SDHiilDB Business Mon W ill Solicit j Donations for Relief Bo- , .ginning nt 0 o'clock Mon- —-^ayt-Plans^o\v^ 6mplbl "BtllECTir Tv.lial II lu liopcd . . (he moM KucccKsful tcaturi:!! in Iho' tlrlxv (0 cullcul roodatiiftR Cor Klilpnicnl to tho HlnrvlDg (Uoux^niiR in (ho <lrMiRl;l-Blrtcki‘n kIiiIcs ot (lie nild-wcs(. AKIibugli farmers In Twin K.-ills 'n lliclr nml .Vri’KAL ISSUKD TItC followlnB ap|>cnl IsnlicJ by • .(lie commllloo Ui clmrst or the drive for fooil- ittutr (o bo Bent to BlnrvJnj: (tioiiuniuls In iho iniilwcac an enr. to (lie men who nru to cntl on you Mopilny in h'dmit of (lie liuiij?ry chllilrcii In (lie iIrnut;li(-Htrickun area ot our'country. mcrchantM,. rcHldhiK )ii Twli oclully Twin .Kalli 'c licnn uiialjlo H fa, Blncc tlioy wer< uot onsaKCfl It To ronipdy III ImH been worked 'onl provldlm; fnr iinrcliiiHO -by Tivlii riills real- OcniH hnil ’ ijimUieBA rirnis ot .im'y i)uml)or of Biicks of bi'dns or po- • taioca front' Twin FalU coiinty fnmicra.* to bo eblppeil Into •jiiulus where luck.o( fo:«l cxI . . Iiillil9\«--hy/,tl hitfl hceril'oiri'leii; onl. not:-t)nty will tliogtarvlnn duee will bo' *llmu1»ted. Also, 11 (riado:.'fWi:;-.ili«>.'t)oroIil80.-:«. Iiaro,'<<nr'.HiBlanc#. aV.a„:.cgst of «\50 '■pcri'a'ock./.It.'iiurchMed In ---- lhe-dtonshtr*ecUonrlt'-lB->eporl. y od.(hC8p -.b6ap9' would 'cont Dlmont , 15 pcp sack.; ‘ At O' huich.oon 'mefctlnE hold at tlid -RosQraoD hotel Solurtlay qpor pinna' for Uio;<lrlvc __ named.t-g'gqlfclt.'donntlQns. '^Two-man teains'wlll solfcirevory niflreliunt niid as tunny Individual nil poBslblc. bcgtnnlnK Monday — Piarnlng, ThO! ras : B. White Ilml' R. V. ; Zooas Bmllh and It E. . K. Ornnt arid II. C. . .. -e-. Duvall and , C. A. Nordi: .Mayor H. E. Unblcr und Froii Meofth! F. W. Harder nnd SIWpsoo. - i4«ch: r “.’•"“tlioTtl'beiwirL,. <iC. 1*. Bnwlcsr liuilrumuntnl ..In " irrSiniaiiB*n>u''ai'ivor'sniii--ut-(iiu luuthcbn ,• uioellng ’ Baliirday lliut !manfefmcnta havo'.boen made, f:r . .HWpPlng’ tlio food, to Iho drought liJtVo aovdr-turned a deat - If bn WIRED BY . (I: SxpIoBlon Idfir'NJght . .'iLOS . AHOBLEJS. ,PEB; 7 (UP)— !-An tmdcrBTOUiitJ otploflldn in ■front -'et-<ho Orphcu(n;tlicttif« ihor® lost ....... WtfTl'Fona -J^'pfcveiSfent-Slioj IWB.-'a.tMleai^aky- " itludiM wu Muainr at Garner Se|s Passage Of Bonus 4 vmpromise Next Wee: in Hausei WASHINGTON,,Fob. T ^P^Y .otisc Democrtita swung in; Uno today for tlio 000,000 Bach'rach compromifio bonus! proposal to increase tho lean limit on. votcrana' ndjuated ser-l vic(J certificates. This would assure its speedy passage in thcj ' ' ' •»HoU5c.. DUlGieElEKi Oontinuaition of Unbroken Do- cHho in OommbjtCy Prices | Reported. HowovBr:_-B NKW yOllK. 1 ‘cb. 7..ll'J' WKIi. Kcni'iiil bltBlnesn cundllioii« infllicncvd , by . iiUHSlbllltk-H ot ]>itrn HcEmlun of CcjiRrcDH iind ;cr(olh;y over soldier IjonuN ly) latlou, luillviillonH of the ito trend uf. bnolntisa ware la lionRh' '0 mirlTiTitnain'tTnili iH<8howed Hllijlii liuprtivetnoa Duie secilotia with n further uteUplliK up uf antoniohlln Jtoul opunitlons, ihore »<!n indlciitlonB the HOHHotinl cximn- iloii ropruBcntcd tlio hu»lK fc HUBialned recovery. riie week »aw a eor.;lntii jf the unliraktfii decll^ic in ■ rnoilliy prlcvu iiIthoiiKh h< nrenBlhonlHK wan nolcd In w ind corn i>rlee» on ilrciichty dItioiiB In botiic iicelK)us' nC thk TdwlnB bclm. -On-lhe -otlier haad,- nanfci netnlg- brDUo to new low leveln or-farni-iiriHlu'ctii adiclAns'-imKoai iTrZH^uiWii :htly. althnuK iIowfnB -i of sciiaoQDl Kalw. ncreaalnRiy-uneven.—Nererthe- , Htecl iiroductlon ilnrlos ■week. Iina bc<;n .slei-i)^ ... Automo'bllu dcnmnil ' liiia bu(Mi! itlfiiulatcd by'the UMniil BeaMK.tri ractom nnd rontlnuM iiclow (ht-l Garner approved tho jilan and! predicted the measure would i J)c parsed by the Hotite ncxt' loan limit, now 221/a per cenf,,ie,i of tho face value of the certif-|>«-‘>. icates, probably would be in-;"'"''' creasod to"B0 per cent as the',.''! i,„i sponsor .pf the. proposol, .Jtop-UiiowH resentativo Bachrach (K, J.) | .ias.suggcatcdr^hBintercn’rafcj,"'''!;.';® on aU loana"on'' ct)rliflcfiteii woiild, bo rcduced from six to four per cent. M il Ten Insane Cnmmals Escape Eroria-tiospital ___ .X)uring Fire Confiisioit LEAOERS lAC il projiiisod would Ini 10 |H 'r ici Ivxs ibun the preannl ciinli valu of tho eprdriciitCR. Tho lhu:>iruch plan, he Htild, wl coHt nrlnnlly Jl,7lJ,00ii,0iin 'in IhlH will moa.u only }5uu.'J()n,0i of "new" uionry <o . ho iiromic by thu tie.isury oiVthe c^iioil. if Ii)!in dcniiind.H. Thu ic; jCbicftco Nows Says NotorioiiB I Qangstor Planned to Prnmo ’i Mrs. Blncklidge to Help Him I' In Ineonto Tax Investigation ‘nlruiidy. I KlnkUi) tiinil helUB ■Wffl-Bogers-Hrgei- '^raafSx-Govfeor I ^ AU^Tlf^Tcx^ Pel). 7. -tt-iii—RofiofnTnnirruoif.vr choice of Kormer Jainen I FergUBOU for prcKldent In jrcrKUBOn nimoUuced hln "Tho Karuni who wa* auHtcd pf -TcxnB,-coniende;i iirticle (hut< Ii!b' Kolvcllnn inoro . unreiiHniiftlito tha. •'Abralmrn LIncob, -an ’f-jivaH, iiecorcilnc aUiw_J 8 lo im is TO KACK niAltdKS F(ut iHimiKta’ AT-iiriir.Kv lUK the pW THI3 DALLAS, Ore.. Fell. 7 (UI') verBuly iiffcclea Mnx JoncH unil Joe Kite, hoih -lO, Ilona of- tho cuuntry. Chiiln iHluH.jiow(jTx,r. .,nrc..JiolornK uii with tho Kcnorul averane of Juii- uary iialeii ipproxlinatoly ■ » pet >se of (lie Bamo month .{UB.l. yc«r. Othor:lnii):)rtf.rK trade Indlcca Bhow no cIianKo In (lib downward d, Car loadlnBs are’wcU bolow output toudnuea (o reglan-r jtharp: docreuaca from ' cOnipnrntl^-e' lorlodH.' Block prlccB Imve' nin>-eil larrowly nrountl, re m t levela. •;MttDy, :icitdlnK iorpbrailum are roirtrlUlfC poor oDrnlnRs for the fianl fluiirtot. of Inal* year, while': Uradatreoi'n ' Journol .csthnBlM' iinorclnl_;.tft|lurea_dur]aB-- ccnt In oxecHa ot tha lilgh r of JonualT. JB22. when InduBlrlal !<:on»tftiico, (“Qrciild ['h»nkur.”'who l.wci^'nliOl myglerlouiily liisl hlslK. jdli'd.lodny lu.'AUEuatuud husplul I'lf hla wiuads.. linprovenicM. .,Tiia..oz{<mt-dt^.il]ik-bu«liiessrti)r. 1 ^ 6' :durtne Dnconiber • .wa» 'n ' and. SlOBl Inal tutc. TKow showed DBMtnbof: production of alt wni- ,, ^anlo*; at "Bllfe'jtly • nibr'o thnii.two at mnildn IC.1M . or- tne.jiarcli laaJ, -producllon; which 8«f-.tlie''noW; high mark, for Ihi ' . Jiuiy FiudsJLse- e caarRe :i' (ho wceh oiid to loo,tln(5 the Ilurltj; ..... ........... t SiiiVdiiy iilBhl of A!jpiit>2tl. Thu buys wore placctl 'In the Juvenile >ard of the comity Jnll uficr their . '•resj ;by.._clty j>ollce, here lui yesiorilay.’ CRASH IN SUBIY "- ' f>on IN JURES TIIY, iU IRIES STAR ' Fuyitivcs Kiiowh lo' Killers; Oreaiiizcd Scarch Utuk-r Way ilM fs BOISIO, Kell. 7, (llIO-TroBlkiaa In irriKiitloa or ilnilniiRv ditchea or ra.-inls Kill bu pualHhablo: by I line noi t(i exi'Oi'd ISO or by ' liiipi iBonnu'nt In tho tounty -Jail ............... 1 . hill No. 62, • , Itiiniduccd ti the’ Senate ' • ; Idnfio feKlslaturo Saturday teyidcnl Hoover and Congrcs--' iioiml Heads Decide to pi-oprialc 520,000,000 Fromjoihe.r Public Treasury for Succori^Jj^^J^'’ ^ vice used ler llfdoK or uator.'Vldladen of tho irovlHiuiiH conudtutcs a' ino'r and would bo pun- ' V ur ImprlsoJinieut r pruvlnlon of Ibe li bad; of till' ri'i'f'nt hWiiidlo lu ich Mty. -Myrllr.' T^unei lllnck* ;o'lo?t sriil.nm) at faro.-has been j -mUrr. )- lu tlini SDutlibound Elyer Hits End t ■£mp!>y~T»iu>T7-ThF0wlni ■■qpiippr.T from . Seats: W ilt- niackiwut'.' who 1 -fjllcctor-nf-lnlcrnnl-re' sspemsssf^ i:dwur<l LilBlnKOfr Cook lltlcal loador. After (he f thut rollowed'announcpmonl swlnille. .she reslnncil. ■illTNowB No person', 'firm, association. cfljjjsirailDa_ut_lirlKBilotnll8trlcL injury Buffered by }-Of-Oftrs.-are-Sliattereii:^niTCi‘,„M ________Tii'ili.' Avnnl ,1jluze,'h'oIltvD«rio bavc bceii ....... >y a. short, circuit lu tho ■ll«btlni: ij-Hlftn, afler a brief flxht. «uffl - - ihnike VIndowB In llic I'nr It her fin Involvi-d In'Kainbllni;’crusheil tho forwnrd platf; nld bo forccd to "horrxW ,},o fjr^i Trafllc waB i ffnm: ihc“ fundB hcr-lionllion sarc'for-aii'Iibur,----------- itrol iif. ) Allh'JUKli tletci- iccordlnic H) the Nows.;i.otti' inotormcn. I uxpccteil I placi! her in yogltlnu whuie <;H|H)iw-«aulJ.-.ilii:. nrked V'cH r of I The original pli <iui:ordln(; to the news, uniij iii- "or. ntm.' ijl/resiinse itnd iilitreil'htT' Iral ){amo with tbrcu Bwhullcrx. :iwu-ui..wiioiii_iKi,i'i-ii_ii>!..hc.':.Ccir!''!i^.. Tbo plM fallcd.'howavcr. arciir'I- m to the .S ’ew*, when Mrs. IJIiick- ;lldKc roiiliyhorr;wed $50,000 from ;Llt«lnRer—instead of ••horrowInK" It frbni <ie>' Kovernment iuiTils-r |lo'nmkb . Kood a chcck which ho ,huil-iml Into-lhcrfirBt same.-’ .... 1-Miu.ifii......................................... iSbnafbrCSW'7aj7TfWiTXrSr»W jlcd (ho relict flKht. told the I'OtnprbniliJe lanHuajif waf end) broad 'to penult fooil iH to' ilixlrviixed fiirmrrx. Ma* ty I.cHiliir' Walsnn aiild hi iirtlsficd— Hi — sn(d-S wcTiilil anreo to .1. JiO.OOO.OOO ight relief prob-1 ,r! 'I,-, .-liariji.. li E'Bsl Ifn*Ma -Idithb;' a<6 bill-No.'63. by ............... ' ' olccdoua commlttiH Satiirdny: ' - loi.'.ory; book'^nsk* r g#mo 01 tar roiii«;«. ia*(|uenot, rotnta , • rondo Ramca ot chnnea • kaipeliltiitfd-wlUr-eirap- otner darjcB tor money, ■ bredji t^'thLoga c -;rnniinF... . . . latoniunt laaued BOon after lliu wlndle. diat ‘Mrs. Illackllilise liad (ConUnue<Sa;i.'PaEq S ----l^KaiT-l'OltK , . MAillON, .S. C.. Keb. 7 (IU*1--,1 IliK- Ihcr Of rtinintecr fire flHhiljri^.’. Snilih, an Innmtu,- siruoh aiidl - - - • illy— Injnrn|-Ti—KtiiihlSvlth'a- The miciltlonul J20,0l proprlatloa |B tu he dlHl loans or advances for i Jna nun'll, rbju «conl tldetiiona > or more- peraong— THE TAIL WAGS THE TIC . H'l •TrtlNK’miS -C^ . T»n«krcHO«E'r~ r • . -stWBvjovBr;; W.\BHI.\«TON, Kell. 7 ( m - Tho SenftU- wllhoiit a r<'<'ord"voti today sent the hllMon dollar tronfl irj-'am! posiofflce- approprladoi illl hack to I'onrevoncR for Ihi l.^ecoml llnifl, InHlBlInK n'pou It: ■W ia-nilmTi'il*, —^ Tho-.8orin(e's.iiuicndinonl«-«'oiild snliirli'K,. provide n norlli- to.licatdc nnd airlke out iipproprl aUouiL-.ior—rent«ls,-on .po. ' uiii-'Bittiiaii«''cnrni'n— mnrei .cnncellnblo loaaea. fof.Qcorsqi.Krttaklc,.. :il year old Cross' -vlllasc ’ llalierrnan, .who ' U [boliflVnl drlfdiiR. in Luke MIshl- on an .Ice floe., , SKAKCK KUtl KISIlKll.nAN CHARLEVOIX. .MIeh.. Feb. ' As'BlHtinK the formation .oi .[(H- aI' n«rlciillurul->:ri'dk cnr|iora- tlcinK. llv.esioek loan LvitiiiAniea vr ir nrKoniznllonH. IncreiiBlnK tne capital .atock eh KQUJpatilcajjr.coruoraUonB. I.iiiiajnti ■»' ludlvlduaiB on inv scirurliy-of :cap:ta|-Dtock"Of 'SUCH ■purillnnH. iradon oC games ot ' skill, and moral, sideshows'' ana innocent .forms ot<'-lamuM- - are expootcd. Tryallnfti-ctN “(cidduucu on Page Kienti.i\'::- or ailvaucl'nK‘"To CUMOUZE UK AMKT.TA • WEDS PUBLISHER NKW YOIH<, feh. 'T. (UPJ—AD' irtrunH-mtnT-tvuTTmmo-toaay - Ihal ^aeovgfi-l'almer I’ultiamriiaMtaher and Amelia' Karhart,-,llie^oiiBWr who fle'v tu_fc:uBlimd^wgrc mat^ .Tied dilB niurn'ae at Uie bomb of utnttni'n-iiinthor-in-NoaDk.' Conm Tnor"'w(iW"niaiTicd -bj—tftWue rihur Andoraan. and <ho. Judce'a ^3,. Koher^ond Mrs. Pranc^»;f\ ulnaniiHhv oirtillshei •cro •wIiueawjB.-. ' Exploiioa.-.'on'.Lor&nef.'^ Siir^Tor llalceii^.^ . ,r. «nld. (hero: would-bo no i..waddlaii trip -and, Otnt ..hbljr-would/ bo jal tlidr.acska' Monday. ^Ths, «ecr*tttry ndrled’ that tbe .br’Ide< wlll .eo'ntliii^s }o -.USB; her.;-.m#l(J6ij .'jnam&'.r-^rj- aTI-DEINE,;rSURVEY;’SHqi_,_,, ittiko’at'- tlieVVni^ liiiBiiiTe ---- -flif'Tiirii'tlmpyiien i ....... - ■■ g is : .;2K

