Building Safer Autonomous Agents by Leveraging Risky Driving Behavior Knowledge Ashish Rana Thapar Institute of Eng. & Tech., India arana˙[email protected] Avleen Malhi Bournemouth University, UK [email protected] Abstract—Simulation environments are good for learning dif- ferent driving tasks like lane changing, parking or handling intersections etc. in an abstract manner. However, these sim- ulation environments often restrict themselves to operate under conservative interaction behavior amongst different vehicles. But, as we know, real driving tasks often involve very high risk scenarios where other drivers often don’t behave in the expected sense. There can be many reasons for this behavior like being tired or inexperienced. The simulation environment doesn’t take this information into account while training the navigation agent. Therefore, in this study we especially focus on systematically cre- ating these risk prone scenarios with heavy traffic and unexpected random behavior for creating better model-free learning agents. We generate multiple autonomous driving scenarios by creating new custom Markov Decision Process (MDP) environment itera- tions in the highway-env simulation package. The behavior policy is learnt by agents trained with the help from deep reinforcement learning models. Our behavior policy is deliberated to handle collisions and risky randomized driver behavior. We train model free learning agents with supplement information of risk prone driving scenarios and compare their performance with baseline agents. Finally, we casually measure the impact of adding these perturbations in the training process to precisely account for the performance improvement obtained from utilizing the learnings from these scenarios. Index Terms—Autonomous Agents, Driving Simulations, Tra- jectory Prediction, Causality I. I NTRODUCTION The arrival of autonomous driving agents have had a great impact on the automobile industry. And it will be responsible for shaping the future of this industry as well. The current industry trend progression demonstrates that the connected fleet of autonomous agents will be dominating our driving in- frastructure [1]. But, that vision is still quite far considering the safety infrastructure, security and public policy reasons [2]– [5]. Therefore, our immediate focus should be on making our driving agents safe and efficacious. Creating safer agents has been explored well for the past few years [6]–[12]. As it is crucial to know the expected agent behavior in different environments especially safety critical ones. In natural driving environments risk prone scenarios don’t happen frequently which makes the learning process harder from these scenar- ios [13], [14]. And it is also unethical to create these real risky driving scenarios for experimentation purposes. Therefore, generating and studying these scenarios systematically is a daunting task. Fig. 1. Treatment and Control agents evaluated randomly for safe and perturbed test environments. Perception systems with adversarial approaches of noisy labelling do demonstrate promising path [15]–[17]. But the underlying fundamental problem remains focused around safe interactions with other vehicles which themselves are operat- ing independently. Simulation environments with appropriate system dynamics design assumptions do overcome this ex- pressed safety issue. Along with that these environments allow us to systematically study the risk prone scenarios with near realistic driving behaviors. For this study we have used the highway-env simulation package which allows us to simulate different driving tasks [18]. It also provides simple interfacing capabilities to modify these environments and quickly create baseline prototypes [19] on it. We formulate the dynamics of the simulation system as Markov Decision Process (MDP) in our experimentation [20]. We model our value function approximation agents with deep reinforcement learning for these defined MDP systems [21], [22] for our study. For our experiment design we create two distinct variants of each model architecture for above stated simulation dynamics. One of these model variants is trained with our increased dangerous driving behavior interventions for all the driving related tasks present in highway-env package. Second model arXiv:2103.10245v3 [cs.LG] 17 Oct 2021

Building Safer Autonomous Agents by Leveraging Risky

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Page 1: Building Safer Autonomous Agents by Leveraging Risky

Building Safer Autonomous Agents by LeveragingRisky Driving Behavior Knowledge

Ashish RanaThapar Institute of Eng. & Tech., India

arana˙[email protected]

Avleen MalhiBournemouth University, [email protected]

