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Broadband Survey Logic

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Date of interview Date TimeDetails variable Please select appropriate city multiple choice1. Can you please tell me your age?

More than 45,Others (Terminate)

2. Gender3. Do you use the Internet for personal reasons? button click properties


4. On which devices do you use the internet?

None of these Exit

5. What type of internet connection do you have in your house?

None of these Exit

6. Let us know the internet service providers you are aware of?Captured in Identifier Aware_ISP

7. Currently, from which company / companies do you take internet services from?- Extraction source Aware_ISP

If you have selected more than 1 brand in the above question. Please select the brand which is your most frequent Internet Service Provider, in the below question.

8. Which internet service do you use most frequentlyCaptured in Identifier Freq_brnds

9. Let us know how long have you been with current internet service provider i.e. {{ Freq_Brnds }}

10. What is the speed of your internet of current service provider i.e. {{ Freq_Brnds }}?

11. Did you have internet from any other provider in the past?Button event : If no skip to Question 15

12. Could you let us know the Internet Service Providers you had in past?Captured in Identifier Pst_Brnds

13. Please let us know the reason for switching from ISPs mentioned - Extraction Source Pst_brands 15. If your friend or relative is planning to take an internet connection, how willing are you to recommend your current internet service provider i.e. {{ Freq_Brnds }}

If rating more than 7, Skip to question number 17

16. What was it about {{ Freq_Brnds }} that you did not like? 17. Can you share your experience with {{ Freq_Brnds }} that prompted you to recommend? 18. Based on your experience with the {{ Freq_Brnds }}, I will read out a list of statements; for each of the statements let us know how much do you agree or disagree. Where

If Aware_ISP does not contain YOU broadband

Skip to question 22

20. Please let us know your thoughts about YOU broadband21. Given your impression about YOU broadband, let us know if you would like to subscribe to it?22. Which were the service providers you considered before opting for {{ Freq_Brnds }}?23. How did you come to know about these service providers?24. In your family, who decides on internet service provider subscription?

25. How much do you currently spend on internet usage per month approximately?26. Could you let us know the purpose of internet usage in your household? 27. What is the data plan from your current provider?28. How much time do you spend on internet (on an average) in a day?

NOTES:Termination - age, device, type of connection, internet for personal reasons, internet usage in the past-skip details, recommendation rating 7-10 skip disgruntles,did not like=response- skip why recommend, identifier - category, Aware ISP, freq_brands, Pst brands,

Section 3- current brands (freq brands)You brand present in aware or pst_brand .........if no skip experience

Recommendations: Page 15 has irrelevent diversionPage 14 is not requiredsend Email from the survey results if user gives very poor rating, to the support center of the companyquestion 14 missingGeneral question at the last can be transferred to beginningDOUBT: Bracket in Excel first row