BtllECTir - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/.../PDF/1931_02_07.pdfSDHiilDB Business Mon Will Solicit j Donations for Relief Bo- , .ginning nt 0 o'clock Mon- —-^ayt-Plans^o\v^6mplbl"BtllECTir

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Page 1: BtllECTir - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/.../PDF/1931_02_07.pdfSDHiilDB Business Mon Will Solicit j Donations for Relief Bo- , .ginning nt 0 o'clock Mon- —-^ayt-Plans^o\v^6mplbl"BtllECTir

SDHiilDBBusiness Mon W ill Solicit j

Donations for Relief Bo-

, .ginning nt 0 o'clock Mon-

—- ^ a y t- P la n s ^ o \ v ^ 6mplbl

"BtllECTirTv.lial II lu liopcd . .(he moM KucccKsful tcaturi:!! in Iho' tlrlxv (0 cullcul roodatiiftR Cor Klilpnicnl to tho HlnrvlDg (Uoux^niiR in (ho <lrMiRl;l-Blrtcki‘n kIiiIcs ot (lie nild-wcs(.

AKIibugli farmers In Twin K.-ills 'n lliclr


.Vri’KAL ISSUKDTItC followlnB ap|>cnl

IsnlicJ by • .(lie commllloo Ui clmrst or the drive for fooil- ittutr (o bo Bent to BlnrvJnj: (tioiiuniuls In iho iniilwcac

an enr. to (lie men who nru to cntl on you Mopilny in h'dmit of (lie liuiij?ry chllilrcii In (lie iIrnut;li(-Htrickun area ot our'country.

■ mcrchantM,.

rcHldhiK )ii Twli oclully Twin .Kalli 'c licnn uiialjlo H fa, Blncc tlioy wer<

uot onsaKCfl It To ronipdy III

ImH been worked 'onl provldlm; fnr iinrcliiiHO -by Tivlii riills real- OcniH hnil ’ ijimUieBA rirnis ot .im'y i)uml)or of Biicks of bi'dns or po-

• taioca front' Twin FalU coiinty fnmicra.* to bo eblppeil Into

• jiiulus where luck.o( fo:«l cxI . .Iiillil9\«--hy/,tl hitfl hceril'oiri'leii;

onl. not:-t)nty will tliogtarvlnn

duee will bo' *llmu1»ted. Also, 11

(riado:.'fWi:;-.ili«>.'t)oroIil80.-:«.Iiaro,'<<nr'.HiBlanc#. aV.a„:.cgst of «\50 '■pcri'a'ock./.It.'iiurchMed In

---- lhe-dtonshtr*ecUonrlt'-lB->eporl.y od.(hC8p -.b6ap9' would 'cont Dlmont

, 15 pcp sack.;‘ At O' huich.oon 'mefctlnE hold at tlid -RosQraoD hotel Solurtlay qpor pinna' for Uio;<lrlvc

__ named.t-g'gqlfclt.'donntlQns. '^Two-man teains'wlll solfcirevory niflreliunt niid as tunny Individual nil poBslblc. bcgtnnlnK Monday

—Piarnlng, ThO!


: B. White Ilml' R. V. ; Zooas Bmllh and I t E.

. K. Ornnt arid II. C. . .. -e-. Duvall and , C. A.

Nordi: .Mayor H. E. Unblcr und Froii Meofth! F. W. Harder nnd

SIWpsoo. - i4«ch: r

■ “ .’•"“tlioTtl'beiwirL,.<iC. 1*. Bnwlcsr liuilrumuntnl ..In

" irrSiniaiiB*n>u''ai'ivor'sniii--ut-(iiu luuthcbn ,• uioellng ’ Baliirday lliut !manfefmcnta havo'.boen made, f:r

. .HWpPlng’ tlio food, to Iho drought

■ liJtVo aovdr-turned a deat - If bn


( I : SxpIoBlon

Id f ir 'N Jg h t

. .'iLOS . AHOBLEJS. ,PEB; 7 (UP)— !-An tmdcrBTOUiitJ otploflldn in ■front - 'et-<ho Orphcu(n;tlicttif« ihor® lost



-J 'pfcveiSfent-Slioj IWB.-'a.tMleai^aky-

" itludiM w u M uainr at

Garner Se|s Passage Of Bonus 4 vmpromise

Next Wee: in HauseiWASHINGTON,,Fob. T ^ P ^ Y .o t is c Democrtita swung in;

Uno today for tlio 000,000 Bach'rach compromifio bonus! proposal to increase tho lean limit on. votcrana' ndjuated ser-l vic(J certificates. This would assure its speedy passage in thcj

' ' ' •»HoU5c..