Abstract—Simulation environments are good for learning dif-ferent driving tasks like lane changing, parking or handlingintersections etc. in an abstract manner. However, these sim-ulation environments often restrict themselves to operate underconservative interaction behavior amongst different vehicles. But,as we know, real driving tasks often involve very high riskscenarios where other drivers often don’t behave in the expectedsense. There can be many reasons for this behavior like beingtired or inexperienced. The simulation environment doesn’t takethis information into account while training the navigation agent.Therefore, in this study we especially focus on systematically cre-ating these risk prone scenarios with heavy traffic and unexpectedrandom behavior for creating better model-free learning agents.We generate multiple autonomous driving scenarios by creatingnew custom Markov Decision Process (MDP) environment itera-tions in the highway-env simulation package. The behavior policyis learnt by agents trained with the help from deep reinforcementlearning models. Our behavior policy is deliberated to handlecollisions and risky randomized driver behavior. We train modelfree learning agents with supplement information of risk pronedriving scenarios and compare their performance with baselineagents. Finally, we casually measure the impact of adding theseperturbations in the training process to precisely account for theperformance improvement obtained from utilizing the learningsfrom these scenarios.

Index Terms—Autonomous Agents, Driving Simulations, Tra-jectory Prediction, Causality


The arrival of autonomous driving agents have had a greatimpact on the automobile industry. And it will be responsiblefor shaping the future of this industry as well. The currentindustry trend progression demonstrates that the connectedfleet of autonomous agents will be dominating our driving in-frastructure [1]. But, that vision is still quite far considering thesafety infrastructure, security and public policy reasons [2]–[5]. Therefore, our immediate focus should be on making ourdriving agents safe and efficacious. Creating safer agents hasbeen explored well for the past few years [6]–[12]. As itis crucial to know the expected agent behavior in differentenvironments especially safety critical ones. In natural drivingenvironments risk prone scenarios don’t happen frequentlywhich makes the learning process harder from these scenar-ios [13], [14]. And it is also unethical to create these real riskydriving scenarios for experimentation purposes. Therefore,generating and studying these scenarios systematically is adaunting task.

Fig. 1. Treatment and Control agents evaluated randomly for safe andperturbed test environments.

Perception systems with adversarial approaches of noisylabelling do demonstrate promising path [15]–[17]. But theunderlying fundamental problem remains focused around safeinteractions with other vehicles which themselves are operat-ing independently. Simulation environments with appropriatesystem dynamics design assumptions do overcome this ex-pressed safety issue. Along with that these environments allowus to systematically study the risk prone scenarios with nearrealistic driving behaviors. For this study we have used thehighway-env simulation package which allows us to simulatedifferent driving tasks [18]. It also provides simple interfacingcapabilities to modify these environments and quickly createbaseline prototypes [19] on it. We formulate the dynamicsof the simulation system as Markov Decision Process (MDP)in our experimentation [20]. We model our value functionapproximation agents with deep reinforcement learning forthese defined MDP systems [21], [22] for our study.

For our experiment design we create two distinct variants ofeach model architecture for above stated simulation dynamics.One of these model variants is trained with our increaseddangerous driving behavior interventions for all the drivingrelated tasks present in highway-env package. Second model








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Fig. 2. Observational (Left) and Interventional (Right) distributions repre-sented with causal graphs.

variant is the control variable in our experiment which isused to define the reward baseline for the trained agents onregular simulations. In our study we do a methodologicaldoping of these environments with randomized dangerousdriving scenarios to create more risk prone environments fordriving. This is done specifically in two ways in our study, firstby increasing the traffic at strategically important locationschallenging the agent to make dangerous overtakes. Second,we increase the randomization factor and the clogged lanesmake the environment more collision prone for our agent(ego-vehicle). This is done to create more robust agents in agiven environment for that particular dynamic scenario. Whichare essentially better at post impact trajectory predictions ofother interacting vehicles. Figure 1 explains our causal analysisexperimentation setup in sequential form.

We also attempt to understand our experimentation setupfrom a causal standpoint. We hold complete control of the datageneration process in our experimentation. Which allows us tohave a unique vantage point of conducting an experiment studywhich is equivalent to a randomized control trial (RCT). Wetrain our agents with a good enough assumption of absencein unobservable confounding variables. As we have strictlydefined the state dynamics and vehicle behavior governingmodels. Our customization capabilities in the highway-envpackage allows us to keep every condition the same whiletraining except our collision scenario perturbations. Meaningthat treatment and control groups are same in all aspectsexcept our treatment i.e. there is a comparability and co-variate balance in our experimental setup [23]–[26]. With thisspecial relation establishment we can imply that associationfound in our experiment setup is causation. As shown inFigure 2 our treatment (T) is subjecting the agent learningprocess to risk prone interacting vehicle dynamics in a givenenvironment. After that our sample test experiment populationinvolves evaluating the two model variants against regular andperturbed environments with excessive risk prone scenariodoping. And finally by using expectation equations derivedfrom the above causal graph we estimate the causal effect ournovel learning changes for enhanced safety.

