BUBYLANU JCCSE7 CLUB. Third Day's Bacos at tho Pirn- lioo Course. Four Splendid Kact's and Large Attendance of Spectators. XL 32. Connolly, ESingfis^cr, Edcntoa and !?iuC3J0 tuo Wina.e s. UaLTIKOHB, O't. 2H, 1870. "This way, gentlemen; Mils way, geulh-men; yer mire to win if you dou't lose. ItM otiiy ten ceuvs a ¦tool, and yor geta sich beautiful practice at tho game iliut ye bccomcs ricli right avuy vithout trouble." This was an old weascned and wrinkled fellow who knelt on his knees in the hard clay »>ac!c oi tho l'lmlico race track yesterday; one of iUojc SDfottnnate nevci-do-weli trumps who tseent to liaunt every ruco tract iu Christendom, uud will continue to haunt Uicm ns long as racing la racing: and wnila human natuielsso credulous, l'ho spokes.i an on this occasion wis md.vJ a insv. ruble looking ob.ect. Ills thlu and worn cloUiin.?, which had once boon or u lustrous bUclc, wm f.ul d and rent in places and very Bliabby to look at. An old uap:e»a hoi adorned It 3 m.mty brow, and his linen was coucealeJ ironi the public gaxe at l'lmlico. And yet he was a merry and uniusing scoundrel tu Ms way, and hud n repartee or jo&e for every one Uiat he succeeded In getting a shilling from. The game which ho superintended was a singular yet a simple one. lie.ore him on the Car batik, which was Burroun cd by a hundred e:tger and Raping Maiylaudors, was placed a smooth plank ol plue wood about a loot and a hail wide i>ml t Ighl feet long. At one end or tills plunk the Cockney. for ho was evidently a poor ttid wretched specimen of thai ciftss wiilcli l.oudon spews forth from her dens through ihe atoerages of tho emigrant slaps- bad placed three objects of wood about six inches High, winch looked like miniature tcn-plnB. Tl.ey were ranged across the board, uud, preparatory to a shot being m.idj with the small woo len ball which our English 'rleud held lu one hand and now and tu n to3Eed to another, tie mea¬ sured the distance between each pin by (he ba'l so as to allow the latter, when thrown, spaco to pass between the pins with jus kno.kiog ihcia down. IT a uysuinder took a shot and knocked down but one pla ho received nothing, wlt.ie the proprietor of tho show g.iined a tou coat Ftamp. Should the bystauaor knock down two pins then ho paid for his allot, but he rcc.lv d forty cunts botiu*, the shot belug always charged lor lu aay case: mid ir he succeeded iu knocki:i2 don u th k. turee plus on the board, which would be a thing hurily in the raQgcof human probabiHi v, he coal i then demand a dollar, as pjr verbal agreement of tiio keeper of tne game. ..Stop u;», pouts, and try yer luck. Vy, is there no gauibiiug blood ha.noug ycf It's only tea ccuts a gauie. If yo knock two pins down it's tlXly ceats ljr ye. >uid if jo koock riio whole .woop off, yo sco ye stro m a dollar. Ami ui<l any of yo Ivor uiuko a dollar b> hoaay t t>f coGisj ye didu'U Look hat tho Dottier perlcsslon*. Look at them, I Bay. There's a tawin' of wood ami a carr^iD' of iho hod.it taUes a whole day at thoi>o light and atimoolaini' huccu: aitoiit; to make f.vo or yer hursted nui^i.cim uolars. .t ut l>o.. ut my game, There id no hicii tunic anywhere j«» r simplicity au J bo.ay. Vol f. the hexpeudlUireV Vy a mere nothuik. uaonly tea ci'iiti, unci thou look .it the hexereiao and tue biacia of the museles! Vou conu'uoutof this fume w ith a w;.rry gO'd happo- tue and a 'ealluiul glow oa yer face, all lor tun cents', and look at vot money cau be made ti' the tame is purf-ood with uuucuiscueo and liindustry. am good for J j;,0j . I'm mcr-iy a doi.ik 01 tins for amoosement. I'm an eclated gentleman vith mo racia* steed and mo stables in Minglaud. I've got 1110 baronial oanatlo, and uiy 'oases ana 'ouads, but 1 docs this hec 1 vanis to seo litu, and ta±a 1. tho lion y vay to tee It. ami 1 buffers as a sentyincnt 'May tue wreaths they h.vo vou never vitucr nor their trlory dekay.' U lesu't 1 need a capper v I'm lia.dcui.iied to hear i-leli war laugwldge iroin tho biess *d hps or a gent of respec- lahdiy. No, 1 do.-oira vam ;i capper. Aiy game w ft game m nself, and don't want uoliunk like a . cap, or." Two or three men after tlic orator had spent all his Cockney eloquence volnntceied to btart mm on his gam\ 'it was strange to sue how they all hurry buck at first, and n t one would !aro to roll the plus, from a cerialu ahaiuefaccanose', when all at once, and by a ray of genius when teemed *ud- deuly to descend upon bun, a gteat b.g, nnlKiua and si mi l-s looktuu tellow iroin Pfiuoe^B Anuo stepped up, ai d putting down a ten cent currency notehesa.d:. . ..Well look a yer, I'll take a Phot ut ihc old thing, for a change. Hero's yer ten ctnts, and I'll raise it just to 9'Bii yi lu blzuess," anil saj tug timso word." he commenced to roll the puis m the mud, Unround way, that caused the in ties from the surrounding counties to staie like H-lus. ui course the ig Mary- Iftuder was B'.vindled oul ol sixty ceuis beioie lit knew it, and ihen, strange to bay. there cauie a lon< etriDg of victmw after hlui: all of whom mst thef haid-oarneu dollars, until a lel ow came up to ite piauk. who, ii I mi-take not, was born in tie Fourth mud ol New York.that region of i> uian< e aud poetiv and t-on^ and Isatt weigh s, th home of Kit Kuril an i Jolinny A!l«;i. The Fourth waril> r only played two games, audlie lost each or tueni. I'lion this l'o .rth kV"»rd>-r. wu did not possess u very goo-1 temper, i;egan tog».t mad aud to aci )n au iiiigeatleuianiy way. ' 'ihe Cockney had uken twenty cents froriiou! frleud of f«cw loik for two panics, anil h^ ljnst placed the puis aga.n m their proper place, au-r measuring the d sian o between each. Ilou d a roll oi ataiupH Dei ween his lingers and was JustSoue explaining li:s ^auio, riic r'omtli Warde; in anrlulo having taken tue t all in Inn hand to r >li. ai Jvery ouc preseui supponed, witen all ai once the putlc- man iroin New »oik, as Sunset Cox use to tn, ran over to where tae keeper oi the game kacUJi the end or his plank a id said:. "Say, yo English snoozer, t!iis is a sl.in g.infi, this Is. What d'>o unan by sitting and chea'.io nar.J- wdrtlnj?. honest jioople like rno, who has o earn their bread b, the sweat of iheir brow) I aouuriit je was a swindler yo had eo much chl2 mu^ic. Co way irom here i" . . , , Saying tnese words the Fourtti Nv-n der fiatcUnd the roll of siampi irom tiio t'ocHie, rolled mm over the ciuy and walked away fi'iy ciltriiy fiom the scime of the encottuicr, vKhlle tuibyatand- cra looked on in horror at the outrage, me or two mart :d forward to stop the rough, who»«d so uu- ceremonlousiv put an end to rue gtde, but the rough looked aroum. and said, simply:- ."lhere's no law tor Unit bad man ' n put n head ou any one thai takes Ills part,'Will, ana he went his way rcjoicinst, while ilto «ekuey gain- e ed up ills parap.ieiuada aud fcouyt redivib la °1 'i^Vrlui!h o race grounds seemed f" of itinerant characters oi all kinds a id ba^garaAho besouaht ttfslstiinc! in the most wheedling teal-"- lucre was a ii'idle." back ol the kitchen, wl^'C tap cooking was done, fiudliOg away for dear J>s. while three or four drunken countryir.ou danc« a muu i»rea«- down to the trains ol the whee/®'d mu.iu, wnlca was played by as wlic ss< ail oil one b un'y b 'ggar, who had oeu a Conreoerflt<) .oinler. and had lost ooiii »u h»s''fus In an en^ago- Uient, had been asking alms of- iaJy who p.assed him by without uiBpitiTing eltlv' womanly oourtesy or gentleness, turuuig her u'° 'ti' With di.--dai". This conduct the heg-jnr reiW-od i.l'cr his <uvu rongh lashu n. When eho paed iiim fn thi.< cruel, dladatnlul mauuer be bhoutefiitfr her loudly:. "1 supp U'C ye don't ih nk ipoor cripple Iikc mo Of any account at all. Nevei'idnd, when t lie dn of ju'igniont comes we'll gjuuani on icuil, a ad th. u ye ll allied hell. There aro two i,ttio dftrfB with retreating fore- h'ads aud merry ; lance*'-110 ftr<J now iiu-.ily ei> gjge«l in bhoo'.iii' at a nd'oor or tin bird* which ire placed on a rail abo- t.ielr hea ls. They pay hve cents a fhot% an.i *v have oxpended nearly all th. ir sparo peniiU s. ie Biojilicti oirky ol tha two his Just nred ills'1' 8lia n pr«iito8tcvoiis looking tm femal-, Huhe bnnga h«r dowu whu a .uout of laughter. , . , , , "Did vou s o ni" f1,1 tli,r frasaian Hen-1 down, bf.tdei:V l toll yoir^rs mn .or do b.jya and no mi take. Ouesi y.m 0il mako iiiucti motijy eft tue. bo.-u. If 1 keep ouiootiug d .t way. ' Tteie gm's n o.d nueman In a roitgh-lcoklnir hat and coat, with allUlJ »e Ktie. like a Uei'-odisi p:*r:and from ii'"!°idU projects a led clay pipe, with a loug reed si'« iu.bis Captain Belcher, or Virginia, a ia,uous» !l,1K man i i his day. and who is still as fond hs <'." good stable, aclearday and a lino track. <u tl ;H heeu training horaettior fltty-fonr years. 4 » ,luo old lodow In his way ana ruil oi aii'-cf* ,, . .1 trained Tiufou 111 18ie- .aJ9- "He wr.a the father ct jfion, one or tlio greatest horses that ever ran. iuioleon w.is sired by fcir Aroaie. I've trained ifliict's of horses m my time. I selected twen* ve.i ot these horses once, when I had time, aud0iU lUetu 1 picked tho three best horses I thin Hi.<'America ever saw, or will see mri'U xuo bo-i wero Virgim..u, ilostoa and Red I've a thU;0 wcre raco hoi3C8." he sajs, with aVffU 'J ft wmiT 01 n,s 01(1 day pipe. No# her*ro a beggar aud a UtUo girl, who ct- tMinis hiii* o^er tho track. Iho old man feels his w iv in a dei recato y mauuer, uh If begging i.aalou f^1"* alue> aua tllu uul° «irl '«» . auPDiica*tf touo ~ "Plea u song, sir. and I hope you'll wfe a niowa; Joitara on thj race." A reff_w>>0 aaa just ccme from the pool stanj yer gab. will ye, utile fnjud * Tcu wL>hc>t *:iys me fho* ye*tonlay when I bom lit a song from ye, and wot was the c<>o«equeneef Why, I went an I bought trume imolH aud l'\o ln«t etghty dollar*. Woir'a tlte mo of you winning any ouo gool luck wfc<n it's a puree >oa kmi<1 them " I buy a song ttinl fry to rea I it. but It Ih very liard woru u> do ho. I give « few vonww, ,uid of tlnm it ca t be said that however wreictied tlic poetry may be, be would. Indeed, bo a scoundrel that would ouarrel with the neuUruenis ospietaied in tUe linos winch 1 give:. 1MT* THK Pftir friend*, I cannot lubor, 1 »hi» try and u>J along ; Hear fili-nun, I cannot labor. I shall t'y aflil soil my roue*. 1 trout that you jrlil buy UiMU, tio prove not unkind, liar klml Heaven |irtt»oive yuu t rum ever being blind. Cotn« all trne-heartu I people, Wherever you may be. Ho not refuse to |> ty A poor bllu I man like mo. fllx vend ayo I lout tn. light, Au l Dotr ilironah e..n i I i,o, Th« beantiM a 1 around mo, Alaa 1 little know. You day that a larse Reamer, A wonder it pM^ed to >.., 1 at her can never loo , I'car friend*, I cnonot »cft: You »ay the day U lovely. Hut i ou muni lrar in nil i<i I cannot no In beauties, A Ems I dear lricud.t, I'm blind. Voh now have got your liyeatgUt, I: tit oil, you c innot wll Wlieo Me nli II take It from you Who doetlr a lliln\s welli I trust tb it In Ilia wisdom lie never nil da iML A ml oh il ii aaa.t thing Oti earth to one thai'v blind. The attendance to-duy was a* largo as ever, thee |ie.ii.t between ufteeu ;tn;l twenty thousand people on Hi'! ground*, wl a splendid turnout of llcld etiuipages andsaddle lioitet. Tlic pool seH»»K st lod ad follows to-day on the dif¬ ferent horses entered:- HIRDl.B RAl"B. Kiddy Malone $6:) 100 Oyattirman 30 60 R*. i'.. C'ntiaolly 25 60 Tueio were no puols « Id on the second race. TUJUU HACK.TWO Mil,VI 1IBAT3. AiiaVeU »-:o 100 1.10 I'M 100 hdenton oo 1J5 i to 100 fc5 llejWdOd Meld . . 10 15 10 Pro, Suit, ,M 15 25 6 66 Oybteruiau . . to 16 10 iOUErjf HACK.MILS IlEAW. Finesse iao 210 ICO 160 130 Kcilpilo usw 210 a 0 2.0 1V"» -Ai't Si;S»'t Anil w.') 85 12) 80 65 60 Ortolan i)j ao 40 33 23 i»0 Knbiui 101 Field. Ht. Patrick io Planet Colt nf 20 20 15 10 80 LluibcrJiiu ttj Tbo Knring. The racing was excellent aud was ninch admired byihemauy thousands of ladles and gentlemen wlii wer-i out at 1'lmlloo to witness tlic uport ruauv for tue llrst time in their lives. Judging from me joyous delight expressed iiu around us o the grand stand, we are saiiu'ed that the Maryland J ckcy Club will Le a long-lived Institution. Four races were on the programme to-dtty, the first bulug over hurdles, two miles. The race was a handicap and had three entries. These were.11. B. Couuollv, carrying 112 pounds; iiiddy Alalone, with 144 pouu li up. and Gystcrraan, Jr.. wlin 140 pounds. Kiddy llolone w.is a great favorite, while R. b. Connolly mih soul for a song, lie won the race by a tirad in a gallaut .-tyle and tin backers reiped a jr.cn harvest. Ojsttr nan, Jr.. wit, on. 11a iif> was ou iutsiLty ust. 8u,j couul Ul>l ,.un _lt a wiunmjr nace 1 ue bor^c t'Uould now lie let 11 ;j uui.il imxtyear. 1 lie kc, i»nd race was a sweepstakes lor threc-veT*. o.ds, and hlngtlsuer aim itidnuy were tnooniy start¬ ers ont 01 tin nominations. It wan.' noise in a hen 111 favor of Kia«fiiib >r, and Mb* great ton of l.exiu'. kli.iam ' R.~s Won (lie ii.ee veiy easily. ° I lie third lace was a capital «>. 10. 1 n re wore five sfanera, com jilting 1 he wed known Kdunton, Alia \t>la, G> Merman, Jr., thi> hmdu.r, besides two stranger*, viz., Upward and 1 to 11 t, Jr. Tne lat¬ ter wasoi no account whatever, wnilo Jlayward 13 a fierce looking stallion, w.th j;o:>il r.icum points. But lie was »,uiiy out 01 condition and unit after half Ue journey was run. Tne other Hi. eo made u very cxcitmg contest, Kdcntou winning by a lenatli, .f,jii iecond, o,storuian, Jr., unrd. In© dUrance was ihonght to ho tamer too 1 r lor huenton, yet noiwiuwau litu ii© ,<us ilretchon o In many pools over Aita Vma, w ha was supposed to nave mere speed and lull us inn h en larniie© as tito Oilier, l'.ilciiion, howcv- r, not only oi.tr.iU Luc inar<' but showed that hecojld ntn no longest. si.iee Ldentou has been in Sir. o'Uo.i.ieU'a :,iUJle |)0 n »s heeu very success;ul. r.lo Kugilsu -y.v.eni or train¬ ing seems to improve an t.'io luiv* that have imd It. and tt is very po mar wkii oar i\;ciu ' mm. Tup louitii rticc iv&w rfi i host or iii.j «m/, it t*'qm mile heats, for ail ages, lor hers 3 taut had uot won a taco during ae meting, iann e.t .ej to tn.» ao l fac e wero Mi. K< i rout's tine >e, Mr. Uoswcll's Ecliptic, Mt. McGraUi's tin .an Ann, Mr. . all s t.nsltfti, Mess s. Carroll .v Coar's Orto- lao. Governor Low It s Sr. I'atr.ek, tur. Mann's i-iuiber Jim aua r.-ioiiiiJ ioM'.s cu.'v ?».ut colt TIm v were all tliroe-yciir-old., witu tr. c optlo.i of si fn 1!'.'^^ ^"Di »va.i 1:10 favonto in tue paols, 1 lut>se the second eiiou.i1, ciayau \nn t nrd; the others i), tumx very lo in cea. Kcu'in. c won the itr- e Ucat in i^ood ti.i?.e, it.' u>the 1'a.ste t mile mads dunng the mueiitig. Vms m;1v tiicri lav up the seronti heat, and i-'iue-s-u v. oti u iroud heat . roiii Kusiui Ann. An iheoihcr hoi^es then bcni" out of the race, l itw-so and Kelipt:,; litarud alono to ueeiUe wuicli wius tho it. ilciintio wis i n raronte, anu large anouncs ^eFe .<t:uea ou f, .0 'ding iie.it. A lieatuti'ttl race was r iietvvc^u nTn two milc.<t, and I'm esse won it by a u,;.Tu o, 0. lowiiia are the ut-ta'N o! tne runniut,:- -tais v.iisr itAeiJ waa a handicap hurdle rase for rt'l nr-<. two mCen ovprei^nt hurdles; |ji>o igr tbo .'rut imrsj, ..