. * Page Eighteen, TOE NASSAU DAILY REVIEW-STAR-—-THURSDAY. DECEMBER 7, W39. WANT ADS—Telephone Rockville Centre 1800 'Broadway on Review 7 Is Title of Address by John Mason Brown at Garden City Marty Discussed By Critic Cathedral Club To Sing Carols Christmas Eve John Mason Brown, dramatic critic of the New York Evening Fast, always popular with the memberi of the Garden City- Hempstead Community club, was guest speaker at the meeting in the auditorium of Cathedral house, Garden City, yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Charles E. L. Clark of Hempstead introduced Mr. Brown and announced that this is the sixth ye*r he has discussed the current plays under the title, •'Broadway on Review", for the club. In reviewing the high trag- edy, "Hamasr, with Maurice Evans, at the 44th street theatre, Mr. Brown said it is a superb re- vival ofl Shakespeare. Paul Muni, starring in Maxwell Anderson's new play, "Key Largo\ is another great tragedy, well acted, he said. Mr. Anderson's book, "Essays on Tragedy", is one which is well worth reading, according to Mr. Brown, who said that the message of tragedy is that men are better than they think they are and au- JSthors of tragedy offer the hope that ^man is greater than his prey. » • "The Man Who Came to Din- ner" is the best comedy which has seen in many years, Mr. Brown said, and is full of "wise cracks". A delectable, pleasant comedy is "Life With Father", at the Empire theatre. It is a battle of the sexes and a dramatization of the male ego, continued the speaker. *The Time of Your Life", starring Eddie Dowling and Julia Haydon, he classed as a gay-mad comedy and an original piece of writing. Mr. Brown said that "The World We Make", by Sidney Kingsley, is beautifully acted by Margo, but the show is swamped by too much scenery. "Margin for Error",* Clair Booth's hit at the Plymouth theatre, is a super cock- robin comedy, according to Mr. Brown. It is a violent anti-Nazi melodrama and gives a pleasant evening's entertainment Ethel Barrymore, starring in "Farm of Three Echos", at the Cort theatre, portrays a woman 97 years old. It is a trashy play, Mr. Brown said, made good by Miss Barrymore's personality. "Little Foxes", starring Tullulah Bank- jead. with Patricia Collinge and •rank Conroy, is a melodrama of the south, m which Miss Bank- head's portrayal of a murderess is wcellent The speaker likes Kath- arine Hepburn in "The Philadel- phia Story", The play, "Ladies and Gentlemen", starring Helen Hayes, is unworthy of the talent of Miss Hayes, he said. Gertrude Lawrence, in "Sky- lark", looks French and sounds English, and has no novelty. "Too Many Girls" is a clever, amusing musical comedy about football and Her En3a3eme.it Announced Sarony Photo MISS CON8TANCE H. PEDEN Miss Peden's marriage to Sherwood Kissel, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Kissel of Bellerose, will be a January event. Her engagement has been announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Peden of Rose street, Freeport. Miss Peden is a graduate of Freeport high school and Katharine Gibbs school, Manhattan. She is president of Phi Qamma Phi sorority. college. It depicts three college men, from Harvard, Yale and Princeton, who go to New Mexico and get in complications. "The Streets of Paris" is a musical com- edy at the Broadhurst theatre, which advocates the "good neigh- bor" policy. Mrs. Martin H. Schrenkeisen presided at a business meeting which preceded the lecture. Announcement was made of the meeting of the art department at the Garden City casino tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock, when Fred- erick E. Mayer will give an illus- trated lecture on the "Role of Stained Glass in Art". He will bring ten large water color paint- ings illustrating stained glass win- dows. Mrs. William M. Whitney will discuss holiday table decorations, Christmas doorways, and mantels at a meeting of the garden depart- ment, Monday afternoon, at 2:45 p. m. at the casino. Members may order their Christmas wreaths and Christmas decorations after the lecture. The annual program of Christ- mas music sponsored by the music department will be presented in the Cathedral of the Incarnation, Garden City, Tuesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, i The department has secured Maurice Garabrant, organist and ihe < Calendar of Coming Events TODAY ehereh, tad evening. oetapttft P-T A. Nitjr. vwn'i Aram bap* eorpe Of V. W, WM-.e Tatara, • p. a. FleraJ Park ffiaie party. Oom- ptaloiu of the Porta* at Ajoence, lesion etabhonte. 8 p.. "3C Cexd party, Alpha Sigm* chapter of Omega Oemma Wta fraternity. Weeeau AthJetle eluh. S p. m. PM:J, Wist aoAVOrte *m- cttattcn. Aetire ftrehooee, • p. is, .Meeta*. DeogSttereof Amtt ke», Mnm arehouae. I Manor. Mother** dob, Oraoe •lethodlat chorea. to I p m. rasoafh ook. 1*4 Uwtini, Hook, Xadder and tegtna eompeny. i p. m. TOMORROW Baldwin Mooting:, auxiliary to South Naoeeu OommuniUaa hos- pital. Olrl Stout little houae. 1:10 p at. Operetta. 'II. It. 8. Pica fort." auapteos of varloua local organisation*, high aehool. S p. m. Deuert card party, Woman* cirtb, alnohouM. 1:M p. m Chrtatmea party. Bopuolleaa crab. »part an temple, Card par;y. Democratic club Mrrrxk road, .•IBe Centre I p. m Chrtetme* party, peat noele of Xaaasu district* aad S, Mats, •tree* • p. a. kaxaar, l>adiea AM Trinity Lutheran eh' afternoon aad eeenins. •itfciytlk M « e t i'a ( . 'Tooth Council sncsholal atreet echo©!, P- la. ?.»T '"Lilt Be (la* at Six- teen". Dramatic aocsety, Beet aehool, I p. a. Meeting:. Republican Worn- Sar.e avenue Arch all, I p. m St. Jaaw Methodist chare*, afternoon aad H.*E,flE!"' .rTwoaaai's club. oon itloa Beth Saetd. aft> aad -erantnf. Meeting. West Lyabrook P- T. A., dark aveaae aehool, i:il p. a. Concert. Mephaa OanUral high ichool band, aehool, l:*7 p. a. Meeting. Order of the neat- era Star, Square cfub- house, S p. a. Bazaar. Preebyterlan church, afternoon and evening. Saet Meadow Oard and bunco party, legion auxiliary, town hall, 8:M p. m. Saet •oekawey Game party. legion. White Oanaon tna, tfSO p. a. Meeting. Truth aad Unity center. ISO Merrick road, 3:1ft p. a. Baxaar, Women* club, Con- gregation Beth DaTid, aft- ernoon and efSning. ins, : tor. Third avenue, 3pm Meeting. Bdranel council of Naeaau county, Mineola office, I p. m. North Bettaere Meeting. Morthalde Republi- can club. Exempt fireball, • p. a. Oame party. Men's club, St, Marx's episcopal Mission, • p. a. Paraingdale Rally and fellowship dinner, "pworth ieagua. Methodist tmrch. T p. a. Meeting. Mound Table, home of Mrs. Prank. Heraman, Beechwood street, 3pm Christmas party. Women's Republican club. Colony club, evening. Seaferd Card party, fire department, fireball, S p. a . Meeting. Paumanack* Oar- den club. St. Michael and All Angels church, 10 a. a. to 10 p. a. PtbctJ Park Play, 'Stan. Peddler, nun". auspices of P-T. A., Ploral Park - Bellerose school, Larch avenue. S p. a. Christmas* party, sub-debs of Women's club, Nassau Athletic elub, I p m. Merrick Mot-tiff. Republican club, •Metre Srehall. • SO p. a, a*rk*1lit Ceatre • laai < auxiliary of :>--»>.