Thursday, December 26, 1918 This dep«rtment is engnged in sepnrating tho aheep o( .dvertising, nnd of the service -which backs up ndvertising, from the goats.nnd hanging a beil on tho gonts. It invites letters desrribing experience*.pleasant or unpleasant.with sdvertiscrs, whether they he manufncturerM, wholesale house*. retnil stores or public ser;-ice corporntions. If wi'l print those letter.* which secm to show most typically how an .dvertiser'i deeds square -with the words of his advertising. Only si^ned letters, giving the writer'a nddress. will be resd. Ihe name will bc printed or withheld, as preferred. Addressi The Ad-Viscr. Ihe Tribune. New York. «<npHE BIRMINGHAM LEDGER," of Birmingham, Ala., on Friday, De¬ cember 13, issue :': nnouncoi lent : "LEDGER" COLUMXS 100 PER CENT CLEAN. 1X.NING TO-DAY y, Qui sl ionable erti ng of :7. ,¦. K nd is Eliminatcd. "The Ledger," aeting upon the initiative of .'. A. Martin, its vice- president and advertising manager, threw out ^30,000 worth of advertis¬ ing that it might face its public with a elean conscience. We congratulate "The edger." It has mere.ly taken a step a few years in advance of <.'¦.¦ times. li has shown that it reallj believes in a dollars and cents way thal honesty is the best poliey. It has unburdened itself of tho responsibility of explaining the distinction between elean, Iruthful editorial matter and low. vile, loathsome and lying advertising matter. The day is not far distanl when every suceessful newspaper in America must adopt fche poliey o1 "Th:" Birmingham Ledger." '"THE Associated Advertising Clubs of the World, Indianapolis, is send- injj: out a circular giving waming in regard to the following ad- vertisement: "Furs Handsonic Inrgi sel o genuine Hudson Seal, large wide tole, seventy-two inches ng, latest ronnd muff, never used, worth - will take $35. Sent C. O. 1>.. privilege of inspection before pay- ment, i<> any address. .: Mrs Alexandra, 242 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, \. ^. Commenting on this advertisement, the warning says it "appears on its faee to olTVr furs in the possessioti of a private owner, though our in- yestigation has shown Alexandra is operating a fur store. and admits he is disposin.tr of about 150 sets of these furs a week through this deceptive means." We stron<rly commend the action taken by the Associated Adveriisinjr Clubs, but would urge them id their activity east of Buffalo into the heart of Manhattan. In "The Evening Telegram" "Want Ad" sec- tion any number of private individuals desiring to dispose of "new furs at a sacrificc" use similar copv. For example, under date of December 11, 1918: "A ladies' natural muskrat coat, forty-five inches long, full flare, belted model; never worn. SIPP, 862 West End Avenue; private house." Tribune readers will recall the conviction of George A. Sipp, who, in September, 1917, was fined ?250 in tho Court of Special Sessions for fraudulent advertising. Despite the fact that Sipp's conviction scored a most important point for honesl ad1 rtising, and the court held that ad- vertisin<r of this character represcnted the highest type of commercial fraud, the columns oi "The Evei relegram" continue to hold out this lure to its readeri. A D-VISOR: What is youi oninion <; the guarantee issued by the -rV Oharles William Stores, of N \\ Verli ity? X. T. L. The Charles William Stores guarantee ;s a real guarantee. It reads: If you buy an article in '7' -:.'. wl ich does not please you.- for any reason wi a simply to return it. Wo will without question or id back all you have paid and will pay the deiivery charge: both ways. There is no ehar.ee fur qnibbling on a guarantee of this sort. If the article does not p! a you the guarantee is your protection. A guar¬ antee of that kind properly carried out does more to inspire eonfidenee, to build pood will, to lay the f undation for making an'institution of a husiness house. than anything we can think of. And we might add that considerable experience with the Charles William Stores has proved that they live up to their rruarai A D-VISOR: Wl f ny, mation enh you privo me concerning ** the Mayfn Oil Coi nany, who operate oil wells in 0 lahoma? S. T. R, In the same mail with thi ab ive inquiry we received a bulletin from the Minneapolis Advertising Forum saying among other things, that the Mayfield-Tulsa Oil Company have b< n denied a license to do business in the State of Minnesota after a hearing before the Securities Com- mission of that state. In the same bulletin it is stated that the Liberty Oil and Gas Syndicate and the Ten Strike Oil Syndicate, both of whom formerly held licenses in thal state, have had their right to do business: cancelled. "IN A LETTER dated November 25, Mr. R. P. S. recommends the Weiss .* Pharmacy, 47 William Street, New York. as a candidate for the Ad- Visor's collection of goats, offering the following reasons for the recom- r:iendation: Lt\st winter 1 wenl to Weiss Pharmacy, at 47 William Street, New York, for some "Grove's Bromo Tablel " and did not pay particular attention to the box, but when l arrived at my office 1 found I had some other make. I laid this lo th< ... carol ssness, and my own as well, for not being more ol During thi.- spring my chief soiled his coat lapel and sleeve with butter stains. went to VVeiss's store and asked for a bottle of C'ar- bona and tho clerk asked me if t; is was for cleaning stains, I replied in the affirmativc, adding were grease. "1 have just what you want," he said, without making any attempt to give me the Car- bona 1 asked for, and took a bottle from the shelf, on the label of which was particularly notcd thal the preparation was especially adapted for qleaning grea e stains. Judging that the clerk knew inore than tho lay'man, 1 bi the "stuff." It proved an unsatisfactory grease remover, but an excellent suit ri'.iner. as it. literally did every- thing but iat jp the About n niontli ago i had a slight sore throat, for which I was taking glycerine, tt's for around 22 cents an ounco buti'.-. One da; v. .. omc at the office, so I visited Weiss and asked for glycerine antl ed a bottle which looked larger to me thai oin ounie. r v asked 10 cents. I was dumbsl ruck at the price, Im:*. on lir.st ta "' this "glycerine" it wasn't worth a cent to nn It wa yrup as 1 evei tasted, with ap- parently no glycei m prop rt -, nnd did not cut tho phlegm in tho throat as did the substance obtained from Liggett's. I wanted quality, not quantity. But to top all .' iction, here is the best yet, nnd was what prompted me write yoti This morning I asked the clerk for a stick oi "Y. & s." licorice) and he loaned down to a drawer under ttu' c< handed mo a stick all wrapped up. I felt it and was satisfied t it v ape. 1 paid the clerk 7 cents, put th« >¦. iwn. Later 1 opened the paper and stick ol licorice, and to prove the price to myself I w of the strei lands and this stick can be bought "" "l; ci he nami "Dulce" raped flat on the end. I tnink 'his i- ab ohitely cheal ¦?.- » pro teering, There could not have misu der tanding, for I asked for "a Y. &. S. ;-:-'' ,:-'' not r, at all. R.P. S. To chai with the act of knowingly making substitu- tions for nationallj advertised and trade marked goods without .so ad- vising the customer ¦. a matter for scrious consideration on the part oi Ihe person who brings the charge, bu1 it develops to a stage of even greater seriousness for the mercbant when it is actually proved that he not only has mad the ubstitution, but at the same time has offered an article so distinctly inferior to that requested that the transaction re- Bolvea itself into a clear case of profiteering. After careful investigation we are forced to conclude that such is the practice of the Weiss Pharmacy. An investigator se't out to verify the statements made by Mr. R. P. S. A "Y. & S." stick was asked for. An envelope marked "Euthymol Tooth Paste, containing a licorice stick, was handed out and 7 cents paid for it. On removing the wrapper the "Dulce" stick was discovered, but our in¬ vestigator was assured by the clerk that it was made by the same company as the Y. & S. and "was t;>e same thing." A visit to the fruit and candy stand at South and Whitehal) streets proved that a Dulce stick could be purchased there for one cent, These sticks are sold by their manu- lacturers, the National Licorice ( mpany, in boxes plainly marked "100 !-cent sticks." The clerk's statement that the Dulce is made by the same company as the \ & S. is a true one, but in this respect only are they alike. The National Licorice Company itself draws a sharp l'ine of dis- tinction between them. The Y. & S. stick is made primarily for the drug trade and is well known for its medicinal qualities. It is formed from the pun> black mass licorice. The Dulce, on the other hand, is a con- fectionery article. flavore with licorice, and is sold under this repre- *entation by the manufacturers. They are not to be compared. It has vemained for the Weiss Pharmacy to take advantage of this situation with a view to increased profits. In so doing they have qualified ad- mirably for a position of prominer.ee among the Ad-Visor goats. AD-VISOR: What can you tel] me aa to the reliability of Dr. S. T. Shepard, of Savannan, Ga '. L. R S ' We can't tell you anything aboul his reliabiltity, but we can tell you considerable aboul hi: unreliability, Dr. S. T. Shepard sometimes travels under the name., of Ihe Rev. S. T. Shepard and the Right Re\ Bishop S. T. Shepard. He has also att mpted to do business under the name of Miss Ella Clayton, Mrs. Mary Shepard and Mrs. Mary E. Shep¬ ard. He is an old negro, who c aims to have the power of divine healing. He did not, however, have suffich ni proof of his ability to convince the Postoffiee Department that his scheme was not fraudulent, for on October 18 the Hon. William H. Lamar, Solicitor General for the Postoffice Depart¬ ment, decreed that he could no longer use the United States mails in furthcrance of his scheme. i WASHINGTON, Dec. 24..The casualty lists made public by the War Department to-day contain tho namea of 3^411 oflicers and enlisted men. Of these 273 were killed in action, 206 died of wounds, 18 died of accident and other causes, 9 died of airplane accident, 144 died of diseaso, 1,058 were geverely wounded, t>21 were wounded, degree undertermined, 780 were slightly wounded and 299'.are missing. The full list.for New York"City and vicinity, New Jersey, New York State and Connecticut, and the list of the dead from other States, follow: !