(luo to the si.conu, w nleU closed with ttire,; etu.icnameiv Josei-U Donouue's htewn man .< hi ly Maum- by bty lhivts, uam by Olio, 1 :i po.;... ; McUanicl's bay horse tJystermati, Jr., by oy-t.V..,an. dam by Pnil brown, i4U pounds; end i.. 1 »r's l.rown liotse It. H. Connolly, by 10M0. c"Tj;!, If .* ioiviet, 11J poiiiid-. Hiddy jVl.'ion -j, the ia or- 11- over ti.e L'eld. The horsoa -ta leisure.V viih the tap 01 the dmnt, liid ,y mo showing the way, German second, 15. U. j- lengths UoU.ud. Biddy jui»i]i <,/ 'it hurdle clean and clear, sud so old o *< r p but con- I l\, * ,rap ,vWul1 K<" one, eeetioa of it, leaving it oj-.r: ».» mat thav could go tarough it withontnan,.; ;r wljen t'teycim'* 1 to It again. G.dvij; around the up;)er tu.n Uiddv lei two lengthri. oy temiau sec >nd, rive its ahem 01 H B. Connolly, u'lien they we o.second ! liurnle l.ludy led three longiits, Gy.n r nn about as ' many lu front of Connolly. 'I'tio lu.iei ..' .»u ,iru*k tne hurdle and carried' aa ay u . ; leav.m'» gay clear. Tuerc was no chan Te dvwn th* bacif. suetch, and Biddy Wiis flnt oier i.ii ) m im uie Oysterruan next, followed by II. Vf. t o.n dly. who 'king a waiting rai^'e 01 it. Going around the lowei turii i.iy.iiermaii made a da >'i ... 1 j^k snin with Biddy for a raomout, and ihea -n w > l in front to the turn into the hoiu<Wt,ea. ; y a?a a ran to tlio ronf. for a eecond or iwi . w tS rcacbed thelotlrth huraieOy-: cri:;,. n, . i> dy v,'r« bead and Head, and they made :nc ici u ij-emer WC;f VV"0 7'^ no.ly. At the staud at tho liie'ih «<i 1 : r«t mpe lliUriy !cd one length, Ovstern n .i eliriir len<<tU0l att-a I or Cou.iolly. Tne tiHit-^rdie befng down, tliuie was a clear lielU lor ii..i s, ana t-joyrnn rap.dly tiround the tin per ili 1. Ci'i'ln. 0 the (ix h bu.dle, wi,.,;, wai au-j down, .umitng liibtt.ad ol j.impin-r wai tUo or .. do , ; i.u-k UiddvUu,dlw*. w.jup, and btdnv ejiti il like a swallow, oy ;. ,1 alt°r making the Jump, hesitated so lou" tintVonuolir cauio no and toox eccond place, hn.'f ' -A 11 is SRffmSSlW iiicu wuleSor Biddy ant1 caugnt iter o t 1:1 fi. . nvi,-1 and the jump over the olyluli i.tir 1 .> ;r 't by them at, the Fame instant. 1 ney I r.u ill-' ctner and the 1 itu home was itlaiilv c , ., n and 1 act, by a n jd. Biddy two lcuf;t.; ,n >tof Uvh- tMnaii. Jr. lime 01 tu raco, &&>>£. i ^u is a el!owin ^HMArr. Mabtianp JootRY ci.ith, ft. . Hurdle rao>- Harnic,.,! foi allies; two niiie.-, nt n\ir- dies; ».»iiit.« ur,t hor.ie and ou to -or-t I for,©. "Lex-, J' plfvi^datnbyoiln' ?v , !>. M #»i 'leotorM b. n. ' wmm\, dam by pnil Brown, IM i.A. ' 7 y a Tim©.3:0,.'.;. 1HH PKCON'l) tt AC B . va- a f.weer:takes for threc-ycar-o'ii t ,n ii c,' two m .c : blty dollars entrance, <> !i rltt0 ( 1 , !V ' $V. 5 $75° 10 l,'0 $ ..11 til tins Becoud hois . mere wero ten entries .. > b it O" rtwo came to tn-, p.,4r. T.e,, w .l0 Mr. I 0 liiou\*>iy colt Kin^ii .ac*r, hy Ijoxinicton <l'iui Kllli.ra U^nnd Mr. i>.^voi;-« My , 2 fcuieu*. There was ZJ(, race, as it was considered Mat Ku;r;u .. ^.utt .(J r .. \. 1 rtout bivukiD^ d0WL>. lU<i' \ took; this !(%. I, uM'i 01 Uio npjjor turn v. ¦» * fhr:%6 icntftdR tu front. At tilt ciiurter pole 8how.is tv.o imutSU «n I , iMw at. the f-iijiio i)o'a t ,oio w-i-. very lit" daylight between tl.om. fa<jy ran! niv-<o tin l !i into tn© liomesirrtnh when Jirowiioy. tlto rider or King if,hor. im vo ilio co:t ins head, ail he passed lha 8,and uttuV I, f ftio ,lnt milo Ave lengths in front of jinidav Rii.kT.vw opimed the gap 10 el^tt lengths on tlie uwe'er turn und running under a liar. 1 pnu kept itiv distant In front 10 mo end, winning tho s ake and maklno the rur, lu 3; 10^. Tiio following ^ j making SUMMARY, oJnu .sras.c's Timo. .IOC TUIKU KACE was for a purso of fl.ojo, two mitca, for all araq to carry ltW pounds; $* 0 to the fir.t hoiv© and tlw to tho second, lit© entries for thU event nere u P Catubrill's bay gelding iTophor. jr..Dypr0Dhet .lain Lucy, by Curtis; John G bot.nelrs hS» Sou Edenton, oy Uiverston, dam Amanda; j0im D Thorn! sons bay horse Haywood, i,t PlatieLdain Gifford, by lied H»e; u. McDautePs bar horse Oj«wroian. Jr., and j. j" o*ffi ion's brown mare A'f;i Vela, by Vandal, dam PlilKiee. Edcuton had the rail lu tin* belting. Oj.Herman, Jr., too\ tne lead at Uio start, Hay¬ wood second. KUcnion third, Prophet, Jr., fernm, ami AKa Voi i tilth. Tho position* wnr.t so >n eluuigod. a; too quirrer p >le Kdeii'.on showo.l wo way, H»v*vood second, Alt v Vol:i third, I'rophet., Jr., fourth au't Oystcriuan, Jr., flltu. Ti»*-r«j was no cluiuge down ihe backstret-h, except t at Ojft 'i"- man. Jr., too,; lourih place, ami Prophet, Jr., it'll back out of the race. Going gronud tho lower tin u Oycterman ran up atd took linn) place. and an they came on tho lio.ne drctcli Edenion led who length, Havwatd M'i'oail, Oya'crman third aud Alta \eia lourih, aoout hall a leu itb dh Ming tho latter three. Prophet was no longer tu the race, being ilit.ii behind ut ibisitmo ami railing orr b.tdty. The qnaaet rau sharply up the hanie-ireleh, and as they p.iH-t'il tui'ier the string Kdentou «ui still one length in tha load, Hay ward second, a ni ck in front of Alia \ ela, who wa* same dleuuiceIn advance of Oyau-rtnau. Jr. It ^n--1 n brauutul race ho Jar. Holme mound Mio npoor t iru liny ward beusu to now symptoms of distress, ami ho soon afterwards tell tiway lu the roar. The three leaders now s. i io work to cut each other down. Oysteruuui. Jr, forced tho pace and was second at Mio halt-mil iioic, Edentou »1111 lead- lugaiength, Ada Voia ".loso up. Oysterm.ui soon gat iu tioublo and Aha Vela took so mid place and dashel vigorously aiti r Edunton, shutting up the dsylulii )>l me IU.quarter pole. Edenion would not be captured, nowuvcr, and he cauie iioiuo a winner lu n leu ill. Alia Vela second, ten leugilH nuead of Oistcvmun, Jr. llay ward was loo yards belr.inl and I'ropti i, Jr., marly a quarter oi a mile. Time, 3:4"). The ioUow.dk m u . mruMAHv. 84J1E Day..I'll:«e of $1,001, t'VO miles, Tor fill a,^cs, to cany loo lbs.: $so» io iirwt horso, i-oo io bOCOUd. John O'Donnei entered b. c. Edenion, by Inver¬ sion, (lain Amind 1 J. J. o'Fadon entered br. m. Alia Vela, i»y Vandal, dam Plltgree 8 I>. McDaiu. l catered i>. u. oystcrinan, J r., i»y oys¬ ter nun, dam by I'lul 3 J. w. Thorn-con entered b. h. Haywood, ny r la net, d«iu Gilford, by lied Rye 0 O. K. Oanibiili entered b. It. Prophet, Jr., by l'roplicf, dam l u v. by C'urliti o Time, »M5. TUB POUUTIt KV'H wa« for a puwe oi i~ vj, iuiI'j heat.-!, for all ages tlir.t have net wou a urtotf tho year. Tin entrleH wt're J. i). Thomson's cbentuut co t, t»y I'lanet., dam bv Par Ulvvr, I'. M. Hall'8 chfiiiuit ceiiliiitf Ltisltfii, by Euireue, d im l.a Hose; John Marsh's bla 'k g< Pi- lti)? Limber Jim, ny l.oxln^ion, dam I'ukuowo: C'ariotl A, Ciai's brown colt Ortolaa, b.v Uone- i ii ile, dam Canary llrd; T. w. Uosweiri cbeataut tilly Kwlipilo, b.v Kcllpse, dam Nina; H. P. McGratii'n bay liny Hu«n Ann, by Lexm^ on, dam ltoxana; A. Bclmout's elieatuut Ally I'iucvo, iiy Lexington, daiu Klllgrce, and <5ov- ornor Howie's gray liorso tst. I'atriek, by Ktonewiill Jnoksoii, dam Cliickamauaa. lieliptto Hold lor tlio mo^t iuoucv In tho pools, Finesse beiiig tho wound clioicc and Hunau Ann ihird. Firat /Mif..lue horses bad a very line start, and went away In « ouneli, tfu-au Auu heHdiiiir sno camo to I lie turn, Ke'dptie second, Etislgn ihlrd, ort ilan lounh, M. Patrick filth. Finesse blxtii, Limocr Jim sevonth and Thomson's (dlt eighth, i^usaii Ann kepi the lead down the backstrei. Ii, Keltptio second, Ortolan third. KtwiRn lourih, so cio-<e toifother thai tiiere was iu dayligut v.siiilo between ttieni; St. Pa.rick, two UiURtm b«;- hliid. was iilih, then l-'iuesxe, Limner Jim and Thompson's colt, with two lengths d;\ idinu them. Qomkaround the lowor turn Eoliptlo outfoo'e.1 Su¬ san Ann and showed a lenirtti m front at ibe tbree- quartci pole, Susau Ann second, hair a lenuih In ad- v nice (.1 Ortolan, who was three lengths lu front of Finesse, tue latter being ono lenptti ahead of EiiKliru, »t. P.itricK next, a lew len ttha behind. Then several leiu'tlis furiher oTcame Tho. ipsou's cott, and lo t yarns b iinnd inui wai Llinbrr Jim, who was en- tli'ciy "played out.'' A very mio run homo brouxut Ecli, tic in a winner by two lengths, su-au Ann sccund. a b nyih in trout of ortolan. Finesse a good lo.iriu. wliim St. l'utr <:k was m t In.srlc the naif a:il Timiuiiso i's colt and Limber .)iui were duiianeed. Time of i lie heat;, l :V<M. jka comi Heat..orialan wa-» the first, nwav to a caplia! atari. Snsau Ann se ond, at. Patrick third, Ensign fourth, l lu :ssj iirth an 1 K llpti.; sixth, tn^ latu r laying up for the heat. Ttuy passed t!io ipiart'T pole in this manner, and. tenInj? Into the backaireti h. tu.y madj Hie pace warm loiiiehaif- imie pole, wliure Susan Auu sUowei In front. Tliey were all in a bunch. Ortolan second, Finesse third, St. I'airick jMUr.li, Eeilptic Uttii and Kuslgu nxtti. t4oing around tho lower turn Finesse outran tho others an I wont to the front before reselling the tnreotiuarter polo, closely pressed by Susan Ann, St. Patrick a good third. Ortolan then began to -cut u, ' acd Ecliptic came up aud tootc fourui place, Eu: Ign belnir fcivtii. Tlie run np tho nomeKtrctcii was despe.are between Fiuesseand Susan Anu, the toruior passing under ho string a winner i»v a ah. rt length, sussu Anu se.-ond, Eciip- ti« third, tnroe leiiktli-i behind, but a half a leucOi ahead ot Ht. Pa'riek, who was suveral lenuthi lu front of Eustgu, orto.'uu sixih, Tluicof ihe heat, 1:1a. Thir ' TTML.AH th? horses that had nor won a Ilea! wero n w ruled out, aud Ecliptic and Flnesso ha I ihe raco to decide between th;;uJ ;lve«. Spe iu- latloo was tu'l-di uud bolt..ug heavy, Ecllptlo having ttio call. The llllios had u good start, but Pinesao was pulled bncK, au I Li llptlo went aroniul the turn four ieu^ths in f'oar. Tucre was na tiiango at the quarter-poie, it going doivn toe baogatretcn Fine e -hot np so'u" of tho dayllglit, and was two i'onuh . Hti i s Ii air behind ut ihe ha'.f-niile pole. 1 'me."¦¦ ">.!..)-. a ..a He. lo'Ae.* turn, and at the three- quoit! pole they were uoso and tail. The hiiies i-\.'u;iu" liito Lite iivm '..treicli lapsed, Eolipile leading half a lei gth, whtu a merry race ensued, which was continued desperately to tho stand, b'iiit'?se winning by a neck. Time, 149tf. The following is a Si M UI1V. Sun-; Pat -Purse of j.7.">o; mile lieaM; for nli age i, for horses thai bed not von during the je.ir. a. Belmont entered ch. f. Finesse, by | Lexington, dam Fiitgrce 4 l i T. W. Ho^weli entered eh. 1. Eciiptio, by Eclipse, dam Nina i 3 2 11. P. WcUrath entered h. f. Susan Ann, by Leiin^roD, ilaai ltoxana 2 2 o Carroll a- Coar entered tir. r. ortolan, by Douerinle, dam Canary Hu d :i i. o F. M. llal! entered ch. g. Ensign, by Eugene, flntuLuKotc f> f> 0 Governor Howie enleted g. It. St. Patrick, by Stonewall JacS<on, dam Chlckamauira. o 4 o J. i>. Tiiouisoii enlci td eb. c. ny Planet, dam by Tar River dis. Joha Marsh entered blk. g. Limber Jim, by Lo^*,ugton, d nil 1'nknowit di*. 'Ji'ne, l:4TSf, 1:4 s, 1:40.^. PROSPECT PARK FAm GROUNDS. 7 rottiup IftAtcli Betvrcen American Gi:l und Gfcrgo Wilkou to Wagons.The Mare au Eary Winner iu Three bliuight ITcatit. The match lor $1,000, mile heats, best three in five, to wagons, but ween the bay mare American <»iri and the brown stallion George Wilkes came 01T yester¬ day n'ternoon at the Prospect Park fair Grounds. Although the day wu-i extremely pleasant there wan but a email gathering in Attendance. It was a matter of sonic surpriso that a larger num¬ ber of the old turfites were not on hand; but, as It tnrncl out, they did not lo.se a tir at deal, an the race wa* exceedingly U:ue and devoid of the least [merest. It was thought 4 id hoped that the or;>1ui race over tha iani9 track a week since hetween Golds.nlf.!i Maid and (lu nv i V tikes might in h measure be repeated, ai the sftl- llon then trotted tlnely, but he was not irt good trim yesterday, and the mare beat iiita In three siraigUi lick's, without an effort. American Girl was tiie favorite, two to one, before the start, and after tne first heal lour u oae, with but lew takers. I'BosrK'.T fakk Fair Grop.n'D.*, Oct. 23..Trotting miUcUfo; >i.ooj, mile heats, best threelu live, to wagoii. llenj. Daniels named b. m. American filr!.. ill; Win. H. Norit named br. s. George Wilkes.. 2 2 2 riME. Qi' VW. IMf. T.'irsp-QuavUt*. Mi'f. First float si 1:1 .».> 2:20^ .Secoiriho.it... <Hl}i l:ta,'j h'rJ'i 2:;o 1, Third lieut ST.1* 1:111»63 2M ! Tit!-' TROT. First HiHt* -The i aili.ci won the iusictc poslttou, uod at the 'C'.'on:! attempt they got the worti with hlsieodoig hit a leugtii, but at. the bwinulug of the upper turn the «».»j oas on even terms wiiu luai, vet eoob njter bho lo:t her feet, tor an lustant only, howc.cr »jm Immediately ufter, waking a pretty trot, pa«t l tfte staMlon eastly» whtcli seut him Into the tur, and wht n tiie quarter polo was reach I, in I;iirt :veil < n Givl was leadiu'i two liiHRHM aud going v ery steadily, Down the Met- Ufcti li fbe Increased her ieu.d to four kugths and p .sved the hair-itdte po.e the same di.-tai cctothe front in l:ia>fc it >v«s now apparent, Beemiugiy, ; that W ilk cm could not trot any. In iho i,hi, r-.tliout the least effort, kept blin a s.ire cii.canee luhlud, and entering the lower turn, as he in'i' ti acte > badly, it was certaMi Ills cas i for the heat wts hopeless. Maintaining her e.;iy gatt t He <*lri passed toe three-quarter polo throe leu* lis ahead in t:j.', and went tamer the string well in hand, wiunerof thOheatby one length anil a half, Time, '.<. Second //frtf..Tlie send-off was a good one ai ir.o I second trial, but so soon as the word was given American Girl went Into the air aud dancod until entering tlio upper turn, when alio settled to effective work ai|t pissed the quarter pole one length the a'vanced guard, !u thirty-seven aud a quarter seconds. Down the baon- stretch the mare out-trotted the stallion, and at the half-mile pale was one length and a ualt to the front. The time to this point was 1:1 Along the lower tnrn George Wilkes shut up part of the daylight, and for an instant nad his nose at the Girl's wheel, but he soon fell back aud at the three-quarter pole, made In 1:62#, she was an open lougth ahead aud trotting very easily. No ..effort was required from ner down the homestretch, and she went under the string winner of the heat by two lengths. Time, 2:30).'. Ttora neat..The fifth attempt they got away with the stallion a neck the advantage of it, but on the turn the Girl went to the front and cut out the work. At the quarter, which was parsed In thirty- .even aud a quarter mweuda, alio had the p<wt of honor by on* length. Down the b' Wilkra went up to tit» wheel of tlho G?,i«. »£}f a the ball-mile pole, in x:l * t tere was f* leniitnNiilstanee between th*m;bntou the l"r > In* Mi hai H, and at thothr. .q,i»rt«p«lo»hrjiin wu* one and a hull lengths IU iid.am e s*h«« »tnodown the boni',#ir<'ich in mi etay itau, and p**^.d under the mi liu vvluner of the heat and iaca by an onu length, liuie, 2:30. "UHCLE SAM" AFiEIt TAMHANY. BrinS;ofj tue Election Law to tho "Fine V lit"- Its Validity Questioned-Ji'.d";e IKvte j Rush¬ ing" tUo Trials On-Judgo Bsnedict "Don't K e If-'lVny" Ha tmaviaa "Saay\" Great evolteuiont wua manliested in the Vutcd Hides Circuit Court yesterda? morning, and a great crowd assembled tu the building In cense-iu nceoi in announcement ma.le by Judge Bei.odict 0B tl,<,J'Jc" vlous (lay that tho parties who had been indicted tor violating tho laws of elect.