• T **4 Sun rise S;i.".tu all day and •*•> i -• Marks Methodist - eh Masonic temple, ->n and evening. Recreation league South Side high school IS p.. • " ~z daises. Ooate ««n- ' * 30 and S p. a . " »*tlaf, " Catholic Daughters of Amenta. Queen of tht Moat Holy Rosary church, i p.. a VaJtey 'Stream •ale. ladies aux- •..isri tu ,k ie»an Catreh of Oar Savioar. afWrBOon •sd etes.sg. Garden City Concert. Tanuae Chora! foundation, benefit Nassau County Public Health Nurse*' association, Adel- pbia college. I 30 p. a. 'House of Christmas Sale". T. W. O. A., Cathedral aveaue, all day aad eve- ning. Christmas party. Hub-a-Wif club. Methodist church, 9 p. a. Operetta, "The Gondoliers", music department, high school, t p. a. Meetiag. Daughters of Amer- ica, Odd Fellow* hall. p. a. EackvlOo Ceatre Meeting. Women's guild of the Church of the Ascen- sion, home of Mrs. Henry Kalterman, Morris avenue, 1 p. m Basaar. auxiliary of Temple B*Nal Sholom. 344 Sunrise highway, afternoon aad evening. Meeting and luncheon, aux- iliary of Rockville Country club, clubhouse, 13:30 p. m. Meetiag, art appreciation group of Nassau Institute of Study. Mcintosh studio, 3 p. m Rummage tale, boy scout* of troop 155 89 North Village avenue, all day. Meeting. P-T A , South Side high aehool, S p. a. Bel Canto clue, Conte stu- dio. 4 p. a . choirmaster of the cathedral; Marion Bannerman, harpist, and Frances Blaisdell, flautist, as the artists. Both Mr. Garabrant and Mrs. Bannerman are well known to local audiences. Miss Blaisdell is an honor graduate of the Insti- tute of Musical Art, with a fellow- ship award at the Juilliard School of Music, and has the distinction of being the first woman flautist to appear in this country with the New York Symphony orchestra. She is an American by birth. Tea will be served in the Gar- den City casino, after which the guests will join a group of singers of Christmas carols. The Cathedral club is bringing a revival of carol singing and on Christmas eve at 7:30 p. m. will sing Christmas carols on the steps of the Cathedral of the Incarna- tion, Garden City, it was an- nounced. Mrs, Frank R. Bicknell, chair- man of the welfare committee, asked for contributions for the Christmas fund. Each Christmas, the 150 old people living at the Home on Uniondale avenue, re- ceive gifts from the committee. Red stockings may be had to fill for children for Christmas, and Christmas dinners will be fur- nished several needy families. Tickets for a Barnard college benefit performance at the opera on January 17 may be secured from Mrs. Henry L. Stevens, 12 Third place, Garden City. Following the meeting, tea was served at the casino. Mrs. John Maim, Jr., Mrs. Austin Cheshire, Mrs. Howard Walters, Mrs. Frank- lin Thomas, Mrs. F. H. Bowman, Mrs. W. Halsey Wood, Mrs. Joseph Stumpf, Mrs. Benjamin White Seaman, Mrs. Willis Thomas, Mrs. Charles Stocker and Mrs. Robert McKeon, all of Hempstead, were hostesses. Eleanor Amy Hostess ,to Junior Unit Sooth Hempatead Meeting, fire department auxiliary. May street fire- house, t p. m. t'nlondale Card party, P-T. A., home of Mrs. Sedman Orr, Patter- son avenue. 3 p. m. Valley Stream Play. "Ohc* There Was a Princess", senior crass, high school. » p. m Christmas sale, ladles auxil- iary. Lutheran Church of Our Saviour, all day. Card and bunco party, aux- iliary to South Naaaau Communities hospital, 131 Merrick road, Rockville Centre. 3pm Westbnry Supper dance, league for Mercy hospital. Salisbury Country club. • p. a. Afis* Jokumsen Engaged To Richard Sheridan Bean i Mrs. Marie Jokumsen of Evans avenue, Freeport, has announced the engagement of her daughter, Miss Ethel Signer Jokumsen, to Richard Sheridan Bean, son of Dr. and Mrs. Fred A. Bean of East Merrick road, Merrick. Thfc an- nouncement was made at a gath- ering of close friends- at the Bean home. The wedding will take place at a near date. A graduate of Brooklyn Preparatory school, Mr. Bean is associated with an ad- vertising agency in Manhattan. Mrs. Wallace T. Smith Is Hostess At Party The Long Island Alumnae asso- ciation of Kappa Delta, national social sorority, held its monthly meeting last night in the form of a Christmas party, at the home of Mrs. Wallace T. Smith, Rhame avenue, East Rockaway. Miss Margaret Washburn and Mrs, J. R. Conklin were hostesses. Novelty games were played, gifts ex- changed and refreshments served. Contributions were collected for the Crippled Children's hospital in Richmond, Va. 2 New Members Admitted at Garden City Miss Eleanor Amy of Bromp- ton road, Garden City, was host- ess yesterday afternoon to 35 members of the juniors of the Garden City League for Mercy hospital, at a meeting and tea. Co-hostesses were Miss Rita Daly, Miss Ruth Dunn, and Miss Mar- ylan Bowne. The meeting was pre- viously scheduled to be held at the home of Miss Virginia Shaw, who will be hostess at the Janu- ary meeting. Mrs. Walter J. Black, Mrs. George Kramer, Mrs. Henry Amy, and Mrs. William H. Barnes of the senior league, were present. Miss | Rosemary Sullivan of Lee road, and Miss Florence Coulson of Jefferson street, Garden City, were admitted to membership at yesterday's meeting. Fifteen girls are planning to visit the hospital. After the first of the year, the meetings of the tmxiliary will be held at the home of Mrs.l Edward J. Fanning, 261 Stewart avenue, Garden City. Work meetings will be held at the Home of Mrs. Walter J. Black, 139 Oxford boulevard, Garden City, on Wednesday, December 13 ti and Tuesday, December 19. Members of the Hempstead Junior League for Mercy hospital sewed tonsil pads for the hospital at a meeting at the building, Oceanside road, last night. Mrs. Peter Rocchio presided. Mrs. Rob- ert Hartnett is the adviser. Mrs. Ripp Is Hostess To Speech, Diction Unit Mrs. August Bleser, Mrs. George L. Best and Mrs. Henry C. Drew- ses gave pantomimes at a meeting of the special speech and diction class of the drama department Qf the Rockville Centre Fortnightly club at the home of Mrs. Frank Ripp of Richmond road, Rockville Centre, yesterday. Raymond Barrett and his assist- ant, Audra Norris, conducted the class. A prepared speech was given by Mrs. Henri B. Vidal, who had for her subject, "Incident in India," and Mrs. Earle CadweE delivered the introduction. 'T^rnditions m England during the recent evacuation," were de- scribed by Mrs. Paul L. Palmerton who was introduced by Mrs. Roy Wiedersum. Readings from play material from which the spring productions will be chosen, were read by mem- bers. Mrs. William VanNess Car- ver, chairman of the department, announced that the next meeting would take place Wednesday morning at 9:30 o'clock at Mrs. Ripp's home. Large Group Attends Duplicate Bridge Game Tuesday night's duplicate bridge game at the Garden City hotel, under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Brannon, wit- nessed the close of the 15th series and series number 16 will com- mence next Tuesday night. The games are now played regularly in the palm lounge which provides an attractive and comfortable set- ting. The winners of series 15 were Mrs. P. Rr>£erko and Stanley Mayer of Forest Hills, with a 60 per cent., four best scores out of the six of the series. A close sec- ond was J. B. Stearns of Wood- mere and W. A. Robertson of Hewlett, with 59 per cent. Stearns and Robertson were top in Tues- day night's, game, playing north- south; and Mr. and Mrs. William A. Case of Stewart Manor, were the east-west winners. Married Rockville Garden Club Has Christmas Program x * I • Tableaux Feature the Event At Parish Hall bi Church Hempstead Studio Photo MRS. ADAM ABONOWICZ The former Miss Anna Adele Datig, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonafti Spier of Park boulevard, Malverne, was recently wei to Adam Aronowicz, son «f Mr. and Mrs. William Aronowicz of Jamaica. -'• •I.IM^II-.I.II.I-I.III.