BUILDSOFT is the estimating software for the building and construction industry. Buildsoft Global Estimating is the software program for commercial use in the building and construction industry. It produces Bills of Quantities or detailed Estimates and Cost Plans. Its primary use is by Commercial building contractors and Quantity Surveyors. Conceived and designed in Australia, the software is successful right around the world and has been constantly improved and upgraded, often incorporating customer requests and suggestions. Information (Data) you enter into the program can be sorted or analysed using powerful grouping columns. The estimate can be summarised to produce totals by area, block, stage, cost centre, accounting group, or any user-defined set of codes. Subbies Comparison is an "add-on" module for Global Estimating that allows the prime contractor to refine the rates and subcontractor options. The original estimate may be used in its original form or sorted into groupings that are more suitable. Portions of the estimate can then be sent out to potential subcontractors, giving all the necessary references and quantities. The subcontractors can even be issued with Buildsoft software to price the items. The aim of getting subcontractors to electronically price items is to reduce the amount of time needed to re-enter the information at the prime contractor's computer. It also eliminates the possibility of mistakes arising from typing errors. At the end of this process, a revised estimate total is available. The difference between each original group total and the revised group total is displayed in columns headed "Add" or "Omit”. Management can review the Comparisons and measure the impact of any changes they may wish to make to subcontractors, groupings of items, or methods of construction. This is a vital part of the estimating and management function. The Buildsoft Subbies Comparison software presents a clear analysis that can be combined with the estimating teams skills and experience to speed up job-winning submissions that will produce maximum profitability. BTOS – Buildsoft Take-off system. This product is the latest advancement in on-screen take-off systems and features enhanced 3D viewing. It has the potential to change the way you do estimating forever and maybe put some fun back into the estimator’s job. Certainly, it gives estimators more time to concentrate on using their skills rather than performing laborious measuring tasks. This software is a new product for Buildsoft but has already been upgraded using the latest in progressive software design methods. It has a streamlined interface along with multiple superior features to make it one of the easiest and most intuitive take-off systems on the market. Import a digital image format such as PDF, DXF and DWG into your project. Then simply trace over an image area with your mouse, and you can take off lineal metres, areas, volumes and vertical area results with just a few clicks of your digitiser or mouse. Then enter any deductions and the BTOS system will automatically calculate the quantities and transfer the information into your estimating program. BTOS is available as an "add-on" module for Global Estimating and Offsider Estimating. A staff with extensive construction and computer knowledge is there to back you up so that you get the most out of all Buildsoft products.

Buildsoft Brochure

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Page 1: Buildsoft Brochure

BUILDSOFT is the estimating software for the building and construction industry. Buildsoft Global Estimating is the software program for commercial use in the building and construction industry. It produces Bills of Quantities or detailed Estimates and Cost Plans. Its primary use is by Commercial building contractors and Quantity Surveyors. Conceived and designed in Australia, the software is successful right around the world and has been constantly improved and upgraded, often incorporating customer requests and suggestions. Information (Data) you enter into the program can be sorted or analysed using powerful grouping columns. The estimate can be summarised to produce totals by area, block, stage, cost centre, accounting group, or any user-defined set of codes. Subbies Comparison is an "add-on" module for Global Estimating that allows the prime contractor to refine the rates and subcontractor options. The original estimate may be used in its original form or sorted into groupings that are more suitable. Portions of the estimate can then be sent out to potential subcontractors, giving all the necessary references and quantities. The subcontractors can even be issued with Buildsoft software to price the items. The aim of getting subcontractors to electronically price items is to reduce the amount of time needed to re-enter the information at the prime contractor's computer. It also eliminates the possibility of mistakes arising from typing errors. At the end of this process, a revised estimate total is available. The difference between each original group total and the revised group total is displayed in columns headed "Add" or "Omit”. Management can review the Comparisons and measure the impact of any changes they may wish to make to subcontractors, groupings of items, or methods of construction. This is a vital part of the estimating and management function. The Buildsoft Subbies Comparison software presents a clear analysis that can be combined with the estimating teams skills and experience to speed up job-winning submissions that will produce maximum profitability. BTOS – Buildsoft Take-off system. This product is the latest advancement in on-screen take-off systems and features enhanced 3D viewing. It has the potential to change the way you do estimating forever and maybe put some fun back into the estimator’s job. Certainly, it gives estimators more time to concentrate on using their skills rather than performing laborious measuring tasks. This software is a new product for Buildsoft but has already been upgraded using the latest in progressive software design methods. It has a streamlined interface along with multiple superior features to make it one of the easiest and most intuitive take-off systems on the market. Import a digital image format such as PDF, DXF and DWG into your project. Then simply trace over an image area with your mouse, and you can take off lineal metres, areas, volumes and vertical area results with just a few clicks of your digitiser or mouse. Then enter any deductions and the BTOS system will automatically calculate the quantities and transfer the information into your estimating program. BTOS is available as an "add-on" module for Global Estimating and Offsider Estimating. A staff with extensive construction and computer knowledge is there to back you up so that you get the most out of all Buildsoft products.

