HOUSING LOAN APPLICATION FORM Complete this Applica�on Form and return it to your nearest BSP Branch together with the requirements. For enquiries, visit your local branch or our website: h�ps://www.bsp.com.pg/personal-banking/home-loans or contact Call Centre on: 320 1212 / 70301212. Mortgage Loan Applica�on Form | Page 1 of 2 Repayment Offered: Frequency CIF Number: For office use only Purchase Price K Own Contribu�on/ Equity K Purchase price less equity K K Fortnightly Monthly Purpose of Loan Renova�on /Maintenance Purchase and Construc�on (Vacant Land + House) Refinance Outright Purchase ( Land & House Package) Other: ___________________________________________________ PERSONAL DETAILS First Name: Middle Name: Surname: Date of Birth DD/MM/YY Gender: M F Marital Status: Single Married De Facto Divorced Widowed Ages of Children: Telephone or Mobile Number: Email address: Country of Residence: Country of Ci�zenship: Sec�on:____ Lot:_____ Street Name:____________________ Suburb/Village/Se�lement:_________________________Period at residence: Years____ Months___ EMPLOYMENT DETAILS Applicant Joint Applicant Employer: Occupa�on: Date Commenced: Employer Address: Work Telephone & Mobile: Work Email Address: Previous Employer: Years at Previous Employer: Current Residen�al Address: (Complete Below) Nearest Living Rela�ve (not living with you) DD/MM/YY Sec�on:______________________ Lot: ___________________________ Street Name: _________________________________________________ Suburb/Village/Se�lement: _____________________________________ Date you moved there: Sec�on:______________________ Lot: ___________________________ Street Name: _________________________________________________ Suburb/Village/Se�lement: _____________________________________ Name:_______________________________________________________ Rela�on:_____________________________________________________ Self Rela�ves Rental Property Provided by Employer Landlord Name: Landlord Address: Work Address: Telephone/Mobile: Previous Residence: Sec�on/Lot/Street/Suburb: (Do not complete if you have lived in your current residence for 2 years or more) DD/MM/YY If Joint Borrowing; Joint Applicant Full Name: Date of Birth: BSP Financial Group Limited 1-4815 Child1___ Child 2___ Child 3___ Child 4 ___ Have you ever been declared bankrupt or had any judgement or legal proceedings entered or taken against you? *Yes No *Provide Details: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you missed two or more repayments on your current or previous BSP or other Bank loan? *Yes No *Provide explana�on le�er to BSP CREDIT HISTORY DECLARATION

BSP Housing Loan Application Form 120821

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Page 1: BSP Housing Loan Application Form 120821


Complete this Applica�on Form and return it to your nearest BSP Branch together with the requirements. For enquiries, visit your local branch or our website: h�ps://www.bsp.com.pg/personal-banking/home-loans or contact Call Centre on: 320 1212 / 70301212.

Mortgage Loan Applica�on Form | Page 1 of 2

Repayment Offered:


CIF Number:For office use only

Purchase Price K

Own Contribu�on/ Equity K

Purchase price less equity K

K Fortnightly Monthly

Purpose of Loan

Renova�on /Maintenance

Purchase and Construc�on (Vacant Land + House)

RefinanceOutright Purchase ( Land & House Package)

Other: ___________________________________________________


First Name: Middle Name: Surname:

Date of Birth DD/MM/YY Gender: M F Marital Status: Single Married De Facto Divorced Widowed

Ages of Children: Telephone or Mobile Number: Email address:

Country of Residence: Country of Ci�zenship:

Sec�on:____ Lot:_____ Street Name:____________________ Suburb/Village/Se�lement:_________________________Period at residence: Years____ Months___

EMPLOYMENT DETAILS Applicant Joint Applicant



Date Commenced:

Employer Address:

Work Telephone & Mobile:

Work Email Address:

Previous Employer:

Years at Previous Employer:

Current Residen�al Address: (Complete Below) Nearest Living Rela�ve (not living with you)