-.N ——»sw—'•"" i r M I n ii ii ii • • Miss Doody Makes Plans For Wedding To Be Bride on December 26 at Church Service —1 Miss F. Hazel Doody, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard I. Doody of Fonda road, Rockville Centre, has selected Tuesday morning, December 26, for htr marriage to Robert A. Michenfelder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Michen- felder of Long Island City and Huntington. 4 The ceremony will be in the re«||>*£/6f St. Agnes Ro» man Catholic church of Rockville Centre, with the Rev. John J. Keane officiating, y Miss Anne R. MuHiearn of Dean street, Brooklyn, will act as maid of honor for Miss Doody and Miss Muriel A. Michenfelder, sister of the bridegroom-elee*, will be the bridesmaid. Williajn F. Mueller of Long Island City and Hunting- ton will act as best man for Mr. Michenfelder. A wedding break- fast and reception at the Rockville Country club will follow the cere- mony. \ inwima v^. luuigaii, vn-c-viimi - Miss Doody is a graduates of iSfejman. "Ye Olde English Faire" is Recent Bride A brown manger holding the Babe, with a roof over-head and stacks of hay, some of which covered the floor, wss the setting for the Christmas tableaux portrayed at* the program of the Rockville Centre Garden club, yesterday. The parish hall. Church of the Ascension, scene of the affair, was decorated with sprays of ever- green and poinsettias set at each window. A, white lighted tree at the rear of the room and two tall standards holding 18 white candles set in slanting candle^ sticks were placed on each side of the tableau setting. Clusters of white branches were placed in front of the candles. "Mary, the Madonna, and Joseph," was the first scene staged during which "Silent Night" was sung by Mrs. George Stanton; "Mary, Joseph and Two Angels," was the second scene at which time, Mrs. Eleanor Sabatini sang, "O Holy Night*; and the third scene was "Mary, Joseph,* the Angels and Three Shepherds." Mrs. John G. Hinman sang "He Shall Feed His Flock" during this scene. Mrs. James T. Lipford was cast as Mary; Mrs. Lester Ross and Mrs. James Mattern as the angels; Mrs. Oliver B. Hansen, Mrs. Clar- enc^ J. Williams and Mrs. Wil- liam A. Enhaus, as the shepherds and William F. Waltemath as Joseph. Carols were sung between scenes by the Mesdames Leonard Barron, Charles H. E. Scheer, Robert I. Shannon, A. G. Ackert, C. V. Koselle, John N. Getz, Wil- liam M. Lloyd and Mrs. Hinman. Mrs. Stanton directed the singing and ^Vlrs. Sabatinip played the pianolaccompaniment, the solo and ensemble numbers. Mrs. Scheer sang a solo, "Away^ In a Manger" and the annual ex- change of gifts among members was accomplished in the person of Mrs. Santa Claus, enacted by Mrs. Barron. Miss Mary L. Donnelly presid- ed at a short meeting preceding the program, and reminded mem- bers of the all day meeting, De- cember 19, at the parish hall for the purpose of making Christmas decorations to be entered in com- petition and judged. Mrs. Hinman was chairman of the day's entertainment, Mrs. En- haus assisted by Mr. Enhaus were in charge of the stage setting and Mrs. Paul F. Dunn, of decora- tions. / Arthur Photo MRS. HERBERT NAU The wedding of Miss Irene Connelly, daughter of Mrs. William Connelly of Bauer place, Mineola, and the late Mr. Connelly, to Herbert Nau, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Nau, took place recently. La a e Tic w Card party. Mothers WooodeM road, p at. club. school, Long Beach Meeting. Women's Republi- can club. Nautilus club. Atlantic Beach. ] p. m. Meeting, discussion group. i church. • p. m. Lrakreel MeetlBf. Dorcas circle. Kings Daughters, home of Mrs IJUIU Foster, Manor road. Meeting. P-T school, g p. m. A . high Weat Hempitead Nursing demonstration, home bureau, home of Mrs. Ste- phen Bedell. Bedell ave- nue. 10 a. m. Bazaar. P-T A.. Bagle ave- nue school, evening. Weedmere Meeting, choral group. Con- itrecatjjmn Sons of Israel, 1:1$ p. m. Executive Board Plans For Christmas Tea The executive % board of the Women's club of the Willistons met yesterday morning at the home of Mrs. Augustus Vogel, Jr. Six new names were accepted for membership. Plans were made for the Christmas tea, which will be held at the Community church, Wednesday afternoon, December 20. Meetlns, art deportment of Community cltiS. casino. I p «. SPECIAL ALL WOOL REVERSIBLE COATS Reg. 19.95 . . . 4.95 Empire Sportswear 275 Fulton Ave. Hempstead Mrs. Wendt Is Elected . Needlework Guild Head Mrs. G. Fred Wendt of Seca- togue avenue, Farmingdale, is the new president of the Farmingdale branch of the Needlework Guild of America, following her election at the annual meeting of the board of directors yesterday. She suc- ceeds Mrs. Leon Stephens, at whose home the session was held. Other officers are: Mrs. Steph- ens, first vice-president; Mrs. Clarence C. Doud, second vice- president; Mrs. August Ihleriburg, third vice-president; Mrs. Thomas O. Dunkerke, fourth vice-presi- dent; sJVlrs. Alfred W. Parry, sec- retary, and Mrs. Norman Ssllivan, treasurer. Two new directors were elected to take the place of previous in- cumbents who have moved from Farmingdale. They are Mrs. Wil- liam Wesche and Mrs. Floyd Sea- man. The annual exhibit of garments is being held today at the Colony club on Main street, Farmingdale. Mis, Mtnahan Engaged To Joseph llhlmann I Mrs. Elizabeth Monahan of Wil- liams street, Roosevelt, has an- nounced the engagement of her daughter, Miss Marie Monahan, to Joseph Uhlmann, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Uhlmann of Brooklyn. The couple expect to be married in June. Frock & Bonnett says: To the Gentlemen In doubt! Give one of our Xmas gift certificates. 