Our contributions by the means of this paper include pro-

viding benchmarking environment simulations for collisionrobustness predictions. Along with that we provide experi-mentation methodology that creates more robust agents thatprovide better on-road safety. And we also causally measurethe impact of our risky driving behavior doping interventionsfor different driving environments. For the remaining paper wefirst discuss related work corresponding to utilizing risk pronebehavior for creating safer autonomous vehicles. Second, weformally define our problem and elaborate on causal aspectsof it. Third, we explain the experiment setup for creatingthese robust agents and elaborate upon our results. Finally,we provide the conclusion to our autonomous driving agentstudy.


Deep Reinforcement Learning has been used extensivelyfor traffic control tasks [27], [28]. The simulated environmentprovided by CARLA [29] gives a framework for systemsthat estimates several affordances from sensors in a simulatedenvironment [30]. Navigation tasks like merging traffic requir-ing good exploration capabilities have also shown promisingresults in simulators [31]. ChauffeurNet [32] elaborates onthe idea of imitation learning for training robust autonomousagents that leverages worst case scenarios in the form of realis-tic perturbations. A clustering based collision case generationstudy [33] systematically defines and generates the differenttypes of collisions for effectively identifying valuable casesfor agent training.

The highway-env package specifically focuses on designingsafe operational policies for large-scale non-linear stochasticautonomous driving systems [20]. This environment has beenextensively studied and used for modelling different variants ofMDP, for example: finite MDP, constraint-MDP and budgeted-MDP (BMDP) [34]. BMDP is a variant of MDP which makessure that risk notion implemented as cost signal stays belowa certain adjustable threshold [35]. The problem formalizationfor workings of vehicle kinematics, temporal abstraction,partial observability and reward hypothesis has been studiedextensively as well [34]. Robust optimization planning hasbeen studied in the past for finite MDP systems with uncertainparameters [36]–[38] and it also has shown promising resultsunder conservative driving behavior. For BMDP, efficacy andsafety analysis has been extended into continuous kinematicsstates and unknown human behavior from the existing knowndynamics and finite state space [35]. Model free learningnetworks that approximate value function for these MDPslike Deep Q-Learning (DQN) and Dueling Deep Q-Learning(DQN) networks have demonstrated promising results in con-tinuous agent learning [39], [40].

Worst case scenario knowledge in traffic analysis has beenleveraged for model based algorithms by building regions ofhigh confidence containing true dynamics with high proba-bility. Tree based planning algorithms were used to achieverobust stabilisation and mini-max control with generic costs.These studies also leveraged non-asymptotic linear regression

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and interval prediction [20], [34] for safer trajectory predic-tions. Behavior guided action studies which use proximitygraphs and safety trajectory computes for working with ag-gressive and conservative have shown promising results [41]as well. This study used CMetric measure [42] for generatingvarying levels of aggressiveness in traffic. Whereas in ourcase we have used more randomization and traffic clogging atkey areas for risk prone scenarios to measure more granularobservation results.

Causal modelling techniques have contributed a lot interms of providing great interpretative explanations in manydomains [43]–[46]. Also, Fischer’s randomized control trials(RCTs) have served as the gold standard for causal discoveryfrom observational data [24]. Sewall’s path diagrams werethe first attempt of generating causal answers with mathe-matics [47]. Now, causal diagrams and different adjustmentson these diagrams do offer direct causal relation informationabout any experimental variables under study [23], [24],[48], [49]. In our experimental study we use these existingmathematical tools to draw direct causal conclusions of ourlearnings from our environment interventions.