\ew York City and Vicinity Killed BEAUVAIS, Walton V.. lieut., TottenoUle, n. r. BROWN, James /¦.. lieut.. '77 LincoAn Place, Hrooklyn. DOSCHER, Fabian If.. lieut., 296 Pvlaskx Street. Brooklyn. PEART, Herbert IV., lieut., Mount Vernon, N. 1 . BARRY, David H., Bloomfleld, N. J. CASEY, James A., agt., Went N'ew Vork, N. .1. DONOHUK, George, 217 Kinirclaiul Ave- nuc, Brooklyn. HYLAND. Joseph !\. 17 West Ntnety- eighth Street, New York City. HOLOCHWOST, Vilot, 240 Front Street, Brooklyn. HOROWrrZ, Snmucl, 215 Columbin Street, Brooklyn. HFINRICH. Rornnnl. 360 East Fifty- cighth Street. New Vork City. HI1.TON, Charles, sgt.. 864 Macon Street, Brooklyn. IRVVIN, James D., corp., Jersey City, N. .1. JOLLY, Samuel, 221 Hcmlock Street, Brooklyn. KELLY, John E., corp., -18 West Ninety- fourth Street. New York Citv. LYONS, Wilbert 17, 088 East Third Street, Brooklyn. LANGSPRECHT, Henry T., 417 Seventy- fifth Street. Brooklyn. M'GOVERN, James, Jersey City, N*. J. M'CABE, Thomas, ;;44 East Forty-scventli Street, N'ew Vork City. M'DEVITT, Joseph, Newark, N. J. MANNIX, Joseph, 343 West Forty-ninth Street, N'ew York City. PANZECA, Ignacio, 7! East Ninety- cighth Street, New York City. PERAGELLO, John. 308 East Sevcnty- cighth Street. New York City. POLEK, Koustanty, Jersoy City, N. J. SCALORA, Giuseppe, 281 East 149th Street, New York City. SHAND, Henry V., 2041 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn. TARKA, Mike, N'ew Brunswick, N. J. WAGNER, Frederick, Bloomfleld, N. J. WYCZLINSKI, Joseph C7, 221 Twenty- third Street, Brooklyn. Died of Accident HANSEN, Lawrence T., 480 Mott Avenue, New York City. Died of Wounds BVTLER, Pierce I!., lieut., New York City. CONWAY, Harry, Ikut., 3011 Heatfc Avc- nue, New York Citi;- DELANY, James F. lieut., 7.77 Second Avenue, New 1 ork City. AKHFORP. Frederick, Jersey City, N. J. GERSCHEL, George, 4327 Third Avenue, New York City. HE1NRICH, Carl W., sgt, East, Ornnge, N. .1. KARGER, Abe. Tl East. 104th Street, New York City. MORF, Jacob, ,ir.. Patcrson, N. J. MORRISON. Harrv P.. Salem, N. J. PATTERSON, George, 358 Huduon Street, New York City. SAUNDERS, Ciemon, 226 West Sixty-first Street, New York City. STEWART, Edward A., 624 West Fifty- second Street. New York City. ST1EHLER, Oscar, .562 Onderdonk Ave¬ nue. Brooklyn. SMOK, Leon, Newark, N. J. TAYLOR, Hartwcll. 946 Nelly Street, New York City. THIES, Gustave W., North Bergen, N. .1. VITELLO, Fortunato, Smithtown Branch, Isjng Ifilnnd, N. Y. W1TTMAN, Albert C, 371 Bleecker Street, Brooklyn. Died of Disease BERLEY, Joseph W.. 1382 Avenue A, New York City. CLASH, Arthur J., 229 Rnilroad Avenue. Brooklyn. CONKLLN, William R., East Newark. N. J. FREER, Arthur W., sgt.. 36 Union Square. New York City. JOHNSON, John T.. Y. M. C. A., 347 Madison Avenue, New York City. M'CORMICK, James, 36 Nostrand Ave¬ nue. Brooklyn. PACE, Roy 1?., Y. M. C. A. section, 34. Madison Avenue, New York City. PEIPERT, Samuel, 16,7 Floyd Street, Brooklyn. SWIKE. Edward J., 680 Second Avenue. New S'ork City. WELSBACH, Harry A.. 31 Seeman Ave¬ nue, New York City. Wounded Severely PARKER, Emerson F. lieut., 319 West lZWi Street, New York City. BOULEE. William .-!.. lieut., 740 East Tenth Street, Brooklyn. KENNEDY. Herbert B., lieut., 141 Lexina- ton Avenue, New York City. ATT1LIO, Frank, 306 East 113th Street, New York City. BEZNISCHUCK, Nathan, 550 Rockaw.iy Avenue, Brooklvn. BARENOW, Michael, 116 East Twenty- ninth Street, New York City. BUDA, Harrv, 1S0 St. Nicholas Avenue, New York City. BERGER, Samuel, 86 Moore Street. Brooklyn. CAVTNS, Percy W., sgt., 7 East 135th Street, New York City. CAVANAUGH, John P., 347 Fifth Ave- nue, New York C'ity. CHARLOCK, Samuel, 737 Tremont Ave- nue, New York City. COLEMAN, William, 1493 Broadway, New York City. CARLO, Nick, 667 Eagle Avenue, New York City. CASTILLO, Arthur. 639 West 175th Street. New York City. CROWELL, Harold, Perth Amboy. N. J. CHIRURGI, Severino, Yonkers, N. Y. CUMMINGS, John W.. 154 East 128th Street. New York City. DARTLEY, Joseph, College Point. N. Y. DEACON, Wm. F.. Jersey City, N. J. DICHIIAUS, Ernest (.)., corp., 277 Ever- [:reen Avenue, Brooklvn. DWYER, Richard J.. 303 West Forty- first Street, New York City. DUFFY, Joseph F., 25 King Stret, New York City. DIOOATI. Bennia V., S71 Bedford Avc- nu, Brooklyn. DE MURE. Ralph, White Plains, N. Y. KVANS, Charies, Jersey City, N. J. EPSTEIN, Samuel, 556 Fox Street, New York City. ESSELBORN, Frank, 608 West Fourth Street. New York City. FITZWILLIAMS, Michael, 2185 Amster- dam Avenue, New York City. FESCO. John, lli; Christie Street. New York City. FISHMAN, Benjamin N., corp.. 373 Miller Avenue, Brooklyn. FRANKEL, Max, 148 Eaat Houoton Street, New York City. FINKELSTEIN, Abraham, 101 Clinton Street, New York City. F1TZPATRICK, John T., 7,00 We=,l 107th Strt-ot, New York City. FORST. A. J., Long Island City, N. Y. 1I.YNN, Lawrence, Jersey City, N J GABRIEL, James J., 3904 Third Avenue. Brooklyn. GIOSSI, Henry, 248 East Sixtv-necond Street, New York Citv. GREWE. Joseph P., K. of C. see., 461 Fourth Avenue, New York City. Gl'NTHER. Harry II., corp., H. B. Clafliu Company. New York City. GRAMSO, William. 410 Eighteenth Street, Brooklyn. GEEGER, David A., sgt., 141 Russell Street, Brooklyn. GREEN, Alexander, 359 Rockaway Ave¬ nue, Brooklyn. GLEASON, Joseph A., 142 West Seven- teenth Street, New York Citv. GALUPPO, Michael F., 81 Mulberry Street, New York City. GREENHAUS, Isador. 67 East Ninety- eighth Street, New York City. HELBLE, Anton. Hackensack, N. J. HALL, Kenneth C, sgt., Yonkers, N Y HUGHES, John T.. sgt., Port Richmund. N. Y. HOl.OVAKOFF, Sam, 299 Avenue B New York City. JAMES, Joseph, 221 West Sixty-second Street, New York City. KEI.l.Y, John, sgt., Jersey City, N. J KOUK1AN, Edwin, 50 West Thirty-eighth Street, New York City, KOI ORSAK, Thomas. Perth Ambov. N J I.AT1TN. William P. -u-t., 95 Lee \ve- nue, Brooklyn. LAZAROVITCH, Saul. 170 Houston Street, New York City. LYNCH, Fohn 17, 364 Union Street Brooklyn. IM). Urban,' 301 Llvingston Street Brooklyn. LEVTTONE, Leizar, 487 Cleveland Street. Brooklyn. MILLER, Anton G., 855 Cauldwell A\-e- nur. New York City. M'I.EAN, John C, Passaic, N. J. MAKTIN. Arthur C, Jersey City N J M'CORMACK, Edward .!.. corp., 208 East Nin«ti«th Street, New York City. MITCIIELL, John IV. 237 Ninth Avenue. New York City. M'CARTY, Clarence, Jerwey Citv, N. .1. MACDAI.IN, Irvlng, 2G3 Court Street, Brooklyn. MAGGIO, Joscph, 244 IleKalb Avenue, Brooklyn. MAGRATH, Frederick A., 354 East Fourth Street, Brooklyn. METROTAKER, John, 26 Hopkins Street, Brooklyn. MORRETTI, Guiseppe, 3 Klng Slrcet, New York Cits. MURKAV. Thomas, 12 East HGth Street. New York City. MOONEY, Richard 1% 105 East EiKhty- eighth Street, Ni'iv York City MULLIGAN, William, 1129 Park Avenue, New York City. MERO, John, Staten I»lnnd, N. Y. VEVALA. William, 71'7 Forty-third Street. Brooklyn O'CONNELL, Harry, 310 East 142d Street, New- York City. O'FARRELL. William, Paterson, N. J. PHILLIPS. Walter, 102 Meeker Avenue. Brooklyn. PORTEOUS, David. corp., 133 Ray Twenty-flth Street, Brooklyn. ROSEBROCK, Charles, 1489 Jefferson Avenue, Brooklyn. REEVE, Reginald C, sgt, 71 Gold Street, Now York City. RAVEY, Charles D., Woodhaven, N. Y. STEVENSON, George A., .189 St. Mark's Avenue, Brooklyn. SM1TH, George 1'.. Rahway, N. J. SODER, l.t-o <;., J'ntei-aon, N. .1 SPR1NGSTEAD, Harry L. 223 Wcst Thirtcenth Street, New York City. SOLODUCHE, Alexander, Rayonne, N. J. SHIRTCLIFFE, Harry, 170 Eturert Ave¬ nue, Brooklyn. SHANNON. Patrlck, New Brlghton N Y r SEWELL, Emmet K. Y. M. C. A. Section. oit Madison Avenue. New York City. SULLIVAN, John L. corp., 118 Jane Street, New York City. SHANNON, Richard, Jersey City, N. J SCHWARTZ, Mortin, 413 East KiRhty-1 second Street, New Yotfc. City. STEELE, Albert, 408 Suydam Aveue, Brookl\ n. SCANDATIATO, Gaspare, 206 Johnson Street, Brooklyn. SLEV1N, Joseph, .',1 Oeean Place, Brook¬ lyn. J STUART, Elmer, SRt.. Newnrk, N. J. SIMONSON, William O., sgt, 1869 Pacific Street, Brooklyn. TOSS1T, Charles I., 272 rulaski Street, Brooklyn. UNFER, William, 1700 Putnam Avenue,! Brooklyn. | UGACTZ, Sam, 330 Hempy Street, New York City. VENAFRA, Onofrio, 2431 Maclay Ave-! nue, The Bronx, New York City. VLASTNIK, Charles, Long Island City, N. \. WILLIAMS, Henrj. sgt., 2322 Seventh Avenue, New York Citv. Wounded, Degree Undeter- mincd ALBRECHT, Lawrencc C, 14SS Putnam Avenue. Brooklj n. AMEDEO, Joseph, 482 Marcy Avenue,' Brooklj n. BYRNE, Edr.ard F., 3100 Glenwood Road, Brooklyn, BUCHAN, Charles, 1201 East Nincty-see- ond Stret t. Brooklyn. CR1STIANSON, William, Hoboken. N. J. COHEN, Alexander, I'assaic, N. J. CAWLEY, Michael J. corp., Newark. N. J. COSGROVE, John J.. Newnrk, N. J. DBMOLINSKI, Steve, corp., 223 Jersey Avenue, New York Citv. DENIKE, Allen A., White Plain.s, N. Y. DIXON, Joseph D.. corp., 504 Manhattan Avenue, New York City. HKISCOLL, James H., corp., Oranfre, N. J. DUNLAP, Wallace, 400 West 100th Street, New