DUlGieElEKiOontinuaition of Unbroken Do-

cHho in OommbjtCy Prices |

R eported. HowovBr:_-B

NKW yOllK. 1‘cb. 7 ..ll'J' WKIi. Kcni'iiil bltBlnesn cundllioii« infllicncvd , by . iiUHSlbllltk-H ot ]>itrn HcEmlun of CcjiRrcDH iind ;cr(olh;y over soldier IjonuN ly) latlou, luillviillonH of the ito trend uf. bnolntisa ware la

lionRh' '0 mirlTiTitnain'tTnili iH<8howed Hllijlii liuprtivetnoa Duie secilotia with n further

uteUplliK up uf antoniohlln Jtoul opunitlons, ihore »<!n indlciitlonB the HOHHotinl cximn- iloii ropruBcntcd tlio hu»lK fc HUBialned recovery.

riie week »aw a eor.;lntii jf the unliraktfii decll ic in ■ rnoilliy prlcvu iiIthoiiKh h< nrenBlhonlHK wan nolcd In w ind corn i>rlee» on ilrciichty dItioiiB In botiic iicelK)us' nC thk TdwlnB bclm.-On-lhe -otlier haad,- nanfci netnlg- brDUo to new low leveln


adiclAns'-imKoaiiTrZH^uiWii :htly. althnuK

iIowfnB -i of sciiaoQDl Kalw.

ncreaalnRiy-uneven.—Nererthe- , Htecl iiroductlon ilnrlos ■ week. Iina bc<;n .slei-i)^

...Automo'bllu dcnmnil ' liiia bu(Mi!

itlfiiulatcd by'the UMniil BeaMK.tri ractom nnd rontlnuM iiclow (ht-l

Garner approved tho jilan and! predicted the measure would i J)c parsed by the Hotite ncxt'

loan lim it, now 221/a per cenf,,ie,i of tho face value of the certif-|>«-‘>. icates, probably would be in-;"'"''' creasod to"B0 per cent as the',.''! i,„i sponsor .pf the. proposol, .Jtop-UiiowH resentativo Bachrach (K, J.) | .ias.suggcatcdr^hBintercn’rafcj,"'''!;.';® on aU loana"on'' ct)rliflcfiteii woiild, bo rcduced from six to four per cent.

M i l

T e n I n s a n e C n m m a ls Escape E roria -tiosp ita l

___ .X )u rin g F ire C on fiis io it


projiiisod would Ini 10 |H'r ici Ivxs ibun the preannl ciinli valu of tho eprdriciitCR.

Tho lhu:>iruch plan, he Htild, wl coHt nrlnnlly Jl,7lJ,00ii,0iin 'in IhlH will moa.u only }5uu.'J()n,0i of "new" uionry <o . ho iiromic by thu tie.isury oiVthe c^iioil.

if Ii)!in dcniiind.H. Thu ic;

jCbicftco Nows Says NotorioiiB

I Qangstor Planned to Prnmo

’ i Mrs. Blncklidge to Help Him

I ' In Ineonto Tax Investigation

‘nlruiidy. I KlnkUi) tiinil helUB


'^raafSx-Govfeor I

^ AU^Tlf^Tcx^ Pel). 7.-tt-iii—RofiofnTnnirruoif.vrchoice of Kormer Jainen I FergUBOU for prcKldent In

jrcrKUBOn nimoUuced hln

"Tho Karuni who wa* auHtcd

pf -TcxnB,-coniende;i iirticle (hut< Ii!b' Kolvcllnn inoro . unreiiHniiftlito tha. •'Abralmrn LIncob, -an

’f-jivaH, iiecorcilnc


8 lo im is TO KACK niAltdKS F(ut iHimiKta’ AT-iiriir.Kv

lUK the pW THI3 DALLAS, Ore.. Fell. 7 (UI') verBuly iiffcclea Mnx JoncH unil Joe Kite, hoih -lO,

Ilona of- tho cuuntry. Chiiln■iHluH. jiow(jTx,r. .,nrc..JiolornK uii with tho Kcnorul averane of Juii- uary iialeii ipproxlinatoly ■» pet

>se of (lie Bamo month.{UB.l. yc«r.

Othor:lnii):)rtf.rK trade Indlcca Bhow no cIianKo In (lib downward

d, Car loadlnBs are’wcU bolow

output toudnuea (o reglan-r jtharp: docreuaca from ' cOnipnrntl^-e' lorlodH.' Block prlccB Imve' nin>-eil larrowly nrountl, rem t levela. •;MttDy, :icitdlnK iorpbrailum are roirtrlUlfC poor oDrnlnRs for the fianl fluiirtot. of Inal* year, while': Uradatreoi'n ' Journol .csthnBlM'


ccnt In oxecHa ot tha lilgh r of JonualT. JB22. when InduBlrlal

!<:on»tftiico, (“Qrciild ['h»nkur.”'who l.wci 'nliOl myglerlouiily liisl hlslK. jdli'd.lodny lu.'AUEuatuud husplul I'lf hla wiuads..

linprovenicM. .,Tiia..oz{<mt-dt .il]ik-bu«liiessrti)r. 1 6' :durtne Dnconiber • .wa» 'n '

and. SlOBl Inal tutc. TKow showed DBMtnbof: production of alt wni-

,, anlo*; at "Bllfe'jtly • nibr'o thnii. two at mnildn IC.1M. or-

• tne.jiarcli laaJ, -producllon; which 8«f-.tlie''noW; high mark, for Ihi ' .Jiuiy FiudsJLse-

e caarRe:i' (ho wceh oiid toloo,tln(5 the Ilurltj; ..... ...........t SiiiVdiiy iilBhl of A!jpiit>2tl. Thu

buys wore placctl 'In the Juvenile >ard of the comity Jnll uficr their

. '•resj ;by.._clty j>ollce, here lui yesiorilay.’



Fuyitivcs Kiiowh lo'

Killers; Oreaiiizcd

Scarch Utuk-r Way

i lM fs

BOISIO, Kell. 7, (llIO-TroBlkiaa In irriKiitloa or ilnilniiRv ditchea or ra.-inls Kill bu pualHhablo: by ■I line noi t(i exi'Oi'd ISO or by ' liiipi iBonnu'nt In tho tounty -Jail

............... 1. hill No. 62, •

, Itiiniduccd t i the’ Senate ' • ; Idnfio feKlslaturo Saturday

teyidcnl Hoover and Congrcs--'

iioim l Heads Decide to

pi-oprialc 520,000,000 Fromjoihe.r

Public Treasury for Succori Jj J '’

vice used ler llfdoK or uator.'Vldladen of tho

irovlHiuiiH conudtutcs a' ino'r and would bo pun- '

V ur ImprlsoJinieut r pruvlnlon of Ibe

li bad; of till' ri'i'f'nt hWiiidlo lu ich Mty. -Myrllr.' T^unei lllnck* ;o'lo?t sriil.nm) at faro.-has been j


)- lu tlini

SDutlibound Elyer Hits End t


■■qpiippr.T from . Seats: W ilt-

niackiwut'.' who 1-fjllcctor-nf-lnlcrnnl-re'sspemsssfi:dwur<l LilBlnKOfr Cook lltlcal loador. After (he f thut rollowed'announcpmonl swlnille. .she reslnncil.


No person', 'firm, association. cfljjjsirailDa_ut_lirlKBilotnll8trlcL

injury Buffered by

}-Of-Oftrs.-are-Sliattereii:^niTCi‘,„M________Tii'ili.' Avnnl

,1jluze,'h'oIltvD«rio bavc bceii .......>y a. short, circuit lu tho ■ll«btlni: ij-Hlftn, afler a brief flxht. «uffl

- - ihnike VIndowB In llic I'nr It her fin Involvi-d In'Kainbllni;’crusheil tho forwnrd platf;

nld bo forccd to "horrxW ,},o fjr^i Trafllc waB iffnm: ihc“ fundB hcr-lionllion sarc'for-aii'Iibur,-----------

itrol iif. ) Allh'JUKli tletci-iccordlnic H) the Nows.;i.otti' inotormcn.

I uxpccteil I placi! her inyogltlnu whuie <;H|H)iw-«aulJ.-.ilii:.

nrked V'cH

r of I

The original pli <iui:ordln(; to the news, uniij iii- "or. ntm.' ijl/resiinse itnd iilitreil'htT' Iral ){amo with tbrcu Bwhullcrx.

:iwu-ui..wiioiii_iKi,i'i-ii_ii>!..hc.':.Ccir!''!i ..Tbo plM fallcd.'howavcr. arciir'I- m to the .S’ew*, when Mrs. IJIiick-

;lldKc roiiliyhorr;wed $50,000 from ;Llt«lnRer—instead of ••horrowInK" It frbni <ie>' Kovernment iuiTils-r |lo'nmkb . Kood a chcck which ho ,huil-iml Into-lhcrfirBt same.-’....

1-Miu.ifii.........................................iSbnafbrCSW'7aj7TfWiTXrSr»W jlcd (ho relict flKht. told

the I'OtnprbniliJe lanHuajif waf ■ end) broad 'to penult fooil iH to' ilixlrviixed fiirmrrx. Ma* ty I.cHiliir' Walsnn aiild hi

iirtlsficd—Hi—sn(d-S wcTiilil anreo to .1. JiO.OOO.OOO

ight relief prob-1

,r!'I,-, .-liariji.. li


I fn*Ma - Idithb;'a<6 bill-No.'63. by ............... ' 'olccdoua commlttiH Satiirdny: ' -

loi.'.ory; book'^nsk*■r g#mo 01 tar

roiii«;«. ia*(|uenot, rotnta , • rondo Ramca ot chnnea • kaipeliltiitfd-wlUr-eirap-

otner darjcB tor money, ■ bredji t^'thLoga c

-;rnniinF... . . . latoniunt laaued BOon after lliu wlndle. diat ‘Mrs. Illackllilise liad

(ConUnue<Sa;i.'PaEq S

----l^KaiT-l'OltK , .MAillON, .S. C.. Keb. 7 (IU*1--,1 IliK- Ihcr

Of rtinintecr fire flHhiljri^.’. Snilih, an Innmtu,- siruoh aiidl - - - • illy—Injnrn|-Ti—KtiiihlSvlth'a-

The miciltlonul J20,0l proprlatloa |B tu he dlHl loans or advances for i Jna nun'll,

rb ju«conl tldetiiona

> or more- peraong—


. H'l •TrtlNK’miS -C^ .

