaissance of family practice. The Italian Renaissance was catalyzed by the Medici’s patronage of great artists coming together in Florence and sharing their techniques. The keys were funding, a symbiotic community of mentors, the mastery of craft and inspiration.

We have those same key ingredients today. We have unprecedented funding and organizational support from the GPSC, colleagues teaching colleagues through the Practice Support Program and the inspiration of family physicians achieving their positive potentials in life and in work.

In closing, I wish to thank our invaluable coordinator, Anneke Rees; our wise and patient physician engagement lead, Tanis Evans; Milo Riley from the BCMA, and all of our family physician members. You are the Division of Family Practice.

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ABOVE - Dr. Karimé Mitha - secretary of the Burnaby Division.

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Message from the Coordinator

I would like to thank the board and members for their commitment to the mission and vision of the Burnaby Division of Family Practice.

From monthly board meetings to member gatherings, the interaction and congeniality shown by everyone helped me to learn about the aims of the division, the members’ interests and the profound commitment of Burnaby family doctors to their patients. The enthusiasm and involvement of the board in developing the Division has made my role so rewarding on a daily basis.

My responsibilities spanned the establishment of a strong administrative foundation, including activities associated with the ongoing operation of a non-profit society such as governance policies and procedures; hiring a book-keeper, and financial management and reporting. In addition, I have organized member meetings, CME events and responded to member enquiries. I am also involved in the working groups that have recently been formed.

I look forward to the coming year, when we continue our progress towards engaging all BDFP members in actively participating in creating and realizing our goals.

Anneke ReesCoordinator

BELOW - The Division enables physicians to network and tackle health care issues together. Board members (left to right) Dr. James F.K. Hii, Dr. Baldev Sanghera and Dr. Jennifer Moore.

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Year in Review – Highlights

May 2011Board signed the constitution and bylaws of the Division

June 2011Received incorporation certificate

July 2011Selected board executive

AugustHired Anneke Rees as coordinator

September 2011Held first member recruitment event: “Introduction to the Division, Billing Codes and Surviving and Thriving in Family Practice”

September 2011Initiated member survey

October , 2011Two board members and coordinator attended Divisions of Family Practice Provincial Round Table

October 2011Held member event: “More Billing Codes and Physician Health & Wellness”

November 2011Published first newsletter

November 2011Held member event: meet the new Burnaby specialists and social evening

January 2012Held meeting of physicians’ office staff

February 2012Held member event: “Synergy of Care with Burnaby Hospitalists”

March 2012Held first CME event

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ABOVE - Burnaby Division board member, Dr. Victor Kan, with a patient.

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Membership UpdateIn just one year, the membership of the Burnaby Division has steadily grown from nine to over 120. During this time, the Division held five member events, several CME events and sends regular newsletters to update members on the organization’s work.

June / July 2011


August 2011

Staff hired

S ept 2011

1st member event/survey

Oc tob er 2011

2nd member event/survey

Nov / Dec 2011

3rd member event/newsletter

Januar y 2012

Office staff event

Feb/M ar 2012

CME / 4th member event

Apri l / M ay 2012

CME / 5th member event / newsletter





Burnaby Division of Family Practice Membership Drive

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Burnaby Division of Family Practice 2012 Annual Report10

Financial StatementThe statement of Operations and Net Assets are based on audited statements for the period ending March 31, 2012.


BCMA funding $ 313,050.00


Advertising and promotion $ 1,205.00

Audit fees $ 5,000.00

Board director payments $ 6,213.00

Bookeeping $ 2,080.00

Coordinating payments $ 16,734.00

Honorarium $ 500.00

Interest and bank charges $ 47.00

Member events $ 10,952.00

Office $ 480.00

Payments to physicians $ 44,982.00

Physician payments for professional development $ 14,915.00

Telephone $ 519.00

Travel $ 180.00

TOTAL $ 103,807.00

Excess of revenues over expenses from operations $ 209,243.00

Other income $ 10.00

Excess of revenues over expenses $ 209,253.00

Net assets - beginning of period $ -

Excess of revenues over expenses $ 209,253.00

Net assets - end of period $ 209,253.00

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Operating activities

Excess of revenues over expenses $ 209,253.00

Changes in non-cash working capital:

Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 5,000.00

Sales tax payable (recoverable) $ (1,869.00)

$ 3,131.00

Cash flow from operating activities $ 212,384.00

Investing activity

Purchase of capital assets $ (1,882.00)

Increase in cash flow $ 210,502.00

Cash - beginning of period -

Cash - end of period $ 210,502.00



Cash $ 210,502.00

Sales tax recoverable $ 1,869.00

$ 212,371.00

Capital assets $ 1,882.00

$ 214,253.00

Liabilities and net assets


Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 5,000.00

Net assets

General fund $ 209,253.00

Liabilities and net assets $ 214,253.00

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The Divisions of Family Practice initiative is sponsored by the General Practice Services Committee, a joint committee of the BC Ministry of Health and Services and the BC Medical Association.


Burnaby Division 2011 Board of Directors

Dr. Davidicus Wong – chairDr. Baldev SangheraDr. Jennifer Moore - treasurerDr. Karimé Mitha - secretaryDr. Charline LuiDr. Mike Look – vice-chairDr. Victor KanDr. Mary KaganDr. James F.K. Hii

Division Staff

Anneke Rees - coordinator

Burnaby Division of Family Practice

Tel: 604-227-3594Fax: 604-227-3575www.divisionsbc.ca/burnabyMailing address: Box 39122–3695 West 10th Ave, Vancouver, BC, V6R 1G0

Photographs of the Burnaby area courtesy of:

Picture BCCover: Burnaby MountainPage 5: northern view from a highrise in MetrotownPage 8: Hats Off Day in Burnaby.