York City. DOTJGHERTY, Thomas A., corp., 323 East Thirtieth Street, New York City. FUREY, James, Jersey City, N. J. GOLENKO, Gregory, corp., 825 Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn. (;AY, Frederick C, corp., 584 Madison Street. Brooklyn. GAMBA, Charles, Newark, N. J. GOODLOW. Charles R. 778 Henry Street, Brooklyn. HEMLEB, Charles, Elizaheth, N. J. KEANE, Robert, corp., Elizaheth, N. J. KRETCHMAR, Ralph <;., 40 West Eighty- sixth Street, New York City. KLOOKO, Frank, Jersey City, N. J. LEVINE, Morris, GD7 Georgia Avenue, Brooklyn, LTJTZ, Albert., 1056 P'ov: Street, New York City. MATTHIES, Louis, New- Brunswtck, N. J MOSKOWITZ, Sam, 10 SulTolk Street, New York City. MAl.ONE, James E. 117 Fourth Place. Brooklyn. MEAD, Joseph P., corp., 518 West 136tli Street,-New York City. MURPHY, Edward, pfjt.. Jc-rsev City N J M'GOVERN, Felix, 20-10 Amstcrdam Ave¬ nue, New York City. MURPHY. Edward .!., 57 West Ninety- fourth Street, New York City. PIGHI, Renigio, 2620 Cortelyou Road. Brooklyn. P1GNETTI, Donato, 696 Morris Avenue New York City. ROSENBURG, Louis, Elizaheth, N J REIN, Arthur, Newark. N. J. KEID, John P. cni-p., New Rochelle N Y RICHEL, Aller, 301 St. Nicholas Avenue! New ^ ork City. ROSEMEYER. Harry. Bgt. 27 Beaver Street, Urooklyn. ~W& ;Yillip W- West N<^ York, N. J. n ii John F- 1S5 Van Sicle" Street, Brooklyn. SHEEHAN, James. Bayonne N J SCHER, William l\, Corona, N Y SCHNElDER, William, 317 East Eighty- ninth Street, New York City SPINELLA. Joseph. 1235 Thifty-seventh Street, Urooklyn. SMITH. Nelson .1., 815 Park Place lii ooklyn. VINCEY,.James, 239 East 150th Street, iNew l ork C ity. IH^^KN'ewV'orkrCi[y. ^ "»»«»> Brooklyn.*' ''"'""^ M" 29° Uni°n AvenUe- NewEYork Ch7e11 V" 9" '"**"> St^- St^rN^ork3^800" ^^ "»* Wounded Slightly |BrLAkl^:WmiamG-'568Lafa^e Avenue.! HBUNT, Fred A. Paterson, N J SAPatriclhUJ.^kc£JN , |yCONNKEE.Joh,i,,::C,arkSLCsVreJ:N<, CAP^Krr^?.' F"st °ran^- ". J- N J. ABrANCO- Vtncenzo, West Hoboken. CORRIGAN. Edward J., 706 Desra-w Street. Brooklyn. Liegraw du»TJ'vT1T" i2G St- Nlcholaa Ave-! uue, IVew xork City. Yo^k^*it?yriI' 2229 Cre8t°n Avenu«> N«w! JJUTRONA. Frank, 78 Starr Street, Brook- DARRAH, Gillespie, 41 ,' West 118th Street New -\ ork City. . Broo°SlNG' HUKh A- ::;- S.J StreetJ StfeetN^w YoPrkeCity343 Ea3t ^^"^ Br^iRRiELL.Vincent. 137 Patchen Avenue.1 NewRYo;k C?/y,,>ny' "" ^^ A. FUGNITTO. Bernnrd M., 174 Canal Street, New York Citv "al FELDER, Frank, 520 West 160th Street, New ^ ork City. H FENGER, Martin. Bayonne. N J qtS^LvAGHvR5 n°h" J- 53 "Manhattan Street, New York City. GRAHAM Joseph D., sgt., 204 Martense Street, Brooklyn. GREENE, Maurice, 360 Atlantic Avenue urooklyn. GOULD, Ashley M., 445 Be<lford Avenu- Brooklyn. GILLESPIE, John, Bay Shore N Y HAMPSON, GeorKe J., EHzabeth, N j HVISS. Frederick D. Newark N J IANOTTO, Ferdinando, 251 'East 204th Street. New \ork City, IMBURGIA, Basilio, 362 Buahwirk Ave¬ nue, Brooklyn. JAENIKE. William F., 456.1 Broadway. New \ork City. JACKSON, Frank N., Paterson, N J KOLBE, Charles L., 1285 Jefferson \ve- 11 ue, Brooklyn. KEENAN, Jamen J., Jersey City, N. J. LYPON. Richard, Jersey City, N. J. M'CALLION. T. J., New Brighton, N. Y. M'CABE, IVIix, 2448 Park Avenue, New York City. MANDERSCHE1D. Ed. L.. Newark. N. .1. Mll.NE, George W., sgt., Jersey Citq. N. .1. MINNIS. William. sgt.. 217 West. 121st Streel, New York City. METZER, William, 350 Von Brunt Ave¬ nue, NAMORATTO, Patay, 208 Stone Avenue. Brooklvn, NOONA.M, John E I'.. 420 West Fortletb Street, New York City. NERENBURG, David, 762 South Oftk Drive, Rronx. OBERG, Harry. 7121 Tenth Avenue, Brooklyn, IMNTO. Frank, 27 St. Edward Street. Brooklyn. PARROTT, John. Newark. N. J. PARKER, Willard. Hackensach, N. J. PEARL, Louia, 231 East Ninety-ninth Street, New York City. PETROSKl, Frank I\. PaaBaic, N. J. PRICE, Edward K.. Bayonne, N. J. j POSTIGLIONE, Sam. 1150 Herkimcr Str-et. Brooklyn, PISACRITA. Nicholas, 308 W.t 145th Street, New York City, I'EN/TCK. Hcrmnn. 38 Varet Street. Brooklvn. REID, John i:.. 34 Perry Street, New York City, RICE, John I'., 581 Concord Avenue, New York City. SALVERSON, Gabrlcl. 58 Second Place. Brooklvn. SCHILDKNECHT, George M. 1230 East Ninety second Street, Brooklyn. STEVENS. Frank. sgt., 351 East 133d Street. New York City. SIEOEBAUM, David, 235 East Fourth Street, New York CiAy. SCHWARTZ, Morris, 173 East 123d Street, New York City. SENN, Charles, 755 Seneca Avenue, Brooklvn. SI1.VERMAN, David, 300 Clinton Street, Brooklyn STEBILE, Domeniro, 62 Skilltnan Ave¬ nue, Brooklyn. SHIELDS, John, Jersey City, N. J. WALSH, James, 755 Division Street, New York City. TYNECKF, Alexnnder. Jamalca. N. Y. WATER8, John J., 803 Nintb Avenue, New York City. Mi»aing BROWN, ftarhe N., lieut., 43 East Sixly- aecond Street, Nex" York City, TYLER, ./"'<* ('.. lirut.. 380 1'ierpont "S7b'eNNETT, Leo. 272 Weat 130th Street. New Voilt City. , , BERENS, Robert C, 3;.6 Rldjjewood Ave¬ nue, Brooklvn COHEN, M., 170 Monroe Street, New \ ork City. CAI.ABRIA, Felix J.. 4200 Eli Avenue, New York City. DENIG. George I... 1KG India Street, Brooklyn. ERIIART. P. T.. r-.rp., Asbury Park, N.J. KARNOFSKY. Isaac. 130 North Sixth Street. New York City. KIELTY, Joseph A., 234 Went KOth Street, New Y< rk City. KRAFT. William C, sgt., Hoboken, N. .7. KRUSET. Lester S.. corp., West Belmar, <I. J M'MAHON. William A,. 377 Bleeker Street, New York City. METCAI.F. Harry, sgt.., 582 Prospect Place, Brooklyn. MIIKKAY, Henry, corp.. White T'lains, N. Y. MULLINS, Howard F., 132 Berkcly Place. Brooklvn. PAPAMICHAEL, Epamimondes, 610 Park Avenue. Brooklyn. RICHARDI, Frank, 180 Hambuig Ave-; nue, Brooklyn. ROTONDO, Anthony, 273 Union Street. Brooklyn. SCHWARZBAUM, Elvin J., 29 East 124th Street, New York City. TUBINE, Caesar, 2024 Haneock Street. New York City. TOW. F. S., 2512 Beverly Road, Brooklyn. VACCARO, Joseph, 452 West Fifty-third Street, New York City. VOI K. Jerome D., corp., National Arts Club, New York City. VAT1L Raymond, 501 Weiher Court, The Bronx. WILSON, Lancelot A., 14ft West Ninety-: third Street, New Vork City. WILLIAMS, Jo3eph F., 401 West Fifty- third Street, New York City. Elsewhere Character of casualties is indicated as follows: (K) killed in action; (W) wounded; (D A) died of accident or other causes; (D W) died of wounds; (D D) died of disease; (M) missing; CP1 nrisnncr. ALABAMA: CATES, Robert T., Svlacauga (D PL HARLAN, Palmer, corp., Calera (D W>4 LEE. William T., Vincent (K). MIREE, John, corp.. Felix (D D). MYERS. John H. W., Carbon Hill (K). MONTGOMERY. Lee, Beatrioe (D Wl. PECK, Thomns 0., Portersville (KL POARCH, Peter E., corp., Grant (D W). SI.MS, Terrel S., Red Bay (K). TOBLER, John. Mobile (D W). TUCKER, Jesse, Wa.lley (D D). TYNO. Cater J., Autaugaville (D D). TURNER, Ernest, Andalusia (D D). WILLIAMS, Will 1'7. Grecnville iK). ARKANSAS: TURNER. Wm If.. lieut., Little Roek (K). MASON, C. M.. corp.. Whitener (D W). MILLER, John W., Waldo (D D). NORTH, William. Soudan (D Wl. PERNA. John, West Point (Kl. RICHARSON, James W., Booncville (KL ROW. Charles A.. Marshall (D D). SIMONS. William F., corp., Almyra (D^i. ARIZONA: LEONARD, Jcrome M.. lieut.. Douulan K). JONES, William W.. Prescott I) D). MOISA. Alex. B., con,., Jerome (K). CALIFORNIA: SCHUTTE, R. II.. enpt.. Porterville (K). M'BRIDE, J. 11.. lieut., Pusmlena P A A). BVRTON, Benj. //.. lieut., Colusa <V V). COLVIN, Clarence E.. Puenta (D Dl COOK. James S., Annetto |D D). DOSS, Bernard 1 .. San Francisco (D DL HALL, Earl D., Marysille (K). RINES, Ernest H., San Jose (D D). RISDON, Jack, corp.. San Barbara (DW),| SCHULDT. Ityrry, Halfmoon Bay (DD). COLORADO: BURTON. li. L., litut.. Canon City <K). CHEENEY, Ro'y D.. corp., Pueblo (Kl. LINES. Henry B. corp.. Salida 11) W). OLSEN. Harrv T. Denver (D Wi, RICHTER, Benjamin A.. Arvada (K). RIDLKN. Harry K., Laird (K). CONNECTICUT: PATON, John A., lieut., New Haven (K). BALTONSAITIA, Ignatz. Bridgeport (K). GOODW1N. Victor F., New Haven (D W). HINE. Otis, Torrington (Kl. HOWATENTIAN, I.., Thomsonville iK). LAPAN. Henry, sgt.. Williniantic (K). MACKERNESS, William, Wallingford iK). NEIDMANN. E. F.. sgt., Waterbury (KL SHEA, William L., Manchester (K). CONNECTICUT: PRINCE, John t.'nlrman, major, New Lon¬ don (M). VOLLENWEIDER, William, lieut., .\. - Haven, (M). } ALVEY, Henry, Hartford (W). BUDNIK, Boleslow. New Britain (W). BRZUCHALSKI, Jos., Hartford tW). BARNEY, Eugene, Hartford (WL CHESIK, Theodore, Hartford (W). I CRANEY, John J., Waterbury (WL ' COLEMAN, Alex.. New Haven (Wl. DEMINU, John M.. New Haven (Wl. DOWD, F. A., Windsor Locks (WL DOWLEND. Joseph A., Naugatuck (W). EMATRUCO, Michael. New- Haven (Wl. FAVALE, Raffaele, Waterbury (WL GERSHAWITZ, A., New Lonfon (W). 1ZZO, Leonard. Bridgeport (W). KRAIESHY, Vincent, Middletown iWi. MARTINO, William, Hartford (W). MERRIOTT, Frederick. Plaintield (ML NORMANDY, P. .(., New Haven (W). PJRIE, Chesterfield, S. Manchester (W). PIERPONT, Nathan, Waterbury (WL SEYMOUR, Howard, Bridgeport iWi. SPEER, Francis IL, Bridgeport iWl. TROBEL. Charles, Torrington (W). WERNOCK, John, S. Manchester (W). FLORIDA: BAGGETT, Joseph B.. Althea (KL BALDWIN, Raymond. Alton (D D). CROW-, Charles C, Jacksonville tKL l'RANCIS, Ephraim, Perrine iD ;>). GALBREATH. Eric J., Tampa |D W). SMITH, Harold V., sgt., Fruitland (K). WILSON. Napoleon B., Tampa (D D). GEORGIA: HENRY, Dickson R., capt., Atlanta (K). G1LLESPIE, II. J., lieut., MaysviUe (K). ROBERTS, J. II.. lieut.. Monticello (K). WILLIAM. Bill N., lieut., Calhoun (DAA) ROB1NSON, William C, lieut., Atlanta (D D). COOK. Lonnie, Egan tD W). HARRISON, William. Atlanta iD \V>. LEE, Tommie C, Senvia <D D). LIGHTFOOT, Ira B., Penbrook iDDi. MINOR, George. Morae tO D). SPENCE, William L.. Pelham (KL PAGETT, Parker L, Palmetto (D DL ROBERTSON, Robert K., Roopville (D DL SIMMONS, F. W., Atluuta (D DL IOWA: HOWARD, Chester U., tievt., Moimt Ver- ItOH, (K). ANDERSON, Charles E., lieut., Bageley <f> A A). APPLEGATE, Richard M., Des Moinea (D A). COURT, James P., .