T»n«krcHO«E'r~ r • . -stWBvjovBr;;

W.\BHI.\«TON, Kell. 7 ( m - Tho SenftU- wllhoiit a r<'<'ord"voti today sent the hllMon dollar tronfl irj-'am! posiofflce- approprladoi illl hack to I'onrevoncR for Ihi

l.^ecoml llnifl, InHlBlInK n'pou It:■Wia-nilmTi'il*, —^

Tho-.8orin(e's.iiuicndinonl«-«'oiild snliirli'K,. provide n norlli-

to.licatdc nnd airlke out iipproprl aUouiL-.ior—rent«ls,-on .po. ' uiii-'Bittiiaii«''cnrni'n—mnrei

.cnncellnblo loaaea.

fof.Qcorsqi.Krttaklc,.. :il year old Cross' - vlllasc ’ llalierrnan, .who ' U [boliflVnl drlfdiiR. in Luke MIshl-

on an . Ice floe., ,


As'BlHtinK the formation .oi .[(H-aI' n«rlciillurul->:ri'dk cnr|iora- tlcinK. llv.esioek loan LvitiiiAniea vr

ir nrKoniznllonH.IncreiiBlnK tne capital .atock

eh KQUJpatilcajjr.coruoraUonB. I.iiiiajnti ■»' ludlvlduaiB on inv

scirurliy-of :cap:ta|-Dtock"Of 'SUCH ■purillnnH.

iradon oC games ot ' skill, and moral, sideshows'' ana innocent .forms ot<'-lamuM- - are expootcd. Tryallnfti-ctN

“ (cidduucu on Page Kienti.i\'::-

■ or ailvaucl'nK‘ "To



NKW YOIH<, feh. 'T. (UPJ—AD' irtrunH-mtnT-tvuTTmmo-toaay - Ihal ^aeovgfi-l'almer I’ultiamriiaMtaher and Amelia' Karhart,-,llie^oiiBWr who fle'v tu_fc:uBlimd^wgrc mat^

.Tied dilB niurn'ae at Uie bomb of utnttni'n-iiinthor-in-NoaDk.' Conm Tnor"'w(iW"niaiTicd -bj—tftWue rihur Andoraan. and <ho. Judce'a ^3,. Koher^ond Mrs. Pranc^»;f\ ulnaniiHhv oirtillshei •cro •wIiueawjB.-. '


Siir^Tor llalceii .

. , r .

«nld. (hero: would-bo no i..waddlaii trip - and, Otnt ..hbljr-would/ bo jal tlidr.acska' Monday. Ths, «ecr*tttry ndrled’ that tbe .br’Ide< wlll .eo'ntliii^s ■ }o -.USB; her.;-.m#l(J6ij .'jnam&'.r-^rj-

a T I - D E I N E , ; r S U R V E Y ; ’ S H q i_ ,_ ,,

ittiko’at'- tlieVVni^ liiiBiiiTe -----flif'Tiirii'tlmpyiien i ....... -


g i s :

. ; 2 K

Page 2: BtllECTir - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/.../PDF/1931_02_07.pdfSDHiilDB Business Mon Will Solicit j Donations for Relief Bo- , .ginning nt 0 o'clock Mon- —-^ayt-Plans^o\v^6mplbl"BtllECTir

^E ttriFalk Bruim DrulriPeSiel^ HePe-^mtiopswSBEREGIMl'lAWINST-iraS

Oftcnsivo In Great Game,

Friday; Buhl .Hmlof Highl

Boys Nobo Oiit Twin’ rn jh ■ _

lly U. « .

Whistliii’ Lyd’ Will ^Be Missed in Ashi

Dog Race Feb. 2 2nd.D E M t e .

rii(/ar. of

o( (Uq

Run" kiiown mccrii.

aro-linllcntloDR tlinl ,t-nowy iM il. vclcrani up liplura'lliO-ilny. lofj Ulo l ie rftco.

Ab u»unt, llio 0:t;K«>i. Sliorl Llnu lH'nrr.-inKll'K f“r J'PC' to liniidl.' ilio crowilM liofo tor iho nice. lire ilifcc HiH'cliilx Inm mill (rtalia K-iJI" mid </« nrlBRS

tory fi oiii iln) jaws. i>: Ootca .. ulK<‘l w1inn tlioy (Ictonlod I1i0 " ‘

.....'luy tivo, ntior ft Inst-half rally wlilcli rovoracil a J7-H lead field liy Uiirlcy nl (lio liaU.—Ttie-Riinic-wH»-liar<|.}ilay«d,_aml_ at tInicH r.-illicr rmiRli.'Ip iJic Orn't lialf llic- vlsltoi-3 ajipcsjrcd to oiil- liliiy tJir Im-fti lioyK, 1ml iliu kcct :rind Itnlf wiui a,, dlrfcrciil i.lory. • lliiliii'u- KlmLoVly Kimrcl. tiill'leil IZ |ui(nfM-for hteli strorJnK Iictiom. mill Dalii'r, Ufirloy, (urwiird, wllli :i lOimRTH. wnti hisii »»in-(nr-Ihc-^

? /or tLilill U licliool

.T»>oIMch siimfi ........

=5:— U .'.wVg' C. C'oiiicrS. .ilfcUt -nrr.-.iilRlit.. ami Iio wiiR.all «vui;

; ilio Ilaor, broakUiK up (he Ioiir -'■< iiusaCH Dt lllu I’ocalollo Runrds

mid cmvordne many oC them In­to -ootjntcrB. Weaver liowovor. turuMr la.'hlRli iioliU honum' fur tlio rinilni 41tli 10 iaIlloK.

rlioi Rimo o(»Jred-'»loivJ>- anil Iiluy waa'tip and down tliu floor furTiljoul lUc flr>l mlniV-u and a linir'uutll Datcs’ for llio llrultit mMint;ciI (o xnaro .a field ku»1.

• At'ttiV B toul on ClI«lll.3K lllldcl . Itio Twin Falls l.ankcl. Ursoii

___ ciHinted UD two more poln!*_oti,free throw convcrBlims. A iiilnatc

• tnoro of scrlnimnKO nud Wcnvcr liroho Into <liu

- A 'Uclinicnl fojil Weaver for dolaylii wlien ho Ijatlcd ihu ball oiK ii tho hands of u I’ounluljo, iilu'yci un an-oul-(if-b6|iiids I'lay, niu •I'oar«co hung tiji ilio flr»t poln' for 1‘ocatcllO. Tho qiiarlcr ended with UacoD Buarliii; one from (lie floor. • ■ y ■

A BubstUliOoti, C. Coiner tor If.Colniir, 0|ifncd (lio Hccoiid iinur- tor rad Twin K.IIb togIHlm& oiil.On n foul on Dacoii. I’e i i r s o u j , _ counted ui> (iilo iiolW. vhrn tic converted dnh of tho froo Hiroivs.|,.„,„p, I>arBon got away- down (lio flo;

--un-o-iuiM.lt -i»lay—i»ntI—uottcd .

la favor of. thc-pn ii’i

t 'T 'C r Cotnor/vforticd 'tJio hull - dowi B- Uib Boor' anil stdrnd. 'iWatotl. r c mlisod a free throw nnd Wads- V. ‘ worlh made up for It willi ti field

Uaalcct- Twin...Falls wa; nilBsLTiw V, • »• BOCHl many -*hi>rt shots uador

Jtt-polnts -for-iho'HraUiH -aud .lfld:II16 lii'Jlvjiliiaf -Bcorlim 111*1. „Colnor XTimnV far hclilnd wlih D, wlink- c while Hacoii wlUi 7 and I.arsiin .vvlili s and' who Jii« ,.^1,11,1,1.Diildi’l ■‘Com to cnnniTl I'fl^ri,Cl-.InK away K«v,.ial times, with f„ ,„ ,


|--ElrlK, -nlthoiiHtiT .................... - • * * - r- _— ______________ I. .........I Ifpltr I>1I rtf Ml* ___iloy iioyi h'nrt'iinc'OpVtt-;;0-1Vml:

; rcli, •T-'IHliccinD-Tlic' IK-i-lo hiKh fldiool girls' hniip tcaiii , ilcfoated.lho vIsllhiK^AIlXon, ‘ :iot, aiKl tho Albion buyH you

:ialni;c.ii linit t'nil, half

corc.'Tlio vlBit{>rp wcr il. tint iilaycd h.-iril tint •hbtlc.


ai-una-wrlltun-ni.i.lIcuir3vOr:,Cnh- irlw. Noted now. iniiong ;tlioi'"' wlio arc“ >ti(nnlfti{-'tf/hP.here ai 'I'" Mlllx of Uniitr. Allierta, Cm. .

•Seodv Allen 6f Alnr.Ka, fred .Prlneti, winner iit • Truckci;


c ntial <

^ a g e l^ A n ^ o G o .

Page 3: BtllECTir - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/.../PDF/1931_02_07.pdfSDHiilDB Business Mon Will Solicit j Donations for Relief Bo- , .ginning nt 0 o'clock Mon- —-^ayt-Plans^o\v^6mplbl"BtllECTir

LIN K ’S S C H O O L O F BUSINESS' f* (►'urmerlr (Jrfffir »U!ifnpK« Oillrpf)

.. M tis- M o rtu ttt 'jr te o rp o ra te d — —

Funeral Directors (' - To Your GonHtlenca.. . ......

' , ..}s Our Aim

Pjlnnc M()0 , . • • Eila M. White, Mgr

“Say It Witii Flowers

i-Geeasw— — Wo -Wiro-Flowcra- Every.wl’ie ra__ .

TWIN FALLS FLORAL COMPANY _0 r lo . Wjnian)3,_Bi)i)rietor_

'. Green House G'lG'

! . ED GEOIIPET V:■. Emptfe Autb SliOE,..

