Bruce Power’s Health & Safety Journey The Program is Just the Beginning Frank Saunders, VP, Nuclear Oversight & Regulatory Affairs March 23, 2016

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Bruce Power’s Health & Safety JourneyThe Program is Just the Beginning

Frank Saunders, VP, Nuclear Oversight & Regulatory AffairsMarch 23, 2016

• A Bit About Bruce Power

• Safety First and Always

• A Managed Approach

• How Have We Done?

• Where is Zero?

• Humans - Making it Real

• The Impact of Culture

• What About Contractor Safety?



• World’s largest operating nuclear power facility

• Eight units on a 12-square kilometre site

• 6,300 MW(e) or ~ 30% of Ontario’s electricity

• Largest private investor in Ontario’s infrastructure over the last decade

• Majority of employees owners in the business

A Bit About Bruce Power


• Safety First not just a priority - A Core Value

• Central to everything we do

• A duty of care to our employees, local communities and the Canadian public

Safety First and Always


• Integral to all activities at the Bruce site and external facilities

• Factored into all aspects of our work planning, preparation and task execution

The Four Pillars of Nuclear Safety


• A management

framework is essential

to success

• Began with Industrial

Safety Rating System

starting in 2001

• Moved to OHSAS

18001 in 2009

• Part of our overall


Management System


A Managed Approach

How Have We Done?


• Managed approach

is absolutely

essential, but…

• People are a key

element in achieving


• How do we maintain

people’s active

engagement when

events are so few?

Where is ZERO?


Making It Real

Monthly Safety Videos:

• Material is personalized through staff participation

• Wide range of timely topics

• Leaders discuss the broader impact of safety on business performance


Weekly Safety

Message sent

directly to staff from

the CEO


Making It Real


Live Quarterly CEO Team Talks:

• Sessions engage

staff on topics

impacting safety,

quality and


• Fully interactive

webcasts unite

the site and

external offices

Making It Real

• On-site medical clinics

• On-site fitness centres

• Health and Wellness fairs

• Daily stretching regimen available to work crews promotes fitness for duty

• Joint Healthy Workplace Committee

• Resources to set shift workers up for success


Making It Real


Encouraging Innovation:

• Online portal for

employee ideas to

improve safety, quality

and efficiency

• Rewards tied in to

ideas implemented

• Leaders and line staff

collaborate from idea

development to


Making It Real

Making It Real

Leaders in the Field:

• Observation and coaching in the field

• Visibility of leaders strengthens safety performance

• Reinforces general safety rules and behaviours

• Promotes a reporting culture for adverse conditions


Making It Real

• Human performance advocates visible and available to staff during planned outages

• Support Core 4 Human Performance Tools


Making It Real

Dynamic Learning:

• Hands-on exercises to confirm employee understanding of “Core 4” principles

• Dynamic Learning Activities completed quarterly by staff

• “Murphy’s Alley” simulation facility


The Impact of Culture


Pursued at All Levels

• Senior Leaders

• Field-based Leaders

• Shop floor employees

• External Collaboration

The Impact of Culture

Safety Culture Assessments:

• Site-wide assessment conducted every 3 years

• Insight from interviews, surveys and focus groups

• Monitoring panels 2 – 3 times per year


Safety Culture Monitoring

• Nuclear Safety Culture Steering Committee

• Nuclear Safety Culture Working Group

• Senior Leadership Team Review and Reflection sessions

• Staff awareness building and training

The Impact of Culture


What About Contractor Safety?


Increasing Contractor Effort:

• Deal with IESO secures 6,300 MW and a multi-year investment in our site

• Secures operation to 2064

• Will generate up to 5,000

jobs annually throughout

the investment program

• Billions in benefits for

Ontario’s economy over

the course of the program

What About Contractor Safety?


Contractors are required to

meet or exceed Bruce Power’s

established safety standards


Onboarding and Training:

• Onboarding is more than just orientation

• Pre-arrival preparation

• General orientation

• Detailed goal setting

• Comprehensive training

• Benefits of doing it right• Shorter learning curve

• Stronger engagement

• Faster contribution

What About Contractor Safety?

Inclusive Supplemental Trade Worker (ISTW) Training:

• Two days of intensive safety

training with tests and field

work simulations

• Dynamic learning activities

strengthen human

performance skills

What About Contractor Safety?


• Human Performance Tools for Workers

• Work Protection

• Hazard Assessment

• Pre-Job Briefings

• Foreign Material Exclusion (FME)

• Confined Space

• Access Control

• Fall protection

• Safety System Environmental Qualification

• Plant Status Control

ISTW examples:

What About Contractor Safety?


Job-Specific Training:

• Delivered as required

for specialized tasks

• Examples include:

– Respiratory protection

– Fire safety / hot work

– Rigging and craning

– Pressure boundary

– Radiation protection,

e.g. Orange Badge

– Plastic suit, Rad PPE

What About Contractor Safety?


New approaches to Human Performance and Safety Culture

Sharing of lessons learned

Increased collaboration on planning, training and oversight

Sharing Safety Culture Assessment results

Increasing Contractor involvement:

What About Contractor Safety?


CEO Health & Safety Leadership Network:

• A distinguished group of leaders who share a

commitment to building sustainable businesses

and communities

• Helping to shape health and safety policy in the

province of Ontario and nation-wide

• Join us at the Network Roundtable on April 26th,

in conjunction with Partners in Prevention 2016

External Collaboration