-orp., Atlantic (Kl. DAVTS, Loren W., Libertyville <D WL IVERSON, Martin O., Dorchester (D DL JONES, George F., Red Oak (D WL MULHERN, Mike S.. Sheldon iD D). O'NEII.L. John. Clear Lake iK). PETERS, Guy iL. Atlantic (K). PENNING, Peter, ButTalo City (D D). SPENCER, Byron W., Miles ii) Di. SMITH. Fred W.. Alta 'Kl. THOMPSON, Nels, Jewell (KL TUSSEY, Loyd 11.. Shannon Citv (D Wi. TIMMER, Herman, Boyden iD WL THOMPTE, Casper, Fort Dodge (D DL TORSCAHL, Andrew, Harley (D DL WOODS. Gilbert IL, sgt., Des Moinea (KL INDIANA: JEWELL. John M., lieut., Indiana Epringsl (K). ALSIP, Clifford H., Poland iDWi. BETHNER, Edward, Fort Wayne (K) BRYAN, John L., Annapolis (D W>. BROOKS, Fred L., corp., Terra Haute (K). COUCHER, Claud P., Michigan City (KL DENNY, Lerovi Bridgeport iK). GIRARD, Frank O., Whiting (D DL KAHLE, Edward C, Indianapolis (K) MANSHIP, Russell, Fishers (P Wi. MORGAN, Thomns L., sgt., Taswell (K) MEYERS, Earl O., sgt.. Jonesboro (DDi MITCHELL, Everett, Liberty. PRATT, Charles A., sgt., Chesterton iKl PATTON, Fay, sgt., Covington (Kl. PRINCE, Earl IL, Bloomington (DA) REILEY, I.uke 1... Alexandria (Kl. ILLINOIS: BI liTJS, Darrel D., lieut., Waukegan iK) MCASKEY, Clare P., lieut.,'Chicago (K) SWAN. C. II., lieut., DanaviUe (D A \). (DaJHEWS- RiChard P- Uut- CfcteaiW) M'CONNELL, ./., lieut., MarxhaU (D W). BENSON, Rollo, Ava (D Wl '¦,'.^:TrH' ,A:fre'' A" a«t- Balleville (K). ( NNINGHAM, Olin. Moweagua (Kl CATHELYN, Mell, Annawan (D W) DA\ iS. George W., Carrollton (K). £?SS&05"chad -f:. sgt.. Chicago (K). £ASiLN*S»?NJ Kristian, Chicago (D W). FLESHAM, Ruben. Chicago iK) nim"^^'^' ?- Chicagb (D Wl. FRITZ, Philhp W., Lebanon (D D) .oA»J:^'V>' .Willi:,m E- Chic«K° (d wi. I-.^.SON' C' A- corP- Rockl'ord iD Wl KARHOFF. Wm. IL. Beckmeyer (D !.(.)( K. La Fore P., Springfield (K» MONSTOVICH, Frank, Chicago (K) « ¦^i^VI"H' A' W«^egan ID W). MISIEWICZ, /.)i:munt, Chicago iD Wl M MAHON, Thomas F., Chicag.o iD W)'. MINARI), Ka.-I L.. Roekford (D D). FARTRIDGE, George, Bunker Hill <K). PETESCH. Harry, Chicago (D A). REDDY, Richard M., Danville (D W). RICE. Leander W., ChicaKO (D D). SCHULTZ, Lewis P. corp., Sandwich (K). SMITH, Lester, Joliet tl) W). IDAHO: BISHOP, Michael, Twio Falls (D D). CROFT, Geors?e H., Heyburn (D Wi. ROBINSON. J. L., corp., Nampa (D W). SNIVELY, H. R. corp., Gooding (D W). YADEN, William D., Shoshone (--). KANSAS: BRADY, William J., Junction Citv (D D). CREEK, William P., sgt.. Rosalia tl) I) i. DAVIDSON, Frank J.. sjft.. Merriam (K). JACKY, Benjamin, Northville (D I)i. NEELY, Albert, Gridley iKi. PETERSON, M.. corp., McPherson (K). SWAN, William H. Topeka <D WL THOMPSON, John I., EnKlewood (K). WARNER, Guy, Lllsworth tD A). KENTHCKY: MARCUM, S. /»., lieut., Manrhest^r (K). BELEW, Oakley F., Dry Ridge iK). FRILLING, Edmund !¦'., Covington (K). FUTRELL, Hayward T., Golden Pond (D Wi-. HENRY. Norbert. LouiKville <T> A). PING, Perry, Pdplarville <K). PROBST, Louis R., Louisville (D W). STANLEY, Lafayette, Maxfield 11) W). STALEY, John E. Lexintfton (D D). TRICE, Daniel. MoKinnev (D A). VANDERGRIFFT. C, Louisville (D D). LOI'ISIANA: COLE, George }>., lieut., New Orleana (K). NOLTE, Robert IV., lieut., New Orieans (O W). FRAZIER, E. T., corp.. Gibsland tDD). GERVAIS, Chas. 1% New Orleana (D Di. JOHNSON. William H., Sartori (D W). PAYNK, W. J., sgt.. Cheneyville (D W>. STRAYHAN, C. IL. Bossier Parish (DWi. SIMMONS, C... corp., New Orieans (1) W). WILSON, Henry, Forest (D D). WITTERA. Joseph J., Kalin (D W). MASSACHUSETTS: WHITNEY, Francia IV., lieut., Xcedham Ileights (D VV). TUTEIN. C. R.. lieut., BoMon (D A A). MEEHAN, G. R., lieut., AlUton (D W). WORBOY, E. W.. lieut., WMiamstown <Kt. BROWN, Jeremoth A.. Barre (D WI. BURCKMEYER, Clarence, Boston tl) A). BROSSEAU, Leo D.. Leominster (D D). DUMAS, Jos., sgt., North Adams (K). ESAU, Benjamin C, Milton t'D Wi. FERGUSON, Frank M., Fitchburg (D A) JAMES, Wni., corp., Leominster (I") W). JORDAN. Albert i% corp., Lyn.i (D Di. MEEHAN. George R., Allston M'PHETRES, H. M., sgt.. Danvers (K). TRUM, Richard J., Somerville IKi. WELCH, .Earl B., sgt., Revere (K). WELCH, Frank A. Lawrence (D W). MAINE: NORTON, Donald H"., lieut., Kingfield (K). BRADLEY. L. J., corp.. Milljnocket (DWi. BORLAND. Robert M.. Stockholm tK). GAYTON. Alden M., Auburn (D W). MARYLAND: BACON, C. A., con,.. Baitimore il) D). CADER, Albert G., Brunswick D Ak GARDNKR. M. E., »gt.. Sharpsburg (KL LEONAKL, B. E., ccrp., Baltimorc tD A). PFEFFER, A. W., Highlandtown iD D). MISSOURI: PINGER, Walter L., lieut., St. Joseph (K). BAILEY, James C, Vichey 11) W). BERNSMOYER, H. H., St Thomas (DW). CH1TWOOD. Adlai S. Ellington (D A). CREEK, Harry J.. St. Louis (K). EMERSON, Thomas B. C, Osceola tDW). FARRIS, AHen F., Versailles 11) W). JONES, W. J., corp., Bonne Terre (K). HUSTEDDE, Anton. Campbell (D W). ISEMINGER, Carl C, Springfield iDWi. PEARSON, Floy R., corp., Plattsburgh |D W). , SCHLENDER, Eerd. W., Herman (K). SMITH, Samuel A., St. Joseph (K) SCHIFFERN, Roy, Tarkio (D Wi. BUXTON, William G., Alba (K). CAMPBELL, Emmett, Middlebrook tD Di. LANE, Grover E., Unionville (1) Wi. LEONARD, David F., Rookins (K). RUGG, Ronus P., Boonesboro tKi. THOMS, Charles H. L., St. Louis (K) TRUEMPER, John F. Dutzow (K). WEBSTER, Perle L, Lancaster (DD), YODER, Rollo J.. Holden (D WI BUDAHL, Peter G.. Mildred (K). BROWN. Jimmie L., Princeton (.D W) BENSON, Walt F., corp., Anuadale (Ki. CANTANESH, Domlnic, North and (DW). HANSON, John, SL Paul (D Wi JOHNSON, Carl B.. Evansville (D W) JENDRO, Paul, Elmdale (KL KONFIATIS, J. T., corp., Osseeo (DWi LESETMO, Gilbert O., Erskine iD Di LUND, Soren, Osakis (D W). LUNDBERG, Hans M., Hartland (K) MIENNART, Frank A., Dakota NORMAN, Phillip, Georgetown (K) NELSON. Lloyd O., Clitherall (D D) ££.' ,?,-,w.ard T corp- Dassell (K). M-iSi.JV 'm ¦'- BRt- Minneapolia (K). PE1RIMAN, G. sgt., Minneapolis (Kl RENEHAN, M. G. Madison Lake (K) SOLLIE, Henry L. Minneapolis (K) MICHIGAN: CHAILLE, /.. /,.. lieut., Detroit (K) BERGHUIS, Wilham J.. corp., Grand Kapids i.K). BOSEL, John J., corp., Detroit (K). GROUCH, Otto E. Caro (K). 5JJfh,iT«1?T1k °?,rp- Cedar sPrinB5 fD Wi. KUl\IFr*ALO. Henry, corp., Calumet IKi MARCELLOUS, Jes.se J., Watervliet (K). NAGEL, Harry A., Detroit (D D) PATTERSON. Harold, Leachfield' (D WI SATKOWIAK. Frank, KawkawHn (D DL CAVADA, John. corp., Hamtramck (K> SHUE, Sidney R., Pinconning (K) UNDERWOOD, C. IL, Kansas City (K.) MISSOURI: CROSBY; Henry, Daniel ID Di. rONES, Willie. cut., Shelby iD Di MATTHEWS, Ward, corp., Laurel (Ki MONTANA: (DIALAL)INGTON' WaU" E" '***'" Glendiv* BELLIS, Cecil, Baker (K). S^5LGNAN' Charl("i T.. Avondale (K) COOK, Alt, Butte (D D) EGOROFF, Matthew, Butte (D W'» ERDMAN, Harper, sgt., I.ibby (K) HOTTENSTEIN. Lonnie P.. Moore (K. WILLEY, Ortol R. Butto iD w NORTH CAROLINA: HARRIS, E C, lieut., Wendell (P W) (DW) Thor'Hl" M- lieut-' PovettevUU CARROLL, David T. sgt., Manson (DDi ...'.;»¦. I"r,"*1,'i'',,k. Seven Springs iDDi. GASKINS, Claude M., Merritt ,D D) i.K.\.V John, Seagrove .!> Di. NANCE, Thomas (,.. Thomasville (D D) I AKa.S, Eddie, Seaboard (D Wi RICH, Carmel, Robinsville (D V.'i. SPEAKS, Thomas B., Jennings (K) STEWART, Clark R., Middleburg (D W) STAFFORD, Fred T.. Ophir (D I)T WATSON. Mat-shall F., Darby (D D)" FLOWERS, Bergis R., Taylorville (D D) NEBRASKA: ROGERS, Harry, tintt., /fos.'tnos (Ki REACHEER. Corley C. Reynolds (KI ri^JVREAU, A. L. sgt.. OmX (rJKr]j. HAKL, Vtarren, corp., Albion (D D>. OLSEN, Clarence, Farwell (D Wi, RICHARDSON. John R., HordviJle D />i NEW JERSEY: BERTHOLP, Edwin. Atlantic City (W). BURNS, Joseph T. Trcnton (W). CONNELL, William A., Trenton 'K;. CHAMBERLAIN, F. Trenton (W). CASHILL, John D., sgt., Trenton (Wi. EWING. Edward ".. Camden (W). HEWITT, Arnos J.. corp., Trenton (K>. MOCCIDl, Fran!:. Trenton (W). PAI.MER. Noah J., Camden iP D). TOMME. Harrv. Atontic City (W). TH0MP80N, Gearge R., Camden (Wi. WILCOX, Russell, corp., Trenton (K). NEW YORK: CHASE. Burton N.. licvX., PlatUbura {K).\ IIOHTON, llarding W.. lieut.. Il.hn-a <Ki. PAVIS. J«me* S. lieut., nensaelaer (W). HARTIG. hrnnk, lieut.. Amjiterdam <W>. O'CONNOR. W. [¦'.. lieut., Went Point (K). WARU. ,/imw L, lieut., Buffalo (W). WEAVER. Henry E.. lieut., Utira (W). ALAIMO. Thomas. Rochester (K>. ABT, ALBERT. Williamsville (Kl BAKER. Frank. Cohoes (Wl BLOOD, John W., Jnmestown (P D). BLONPO, Carmelo, Utica (WL BROWN, Michael. Syracuse (WL BLAIR. Charies, Buffalo (Wi. BLASZKIEWK/,. Bronislaws, Buffalo (W). COLVrLLE, Le.) P.. Buffalo iW(. CLARK. Irving P.. Poughkeepsle (Wl CARMOPY. Patrick, Niagara Falls (W). COUGHLIN, James, Schenectady (W). COPP, Otto, Elmira (W). BECKER, John. Buffalo 1W1. POLAN. Edward, Buffalo (K). DEGAN. Elmer. Buffalo (W|. GAMBLE. Roy, Buffalo (WL GORDON. Joseph. Glens Falls (W). (lAP.HAI'.TT, H. P.. Saratoga .