• Oldsinobilc and Viking Sales and. Sei’vice I' G.eneral Repairing and Storage

.|Phone768W': . ! v .138 2 Ave. North

Mominy. (liticlul linsfd will In Hie Biudy Ttioeiloy tiveiiiiiji

7:_3fi_i!, ni,: itio tnlti-Weck ilcvollon- -• HorvlcC will bo hchi ‘ Church of Santa Maria dei Servi — Bologna} I^aly, ] f , { i ( i vb i i i i . ci.-v,.


imfei.horfinWilfiitnlill-1 ''

church parlor Wcilnofiilay' ni 7i^0( i},e_ aUuiiInra- j}L .U iclj^V—i>t-pv!mlinicC',M- |.. ni.: «'oiiiflii-K rt-iuo M(*«(niuirrin3lnRnn^^Diote;A 'Mcrduj,'tii;i« ilifr viir'y.’;i:’f.niii'a socluty will mad In tlio cliiirtli of inanj-'olhot^ Rlnt{[?i an<TJiitcr was firr imrlor TliurnUuy iittcrnpun at 2;30' r^mr.i tlio iw» ' Pt.iff n . ...............

icharnctorlHltcii o( Kx 'vholn UlH-lrrotcg»or □( iinatamy. .Iinry. lii llic roiitGr hIi Iiicr Uic «:orill Amoim tin; Inmimcrablp -nrinllir | I'isli, "Lllicrlmi" In .Kolilpn loitcrH. nnilinutl taiiioiis men wlio linvo »im1lcil ■ ilown tlic l):r<!crn riiiiii Hio mono.jlicrc iirc Giilvnno, MiilplKhl an'l/ •lllniionlu .l)occi"-^Uolojfcn„ (Us-lMczzofunU.-.,

___ _ i ^ i i v i<}:

ST. KDWAUirS CATJIOUC' om’iicii ■

Utirnur SIxlli aTcniin nnd Sccnnd - iilri'ol casi

Kl. Flor. MonHleiior RemI S. Kryzcr,iiastior . . -

.l .n n a. rn „ y tii^riJ(rl-{n.S«-*,;JJIiWJii_^j;C3„lJif._. niiijit,. <if ni. Hiinclay mimK.'s. - ! OiiclpliK—wlikli was tlml of Iliil-

II. m. onil a:O0 a. m, lliilyiliiyl Ian iliilty bi»I linlPiiciiilniiPc iih itnoKKefi. , I well nx nfilic llhcrty or Ihc ctliiirirli

Siinduy linly hour. l~-aiul ftflcrxvnrda oliJiiyliJK'llii!'anv.'firolKnly of (lie nnVP". wlt.’i brief liiiorniptiotis frnni tlic lUlrlOpnili

II llll-Sv!lll II

_ ' ;__________irlbuies UnnwiViiKc." n'>inRnn-litO!f Tlic Cliurl^h of Our l.iiily i f tlio ulwayx >iccn In n pRciillar OoMMOj^crvilrii Ih ii'ui (tin Ivn.n nmoiiR tlio

nni>‘ii rlly. cHDonsIni; in tli? milpniJIil urvliilrciural iiioniimciiiH i •• •- -............. -‘-y of lloldKnii

bnlll iiflpr llio <ln*',Vn.:rr« .Mnl.tr. ,II -la ,

"Siilrir will lie <lio Aiib|cc( nr ic l H.Hon-Svrnion in alt ChurcUo

ScleiillJit, Sitrnlay,

Tho 1

hcld-naiiliK.' nn?Ti'0tn t8llB

Sliminy «crvlcM''iU%- n. III. Siuiiloy nclinol . . . lUiiJur 20 yearn ot oro la at 10 a.- ni. Tilt) WeilnosUny. cvctiinc nicutlliR;. lit which In.mlihnnlm' nf ClirlRllaii Bricncfl lienUnn arc Klveii. IB nt 8 p, m. •, j

ronrJUiE roam, f.ii <lio Suimi- hiillillnK. no Ma ii nvcmic

Kiiiprriir TliKulosliis in 4:i3, __111'1^10 l( hcKinic a Hfnni .iinfvc'r- Bji}* <n tJic niaclo’rn «en«<* at the -ttbr4..nniJ-npcaitHlJui.cri;aLaclJ00la. In Hie-atuflenifi of - nll-nntlonii.— -

MiiPli of tho cnrrcnl talk nlmiit ‘I'lh f iibanita'

SPliooU ot nieiUovnJ and maili-rn ilmo». miiny wmupn liavc Uliidlcd. tnVon ilCKroes, nnrt h«!l I, lirofcsHorlal clialrK.. Ainans most .llHtlniiiilMuKt of thoBo wlh

honored ihclr . .. .fir ‘tlitii

which ihf. city tnliis. It 'VHH Hlgti of Fra Fii'unza. nnil t><!;;uii

... Kiicli KfW»l. 'nun of Iniorwt to yoiiiiv; iiciiini.'. .Kvclilab* »crvlc-<! 7::iU, 'A sywial tuunifo « ' ihc-cvi.nlns

:lli iw a missionary iiiuy irru;iiiiii;ii j ihc Stuwiirclslilii »..;jiiniui).'iion ot

flilur >'oiii« imiplu.

In the' yearnS3, It cnnminii m;iny ht'aiitifnl' p:illilhiK» and lilatiip.s. nnd one nf| lU chanPlH. ihnl tho SI. (Vnirlc«


.MM-woul: i>iay«r mrvlio, Wc" ■siluy7:au:■llio liaurdi oxlcn.U a poKllal li

lalnlcd hy tiiildii f>y hiiiip llulil liij ' j.ATTHIt l>A'.HUK!«.!'.>5.hti_____________ ,„i:jTlli.TO..\vllLlJIii .Uio lunolius on the.cilfrlor 7;;iii „

•nrc twenty frcs<or«, hy the lnlpr ||,'ucio at tho « jwilHIPra ihe Hclinol. II-'jiiji>,n)jiJ St«i

»oiillC-f*r npnnzzt.niio-ino«-emlr ynormna-nih ■ iicnl 'nalnl - omnnR '"the* IIvllKlouK' iinusiuujd com

tho Sorvllo order Is offlelallr »lyl- rd, St-riillllp Mudlcd iDCdlcino aL tht! unfvcmltk's of P.nrln- and Pa- <lim/und w.ig n very leiiriicd man: nnd after lio Uecainc Uin flftb mi- Dorlnr-Kuneml of itw Sc‘rvlie» In iJdT lio, Havffd- thif onluf from tliirafoncrf <}c!>rnirilnn itfiii AM

■ limn bad ilnn.i

I ?Q U E S T IO N S ? It 1 ■ About the Bible,

.l-\Vt.on tunbliiioa, wmi

j!—Wliy MiB It

For tlie Best—

-Fbu|itain-Iaunches-^-- ^Ico-Cream— - iC and ie j

r . FARMERS SmVIOE STATION--Math-Clasen — A. Jv-Clasen, Props. ..


Plinne 1G58 , 701 Main Aya. East:

AVe-I‘rx e iia n g e ^ -JVc-i^epair_______ Furniture--!?:!___________ :.Furniture . _


.................. \Ve R ^ a i r S t o v c s " —

Pirone~IU73~ 33l> Main Ave.’South;



Elks BuitdinL'- - \ v Twin FallB ti

c s fc

Page 4: BtllECTir - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/.../PDF/1931_02_07.pdfSDHiilDB Business Mon Will Solicit j Donations for Relief Bo- , .ginning nt 0 o'clock Mon- —-^ayt-Plans^o\v^6mplbl"BtllECTir

iHCs-omlwi.Uliil ilii'aiiiinoiu'ly rMIsH'OviirffJii MnxwRll -wan dllp.3<nlY'<<ii <;n[K'rii\i«iiiii)irL ut till* v atBiity i(!vn.‘hir MoMiil!uV I<f;l:ife«


_______ m^sages’ are goiflg to f ly across Oid-1,. ^'Arabian desert pretty soon,-all Iho Avay fioiu iho Bed, Sea to the Persian .Gulf.^ Mecca,’the forbidden city, wjiere temple bells lhant psalms for those who arc believere, .will have :i

; » i r e l ^ telephone and'telegi'aph. King Ibn Saud lias ..ehteredinto'a contnacLwithihe..^arcqni.company for

15 stations. . . ', Civilization is sweejiing into sucrod ground, ami _nQw. whpn the caravans start their wanderings,, they

iwill be in contact with thV'^orJti-Outside.........• :0 f course the"old order mlust always give away tn; the new, on the ea^em desert as well as by the north-' em lake where Arthur cast his sword when tlje Round Table'broke up fprever.,Progress is as tyj>ical of a(l-,;i',',

. .yentvu]e,and romance as any knight that ever wore ii: »i- doublet and rode a snow-white steed. 1|,'"

•• "sands and dreamed through

,..„;frrob'&d>h«lra'or Keif^ mjigic’ inHho'rh^h '^ of their voicesl They haven’t caught the scent .bfipiced perfumes and incepse when the n iKs.swimg

. apart where some Arab pulled his,tent.____ But thfl very fact that there .was an c.......... .. ...

. to the East, untouched by anything inor(i than tlie color of their own' desires/wliere caravans w'ere as se­cluded now as they were in Bible days, has caught the

____fancy of. those, who_dare to dream.. .,>,When life became loo practical, too full o f realisiu so .necessary for success, they could close their eyes

femtember that somewhere the storied land lay untouched. ' ^• It'w ill still be there. The caravans will i)Tod their

' ’ way as they have done, for thousands of years. Butth'e sense df Blipping-off into a medley of silverl night8-afld-^val'nt7- ?<> tl- l tys^ llI-n1dHcrs-enst-nstt f• '

----vnil change-the journey.— ----- _________ :__ i___

Most;'9f the people wJio long to presem aiittle of r- - th;e”old-9i'dfer \viIl-Tie,ver 5eeit: T:h€y-must ,sp'end'!tiieir

• timp ntrn’psks; bpfnrp macbihcr^4^acl^^£^lo;4b^wt<^;; .Gairo and Shalimar ai-e as forbidd(3n’to them as Meo ta itself. But always they have one \Vortl in their mind, Someday . . . ’ ’ ' ' ' '. And a wireless message .Clasjiing oiiL.fmiiL ilie. spot

■ where b caravan has pitidj^ed ife fents,'^w]jilc it injjke.s• safety and efficiency, and,will save lives and tin iri-war, somehow spoihs tlie old picture.'-So many dreams must live.and die in iiur hearts.

No one can say ’that the wodd is'-lacking in romantic......progress todav. The very fact that voices go driftin]— :i»round-the*vorld-and-ships-fly-high'{ibtivc-tlienrlnud’ Hiaprrtvpg nil nf t-Tinf ___________

, ■. But somehow the desert was a secret world of my.s.____.tfiry. AndjiowJt,'^toQ,Jia5.joineA.tlio--inodomjinjjro.vc.

ment society. .


THERE is.a streak of curiosiwin human nature "that- •-costs ,^out'$12'5^00,000 artmially. John Mulhol

;limd, a^professionaI^^K^'c^an, saya-tiiat this'sunv is~— Bpmt~every-year-bv-neoT)le-w]io-consiilt-fkkc-f(iitun(;'

' •tellef^^^^;9logists; phrenologists and crystal gazei-s,; -/tiying toliear away the veils of the future. .-V , ::; -Ever since the'Witch of Endor lived in a cave some

. 'place; near Jei-usalem:, and f<)Uitd out a thing or twd ^d^6'r;King56Iomoh, people have been making the sam«' 7^'-;>kindoi;pilgrjmage& 'L ' i — rr— ——.V;, . f i G ' ^ a ^ w I e > t h e ^ m a n a g e s fo give rrrr^om^rieoura^ine-infoririatlonrTh^iowcrof-snggns:' ^ it io iii is 'BtronK. /People' become- happier, ejq)eetant"of

' ■■ ,-'and sincgthey'are in the naqo7l, pei^(ensTcaughtrmorcT^asily


‘nr %IK-Maf^»r('rAHKlfti; HwlRnocl.'riiPrn lH-)n« wo ftirlHrr

l« foini) ilii’fnrc tli» nAiirrl itl IliM

tint'y Trfcam’irp'r.|| 'I'llblk- ‘AcHiiliilrtlrilliirr li. N.

