Urban and Regional Planning Study Program Department of Architecture and Planning Faculty of Engineering Universitas Gadjah Mada Urban & Regional Planning Undergraduate Program universitas gadjah mada TEACHING AND LEARNING STRATEGY URP-SP encourages student to be actively engaged in the process, that are Student Centered Learning (SCL), to stimulate students to be more active and become independent learners, and Problem Based Learning (PBL) to embed the planning theory and method into students' work in Planning Studios. Students can also gain valuable experience in Internship (7th semester) and Planning Field Study (elective course). In Internship, that could be held in government institute, NGO, or private sectors, students will develop their professional practice in planning. In Planning Field Study, student will learn the best practice of planning in other cities or countries. URP-SP has held two joint studio with Curtin University, and University of Queensland. Student worked on study case in particular location, i.e. temporary shelter in Merapi and settlement in Winongo riverside, and also experienced city tour. In the final day, students presented their working result. INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION JOINT STUDIO DOUBLE DEGREE Double Degree Program is held with Urban and Regional Planning, Saxion University, Netherland. Student will spent the 1st-6th semester in UGM, then continue the 7th-8th semester in Saxion, included Internship and Thesis. Degree awarded are Bachelor of Built Environment (Ba.BE) from Saxion and Bachelor of Engineering (S.T) from UGM. Tuiton fee could come from NUFFIC/Saxion Scholarship or personal costs. LECTURER 1. Prof. Achmad Djunaedi, Ph.D (Planning Information System) 2. Prof. Bambang Hari Wibisono, Ph.D (Transportation Planning) 3. Prof. Sudaryono, Ph.D (Planning Theory) 4. Prof. Bakti Setiawan, Ph.D (Enviroment and Community Planning) 5. Dr. Ir. Suryanto, MSP (Urban Land Use and Housing) 6. Ir. Didik Kristiadi, MLA, MAUD (Landscape and Urban Design) 7. Ir. Agam Marsoyo, Ph.D (Home Based Entreprises) 8. Retno W.D. Pramono, Ph.D (Development Planning and Evaluation) 9. M. Sani Roychansyah, D.Eng (Contemporary Urban Issues) 10. Doddy Aditya Iskandar, Ph.D (Regional Economic) 11. Deva F. Swasto, Ph.D (Urban Housing Policy and Management) 12. Yori Herwangi, MURP (Urban Transportation Planning) 13. Ratna Eka Suminar, M.Sc (Urban Environmental Management) 14. Widyasari H. Nugrahandika, M.Sc (Urban Land Management) 15. Iwan Suharyanto, M.Sc (Urban Management) 16. Isti Hidayati, M.Sc (Urban Infrastructure Planning) 17. Jimly Al Faraby, M.Sc (Spatial Planning) 18. Sri Tuntung Pandangwati, M.Sc (Urban Farming) 19. Irsyad Adhi Waskita Hutama, M.Sc (Geo-Information in Planning) CONTACT US Urban and Regional Planning Study Program Department of Architecture & Planning, Faculty of Engineering, UGM Grafika Street 2, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia Email: // Website: pwk.archiplan.ugm.ac.id // Phone: +62 274 580092, 9023320-902322 // Fax: +62 274 580854 [email protected] MEET THE ALUMNi “I learned many important values, both in terms of the substance of science as well as the formation of character. Student activities were very important to enhance my communication skill and sense of tolerance” Dian Zuchraeni Ekasari, S.T, M.Sc (2003) Head of Sub-division Inter-strategic Area, Ministry of Public Work and Housing. “I learned a lot of insightful values that are extremely useful in my field of professional work. I was teached how to think comprehensively. Being able to perform in a team is very important, as well as communication skill” Yusuf Randy Febrianto, S.T (2006) Assistant Manager, Business Development Division, PT. Jababeka, Tbk.