--prings (W|. GORMAN, Leo A., Utica (W). HARE. Fred. corp., Rochester (W). HASSELWANDER, Geo., Rochester (Wl 1ANES, Clayton A sgt., Buffalo (Wl JOBSON, Raymond, Binghamton (K). KLEMP. Joseph W., corp.. Buffalo (K). KILCOYNE, Thomas, Rochester (WL KUHN, Louis W., corp., Buffalo (M). LABUFF, George, Malone iP W). LEVELLE, John. Buffalo (Wi. LEHR, Peter, Buffalo (W) LALLIER, Francin. Amsterdam (WL LAWSON. Clyde. Niagara Falls (W I. MASKE, Bernard, Buffalo (W). M'RAE, Ravmond P., Rochester (W). MILLER. Peter, sgt., Poughkeepsie (WL NACZEH. John M.. Buffalo (W). NUTT, Russell. Rochester V\ i. NOLAN, Paniel B., Utica (W). PIERSA. John, Buffalo n'. I. PIERUCKI. Ignacc, Buffalo (W). ROMANEK, Joseph. Niagara (D W). RYDZEWSKI, Walter. Buffalo (W). SIEBRECHT, Alhert. Buffalo (W SLAGER, Joseph, Utica itt'i. SCAFFID, Anthony. Buffalo (Wl, SEIBERT. Elmer W., Buffalo (W). SOLOMAN, Joseph, Schenectady (W). SCHERMERHORN. William, corp., Sche¬ nectady (WL SOPER. H. M., sgt., Poughkeepsie (W). SZARMACH, Anthony. Buffalo (M). STINE. Charles, Albany (W). SAYRES, Delbert, Jamestown (D W). SPECKSGOOR. Fred, Rochester W i. STOFFELS, Peter, Albany (W). STEWART, C. R., Poughkeepsie (W). THEBODKAU, Freerick, Schenectady 1W1. TEARNEY, William, Niagara Falls (W). WHITE. Thomas, Schenectady (WL WEINSTEIN, Saul, Albany (WL WEEKS, W. R.. Jamestown (W). WEINGARDNER, Elmer, Amsterdam (W I. WILLIAMS Llewellyn, Utica iD I". WILSON. T., Watertown (W). W1LCHECK. William, Poughkeepsie (W). NORTH DAKOTA: BARTEW. C. B.. corp., Slope Centre (K). GOOP. Irl, corp.. La Mowre (D W). HAGEN, Edwin P., corp., Amidon (K). MILLER, Ernest C, Steele (D W). MINEHAN. IL P., corp., Garrison iP AS I. NAGEL. August. Barney (D W). NEW HAMPSHIRE: COTE. Philias, Claremont (D WL HANSCOM, Karl N., Portsmouth (D W). RAZA, Hypolite J., Manchester (K). NEW MEXICO: PEIRCE, Paul S., Norton 'D W). OREGON: ALLEMAN, Carl F... corp.. Woodbum (K). COOKE. William E., Shancho I) DL HUMPHREY, D. H., corp., Eugene (K). OHIO: DIERDORF, Micfiael, lieut., Akron <K). ELLETT, A. I... lieut., Norwood (K). MORGAN, Lylc i\.. lieut., Wellingtov K). WEBER. Carl A., lieut., Cleveland <K). SIMMS, Shetdon IV., lieut., East Liverpool (D W). SNYDER, E. ./.. lieut., Fremont (D V). BLAKNEE. Faun, sgt.. Bellaire 1K1. BICAN, Joe, Cleveland 'Kl. BROWN. Chas. E., East Liverpool tKL BUTLER, Grover C, McCornb (K). BUEHRER. Clayton O.. Archbold (DW). t'ATROW. John N., Dayton (K). CHENAULT. William, Cincinnati (K). CUSICK, Jay N.. Tiltonsville (K). CEZMADIA, John. Cleveland (K). CARR, Rufus L., Cleveland (D D). CLARK, Harvey J., Harrison (D DL DEIGHAN, H. A., sgt., Cleveland (P W). DUTCHER, Walter J., Canton <P WL ENRIGHT, Thomas J.. Columbus (D W>. ENGLAND, Arthur A.. Harrisburg iP D) FRANCE, Domenico, Akron (K). FRANKS. John, Deshler (K). GI.ANCE, H. J., Toledo (D WL HELM, Orion, corp., Columbus (D W). HERBST, Fred B., sgt., Shepard (K). HITE, Herbert, Xenia (KL HAUTMAN, Herbert J., Cincinnati D W). HEYMAN, Carl J.. Belleview (D DL KASSERMAN, Clarence J., Hannibal (DW). KENNETH, Harr;, Midland City D W). KNIGHT, Rov K.. Homer (KL LAUER, Fred W.. Marietta (D DL M'ARDLE, Alexander H., Woodsfield (D Dl MICHAEL. J..hn A., Sandusky 1K1. MILLER. Theodore J., corp., Portsmouth (D Wl MOORE, John A., corp.. Youi (D D). NORRIS, Alexander, Cincinnati (Kl O'BANNON, Willis. Cleveland (DW) RODLER. William G. J.. Cincinnati (KL SHIPBAUGH, Robert, Dtindee (KL THOMPSON, Leroy E.. Bowiing Green iKi TOTZKO, David W., Akron <n W). VOLLMER, Hanson I.., sgt., Aberdeen 1K.1 OKLAHOMA: FARR1S. Washington E., Hollis IDW] HOOVER. Claude R.. McAHster iP D> HULSEY, Virgil, Haskell (D D) SPEAKER. Tom, Eldon iD))i, PENNSYLVANIA-t CROWE, Chaties IL, capt., PhQadeivhia (D W). L1STER, Brooka, lieut., Philadelphia (D W). REESE, Earle /.., lieut., Mont 'ille (D Wj. SHINGLER, Chester L. lieu (K). BATEMAN, James. Beaverdale .Kl HERGMARK, Harohi P., corp (K) BOURDERS, Joseph. South Fork (Kl BRADFORD, William, Midland (D K C^AKLES, John W., corp.. Pittsburgh CONLIN, Andrew A., corp., Philadelphia COSGROVE, William P., corp., Y r¦¦.- boro (D WL CHARLESWORTH, John IL. Pitt (D W L DENNIS, Ewing E., corp., Monongahcla (K). PF; I.I'CA, Giuseppe, Sharpsburg il> Wi DIXON, Frank, Shenandoah iP I), PINKEL. Charles F., Columbia (D n FETROW, Charles G., Dov.K) GABRACK, Miketar, Philadelphia 11) D) GETTLEMAN, Archie A., -, t \-,,.:,; (D Wl. A-IIO,,, GILGER, Raymond, Pottsvilie (D Wl HAINES, Joseph, Philadelphia (K) HUMPHREYS, Fred 1... Scranton (K) HEIM, George F., Treverton >Ki !";!:v7',K''r' '"; Conneautville (D W,. HARIM. Joe, Dunbar (D ln (KJOHNSTON. Walter R., corp.. Pitt burgh i>lkI,^E' Samu<>' I.. Reading (D Di KINNt.\, James L. Arnot 1K1 (i4TNDEML'TH, Irving, sgt.. Mount Carmel MVrCT14,»T^raa8BO' P>ttsburgh (KL MATlfWAC^f Fx- corp- [|"'»aiiH (DWlJ (]SiAiKWAS, Louis, corp., Philadelphia m'aSS* ?rM P- Bi* R. (K). ^'.;1.^.V)' Hazelwood (W). McMASTER, Elmer J., Dubois (D \) MADo«,.^ui8' Uniontown (DD). V:)- nVy-'v WaIU'r' Sarver IDW). (DD) ' °Se! J'" corp" Philadelphia Kv^-S-^' Philadelphia (DD). PAri r V ",rl (V McKeesport iK,. l£\ ¦¦¦-l;Sus£?, .'¦¦ Greensburg 11; w. I Pl7?fii.P,vpn!l,B1' Philadelphia (Ki. PLASSMEYER, Albert J.. Zolienople Wi. SISSI5' °wa,'i B- Philadelphia (D A',) ':¦'¦¦ W,lbert- Vork (D WL T i '';rV!!"ra"' Edenburg (K). C-eA.,RhC' Uvl!:a"'- Hermime (D W) raoMAs °h' Waru:> K' Glenside "'w'- (DD) ' ,n'V H' corp" Philadelphia WImV^i^,^"'"' N,w F!<>"nce (D D). (kT b" J°SePh °" COrp" ^iladelphia Z*:.^* S.. corp., Mercer burg (K) II UMCK, Si'. on, Shenandoah (D Wl' RHODE ISLAND: nVKmk T°ny. Central Falls (K). |DW)NBi Richard J" «t.. Edgewood (DFERNANDEZ. J.hn H.. North TivertoJ OTTAVINg' Tnl^ ^"W-^" (DD). "UAUN°. Tommaso, Oney\ille iliii', SOUTH CAROLIW- M vV n'^'^ WalterB' Sun't"'- D W MCLURE. Grady M.. York (D W) REYNOLDS, Bert F., Lamar (K. SPRADLEY, < harles L. Selvrn, m* THOMPSON, James A., Kin«tr«^- WILLIAMS. Will,.. Rid'Ke Rte (DulDD>- GHAHAM, Cyrum /:. ;u.. . BIGGS, Jame /.'.. 1 ,-.,.., /;; p_ Ri/sr, cv -'¦ / ...,- %%, doybe. j. /.. .; »» niii.r, <,-, , *(j>Wi (DD/. BROCKMAN, Ralph /:.. Swer on mw BRO( KMAN. Rotan. For« WortL mW? CONLEY George I. . Arlington (t)* DIVINELL, Norman E., Houstoi, an1' DEAN, Robert Palestine r, ¦; DTJNKIN, Hyman, Rocl !and iT> i),' GAR< IA, Jose A.. BKt. Mereedeg /ii GOODGER, W . ,'K<- GILBBRT. Thadis O. FarwenwilU /t,*, l.ll.I.AKD. Jara-s F., Austtn (K> DW)- ULLI M, James R.. ( anndiar, in'n PINSON, William E., Aningw HO J* STEPHENS. Perry A.. ProSpw} t'K. SHO( K. Ernest D., Humble (K» '* SMITH, Walton. Fort Worth ik, WYLIK. George C, Hendemon iw'. HARRIS. Georse. Hoaston ID r>, HENNES C, Henr,J<J- ,n_, JOHNSON. ( harles J Qaeen %7V?.*)¦ PARRY, Raymond ?.. coro rJD.D'- PEREZ, Mauricio. Trevine t> w. SOLMAN. W.lic E., Troupe T) m H .-or, r ., 11) W i ! - Cr"v.- MITH. Willie. Watervalley ,r, n. THOMA! ' ifford C. EliSendorf f»i THOMAS, Bonn H., Victoria(D Wl TENNESSEE: BAKER, Wi bur C. corp. Bolfn. m.. CARTER, 01a K., Moshem UM))***- DOBSON, James T. Moscow <D W) FENDER. H il.t. F%- Pond ,^.W'- JAM1 ;ON. ' Iu«m» J0H1 D0W. ;' Mountain c't, mV ° 7v?r"- ROSE. Mack. Ki Py)'ana<DW). REA< D Di RIBLING. RoyV (g\. SMITH Will. -, A'- WHI * K; rn W). N«»mBt VfRMONT: BURNS R. .., ,D DE I -VI RIERS, Leo 1 t* e«"*V" (D Di ' K.A-;^- 1R0MELEY, J seph .% .* rw ton iK). 1>w»"*. VIRGLVIA: BEASLEY. Henry C, Sa*« .DWI BIGGS, Edward. Nv porl Sewi BIGGERS, Richard. Briery (DD, (DCwYKLnN *.¦*.. Fiwlh* £!%4.OR; ?^ar '¦. GateCity(DW) '"' iffo k ti VV. GIVALTNEY. Hugl ,; Waverhr (nw JONES, Si Qm v P \GE. v\ iilie ;-. Du. ., D W SANYOI R. Ar >nd |f,W, S^tTsON- ¦¦ mW D..'." *Ki HOGENS, t>D) CLTFF, William, ( !'! '. p- ¦'.' S., ,0Di W\!'^, «an/ford M.. Buena VirtafDWl HAMM. Scott, K) "AR nn. REDES, ,K SHINPEDEKER. Fra (DW). ,:1 Cr«» WASHINGTON. D. C. DEAN. i^.,, SEJHOBD George l\\ DRISi OLL. MAHONEY, M-i. MEDLEY. Milton S., WASHINGTON: ROGERS. BEEMAN, !:; Wi DRESSER. ." i,vii *i <,t-»- rt:ju IM, (DwV. ' ;,:; ft"- Bichmond Bea- JOHNSON, Hei ... (K, ;-AN'i. Austin Seattle D V .- « '..' ¦'-. Moab ,K PIENDLE, Hi y o Mahton K ROBB. Henry ,.:. Kognian °V, rHOMPSON, R DDi WISCONSIN : hlSSEI. Howitrd V).. ;,.-., £UtA<)rr riUNXIKC. Tilnver .... ?;,.t.. ;-!r^r/ SVLLIVAN, Wmiam, !.¦:¦.. Wfliooalai ORNEEN. .-.. .., lmM /¦- II BENDE1 i, \ttih"o, rjurley. Bl RK E, '.' rietts K 0 \- .-.'. Rice L«ke HERBERT .:. W., ( hippewa Falfa D Y% .. HOLT7B. r IR). .TACOBSON, Hai ley, ad ¦.¦ iDWi. M'GREGOR. Wayman, \branw (DW) OBERSTEINER, Frank, (K i. PETF RSON. Chas. W., Red Granits (K PARKINSON, Le« N., Blanchi PEDERM iNN, \..-. Milwauket (D Di. ROGERS. Ernesl R na (D \ RU : EDG1 if- ... (DDI SINNIGER i.. p >sse .DW LE> WYOMING: ' >'\ ri'/i ff) i,. SEI ?. .-. ^J'-n of Foreign Countries AUSTRIA: MUTIC. Eli, \ K 1. CANAD \: BURLINSON, Arthur E., Halifax (K| JERRK K, James G., Bn ndon (D Di. JOHNSTON, Cl .-¦- SaskatchewM (K). MAGNUSSEN, Pirn* U-- (D Wi. DENMARK: PI Ess, rhi D '. FRANCE: '/H } NNE, /.V-,.- C (D A GREECE: J. LPSALIS, IR' I AND: DOH1 ti W). ROBI (D W). ITA1^ PAUHH ROTTI, Ar,-. tti di taf tro h .. PINiZZOTTO. Rossari, Messina (D W). \ AR\ El ! 1, John, Corina (D At. \ ELANTY, Joe, Pe ti o (D W i. NOKWAY: RY'E, Robert .1 RUSSIA: BERESTECHKI (D D). KRAVITCH , no. SWEDEN: JOHNSO. Canada to Extend Eiousing lo \^orke^ : -o' ' anadian hou ii' '¦"- passcd beyond the limita set by th< ranks of returned overseas soldiers »nd as at present contemplated will inciude every working man in the Dominion. The housing comfort and economie ]«. provement of the ordinary sraall **Set' worker is to bt> joined with the ci*|:;; ol soldiers through governmental '°' op'eration. Beginning is to be with1 fund of $25,000 the central go ,'ernmenl for the af of the provinces, u hi the money to all pplicanta thnw1 loans. The principal that '-' borrower must contribute 10 pei of the total cosl which must not exceed S2.500 in val«*j oi- the borrower musl own tne 1»>V upon which the home desired is t«W built. Thi.-, is an arrangement »«'.*' what similar to the practice of ATr"^ ican building and loan assoc '- ith v h :h th : :', :i\ Other points are that the i«»- is subject to :>. 5 per cent charge ;.-nd run for n >' '¦¦- twei.iy years. Further is th M the \°*' build a home »* the borrower and that uo hou-' from governmei t money shall rented or provide revenue n,r '"'! owner. The purpose of the ^°vernfL' is to provide rea<iy cash for worsio* men of small wages to build their ov- homes at a minimum cost for inten^.' the charge to run over -.« many ve, that payraents will not be a iy:;x^ even with taxes and Ui ^eep sdoeo-' Pittabureh Disn