«n Woud rcr.aiu.y >' brought forward lor trial. I Imse present, however, were doomed to dlsopuointment, as the Judge Intl. mated, on laklug his ho it .it eleven o' loclc, t.iafclho could not prooeod with the once* yesterday. i no District Attorney, tho Judge and tlie counsel for 110 defendants entered iuto a lengthy ooutruversy upon these political oa.-e.-s oi" which tho loltowing u tae result:. Alter the opeulng of the court District Attorney Pavls state! tUat ho was soiry to leain tho JmlKO was Indisposed and unable to proceed with the caso oi Kob -rt Clark, who if Indicted for utti ring conn- tertelt currency. Judge ilenedl t.I >1o not feel able to go on with the trial, owiug 10 temporary llluess. Disinct Attorney.Well, i wlU not uruo on that ca e, but I desire that the parties wlui were ar¬ raigned for violations of tho law of elections bo called upou to enter their plea, m> that uo question may be raised at tin trial, when the Court may be able to proceed with tlie buhincss. I have no objection, If count''! desire it, that the picas bo entered without prejudice to any inotlou they may Pen alter make to quash the indictments, if they so de-Ire. I have un¬ derstood that It w as intended to raise the question ** ,0 TUB TAt iniTT OP THE 1NTHCTM H vrS, and the validity of the law by a motion to ciaash. I am willing to acc »r l my consent to the light 10 make that motion, but I must insist that tho ;iieus no entered. Tue District Attorney praceodeJ to state that be was extremely de droits of bringing those coses to trial, and ho was frank to -late the reasons that actuated tiim; that by it conviction of the par- tie- we nilzht oe prevented from the necessity of Htmliar r'5" honafter; lor he lelt Mutt u a convi- Hon were had now a would nave tae eflee.t of pr<- vonitni many oominlssious of crime tinder tlio Weetion law. No man who felt rightly could fail to Luow tUat tlie-o men were eharpd w.i i one of the liliihost crime s; no o.ie wiuld jusit y n whatever wore his pol teil H,;ntlni 'nt>, no man could justify attempts to violate the law* of me oountr* touchlugthe purity of election, and i n. t was t ie very i-aoi why he lelt that tue prevent on of orlmo wm th- wisest policy of the government ; «nd If a convn tlon could bo had of the proper per- ties it would prevent tha comm.ssloii ol nuuiorom crimes wllliui th) next few days. 11 hoped, tlieie- toio that the Judge would request ihe ueieudan s to nut In their pleas and ir his Honor was not ab o to sit on Haiurday (to-day) he trus^dtluittiie earn¬ est possible day would beassigued 101 iho tuai <>f the Indictments. JCnOB BRNKWOT said It was proper to state lor Hie Information of counsel that when he was lntoriucd Uy ihe indtot- ra^nts ma! a prosecution of this cia-"- was JILoly J be called m i|ue-tlou it appcared iiKhi lo hU'i tljaL owlnir to tue novelty of the law and tii"i lact that it was to b<' enforced in various dutrlc'.s, those que:>- tioiis iniiiht be disposed ol when tho pro dding Judgo luoul.l t,e pres.u.t He had presented that view to tue urcsl'.iing Judge eud no absented to it. Ills de¬ termination, theretore, was that ho would hear no ur '.tion that involve I dismission until Jitdgo Wood- ruff shoMid ho present. He wou'd receive a ;de;i of aunty or not guilty iroui the nciendanls, oi listen to i motion a uo ball, but no other questioni could bo bvought unless In the presence of Judge Woodruif. Mil, hP^'l.N W. fiTOl'UHTON, on the part of the defendants, suid he wiv? glad t ley we'o to imvo two Judges sitting, becausfM. they dls lureed upon aud ls«ue, tho questio'i i-suld no to tho Suprcuio Court < f the I nitcd States whie i would be In seivii'iu at Wurhlnnton oil Monday next. lli> was not, owinir to ttio indisposition oi tiie Jiid;;c., tlispose11 to reply at any len«tn to the rotnarks of the District Attorney} but ir his llonor was to enti r- I'dii tlio motion that the dei"!i(l..n's should p.ead iiuw, he had dontotuliig to say whv they j-uould i4w tit ttio (iBScrnMiDK^ it While they would put no loipe dircnt In t ¦v iv j,r ti.o trial it' nilKUt be that eit.icr o,ie 01 the other ol tho Judges would tie sulll leut, as H .ie Koaonbern ensv, to raise these |'uvi"ius, lliere was no necesrtitv iu lhl8cu:e f<.» .1 plea oi i ui.t.v or not guilty at, that moment. V hen the nvo Judgesshou. 1 1,.. 011 the btneli deiendont's co;;,;h.'! wpn.d a -k a d - ! region of the Court, if the Com t t,,in nt lotted, as 10 tho best mod'; of IlAiSlN'O TllOSB cail'i <?:.. no ;S h* demurrer. If that wns the iie>A mode, i , indisposed to put hi a plea then u.il<-s compelled to do so by tlii Court. All th'-* putiles w.'re rtider ar- rest. and tborecould tuerciore be no possible urncncy. The District Attorney, I10 said, was the pioneer 01 the law. but h(> had that morning expressed a slngu- llr "enilm. nt, su. ft us he had never bolore heard, namely, hb purpose lu g«in< oa wiili these prosecu- I Ti?e Jndire.ft Is nr.ele-s your dlscnsRlng this mat¬ ter If counsel have uetermlned not to put in pl. as for the de endants noon these urave t ltun^c.s. l put, Ine ra«es ov-i until Monday morning. I slia.1 make no order in these cases except with reference to k'Yiiatrlet Altornev.Will vou not set the e I'aneB down for t;lal'ou Monday morning, that they tuaj bo II judge.I will tusk'' 110 oritur. Yoneiin move t.heni on Uwowiicst diij, when Judgo \Noodiuil will be l>or*3' This disposed of the e,aae. tiik '.kkat nruiOTtru. The Graud Jury brought In tae foilowlnsr fur¬ ther indlettnents:.Michael Brew, In fraudule it r.«if 1st ration: Morltr, Prookman ar.d 101 lea .lustb-o Anthony Hart,nan, loi- tu^eience; Jatnos Donovan, ft Tammany inspector, James jiarelav, of ltt Bowery, fur Cra'iduient registration in the fifteenth district of the Sixth ward; Robert An¬ derson, for frauuuleut reglstrafon; Owen Oanno11, ror rescuing James Kvlllnd lroin the custody of l< -nutv Ciiited States Mar;dial It. T. Anderson in the Cltv Hall Park; Peior Keelan an<t Michael Counolly, lor in'.crferlug with the supervisors In the ditcliuiyo of their duttei la 1 10 I'ouith ward, and t'Cim Sawyer, 79 Laurens street, a man or co.or, for ln- teiforencc on the day of registration, ^te e-ase's or >ilchacl Meares, John Carry. Torrence l o.ev, owe 1 1'. tiiav, llernianu .Sohroe ler, John Moore, Ldward jouuins, John Murpliv, J. S>raus" and o'hers of tne.-.e detuudants are now b lore tho Jury. Ten ThoMNawd llpputie* lli iu* -tvworn. The offlcora in Marshal bharpe's department wore engaged yesterday in swearlug ft hunilwd oJ men to act as special deputies at the polls, uud enforce The election law in November, i-n tiiow-andii^to' enrolled. The majority of tho name* ha> e beeu rur- uished Itv the leading republicans. iWironiiiV..1 A iTJ.OYV. What Coiuplui mntt Are Ciimpi'll. d to In ttie li'iW-X#*rly Tlir.-e .Uuinlis In it H«unu «>l l>et< Nearly rtirea mouths huicj » young man named Michael O'U.len was arraigned «t tho l'orkvliio Police Court on a ch^r^'.- of highway robbery. lie was Uuld, hui Immediately gave the requisite amount of hall and wan allowed his liberty. The oomplalnaut m the oa*e, Darnel Flanagan, was nor, however, so fortunate, foe Ij.; w.is sent to the House of Detention bcc.au-t l»was unable to furnish ban to seen re hit reappearance as prosecuting wit- nc'^s. In onsus whir; this precaution la resorted to by the presiding Justice in polke courts an examl- nation In the case usually it vl a sor ri ni clr"u:«- nianons will perm!'. Iu tins case, however, it has not ln*ou 0 o, an J I»':.aii« oj, who hud tio more ilea or rirwJnr a.var than O'Brien hr:d, was ciupeilrd to r-,»co l ».>.> months and sixteen days in prl on. \\ » » was found In this time th.it ho did not gi\ ip hi- ld<"i oi j; >.c cutlng O'Brien, tii<* lait .'* m-iit; r, through the ad- vice of her conui'cl, in n m ce I u p'.i -on in give what ii ;.u..v u ii.i "ijir.f.v null" !or his release. this person was nnf. riuunt^if ". uspoctoil," and Mr-. O'Uriea h" -'if then bocamc hi: "nrety. Her ria^a for - coarse was a decp-lald nchemc to indev p;>or fi i:ugu;i lo com- pound a felony br accepting a it' so mon y t> ..dcttle''the ca«o. He lcit niotefulto Min, 0:»;ltu when In? not (.at, and ti--r off^r to "sottie ' w.is re¬ ceived by him with some .'a.or. lie wotil-i n«<t t;>kc any nionejr, however, until he should llrst consult a friend, on 'Inur-day ho went to Aira. O'Brleu's residence, m the Twen'y-ftr.-.t ward, and inAn-med her that lie could not compromise the c.tse. Almost iuiiaialr an odlcjr lit uniform en- tored the )iou«# and took htm into custody. This oiUeer who thus overstepped his duty belongs to tho Twenty-Jrst precinct. Fiauugan was iaiveu to tho Yorftvllle Polio# Court and looked up by Justice Mc- Gntre, who took no action in the ciw*, because he kn>:w nothing aiujut It. Yesterday Mrs. O'Brien entered a complaint agAinst I'lanairan, charging him with attempting to compound a fsiony by asking money of her to compromise tho chargo against her son. On this »itliia«it, unsupported by any witnowes, Flanagan was again locked up, proba¬ bly to hiKud a term of years in 8ins sing, while O'Brien walks the turrets a free man. The foregoing statement of tacts requires uo comment.tuey vpcajt for iheioM>ivei>. CHINA. Ths Rvu-nt M'vps-.r3» an * Coming Retribu¬ tion Uciiifh P. hey Toward* the Ca>alial». The London .fcifut'T.iy Rruirw tays:.'There e»a be no doubt that the Chinese i eople and government regard all foreign nattoua as tunning, tn o > ltraat with themaolret, a single <iotninunlty. Although no mutual guarantee* have been exchanged ny the par- tlea to tite various C 'tnin rtdal treaties, the Chinese, by lufrlngi tg their contract with any Western Power, understand tli.u th«*y are to a greater or It a extent repudiating t'io obligation oi alt their other en fcagetnettta. in minor maters each of lite treaty Towers may bo left to protect. it* own interest* against encioachuiciit; Uui a deliberate a t ho. til- lty aaa n-t any section ol foreigutr* indicatei a lios- t.!o ilMpniiiion which II u Hi' business of all tlie governments to restrain. The n-ftt of the French to maintain iv Igious establishment* jit tho tr>,i.y port* i eovored by the * mie sam tiou which pr»iti i s the trading interests uf I'.n/ianit. t no ucrwieie ui Tientsin and the atroeiouH c rue it e* <*y which ki wax accompanied with a inenuoo oi proq>ect|vo Injury to tue English rt sclents iw well as to the Kronen go\erniueut and Iih subtcet . A'l the com¬ munications which have sincc been received front Ch.ua hIiow that tic outrage wk* generally <..i¦ r- htood to lie pin i of a convened pluii a 'uluxt fo eign era. TOi perpetrators of tho deed .<tut their abettors may perhaps liavj been ctiiiuing eno.igit to re.kon on thu natiotiul or 4cotatl.n1 differences wliieti might, us they would Imagine, p event Kng Un Pro¬ testant laymen iroin aympatluziug tvtth wi-oh;;* inlllcicd ou Kronen missionaries and nuns; but., o i the other hand, uui coutriver* of thu plot worn probably uuiuilueueed i>y roll'toua ftniinos.ty, ulthough tney propa .ated among tne rabble moil¬ s' roirnntorlesof ubdiu non and v> ii< Her.ill said ui bo practiced by the bisters of Charity. Tuo putron, and perhaps tlie Instigator of tho criminals, has been entiuot 'd ny tho government of I'eki.i wild thu duty of Inquiring into itie transaction, aud oi punisnm ; tn * oUinUois; and eousequt ntly, as might be ex¬ pected, n .tn Blnglu ring eadorhas ueeu subjected to upiUil punishment, tn a outitiy where njudicial sacriiico oi Ide Iti reguided as tho most common plu'ieotoccurrence. 'I'tio enemies of tho .orcigu residents, enuour iged bv iiupuuiiy, have probably been restrained ironi further ueta of violence oiov by thu vbt.Mo uetovuilnation of ttn> tet> emerit to protect ltaelf. i l.ut it is liiipoHglti o that a few hundred volunteers, who mora negiiot taelr own important mimou h waen they a>e in arms, c.m perni.iaeutiy provide fortlwaecunty of tr.ult* and oi Ule. The uinneso tioopahavu forgo.ieu or inislntorpreiod Un< l.'.sso t which they leu mod lit ihe former war; a id ulthoiuh tiny iiiiirht hesitate to mutch thcntMOiw* wall a European wold.cry, the; iuay probably tiuniv tli. m- selves stiperlor, in qualUy as well a., in numl<cr, t'i any civilian bodies which can bo collected. The London 8>itxirdnj ic view urges that l: loin the power of tho English government to render Franco almost thu ouiy essential nervlco w litcn could not bo regarded by Germany uh a wrong or an utTrjat. Tiic who.e KngdHh ituvai force on the coa-L 11 Cnlna ought to be pi ice J ut t.iu uisposai of 1110 emi>a>!4.v, an tho cttargd d'ail'alrun ought to no in¬ structed to act as si. dc Itochechouart would have aoteii ir be tia<i not been embarrassed by unex- p< led dilli uitles. 11 may tn lewd bo hoped that mm i nisi ructions havo already boon ghen, so that Ihj Kugttsh adtuiriil may, If necessary, have unticl* P^«. me closing of ttiu I'elho by ice. it is highly pconafele that u local demonstration may in- uioro < tfeoiive tnatt a dire ;t tue.iaco to Hie lnit>erlnI government. H the Clunese government prutecu tee l'ii u-tsin assassins |r win leave the lives oi all foreign tiaucia ut the mercy of tho :ai>blc ami oi tho compeduvo pri/.o ueu. if an enterprise which w. s louud couniarativeiy easy a dozen years ago now transcends me power of Kugland, li only iemain to acquiesce iu ine degradation win h would in mat cu.se seem to be the principal couHci[ueuccof itnalcrn reforms and unprovetuents; nut there would no oo difficulty iu providing, ut homo an I iu India, n buiilclent. forco lor ttiu coercion of a contuma¬ cious government <tud a Romi-civllized oommunay. Kven Mr. tiiadatone'a aversion to atroug uioaauro.1 muj be shaken by regard to tlie Interest < <>r Kiigll 'li trade, and by KVinpaiiiy for the Inuoc -nr viciluu of Ctiiueso barbarism. A tunely tuid eifective muppoii, ol toe 1'rcnch demands w mid perhaps not be fol¬ lowed by extraordinary gratitude, nor would it ia- dnce M. Victor lingo, m hw next tnapsody, to uuett Lord (iranvlile's nutne m uta t>*r of war.Inn Oetweiui V'JiifUoius on i Aifouiinius; but it hi snm 'times ex pcdient to do what m righr, r-vcu without au imiuc- diaio prospect ot reward. Tne ixiudoti .Simla or inquires wity Lord Oran- vlllo doe uot uuuouti")] in so'uo one ot the hundred ways op.-n to linn what, he is doing to avo.d dtaasler iu china. Has he sent illreo regiments of Kiiiiii to .Singapore; or warned Loru Ma>o, who is accessibio i»y telegraph, though no is ai Jeyporo, .>ou nillea from a railway; or askteu I'rliu or the Netherlands novern- ment to lend troops if a icquisitlon reachi Mamllu or K.it ivlu; or done auv tbina besides pro.ul-e h ip 1 Xho ucco iiits get worse mid wo!??, and wc in.