Our goal is to design and build agents on collision proneMDPs for navigation tasks across the different traffic scenar-ios. The MDP comprises a behavior policy π(a | s) that outputsaction a for a given state s. With this learnt policy our goal isto predict discrete safe and efficient action from finite actionset (left, right, break, accelerate, idle) for next time step forgiven driving scenarios.

The simulation platform that we used is compatible withOpenAI gym package [50]. The highway-env package pro-vides the traffic flow which is governed by IntelligentDriver Model (IDM) [51] for linear acceleration & MOBILmodel [52] for lane changing. MOBIL model primarily con-sists of safety criterion and incentive criterion. First safetycriterion checks whether after lane change the given vehicleis having enough acceleration space and second criteriondetermines the total advantage of lane change in terms of totalacceleration gain.

Given MDP M is defined as a set of (S , A, T , r) whereaction a ∈ A, state s ∈ S , reward function r ∈ [0,1] S X A andstate transition probabilities T(s’ | s, a) ∈M(S) S X A . WithDeep-RL algorithms we search the the behavior policy π(s|a)that helps us in navigating across the traffic environmentsto gather maximum discounted reward R. The state-actionvalue function Qπ(s,a) for given (s,a) assists in estimatingfuture rewards of given behavior policy π. Therefore, theoptimal state-action value functionQ∗(s,a) provides maximumvalue estimates for all s ∈ S and is evaluated by solvingBellman Equation [53], stated below for reference. From thisthe optimal policy π is expressed as π(s) = arg maxa∈AQ∗(s,a).We used DQN with duelling network architecture having value& advantage streams to approximate the state-action value

function Q(s,a) which predicts best possible action as learnedfrom the policy π.

Q*(s, a) = E[R(s, a) + γ∑s′

P (s′|s, a)maxa′

Q*(s′, a′)] (1)

From our experimentation setup we intend to derive directcausal impact of our interventions in traffic environment sce-narios. And as we can refer back from Figure 2, our treatment(T) is subjecting the learning agent to more risky drivingbehavior. Our testing sample set involves random agent rewardcalculation against perturbed and control environments whichmakes our experiment equivalent to RCT. Meaning that thereis no unobserved confounding present in our experimentationi.e. backdoor criterion is satisfied. Also, in RCTs distributionof all co-variates are same except the treatment. Co-variatebalance in observational data also implies that association isequal to causation while calculating the potential outcomes,refer equation stated below.

P (X | T = 1)d= P (X | T = 0)

P (X | T = 1)d= P (X), T ⊥⊥ X

P (X | T = 0)d= P (X), T ⊥⊥ X


Essentially meaning that we can use the associative differ-ence quantity to infer the effect of treatment on outcomes.Meaning that we can use the Average Treatment Effect (ATE)approach for calculating the causal effect by simply subtractingthe averaged out values treatment and control potential out-comes. In below stated equations Y(1) , Y i | do(T=1) & Y(0), Y i | do(T=0) and these equations hold true in case of RCTswhere causal difference can be calculated with associateddifference.

E[Y (1)− Y (0)] = E[Y (1)]− E[Y (0)]

E[Y (1)]− E[Y (0)] = E[Y | T = 1]− E[Y | T = 0](3)

Model free learning approaches generally don’t have ex-plicit information about the dynamics of the systems. There-fore, during the training these agents will generalize theirpolicies corresponding to the particular given scenarios only.We introduce risky randomized behavior in these environmentvehicles with collision prone randomized behavior. Figure 3shows different probable real life collisions simulated in dif-ferent highway-env package environments. It increases gener-alizations on less common but highly critical scenarios whichcan save users from hefty collisions. We critically analyze theperformance of our treated agents in comparison to controlagents for important tasks like performing roundabouts, han-dling intersections, u-turn & two-way traffic overtakes and lanechanging environments in our study.

The collision between two vehicles is equivalent to intersec-tion of two polygons in the rendered environment output ofhighway-env. And we detect these collisions between rectan-gular polygons with the separating axis theorem for the giventwo convex polygons. Essentially, the idea is to find a line that

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Fig. 3. Possibly realistic collision examples simulated from the different driving tasks in highway-env package environments.