|BrLAkl^:WmiamG-'568Lafa^e |yCONNKEE.Joh,i,,::C ... › lccn › sn83030214 › ...The National Licorice Company itself draws a sharp l'ine of dis-tinction between them. The Y. & S

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  • Thursday, December 26, 1918

    This dep«rtment is engnged in sepnrating tho aheep o(.dvertising, nnd of the service -which backs up ndvertising,from the goats.nnd hanging a beil on tho gonts. It invitesletters desrribing experience*.pleasant or unpleasant.withsdvertiscrs, whether they he manufncturerM, wholesale house*.retnil stores or public ser;-ice corporntions. If wi'l printthose letter.* which secm to show most typically how an.dvertiser'i deeds square -with the words of his advertising.Only si^ned letters, giving the writer'a nddress. will be resd.Ihe name will bc printed or withheld, as preferred. AddressiThe Ad-Viscr. Ihe Tribune. New York.

    « black mass licorice. The Dulce, on the other hand, is a con-fectionery article. flavore with licorice, and is sold under this repre-*entation by the manufacturers. They are not to be compared. It hasvemained for the Weiss Pharmacy to take advantage of this situationwith a view to increased profits. In so doing they have qualified ad-mirably for a position of prominer.ee among the Ad-Visor goats.

    AD-VISOR: What can you tel] me aa to the reliability of Dr. S. T.Shepard, of Savannan, Ga '. L. R S 'We can't tell you anything aboul his reliabiltity, but we can tell

    you considerable aboul hi: unreliability, Dr. S. T. Shepard sometimestravels under the name., of Ihe Rev. S. T. Shepard and the Right Re\Bishop S. T. Shepard. He has also att mpted to do business under thename of Miss Ella Clayton, Mrs. Mary Shepard and Mrs. Mary E. Shep¬ard. He is an old negro, who c aims to have the power of divine healing.He did not, however, have suffich ni proof of his ability to convince thePostoffiee Department that his scheme was not fraudulent, for on October18 the Hon. William H. Lamar, Solicitor General for the Postoffice Depart¬ment, decreed that he could no longer use the United States mails infurthcrance of his scheme. i

    WASHINGTON, Dec. 24..The casualty lists made public by the WarDepartment to-day contain tho namea of 3^411 oflicers and enlisted men.

    Of these 273 were killed in action, 206 died of wounds, 18 died ofaccident and other causes, 9 died of airplane accident, 144 died of diseaso,1,058 were geverely wounded, t>21 were wounded, degree undertermined, 780were slightly wounded and 299'.are missing.

    The full list.for New York"City and vicinity, New Jersey, New YorkState and Connecticut, and the list of the dead from other States, follow:!\ew York City and Vicinity

    KilledBEAUVAIS, Walton V.. lieut., TottenoUle,n. r.BROWN, James /¦.. lieut.. '77 LincoAn

    Place, Hrooklyn.DOSCHER, Fabian If.. lieut., 296 PvlaskxStreet. Brooklyn.PEART, Herbert IV., lieut., Mount Vernon,N. 1 .BARRY, David H., Bloomfleld, N. J.CASEY, James A., agt., Went N'ew Vork,

    N. .1.DONOHUK, George, 217 Kinirclaiul Ave-

    nuc, Brooklyn.HYLAND. Joseph !\. 17 West Ntnety-

    eighth Street, New York City.HOLOCHWOST, Vilot, 240 Front Street,

    Brooklyn.HOROWrrZ, Snmucl, 215 Columbin Street,

    Brooklyn.HFINRICH. Rornnnl. 360 East Fifty-

    cighth Street. New Vork City.HI1.TON, Charles, sgt.. 864 Macon Street,

    Brooklyn.IRVVIN, James D., corp., Jersey City, N. .1.JOLLY, Samuel, 221 Hcmlock Street,

    Brooklyn.KELLY, John E., corp., -18 West Ninety-

    fourth Street. New York Citv.LYONS, Wilbert 17, 088 East Third

    Street, Brooklyn.LANGSPRECHT, Henry T., 417 Seventy-

    fifth Street. Brooklyn.M'GOVERN, James, Jersey City, N*. J.M'CABE, Thomas, ;;44 East Forty-scventli

    Street, N'ew Vork City.M'DEVITT, Joseph, Newark, N. J.MANNIX, Joseph, 343 West Forty-ninth

    Street, N'ew York City.PANZECA, Ignacio, 7! East Ninety-

    cighth Street, New York City.PERAGELLO, John. 308 East Sevcnty-

    cighth Street. New York City.POLEK, Koustanty, Jersoy City, N. J.SCALORA, Giuseppe, 281 East 149th

    Street, New York City.SHAND, Henry V., 2041 Flatbush Avenue,

    Brooklyn.TARKA, Mike, N'ew Brunswick, N. J.WAGNER, Frederick, Bloomfleld, N. J.WYCZLINSKI, Joseph C7, 221 Twenty-

    third Street, Brooklyn.Died of Accident

    HANSEN, Lawrence T., 480 Mott Avenue,New York City.