243 Fulton Avenue HEMPSTEAD Agnes seminary, Brooklyn, Pratt institute School of Fine and Ap- plied Arts and Ne# York univer- sity. She is now art supervisor at the Ursuiine school in New Ro»- chelle. Mr. Michenfelder, also a gradu- ate of Pratt institute School of Fine and Applied Arts and New York university, is »rt supervisor in the Long Beach l|igh school. Sorority To Plait Aid* To Needy On Christmas Miss Jean Sommer of Oxford road, Rockville Centre, wilf enter- tain members of the Pi Chi soror- ity at a Christmas party, Decem- ber 19, at her home. Toys for poor families will be brought and Christmas b a s k e t arrangements will be completed at the meeting preceding the party.' Miss Grace Poggenburg, president and chair- man of welfare, will preside at the meeting. The affair will begin at 8 p. m. and the winner of, the award, in charge of Mrs. G. Rydej- Utter, will be announced. A meet- ing was held at the home of Mrs. Frank Rioux, North Village ave- nue, Tuesday night. —- "IT" GETS NEW MEMBERS Ten new members were wel- comed at a meeting of the Legion of Mary at Our Lady of Lourdes church in Malverne, Tuesday nignt. Plans were made for an ice skating party at the rink in Great»Neck, this Sunday and the Sunday following. A theatre party and a visit to a broadcasting studio were also discussed. HAS~TfJRKEY DINNER Miss Barbara Pence of Nassau avenue, Malverne, was the winner of a large doll at a successful tur- key supper held by the Women's league of the Community Presby- terian church, Malverne, Tuesday night. More than 175 dinners were served. Westminster Chapter Assists In Bazaar Westminster chapter, Daughters of the British Empire, is assisting at the three-day annual bazaar which is being held this week in the ballroom of the Hotel Bilt- more, Manhattan, under the direc- tion of Mrs. Thomas Hodge Mc- Gavack, chairman, and Mrs. Thomas C. Morgan, vice-chair 'sj^nsored by the state drganiza tion for the benefit of the*Victoria home for aged British men and women at Ossining. Mrs. John H. Kost of Suffolk lane, Garden City, is chairman of the costume jewelry booth, and is being aided by the Mesdames George C. Johnson, Orville T. Cronk, Edward Johnson, Raymond C. Foster, Charles Jones, Royal Toner, Miss Rose Hilton, and Mrs. F. John Schwenk, regent of the Garden City chapter. Miss Elizabeth O'Brien To Be Wed December 17 Miss Elizabeth O'Brien, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O'Brien of North Centre avenue, Rockville Centre, has chosen December 17 for her marriage to Russell Pat- rick Francis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Francis of Rockville Centre. Mrs. Pauline Bachrach, sister of the bridegroom-elect entertained Bridge Hostess Mrs. Maurice Thurlow of Win- throp street, Westbury, was host- ess at a dessert-bridge yesterday afternoon at her home. Mrs. Stephen Rudd won first prize and Mrs. John Phillips was awarded "ebosolation prize. Has Bridge Guests Mrs. LeRoy G. Edwards of Fair- view avenue, East Williston, en- tertained at bridge, Tuesday eve- ning. There were three tables at play. Prizes were won by Mrs. George Latham, Miss Helen Fox and Miss Vera Parmelee. East Williston Hostess Mrs. A. B. Dulin of Ridge road, East Williston, entertained at a dessert bridge, yesterday after- noon, for seven guests. HEMPSTEAD,PERSONALS Ann Smith, daughter of Mrs. George D. Smith of Greenwich street, Hempstead, has returned to Dean academy at Franklin, Mass., after spending several days with her mother. Mrs. Frank E. Church of Pier- son avenue, Hempstead, enter- tained eight guests at* bridge last night, in her hnme. Louis Meiselman of Terrace avenue, Hempstead^left yesterday for Miss O'Brien at a surprise I f or a vacation of ten days at the Hotel Flagler at Fallsburg. Mrs. Meiselman will go to Fallsburg for the week-end. bridal shower at her home on South Center avenue, Rockville Centre, Tuesday night. Mrs. Ever- ett Francis of Lynbrook planned the evening activities, assisted by Mrs. Joseph Lockwood, also of Lynbrook. Thirty-two friends and relatives were present at the affair. HEAR HERBERT COOPER Herbert C. Cooper, county pro- bation officer, described the work of his department in a talk at the meeting, Tuesday night, of the Re- publican club of the 88th district, Lake view, at the Wood field road firehall. Mrs. Frederick C. Bailey, hostess, served the refreshments. Mrs. Frank Bradshaw of Hilbert street, Hempstead, gave a lunch- eon for 12 guests, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Eckler of Manor avenue, Hempstead, en- tertained at dinner last night for Mr. and Mrs. William Hopson of Hedge way court, who recently re- turned from Iowa. MOTHER GOOSE NURSERY SCHOOL - KINDERGARTEN Morning — roll Day Seasion Transportation — Meala Serred Orernlght Aacommodatlona, 517 Front St. Hempstead Tel. HampateaS 4S14 "Everything for the Sick" Prescription Compounding Surgical Appliances Elastic Stockings Trusses, Belts Nurses Registry Rolling Chairs Oxygen Tanks Back Rests And Out-of-the-Ordinary Requirements LINDSAY LABORATORIES PROFESSIONAL BUILDING 131 FULTON AVE. HEMPSTEAD, N. Y. Home of Gossard Corsets FIGURES ARE MADE NOT BORN It'a not magte but good hon- est stodj that has mad* oor eoracticrca tha wiaarda thejr era at ear* rertlng Sgvrt faults. GOSSARD Mis Simplicity Front Lace CORSETS $3.50 up BETTY CORSET SHOP ! Main Street Hempstead! Three Units Contribute To Hospital Plans Made For Annual Meeting fan. Three branches/of the women's auxiliary of Nassau hospital, Min- eola, made contfibuuons of money to the hospital at a meeting of tha auxiliary, yesterday. Mrs. A. Oakley Lohrke, of Gar- den City, president, received checks from Mrs. Andrew Rouse of East Williston, Mrs. Otho C. Hudson of Hempstead, and Mrs. George L. Mendes of Garden City, all branch chairmen. A .report of the last meeting was given by Mrs. Carl A. Hette- sheimer of Hempstead, and an- nouncements of activities in. the branches were made by Mrs. Charles Woody of Cow Neck, Mrs. John A. Merriman 6T Flower Hill, Mrs. Prescott Albee of Mineola, Mrs. H. H. Peden of Freeport, Miss MaVion Jackson of Westbury, Miss Priebe Seaman of Jericho, Mrs. A Valentine Fraser of Sands Point. Plans were made for the annual meeting of all members of the auxiliary and branches at the hos- pital, January 8. Hempstead Garden Club Will Hear Mrs. Erhorn Mrs. Philip E. Erhorn of Garden City will lecture on fruit arrange- ments at a meeting of the Hemp- stead Garden club at the American Legion hall. Baldwin road, Mon- day at 2 p. m. She will then Judge an informal flower show for mem- bers of the club. Classes for the contest include berries in a bottle and winter bouquets. Mrs. George B. Graham is chairman of arrangements for the program. Members of the group will b« given instruction in making Christ- mas decorations, and wreaths at a special meeting, December 18. at 10 a. m., in the Legion hall. Mrs. Charles Anderson of West Hemp- stead will supervise the group at the all-day session. Alma Kosel Feted At Surprise Shower Miss Alma Kosel of; Hempstead, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kosel of Hempstead and Florida, was given a surprise shower at the home of Mrs. George«S. Watkinson of Grove street, Hempstead, re- cently. Mrs. John R. McLean of Hempstead, and Mrs. Laurentv Watkinson of Roseile Park, N. J > were the hostesses. Miss Kosel is the fiancee of John Wragge, son of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wragge of Sea Cliff. About 30 guests were present. Valley Stream Auxiliary Will Have Card Party The Valley Stream auxiliary to the South Nassau Communities hospital will hold a card and bunco party at 125 Merrick road, Rock- ville Centre, tomorrow at 2 p. m. Mrs. Jerry J. Holecek is chairman of arrangements, assisted by Mrs. John H. Carey. Mrs. John Mc- Loughlin, Miss Edna Jacobsen and Mrs. James B. Lindsay. Kotex Belts 23c Quest Deodorant . 31c t Kurb Tablets .... 23c On Sale At All [tr^NAnoKS •agscetcpo DSUG SKM\ ) \ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Broadway on Review Is Title of Address by John Mason ...fultonhistory.com/Newspapers 23/Freeport NY Daily... · ceive gifts from the committee. Red stockings may be had to fill for