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Urban and Regional Planning Study ProgramDepartment of Architecture and PlanningFaculty of Engineering Universitas Gadjah Mada

Urban & Regional Planning

Undergraduate Program

universitas gadjah mada

TEACHING AND LEARNING STRATEGYURP-SP encourages student to be actively engaged in the

process, that are Student Centered Learning (SCL), to stimulate

students to be more active and become independent learners,

and Problem Based Learning (PBL) to embed the planning

theory and method into students' work in Planning Studios.

Students can also gain valuable experience in Internship (7th

semester) and Planning Field Study (elective course). In

Internship, that could be held in government institute, NGO, or

private sectors, students will develop their professional practice

in planning. In Planning Field Study, student will learn the best

practice of planning in other cities or countries.

URP-SP has held two joint studio with Curtin University, and

University of Queensland. Student worked on study case in

particular location, i.e. temporary shelter in Merapi and

settlement in Winongo riverside, and also experienced city

tour. In the final day, students presented their working result.



DOUBLE DEGREEDouble Degree Program is held with Urban and Regional

Planning, Saxion University, Netherland. Student will spent the

1st-6th semester in UGM, then continue the 7th-8th semester

in Saxion, included Internship and Thesis. Degree awarded are

Bachelor of Built Environment (Ba.BE) from Saxion and Bachelor

of Engineering (S.T) from UGM. Tuiton fee could come from

NUFFIC/Saxion Scholarship or personal costs.

LECTURER1. Prof. Achmad Djunaedi, Ph.D (Planning Information System)

2. Prof. Bambang Hari Wibisono, Ph.D (Transportation Planning)

3. Prof. Sudaryono, Ph.D (Planning Theory)

4. Prof. Bakti Setiawan, Ph.D (Enviroment and Community Planning)

5. Dr. Ir. Suryanto, MSP (Urban Land Use and Housing)

6. Ir. Didik Kristiadi, MLA, MAUD (Landscape and Urban Design)

7. Ir. Agam Marsoyo, Ph.D (Home Based Entreprises)

8. Retno W.D. Pramono, Ph.D (Development Planning and Evaluation)

9. M. Sani Roychansyah, D.Eng (Contemporary Urban Issues)

10. Doddy Aditya Iskandar, Ph.D (Regional Economic)

11. Deva F. Swasto, Ph.D (Urban Housing Policy and Management)

12. Yori Herwangi, MURP (Urban Transportation Planning)

13. Ratna Eka Suminar, M.Sc (Urban Environmental Management)

14. Widyasari H. Nugrahandika, M.Sc (Urban Land Management)

15. Iwan Suharyanto, M.Sc (Urban Management)

16. Isti Hidayati, M.Sc (Urban Infrastructure Planning)

17. Jimly Al Faraby, M.Sc (Spatial Planning)

18. Sri Tuntung Pandangwati, M.Sc (Urban Farming)

19. Irsyad Adhi Waskita Hutama, M.Sc (Geo-Information in Planning)

CONTACT USUrban and Regional Planning Study Program

Department of Architecture & Planning, Faculty of Engineering, UGM

Grafika Street 2, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

Email: // Website: pwk.archiplan.ugm.ac.id // Phone:

+62 274 580092, 9023320-902322 // Fax: +62 274 580854

[email protected]


“I learned many important values, both

in terms of the substance of science as

well as the formation of character.

Student activities were very important to enhance my

communication skill and sense of tolerance”

Dian Zuchraeni Ekasari, S.T, M.Sc (2003)

Head of Sub-division Inter-strategic Area,

Ministry of Public Work and Housing.

“I learned a lot of insightful values that

are extremely useful in my field of

professional work. I was teached how to think comprehensively.

Being able to perform in a team is very important, as well as

communication skill”

Yusuf Randy Febrianto, S.T (2006)

Assistant Manager, Business Development

Division, PT. Jababeka, Tbk.