Fig. 4. Overlapping (Left) and Non-Overlapping (Right) projection analysisfor collision detection in highway-env package.

separates both polygons. If that line exists then polygons areseparated and collision hasn’t happened yet. Algorithmicallyfor each edge of our base rectangular polygon we find aperpendicular axis to current edges under review. After that weproject these edges onto that axis and in case these projectionsdon’t overlap it functionally means no collision as rectangularpolygons are not intersecting, refer Figure 4.


In our experimentation setup we calculate the ATE metricfor namely lane changing, two-way traffic, roundabout, in-tersection and u-turn tasks, refer Figure 5. These five tasksare evaluated against increasing traffic from default vehiclecount/density to a 200% increase. For each of these trafficscenarios we create our treatment environment with varyingdegrees of acceleration & steering parameters which would notcomply with MOBIL model criteria of safety and incentives.This randomization behavior is governed by equations statedbelow which lays the foundation of simulating collision pronebehavior. We create collision prone behavior by significantly

Fig. 5. Different driving related navigation environment tasks for collisionprone scenario analysis.

changing the equation max-min acceleration parameters increate random() function defined in the kinematics rules ofthe highway-env package. With our experimentation setup wequantify the causal model performance improvements fromintroduction of this risk factor knowledge in the agent learningprocess. And compare it with the control baseline modelsacross these five different navigation tasks against a spectrumof increasing traffic density.

accp = accmin + rand[0,1] ∗ (accmax − accmin)

strp = strmin + rand[0,1] ∗ (strmax − strmin)(4)

We rebuild the highway-env package environments with ourcustom changes by altering the environment configurations,randomizing behavior and adding new vehicles to strategicallyincrease the traffic density in order to simulate risky driverbehavior. In the lane changing task for treatment & controlmodel training we incrementally increase the vehicle countfrom 50 to 150 vehicles accompanied with an equivalentintermittent increase of vehicle density by 100% and having in-creased randomized risky behavior on episode duration lengthof 20 seconds. We train unique agents for navigation on eachdifferent traffic count environments in our experimentation

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Fig. 6. Dueling Deep Q-Learning baseline model architecture used for agenttraining.

setup corresponding to every vehicle count increase. Also, weplot a comparative analysis performance graph of control andtreatment agent across these different environment iterationsand calculate ATE of our perturbations. Similarly, for the u-turn environment we uniformly increase our vehicle countfrom 3 to 12 with incremental increase of vehicle count of3. Also, for two-way traffic we reduce original environmentlength to 2/3rd of the original and incrementally increase thevehicle traffic count from base 5 in direction and 2 in oppositedirection vehicles to 15 in direction and 6 in opposite directionvehicles. For collision prone treatment in intersection task driv-ing tasks we rewire the randomization behavior to a more riskyone with our acceleration and deceleration tuning. We alsoincrease the vehicle count from 10 to 30 incrementally withan interval gap of 5 vehicles and alongside we incrementallyincrease the spawning probability by 0.1 until it reaches itsmaximum value. Finally, for roundabout tasks we incremen-tally increase the traffic from 5 to 15 vehicles with risk pronerandomization in our treatment environment for agent trainingand performance comparison with control baseline. Each ofthese environment configurations requires the environment tobe rebuilt iteratively. Additionally, repeated model trainingagainst each new treatment & control environment sampleswith different initiating random seeds. For evaluating ourmodel’s performance we have kept the traffic as constant inour test population set against the corresponding treatment andcontrol environment on which agents were trained. And wehave only changed the risky behavior in treatment and controlenvironment sets to calculate the ATE for measuring causalperformance improvement.

