Disampaikan untuk Diklatpim Tingkat II Angkatan 39 Kelas D, PKP2A I LAN Bandung 12 Juni 2014 Tri Widodo W. Utomo Deputi Inovasi Administrasi Negara LAN

Building Effective Teamwork

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Disampaikan untuk Diklatpim Tingkat II Angkatan 39 Kelas D, PKP2A I LAN Bandung 12 Juni 2014

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Page 1: Building Effective Teamwork

Disampaikan untuk DiklatpimTingkat II Angkatan 39 Kelas D,

PKP2A I LAN Bandung12 Juni 2014

Tri Widodo W. UtomoDeputi Inovasi Administrasi Negara LAN

Page 2: Building Effective Teamwork

• Lessons from 3 Presidents;

• Local leaders in Action;

• Collaborative Leadership;

• Membangun Tim Efektif Dalam Memimpin

Proyek Perubahan.

Page 3: Building Effective Teamwork
Page 4: Building Effective Teamwork

Stick to the message

Page 5: Building Effective Teamwork


with your


Page 6: Building Effective Teamwork

You will get far with a great team

Page 7: Building Effective Teamwork

You learn more

by listening......

Page 8: Building Effective Teamwork


competitor is



Page 9: Building Effective Teamwork

It’s all about


Page 10: Building Effective Teamwork

A leader is a

dealer in hope


Page 11: Building Effective Teamwork

Abraham Lincoln

� Get out of the office and circulate among the troops;

� Build strong alliances;

� Persuade rather than coerce.

Page 12: Building Effective Teamwork

"His cardinal mistake is

that he isolates himself

and allows nobody to see

him; and by which he

does not know what is

going on in the very

matter he is dealing with."

(Alasan Lincoln saat memecat

Jend. John C. Fremont sebagai

komandan di Missouri, 9 September 1861)

Page 13: Building Effective Teamwork

"A house divided against itself cannot stand. . . .

Our cause must be entrusted to, and conducted by its own undoubted friends-whose hands are free, whose hearts are in the work-who do care for the result."

Page 14: Building Effective Teamwork

“I don’t like that man. I must

get to know him better.”

Page 15: Building Effective Teamwork

"With public sentiment,

nothing can fail; without it,

nothing can succeed.

Consequently he who

molds public sentiment

goes deeper than he who

enacts statutes or pronounces decisions."

Page 16: Building Effective Teamwork

“Kawan2 – dan mereka ygbukan kawanku – ini adalahpertama kali akumenceritakan kisahkutentang bagaimana, bilamana, dimana danmengapa aku mengambilkeputusan untuk menyeretdiriku berdampingandengan Jepang. Boneka … penghianat … aku tahusemua kata2 itu. Akan tetapi, jika tidak dengansyarat, bahwa mereka turutmembantu dalam usahamencapai kebebasannegeriku, aku pasti takkanmelakukannya.”

Page 17: Building Effective Teamwork

“Bung Hatta dan akupernah terlibat

perselisihan yg dalam. Meski di suatu waktu kita

pernah tidak salingmenyukai, sekarang kita

menghadapi satu tugas ygjauh lebih besar dari pada

tugas yg pernah kitalakukan masing2. Berbagai

perbedaan menyangkutmasalah partai atau

strategi tidak perlu adalagi. Sekarang kita satu.

Bersatu di dalamperjuangan bersama”

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Page 19: Building Effective Teamwork

Local Leaders in Action

Page 20: Building Effective Teamwork

Pernyataan kolaboratif Budi Karya (Presdir PT. Jakpro) dalam penataan Waduk Pluit:

“Kami tidak ambil nilaitambah dari tanah terlalutinggi. Cash flow kami sudahbagus. Kami juga membantuPemerintah Provinsi DKI menyediakan tempat untukRusunawa.”

Page 21: Building Effective Teamwork

“Ini juga mengapablusukan, saya

datang ke kantorkelurahan, ke

walikota, kekampung, dan

lainnya itu, harustetap dilakukan ...

Didatangi, dibilangi, dibenarkan, dipuji

jika baik."

Page 22: Building Effective Teamwork

“Ndak apa-apa demo, saya kan harus

menyelamatkan yglebih besar lagi, masadepan bangsa ini kanharus diselamatkan, terutama anak-anakdisana. Saya harus

beri ruang pada anak-anak lain di Surabaya. Mereka juga penerus


Be persistent and confident with your idea!