-y hear, as soon as i ckin i.as beard oi Sedan, ot a uni¬ versal massacre ol foreigners. Lord Mayo is ener¬ getic, and tho fleet la large; but Lord Mayo Mas far trom I'ckui as irom Loudon, an l ni" tleot liua no army to discuiriark. "Wu Biialt never bo really nu.o lu Ouina until wo po S'": 1 UH i-l.UHl f >2 i t 10 eaouj^U to muttiiuia an e vpeulilou uf tu owik." TE3 NA110/]A . UAui,1. i-t v». iiftiliinl*, of Nc*v \ ul'k. i hjili'Milill < tMilrsl. !'!»«. MiiiiuN Vietorlou*. There wa» a rattier limited attendance ut I ha Tnlou Grounds yesterday, to witness the game uo- tween the Mutuals and ACiletlc. This was owing to the fact that the majority or the admirers of baso ball <11(1 cot know Hiut tfie game wan to take place, as It had been postponed from t'.e day previous. Those who were jot prcaont missed aHplondid game, for, as the score will show, iho conte.u was one of tlx: finest of tlie geaoon. With the exception ol' two had mull's each by* Nelson and Hicham, one by Rad- clitlc, and one or two wild throws by I'ti.lcLtOe and l'ruit, llio playing wan perfect. It was evide nt from the first that, both nines went, In to win. and the light wa* therefore remarkably sharp. The Mutual* seemed to r< a;«r>» the ga .ie as a gjtkl means of tMQllg their abilrns to can/ themselves throngti xucceiMfuily ou their Wtiutn trip, us they liiarted last. muht l<>i- ciina.:-* to givo t.ie While .Stockings tlie llr.->l uoleut itcoivul la some time. One pleasingly noticeable feature a out the of cstcrday was tlur the pluycr.t did nor uo to the scorer*' desk to tlnd how tii.-y had itee.i recorded or whaf was to be fta Id a'out t nls and that. The result was they had uo o l clal data to growl about, and were, therefore, steadier In their play. 'Iho score given below will slto.v how and by whom the work was done w thou I any further pa:*- tlcu.'urizlng, ns all but ihos'i a!> ve uu ntiouctf did their work admirably:. JUI/'iU ALS. ATUI.ETICH. rr«u»iv. it. in.T. r.A. rt,no. u 1/1. t.v.a. Hatllold, . *.. .4 t I I l -i Kcuch, h 4 u i .i 2 Ktglcr, c f....H 0 8 4*0 McMrlde, p....a U 1 I o 1 Paterdin, I i". .6 0 0 0 8 0 Malonq, c.... !f U (I 0 4 2 NeK n, 8 b 1 I 1 I I- ie rr. t ii.... 4 <i 0 o 10 u flhrlism, 2 U...II 1 0 0 S I "Senfiy," o f..JJ I II 0 £ 0 Mari n, r t 4 0 0 !) :i 0 Berry, r f tl li II 0 ii 0 1'. Mi Is, C.....1 1 B li 7 0 Kadotlifo. * *. H 0 II U I 5 Wo t«/«, p....8 1 1 B 0 2 Jlechtel, I r.. ,.J 1 1 a2 H h.vuuUeil, 1 b..3 1 I U 6 1 Prill, 8 ti.*...l 2 I 1 2 1 Totals 'Jf 6 10 17 27 8 Total* 27 4 4 0 27 11 I N N IlfiJH. fiu'a. 1* I-'. 3/. 4 h. Uh.KU. 7(h. fc/i. 9lb. Mntuali I 10U1 t 01 I.<5 Atllcdos 010010101-4 CmpIre.Mr. tMiaiman, of tlio Atlantic C.ub. Peon m- Mti'rs. "Hurley Kelly" Hint W ltgM. Time of gutrie.One hour and lifty-livo niluutui. <'»K Cd VMI.V« tt-ItiMu .Vu<iMt«*r N..vv Hicnrua'iip for tue * c\v York# 4;,-lvtst«in nnrt Now Orli uni Crude. A' the foot of Thirteenth street, North river, a n w vtetiiuor l.-i being fitted up and finished lor t'to well known firm of Messrs. V. 11. Mallory A Co., of 151 Maiden lano. This will make the thirtieth Fti amcr which has beca constructed for this line Hue. :-nu was bunt at Mjstio, Conn., uj Mr. ctm lei lory, and Is of tlio newest «h ns and lie do), and is Intended lor the New Yoric, (inlvesiou and New or- kauft trade. Her < n«ine tand machiaery are I eltig )>uf, lu by ihe Delainatcr Iron Work', and erdlmeu lotn are as follons:.Length, JiJO feet; width oi beam, ,1 leet; depth of ho'.d. j-S feet. Sit ; will have ihreo Oc.cts and nocomuiodaiions for fotty rutua pas n- gem lltr machinery will consist ol two engtue-i, 1 by ii«, with a s-triuee cond¦ iisor and iionkcv boiiT. There will also be hoiatiug eugiu s tiuil two mam bollois 1-i fe.it froti:, iif.d the i<rnte Biirf.ic will ¦ 1M I""! MJUN. TUO MgiBM Will M IbO t ev.r coubtrueu i in the city of ; w York, and have been made under Air. I'ea- in ;ei"s histrucuons and tor-on.il ob-ervtit on. T;.. ro will be bteaiu pli^ sjeu t!ie il-v< c. nueeied wiiit the main bo leis, wh ou will be ft i the purpose "f exiin^uishlng dresliould such occur, lbj diam¬ eter Of too wheel will be J3 , itiind 18 feet pitch. . U2 v.ai b illt uudor the Ktipcrinteudence of Captain Story. Inspector of the New York Hoar I o; t nder- wrii.'.n, ami when the niichlnety is put la-ho will lake uer p.ace song tlio other sleamcrs of tills eu- terpri.-aiig comiiany. THE YELLOW F£VJ:1 IN SrAH.SH POSTS. I'rei'Murioanrf .11 iiuurm tfrcominijidrJi secretary B^iiitweil b:w notlU-d Collector Murphy of tho spread or vellow fever In the Spanish ports and the necessity of precautionary measures ou the p»rt of nutters of vessels and th"se lu authority at ibis port. Th°i following is the letter of Secretary Fish, a «py ot which was enclosed to Collector Mmplij:. Or.PA«TMiitT or Btaik.j W AhOlMOTON, Oct. SI. ltjVU. I GSOHo* S. BoP»w»m l. K«.;r.t»ry of the Treasury:. tiim.In bii dr»p»wh oi the 2:'ta utt. tb« UaltsJ states Con¬ di at (,'aiJli iulorui* Hit* Department that tho yellow f«r>:r, which hat r*(»l io J'eaeirotiely at Barcelona, had, at tl.e date of hi* (teepatab, reached Alicante, and wooid probabiy toon make lit appearance tn the poit of Cadli. Tha Consul recommend?, therefore, that proper measure* be token to guard against tha Introduction of the dlseaaa into United State* porta by rcsaeia arrlrltig from Cadii- | bar* Ik* honor to lie, (ir. »our obadtaai **nranf, TUB RIOT IV SOI Til CABOLIIJ. A JC<Mli«*:il In#' »ii(li;iry UetpotHbta for flio Mil tiro Affair. & Nepro Artenal and Fortiflcaf1on.Inflamma¬ tory Address of the Incendiary. Ha AJvocaiev the Torch, Knife c r.d Bullat.The Women t j Voto in Mm's Clotkdi.Unparalleled Election >'raurl«. A Threatened Outbreak Diy After the Elec¬ tion . he Eiot.Killed ard Wounded. CflLUMflT t. Oft. WT». vcc nnu or ih> ilot ut I,aureus <'onit House on Tiuu day kii-t have !.«..»» received hero, trout wblcn th.-lollo'.vlug particular* nr" ne»«»4'«« ¦." «Pr*»i" Unit a perfect rei :iiof terror was prevalent tn the tnun'y. .>>'iu'<j to iho throats of vloienoo and arme I organization <¦( me negroes, who were uudw th» command ot one Joseph t rews, a notorious white 1 a meal in 'einliui v. l'< "p'«* during mo niijtit wero lu momentary rxitevta1 eni »I housebreaking, butchery fin I tUcioua, but mo presence of Him I United KluUi troops hud proved ft proter- I ton until me elections #'« over, when they wi.io withdrawn. Till* lift me corn- munlty wholly a' the motcy of the uegio^e and ilunr uin-cunuiou i hater, Crows xvlio wm blnc.l In himself Hi" otllces of trial justice, ceasua taker, l».-p.tlj United states Marshal, Conimlsalon«,r I o i-'lcctioii*. iiuil, to Ull the btll, It" w .* u candidal* tor re-election to the Legislature. Thin person <>o- cupleil nu out building as uu oill o oppoalte tlia Court Hon.so. where he but stored about. one thou- KM.,1 aland Of anna, with tlio uecosaary accoutre¬ ments and annnun turn. t*longlng to the State and ned oulybytho negro inllltia. The oftb-o, which was flanked by negro teu.meute and ruu» "hop-. wh- prepared f«.i a siege, being regularly lortMed iiud pierced wuli lo»o hole* lor inu«Kotrv, and a* it commanded the muin portion ot mo town made a mo»t formidable enjjlno of offoncj ir defenoe. Around Ibis entuhlisnmout w. ro const .wl> is'cin- idol a large number of druukeu negroes princi¬ pally beiotmlug to mo militia and 10 t1 e connuou- lui>, whose frcakd kept up a continuous dl»luroan<e during the day, and created terror at nl.{ht i>» tin* discharge e| Unarms and the in ist hid sou < ma'a AS IM KNMAKY UAlUNIitJH. Tins Crew* rnadu tuo mo t inoo.i I ar> appeal* and luttuiuiuitorT *p<Mjches to tho n -xroc. He told tiioni nrma were put Into tlicir liiimU to carry tins election, aud tboy mint uh> in hi li ntc,ea- Kiry; ibat Hi' torch via^ Uieir w^'li">" and matcheH wia clcup; tu.v' ' "'V aliould I hi in, de.iiroy an 1 ulav. or ken mn <>ntrol iif Clio state: thai a i over Ufieon vo.ir- vv. cnJiHc t lo vote, aa lie lilm.o r dad |).i*so i a law m that cltCi t' that i lit-v titoul I dio 1 me .v tii'm m men i cloMien aud brinit On nt t'i Hie 1-oiU aim v ile U"c i. ami tiioy tun .t. e|» ih«.-iat« govei uniun nr die i a it wad tuo only way to retain tlicir iibe ... Mi"« ilend controil 'l n..i only mo elecliou i. " *no« o iiT arranttliitr tlio Ih.xct and tuo tli.»i>o.^.tioii oi tlu nrc-tiiciH in i He coiiity, but lor con- veule.n'o »iake lm dl-neuac-i witli tlio <>unty nicclucta and conan'ildated thn .tiiiro votiuic ut tlio Court ll'iii .. in hla owu olttce. huc.i flagran# oiilraiji rt liavi! nevci bciore been poipotr.f'id in any cif'ii/.o.l coininunity, mid tao iiicinsaiaico of tli<» oconlo uum r Elicit elrcuiu-ttun en ia truiy a mlraolr. The U'*grofl< tiiionn»f«l in.o the court Itou-c on tha iiiorning of I lie ». e ilon aero, in* toorders in ln«- intiirio numboia. 'inev votu.i carl* and oK;n. wUh- imt regard lo a/e oi sex, or any le ral pi »vi.jl«u to tlio exetflae of tlio lraucWa'i, and iioiwulh aud- 1 i<r tin frauds that wore «iiaetea there »v.i nudm- tu* lancc. not ov. n a rcuion-trance from tlt« inolg- n.iut bat ikao ab;y inoilne i wintc.s. A TUHF.A 11'->h.n Oi rm.EAIt. An account *»>.*;-. 1 Ue piopm wero c.'i-ianl.y ap- oielion uo mat tuo nruiurlc.t would bo o, "ti I. aiid ever, witito man mviltl Uj obln 'd to il:tit > i fall In (U fcnco of Ins own Uresul<f. one tluriiw ue elec¬ tion day tlte negroes, w.ili .it trovoi'ailoii, out in- fiuenctd by tlio upiajala whicli Had been made tn iii 'ui Hieing tl ulr in uHiera ai.d leoUng prooaoly tho ptido <Vr power, commenced arr,iin»f. ! und tho >Nhllo people to form In a iin.iil but I (.iinna t mass, to rea.at uttuck. a bloody rencontre was imminent, und v. a.i tiroiia.'!/ onb ureveulud by tlinprn ieiitaud Judioio t-t oomao ot I t otonel ..nmtn, «l tlio tinted liiaio, i.uirWon here. vi iio went m peraon to wiiere the negro »vcm atm- ii e at CtoWa' lionte ar<.en»l, and or t led ihcui to inu'dowu tlo-ir aim-i-iliat tn y w re the weaker r,n'c, end that lr iliey provokoJ a ooUalon tliey I oiil;j;'w:i<< fitnMlliirlv known bj the narno of "lln Po'" ti M'ual, around wnicli ili'> n..gro':<i wete ii.H.-Ciiibled ui lnu'i) nutubeia u tuo d iy after ' the election, lniMu ? with tao con a tom .iy, and ail ] exulting over tbo triumph gilUod b> «ucli uiiainoos fraud*. tuk k:ot. Jimt at this juncture a \»nlte ciiJz a and om et the constabulary wero ceoit to oo en^agotl In a dgbt uoar tli« Tin I'ot arsenal, wblcli ci\« ed an excln- meat, ami Mils, followed by the h cUeuLal iliscnarcn of a ntstol which lell rroai a man's pooler, on too ir round, brought oo the m.d o. At o ice Iticru cainc a volley ftoin the door*, windows a'.d loaplioles of the arsenal. I ho account aays:. i he cry rau III"' llohtiiln^ thattne n' groc» liad begun Mio war. - ii,,r iii#- crowd in the arsenal, both at the low or and UDiier win Iowa, ojwjniUK a tiro upon tho people tu tife nubll. vnnare, the citi/.ena who happened fo bo near me place at the lodiuut returned tuu ill: with niituiH and rushed upon "Tin rot,'' br<.Ke down the door, rout., d tho tinned negroev ami took pof- h.--ion of t e arms there depo^lte l. Hi . ar.nc I iiezro a de.iv r. d ' Vcral volleys, Hiinotliig throng.» tne went'. r-noat lUii as tb'-y rctrejieir. The occn- liaritH of Hi pHt' C, iK wever, made mr as raplnly a-> nosslble throns/.i tho back jarus aud atreeia. This is a'l fiat Is certainly known. Tlio cou I was lUou tu session. Judge Vernon pres.fli.ig. All this o. - eurre i In full view of tuo c »urt mow. f-o ..c o tn s Uus llre't front "Tla I'ot" s ruck the <>,,». How. Jud^e Verm.n Indian ly ordered .siieinf Jones Uj raise a posse and command the l<eace, io lake the public arms aud deposit llieni in tuo n icr.lf i olll' o ror sa e k epic a. and to appoint a hundred or morn upeclal constables lo kea;» the peac .. I his wa.s done, th'i aims taken posww.-lon of and quiet reatoivu. CA.SUAI.T1BS. Two while men and a boy w r? woundel and ori^ fthe armed negroes was Killed l.ialautly and two onally woun<iod. H h staio i tii.tt M#m iiiiloB b lew on tiic ratlroU'i tlio bodies of i.nl Klley (colored; and of Voiney I'owml <a white matt), a member ot tne corisiueuiary forco and candidate lor lt"- l»a;e Ju ig-, who was in mo ail.ay. wc.o found witn tiu-ir aims some ,Ulta'',T^,r- 'iwoortn.ee other negroes were ki.lod at diirerenr. oo'iits. Tlio people or Hie county hearing of tho ailalr nt the Court llmi-e, aud, doubtichearing e\u2Keraied a..counts o. it, came in great numboro, nroiiubly two thou-i.ind or two ill u-aud hvo hun- iired to the scene or f.iio conil ct; t;ut the .SherlxT, nadu'r the orders of Judge Vernon, aent itjem to their hom»:s. V.l«na!EO Ih.wO. Tlie *)l«tn«'il Hur ler li» .'->c4iad Avc. i»c~Tha IiiJi reil Man Ri'Ciivrriii . A row occurred jes e ^ay at the lager beer -<ulofla, No. OT'- Second avon io, owned by Re-roard brltik, during which a young man named Tiuuta*- Can'.z was ra her bad y bruised about tho luce a t head. This, tone the.- w.ih an overload <t I ipior, re.i- ilerc l him coinp eiely Insensible, in wiilch condition he was ia>:en in an ambulance to Bella- vim Ho^pi'ul. ht.clnbriulc, tus barteuder. Jo¬ seph Ja«ooin, VM hum Hvron and William rnrcelt were a; .cste I, cusrgt I with tin: t- jaait on Cants, cud, luivtsg been taken beiore Justice < oul'cr, j*.' he i vlilrt Ptdien Coot' theywere re- tnandeil back to Hie uu-Italy of Cap uu'dinner to await, aoiuc deeiaivo result in t.io condtH >u 11 me In¬ jured man. A r<'j.cr ei' of t.'O IICBAI.l) Vtdt-"1 Belle- vtie last evening, ail I Com I caul/, in iho imi posse., gion of his iiicuitlr", aud tn u> «iau»t r n.vjverot dvlng. at I-- '>t i r tn nre-'jut. 11.- r m ,;i'.--re:l no- utlua oi t:.o aiu.ty. STABiZil IN A F-iiiT. Anti'-itorteni St itr.is.'iit o fJin Vin-rn. Houudsuuu M .soou, of tUe Twenty-ijeveotii pra» duct, ye^torduy repot led Die CoroQt.r' > llice that Fprdmaud .ScIj k' per of a sakon .;u ] t oar I. log toousa at ll Urcenwito street, wtui a ; w uigbrs 8,0 was slabbed in the ndo an I buck uuriiiu £ quarrel,' <>n the pavement fronting Ms jireiuls s Wtv* iyui,{ ju a somewiiat liau^ei'uLis cou.in i'r. Morrill, of 16 (ireenwtcti itveet, who h i -ii<11u Schwartz, be levea uicre is .v pos it) ii > > his re¬ covery. Liu 11 in:;, tho wan alleged to have tase<i tiio kni eoa Uia woumled inun, wa.» w:i< /. .. :>te-i a: ilie tiinu by round..ih.ui lia-stou, M ©w.'iae>'l m tiio lumbs. iii'! ft!iit>i..oit«in mut-inetit or hettwarts will be takeu siiotild tin condition warrant it. A !'?: ;c j/ MliTM li Ut.iTiT Tokt McK.vB. Ni w Mexico, Oc:. io, imo. To Tnn Editor ur tub Ukhaj i>:. A friend has this day sent uiea clipping from a Sew Vork paper n wblch my name Is us..; i in con¬ nection witn a roost melancholy aJair vrbicb re- cently occurred tn Newburg.uameiy, the murder oi Mr. 6eavtrns. The aittcie goe.i on to Hiyr ..when HuflTou (wliOHe real name is on iho niiuy ivctflater an M. P. Uuit'um) was placed lu a ceil.'' &.<¦'. Havinu been on duty in tru-< ioiritory sad ui turn poMsines tbe 1st oi October, lieu, never once hattnir '"ft It, ii Is needless, perfm; « for me to My thai there in a slight mistake in identity not at all peasant to me. MAIiTl.t P. Bt'KKUM, Pint Uculetiajii HfteMUi imauirf.

chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · BUBYLANU JCCSE7 CLUB. ThirdDay's Bacosat tho Pirn-lioo Course. Four Splendid Kact's and Large Attendance ofSpectators. XL32. Connolly, ESingfis^cr, Edcntoa

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · BUBYLANU JCCSE7 CLUB. ThirdDay's Bacosat tho Pirn-lioo Course. Four Splendid Kact's and Large Attendance ofSpectators. XL32. Connolly, ESingfis^cr, Edcntoa


Third Day's Bacos at tho Pirn-lioo Course.

Four Splendid Kact's and LargeAttendance of Spectators.

XL 32. Connolly, ESingfis^cr, Edcntoaand !?iuC3J0 tuo Wina.e s.

UaLTIKOHB, O't. 2H, 1870."This way, gentlemen; Mils way, geulh-men; yer

mire to win if you dou't lose. ItM otiiy ten ceuvs a

¦tool, and yor geta sich beautiful practice at thogame iliut ye bccomcs ricli right avuy vithouttrouble."This was an old weascned and wrinkled fellow

who knelt on his knees in the hard clay »>ac!coi tho l'lmlico race track yesterday; one of iUojcSDfottnnate nevci-do-weli trumps who tseent toliaunt every ruco tract iu Christendom, uud willcontinue to haunt Uicm ns long as racing laracing: and wnila human natuielsso credulous,l'ho spokes.i an on this occasion wis md.vJ a insv.ruble looking ob.ect. Ills thlu and worn cloUiin.?,which had once boon or u lustrous bUclc, wm f.ul dand rent in places and very Bliabby to look at.An old uap:e»a hoi adorned It 3 m.mty brow, and hislinen was coucealeJ ironi the public gaxe at l'lmlico.And yet he was a merry and uniusing scoundrel tuMs way, and hud n repartee or jo&e for every oneUiat he succeeded In getting a shilling from. Thegame which ho superintended was a singular yet asimple one. lie.ore him on the Car batik,which was Burroun cd by a hundred e:tgerand Raping Maiylaudors, was placed a smooth plankol plue wood about a loot and a hail wide i>ml t Ighlfeet long. At one end or tills plunk the Cockney.for ho was evidently a poor ttid wretched specimenof thai ciftss wiilcli l.oudon spews forth from herdens through ihe atoerages of tho emigrant slaps-bad placed three objects of wood about six inchesHigh, winch looked like miniature tcn-plnB. Tl.eywere ranged across the board, uud, preparatory toa shot being m.idj with the small woo len ballwhich our English 'rleud held lu one handand now and tu n to3Eed to another, tie mea¬sured the distance between each pin by (he ba'lso as to allow the latter, when thrown, spacoto pass between the pins with jus kno.kiog ihciadown. IT a uysuinder took a shot and knockeddown but one pla ho received nothing, wlt.ie theproprietor of tho show g.iined a tou coat Ftamp.Should the bystauaor knock down two pins then hopaid for his allot, but he rcc.lv d forty cunts botiu*,the shot belug always charged lor lu aay case: midir he succeeded iu knocki:i2 don u th k. turee plus onthe board, which would be a thing hurily in theraQgcof human probabiHi v, he coal i then demanda dollar, as pjr verbal agreement of tiio keeper oftne game.

..Stop u;», pouts, and try yer luck. Vy, is there no

gauibiiug blood ha.noug ycf It's only tea ccutsa gauie. If yo knock two pins down it'stlXly ceats ljr ye. >uid if jo koock riio whole.woop off, yo sco ye stro m a dollar.Ami ui<l any of yo Ivor uiuko a dollar b> hoaay t t>fcoGisj ye didu'U Look hat tho Dottier perlcsslon*.Look at them, I Bay. There's a tawin' of wood amia carr^iD' of iho hod.it taUes a whole day at thoi>olight and atimoolaini' huccu: aitoiit; to make f.vo oryer hursted nui^i.cim uolars. .t ut l>o.. ut mygame, There id no hicii tunic anywhere j«» rsimplicity au J bo.ay. Vol f. the hexpeudlUireV Vy amere nothuik. uaonly tea ci'iiti, unci thou look .itthe hexereiao and tue biacia of the museles! Vouconu'uoutof this fume w ith a w;.rry gO'd happo-tue and a 'ealluiul glow oa yer face, all lor tuncents', and look at vot money cau be made ti' the

tame is purf-ood with uuucuiscueo and liindustry.am good for Jj;,0j . I'm mcr-iy a doi.ik 01 tins

for amoosement. I'm an eclated gentlemanvith mo racia* steed and mo stables inMinglaud. I've got 1110 baronial oanatlo, anduiy 'oases ana 'ouads, but 1 docs this hec .» 1 vanisto seo litu, and ta±a 1. tho lion y vay to tee It. ami 1buffers as a sentyincnt 'May tue wreaths they h.vovou never vitucr nor their trlory dekay.' U lesu't 1need a capper v I'm lia.dcui.iied to hear i-leli warlaugwldge iroin tho biess *d hps or a gent of respec-lahdiy. No, 1 do.-oira vam ;i capper. Aiy game wft game m nself, and don't want uoliunk like a

. cap, or."Two or three men after tlic orator had spent all

his Cockney eloquence volnntceied to btart mm onhis gam\ 'it was strange to sue how they all hurrybuck at first, and n t one would !aro to roll theplus, from a cerialu ahaiuefaccanose', when all atonce, and by a ray of genius when teemed *ud-deuly to descend upon bun, a gteat b.g, nnlKiuaand si mi l-s looktuu tellow iroin Pfiuoe^B Anuostepped up, ai d putting down a ten cent currencynotehesa.d:.


..Well look a yer, I'll take a Phot ut ihc old thing,for a change. Hero's yer ten ctnts, and I'll raise itjust to 9'Bii yi lu blzuess," anil saj tug timso word."he commenced to roll the puis m the mud, Unroundway, that caused the in ties from the surroundingcounties to staie like H-lus. ui course the ig Mary-Iftuder was B'.vindled oul ol sixty ceuis beioie litknew it, and ihen, strange to bay. there cauie a lon<etriDg of victmw after hlui: all of whom mst thefhaid-oarneu dollars, until a lel ow came up to itepiauk. who, ii I mi-take not, was born in tieFourth mud ol New York.that region of i>uian< e aud poetiv and t-on^ and Isattweigh s, th home of Kit Kuril an i Jolinny A!l«;i.The Fourth waril> r only played two games, audlielost each or tueni. I'lion this l'o .rth kV"»rd>-r. wudid not possess u very goo-1 temper, i;egan tog».tmad aud to aci )n au iiiigeatleuianiy way.

' 'ihe Cockney had uken twenty cents froriiou!frleud of f«cw loik for two panics, anil h^ ljnstplaced the puis aga.n m their proper place, au-rmeasuring the d sian o between each. Ilou d aroll oi ataiupH Deiween his lingers and was JustSoueexplaining li:s ^auio, riic r'omtli Warde; in anrlulohaving taken tue t all in Inn hand to r >li. ai Jveryouc preseui supponed, witen all ai once the putlc-man iroin New »oik, as Sunset Cox use to tn, ranover to where tae keeper oi the game kacUJi theend or his plank a id said:.

"Say, yo English snoozer, t!iis is a sl.in g.infi, thisIs. What d'>o unan by sitting and chea'.io nar.J-wdrtlnj?. honest jioople like rno, who has o earntheir bread b, the sweat of iheir brow) I aouuriitje was a swindler yo had eo much chl2 mu^ic.Co way irom here i"

. . , ,Saying tnese words the Fourtti Nv-n der fiatcUndthe roll of siampi irom tiio t'ocHie, rolledmm over the ciuy and walked away fi'iy ciltriiyfiom the scime of the encottuicr, vKhlle tuibyatand-cra looked on in horror at the outrage, me or twomart :d forward to stop the rough, who»«d so uu-ceremonlousiv put an end to rue gtde, but therough looked aroum. and said, simply:-

."lhere's no law tor Unit bad man ' n put nhead ou any one thai takes Ills part,'Will, anahe went his way rcjoicinst, while ilto «ekuey gain-e ed up ills parap.ieiuada aud fcouyt redivib la°1'i^Vrlui!h o race grounds seemed f" of itinerantcharacters oi all kinds a id ba^garaAho besouahtttfslstiinc! in the most wheedling teal-"- lucre wasa ii'idle." back ol the kitchen, wl^'C tap cookingwas done, fiudliOg away for dear J>s. while three orfour drunken countryir.ou danc« a muu i»rea«-down to the trains ol the whee/®'d mu.iu, wnlcawas played by as wlic ss< ail oilone b un'y b 'ggar, who had oeu a Conreoerflt<)

.oinler. and had lost ooiii »u h»s''fus In an en^ago-Uient, had been asking alms of- iaJy who p.assedhim by without uiBpitiTing eltlv' womanly oourtesyor gentleness, turuuig her u'° 'ti' With di.--dai".This conduct the heg-jnr reiW-od i.l'cr his <uvurongh lashu n. When eho paed iiim fn thi.< cruel,dladatnlul mauuer be bhoutefiitfr her loudly:.

"1 supp U'C ye don't ih nk ipoor cripple Iikc moOf any account at all. Nevei'idnd, when t lie dnof ju'igniont comes we'll gjuuani on icuil, aadth. u ye ll allied hell.There aro two i,ttio dftrfB with retreating fore-

h'ads aud merry ; lance*'-110 ftr<J now iiu-.ily ei>gjge«l in bhoo'.iii' at a nd'oor or tin bird* whichire placed on a rail abo- t.ielr hea ls. They payhve cents a fhot% an.i *v have oxpended nearlyall th. ir sparo peniiU s. ie Biojilicti oirky ol thatwo his Just nred ills'1' 8lia n pr«iito8tcvoiislooking tm femal-, Huhe bnnga h«r dowu whu a.uout of laughter. , . , , ,"Did vou s o ni" f1,1 tli,r frasaian Hen-1 down,bf.tdei:V l toll yoir^rs mn .or do b.jya and nomi take. Ouesi y.m 0il '¦ mako iiiucti motijy efttue. bo.-u. If 1 keep ouiootiug d .t way. '

Tteie gm's n o.d nueman In a roitgh-lcoklnirhat and coat, with allUlJ »e Ktie. like a Uei'-odisip:*r:and from ii'"!°idU projects a led clay pipe,with a loug reed si'« iu.bis Captain Belcher, orVirginia, a ia,uous» !l,1K man i i his day. and whois still as fond hs <'." good stable, acleardayand a lino track. <u tl ;H heeu training horaettiorfltty-fonr years. 4 » ,luo old lodow In his wayana ruil oi aii'-cf* ,,.

.1 trained Tiufou 111 18ie- .aJ9- "He wr.athe father ct jfion, one or tlio greatest horsesthat ever ran. iuioleon w.is sired by fcir Aroaie.I've trained ifliict's of horses m my time. Iselected twen* ve.i ot these horses once, when Ihad time, aud0iU lUetu 1 picked tho three besthorses I thin Hi.<'America ever saw, or will seemri'U xuo bo-i wero Virgim..u, ilostoa andRed I've a thU;0 wcre raco hoi3C8." he sajs,with aVffU 'J ft wmiT 01 n,s 01(1 day pipe.No# her*ro a beggar aud a UtUo girl, who ct-

tMinis hiii* o^er tho track. Iho old man feels hisw iv in a dei recato y mauuer, uh If beggingi.aalou f^1"* alue> aua tllu uul° «irl '«» .auPDiica*tf touo ~

"Plea u song, sir. and I hope you'll wfe aniowa; Joitara on thj race."A reff_w>>0 aaa just ccme from the pool stanj

yer gab. will ye, utile fnjud * Tcu wL>hc>t*:iys

me fho* ye*tonlay when I bom lit a song from ye,and wot was the c<>o«equeneef Why, I went an Ibought trume imolH aud l'\o ln«t etghty dollar*.Woir'a tlte mo of you winning any ouo gool luckwfc<n it's a puree >oa kmi<1 them "

I buy a song ttinl fry to rea I it. but It Ih very liardworu u> do ho. I give « few vonww, ,uid of tlnm itca t be said that however wreictied tlic poetry maybe, be would. Indeed, bo a scoundrel that wouldouarrel with the neuUruenis ospietaied in tUe linoswinch 1 give:.

1MT* THKPftir friend*, I cannot lubor,

1 »hi» try and u>J along ;Hear fili-nun, I cannot labor.

I shall t'y aflil soil my roue*.1 trout that you jrlil buy UiMU,

tio prove not unkind,liar klml Heaven |irtt»oive yuu

t rum ever being blind.Cotn« all trne-heartu I people,Wherever you may be.

Ho not refuse to |> tyA poor bllu I man like mo.

fllx vend ayo I lout tn. light,Au l Dotr ilironah e..n i I i,o,

Th« beantiM a 1 around mo,Alaa 1 little know.

You day that a larse Reamer,A wonder it pM^ed to >..,

1 at her can never loo ,I'car friend*, I cnonot »cft:

You »ay the day U lovely.Hut i ou muni lrar in nil i<i

I cannot no In beauties,A Ems I dear lricud.t, I'm blind.

Voh now have got your liyeatgUt,I: tit oil, you c innot wll

Wlieo Me nli II take It from youWho doetlr a lliln\s welliI trust tb it In Ilia wisdomlie never nil da iML

A ml oh il ii aaa.t thingOti earth to one thai'v blind.

The attendance to-duy was a* largo as ever, thee|ie.ii.t between ufteeu ;tn;l twenty thousand peopleon Hi'! ground*, wl a splendid turnout of llcldetiuipages andsaddle lioitet.

Tlic pool seH»»K st lod ad follows to-day on the dif¬ferent horses entered:-

HIRDl.B RAl"B.Kiddy Malone $6:) 100Oyattirman 30 60R*. i'.. C'ntiaolly 25 60Tueio were no puols « Id on the second race.

TUJUU HACK.TWO Mil,VI 1IBAT3.AiiaVeU »-:o 100 1.10 I'M 100hdenton oo 1J5 i to 100 fc5llejWdOd Meld . . 10 15 10Pro, Suit, ,M 15 25 666Oybteruiau . . to 16 10

iOUErjf HACK.MILS IlEAW.Finesse iao 210 ICO 160 130Kcilpilo usw 210 a 0 2.0 1V"» -Ai'tSi;S»'t Anil w.') 85 12) 80 65 60Ortolan i)j ao 40 33 23 i»0Knbiui 101 Field.Ht. Patrick ioPlanet Colt nf 20 20 15 10 80LluibcrJiiu ttj

Tbo Knring.The racing was excellent aud was ninch admired

byihemauy thousands of ladles and gentlemenwlii wer-i out at 1'lmlloo to witness tlic uport ruauvfor tue llrst time in their lives. Judging from mejoyous delight expressed iiu around us o the grandstand, we are saiiu'ed that the Maryland J ckcyClub will Le a long-lived Institution. Four raceswere on the programme to-dtty, the first bulugover hurdles, two miles. The race was a handicapand had three entries. These were.11. B. Couuollv,carrying 112 pounds; iiiddy Alalone, with 144pouu li up. and Gystcrraan, Jr.. wlin 140 pounds.Kiddy llolone w.is a great favorite, while R. b.Connolly mih soul for a song, lie won the race bya tirad in a gallaut .-tyle and tin backers reiped ajr.cn harvest. Ojsttr nan, Jr.. wit, on. 11a iif> was ouiutsiLty ust. 8u,j couul Ul>l ,.un _lt a wiunmjr nace1 ue bor^c t'Uould now lie let 11 ;j uui.il imxtyear.

1 lie kc, i»nd race was a sweepstakes lor threc-veT*.o.ds, and hlngtlsuer aim itidnuy were tnooniy start¬ers ont 01 tin nominations. It wan.' noise in a hen111 favor of Kia«fiiib >r, and Mb* great ton of l.exiu'.

kli.iam ' R.~s Won (lie ii.ee veiy easily.°

I lie third lace was a capital «>. 10. 1 n re wore fivesfanera, com jilting 1 he wed known Kdunton, Alia\t>la, G> Merman, Jr., thi> hmdu.r, besides twostranger*, viz., Upward and 1 to 11 t, Jr. Tne lat¬ter wasoi no account whatever, wnilo Jlayward 13a fierce looking stallion, w.th j;o:>il r.icum points.But lie was »,uiiy out 01 condition and unit after halfUe journey was run. Tne other Hi. eo made u verycxcitmg contest, Kdcntou winning by a lenatli,.f,jii iecond, o,storuian, Jr., unrd.In© dUrance was ihonght to ho tamer too 1 rlor huenton, yet noiwiuwau litu ii© ,<us ilretchon oIn many pools over Aita Vma, w ha was supposed tonave mere speed and lull us inn h en larniie© as titoOilier, l'.ilciiion, howcv- r, not only oi.tr.iU Luc inar<'but showed that hecojld ntn no longest. si.ieeLdentou has been in Sir. o'Uo.i.ieU'a :,iUJle |)0 n »sheeu very success;ul. r.lo Kugilsu -y.v.eni or train¬ing seems to improve an t.'io luiv* that have imdIt. and tt is very po mar wkii oar i\;ciu ' mm.Tup louitii rticc iv&w rfi i host or iii.j «m/, it t*'qm

mile heats, for ail ages, lor hers 3 taut had uot wona taco during ae meting, iann e.t .ej to tn.» ao lfac e wero Mi. K< i rout's tine >e, Mr. Uoswcll'sEcliptic, Mt. McGraUi's tin .an Ann, Mr.. all s t.nsltfti, Mess s. Carroll .v Coar's Orto-lao. Governor Low It s Sr. I'atr.ek, tur. Mann'si-iuiber Jim aua r.-ioiiiiJ ioM'.s cu.'v ?».ut colt TIm vwere all tliroe-yciir-old., witu tr. c optlo.i of sifn 1!'.'^^ ^"Di »va.i 1:10 favontoin tue paols, 1 lut>se the second eiiou.i1, ciayau \nnt nrd; the others i), tumx very lo in cea. Kcu'in. cwon the itr- e Ucat in i^ood ti.i?.e, it.' u>the 1'a.ste tmile mads dunng the mueiitig. Vms m;1v tiicri lavup the seronti heat, and i-'iue-s-u v. oti u iroud heat. roiii Kusiui Ann. An iheoihcr hoi^es then bcni"out of the race, l itw-so and Kelipt:,; litarud alonoto ueeiUe wuicli wius tho h« it. ilciintio wis i n

raronte, anu large anouncs ^eFe .<t:uea ou f, .0'ding iie.it. A lieatuti'ttl race was r iietvvc^u nTntwo milc.<t, and I'messe won it by a u,;.Tuo,0.lowiiia are the ut-ta'N o! tne runniut,:-