We use the DQN reinforcement learning modelling tech-nique with ADAM optimizer for our experiment with alearning rate of 5e-4. Our discount factor used is 0.99 andenvironment observation vector data is fed in a batch sizeof 100. Our agents are trained over 3072 episodes until theyconverge to average reward from a given driving environment.We use the dueling network design which utilizes advantage

function A(s,a) which helps in estimating state-action valuefunction Q(s,a) for state-action pairs more precisely. This isdone by splitting the network into two streams, value andadvantage ones which share some base hidden layers. Theshared network consists of 3 fully connected layers of 256,192 and 128 units respectively. Value and advantage streamconsists of 2 layers of 128 units each. The final output ofthese streams is also fully connected to the network. Thevalue stream has 1 output of the calculated value functionfor a given state. And the advantage stream has na outputsrepresenting the number of discrete possible actions for a givenstate. The output vectors from these two streams are combinedto calculate the state-action value function estimate with thehelp from below stated equation, refer Figure 6 for modelarchitecture. 1

Q(s, a) = V (s) +A(s, a) (5)


Another randomization factor in our experimentation setupinvolves initial random seed values.This is done for addingrandom behavior to tasks like randomizing vehicle accelera-tion & deceleration, spawning vehicles, vehicle location etc.Therefore, we test our trained treatment and control modelsagainst the risk-prone and regular driving environments withdifferent randomization seed values to average any anomalousresults. Hence, we measure the ATE by evaluating our agentsagainst several randomized seed values for risk prone andregular driving environments. This calculation is simply sum-marized by the equation below where summation of first twoterms evaluate the average reward calculated from treatmentmodels in risk prone and regular environment samples. Thelast two terms calculate the same for control agent in boththese environment samples again respectively and the testset sample count is expressed as N T = N C = 100. Theassociated difference of these quantities gives us the ATE forperformance improvements in our robust agents trained onperturbed environments as explained earlier in the problemformulation section.

(6)ATE = 1/NT, C ∗ [


RT avgi +


RT avgi −NT∑i=1

RC avgi



RC avgi ]

ATE results from Figure 7 clearly demonstrates to usthe advantage of teaching agents these risk prone criticalscenarios. 2 Across all tasks we observe that as traffic densityincreases like real-life scenarios in heavily populated cities thepositive effect of knowing perturbed scenarios is pronouncedfor our robust treatment agents. More importantly there is also

1Baseline DQN agent implementations referenced from:github.com/eleurent/rl-agents

2For better readability purposes we converted the calculated ATE values totheir respective percentages in Figure 7.

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Fig. 7. ATE plots for quantifying the performance improvements attained byleveraging the knowledge learnt from collision prone driving scenarios.

a declining trend of average reward as the traffic increases forevery driving task analyzed for highway-env. This depreciationin agent performance both for control and treatment modelscan be attributed to constantly decreasing safety distanceamongst all vehicles causing more than expected collisions andslow progression by our ego-vehicle across these environmentsdue to heavy traffic. Even with decreasing average rewardtrend across our test set environment samples the performanceof treatment models has always exceeded the control mod-els. Also, the relative improvements in ATE values furtherincreases as the traffic continues to increase demonstratingstrong robustness of treatment agents.

Currently our scope of work is limited to few but criticallyimportant driving scenarios. Also, we have used only homoge-neous agents in our analysis and attempted to analyze criticalknowledge leveraging components on single agent only i.e.our ego-vehicle. Plus our randomization mechanism thoughuniform doesn’t necessarily follow human-like behavior whilegenerating risk prone scenarios. But, our causal effect esti-mation approach that quantifies the information learnt fromperturbed scenarios does demonstrate promising results. Itholds a vast scope of practical applications for creating moreinterpretable, metric-oriented & key performance indicator(KPI) driven autonomous agent systems.


Our experiments from this paper provide insights intothe importance of using deliberate interventions of collisionprone behaviors while training agents for stochastic processeslike autonomous driving. By using the MDP formulationof the discussed driving scenarios with collision simulationperturbations we were able to generate more robust agents.Our treatment model experimentation setup used episode datafrom traffic clogged lanes and risky randomized behaviorduring training which finally resulted in positive ATE resultvalues. Which proved that agents trained with a wider rangeof collision prone scenarios perform better than the existingvanilla simulation agents. Also, we casually quantified theimpact of our interventions for the discussed model freelearning DQN technique which assisted us in accurately es-timating the performance improvements. For every drivingscenario environment our new agents produced better resultsand were proved to be better collision deterrents. Therefore,underscoring the importance of learning valuable lessons fromrisk prone scenario simulations for creating safe autonomousdriving agents.


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