/(iroiicr: Hiirolit 'Minly 8iirvoj<)f;

niiwN, Cniitily.-SiiVefln- it; a . Clnuil {iiou'iiri : - F.’ Tta.tcr..'■ Sliorltf, f'tnvnrU nii.t look thn oatli,

.1,.. KnllH. -I<)aUo,-U*I’I{(»VAI- «K (IFK1(1,U/'- I- J;.imar)- n, A, M,

V 1 UKUI I.AK .iA,>rAiiy skssioxlilies <-"»'mlBKlontr Oe<ri(.-.-- v,<,p IUIm. Uiiiu ailir-

11. Hurt. CQiiiiulBHioncr lidKrir .T. m n.r...iH tiorflotor# lukuii.

jAM’te cli'iJnrv•llt{Wli;/:.!-PAHtiO.VS. .cfc

tiiiinlderwl .by Oio I^arU, Tlic-rcl liclti« m> ,oHior-jii8iloo-ln- jhni pr«-' rjn^l, iliif •wftii'Mmli-.

'I'liero, ImitiK Hi> <irrltu'r ljiiMu'oA,'i > Ilii'tnro llu- Dcctnl riin. u r»-c»M Wan luhcn illKlI iM l)

JAMfis l>;'’llAfl.vks,

Senior 'Student Is. Complimented

Wliilo friitii tli(! ilistnncn culiflCil,• i.iiele • , ‘.■■t.lii-

TliP Koiiiui of oiitllt^

Tily liiii' lii.y'liiiiii niul liRllwhiy*- ■liLsl, .soriii ititfciir-fifiliui’ '■ H'' W ljn i Inu-iml llic farllu^' bnnfc-

I'roiifii'il fmm' nm. inyli'tlinfK);- To l)dtor spt! ntid'lialpti, ’ ’ ‘And, III lliv h]niiliii{' I'.'iysi

fiiilbDW KlislPii.

My slrtiid .still Olio on

.My iirm ^ 'l‘llt irilo ncrtnii, '

My lino' wviit HiiiuiiiK ItirouKU,

Page 5: BtllECTir - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/.../PDF/1931_02_07.pdfSDHiilDB Business Mon Will Solicit j Donations for Relief Bo- , .ginning nt 0 o'clock Mon- —-^ayt-Plans^o\v^6mplbl"BtllECTir

■. H. P. Lalrd. inannscr ol Uio| ro,iuiy. t'J wear doiinrtmont. ot «io'

.Fatk-TlDgwall. company/ , wlio U now-^D her yncntlon. leaves', tlio

- foretHfrl-flt-llie^week-for-a-brlof' viBft-lir Sftlt .Lafeo City.

KlmWrlT (irnr Mnnduf

. Tlic regular iiipftllntroTnio Kim- 'llcrly-OrnDpo -will i)n hclil Moti- iluy ovenlng, Psbniary 9, All IjCH.are urged lo lio pruncm

TraTolnOn BuHli . . ,.yVJlTt Walwn, ot (ho Oom smtc

Oil compiiiiy. nccwnpiinlcd 'ly JItb.

Ilnhl Connie flct - LWl'Blie Hnro =

A ihiirriano llPciinc •wna Isstioil' 'Krldnyfiflomnon.'ljy ilic 'nwlii Falls cuunly ITCCjrdtjr .in SUrtdon' I’nl-,l«y >ii.!_!:^>;o.;1!ftr(1wli'lt._a»Ui_oC.|

kiniliorir Iran Culli-*!.Vor <iraiiil Jury Duty

Kli'.iflcI (I. Wlliinn, mniiiUer ot tlic

maeksmen hold

■ EKACTICE ^HOOIThe flrsl of a snrle* of nric'iko

j(iho:iR planntil liy ilio Twin t-allN ririo cliib wan Iiolcl In tlic base- nieiii of iho Hciiicnwny anil Moser clKar store Friday ovonliiK. Tliern Were H wlin purllclpaKul. tliirBciis shot lilgli uroro with ISU, anori-

.Kran.i wan Mjroiid wllh IRtl. .nid ^ffcvirirmrirnciirtcn-voro -ii^rTaTttilrd -wlili ISJ Mch,

Srnr>!H of'iill wjin Klint vreru a<i fotlow:

AIMd HhritiflDinner .

Joe .•Koehler, mnnaeer of lliol .. Idilio ilieiicrt' aa<l-Mm.=Ronlilcr[

r«?urn«d Friday from II» I bo . wbl<rb ‘ ilioy .’ollAiideil .lli» tlluiifr' ilance TJmrs'day nlglii in licmor


DIslrlcl fcurl Trl.il (•(mtlHiies .Hntiihliiy

Trial of tlio oaiio of rimrlpn R. S|nni)ion aBnliii.t..,tlte- Ri IIh'pcdo company. >-aa cotillnu^tl In

d|fiirlci court■ li'cro SuUir.Iay. niirl, i( 'WU!i.antlulpBl«<l-tli<>~Jur>u’m|glit{

llift cn«fi Into Sulunlay nftcr-

lUtpm fmm' llraaMwlIiiK_____ ._________L‘J. ir. GInnilon. preaidciil of lln

Soutliern: 'Idatio Dean' Growers' m Ution. anil vlco prorii4onl of llib.

tmnled by PTrank .'W. Br< .. . inry'Ot-boUi MBoclatlonH. rcMm- <-d Friday ovonlnB from Trlntdnd, Colorado, v.-hcro ithoy attended n, (UreclorH' niooUnK ot tlio Trl-Stato' oHRoclatloii. Tliey. atntW lliendvor'-'

• lining canipftlicn JkiIiik ' cnrrleil on, 1i>' ilio flflsoclntlon <ii)i>cara to b<i' flrciiFTtlictilii (lie Jiouii lIlatl(( t. In till). cajit.'<inil Kisiorii houHewlvpii

l^lL_.Mlltliion ,ui!n(;,!p.:.l!iia_roi|ii: try Jo yours aso wllli 1i<» cniisln, Arvld JoIitiHon, now llvlnc Iji CnI' rTornla, <ind made lilx linmo foi

Keddoii'Vmi .T. Smltli ...........;.8nThraslior .............81P,.n. .Botteliar--R8 -li. Hellvlll.. _____ »oSklniier, .............78 ,HiirKus's .......I....;...,3S .M,oye« ....... .'TS



The I9:il iiifiaiiiK of ilm'snntli I Central Idalm Eduratibn an.'<orl!\. lion will tic held in Twin Falls ncxl-yrar.-accnrdlnj; lo ballot rc- .tiirna from nil roniilleii in Iho ISoinh' Ceiiiral illHirlit pxcopt Cam- aa.. DllrinB tlio mrtlooH last fall. It .warf nsreed that iho IniitKutu

IJJwd fi07. nciiirnfl iihow H18 yoics for Twin. F ll* ami 187 for Hur­ley. II

hnvo bncn wllJioiil avail sn far. 1( IH alKti iindvrslood tliht lirothor yvlns'ln New York tUiy.

fyreqtx aiid a.

bi'(>tliocH. ana,ulHluni’ l|i ,ilw<Hl»n.J ^ t mimincr,. h6,.waS| In’ ji.irt-

nernlilp .wlil'i.. JiidBon Timm.-oiier-

inouoli. by. Iradu.,..


Hat of the C.imiiR'In'January, but a ■ Pehrnary 5. 1331. rUowi nmnher of Ir.ichorft

tlon held Frldny evdiilfiR office flf Oie Twin Falls counly nRcnl, I). J. Kocnif;, Twin Falln, wnA nnmcd nn president, tn fluc- ccnd’ GiiHtavQ Kimze. who piL.ifiod

I to flfcuro '“"I C. II.Il.tr tcKii«H!“ «";p’“" ‘“" ' .

rei'clvcd , '

criv-lioiinH ItiBteail <it other klndit'. i*”"--’’ ’ '•

■\V. n. .miter wo.-i ClcrtcivSwWHv innt of thn Souiborni Idaho Mf.i'I

----inM't'hvrlft'rt’* ■i^sociarfon’ -fti -dTliitirhton' Saturday, noon • nt tho ' llr>lQ|. Kysorft.:!!. r6piuclui; II. II. Munser,, rccQiitly promoted ' ' '

---- pn»imiii~>n''3'ilif icga .-rj|—SCOUT BiHDA!

KnV 'SicinlMrtj: ■ l-'wI.iil- l-'Till-, riifid aRoiit tnr'the' aiinnclntlon

, ainl Mr. KoenlK. Inft. f>ii,t!!rdny_foi:. » Dolflc wliero (hoy will ntlond a

nieolihh' of directors'of ihn'Intrr- mountaln Credit nsHOciatlon. Tito IntoreHC of the aairymcn'x gmui<--- _crcilH .i«Hocla(lon l« «ald

to, bo due to tbe fac< that -loans |j for purclinHO of dairy entile I mr.ilo by tho credit group.

a inember of Uio group upeak ifffllc;.aiibject ^df parUacnt Intdrcst ,g g »e li_s^ ........

ElBiit. Twin Fahe boy ncoiii inoopH,. Including alwut 17S mcni- iher*. will 'bcislii Rundny. in com., pany ,i«llli more ihaii 805,000 oUiorl boy scouts In the Uixllod Siale.i. a 'progrom ■ in ' cclobratloa of tho! twenty-first, '' ............ ...

•Rifle Team Holds.- Shoot. Yesterdaj!

. TliD rifle loam of Cmnpany K; one htmdred slxiecnlh unRlnecrH, li(>ld ibo first Hliool of tho •'’■o-. liraphtc Indoor match hero. Fri­day alsht AOtl rirM Lleutc JoBbpli II. Scaver 'wi)s high

with 3fi out of a 'p in

wan. second wltU . 3D0, ami First -SorBoant.--Lloytl-Gi lliird will! 34G. 1 poj,i}U.nin^e, by tho .

..il Jils . rcstKnatiori. lo 'taki C wofit.nyltlLV:Tiifri-fedcmi: cov-'----...jffl. o nlfltAnt- tnarkolInK;

...t of tho division of hay,. and sroln market • r.eporln, EfieaaiiliarUf«::al :penvcr,-—^ ' PT.OIpion'will-roiiort for duly

o*«niver.-on'1iltirch: 2.'while- Mr«. 'Clp*on antj iholr flhlldroQ will,re-

-.Mr. Gipson ploneorod M'.tho drat Jj'e'an inapeclor -In tha';.atnte, iand

. vhen-.Um-todorolkLiTa^es'

' tmrtar'-JiB'.Biwcfwii-nL-,-.......