-tais v.iisr itAeiJwaa a handicap hurdle rase for rt'l nr-<. two mCenovprei^nt hurdles; |ji>o igr tbo .'rut imrsj, ..(luo tothe si.conu, w nleU closed with ttire,; etu.icnameivJosei-U Donouue's htewn man .< hi ly Maum- bybty lhivts, uam by Olio, 1 :i po.;... ; McUanicl'sbay horse tJystermati, Jr., by oy-t.V..,an. dam byPnil brown, i4U pounds; end i.. 1 »r's l.rownliotse It. H. Connolly, by 10M0. c"Tj;!, If .*ioiviet, 11J poiiiid-. Hiddy jVl.'ion -j, the ia or-11- over ti.e L'eld. The horsoa -ta leisure.Vviih the tap 01 the dmnt, liid ,y mo showingthe way, German second, 15. U. j- 1®lengths UoU.ud. Biddy jui»i]i <,/ 'it hurdleclean and clear, sud so old o *< r p but con-

I l\, * ,rap ,vWul1 K<" one,eeetioa of it, leaving it oj-.r: ».» mat thavcould go tarough it withontnan,.; ;r wljen t'teycim'* 1to It again. G.dvij; around the up;)er tu.n Uiddv leitwo lengthri. oy temiau sec >nd, rive its ahem01 H B. Connolly, u'lien they we o.second !liurnle l.ludy led three longiits, Gy.n r nn about as 'many lu front of Connolly. 'I'tio lu.iei ..' .»u ,iru*ktne hurdle and carried' aa ay u . ; leav.m'»gay clear. Tuerc was no chan Te dvwn th* bacif.suetch, and Biddy Wiis flnt oier i.ii ) m im uieOysterruan next, followed by II. Vf. t o.n dly. who

'king a waiting rai^'e 01 it. Going around thelowei turii i.iy.iiermaii made a da >'i ... 1 j^k sninwith Biddy for a raomout, and ihea -n w > l in frontto the turn into the hoiu<Wt,ea. ; y a?a a ranto tlio ronf. for a eecond or iwi . w tSrcacbed thelotlrth huraieOy-: cri:;,. n, . i> dy v,'r«bead and Head, and they made :nc ici u ij-emer

WC;f VV"0 7'^no.ly. At the staud at tho liie'ih «<i 1 : r«t mpelliUriy !cd one length, Ovstern n .i eliriirlen<<tU0l att-a I or Cou.iolly. Tne tiHit-^rdie befngdown, tliuie was a clear lielU lor ii..i s, ana

t-joyrnn rap.dly tiround the tin per ili 1. Ci'i'ln.0 the (ix h bu.dle, wi,.,;, wai au-j down, .umitngliibtt.ad ol j.impin-r wai tUo or .. do , ; i.u-k

UiddvUu,dlw*. w.jup, andbtdnv ejiti il like a swallow, oy ;. ,1 alt°rmaking the Jump, hesitated so lou" tintVonuolircauio no and toox eccond place, hn.'f ' -A 11 is

SRffmSSlWiiicuwuleSor Biddy ant1 caugnt iter o t 1:1 fi. . nvi,-1and the jump over the olyluli i.tir 1 .> ;r 't bythem at, the Fame instant. 1 ney I r.u ill-' ctnerand the 1 itu home was itlaiilv c , ., n and

1 act, by a n jd. Biddy two lcuf;t.; ,n >tof Uvh-tMnaii. Jr. lime 01 tu raco, &&>>£. i ^uis a


^HMArr.Mabtianp JootRY ci.ith, ft. . Hurdle rao>-

Harnic,.,! foi allies; two niiie.-, nt n\ir-dies; ».»iiit.« ur,t hor.ie and ou to -or-t I for,©.

"Lex-,J' plfvi^datnbyoiln' ?v ,!>. M #»i 'leotorM b. n.


wmm\, dam by pnil Brown, IM i.A. ' 7 ya

Tim©.3:0,.'.;.1HH PKCON'l) tt AC B .

va- a f.weer:takes for threc-ycar-o'ii t ,n ii c,'two m .c : blty dollars entrance, <> !i rltt0( 1 , !V ' $V. 5 $75° 10 l,'0 $ ..11 til tinsBecoud hois . mere wero ten entries .. >b it O" rtwo came to tn-, p.,4r. T.e,, w .l0 Mr.I 0 liiou\*>iy colt Kin^ii .ac*r, hy Ijoxinicton <l'iuiKllli.ra U^nnd Mr. i>.^voi;-« My, 2

fcuieu*. There wasZJ(,race, as it was considered Mat Ku;r;u .. ^.utt.(J r .. \. 1 rtout bivukiD^ d0WL>. lU<i' \ took; this!(%. I, uM'i 01 Uio npjjor turn v. ¦» * fhr:%6 icntftdR tufront. At tilt ciiurter pole 8how.is tv.o imutSU «n I

, iMw at. the f-iijiio i)o'a t ,oio w-i-.

very lit" daylight between tl.om. fa<jy ran!niv-<o tin l !i into tn© liomesirrtnh whenJirowiioy. tlto rider or King if,hor. im vo ilio co:t inshead, ail he passed lha 8,and uttuV c° I, f ftio ,lntmilo Ave lengths in front of jinidav Rii.kT.vwopimed the gap 10 el^tt lengths on tlie uwe'er turnund running under a liar. 1 pnu kept itiv distantIn front 10 mo end, winning tho s ake and maklnothe rur, lu 3;10^. Tiio following ^ j


oJnu .sras.c's


was for a purso of fl.ojo, two mitca, for all araq tocarry ltW pounds; $* 0 to the fir.t hoiv© and tlw totho second, lit© entries for thU event nere u PCatubrill's bay gelding iTophor. jr..Dypr0Dhet.lain Lucy, by Curtis; John G bot.nelrs hS» SouEdenton, oy Uiverston, dam Amanda; j0im D Thorn!sons bay horse Haywood, i,t PlatieLdainGifford, by lied H»e; u. McDautePs barhorse Oj«wroian. Jr., and j. j" o*ffi

ion's brown mare A'f;i Vela, by Vandal,dam PlilKiee. Edcuton had the rail lu tin* belting.Oj.Herman, Jr., too\ tne lead at Uio start, Hay¬wood second. KUcnion third, Prophet, Jr., fernm,ami AKa Voi i tilth. Tho position* wnr.t so >neluuigod. a; too quirrer p >le Kdeii'.on showo.l woway, H»v*vood second, Alt v Vol:i third, I'rophet.,Jr., fourth au't Oystcriuan, Jr., flltu. Ti»*-r«j was nocluiuge down ihe backstret-h, except t at Ojft 'i"-man. Jr., too,; lourih place, ami Prophet, Jr., it'llback out of the race. Going gronud tho lowertin u Oycterman ran up atd took linn) place. and anthey came on tho lio.ne drctcli Edenion led wholength, Havwatd M'i'oail, Oya'crman third aud Alta\eia lourih, aoout hall a leu itb dh Ming tho latterthree. Prophet was no longer tu the race, beingilit.ii behind ut ibisitmo ami railing orr b.tdty. Theqnaaet rau sharply up the hanie-ireleh, andas they p.iH-t'il tui'ier the string Kdentou«ui still one length in tha load, Haywardsecond, a ni ck in front of Alia \ ela, who wa* samedleuuiceIn advance of Oyau-rtnau. Jr. It ^n--1 nbrauutul race ho Jar. Holme mound Mio npoor t iruliny ward beusu to now symptoms of distress, amiho soon afterwards tell tiway lu the roar. The threeleaders now s. i io work to cut each otherdown. Oysteruuui. Jr, forced tho pace andwas second at Mio halt-mil iioic, Edentou »1111 lead-lugaiength, Ada Voia ".loso up. Oysterm.ui soongat iu tioublo and Aha Vela took so mid place anddashel vigorously aiti r Edunton, shutting up thedsylulii )>l me IU.quarter pole. Edenion wouldnot be captured, nowuvcr, and he cauie iioiuo awinner lu n leu ill. Alia Vela second, ten leugilHnuead of Oistcvmun, Jr. llayward was loo yardsbelr.inl and I'ropti i, Jr., marly a quarter oi a mile.Time, 3:4"). The ioUow.dk m u .

mruMAHv.84J1E Day..I'll:«e of $1,001, t'VO miles, Tor fill

a,^cs, to cany loo lbs.: $so» io iirwt horso, i-oo iobOCOUd.John O'Donnei entered b. c. Edenion, by Inver¬

sion, (lain Amind 1J. J. o'Fadon entered br. m. Alia Vela, i»y Vandal,dam Plltgree 8

I>. McDaiu. l catered i>. u. oystcrinan, J r., i»y oys¬ter nun, dam by I'lul 3

J. w. Thorn-con entered b. h. Haywood, ny r la net,d«iu Gilford, by lied Rye 0

O. K. Oanibiili entered b. It. Prophet, Jr., byl'roplicf, dam l u v. by C'urliti o


wa« for a puwe oi i~ vj, iuiI'j heat.-!, for all ages tlir.thave net wou a urtotf tho year. Tin entrleHwt're J. i). Thomson's cbentuut co t, t»y I'lanet., dambv Par Ulvvr, I'. M. Hall'8 chfiiiuit ceiiliiitf Ltisltfii,by Euireue, d im l.a Hose; John Marsh's bla 'k g< Pi-lti)? Limber Jim, ny l.oxln^ion, dam I'ukuowo:C'ariotl A, Ciai's brown colt Ortolaa, b.v Uone-i ii ile, dam Canary llrd; T. w. Uosweiricbeataut tilly Kwlipilo, b.v Kcllpse, dam Nina;H. P. McGratii'n bay liny Hu«n Ann, byLexm^ on, dam ltoxana; A. Bclmout's elieatuutAlly I'iucvo, iiy Lexington, daiu Klllgrce, and <5ov-ornor Howie's gray liorso tst. I'atriek, by KtonewiillJnoksoii, dam Cliickamauaa. lieliptto Hold lor tliomo^t iuoucv In tho pools, Finesse beiiig tho woundclioicc and Hunau Ann ihird.

Firat /Mif..lue horses bad a very line start, andwent away In « ouneli, tfu-au Auu heHdiiiir a« snocamo to I lie turn, Ke'dptie second, Etislgn ihlrd,ort ilan lounh, M. Patrick filth. Finesseblxtii, Limocr Jim sevonth and Thomson's(dlt eighth, i^usaii Ann kepi the lead down thebackstrei. Ii, Keltptio second, Ortolan third. KtwiRnlourih, so cio-<e toifother thai tiiere was iu dayligutv.siiilo between ttieni; St. Pa.rick, two UiURtm b«;-hliid. was iilih, then l-'iuesxe, Limner Jim andThompson's colt, with two lengths d;\ idinu them.Qomkaround the lowor turn Eoliptlo outfoo'e.1 Su¬san Ann and showed a lenirtti m front at ibe tbree-quartci pole, Susau Ann second, hair a lenuih In ad-v nice (.1 Ortolan, who was three lengths lu front ofFinesse, tue latter being ono lenptti ahead of EiiKliru,»t. P.itricK next, a lew len ttha behind. Thenseveral leiu'tlis furiher oTcame Tho. ipsou's cott, andlo t yarns b iinnd inui wai Llinbrr Jim, who was en-tli'ciy "played out.'' A very mio run homo brouxutEcli, tic in a winner by two lengths, su-au Annsccund. a b nyih in trout of ortolan. Finesse a goodlo.iriu. wliim St. l'utr <:k was m t In.srlc the naif a:ilTimiuiiso i's colt and Limber .)iui were duiianeed.Time of i lie heat;, l :V<M.jka comi Heat..orialan wa-» the first, nwav to acaplia! atari. Snsau Ann se ond, at. Patrick third,Ensign fourth, l lu :ssj iirth an 1 K llpti.; sixth, tn^latu r laying up for the heat. Ttuy passed t!ioipiart'T pole in this manner, and. tenInj? Into thebackaireti h. tu.y madj Hie pace warm loiiiehaif-imie pole, wliure Susan Auu sUowei In front. Tlieywere all in a bunch. Ortolan second, Finesse third,St. I'airick jMUr.li, Eeilptic Uttii and Kuslgunxtti. t4oing around tho lower turn Finesseoutran tho others an I wont to the front beforereselling the tnreotiuarter polo, closely pressed bySusan Ann, St. Patrick a good third. Ortolan thenbegan to -cut u, ' acd Ecliptic came up aud tootcfourui place, Eu: Ign belnir fcivtii. Tlie run np thonomeKtrctcii was despe.are between FiuesseandSusan Anu, the toruior passing under ho string awinner i»v a ah. rt length, sussu Anu se.-ond, Eciip-ti« third, tnroe leiiktli-i behind, but a half a leucOiahead ot Ht. Pa'riek, who was suveral lenuthi lufront of Eustgu, orto.'uu sixih, Tluicof ihe heat,1:1a.Thir ' TTML.AH th? horses that had nor won a

Ilea! wero n w ruled out, aud Ecliptic and Flnessoha I ihe raco to decide between th;;uJ ;lve«. Spe iu-latloo was tu'l-di uud bolt..ug heavy, Ecllptlo havingttio call. The llllios had u good start, but Pinesaowas pulled bncK, au I Li llptlo went aroniul the turnfour ieu^ths in f'oar. Tucre was na tiiango at thequarter-poie, it going doivn toe baogatretcnFine e -hot np so'u" of tho dayllglit, and wastwo i'onuh . Hti i s Ii air behind ut ihe ha'.f-niile pole.1 'me."¦¦ ">.!..)-. a ..a He. lo'Ae.* turn, and at the three-quoit! pole they were uoso and tail. The hiiiesi-\.'u;iu" liito Lite iivm '..treicli lapsed, Eolipile leadinghalf a lei gth, whtu a merry race ensued, which wascontinued desperately to tho stand, b'iiit'?se winningby a neck. Time, 149tf. The following is a

Si M UI1V.Sun-; Pat -Purse of j.7.">o; mile lieaM; for nli age i,for horses thai bed not von during the je.ir.

a. Belmont entered ch. f. Finesse, by |Lexington, dam Fiitgrce 4 l i

T. W. Ho^weli entered eh. 1. Eciiptio, byEclipse, dam Nina i 3 2

11. P. WcUrath entered h. f. Susan Ann, byLeiin^roD, ilaai ltoxana 2 2 o

Carroll a- Coar entered tir. r. ortolan, byDouerinle, dam Canary Hu d :i i. o

F. M. llal! entered ch. g. Ensign, by Eugene,flntuLuKotc f> f> 0

Governor Howie enleted g. It. St. Patrick,by Stonewall JacS<on, dam Chlckamauira. o 4 o

J. i>. Tiiouisoii enlci td eb. c. ny Planet, damby Tar River dis.

Joha Marsh entered blk. g. Limber Jim, byLo^*,ugton, d nil 1'nknowit di*.

'Ji'ne, l:4TSf, 1:4 s, 1:40.^.

PROSPECT PARK FAm GROUNDS.7 rottiup IftAtcli Betvrcen American Gi:l und

Gfcrgo Wilkou to Wagons.The Mareau Eary Winner iu Three

bliuight ITcatit.

The match lor $1,000, mile heats, best three in five,to wagons, butween the bay mare American <»iri andthe brown stallion George Wilkes came 01T yester¬day n'ternoon at the Prospect Park fair Grounds.Although the day wu-i extremely pleasant there wanbut a email gathering in Attendance. It was a

matter of sonic surpriso that a larger num¬ber of the old turfites were not on hand;but, as It tnrncl out, they did notlo.se a tir at deal, an the race wa* exceedingly U:ueand devoid of the least [merest. It was thought 4 idhoped that the or;>1ui race over tha iani9 track aweek since hetween Golds.nlf.!i Maid and (lu nv i

V tikes might in h measure be repeated, ai the sftl-llon then trotted tlnely, but he was not irt good trimyesterday, and the mare beat iiita In three siraigUilick's, without an effort.American Girl was tiie favorite, two to one, before

the start, and after tne first heal lour u oae, withbut lew takers.

I'BosrK'.T fakk Fair Grop.n'D.*, Oct. 23..TrottingmiUcUfo; >i.ooj, mile heats, best threelu live, towagoii.llenj. Daniels named b. m. American filr!.. ill;Win. H. Norit named br. s. George Wilkes.. 2 2 2

riME.Qi' VW. IMf. T.'irsp-QuavUt*. Mi'f.

First float si 1:1 .».> 2:20^.Secoiriho.it... <Hl}i l:ta,'j h'rJ'i 2:;o 1,Third lieut ST.1* 1:111»632M !

Tit!-' TROT.First HiHt* -The i aili.ci won the iusictc poslttou,

uod at the 'C'.'on:! attempt they got the worti withhlsieodoig hit a leugtii, but at. the bwinulug of theupper turn the «».»j oas on even terms wiiu luai,vet eoob njter bho lo:t her feet, tor an lustant only,howc.cr »jm Immediately ufter, waking a prettytrot, pa«t l tfte staMlon eastly» whtcli seut him Intothe tur, and wht n tiie quarter polo was reach I, inI;iirt :veil < n Givl was leadiu'i twoliiHRHM aud going v ery steadily, Down the Met-Ufcti li fbe Increased her ieu.d to four kugths andp .sved the hair-itdte po.e the same di.-tai cctothefront in l:ia>fc it >v«s now apparent, Beemiugiy, ;that W ilkcm could not trot any. In ihoi,hi, r-.tliout the least effort, kept blin as.ire cii.canee luhlud, and entering the lower turn,as he in'i' ti acte > badly, it was certaMi Ills cas i forthe heat wts hopeless. Maintaining her e.;iy gattt He <*lri passed toe three-quarter polo throe leu* lisahead in t:j.', and went tamer the string well inhand, wiunerof thOheatby one length anil a half,Time, '.<.Second //frtf..Tlie send-off was a good one ai ir.o I

second trial, but so soon as the word was givenAmerican Girl went Into the air aud dancod untilentering tlio upper turn, when alio settled toeffective work ai|t pissed the quarter poleone length the a'vanced guard, !u thirty-sevenaud a quarter seconds. Down the baon-stretch the mare out-trotted the stallion, andat the half-mile pale was one length and a ualt tothe front. The time to this point was 1:1 Alongthe lower tnrn George Wilkes shut up part of thedaylight, and for an instant nad his nose at the Girl'swheel, but he soon fell back aud at the three-quarterpole, made In 1:62#, she was an open lougth aheadaud trotting very easily. No ..effort was requiredfrom ner down the homestretch, and she went underthe string winner of the heat by two lengths. Time,2:30).'.Ttora neat..The fifth attempt they got away with

the stallion a neck the advantage of it, but on theturn the Girl went to the front and cut out thework. At the quarter, which was parsed In thirty-.even aud a quarter mweuda, alio had the p<wt

of honor by on* length. Down the b'Wilkra went up to tit» wheel of tlho G?,i«. »£}f athe ball-mile pole, in x:l * t tere was f*leniitnNiilstanee between th*m;bntou the l"r >In* Mi hai H, and at thothr. .q,i»rt«p«lo»hrjiin wu*one and a hull lengths IU iid.am e s*h«« »tnodownthe boni',#ir<'ich in mi etay itau, and p**^.d underthe mi liu vvluner of the heat and iaca by an onulength, liuie, 2:30.