    Died of WoundsBVTLER, Pierce I!., lieut., New York

    City.CONWAY, Harry, Ikut., 3011 Heatfc Avc-

    nue, New York Citi;-DELANY, James F. lieut., 7.77 Second

    Avenue, New 1 ork City.AKHFORP. Frederick, Jersey City, N. J.GERSCHEL, George, 4327 Third Avenue,

    New York City.HE1NRICH, Carl W., sgt, East, Ornnge,

    N. .1.KARGER, Abe. Tl East. 104th Street, New

    York City.MORF, Jacob, ,ir.. Patcrson, N. J.MORRISON. Harrv P.. Salem, N. J.PATTERSON, George, 358 Huduon Street,

    New York City.SAUNDERS, Ciemon, 226 West Sixty-first

    Street, New York City.STEWART, Edward A., 624 West Fifty-

    second Street. New York City.ST1EHLER, Oscar, .562 Onderdonk Ave¬

    nue. Brooklyn.SMOK, Leon, Newark, N. J.TAYLOR, Hartwcll. 946 Nelly Street, New

    York City.THIES, Gustave W., North Bergen, N. .1.VITELLO, Fortunato, Smithtown Branch,

    Isjng Ifilnnd, N. Y.W1TTMAN, Albert C, 371 Bleecker Street,

    Brooklyn.Died of Disease

    BERLEY, Joseph W.. 1382 Avenue A,New York City.CLASH, Arthur J., 229 Rnilroad Avenue.

    Brooklyn.CONKLLN, William R., East Newark.

    N. J.FREER, Arthur W., sgt.. 36 Union Square.

    New York City.JOHNSON, John T.. Y. M. C. A., 347

    Madison Avenue, New York City.M'CORMICK, James, 36 Nostrand Ave¬

    nue. Brooklyn.PACE, Roy 1?., Y. M. C. A. section, 34.

    Madison Avenue, New York City.PEIPERT, Samuel, 16,7 Floyd Street,

    Brooklyn.SWIKE. Edward J., 680 Second Avenue.

    New S'ork City.WELSBACH, Harry A.. 31 Seeman Ave¬

    nue, New York City.

    Wounded SeverelyPARKER, Emerson F. lieut., 319 West

    lZWi Street, New York City.BOULEE. William .-!.. lieut., 740 East

    Tenth Street, Brooklyn.KENNEDY. Herbert B., lieut., 141 Lexina-

    ton Avenue, New York City.ATT1LIO, Frank, 306 East 113th Street,

    New York City.BEZNISCHUCK, Nathan, 550 Rockaw.iy

    Avenue, Brooklvn.BARENOW, Michael, 116 East Twenty-

    ninth Street, New York City.BUDA, Harrv, 1S0 St. Nicholas Avenue,

    New York City.BERGER, Samuel, 86 Moore Street.

    Brooklyn.CAVTNS, Percy W., sgt., 7 East 135th

    Street, New York City.CAVANAUGH, John P., 347 Fifth Ave-

    nue, New York C'ity.CHARLOCK, Samuel, 737 Tremont Ave-

    nue, New York City.COLEMAN, William, 1493 Broadway,

    New York City.CARLO, Nick, 667 Eagle Avenue, New

    York City.CASTILLO, Arthur. 639 West 175th

    Street. New York City.CROWELL, Harold, Perth Amboy. N. J.CHIRURGI, Severino, Yonkers, N. Y.CUMMINGS, John W.. 154 East 128th

    Street. New York City.DARTLEY, Joseph, College Point. N. Y.DEACON, Wm. F.. Jersey City, N. J.DICHIIAUS, Ernest (.)., corp., 277 Ever-

    [:reen Avenue, Brooklvn.DWYER, Richard J.. 303 West Forty-

    first Street, New York City.DUFFY, Joseph F., 25 King Stret, New

    York City.DIOOATI. Bennia V., S71 Bedford Avc-

    nu, Brooklyn.DE MURE. Ralph, White Plains, N. Y.KVANS, Charies, Jersey City, N. J.EPSTEIN, Samuel, 556 Fox Street, New

    York City.ESSELBORN, Frank, 608 West Fourth

    Street. New York City.FITZWILLIAMS, Michael, 2185 Amster-

    dam Avenue, New York City.FESCO. John, lli; Christie Street. New

    York City.FISHMAN, Benjamin N., corp.. 373 Miller

    Avenue, Brooklyn.FRANKEL, Max, 148 Eaat Houoton

    Street, New York City.FINKELSTEIN, Abraham, 101 Clinton

    Street, New York City.F1TZPATRICK, John T., 7,00 We=,l 107th

    Strt-ot, New York City.FORST. A. J., Long Island City, N. Y.1I.YNN, Lawrence, Jersey City, N JGABRIEL, James J., 3904 Third Avenue.Brooklyn.GIOSSI, Henry, 248 East Sixtv-necond

    Street, New York Citv.GREWE. Joseph P., K. of C. see., 461Fourth Avenue, New York City.Gl'NTHER. Harry II., corp., H. B. Clafliu

    Company. New York City.GRAMSO, William. 410 Eighteenth Street,Brooklyn.GEEGER, David A., sgt., 141 RussellStreet, Brooklyn.GREEN, Alexander, 359 Rockaway Ave¬

    nue, Brooklyn.GLEASON, Joseph A., 142 West Seven-teenth Street, New York Citv.GALUPPO, Michael F., 81 MulberryStreet, New York City.GREENHAUS, Isador. 67 East Ninety-eighth Street, New York City.HELBLE, Anton. Hackensack, N. J.HALL, Kenneth C, sgt., Yonkers, N YHUGHES, John T.. sgt., Port Richmund.N. Y.HOl.OVAKOFF, Sam, 299 Avenue B New

    York City.JAMES, Joseph, 221 West Sixty-secondStreet, New York City.KEI.l.Y, John, sgt., Jersey City, N. JKOUK1AN, Edwin, 50 West Thirty-eighthStreet, New York City,KOI ORSAK, Thomas. Perth Ambov. N JI.AT1TN. William P. -u-t., 95 Lee \ve-

    nue, Brooklyn.LAZAROVITCH, Saul. 170 HoustonStreet, New York City.LYNCH, Fohn 17, 364 Union StreetBrooklyn.IM). Urban,' 301 Llvingston StreetBrooklyn.

    LEVTTONE, Leizar, 487 Cleveland Street.Brooklyn.MILLER, Anton G., 855 Cauldwell A\-e-

    nur. New York City.M'I.EAN, John C, Passaic, N. J.MAKTIN. Arthur C, Jersey City N JM'CORMACK, Edward .!.. corp., 208 EastNin«ti«th Street, New York City.

    MITCIIELL, John IV. 237 Ninth Avenue.New York City.M'CARTY, Clarence, Jerwey Citv, N. .1.MACDAI.IN, Irvlng, 2G3 Court Street,Brooklyn.MAGGIO, Joscph, 244 IleKalb Avenue,Brooklyn.MAGRATH, Frederick A., 354 East FourthStreet, Brooklyn.METROTAKER, John, 26 Hopkins Street,Brooklyn.MORRETTI, Guiseppe, 3 Klng Slrcet, NewYork Cits.MURKAV. Thomas, 12 East HGth Street.New York City.MOONEY, Richard 1% 105 East EiKhty-eighth Street, Ni'iv York CityMULLIGAN, William, 1129 Park Avenue,New York City.MERO, John, Staten I»lnnd, N. Y.VEVALA. William, 71'7 Forty-third Street.BrooklynO'CONNELL, Harry, 310 East 142d

    Street, New- York City.O'FARRELL. William, Paterson, N. J.PHILLIPS. Walter, 102 Meeker Avenue.Brooklyn.PORTEOUS, David. corp., 133 RayTwenty-flth Street, Brooklyn.ROSEBROCK, Charles, 1489 JeffersonAvenue, Brooklyn.REEVE, Reginald C, sgt, 71 Gold Street,Now York City.RAVEY, Charles D., Woodhaven, N. Y.STEVENSON, George A., .189 St. Mark'sAvenue, Brooklyn.SM1TH, George 1'.. Rahway, N. J.SODER, l.t-o Brooklyn.*' ''"'""^ M" 29° Uni°n AvenUe-NewEYork Ch7e11 V" 9" '"**"> St^-

    St^rN^ork3^800" ^^ "»*Wounded Slightly

    |BrLAkl^:WmiamG-'568Lafa^e Avenue.!HBUNT, Fred A. Paterson, N JSAPatriclhUJ.^kc£JN ,|yCONNKEE.Joh,i,,::C,arkSLCsVreJ:Nny' "" ^^ A.FUGNITTO. Bernnrd M., 174 CanalStreet, New York Citv "alFELDER, Frank, 520 West 160th Street,New ^ ork City. HFENGER, Martin. Bayonne. N J

    qtS^LvAGHvR5 n°h" J- 53 "ManhattanStreet, New York City.GRAHAM Joseph D., sgt., 204 MartenseStreet, Brooklyn.GREENE, Maurice, 360 Atlantic Avenueurooklyn.GOULD, Ashley M., 445 Be4LEE. William T., Vincent (K).MIREE, John, corp.. Felix (D D).MYERS. John H. W., Carbon Hill (K).MONTGOMERY. Lee, Beatrioe (D Wl.PECK, Thomns 0., Portersville (KLPOARCH, Peter E., corp., Grant (D W).SI.MS, Terrel S., Red Bay (K).TOBLER, John. Mobile (D W).TUCKER, Jesse, Wa.lley (D D).TYNO. Cater J., Autaugaville (D D).TURNER, Ernest, Andalusia (D D).WILLIAMS, Will 1'7. Grecnville iK).

    ARKANSAS:TURNER. Wm If.. lieut., Little Roek (K).MASON, C. M.. corp.. Whitener (D W).MILLER, John W., Waldo (D D).NORTH, William. Soudan (D Wl.PERNA. John, West Point (Kl.RICHARSON, James W., Booncville (KLROW. Charles A.. Marshall (D D).SIMONS. William F., corp., Almyra (D^i.

    ARIZONA:LEONARD, Jcrome M.. lieut.. Douulan K).JONES, William W.. Prescott I) D).MOISA. Alex. B., con,., Jerome (K).

    CALIFORNIA:SCHUTTE, R. II.. enpt.. Porterville (K).M'BRIDE, J. 11.. lieut., Pusmlena P A A).BVRTON, Benj. //.. lieut., Colusa ).GALBREATH. Eric J., Tampa |D W).SMITH, Harold V., sgt., Fruitland (K).WILSON. Napoleon B., Tampa (D D).

    GEORGIA:HENRY, Dickson R., capt., Atlanta (K).G1LLESPIE, II. J., lieut., MaysviUe (K).ROBERTS, J. II.. lieut.. Monticello (K).WILLIAM. Bill N., lieut., Calhoun (DAA)ROB1NSON, William C, lieut., Atlanta

    (D D).COOK. Lonnie, Egan tD W).HARRISON, William. Atlanta iD \V>.LEE, Tommie C, Senvia ' .Willi:,m E- Chic«K° (d wi.I-.^.SON' C' A- corP- Rockl'ord iD WlKARHOFF. Wm. IL. Beckmeyer (D W»!.(.)( K. La Fore P., Springfield (K»MONSTOVICH, Frank, Chicago (K)« ¦^i^VI"H' A' W«^egan ID W).MISIEWICZ, /.)i:munt, Chicago iD WlM MAHON, Thomas F., Chicag.o iD W)'.

    MINARI), Ka.-I L.. Roekford (D D).FARTRIDGE, George, Bunker Hill ., lieut., New Orleana (K).NOLTE, Robert IV., lieut., New Orieans

    (O W).FRAZIER, E. T., corp.. Gibsland tDD).GERVAIS, Chas. 1% New Orleana (D Di.JOHNSON. William H., Sartori (D W).PAYNK, W. J., sgt.. Cheneyville (D W>.STRAYHAN, C. IL. Bossier Parish (DWi.SIMMONS, C... corp., New Orieans (1) W).WILSON, Henry, Forest (D D).WITTERA. Joseph J., Kalin (D W).