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Page 1: Broadway on Review Is Title of Address by John Mason ...fultonhistory.com/Newspapers 23/Freeport NY Daily... · ceive gifts from the committee. Red stockings may be had to fill for

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Page Eighteen, TOE NASSAU DAILY REVIEW-STAR-—-THURSDAY. DECEMBER 7, W39. WANT ADS—Telephone Rockville Centre 1800

'Broadway on Review7 Is Title of Address by John Mason Brown at Garden City



By Critic

Cathedral Club To Sing Carols Christmas Eve

John Mason Brown, dramatic critic of the New York Evening Fast, always popular with the memberi of the Garden City-Hempstead Community club, was guest speaker at the meeting in the auditorium of Cathedral house, Garden City, yesterday afternoon.

Mrs. Charles E. L. Clark of Hempstead introduced Mr. Brown and announced that this is the sixth ye*r he has discussed the current plays under the title, •'Broadway on Review", for the club. In reviewing the high trag­edy, "Hamasr, with Maurice Evans, at the 44th street theatre, Mr. Brown said it is a superb re­vival ofl Shakespeare. Paul Muni, starring in Maxwell Anderson's new play, "Key L a r g o \ is another great tragedy, well acted, he said. Mr. Anderson's book, "Essays on Tragedy", is one which is well worth reading, according to Mr. Brown, who said that the message of tragedy is that men are better than they think they are and au-

JSthors of tragedy offer the hope that ^man is greater than his prey. »

• "The Man Who Came to Din­ner" is the best comedy which has

seen in many years, Mr. Brown said, and is full of "wise cracks". A delectable, pleasant comedy is "Life With Father", at the Empire theatre. It is a battle of the sexes and a dramatization of the male ego, continued the speaker. *The Time of Your Life", starring Eddie Dowling and Julia Haydon, he classed as a gay-mad comedy and an original piece of writing. Mr. Brown said that "The World We Make", by Sidney Kingsley, is beautifully acted by Margo, but the show is swamped by too much scenery. "Margin for Error",* Clair Booth's hit at the Plymouth theatre, is a super cock-robin comedy, according to Mr. Brown. It is a violent anti-Nazi melodrama and gives a pleasant evening's entertainment

Ethel Barrymore, starring in "Farm of Three Echos", at the Cort theatre, portrays a woman 97 years old. It is a trashy play, Mr. Brown said, made good by Miss Barrymore's personality. "Little Foxes", starring Tullulah Bank-jead. with Patricia Collinge and •rank Conroy, is a melodrama of

the south, m which Miss Bank-head's portrayal of a murderess is wcellent The speaker likes Kath­arine Hepburn in "The Philadel­phia Story", The play, "Ladies and Gentlemen", starring Helen Hayes, is unworthy of the talent of Miss Hayes, he said.

Gertrude Lawrence, in "Sky­lark", looks French and sounds English, and has no novelty. "Too Many Girls" is a clever, amusing musical comedy about football and

Her En3a3eme.it Announced


Miss Peden's marriage to Sherwood Kissel, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Kissel of Bellerose, will be a January event. Her engagement has been announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Peden of Rose street, Freeport. Miss Peden is a graduate of Freeport high school and Katharine Gibbs school, Manhattan. She is president of Phi Qamma Phi sorority.

college. It depicts three college men, from Harvard, Yale and Princeton, who go to New Mexico and get in complications. "The Streets of Paris" is a musical com­edy at the Broadhurst theatre, which advocates the "good neigh­bor" policy.

Mrs. Martin H. Schrenkeisen presided at a business meeting which preceded the lecture.

Announcement was made of the meeting of the art department at the Garden City casino tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock, when Fred­erick E. Mayer will give an illus­trated lecture on the "Role of Stained Glass in Art". He will bring ten large water color paint­ings illustrating stained glass win­dows.

Mrs. William M. Whitney will discuss holiday table decorations, Christmas doorways, and mantels at a meeting of the garden depart­ment, Monday afternoon, at 2:45 p. m. at the casino. Members may order their Christmas wreaths and Christmas decorations after the lecture.

The annual program of Christ­mas music sponsored by the music department will be presented in the Cathedral of the Incarnation, Garden City, Tuesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, i

The department has secured Maurice Garabrant, organist and

i h e <

Calendar of Coming Events TODAY

ehereh, tad evening.

oetapttft P-T A.

Nitjr. v w n ' i Aram bap* eorpe Of V. W,

WM-.e Tatara, • p. a .

FleraJ Park ffiaie party. Oom-

ptaloiu of the Porta* at Ajoence, lesion etabhonte. 8 p.. "3C

Cexd party, Alpha Sigm* chapter of Omega Oemma W t a fraternity. Weeeau AthJetle eluh. S p. m.

P M : J , Wist aoAVOrte * m -cttattcn. Aetire ftrehooee, • p. i s ,

.Meeta*. DeogSttereof Amtt ke», M n m arehouae. I

Manor. Mother** dob, Oraoe •lethodlat chorea. • to I p m.

rasoafh ook. 1*4 Uwt in i , Hook, Xadder and

tegtna eompeny. i p. m.


Baldwin Mooting:, auxiliary to South

Naoeeu OommuniUaa hos­pital. Olrl Stout little houae. 1:10 p at.

Operetta. 'II. I t . 8. Pica fort." auapteos of varloua local organisation*, high aehool. S p. m.

Deuert card party, Woman* cirtb, alnohouM. 1:M p. m

Chrtatmea party. Bopuolleaa crab. »part an temple, •

Card par;y. Democratic club l» Mrrrxk road,

.•IBe Centre I p. m Chrtetme* party, peat noele

of Xaaasu district* aad S, Mats, •tree*

• p. a .

kaxaar, l>adiea AM Trinity Lutheran eh' afternoon aad eeenins.

•itfciytlk M « e t i'a ( . 'Tooth Council

sncsholal atreet echo©!, P- la.

? . » T '"Lilt Be ( la* at Six­teen". Dramatic aocsety, Beet aehool, I p. a .

Meeting:. Republican Worn-Sar.e avenue

Arch all, I p. m St. J a a w Methodist

chare*, afternoon aad H.*E,flE!"' .rTwoaaai's club. oon itloa Beth Saetd. aft>

aad -erantnf. Meeting. West Lyabrook P-

T. A., d a r k aveaae aehool, i : i l p. a .

Concert. Mephaa OanUral high ichool band, aehool, l : *7 p. a .

Meeting. Order of the neat-era Star, Square cfub-house, S p. a .

Bazaar. Preebyterlan church, afternoon and evening.

Saet Meadow Oard and bunco party, legion

auxiliary, town hall, 8:M p. m.

Saet •oekawey Game party. legion. White

Oanaon tna, tfSO p. a .

Meeting. Truth aad Unity center. ISO Merrick road, 3:1ft p. a .

Baxaar, Women* club, Con­gregation Beth DaTid, aft­ernoon and efSning.

ins, : tor. Third avenue, 3 p m

Meeting. Bdranel council of Naeaau county, Mineola office, I p. m.

North Bettaere Meeting. Morthalde Republi­

can club. Exempt fireball, • p. a .

Oame party. Men's club, St, Marx's episcopal Mission, • p. a .

Paraingdale Rally and fellowship dinner,

"pworth ieagua. Methodist tmrch. T p. a .

Meeting. Mound Table, home of Mrs. Prank. Heraman, Beechwood street, 3 p m

Christmas party. Women's Republican club. Colony club, evening.

Seaferd Card party, fire department,

fireball, S p. a . Meeting. Paumanack* Oar-

den club. St. Michael and All Angels church, 10 a. a . to 10 p. a .