BrinS;ofj tue Election Law to tho "Fine V lit"-Its Validity Questioned-Ji'.d";e IKvte j Rush¬ing" tUo Trials On-Judgo Bsnedict "Don't

K e If-'lVny" Ha tmaviaa "Saay\"

Great evolteuiont wua manliested in the VutcdHides Circuit Court yesterda? morning, and a greatcrowd assembled tu the building In cense-iu nceoi in

announcement ma.le by Judge Bei.odict 0B tl,<,J'Jc"vlous (lay that tho parties who had been indicted torviolating tho laws of elect.«n Woud rcr.aiu.y >'

brought forward lor trial. I Imse present, however,were doomed to dlsopuointment, as the Judge Intl.mated, on laklug his ho it .it eleven o' loclc, t.iafclhocould not prooeod with the once* yesterday. i noDistrict Attorney, tho Judge and tlie counsel for 110defendants entered iuto a lengthy ooutruversy uponthese political oa.-e.-s oi" which tho loltowing u taeresult:.

Alter the opeulng of the court District AttorneyPavls state! tUat ho was soiry to leain tho JmlKOwas Indisposed and unable to proceed with the casooi Kob -rt Clark, who if Indicted for utti ring conn-tertelt currency.Judge ilenedl t.I >1o not feel able to go on with

the trial, owiug 10 temporary llluess.Disinct Attorney.Well, i wlU not uruo on that

ca e, but I desire that the parties wlui were ar¬raigned for violations of tho law of elections bocalled upou to enter their plea, m> that uo questionmay be raised at tin trial, when the Court may be ableto proceed with tlie buhincss. I have no objection, Ifcount''! desire it, that the picas bo entered withoutprejudice to any inotlou they may Pen alter make toquash the indictments, if they so de-Ire. I have un¬derstood that It w as intended to raise the question** ,0

TUB TAt iniTT OP THE 1NTHCTM HvrS,and the validity of the law by a motion to ciaash. Iam willing to acc »r l my consent to the light 10make that motion, but I must insist that tho ;iieus noentered. Tue District Attorney praceodeJ to statethat be was extremely de droits of bringing thosecoses to trial, and ho was frank to -late the reasonsthat actuated tiim; that by it conviction of the par-tie- we nilzht oe prevented from the necessity ofHtmliar r'5" honafter; lor he lelt Mutt u a convi-Hon were had now a would nave tae eflee.t of pr<-vonitni many oominlssious of crime tinder tlioWeetion law. No man who felt rightly could fail toLuow tUat tlie-o men were eharpd w.i i one ofthe liliihost crime s; no o.ie wiuld jusit yn whatever wore his pol teil H,;ntlni 'nt>,no man could justify attempts to violate the law* ofme oountr* touchlugthe purity of election, and i n. twas t ie very i-aoi why he lelt that tue prevent onof orlmo wm th- wisest policy of the government ;«nd If a convn tlon could bo had of the proper per-ties it would prevent tha comm.ssloii ol nuuioromcrimes wllliui th) next few days. 11 hoped, tlieie-toio that the Judge would request ihe ueieudan sto nut In their pleas and ir his Honor was not ab oto sit on Haiurday (to-day) he trus^dtluittiie earn¬est possible day would beassigued 101 iho tuai <>fthe Indictments.

JCnOB BRNKWOTsaid It was proper to state lor Hie Information ofcounsel that when he was lntoriucd Uy ihe indtot-ra^nts ma! a prosecution of this cia-"- was JILoly Jbe called m i|ue-tlou it appcared iiKhi lo hU'i tljaLowlnir to tue novelty of the law and tii"i lact that itwas to b<' enforced in various dutrlc'.s, those que:>-tioiis iniiiht be disposed ol when tho pro dding Judgoluoul.l t,e pres.u.t He had presented that view totue urcsl'.iing Judge eud no absented to it. Ills de¬termination, theretore, was that ho would hear nour '.tion that involve I dismission until Jitdgo Wood-ruff shoMid ho present. He wou'd receive a ;de;i ofaunty or not guilty iroui the nciendanls, oi listen toi motion a uo ball, but no other questioni could bobvought unless In the presence of Judge Woodruif.

Mil, hP^'l.N W. fiTOl'UHTON,on the part of the defendants, suid he wiv? glad t leywe'o to imvo two Judges sitting, becausfM. theydls lureed upon aud ls«ue, tho questio'i i-suld no totho Suprcuio Court < f the I nitcd States whie iwould be In seivii'iu at Wurhlnnton oil Monday next.lli> was not, owinir to ttio indisposition oi tiie Jiid;;c.,tlispose11 to reply at any len«tn to the rotnarks ofthe District Attorney} but ir his llonor was to enti r-I'dii tlio motion that the dei"!i(l..n's should p.eadiiuw, he had dontotuliig to say whv they j-uouldi4w tit ttio (iBScrnMiDK^ itWhile they would put no loipe dircnt In t i«¦v iv j,r ti.o trial it' nilKUt be that eit.icr o,ie 01 theother ol tho Judges would tie sulll leut, as H .ieKoaonbern ensv, to raise these |'uvi"ius, lliere wasno necesrtitv iu lhl8cu:e f<.» .1 plea oi i ui.t.v or notguilty at, that moment. V hen the nvo Judgesshou. 11,.. 011 the btneli deiendont's co;;,;h.'! wpn.d a -k a d -! region of the Court, if the Com t t,,in nt lotted,as 10 tho best mod'; of

IlAiSlN'O TllOSB cail'i <?:.. no ;Sh* demurrer. If that wns the iie>A mode, i, I®indisposed to put hi a plea then u.il<-s compelled to

do so by tlii Court. All th'-* putiles w.'re rtider ar-rest. and tborecould tuerciore be no possible urncncy.The District Attorney, I10 said, was the pioneer 01the law. but h(> had that morning expressed a slngu-llr "enilm. nt, su. ft us he had never bolore heard,namely, hb purpose lu g«in< oa wiili these prosecu-I Ti?e Jndire.ft Is nr.ele-s your dlscnsRlng this mat¬ter If counsel have uetermlned not to put in pl. asfor the de endants noon these urave t ltun^c.s. l put,Ine ra«es ov-i until Monday morning. I slia.1 makeno order in these cases except with reference to

k'Yiiatrlet Altornev.Will vou not set the e I'aneBdown for t;lal'ou Monday morning, that they tuaj boIIjudge.I will tusk'' 110 oritur. Yoneiin move t.heni

on Uwowiicst diij, when Judgo \Noodiuil will bel>or*3'This disposed of the e,aae.

tiik '.kkat nruiOTtru.The Graud Jury brought In tae foilowlnsr fur¬

ther indlettnents:.Michael Brew, In fraudule itr.«if 1st ration: Morltr, Prookman ar.d 101 lea.lustb-o Anthony Hart,nan, loi- tu^eience;Jatnos Donovan, ft Tammany inspector, Jamesjiarelav, of ltt Bowery, fur Cra'iduient registration inthe fifteenth district of the Sixth ward; Robert An¬derson, for frauuuleut reglstrafon; Owen Oanno11,ror rescuing James Kvlllnd lroin the custody ofl< -nutv Ciiited States Mar;dial It. T. Anderson in theCltv Hall Park; Peior Keelan an<t Michael Counolly,lor in'.crferlug with the supervisors In the ditcliuiyoof their duttei la 1 10 I'ouith ward, and t'CimSawyer, 79 Laurens street, a man or co.or, for ln-teiforencc on the day of registration, ^te e-ase's or>ilchacl Meares, John Carry. Torrence l o.ev, owe 11'. tiiav, llernianu .Sohroe ler, John Moore, Ldwardjouuins, John Murpliv, J. S>raus" and o'hers of tne.-.edetuudants are now b lore tho Jury.

Ten ThoMNawd llpputie* lli iu* -tvworn.The offlcora in Marshal bharpe's department wore

engaged yesterday in swearlug ft hunilwd oJ men toact as special deputies at the polls, uud enforce Theelection law in November, i-n tiiow-andii^to'enrolled. The majority of tho name* ha> e beeu rur-uished Itv the leading republicans.

iWironiiiV..1 A iTJ.OYV.

What Coiuplui mntt Are Ciimpi'll. d toIn ttie li'iW-X#*rly Tlir.-e .Uuinlis

In it H«unu «>l l>et<Nearly rtirea mouths huicj » young man named

Michael O'U.len was arraigned «t tho l'orkvliioPolice Court on a ch^r^'.- of highway robbery. liewas Uuld, hui Immediately gave the requisiteamount of hall and wan allowed his liberty. Theoomplalnaut m the oa*e, Darnel Flanagan, was nor,however, so fortunate, foe Ij.; w.is sent to the Houseof Detention bcc.au-t l»was unable to furnishban to seen re hit reappearance as prosecuting wit-nc'^s. In onsus whir; this precaution la resorted toby the presiding Justice in polke courts an examl-nation In the case i» usually it vl a sor ri ni clr"u:«-nianons will perm!'. Iu tins case, however, ithas not ln*ou 0 o, an J I»':.aii« oj, whohud tio more ilea or rirwJnr a.var thanO'Brien hr:d, was ciupeilrd to r-,»co l ».>.> monthsand sixteen days in prl on. \\ » » was found Inthis time th.it ho did not gi\ ip hi- ld<"i oi j; >.c

cutlng O'Brien, tii<* lait .'* m-iit; r, through the ad-vice of her conui'cl, in n m ce I u p'.i -on in givewhat ii ;.u..v u ii.i "ijir.f.v null" !or his release.this person was nnf. riuunt^if ". uspoctoil,"and Mr-. O'Uriea h" -'if then bocamc hi:"nrety. Her ria^a for - coarse was adecp-lald nchemc to indev p;>or fi i:ugu;i lo com-pound a felony br accepting a it' so mon y t>..dcttle''the ca«o. He lcit niotefulto Min, 0:»;ltuwhen In? not (.at, and ti--r off^r to "sottie ' w.is re¬ceived by him with some .'a.or. lie wotil-i n«<t t;>kcany nionejr, however, until he should llrst consulta friend, on 'Inur-day ho went to Aira.O'Brleu's residence, m the Twen'y-ftr.-.t ward,and inAn-med her that lie could not compromise thec.tse. Almost iuiiaialr an odlcjr lit uniform en-tored the )iou«# and took htm into custody. ThisoiUeer who thus overstepped his duty belongs to thoTwenty-Jrst precinct. Fiauugan was iaiveu to thoYorftvllle Polio# Court and looked up by Justice Mc-Gntre, who took no action in the ciw*, becausehe kn>:w nothing aiujut It. Yesterday Mrs. O'Brienentered a complaint agAinst I'lanairan, charginghim with attempting to compound a fsiony by askingmoney of her to compromise tho chargo againsther son. On this »itliia«it, unsupported by anywitnowes, Flanagan was again locked up, proba¬bly to hiKud a term of years in 8ins sing, whileO'Brien walks the turrets a free man. The foregoingstatement of tacts requires uo comment.tuey vpcajtfor iheioM>ivei>.


Ths Rvu-nt M'vps-.r3» an * Coming Retribu¬tion Uciiifh P. hey Toward* the Ca>alial».

The London .fcifut'T.iy Rruirw tays:.'There e»a beno doubt that the Chinese i eople and governmentregard all foreign nattoua as tunning, tn o > ltraatwith themaolret, a single <iotninunlty. Although nomutual guarantee* have been exchanged ny the par-tlea to tite various C 'tnin rtdal treaties, the Chinese,by lufrlngi tg their contract with any Western Power,understand tli.u th«*y are to a greater or It a extentrepudiating t'io obligation oi alt their other en

fcagetnettta. in minor maters each of lite treatyTowers may bo left to protect. it* own interest*against encioachuiciit; Uui a deliberate a t ho. til-lty aaa n-t any section ol foreigutr* indicatei a lios-t.!o ilMpniiiion which II u Hi' business of all tliegovernments to restrain. The n-ftt of the Frenchto maintain iv Igious establishment* jit tho tr>,i.yport* i eovored by the * mie sam tiou which pr»iti i sthe trading interests uf I'.n/ianit. t no ucrwieie uiTientsin and the atroeiouH crue it e* <*y which ki waxaccompanied with a inenuoo oi proq>ect|voInjury to tue English rt sclents iw well as to theKronen go\erniueut and Iih subtcet . A'l the com¬munications which have sincc been received frontCh.ua hIiow that tic outrage wk* generally <..i¦ r-htood to lie pin i of a convened pluii a 'uluxt fo eignera. TOi perpetrators of tho deed .<tut their abettorsmay perhaps liavj been ctiiiuing eno.igit to re.konon thu natiotiul or 4cotatl.n1 differences wliietimight, us they would Imagine, p event Kng Un Pro¬testant laymen iroin aympatluziug tvtth wi-oh;;*inlllcicd ou Kronen missionaries and nuns; but., o ithe other hand, uui coutriver* of thu plot wornprobably uuiuilueueed i>y roll'toua ftniinos.ty,ulthough tney propa .ated among tne rabble moil¬s' roirnntorlesof ubdiu non and v> ii< Her.ill said ui bopracticed by the bisters of Charity. Tuo putron,and perhaps tlie Instigator of tho criminals, has beenentiuot 'd ny tho government of I'eki.i wild thu dutyof Inquiring into itie transaction, aud oi punisnm ;

tn * oUinUois; and eousequt ntly, as might be ex¬pected, n .tn Blnglu ring eadorhas ueeu subjected toupiUil punishment, tn a outitiy where njudicial

sacriiico oi Ide Iti reguided as tho most commonplu'ieotoccurrence. 'I'tio enemies of tho .orciguresidents, enuour iged bv iiupuuiiy, have probablybeen restrained ironi further ueta of violence oiovby thu vbt.Mo uetovuilnation of ttn> tet> emerit toprotect ltaelf. i

l.ut it is liiipoHglti o that a few hundred volunteers,who mora negiiot taelr own important mimou hwaen they a>e in arms, c.m perni.iaeutiy providefortlwaecunty of tr.ult* and oi Ule. The uinnesotioopahavu forgo.ieu or inislntorpreiod Un< l.'.sso twhich they leumod lit ihe former war; a id ulthoiuhtiny iiiiirht hesitate to mutch thcntMOiw* wall aEuropean wold.cry, the; iuay probably tiuniv tli. m-selves stiperlor, in qualUy as well a., in numl<cr, t'iany civilian bodies which can bo collected.The London 8>itxirdnj ic view urges that l: loin

the power of tho English government to renderFranco almost thu ouiy essential nervlco w litcncould not bo regarded by Germany uh a wrong or anutTrjat. Tiic who.e KngdHh ituvai force on the coa-L11 Cnlna ought to be pi ice J ut t.iu uisposai of 1110emi>a>!4.v, an tho cttargd d'ail'alrun ought to no in¬structed to act as si. dc Itochechouart would haveaoteii ir be tia<i not been embarrassed by unex-p< led dilli uitles. 11 may tn lewd bo hoped thatmm i nisi ructions havo already boon ghen, so thatIhj Kugttsh adtuiriil may, If necessary, have unticl*P^«. me closing of ttiu I'elho by ice. it is highlypconafele that u local demonstration may in-uioro < tfeoiive tnatt a dire ;t tue.iaco to Hie lnit>erlnIgovernment. H the Clunese government prutecutee l'ii u-tsin assassins |r win leave the lives oi allforeign tiaucia ut the mercy of tho :ai>blc ami oi thocompeduvo pri/.o ueu. if an enterprise which w. slouud couniarativeiy easy a dozen years ago nowtranscends me power of Kugland, li only iemain toacquiesce iu ine degradation win h would in matcu.se seem to be the principal couHci[ueuccof itnalcrnreforms and unprovetuents; nut there would no oodifficulty iu providing, ut homo an I iu India, nbuiilclent. forco lor ttiu coercion of a contuma¬cious government <tud a Romi-civllized oommunay.Kven Mr. tiiadatone'a aversion to atroug uioaauro.1muj be shaken by regard to tlie Interest < <>r Kiigll 'litrade, and by KVinpaiiiy for the Inuoc -nr viciluu ofCtiiueso barbarism. A tunely tuid eifective muppoii,ol toe 1'rcnch demands w mid perhaps not be fol¬lowed by extraordinary gratitude, nor would it ia-dnce M. Victor lingo, m hw next tnapsody, to uuettLord (iranvlile's nutne m uta t>*r ofwar.Inn OetweiuiV'JiifUoius on i Aifouiinius; but it hi snm 'times expcdient to do what m righr, r-vcu without au imiuc-diaio prospect ot reward.Tne ixiudoti .Simla or inquires wity Lord Oran-

vlllo doe uot uuuouti")] in so'uo one ot the hundredways op.-n to linn what, he is doing to avo.d dtaasleriu china. Has he sent illreo regiments of Kiiiiii to.Singapore; or warned Loru Ma>o, who is accessibioi»y telegraph, though no is ai Jeyporo, .>ou nillea froma railway; or askteu I'rliu or the Netherlands novern-ment to lend troops if a icquisitlon reachi Mamlluor K.it ivlu; or done auv tbina besides pro.ul-e h ip 1Xho ucco iiits get worse mid wo!??, and wc in.-yhear, as soon as i ckin i.as beard oi Sedan, ot a uni¬versal massacre ol foreigners. Lord Mayo is ener¬getic, and tho fleet la large; but Lord Mayo Mas fartrom I'ckui as irom Loudon, an l ni" tleot liua noarmy to discuiriark. "Wu Biialt never bo really nu.olu Ouina until wo po S'": 1 UH i-l.UHl f >2 i t 10

eaouj^U to muttiiuia an e vpeulilou uf tu owik."

TE3 NA110/]A . UAui,1.

i-t v». iiftiliinl*, ofNc*v \ ul'k. i hjili'Milill < tMilrsl. !'!»«.MiiiiuN Vietorlou*.There wa» a rattier limited attendance ut I ha

Tnlou Grounds yesterday, to witness the game uo-tween the Mutuals and ACiletlc. This was owingto the fact that the majority or the admirers of basoball <11(1 cot know Hiut tfie game wan to take place,as It had been postponed from t'.e day previous.Those who were jot prcaont missed aHplondid game,for, as the score will show, iho conte.u was one oftlx: finest of tlie geaoon. With the exception ol' twohad mull's each by* Nelson and Hicham, one by Rad-clitlc, and one or two wild throws by I'ti.lcLtOe andl'ruit, llio playing wan perfect.