Page 2: Buildsoft Brochure

The main features of BUILDSOFT Global Estimating System; Bill of Quantities

4-Level Estimating BQ Production Lump sump BQ

Composite rates Build up your composite rates for each

item Can be saved in pricelist / library

Libraries for description & rates keeping the standard description &

composite rates in the pricelist / library Tendering function

Transferring the rates from pricelist into a job

Multi-level mark-up function Revising the job / element / item total Mark-up for the profit, overhead &

wastage Easily adjusting the tender sum

Estimating functions Estimate according to floor area / cost

planning / elemental cost Job Analysis

Abstracting part of the BQ items out from a job

Converting the elemental bill into trades bill

Preparation of Sub-contractor BQ Cost Analysis

Analysing the overall materials & labours cost in particular job

Providing the overall quantities for all types of materials in particular job

Quantity Analysis Differentiate the item’s total quantity into

stages/levels Measurement – Calculation Sheet

Taking off the quantities from drawing Various formula can be keyed in at this

level Transferring of secondary unit is available

Interim Valuation / Progress Claim Claim your job by percentage Printing claim reports

Tender Comparison System – SCP Module

Comparison of the tender between the different contractors or subcontractors

Tender by diskette facilities is available Buildsoft Take Off System (BTOS) –

Cad Measurement Module Measurement by importing the soft copy

from DWG, DXF, JPEG, BITMAP, PDF, GIF and TIF files.

Auto detection of scale from DWG file 3D viewing

Buildsoft Online Tendering System (BOLTS) – Coming soon

Fully online tendering Moving towards paperless and handy

tendering process

Benefits to QS Consultant firms & Developers

Speed up BQ production process Speed up estimating process Speed up measurement process Speed up job analysis process Speed up tender comparison process Proper record of standard descriptions

& cost data Easily checking measurement and

rates Easily revise BQ quantities & rates Save time, cost and energy Easy to use and learn

Benefits to Contractors & Sub-Contractors

Speed up tendering process Speed up estimating process Speed up BQ preparation process for

the lump sum projects Speed up job analysis process after

awarded the projects Speed up measurement process Speed up tender comparison

process Easily checking measurement and

rates Proper record of cost data &

standard descriptions Easily revise tender sum Save time, cost and energy Easy to use and learn

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4 level estimating The four level estimating system has proven to be very successful and simple for the first time user. There are four estimating sheets that are very similar to manual estimating methods currently used.

Level 1 - Job Summary This sheet summarizes your estimate. Typically, this screen contain a lists of elements, but depending on the type of job, it could contain cost centre's, elements or building stages.

Different jobs can be setup under different trade name listings to suit

Cost per unit of gross floor area for each element

Subtotals elements / trades

Spell checking facility

Transfer of information from Price book

Different mark-ups or extra contingency factors can be applied to individual elements Percentages of cost distribution are shown Graphical presentation available Separate labour and material summary available

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Level 2 – Element/Trade Breakup

This screen contains the bill of quantity items for each element/trade. Each element/trade has its own element/trade break-up sheet.

Unlimited number of items per trade

Large item descriptions

Bill references are shown next to each item and can be updated immediately

Quantities can be typed in, calculated in detail or derived from a digitizer

Rates can be typed in, linked to a price list or produced from a break-up sheet

Formulas or standard mathematical functions can be used

Items can be coded to produce job analyses Subheadings are highlighted in a different colour Specifications and notes can be entered Values can be dependent on other numbers in the same screen

Level 3 - Calculation Sheet

This screen allows you to enter dimensions as you take them off the plan or use the digitizer to calculate the quantity.

Allows lineal, area and volume calculations

Total returned to quantity column of Element/Trade Breakup

Complex formulas accepted

Deductions can be entered

Lengths summary available

A secondary quantity (eg. number of, length, or area) can be appended to the item description

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Level 4 - Rate Breakup Sheet

This screen allows you to build up a composite rate that may include materials, labour, sub-contract, and equipment components for an item rate.

Large item descriptions Quantities can be typed in,

calculated in detail or derived from a digitizer

Rates can be typed in, or linked to a price list

Formulas or standard mathematical functions can be used

Individual components can be coded to produce job analyses

Values can be dependent on other numbers in the same screen

Buildsoft Take Off System (BTOS) – Cad Measurement Module

Allows you to directly take -off quantities using one of the following methods

Import DWG / DXF / Bitmap / PDF / GIF / JPG / TIF Files

Digitizer Scanner

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BTOS Features Menus and toolbars can be easily repositioned anywhere on the screen

More than one result can be obtained from each shape

The result of each shape is available in addition to the overall drawing result

Circles, arcs, ellipses and rectangle shapes can be entered easily

Drawings can be previewed on-screen within the estimating system

Informative print reports including layout of drawing and all individual dimensions of the drawing

Notes can be stored with individual shapes within drawings

Text can be entered onto the drawing itself

Can be used in "digitizer" mode or "mouse" mode - allowing you to zoom in and draw shapes

A standard default list of shape names is user maintainable

Can draw polyLine

Various results can be obtained such as linear metres, area, vertical area, volume, length by pitch, area by pitch, volume by length and etc.

Sole Distributor of BUILDSOFT;

PCK SALES & SERVICE No. 526, Jalan J12 Taman Melawati 53100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Contact: Chew Fu Keong Phone: (603) 41083698

Fax: (603) 41073552 H.P: (6012) 2058216

Website: www.pck.com.my Email: [email protected]