PtbctJ Park Play, 'Stan. Peddler, nun".

auspices of P-T. A., Ploral Park - Bellerose s c h o o l , Larch avenue. S p. a .

Christmas* party, sub-debs of Women's club, N a s s a u Athletic elub, I p m.

Merrick Mot-tiff. Republican club,

•Metre Srehall. • SO p. a ,

a*rk*1lit Ceatre • laai < auxiliary of

: > - - » > . • T **4 Sun rise S;i.".tu all day and •*•> i

-• Marks Methodist - eh Masonic temple,

->n and evening. Recreation league

South Side high school IS p.. •"

~z daises. Ooate ««n-' * 30 and S p. a .

" »*tlaf, " Catholic Daughters of Amenta. Queen of tht Moat Holy Rosary church, i p.. a

VaJtey 'Stream •ale. ladies aux-

•..isri tu , kie»an Catreh of Oar Savioar. afWrBOon • s d e t e s . sg .

Garden City C o n c e r t . Tanuae Chora!

foundation, benefit Nassau C o u n t y Public Health Nurse*' association, Adel-pbia college. I 30 p. a .

'House of Christmas Sale". T. W. O. A., Cathedral aveaue, all day aad eve­ning.

Christmas party. Hub-a-Wif club. Methodist church, 9 p. a .

Operetta, "The Gondoliers", music department, high school, t p. a .

Meetiag. Daughters of Amer­ica, Odd Fellow* hall. p. a .

EackvlOo Ceatre Meeting. Women's guild of

the Church of the Ascen­sion, home of Mrs. Henry Kalterman, Morris avenue, 1 p. m

Basaar. auxiliary of Temple B*Nal Sholom. 344 Sunrise highway, afternoon aad evening.

Meeting and luncheon, aux­iliary of Rockville Country club, clubhouse, 13:30 p. m.

Meetiag, art appreciation group of Nassau Institute of Study. Mcintosh studio, 3 p. m

Rummage tale, boy scout* of troop 155 89 North Village avenue, all day.

Meeting. P-T A , South Side high aehool, S p. a .

Bel Canto c lue , Conte stu­dio. 4 p. a .

choirmaster of the cathedral; Marion Bannerman, harpist, and Frances Blaisdell, flautist, as the artists. Both Mr. Garabrant and Mrs. Bannerman are well known to local audiences. Miss Blaisdell is an honor graduate of the Insti­tute of Musical Art, with a fellow­ship award at the Juilliard School of Music, and has the distinction of being the first woman flautist to appear in this country with the New York Symphony orchestra. She is an American by birth.

Tea will be served in the Gar­den City casino, after which the guests will join a group of singers of Christmas carols.

The Cathedral club is bringing a revival of carol singing and on Christmas eve at 7:30 p. m. will sing Christmas carols on the steps of the Cathedral of the Incarna­tion, Garden City, it was an­nounced.

Mrs, Frank R. Bicknell, chair­man of the welfare committee, asked for contributions for the Christmas fund. Each Christmas, the 150 old people living at the Home on Uniondale avenue, re­ceive gifts from the committee. Red stockings may be had to fill for children for Christmas, and Christmas dinners will be fur­nished several needy families.

Tickets for a Barnard college benefit performance at the opera on January 17 may be secured from Mrs. Henry L. Stevens, 12 Third place, Garden City.

Following the meeting, tea was served at the casino. Mrs. John Maim, Jr., Mrs. Austin Cheshire, Mrs. Howard Walters, Mrs. Frank­lin Thomas, Mrs. F. H. Bowman, Mrs. W. Halsey Wood, Mrs. Joseph Stumpf, Mrs. Benjamin White Seaman, Mrs. Willis Thomas, Mrs. Charles Stocker and Mrs. Robert McKeon, all of Hempstead, were hostesses.

Eleanor Amy

Hostess ,to

Junior Unit

Sooth Hempatead M e e t i n g , fire department

auxiliary. May street fire-house, t p. m.

t'nlondale Card party, P-T. A., home of

Mrs. Sedman Orr, Patter­son avenue. 3 p. m.

Valley Stream Play. "Ohc* There Was a

Princess", senior crass, high school. » p. m

Christmas sale, ladles auxil­iary. Lutheran Church of Our Saviour, all day.

Card and bunco party, aux­iliary to South Naaaau Communities hospital, 131 Merrick road, Rockville Centre. 3 p m

Westbnry Supper dance, league for

Mercy hospital. Salisbury Country club. • p. a .

Afis* Jokumsen Engaged To Richard Sheridan Bean i Mrs. Marie Jokumsen of Evans avenue, Freeport, has announced the engagement of her daughter, Miss Ethel Signer Jokumsen, to Richard Sheridan Bean, son of Dr. and Mrs. Fred A. Bean of East Merrick road, Merrick. Thfc an­nouncement was made at a gath­ering of close friends- at the Bean home. The wedding will take place at a near date. A graduate of Brooklyn Preparatory school, Mr. Bean is associated with an ad­vertising agency in Manhattan.

Mrs. Wallace T. Smith Is Hostess At Party

The Long Island Alumnae asso­ciation of Kappa Delta, national social sorority, held its monthly meeting last night in the form of a Christmas party, at the home of Mrs. Wallace T. Smith, Rhame avenue, East Rockaway. Miss Margaret Washburn and Mrs, J. R. Conklin were hostesses. Novelty games were played, gifts ex­changed and refreshments served. Contributions were collected for the Crippled Children's hospital in Richmond, Va.

2 New Members Admitted at Garden City

Miss Eleanor Amy of Bromp-ton road, Garden City, was host­ess yesterday afternoon to 35 members of the juniors of the Garden City League for Mercy hospital, at a meeting and tea. Co-hostesses were Miss Rita Daly, Miss Ruth Dunn, and Miss Mar-ylan Bowne. The meeting was pre­viously scheduled to be held at the home of Miss Virginia Shaw, who will be hostess at the Janu­ary meeting.

Mrs. Walter J. Black, Mrs. George Kramer, Mrs. Henry Amy, and Mrs. William H. Barnes of the senior league, were present.

Miss | Rosemary Sullivan of Lee road, and Miss Florence Coulson of Jefferson street, Garden City, were admitted to membership at yesterday's meeting.

Fifteen girls are planning to visit the hospital. After the first of the year, the meetings of the tmxiliary will be held at the home of Mrs.l Edward J. Fanning, 261 Stewart avenue, Garden City.

Work meetings will be held at the Home of Mrs. Walter J. Black, 139 Oxford boulevard, Garden City, on Wednesday, December 13ti and Tuesday, December 19.

Members of the Hempstead Junior League for Mercy hospital sewed tonsil pads for the hospital at a meeting at the building, Oceanside road, last night. Mrs. Peter Rocchio presided. Mrs. Rob­ert Hartnett is the adviser.

Mrs. Ripp Is Hostess To Speech, Diction Unit

Mrs. August Bleser, Mrs. George L. Best and Mrs. Henry C. Drew-ses gave pantomimes at a meeting of the special speech and diction class of the drama department Qf the Rockville Centre Fortnightly club at the home of Mrs. Frank Ripp of Richmond road, Rockville Centre, yesterday.

Raymond Barrett and his assist­ant, Audra Norris, conducted the class. A prepared speech was given by Mrs. Henri B. Vidal, who had for her subject, "Incident in India," and Mrs. Earle CadweE delivered the introduction.

'T^rnditions m England during the recent evacuation," were de­scribed by Mrs. Paul L. Palmerton who was introduced by Mrs. Roy Wiedersum.

