Building a Comprehensive Compliance Plan for the Financial Aid Operation JoEllen Soucier Executive Director of Financial Aid Houston Community College

Building a Comprehensive Compliance Plan for the Financial

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Page 1: Building a Comprehensive Compliance Plan for the Financial

Building a Comprehensive Compliance Plan for the Financial Aid Operation

JoEllen Soucier

Executive Director of Financial Aid

Houston Community College

Page 2: Building a Comprehensive Compliance Plan for the Financial

Today’s Discussion

Why is compliance so important?

Instructional Guides and Compliance Resources

Components of a Comprehensive Compliance Plan Responsibilities and Communications Reporting Education and Training Corrective Action Plans

Top Audit and Program Review Findings

Consumer Information Requirements Inventory

Internal Audits

Page 3: Building a Comprehensive Compliance Plan for the Financial

Why is Compliance so Important? Department of Education Program Review – Final Determination Letter

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Why is Compliance so Important?

Department of Education Program Review – Final Determination Letter – Assessed Liability

Page 5: Building a Comprehensive Compliance Plan for the Financial

Top 10 Findings – Annual Audit

• Return of Title IV (R2T4) Calculation Incorrect

• R2T4 Return made late

• Pell-Overpayment/Underpayment

• Verification Violations

• Over-award-Financial Need Exceeded

• Enrollment Status – Inaccurate/Untimely Reporting

• Student Credit Balance Deficiencies

• Ineligible Student – Not Making SAP

• Improper Loan Processing

• Entrance/Exit Counseling Requirement not Met

Page 6: Building a Comprehensive Compliance Plan for the Financial

Top 10 Findings – Program Review

• Enrollment Status – Inaccurate/Untimely Reporting

• Crime Awareness Requirements Not Met

• R2T4 Calculation Errors

• Verification Violations

• Drug Abuse Prevention Program Requirements Not Meet

• Entrance/Exit Counseling Deficiencies

• Consumer Information Requirements Not Met

• Student Credit Balance Deficiencies

• Inaccurate Recordkeeping

• Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy Not Adequately Developed/Monitored

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Institutional Guides - Verification

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Institutional Guides - SAP

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Institutional Guides – R2T4

Page 10: Building a Comprehensive Compliance Plan for the Financial

Institutional Guides – HS Validation

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Compliance Resources - Inventory

Page 12: Building a Comprehensive Compliance Plan for the Financial

Compliance Resources - Inventory • Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP)

• http://ifap.ed.gov/ifap/index.jsp

• Application and Verification Guide – Student Aid Handbook

• https://ifap.ed.gov/ifap/byAwardYear.jsp?type=fsahandbook

• The Blue Book – October 2005

• http://ifap.ed.gov/bbooks/102005BlueBook.html

• College Navigator

• http://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/?q=University+of+Texas&s=TX

• Common Origination and Disbursement (COD)

• https://cod.ed.gov/cod/LoginPage

• Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

• http://www.consumerfinance.gov/paying-for-college/

• Dear Colleague Letters

• http://ifap.ed.gov/ifap/byYear.jsp?type=dpcletters

• Default Management and Rates

• http://www2.ed.gov/offices/OSFAP/defaultmanagement/cdr.html

• e-CFR – TITLE 34--Education

• http://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?c=ecfr&tpl=/ecfrbrowse/Title34/34cfr668_main_02.tpl

• ED Program Integrity Questions

• http://www2.ed.gov/policy/highered/reg/hearulemaking/2009/verification.html

• Electronic Announcements

• http://ifap.ed.gov/ifap/byYear.jsp?type=eannouncements

• Electronic Data Exchange (EDE)