Page 23: Building Effective Teamwork

Fenomena Risma

Di dalam mobil Rismaselalutersedia alat-alat kebersihandan bercocok tanam seperti

sapu lidi, sekop, sepatu boot, dan sarung tangan.

Page 24: Building Effective Teamwork
Page 25: Building Effective Teamwork

8 Differences Between

Traditional and

Collaborative Leaders




Idea Generation

Resolving Issues

Problem Solving

Resource Allocation

Rules & Responsibilities

Performance & Feedback

Yoon-kyung Oh, 2014, Public Leadership in the Context of Government 3.0: .How to Create a Collaborative Organization

Culture, Korea Institute of Public Administration.

Page 26: Building Effective Teamwork

Are you a collaborative leader?

* Ibarra, Herminia, and Morten T. Hansen. "Are you a collaborative leader?." Harvard Business Review 89.7/8 (2011): 68-74.

Yoon-kyung Oh, 2014, Public Leadership in the Context of Government 3.0: .How to Create a Collaborative Organization Culture, Korea Institute of Public Administration.

Page 27: Building Effective Teamwork

Effective Communication is a Key





Simon Sinek (TEDxPuget Sound, 2009) http://www.ted.com/talks/simon_sinek_how_great_leaders_inspire_action

○ “Golden Circle”

• Most leaders assert “what” to do and “how” to do, but hardly mention “why.”

• “What” and “How” explains features, facts, benefits of the action, but “Why” addresses beliefs that motivate the action

• Successful leaders communicate from “Why” they should act, and then “What” and “How.”

Yoon-kyung Oh, 2014, Public Leadership in the Context of Government 3.0: .How to Create a Collaborative Organization Culture, Korea Institute of Public Administration.

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Page 29: Building Effective Teamwork

Sebagai PemimpinPerubahan,

bagaimana Andamembangun tim

efektif untukmenjamin proyekperubahan dapatterlaksana secara


Page 30: Building Effective Teamwork

• “Mencapai Kemerdekaan” (Soekarno, 1941-1945).

• “Menata Waduk Pluit” (Jokowi, 2013-2014).

• “Menutup Lokalisasi PSK Dolly pada15-6-2014” (Rismaharini, 2014).

• “Membangun Kab/Kota Ramah Anak”(contoh proyek perubahan Diklatpim).

Page 31: Building Effective Teamwork

• Stakeholder = siapapun yg terpengaruh & dapat mempengaruhi sebuah perubahan.

• Internal?

• Eksternal?

– Instansi lain (pusat maupun daerah)?– LSM / tokoh masyarakat?– BUMN / Swasta?– Media?– Asosiasi Profesi / Perguruan Tinggi?– Lembaga donor?– Forum warga? Dll.

Page 32: Building Effective Teamwork

• Miliki visi yg jelas tentang perubahan ygakan dilakukan.

• Yakinkan stakeholder tentang kemanfaatanperubahan shg akan memberi dukunganpenuh atas inisiatif perubahan tsb.

• Definisikan peran masing2 stakeholder danhasil yg diharapkan.

• Informasikan time-frame dan alokasisumber daya yg dibutuhkan.

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• Bentuk tim kerja dengan job description ygjelas.

• Susun check-list untuk memonitor kemajuansecara periodik.

• Fungsikan media komunikasi seefektifmungkin: telp/fax/HP, email/mailing list, media sosial.

• Pikirkan strategi alternatif jika perubahanberjalan tdk sesuai harapan atau byk kendala.

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PKP2A I LAN Bandung, 12 Juni 2014

Tri Widodo W. UtomoDeputi Inovasi Administrasi Negara LAN

Semoga Bermanfaat!

Page 35: Building Effective Teamwork

Diane Coutu, Leadership Lessons from Abraham Lincoln, Harvard Business Review.

Donald T. Phillips, Lincoln On Leadership.

Hendri F. Isnaeni, 2008, Kontroversi Sang Kolaborator, Yogyakarta: Ombak.

Herminia Ibarra and Morten T. Hansen, 2011, Are You a Collaborative Leader?, Harvard Business Review.

Kenedi Nurhan (ed.), 2014, Waduk Pluit: Semangat Membangun Jakarta Baru, Kompas Media Nusantara

Sompong Yusoontorn, 7 Life Lessons from Abraham Lincoln.

Yoon-kyung Oh, 2014, Public Leadership in the Context of Government 3.0: .How to Create a Collaborative Organization Culture, Korea Institute of Public Administration.

Leadership Lessons from Obama, internet source.