Readings from play material from which the spring productions will be chosen, were read by mem­bers. Mrs. William VanNess Car­ver, chairman of the department, announced that the next meeting would take place Wednesday morning at 9:30 o'clock at Mrs. Ripp's home.

Large Group Attends Duplicate Bridge Game

Tuesday night's duplicate bridge game at the Garden City hotel, under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Brannon, wit­nessed the close of the 15th series and series number 16 will com­mence next Tuesday night. The games are now played regularly in the palm lounge which provides an attractive and comfortable set­ting.

The winners of series 15 were Mrs. P. Rr>£erko and Stanley Mayer of Forest Hills, with a 60 per cent., four best scores out of the six of the series. A close sec­ond was J. B. Stearns of Wood-mere and W. A. Robertson of Hewlett, with 59 per cent. Stearns and Robertson were top in Tues­day night's, game, playing north-south; and Mr. and Mrs. William A. Case of Stewart Manor, were the east-west winners.

Married Rockville Garden Club Has Christmas Program

x * I •

Tableaux Feature the Event At Parish Hall bi Church

Hempstead Studio Photo MRS. ADAM ABONOWICZ

The former Miss Anna Adele Datig, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonafti Spier of Park boulevard, Malverne, was recently w e i to Adam Aronowicz, son «f Mr. and Mrs. William Aronowicz of Jamaica.

- ' • •I.IM^II-.I.II.I-I.III.-.N — — » s w — ' • " " i r M I n i i ii ii • •

Miss Doody

Makes Plans

For Wedding

To Be Bride on December 26 at Church Service

—1 Miss F. Hazel Doody, daughter

of Mr. and Mrs. Richard I. Doody of Fonda road, Rockville Centre, has selected Tuesday morning, December 26, for htr marriage to Robert A. Michenfelder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Michen­felder of Long Island City and Huntington. 4 The ceremony will be in the re«||>*£/6f St. Agnes Ro» man Catholic church of Rockville Centre, with the Rev. John J. Keane officiating, y

Miss Anne R. MuHiearn of Dean street, Brooklyn, will act as maid of honor for Miss Doody and Miss Muriel A. Michenfelder, sister of the bridegroom-elee*, will be the bridesmaid. Williajn F. Mueller of Long Island City and Hunting­ton will act as best man for Mr. Michenfelder. A wedding break­fast and reception at the Rockville Country c lub wi l l fo l low the cere ­m o n y . \ i n w i m a v̂ . luuigai i , vn-c-viimi -

Miss Doody is a graduates of iSfejman. "Ye Olde English Faire" is

Recent Bride

A brown manger holding the Babe, with a roof over-head and stacks of hay, some of which covered the floor, wss the setting for the Christmas tableaux portrayed at* the program of the Rockville Centre Garden club, yesterday.

The parish hall. Church of the Ascension, scene of the affair, was decorated with sprays of ever­green and poinsettias set at each window. A, white lighted tree at the rear of the room and two tall standards holding 18 white candles set in slanting candle^ sticks were placed on each side of the tableau setting. Clusters of white branches were placed in front of the candles.

"Mary, the Madonna, and Joseph," was the first scene staged during which "Silent Night" was sung by Mrs. George Stanton; "Mary, Joseph and Two Angels," was the second scene at which time, Mrs. Eleanor Sabatini sang, "O Holy Night*; and the third scene was "Mary, Joseph,* the Angels and Three Shepherds." Mrs. John G. Hinman sang "He Shall Feed His Flock" during this scene.

Mrs. James T. Lipford was cast as Mary; Mrs. Lester Ross and Mrs. James Mattern as the angels; Mrs. Oliver B. Hansen, Mrs. Clar-enc^ J. Williams and Mrs. Wil­liam A. Enhaus, as the shepherds and William F. Waltemath as Joseph.

Carols were sung between scenes by the Mesdames Leonard Barron, Charles H. E. Scheer, Robert I. Shannon, A. G. Ackert, C. V. Koselle, John N. Getz, Wil­liam M. Lloyd and Mrs. Hinman. Mrs. Stanton directed the singing and ^Vlrs. Sabatinip played the pianolaccompaniment, the solo and ensemble numbers.

Mrs. Scheer sang a solo, "Away^ In a Manger" and the annual ex­change of gifts among members was accomplished in the person of Mrs. Santa Claus, enacted by Mrs. Barron.

Miss Mary L. Donnelly presid­ed at a short meeting preceding the program, and reminded mem­bers of the all day meeting, De­cember 19, at the parish hall for the purpose of making Christmas decorations to be entered in com­petition and judged.

Mrs. Hinman was chairman of the day's entertainment, Mrs. En­haus assisted by Mr. Enhaus were in charge of the stage setting and Mrs. Paul F. Dunn, of decora­tions.



The wedding of Miss Irene Connelly, daughter of Mrs. William Connelly of Bauer place, Mineola, and the late Mr. Connelly, to Herbert Nau, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Nau, took place recently.

La a e Tic w Card party. Mothers

WooodeM road, p at.

club. school, •

Long Beach Meeting. Women's Republi­

can club. Nautilus club. Atlantic Beach. ] p. m.

Meeting, discussion group. i church. • p. m.

Lrakreel MeetlBf. Dorcas circle. Kings

Daughters, home of Mrs IJUIU Foster, Manor road.

Meeting. P-T school, g p. m.

A . high

Weat Hempitead Nursing demonstration, home

bureau, home of Mrs. Ste­phen Bedell. Bedell ave­nue. 10 a. m.

Bazaar. P-T A.. Bagle ave­nue school, evening.

Weedmere Meeting, choral group. Con-

itrecatjjmn Sons of Israel, 1:1$ p. m.

Executive Board Plans For Christmas Tea

The executive % board of the Women's club of the Willistons met yesterday morning at the home of Mrs. Augustus Vogel, Jr. Six new names were accepted for membership. Plans were made for the Christmas tea, which will be held at the Community church, Wednesday afternoon, December 20.

Meetlns, art deportment of Community cltiS. casino. I p « .



Reg. 19.95 . . . 4.95 Empire Sportswear

275 Fulton Ave. Hempstead

Mrs. Wendt Is Elected . Needlework Guild Head

Mrs. G. Fred Wendt of Seca-togue avenue, Farmingdale, is the new president of the Farmingdale branch of the Needlework Guild of America, following her election at the annual meeting of the board of directors yesterday. She suc­ceeds Mrs. Leon Stephens, at whose home the session was held.

Other officers are: Mrs. Steph­ens, first vice-president; Mrs. Clarence C. Doud, second vice-president; Mrs. August Ihleriburg, third vice-president; Mrs. Thomas O. Dunkerke, fourth vice-presi­dent; sJVlrs. Alfred W. Parry, sec­retary, and Mrs. Norman Ssllivan, treasurer.

Two new directors were elected to take the place of previous in­cumbents who have moved from Farmingdale. They are Mrs. Wil­liam Wesche and Mrs. Floyd Sea­man.

The annual exhibit of garments is being held today at the Colony club on Main street, Farmingdale.

Mis, Mtnahan Engaged To Joseph llhlmann

I Mrs. Elizabeth Monahan of Wil­liams street, Roosevelt, has an­nounced the engagement of her daughter, Miss Marie Monahan, to Joseph Uhlmann, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Uhlmann of Brooklyn. The couple expect to be married in June.

Frock & Bonnett says: To the Gentlemen In doubt! Give one of our Xmas gift certificates.

2 4 3 Ful ton A v e n u e H E M P S T E A D

Agnes seminary, Brooklyn, Pratt institute School of Fine and Ap­plied Arts and N e # York univer­sity. She is now art supervisor at the Ursuiine school in New Ro»-chelle.