Sec�on:______________________ Lot: ___________________________

Street Name: _________________________________________________

Suburb/Village/Se�lement: _____________________________________

Date you moved there: Sec�on:______________________ Lot: ___________________________

Street Name: _________________________________________________

Suburb/Village/Se�lement: _____________________________________



Self Rela�ves Rental PropertyProvided by Employer

Landlord Name:

Landlord Address:

Work Address:


Previous Residence: Sec�on/Lot/Street/Suburb: (Do not complete if you have lived in your current residence for 2 years or more)

DD/MM/YYIf Joint Borrowing; Joint Applicant Full Name: Date of Birth:

BSP Financial Group Limited 1-4815

Child1___ Child 2___ Child 3___ Child 4 ___

Have you ever been declared bankrupt or had any judgement or legal proceedings entered or taken against you? *Yes No *Provide Details: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Have you missed two or more repayments on your current or previous BSP or other Bank loan? *Yes No *Provide explana�on le�er to BSP


Page 2: BSP Housing Loan Application Form 120821

Mortgage Loan Applica�on Form | Page 2 of 2


A. Assets – What you own



Furniture, White Goods

Superannua�on/Savings/Personal Items

Other Assets









Model: Year: Registra�on #:

KBSP Account KPrimary Account: Other:

KTotal Assets

B. Liabili�es – What you owe

BSP Personal/Home Loan

Loans: Other Lenders

Other debts, hire purchase etc.

Rates/Taxes/Overdra� Facility





KKTotal Assets - Total Liabili�es

Total Liabili�es

KTotal Monthly Expenses

Monthly Expenses

Home Loan

Other Loan

Motor Vehicle Costs






Outgoings (Insurance, rates and taxes) K

U�li�es K

Other Expenses K

General Living Expenses K

C. Monthly Income

Gross Salary (Before Tax) Provide 3 Current Pay slips or evidence of income if self- employed

Other Income(Provide Details)





KTotal Monthly Income

KTotal Monthly Income - Total Monthly Expense

PERSONAL FINANCIAL AND CREDIT INFORMATIONThe undersigned authorises BSP Financial Group Limited

BSP Financial Group Limited(

under our arrangements regarding the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”).

Applicant Signature: Date:

Joint Applicant Signature: Date:

BANK USE ONLY: Branch Officer Name: Signature: Date Received:

The details completed are true and accurate:




BSP Financial Group Limited 1-4815

General Requirements for Housing Loan

1. Fully completed Housing Loan Applica�on Form3. Provide 3x current payslips4. Current Confirma�on Le�er (3 months old) or signed copy of the Employment Contract (if any)5. Copy of valid ID, passport driver's license, Superannua�on ID6. Le�er of Offer from Purchaser disclosing the purchase price7. Acceptance of offer by Vendor/Seller8. Copy of the Title Deed from Vendor/Seller9. Evidence of Equity contribu�on (for superannua�on members, provide le�er for confirming

Housing Advance eligibility/deposit to vendor receipt or employer's contribu�on)10. Statement from external debts from other banks, lenders financial ins�tu�ons or advance from

employer11. If bank with other Banks, please provide your bank statement for the last 6 months12. Statutory Declara�on (only for First Home Buyers to provide)

Addi�onal requirements for Purchase Vacant Land for new Building Construc�on- The BSP Approved Builder/Contractor must provide the following;1. Building Board Approval

a. Building Plans/Specifica�onb. Building Plans must be approved and stamped by Building Board, Water, Sewerage, Fire and

Electricity Authority2. Engagement of Cer�fied Contractor with provisions of Builders Insurance Policy Covering;

a. Workers compensa�on insuranceb. Contractors all risk insurance- with Bank name includedc. Public Liability Insuranced. Insurance must be acceptable to the Bank

3. Copy of quota�on, scope of work and construc�on schedule to quan�fy funding requirements4. Property must be located on a state lease land with �tle issued5. Builder/Contract must be be engaged from BSP's panel of Approved Builder/Contractors list.