    MASSACHUSETTS:WHITNEY, Francia IV., lieut., Xcedham

    Ileights (D VV).TUTEIN. C. R.. lieut., BoMon (D A A).MEEHAN, G. R., lieut., AlUton (D W).WORBOY, E. W.. lieut., WMiamstown Di.NANCE, Thomas (,.. Thomasville (D D)I AKa.S, Eddie, Seaboard (D WiRICH, Carmel, Robinsville (D V.'i.SPEAKS, Thomas B., Jennings (K)STEWART, Clark R., Middleburg (D W)STAFFORD, Fred T.. Ophir (D I)TWATSON. Mat-shall F., Darby (D D)"FLOWERS, Bergis R., Taylorville (D D)NEBRASKA:ROGERS, Harry, tintt., /fos.'tnos (KiREACHEER. Corley C. Reynolds (KIri^JVREAU, A. L. sgt.. OmX (rJKr]j.HAKL, Vtarren, corp., Albion (D D>.

    OLSEN, Clarence, Farwell (D Wi,RICHARDSON. John R., HordviJle D />i

    NEW JERSEY:BERTHOLP, Edwin. Atlantic City (W).BURNS, Joseph T. Trcnton (W).CONNELL, William A., Trenton 'K;.CHAMBERLAIN, F. Trenton (W).CASHILL, John D., sgt., Trenton (Wi.EWING. Edward ".. Camden (W).HEWITT, Arnos J.. corp., Trenton (K>.MOCCIDl, Fran!:. Trenton (W).PAI.MER. Noah J., Camden iP D).TOMME. Harrv. Atontic City (W).TH0MP80N, Gearge R., Camden (Wi.WILCOX, Russell, corp., Trenton (K).

    NEW YORK:CHASE. Burton N.. licvX., PlatUbura {K).\IIOHTON, llarding W.. lieut.. Il.hn-a .ABT, ALBERT. Williamsville (KlBAKER. Frank. Cohoes (WlBLOOD, John W., Jnmestown (P D).BLONPO, Carmelo, Utica (WLBROWN, Michael. Syracuse (WLBLAIR. Charies, Buffalo (Wi.BLASZKIEWK/,. Bronislaws, Buffalo (W).COLVrLLE, Le.) P.. Buffalo iW(.CLARK. Irving P.. Poughkeepsle (WlCARMOPY. Patrick, Niagara Falls (W).COUGHLIN, James, Schenectady (W).COPP, Otto, Elmira (W).BECKER, John. Buffalo 1W1.POLAN. Edward, Buffalo (K).DEGAN. Elmer. Buffalo (W|.GAMBLE. Roy, Buffalo (WLGORDON. Joseph. Glens Falls (W).(lAP.HAI'.TT, H. P.. Saratoga .--prings (W|.GORMAN, Leo A., Utica (W).HARE. Fred. corp., Rochester (W).HASSELWANDER, Geo., Rochester (Wl1ANES, Clayton A sgt., Buffalo (WlJOBSON, Raymond, Binghamton (K).KLEMP. Joseph W., corp.. Buffalo (K).KILCOYNE, Thomas, Rochester (WLKUHN, Louis W., corp., Buffalo (M).LABUFF, George, Malone iP W).LEVELLE, John. Buffalo (Wi.LEHR, Peter, Buffalo (W)LALLIER, Francin. Amsterdam (WLLAWSON. Clyde. Niagara Falls (W I.MASKE, Bernard, Buffalo (W).M'RAE, Ravmond P., Rochester (W).MILLER. Peter, sgt., Poughkeepsie (WLNACZEH. John M.. Buffalo (W).NUTT, Russell. Rochester V\ i.NOLAN, Paniel B., Utica (W).PIERSA. John, Buffalo n'. I.PIERUCKI. Ignacc, Buffalo (W).ROMANEK, Joseph. Niagara (D W).RYDZEWSKI, Walter. Buffalo (W).SIEBRECHT, Alhert. Buffalo (WSLAGER, Joseph, Utica itt'i.SCAFFID, Anthony. Buffalo (Wl,SEIBERT. Elmer W., Buffalo (W).SOLOMAN, Joseph, Schenectady (W).SCHERMERHORN. William, corp., Sche¬

    nectady (WLSOPER. H. M., sgt., Poughkeepsie (W).SZARMACH, Anthony. Buffalo (M).STINE. Charles, Albany (W).SAYRES, Delbert, Jamestown (D W).SPECKSGOOR. Fred, Rochester W i.STOFFELS, Peter, Albany (W).STEWART, C. R., Poughkeepsie (W).THEBODKAU, Freerick, Schenectady 1W1.TEARNEY, William, Niagara Falls (W).WHITE. Thomas, Schenectady (WLWEINSTEIN, Saul, Albany (WLWEEKS, W. R.. Jamestown (W).WEINGARDNER, Elmer, Amsterdam (W I.WILLIAMS Llewellyn, Utica iD I".WILSON. T., Watertown (W).W1LCHECK. William, Poughkeepsie (W).

    NORTH DAKOTA:BARTEW. C. B.. corp., Slope Centre (K).GOOP. Irl, corp.. La Mowre (D W).HAGEN, Edwin P., corp., Amidon (K).MILLER, Ernest C, Steele (D W).MINEHAN. IL P., corp., Garrison iP AS I.NAGEL. August. Barney (D W).

    NEW HAMPSHIRE:COTE. Philias, Claremont (D WLHANSCOM, Karl N., Portsmouth (D W).RAZA, Hypolite J., Manchester (K).

    NEW MEXICO:PEIRCE, Paul S., Norton 'D W).

    OREGON:ALLEMAN, Carl F... corp.. Woodbum (K).COOKE. William E., Shancho I) DLHUMPHREY, D. H., corp., Eugene (K).

    OHIO:DIERDORF, Micfiael, lieut., Akron WiDIXON, Frank, Shenandoah iP I),PINKEL. Charles F., Columbia (D nFETROW, Charles G., Dov.K)GABRACK, Miketar, Philadelphia 11) D)GETTLEMAN, Archie A., -, t \-,,.:,;(D Wl.A-IIO,,,GILGER, Raymond, Pottsvilie (D WlHAINES, Joseph, Philadelphia (K)HUMPHREYS, Fred 1... Scranton (K)HEIM, George F., Treverton >Ki!";!:v7',K''r' '"; Conneautville (D W,.HARIM. Joe, Dunbar (D ln

    (KJOHNSTON. Walter R., corp.. Pitt burghi>lkI,^E' Samu' I.. Reading (D DiKINNt.\, James L. Arnot 1K1

    (i4TNDEML'TH, Irving, sgt.. Mount CarmelMVrCT14,»T^raa8BO' P>ttsburgh (KLMATlfWAC^f Fx- corp- [|"'»aiiH (DWlJ(]SiAiKWAS, Louis, corp., Philadelphiam'aSS* ?rM P- Bi* R. (K).^'.;1.^.V)' Hazelwood (W).McMASTER, Elmer J., Dubois (D \)MADo«,.^ui8' Uniontown (DD).V:)- nVy-'v WaIU'r' Sarver IDW).

    (DD) ' °Se! J'" corp" PhiladelphiaKv^-S-^' Philadelphia (DD).

    PAri r V ",rl (V McKeesport iK,.l£\ ¦¦¦-l;Sus£?, .'¦¦ Greensburg 11; w. IPl7?fii.P,vpn!l,B1' Philadelphia (Ki.PLASSMEYER, Albert J.. ZolienopleWi.SISSI5' °wa,'i B- Philadelphia (DA',) ':¦'¦¦ W,lbert- Vork (D WL

    T i '';rV!!"ra"' Edenburg (K).C-eA.,RhC' Uvl!:a"'- Hermime (D W)raoMAs °h' Waru:> K' Glenside "'w'-

    (DD) ',n'V H' corp" Philadelphia

    WImV^i^,^"'"' N,w F!"nce (D D).(kT b" J°SePh °" COrp" ^iladelphiaZ*:.^* S.. corp., Mercer burg (K)II UMCK, Si'. on, Shenandoah (D Wl'RHODE ISLAND:nVKmk T°ny. Central Falls (K).|DW)NBi Richard J" «t.. Edgewood

    (DFERNANDEZ. J.hn H.. North TivertoJOTTAVINg' Tnl^ ^"W-^" (DD)."UAUN°. Tommaso, Oney\ille iliii',SOUTH CAROLIW-MvV n'^'^ WalterB' Sun't"'- D WMCLURE. Grady M.. York (D W)

    REYNOLDS, Bert F., Lamar (K.SPRADLEY, < harles L. Selvrn, m*THOMPSON, James A., Kin«tr«^-WILLIAMS. Will,.. Rid'Ke Rte (DulDD>-GHAHAM, Cyrum /:. ;u.. .BIGGS, Jame /.'.. 1 ,-.,.., /;; p_Ri/sr, cv -'¦ / ...,- %%,doybe. j. /.. .; »»niii.r, Wi(DD/.BROCKMAN, Ralph /:.. Swer on mwBRO( KMAN. Rotan. For« WortL mW?CONLEY George I. . Arlington (t)*DIVINELL, Norman E., Houstoi, an1'DEAN, Robert Palestine r, ¦;DTJNKIN, Hyman, Rocl !and iT> i),'GAR< IA, Jose A.. BKt. Mereedeg /iiGOODGER, W . ,'K DW)-ULLI M, James R.. ( anndiar, in'nPINSON, William E., Aningw HO J*STEPHENS. Perry A.. ProSpw} t'K.SHO( K. Ernest D., Humble (K» '*SMITH, Walton. Fort Worth ik,WYLIK. George C, Hendemon iw'.HARRIS. Georse. Hoaston ID r>,HENNES C, Henr,JD)CLTFF, William,( !'! '. p- ¦'.' S., ,0DiW\!'^, «an/ford M.. Buena VirtafDWlHAMM. Scott, K)"AR nn.REDES, ;¦ ,KSHINPEDEKER. Fra

    (DW). ,:1 Cr«»WASHINGTON. D. C.DEAN. i^.,,SEJHOBD George l\\DRISi OLL.MAHONEY, M-i.MEDLEY. Milton S.,


    !:; WiDRESSER. ."i,vii *i '\ ri'/iff) i,.SEI ?. .-.

    ^J'-n of Foreign CountriesAUSTRIA:MUTIC. Eli, \ K 1.

    CANAD \:BURLINSON, Arthur E., Halifax (K|JERRK K, James G., Bn ndon (D Di.JOHNSTON, Cl .-¦- SaskatchewM

    (K).MAGNUSSEN, Pirn* U--

    (D Wi.DENMARK:

    PI Ess, rhi D '.FRANCE:

    '/H } NNE, /.V-,.- C(D AGREECE:


    ti W).ROBI

    (D W).ITA1^PAUHH ROTTI, Ar,-. tti di taftro h ..PINiZZOTTO. Rossari, Messina (D W).\ AR\ El ! 1, John, Corina (D At.\ ELANTY, Joe, Pe ti o (D W i.

    NOKWAY:RY'E, Robert .1


    (D D).KRAVITCH , no.


    Canada to ExtendEiousing lo \^orke^

    : -o' ' anadian hou ii' '¦"-passcd beyond the limita set by th<ranks of returned overseas soldiers »ndas at present contemplated will inciudeevery working man in the Dominion.The housing comfort and economie ]«.provement of the ordinary sraall **Set'worker is to bt> joined with the ci*|:;;ol soldiers through governmental '°'op'eration. Beginning is to be with1fund of $25,000the central go ,'ernmenl for the afof the provinces, u hithe money to all pplicanta thnw1loans.The principal that '-'

    borrower must contribute 10 peiof the total coslwhich must not exceed S2.500 in val«*joi- the borrower musl own tne 1»>Vupon which the home desired is t«Wbuilt. Thi.-, is an arrangement »«'.*'what similar to the practice of ATr"^ican building and loan assoc

    '- ith v h :h th : :', :i\Other points are that the i«»-is subject to :>. 5 per centcharge ;.-nd run for n >' '¦¦-twei.iy years.Further is th M the \°*'

    build a home »*the borrower and that uo hou-'from governmei t money shallrented or provide revenue n,r '"'!owner. The purpose of the ^°vernfL'is to provide rea