Mr. Michenfelder, also a gradu­ate of Pratt institute School of Fine and Applied Arts and New York university, is »rt supervisor in the Long Beach l|igh school.

Sorority To Plait Aid* To Needy On Christmas

Miss Jean Sommer of Oxford road, Rockville Centre, wilf enter­tain members of the Pi Chi soror­ity at a Christmas party, Decem­ber 19, at her home. Toys for poor families will be brought and Christmas b a s k e t arrangements will be completed at the meeting preceding the party.' Miss Grace Poggenburg, president and chair­man of welfare, will preside at the meeting. The affair will begin at 8 p. m. and the winner of, the award, in charge of Mrs. G. Rydej-Utter, will be announced. A meet­ing was held at the home of Mrs. Frank Rioux, North Village ave­nue, Tuesday night.

— - "IT"

GETS NEW MEMBERS Ten new members were wel­

comed at a meeting of the Legion of Mary at Our Lady of Lourdes church in Malverne, Tuesday nignt. Plans were made for an ice skating party at the rink in Great»Neck, this Sunday and the Sunday following. A theatre party and a visit to a broadcasting studio were also discussed.

HAS~TfJRKEY DINNER Miss Barbara Pence of Nassau

avenue, Malverne, was the winner of a large doll at a successful tur­key supper held by the Women's league of the Community Presby­terian church, Malverne, Tuesday night. More than 175 dinners were served.

Westminster Chapter Assists In Bazaar

Westminster chapter, Daughters of the British Empire, is assisting at the three-day annual bazaar which is being held this week in the ballroom of the Hotel Bilt-more, Manhattan, under the direc­tion of Mrs. Thomas Hodge Mc-Gavack, c h a i r m a n , and Mrs. Thomas C. Morgan, vice-chair

'sj^nsored by the state drganiza tion for the benefit of the*Victoria home for aged British men and women at Ossining.

Mrs. John H. Kost of Suffolk lane, Garden City, is chairman of the costume jewelry booth, and is being aided by the Mesdames George C. Johnson, Orville T. Cronk, Edward Johnson, Raymond C. Foster, Charles Jones, Royal Toner, Miss Rose Hilton, and Mrs. F. John Schwenk, regent of the Garden City chapter.

Miss Elizabeth O'Brien To Be Wed December 17

Miss Elizabeth O'Brien, daugh­ter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O'Brien of North Centre avenue, Rockville Centre, has chosen December 17 for her marriage to Russell Pat­rick Francis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Francis of Rockville Centre. Mrs. Pauline Bachrach, sister of the bridegroom-elect entertained

Bridge Hostess Mrs. Maurice Thurlow of Win-

throp street, Westbury, was host­ess at a dessert-bridge yesterday afternoon at her home. Mrs. Stephen Rudd won first prize and Mrs. John Phillips was awarded "ebosolation prize.

Has Bridge Guests Mrs. LeRoy G. Edwards of Fair-

view avenue, East Williston, en­tertained at bridge, Tuesday eve­ning. There were three tables at play. Prizes were won by Mrs. George Latham, Miss Helen Fox and Miss Vera Parmelee.

East Williston Hostess Mrs. A. B. Dulin of Ridge road,

East Williston, entertained at a dessert bridge, yesterday after­noon, for seven guests.

HEMPSTEAD,PERSONALS Ann Smith, daughter of Mrs.

George D. Smith of Greenwich street, Hempstead, has returned to Dean academy at Franklin, Mass., after spending several days with her mother.

Mrs. Frank E. Church of Pier-son avenue, Hempstead, enter­tained eight guests at* bridge last night, in her hnme.

Louis Meiselman of Terrace avenue, Hempstead^left yesterday

for Miss O'Brien at a surprise I for a vacation of ten days at the Hotel Flagler at Fallsburg. Mrs. Meiselman will go to Fallsburg for the week-end.

bridal shower at her home on South Center avenue, Rockville Centre, Tuesday night. Mrs. Ever­ett Francis of Lynbrook planned the evening activities, assisted by Mrs. Joseph Lockwood, also of Lynbrook. Thirty-two friends and relatives were present at the affair.

HEAR HERBERT COOPER Herbert C. Cooper, county pro­

bation officer, described the work of his department in a talk at the meeting, Tuesday night, of the Re­publican club of the 88th district, Lake view, at the Wood field road firehall. Mrs. Frederick C. Bailey, hostess, served the refreshments.

Mrs. Frank Bradshaw of Hilbert street, Hempstead, gave a lunch­eon for 12 guests, Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Eckler of Manor avenue, Hempstead, en­tertained at dinner last night for Mr. and Mrs. William Hopson of Hedge way court, who recently re­turned from Iowa.


Morning — roll Day Seasion Transportation — Meala Serred

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"Everything for the Sick" Prescription Compounding Surgical Appliances Elastic Stockings Trusses, Belts

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Simpl ic i ty

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$3.50 u p


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Three Units


To Hospital

Plans Made For Annual Meeting fan.

Three branches/of the women's auxiliary of Nassau hospital, Min­eola, made contfibuuons of money to the hospital at a meeting of tha auxiliary, yesterday.

Mrs. A. Oakley Lohrke, of Gar­den C i t y , president, received checks from Mrs. Andrew Rouse of East Williston, Mrs. Otho C. Hudson of Hempstead, and Mrs. George L. Mendes of Garden City, all branch chairmen.

A .report of the last meeting was given by Mrs. Carl A. Hette-sheimer of Hempstead, and an­nouncements of activities in. the branches were made by Mrs. Charles Woody of Cow Neck, Mrs. John A. Merriman 6T Flower Hill, Mrs. Prescott Albee of Mineola, Mrs. H. H. Peden of Freeport, Miss MaVion Jackson of Westbury, Miss Priebe Seaman of Jericho, Mrs. A Valentine Fraser of Sands Point.

Plans were made for the annual meeting of all members of the auxiliary and branches at the hos­pital, January 8.

Hempstead Garden Club Will Hear Mrs. Erhorn

Mrs. Philip E. Erhorn of Garden City will lecture on fruit arrange­ments at a meeting of the Hemp­stead Garden club at the American Legion hall. Baldwin road, Mon­day at 2 p. m. She will then Judge an informal flower show for mem­bers of the club.

Classes for the contest include berries in a bottle and winter bouquets. Mrs. George B. Graham is chairman of arrangements for the program.

Members of the group will b« given instruction in making Christ­mas decorations, and wreaths at a special meeting, December 18. at 10 a. m., in the Legion hall. Mrs. Charles Anderson of West Hemp­stead will supervise the group at the all-day session.

Alma Kosel Feted At Surprise Shower

Miss Alma Kosel of; Hempstead, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kosel of Hempstead and Florida, was given a surprise shower at the home of Mrs. George«S. Watkinson of Grove street, Hempstead, re­cently. Mrs. John R. McLean of Hempstead, and Mrs. Laurentv Watkinson of Roseile Park, N. J > were the hostesses. Miss Kosel is the fiancee of John Wragge, son of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wragge of Sea Cliff. About 30 guests were present.

Valley Stream Auxiliary Will Have Card Party

The Valley Stream auxiliary to the South Nassau Communities hospital will hold a card and bunco party at 125 Merrick road, Rock­ville Centre, tomorrow at 2 p. m. Mrs. Jerry J. Holecek is chairman of arrangements, assisted by Mrs. John H. Carey. Mrs. John Mc-Loughlin, Miss Edna Jacobsen and Mrs. James B. Lindsay.

Kotex Belts 23c Quest Deodorant . 31c t Kurb Tablets . . . . 23c

On Sale At All

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