' growth,Mherc'lielnj.Tovorl -tWBih^lwp«utlonT-^rt/tlc»tw ' f »| fuoi* from niioi.TWin ''Palls .tract'lliirlns: Ihb 'jm-l9?0 Boan'oB.:........1 :Aji hortloulturol Innpocl-

1 . ('K.NtKlt-'i’prlKipH,.;mosl llll-

1 iiHiMl Of nil rhu ncv/ rj:il aiiici-l .ini)bllos on'dhplay It iho .V.'w.R York Aut(. Stiow Ht.riniiicl ('• i.t-I 'r a l I'alai'tf iM 'ihiH fr.ml <irivi'

1 On'd rcadslor. a fvm«htnalicin muonly of ultra-snappy llnoH Imt. otiinlln coi'itraMlnE t<>loi-«. noiim'

and hPiuiiu Th«- lni-|icil(i-lllic-

fi'iiiiPi'H niid rear kI' 1! Ihi- <';ir a- fiirlhcr iipiK'.ininci' >•r ........ anil

ni;\V Uahy - IlfiOSl.- Ih.! Miilhl.H. w.ii liltrcMlitri-d

lu avE i^L Y N ien iV


AI.SO CilAiil,<ri iK (;iihj:nh<ihu. .kni<Tir»\ f».)l lull .'..UM-dlvnne III, “(;iltl,S/1V»,l, IIK HOV.s." A

___ rldl (|( Uiiluj—>tiu. 1‘iilhf Xf'*-* • ___IliirliiK This “KnuiiKi^i'nl" - .lliiliilrc 1ii.-;»l-H


Wiillor 3woi>c. --

Hale'AgaiirNainBd As County Agent

I’nciilcIIn, dlHtrict txlcnsltm ,lho contract cinnloying Hnnroy lllale; Twin r'lills couniy afionl ' .fc'Mnr:h 17. lOnO.'was exlendurt

llio.work dori'o ,,hy Mr. llalonicrc.l Tho coiiniy vayn W«oo towaids thu' fciihiry and cxiiensos.r.f ilic «m ly '-•’.onl.' Ihe batnnc.e taken

irc'.of by Hin slalci and feiljTal governmenl.

A- conlraoi pibvldinjt itiali !lNe couniy p:iy tnou annii.illy for miii-I-....... ...T T W T FIndln.t iind Aid. Honlely was o


llowV, V .,'- 8lO."J)r-'l''o>‘(qri Foul«!ip(ol*lliit^iFti‘»t'Lluu{cnfl,n't -j; >». Seaver

aell-ScoU..czeUtiV<^«'f-TlKt.Sa»k«| [iMvov_«eii..inciiidKi:i«ie^'Joilow^^j

bl|u<(m'1)u-:aulete<l .(

i; *mB4gp„^Dots. ,;,4<Hr.s standing

lillyXealur<»: ,.,otptulay,.,liflm» ;day,, aisCl

.umsrlm(tli6.hoiiMt::.Tuefidftyrlr<»i> ■biuMiiietit, .lnillTi(huO • trooin igroOpsr Wtdnc«lny,-V ctvla -•day, ilatkfl <o <<:ie Achoola .tuitj before , HrTlco.eli£A;.TImrAday.. court o(| •lontn-;, Kfiday, rauy .af.Uie ,hl6h' idiool Rymnuluin, and Saturday, (like,-.-. • -— '■■■ -

Oii Frldny nlgJit ihere'wlll bo.n jwriido-.preccdlnf-Wie-rnny.-BvenU, 10 <»'elaecd'at'(h»^ rally-vwIII-Id- cltido Uboi>: InspKtloh,-etgnnllli

jieUUon,:dnd a nindrod.yu^ doth.' Tinnranilfl-ls-1irrttod-to^t«»dr^

At-a tneellni:-ot -Uin'"Tlvltl l> ll■ J)oatd.ot.«vIow-lMt:Pridnjr, '- mwri..tUo WIowIhg-,»wriuu._._ tiotu'wora^nuulft' (or .n'wonlt lo'lio Siven M 0)6 bon'or-,court next ??«**•; ■ ..Kiiiiip'

n “REDUCING”JretrtV-Iiag<i:ond';riftw^ Siihmpoo

' wllli

M 'O O Com plete

• Shampoo And halnpoo and«M

W av e---- -- $ 1 0 0


BeraWmH:^^^ Sh^op


, TJVJnr 0»,tbe Fat or Uio J.ivndl

[ i ^ ^ E ^ R E S S L E R

SUN.MON.and '


!^ :ie jjavpJln jmrpartment some exoep.tionaUy good mercliandisfc. A few itiims of wliicli we

% t fS ^ » « p e e ia 3 s

One good Mendelssohn piano, an instmment iihat you must see to appreciate. It is priced at less than one-fourth the original cost.

~ ^ v o - g o o d - 9 ? r ia - A x ‘m in3 te rT nB 5 ;- 'one "th ree=-

ipiecfe living’ room suite in, very good condition; ■,one Bucks coal range with legj>ase and copper i^sei'voir. The.se pieces are ijriced to sell. .

These are only aamples of .the bargains that we ”o ff^^ou7 ‘S^{r-tK6m Befbw buyr- 7 - ; ‘

P a in t a n d F u rn itu re -Store

thousancls of cars


Lubrication neglect • ■MisbfegFcatest- inAteL: causc of early auto>‘


USED CARIf Always-Pays ‘

"~Seey‘m frF ard r^E a le r- F irs t1925 ford CJoupe---x--------$.50 00

1927 Oheviolet Roadster- - 110 00

,1928 Chevrolet Coach ' 250 00

:1930-S|)oK..Ci)ll[« 450.0 0 ,

19?9 ftard Standard Coiipe _ - 32500 : 1929 Ford, Couiio - — i Z?5 00-

1929..:ni(lor Sedan------ h 325 00

________lS4?274ehevrolfeGoupBiki; 175 .00 !

l^HttbuiitatSe__ _ ,,lrirrbpBrij .-lf-JT!7.,

... . .... ./V:,':'-'/'--'-' '.'ItW.,-.'



S E R V I C E >Wheti you bnng your,car hetc fotlqlmcationrwt? '?'- _ _ _ _ _

roRna.nacnEVROM rrs.. . . . M i


Page 6: BtllECTir - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/.../PDF/1931_02_07.pdfSDHiilDB Business Mon Will Solicit j Donations for Relief Bo- , .ginning nt 0 o'clock Mon- —-^ayt-Plans^o\v^6mplbl"BtllECTir
Page 7: BtllECTir - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/.../PDF/1931_02_07.pdfSDHiilDB Business Mon Will Solicit j Donations for Relief Bo- , .ginning nt 0 o'clock Mon- —-^ayt-Plans^o\v^6mplbl"BtllECTir
Page 8: BtllECTir - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/.../PDF/1931_02_07.pdfSDHiilDB Business Mon Will Solicit j Donations for Relief Bo- , .ginning nt 0 o'clock Mon- —-^ayt-Plans^o\v^6mplbl"BtllECTir



—r—Slides:.More C*ursrM“fe

How aljuul ctnrH I1;r all nimi'lK C&caa' and clicckcrs mlijlil !)u cx-

< co|>tc(i lind ilicrc.-..lior«cali3os -cuulil gut iilunu

,'tr. tmt'rucont vloloiu cUsHirlmiu:- 01 In tlio -bcak-hiiahiiK iind bluck- iiiB nuO- tackllUK liii1ii«irl«K bccit to cull for llic cicclluii <>I a ktiiK' (lali, ■

. TIio iPloHda Cls.llc nkuutbli anil ilio , rccctil cliuriitt 6r jilurcInK

rWirlcliOmUtp4“ ''3-' coiK-•CfOiililc.uis tjrini; IIiIk ‘lo iiiUiil.I, Uivalry . between M a d I » (i Squiirp . Cnrdcn and Kran.t UniCQ tho ' matter” of '■proTjdh ..

_ somo ,Bort_or.pil(!lll»llc iinrty for Uio ttuirlslB iu Florida rctoiilly

■hecamc »o uplrltcd tlini avr.n Capotio liccui iu (llaKilxleil »itli nituatloii onil Ih said in Imvu

. vlficd cllmliiatlun ii( llio ]iru]>:)HC(l nisko-Walker* bniit ai Miami,

wnlllil innfHrl «■»>< Unii-J'.Slalonoy - Carjicrn'kIiow ni Mlut

Dcacli..'Capono'H nllcKod v.nliiiunry I: (crcal III liDxlni! ulfalrs Ih In I Kclf a Buiimilpii. Why iu>i nic Ciipouo, IiIrIi coininlAAli','icr uf 11inltt kamo. awRrdliiR iiim nan

Kiddinjr Oil >oi r •ThliT'vrojjoMl rcully 5

VAnccd hern In n BorjoiiH (huusiii, I iisard a nolsn liolilntl .1110 Juxt theri). and «q ure <nn_t lii- tendlnK to iioko' fui) 01'Mr, Ca- boBo hare-(dr Any jilaco oIkc). ‘ »l>or.i that Is ao Infojilcd wli

. rackotoerit nood» a flnu I'an'l o*' CBpo.no'8. A wnril from- ' CnpQiie hvadfjuArtcra woiilil m liioro . to tJic., iniinclo nnd cIiIhoI Uica.abail.i.all; llio nUitc hnjrlnR comnilial,un,.cdlui' tliy_^))i; (j-Tiijilj

luo- WO- WOO \ _OOwT «Jt tp -^Ocalv.u.m -To TUe '

'FVvoua. 3JST -Ttul.; v/jwe»j »-\e‘

COM£s eroRC,OW -Trtfe. VJAV TO GET ft CAW OF •

- A C&U pel— COHvj — Akjo 1 HER«? TVAew’v/e Got pvDrAToes..... cftkj^Nov>:j-: -rcU>

m im -ro,-—

'Th' PH0W&4' A

T»»Ji£<b ' “o.ne- (3RAe4. t m a t ^


\a MlLUOSl

r i s

■b ' “o. Wo

m imD*. a .

.PUMKJ'V-T>-UNJ<ir/~ ■Top. HZ cA^r Peme>^BEP?_A u-m.E. gqocerV0R0e« , Bor ME

ooL\.APf MAcnikjwY\CA*J Q£MeMeeF?acSiCr; :

^ ■'You' slip :3 . your feet intg

f w A t l w i s H O E | |


; IfH In tlio Tnlo «.r.|ii'lii" wlnnliTK........................ — ............... , -hOii -If Ilar.ry.lC lui'J ICvo^ii NoMill llniw, Ik tliowir-nliuvc, i

ii'lKlii, wlih hln liicrjiulilc-, aflor dcfu.iiitr:; WJllluni i’allornon. Nciv Yoi ; li’:iii»iioit Illicit, In n .spdclal lan: f.>r a SriOO'aw-rrd. Klyiiix ovr.r II <l

ORpERS, COI^|kJCt'VK1 .jr.t7.wiVii<vMs

c> fly a

TTT-'Utnr i'';o<l Irt-ll (iffwHitlH-n 111! IkSO Of 15, .


y comctllcnijp^ irliinipli 111 "C;

VO HlBlorj) wlio.'l

Tliu t'vii jn-itli HI

etl In Now iNoivlly. i.citaralloii, jxi'ws. adxl Imlanio

kiiiti conicdy rcHiillH. ^'iJy . t.'ff." a comi'dy: "DIk. » v

. c irio'in,: ''My %\>ai." a ■ -lul ' Pnrumouiii, Smind ;«:•

s e e n COMFORT, .:

1 ,thu iircKr.im.';k

A t'uoUirit CaVljil*

of a lot of plans. U won ovoo BiiRSoatcd lliat (lio bis ftamo be* twi^n dear old Oglowaiili ■ B.a(t

.. .Sldclnlrn l>o a private afhtu-- hold in Bomobody'B ccllar. li waa pro-

.posed that the alumni support iho eamc. nnd u few miles awiiy' yon coulil hoar oilier. collcKo ntlilciic boards acKsinlnc for rollif from ' tho cauMlc crltltlsm of the very; Bamo olA-Brotl* - ...................-I

J>r0fcB80r llalph W.' AlKlcr,'chairman of i h .....................