• http://ifap.ed.gov/ifap/processing/edeSuite.jsp

• FAA Access

• https://faaaccess.ed.gov/FOTWWebApp/faa/faa.jsp

• FAFSA on the Web

• http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/

• Federal Student Aid

• http://studentaid.ed.gov/

• FSA Assessments: Find It, Fix It, Enhance Compliance

• http://www.ifap.ed.gov/qahome/fsaassessment.html

• FSA Coach

• http://fsatraining.info/login/index.php

• FSA Training for Financial Professionals

• http://www2.ed.gov/offices/OSFAP/training/specific.html

• Homelessness Resource Exchange

• http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/states/texas

• Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP)

• http://www.ifap.ed.gov/

• Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)

• http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/

• Internal Revenue Service Online

• http://www.irs.gov/

• IRS Publication 501 – Filing Status

• http://www.irs.gov/publications/p501/ar02.html

• IRS Tax Return Transcripts

• https://www.irs.gov/Individuals/Get-Transcript

• ISIR Guides

• https://www.fsadownload.ed.gov/index.htm

• Legal Topic, Terms, and Situations

• http://uslegal.com/

• The Money Converter

• http://themoneyconverter.com/JMD/USD.aspx

• National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA)

• www.nasfaa.org

• National Center for Education Statistics

• http://nces.ed.gov/

• National Center for Homeless Education

• http://center.serve.org/nche/states/state_resources.php

• National Conference of State Legislatures – Common Law Marriage

• http://www.ncsl.org/research/human-services/common-law-marriage.aspx

• National Foster Care Coalition

• http://www.nationalfostercare.org/

• National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS)

• https://www.nsldsfap.ed.gov/nslds_FAP/default.jsp

• Office of Inspector General

• http://oig.hhs.gov/

• https://forms.oig.hhs.gov/hotlineoperations/index.aspx

• Policies and Procedures Manual – A Guide to Creating

• http://ifap.ed.gov/qahome/qaassessments/makingofapandpmanual.html

• Publication 17 – Your Federal Income Tax

• https://www.irs.gov/forms-pubs/about-publication-17

• IRS Forms and Publications

• http://www.irs.gov/formspubs

• SAR Comment Codes

• http://ifap.ed.gov/eannouncements/012516SARandSARAckMockups20162017.html

• Selective Service Registration Confirmation

• https://www.sss.gov/RegVer/wfVerification.aspx

• Social Security Administration

• http://www.ssa.gov/ssnumber/

• State Emancipation Laws – Children’s Rights Council & Findlaw

• http://www.crckids.org/child-support/child-emancipation/

• Student Aid Handbook

• https://ifap.ed.gov/ifap/byAwardYear.jsp?type=fsahandbook

• Student Loans – MPN, Entrance Counseling, and Exit Counseling

• https://studentloans.gov/

• Taxpayer Guide to Identity Theft

• http://www.irs.gov/uac/Taxpayer-Guide-to-Identity-Theft

• Technical Reference Manuals

• https://www.fsadownload.ed.gov/index.htm

• Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board – College for all Texans

• http://www.collegeforalltexans.com/index.cfm?ObjectID=699A998A-E7F3-1DCC-3F460F26136EEA05

• USCIS – US Citizenship and Immigration Service

• http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis

• U.S. Department of Education

• http://www.ed.gov/

• OCR Complaint Process - http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/know.html?src=ft

• U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

• http://www.va.gov/

• Verification Assessment Module

• http://ifap.ed.gov/qahome/qaassessments/fsaverification.html

• Verification Questions and Answers - ED

• http://www2.ed.gov/policy/highered/reg/hearulemaking/2009/verification.html

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Compliance Resources - NASFAA

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Consumer Information Inventory – 23 pages

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Conducting Internal Audits – Audit Plan

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Conducting Internal Audits – R2T4

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Components of a Comprehensive Compliance Plan

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Components of a Comprehensive Compliance Plan

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Components of a Comprehensive Compliance Plan

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Components of a Comprehensive Compliance Plan – Reporting Requirements

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Sub-Components of a Comprehensive Compliance Plan – Training Plan

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JoEllen Soucier – [email protected]

Please feel free to email me anytime with questions.