It was evide nt from the first that, both nines went,In to win. and the light wa* therefore remarkablysharp. The Mutual* seemed to r< a;«r>» the ga .ie asa gjtkl means of tMQllg their abilrns to can/themselves throngti xucceiMfuily ou their Wtiutntrip, us they liiarted last. muht l<>i- ciina.:-* to givot.ie While .Stockings tlie llr.->l uoleut itcoivul lasome time.One pleasingly noticeable feature a out the

of cstcrday was tlur the pluycr.t did nor uo to thescorer*' desk to tlnd how tii.-y had itee.i recordedor whaf was to be fta Id a'out t nls and that. Theresult was they had uo o l clal data to growl about,and were, therefore, steadier In their play.

'Iho score given below will slto.v how and bywhom the work was done wthou I any further pa:*-tlcu.'urizlng, ns all but ihos'i a!> ve uu ntiouctf didtheir work admirably:.

JUI/'iUALS. ATUI.ETICH.rr«u»iv. it. in.T. r.A. rt,no. u 1/1. t.v.a.

Hatllold, . *.. .4 t I I l -i Kcuch, h 4 u i .i 2Ktglcr, c f....H 0 8 4*0 McMrlde, p....a U 1 I o 1Paterdin, I i". .6 0 0 0 8 0 Malonq, c.... !f U (I 0 4 2NeK n, 8 b 1 I 1 I I- ie rr. t ii.... 4 <i 0 o 10 uflhrlism, 2 U...II 1 0 0 S I "Senfiy," o f..JJ I II 0 £ 0Mari n, r t 4 0 0 !) :i 0 Berry, r f tl li II 0 ii 01'. Mi Is, C.....1 1 B li 7 0 Kadotlifo. * *. H 0 II U I 5Wo t«/«, p....8 1 1 B 0 2 Jlechtel, I r.. ,.J 1 1 a 2 Hh.vuuUeil, 1 b..3 1 I U 6 1 Prill, 8 ti.*...l 2 I 1 2 1

Totals 'Jf 6 10 17 27 8 Total* 27 4 4 0 27 11I N N IlfiJH.

fiu'a. 1* I-'. 3/. 4 h. Uh.KU. 7(h. fc/i. 9lb.Mntuali I 10U1 t 01 I.<5Atllcdos 010010101-4CmpIre.Mr. tMiaiman, of tlio Atlantic C.ub.Peon m- Mti'rs. "Hurley Kelly" Hint W ltgM.Time of gutrie.One hour and lifty-livo niluutui.

<'»K Cd VMI.V« tt-ItiMu

.Vu<iMt«*r N..vv Hicnrua'iip for tue * c\v York#4;,-lvtst«in nnrt Now Orli uni Crude.

A' the foot of Thirteenth street, North river, a n w

vtetiiuor l.-i being fitted up and finished lor t'to wellknown firm of Messrs. V. 11. Mallory A Co., of 151Maiden lano. This will make the thirtieth Fti amcrwhich has beca constructed for this line Hue. :-nuwas bunt at Mjstio, Conn., uj Mr. ctm leilory, and Is of tlio newest «h ns and lie do), and isIntended lor the New Yoric, (inlvesiou and New or-kauft trade. Her < n«ine tand machiaery are I eltig )>uf,lu by ihe Delainatcr Iron Work', and erdlmeu lotnare as follons:.Length, JiJO feet; width oi beam, ,1leet; depth of ho'.d. j-S feet. Sit ; will have ihreoOc.cts and nocomuiodaiions for fotty rutua pas n-gem lltr machinery will consist ol two engtue-i, 1by ii«, with a s-triuee cond¦ iisor and iionkcv boiiT.There will also be hoiatiug eugiu s tiuil two mambollois 1-i fe.it froti:, iif.d the i<rnte Biirf.ic will ¦

1M I""! MJUN. TUO MgiBM Will M IbO tev.r coubtrueu i in the city of ; w York,and have been made under Air. I'ea-in ;ei"s histrucuons and tor-on.il ob-ervtit on.T;.. ro will be bteaiu pli^ sjeu t!ie il-v< c. nueeiedwiiit the main bo leis, wh ou will be ft i the purpose"f exiin^uishlng dresliould such occur, lbj diam¬eter Of too wheel will be J3 , itiind 18 feet pitch.. U2 v.ai b illt uudor the Ktipcrinteudence of CaptainStory. Inspector of the New York Hoar I o; t nder-wrii.'.n, ami when the niichlnety is put la-ho willlake uer p.ace song tlio other sleamcrs of tills eu-terpri.-aiig comiiany.

THE YELLOW F£VJ:1 IN SrAH.SH POSTS.I'rei'Murioanrf .11iiuurm tfrcominijidrJi

secretary B^iiitweil b:w notlU-d Collector Murphyof tho spread or vellow fever In the Spanish portsand the necessity of precautionary measures ou thep»rt of nutters of vessels and th"se lu authority atibis port. Th°i following is the letter of SecretaryFish, a «py ot which was enclosed to CollectorMmplij:.

Or.PA«TMiitT or Btaik.jW AhOlMOTON, Oct. SI. ltjVU. IGSOHo* S. BoP»w»m l. K«.;r.t»ry of the Treasury:.tiim.In bii dr»p»wh oi the 2:'ta utt. tb« UaltsJ states Con¬di at (,'aiJli iulorui* Hit* Department that tho yellow f«r>:r,which hat r*(»l io J'eaeirotiely at Barcelona, had, at tl.edate of hi* (teepatab, reached Alicante, and wooid probabiytoon make lit appearance tn the poit of Cadli.Tha Consul recommend?, therefore, that proper measure*

be token to guard against tha Introduction of the dlseaaainto United State* porta by rcsaeia arrlrltig from Cadii-

| bar* Ik* honor to lie, (ir. »our obadtaai **nranf,

TUB RIOT IV SOI Til CABOLIIJ.A JC<Mli«*:il In#' »ii(li;iry UetpotHbta

for flio Mil tiro Affair.

& Nepro Artenal and Fortiflcaf1on.Inflamma¬tory Address of the Incendiary. Ha AJvocaiev

the Torch, Knife c r.d Bullat.The Woment j Voto in Mm's Clotkdi.Unparalleled

Election >'raurl«. A ThreatenedOutbreak Diy After the Elec¬

tion . he Eiot.Killedard Wounded.

CflLUMflT t. Oft. WT».vcc nnu or ih> ilot ut I,aureus <'onit House on

Tiuu day kii-t have !.«..»» received hero, trout wblcnth.-lollo'.vlug particular* nr" ne»«»4'«« ¦." «Pr*»i"Unit a perfect rei :iiof terror was prevalent tn thetnun'y. .>>'iu'<j to iho throats of vloienoo and arme Iorganization <¦( me negroes, who were uudw th»command ot one Joseph t rews, a notorious white1 ameal in 'einliui v. l'< "p'«* during mo niijtit werolu momentary rxitevta1 eni »I housebreaking,butchery fin I tUcioua, but mo presence of Him

I United KluUi troops hud proved ft proter-I ton until me elections #'« over, whenthey wi.io withdrawn. Till* lift me corn-

munlty wholly a' the motcy of the uegio^eand ilunr uin-cunuiou i hater, Crows xvlio wmblnc.l In himself Hi" otllces of trial justice, ceasuataker, l».-p.tlj United states Marshal, Conimlsalon«,rI o i-'lcctioii*. iiuil, to Ull the btll, It" w .* u candidal*tor re-election to the Legislature. Thin person <>o-

cupleil nu out building as uu oill o oppoalte tliaCourt Hon.so. where he but stored about. one thou-KM.,1 aland Of anna, with tlio uecosaary accoutre¬ments and annnun turn. t*longlng to the State andned oulybytho negro inllltia. The oftb-o, whichwas flanked by negro teu.meute and ruu» "hop-.wh- prepared f«.i a siege, being regularly lortMediiud pierced wuli lo»o hole* lor inu«Kotrv, and a* itcommanded the muin portion ot mo town made amo»t formidable enjjlno of offoncj ir defenoe.Around Ibis entuhlisnmout w. ro const .wl> is'cin-idol a large number of druukeu negroes princi¬pally beiotmlug to mo militia and 10 t1 e connuou-lui>, whose frcakd kept up a continuous dl»luroan<eduring the day, and created terror at nl.{ht i>» tin*discharge e| Unarms and the in ist hid sou < ma'a

AS IM KNMAKY UAlUNIitJH.Tins Crew* rnadu tuo mo t inoo.i I ar> appeal*

and luttuiuiuitorT *p<Mjches to tho n -xroc. He toldtiioni nrma were put Into tlicir liiimU to carry tinselection, aud tboy mint uh> in hi li ntc,ea-Kiry; ibat Hi' torch via^ Uieir w^'li">"and matcheH wia clcup; tu.v' ' "'V aliouldI hi in, de.iiroy an 1 ulav. or ken mn <>ntroliif Clio state: thai a i over Ufieon vo.ir- vv. cnJiHc tlo vote, aa lie lilm.o r dad |).i*so i a law m thatcltCi t' that i lit-v titoul I dio 1 me .v tii'm m men icloMien aud brinit On nt t'i Hie 1-oiU aim v ile U"c i.ami tiioy tun .t. K« e|» ih«.-iat« govei uniun nr die i ait wad tuo only way to retain tlicir iibe ... Mi"«ilend controil 'l n..i only mo elecliou i. " *no« oiiT arranttliitr tlio Ih.xct and tuo tli.»i>o.^.tioii oi tlunrc-tiiciH in i He coiiity, but lor con-veule.n'o »iake lm dl-neuac-i witli tlio <>untynicclucta and conan'ildated thn .tiiiro votiuicut tlio Court ll'iii .. in hla owu olttce. huc.i flagran#oiilraiji rt liavi! nevci bciore been poipotr.f'id in anycif'ii/.o.l coininunity, mid tao iiicinsaiaico of tli<»oconlo uum r Elicit elrcuiu-ttun en ia truiy a mlraolr.The U'*grofl< tiiionn»f«l in.o the court Itou-c on thaiiiorning of I lie ». e ilon aero, in* toorders in ln«-intiirio numboia. 'inev votu.i carl* and oK;n. wUh-imt regard lo a/e oi sex, or any le ral pi »vi.jl«u a»to tlio exetflae of tlio lraucWa'i, and iioiwulh aud-1 i<r tin frauds that wore «iiaetea there »v.i nudm-tu* lancc. not ov. n a rcuion-trance from tlt« inolg-n.iut bat ikao ab;y inoilne i wintc.s.

A TUHF.A 11'->h.n Oi rm.EAIt.An account *»>.*;-. 1 Ue piopm wero c.'i-ianl.y ap-

oielion uo mat tuo nruiurlc.t would bo o, "ti I. aiidever, witito man mviltl Uj obln 'd to il:tit > i fall In(U fcnco of Ins own Uresul<f. one tluriiw ue elec¬tion day tlte negroes, w.ili .it trovoi'ailoii, out in-fiuenctd by tlio upiajala whicli Had been made tniii 'ui Hieing tl ulr in uHiera ai.d leoUng prooaolytho ptido <Vr power, commenced arr,iin»f.! und tho >Nhllo people to form In a iin.iil butI (.iinna t mass, to rea.at uttuck. a bloodyrencontre was imminent, und v. a.i tiroiia.'!/ onbureveulud by tlinprn ieiitaud Judioio t-t oomao otI t otonel ..nmtn, «l tlio tinted liiaio, i.uirWon here.vi iio went m peraon to wiiere the negro »vcm atm-ii e at CtoWa' lionte ar<.en»l, and or t led ihcui toinu'dowu tlo-ir aim-i-iliat tn y w re the weakerr,n'c, end that lr iliey provokoJ a ooUalon tliey

I oiil;j;'w:i<< fitnMlliirlv known bj the narnoof "lln Po'" ti M'ual, around wnicli ili'> n..gro':<iwete ii.H.-Ciiibled ui lnu'i) nutubeia u tuo d iy after'the election, lniMu ? with tao con a tom .iy, and ail] exulting over tbo triumph gilUod b> «ucli uiiainoosfraud*.

tuk k:ot.Jimt at this juncture a \»nlte ciiJz a and om et

the constabulary wero ceoit to oo en^agotl In a dgbtuoar tli« Tin I'ot arsenal, wblcli ci\« ed an excln-meat, ami Mils, followed by the h cUeuLal iliscnarcnof a ntstol which lell rroai a man's pooler, on tooirround, brought oo the m.d o. At o ice Iticru cainca volley ftoin the door*, windows a'.d loaplioles ofthe arsenal. I ho account aays:. i he cry rau III"'llohtiiln^ thattne n' groc» liad begun Mio war. -

ii,,r iii#- crowd in the arsenal, both at the lowor andUDiier win Iowa, ojwjniUK a tiro upon tho people tutife nubll. vnnare, the citi/.ena who happened fo bonear me place at the lodiuut returned tuu ill: withniituiH and rushed upon "Tin rot,'' br<.Ke downthe door, rout., d tho tinned negroev ami took pof-h.--ion of t e arms there depo^lte l. Hi . ar.nc Iiiezro a de.iv r. d ' Vcral volleys, Hiinotliig throng.»tne went'. r-noat lUii as tb'-y rctrejieir. The occn-liaritH of Hi pHt' C, iK wever, made mr as raplnly a->nosslble throns/.i tho back jarus aud atreeia. Thisis a'l fiat Is certainly known. Tlio cou I was lUoutu session. Judge Vernon pres.fli.ig. All this o. -

eurre i In full view of tuo c »urt mow. f-o ..c o tn sUus llre't front "Tla I'ot" s ruck the <>,,». How.Jud^e Verm.n Indian ly ordered .siieinf Jones Ujraise a posse and command the l<eace, io lake thepublic arms aud deposit llieni in tuo n icr.lf i olll' oror sa e k epic a. and to appoint a hundred or mornupeclal constables lo kea;» the peac .. I his wa.s done,th'i aims taken posww.-lon of and quiet reatoivu.

CA.SUAI.T1BS.Two while men and a boy w r? woundel and ori^

fthe armed negroes was Killed l.ialautly and twoonally woun<iod. H h staio i tii.tt M#m iiiiloB b

lew on tiic ratlroU'i tlio bodies of i.nl Klley (colored;and of Voiney I'owml <a white matt), a member ottne corisiueuiary forco and candidate lor lt"-l»a;e Ju ig-, who was in mo ail.ay. wc.ofound witn tiu-ir aims some ,Ulta'',T^,r-'iwoortn.ee other negroes were ki.lod at diirerenr.oo'iits. Tlio people or Hie county hearing of thoailalr nt the Court llmi-e, aud, doubtichearinge\u2Keraied a..counts o. it, came in great numboro,nroiiubly two thou-i.ind or two ill u-aud hvo hun-iired to the scene or f.iio conil ct; t;ut the .SherlxT,nadu'r the orders of Judge Vernon, aent itjem totheir hom»:s.

V.l«na!EO Ih.wO.Tlie *)l«tn«'il Hur ler li» .'->c4iad Avc. i»c~Tha

IiiJi reil Man Ri'Ciivrriii .

A row occurred jes e ^ay at the lager beer -<ulofla,No. OT'- Second avon io, owned by Re-roardbrltik, during which a young man named Tiuuta*-Can'.z was ra her bad y bruised about tho luce a t

head. This, tonethe.- w.ih an overload <t I ipior, re.i-ilerc l him coinp eiely Insensible, in wiilch conditionhe was ia>:en in an ambulance to Bella-vim Ho^pi'ul. ht.clnbriulc, tus barteuder. Jo¬seph Ja«ooin, VM hum Hvron and Williamrnrcelt were a; .cste I, cusrgt I with tin: t- jaait onCants, cud, luivtsg been taken beiore Justice< oul'cr, j*.' he i vlilrt Ptdien Coot' theywere re-tnandeil back to Hie uu-Italy of Cap uu'dinner toawait, aoiuc deeiaivo result in t.io condtH >u 11 me In¬jured man. A r<'j.cr ei' of t.'O IICBAI.l) Vtdt-"1 Belle-vtie last evening, ail I Com I caul/, in iho imi posse.,gion of his iiicuitlr", aud tn u> «iau»t r n.vjverotdvlng. at I-- '>t i r tn nre-'jut. 11.- r m ,;i'.--re:l no-utlua oi t:.o aiu.ty.

STABiZil IN A F-iiiT.Anti'-itorteni St itr.is.'iit o fJin Vin-rn.

Houudsuuu M .soou, of tUe Twenty-ijeveotii pra»duct, ye^torduy repot led t» Die CoroQt.r' > llice thatFprdmaud .ScIj k' per of a sakon .;u ] t oar I.log toousa at ll Urcenwito street, wtui a ; w uigbrs8,0 was slabbed in the ndo an I buck uuriiiu£ quarrel,' <>n the pavement fronting Ms jireiuls sWtv* iyui,{ ju a somewiiat liau^ei'uLis cou.in i'r.Morrill, of 16 (ireenwtcti itveet, who h i -ii<11uSchwartz, be levea uicre is .v pos it) ii > > his re¬covery. Liu 11 in:;, tho wan alleged to have tase<itiio kni eoa Uia woumled inun, wa.» w:i< /. .. :>te-i a:ilie tiinu by round..ih.ui lia-stou, M ©w.'iae>'l m tiiolumbs. iii'! ft!iit>i..oit«in mut-inetit or hettwartswill be takeu siiotild tin condition warrant it.

A !'?: ;c j/ MliTM li Ut.iTiTTokt McK.vB. Ni w Mexico, Oc:. io, imo.

To Tnn Editor ur tub Ukhaj i>:.

A friend has this day sent uiea clipping from aSew Vork paper n wblch my name Is us..; i in con¬nection witn a roost melancholy aJair vrbicb re-

cently occurred tn Newburg.uameiy, the murder oiMr. 6eavtrns. The aittcie goe.i on to Hiyr ..whenHuflTou (wliOHe real name is on iho niiuy ivctflater anM. P. Uuit'um) was placed lu a ceil.'' &.<¦'. Havinubeen on duty in tru-< ioiritory sad ui turn poMsinestbe 1st oi October, lieu, never once hattnir '"ft It, iiIs needless, perfm; « for me to My thai there in aslight mistake in identity not at all peasant to me.

MAIiTl.t P. Bt'KKUM,Pint Uculetiajii HfteMUi imauirf.