. Ics'at;’M]cblsan

cral.vprlDcljiBU .af ' nthloKe... iiro-,


J__-¥oiir.Shoulders-Jll I-viTv line iii‘ liiirfijuss Inilav lias i!iiiiij' tin' ri'iili-7.iitii>11 lli,'t( hnixl ill hiiiiil' wWh ••ali’s mii'.l i-’f' "S (’i-.vilK' lo lll<> ............. r.” nil itiI.’ITsi in llii- Imi.vit iiikIhi.S 1iltn'(k Tliitl 'i^ U’ilV M Illiv I- iinaiii'Oii li> iiiki’a iitlic u’on’y li’ni II tli<’ si....1cjirs (if mir I’lisici-lllCI’,'i.ltV' cmiilnyill'..' II ui;i 11 U'llll< iiii(li'rsiaiiilH fiin'.-nt-»’H mu! kIovcs.' allIII all |ir<i!>i<:iii.s coiincuK'ii wiililii',’il coiiil'iii’i ill Mu 1,1't ('nil’

'Nolvi; yum- |ii’i>l)Ji-iii•s i'.ir Villi 'I'oii uri’ «'jitilk‘il tothi.S MTviri,- M-.ii.'li y<III. liiiy■ A.....(In-ii Coiil.

)l jiiibBcrlbo lo the code oiitluws; ______


Ju-st Phone 142

'-.--Wor-thOTrale«.-If-,«u „«,c u bvv, __.qI .unlveraily ,riilM. for tho tntnc.;-" you ao«d some' big ahM to ndmln-'. MAROA, Feh, 7 , (KjioRinii—Tho

— —lRtbr-them-nmt-l«iiiio'-«iilclH.'lctc; r.Miroi^-Woman’H club mof Tfiurs-........Who' Suftfif to BOt <Ii!b Job? WcMi aflcrnonn at tin- iviicbcraKC.

how nliout Biign MorauT I'c.t "I'* ‘>’o*ntan bclntr lin.iic:

Tuesday. udilrcBHlnt! tho pnplls,■ lliirOUrnrowii ciiturlulitod ft [uw dcliool mnios Krldiiy nvunhiR.

■ and diiiiclnif wore cujuycU liinvli wii«'xcrviid...............

... IhC IllftlKI nn-Rf-the— fuiiiilr?-l.-ii>l<r—■. iiraduocil. I’oliy.'Marjiii

shares Biiirlns liniirirs willi Miivlv I3rtrfl!i!rri-w!i(iso-lii»l,-i<l<:|irro-.U|’lUr-W.illaro llorry. "Min iind Will."

wc , forsot—Du(!D U mynlorlouHty •"i'-''- 0- ^ Jolinnton ......inlBiiloi;. And boHldcn miiybo Mr. 1-*° Moffltt anslslani houiciii Caiione. might ihc< llko tho ni>-' -"aroa llrhlRc- clnh ijwluttrictJt. Niinio your own cinr. >“lncd • Krlilay cvonlnK wltli

J T ‘' ........................

IIATON. .V. M. (ll|*)-niUoii 1• thoir huHliaiiilH i Iho

lirowii. • UrldKu was played ..........Ill at the ronulUMlnii of,4bo

games u lunch waa served. • Mra, J. .V. Diiylcy won the hlRli nnd Chilrlcs rox,

.Direct Primary jix;■' (Coo'tlnued’ From. Tago One)

CU8M. and carolvalB wlileh cotlAfifi' to lFiS” liiw 'iiiny operalo ..........Idaho under nusplccii .of county

- '.talrs. hcQovolont,. frntcrnar nnd . Iiftriihl lllaklcy . tiaT vetoruis orgunlzatlons. Ill nt llio

.•.Pour Mils were pasRCd by ihc hero,8cnii(6, all lielnc Konatc nivuaurbK.'

.tiS^VThoiio-wot:*?:; limto, bin-No. Il. 'a ii oporiiili.n by IrrlBailoii nml «aivr r«iioiirco.i, iio„,,i,ni f„r

_ •coniuilUec.IjtirovMI^B

<»caticn'l .inipfuiloH and maltiimmctf t....... ixo

"COAL” ■TR'ANSfER~-STpilAGE""Snm-s>iiirs III. _ IViiriihiniHn iitnl cujil ,rnrd

,-lVirrlK'rK Trannfi'r ---~4Nr'SriLilii-»(-SliiiMliuHu-

: s e e n S T Y L E

s ^ 'I a/id § ■ ■

Siz'es i to ’io i- A A A A W .S ^

M d a f io B e p a r t S ^ ^


u. 'c/'!)<)iiiiiaon ornKiioMa.., -

1h very BerloiiHiy ,uf hlH imrunln

iniiloH 90 mllcH frui

' ’ Maytir’ A. H, 'Sitrchcr ‘ r.-uentlyj inovoil to rxoy to open -n-iloniiii ot-! fliro. Onw.a week 'Hilton to trnuBOCt.biisliu'SA In ilic

Alborl M'llidliii, unOtTwvi ilnly Kfineral

ut’iirnilli'lllK u'

At the Theatres >

catiwl inipruiloH and malntmmctf towanr rui'nviT)-____ _ •__J L.

d.Jho wutc granKo al .ilurlcy.tlnnilMikur, I’ortland. iHirili-

i\ iii.iirii (O.MMII.V

A h.iKoily .if orror* In aKbi>|i, wllh lau;:li xhldlRlijH

rollloklng family

“ SM iti 'lJIir . ...zrifikfnB tboCt of toxcv ralsi-d In . :ca|klvl(r.' for- Iholr - iioUk. • -KramJ- •Inrccny. SoniUe bill .No. SI/ by.(rrlHsllon uml ufalnr rcuounrcs’SU>iii'mltlco, providing (or reilcnip-'

..'lion of oancellod water rlghOi on rlatlila »Uion over on-, lap detda.; deigned tq. -oiii IbD"' American

,(Kalin projKl.'aentle bill Nn. *' and. Knvro, providing I

.cduciKlon of HliidonlB In .dlBirlclH iiibiiltkjis''on- slato Iwrilcru In hlgb

• .BobBolH of nn adJoiaitiK UlBvrlct •.;pf another atnte.........................

INSUBANGE-Are-YotFuIly-Si’o t o

■ Automobile Liability Insurahoe?'

This protection is more necessary-timn . ati.v other form of- insurance as Courts are’


$49.0fF.O.fl. OtltoU.pUifttithiand dtlherf. /Iiimpm ftul •pare tin txira at law €dit.)

^iiMt for manythousands of miles

Are You Thinking?-Are%v<)tt-i!nMkintf-i»r-vour--fn|ur«{>It'is' ntliin TO t4 jiuivi'i' to .ml^uHUK yoiiv.st;lf if you .plmi .imtl du


wu will Kivc-J'oii ji.Kom l ctituplfle ji^ jn liiB .

Link^s School o£ Businesi||TWiiT'FAi:j.8.'y _

■ ■■■■![ nirPKKT. Feb, 7 (Spefiiil)~Tho .'floiiliiy .caumv itcasuccmlilp iiiK

:' .ingaln changed hands, iliD laal In* .J— .^m boni, MiBfi Mable Carrier ac-

.'ccpUug a nositlon with the Cully . i^Kardwarc firm. J. Arthur HolKl't

•,. Jina ' moivcd , Iho appointment <j> , ' "lil6'“*Ml.'BIICi'. .. .

' • Thla .ls Mr. llalglifB'necohd Kpr- - v,lco In IhiR office; he having Bfrv-

, .''.'..cil'In.thlJi.CapBclly under a former . county treasurer.' Ilalirtil

,n*8unn>(l'. :hlB •'durtei-- Tliuriinry.'inorqiag'and.wlii again-bccomp a ; ro8idcnt;of the-city, IiIh raiiiily -now living In Durlo.f,

8i;.vi).»y JrovjKs.• FOIIT. MOnOAN. Clilo,. (UI*) —

'•.Tharu'ore'no vlawii agatniiv Siiii'

prosenl*'J4y© iioHI' fiive t icn uri^

a»'.' lifter’ Tccoirlni .-a potitlon 10) '783 ' roaldcnls. MlalBters' of. ii'’ipirn ’.aro .T>r:te*tJBg the .octton d. lt :mny bft-voied on In .Sovcw

■"-/1ld yt)u'l<n6\vlhat we cmi fiHIj’ jyroiectthir.— liability jct a very npminai cost? -

- For $l.pO'pei’Year• In connection with our Public L ia iiility policies we will issue a policy that w ill pay

—,$;2r>ni) inn-pasinp' tn S50,l)n hi two fnr your own accidental death whjhrnding in your own car. Also this policy will pay Stipu­lated’amounts for pennanent injuries,. • -

■ For $2.00 More per YearWe will also over total disability caused

by accidental injuries to yourself while rid- - ipg in your o.wn.car, paying $15.00 pA- week

■~Let iis show you how,cheaply you can-bo -fully.protected in a fii-st class,.old line, non- participating policy. . ............... . '

"T I-IH new FoVdl ias bccirdcslgnctl'ang built'1o~gi^ygU~ti«ny~tlnniBrird3T

of tnitcs of economical sctrvicc. Bcneatli.lu flashitig bcaUty of

line and color-^in those vital mcdianical parts which you may ncycrace— • •

is a higii quality o f material and accuracy in manufactiiring.-'Thti rclia-

“ bi!it7 jtMl-cSpffilr’ r t< J tW a H 5 iS - rfT lfr^ jn p f i^ f l- ^ lte F W d "una M ^ I~

conditiotis, moke it a parucularly good choice for long, coiifttant tjsc.’ I t -

stands up under the added stralH~of binl ruails 'u ii j li.ircitfcniy service in ' a—

way that has always been characteristic o f the For^ car.-The passing '

—months will I i iu uai.e your satiafagLpti in its performaticc and confirm yottr

first impression tlwt it is a vnhie far above the pncc.


■ylir FORD Dealer


Heart-of the X-Don’t- d r iv e b lo c l® ^n d :b lo c ta .lo o k m g ^| ^ :g ?^

--for^I)artangr:5i>ftcer^n-ra-^wj,nd^^.^4usty street Make a bee-hne for, oul

s^ara-heated, t leag g ^ ag e i^

.You*ll.'save tim e i. tem pe j

and your temper^Il>Tbe (bi ,

S T O B M E i s N jDT E X F M S ^

1-7-4 t j .