Page 2: Brosur PWK English

Undergraduate Program

Urban and Regional PlanningDepartement of Architecture and Planning, UGM

Urban and Regional Planning Study Program, which officially

opened in 2003 under the Faculty of Engineering, has been

accredited with “A” grade by the National Accreditation Board

and sertificated by ASEAN University Network.

vision To be a world-class study program in urban and regional

planning in Asia level, which focus on spatial engineering based

on moral values of democracy, equality, empowerment, justice,

and balance for sustainability and the glory of human


Mission 1. To conduct high quality education in order to produce

professional urban and regional planner who posseses moral

integrityto provide professional urban and regional planners,

who have emancipatory insight towards the value of

humanity, empowerment, justice, and sustainability

2. To develop scientific knowledge for bridging the gap

between planning theory and planning practice in the real


3. To actively contribute in shaping better civilization through

urban and regional planning education.

graduates profileThe graduates awarding with Bachelor Degree of Engineering

(S.T) have a sense of humanity, high moral integrity, noble

values on social issues, and able to perform as a planner

possessing a research ability. Career opportunities includes:

? government institutions

? non-government organizations

? private sectors and consultant in spatial development.



2nd Semester

? Demographics

? Planning Theory

? Urban Design

? Methods & Techniques for Neighborhood Planning

? Planning Studio: Neighborhood Planning

? Site Planning

? Mathematics

? Religions

3rd Semester

? Regional Economic

? Human Settlement Development Planning

? Methods & Techniques for Urban Analysis

? Planning Studio: Urban Analysis

? Land Use Planning

? Statistics

4th Semester

? Urban Economics

? Planning Information System

? Environmental Resources

? Methods and Techniques for Urban Planning

? Planning Studio: Urban Planning

? Infrastructure Development Planning

5th Semester

? Social Theory for Planning

Development Issues & Problems

? Methods & Techniques for Regional Analysis

? Planning Studio: Regional Analysis

? Transportation Planning

? Pancasila

? Elective 1

6th Semester

? Community Development

? Planning Law

? Research Methods

? Planning Studio: Regional Planning

? Civic

? Elective 2

? Elective 3

? Elective 4

7th Semester

? Evaluation of Planning Implementation

? Development Management

? Planning Seminar

? Internship

? Planning Ethics

? Elective 5

? Elective 6

? Elective 7

8th Semester

? Final Project

? Community Service

1. Able to formulate a spatial plan and development plan

2. Able to give a consultation, facilitation, and take a rola as a

spatial development actor in urban and regional scale

3. Able to conduct a research in urban and regional spatial


4. Able to use and develop planning instruments (both

hardware and software) as its function

5. Able to master theories, principles and consept of urban and

regional planning

6. Able to master methods and techniques of research

7. Able to master methods and techniques of urban and

regional planning

8. Able to develop planning ideas innovatively, effectively and


9. Able to take decision from several alternatives of spatial and

development planning, based on information and data

analysis, both individually or in a team

10. Able to communicate and professionally responsible in the

work process and accomplishment.

Curriculum is designed to fulfil 144 credits (130 credits from

compulsory courses and 14 credits from electives) in 8

semesters (4 years).

“Planning Studio” is the backbone of the curriculum as

student puts all the knowledge and method gained in class into

practice. Distributed in the first 6 semesters, Planning Studios

represents three domains, starting from neighborhood, urban,

and regional. Within this arrangement, other courses are

supposed to support Planning Studio.

1st Semester

? Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning

? Spatial Theory

? Basic of Urban & Regions

? Methods and Techniques for Neighborhood Analysis

? Planning Studio: Neighborhood Analysis

? Planning Graphics and Communication

? Planning Process

? Language: English

The admission process can be done through: national

examination (SNMPTN & SBMPTN) and candidacy (PBUTM,

PBUK, PBUB & PBOS). The candidate should come from Science

Class in high school or related-vocational school. Further

information can be seen in : http://um.ugm.ac.id.
