Internal Audit Committee of Brevard County, Florida High Level Ten Year Expenditure Analysis September 9, 2010

Brevard County Ten Year Expenditure Analysis

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Page 1: Brevard County Ten Year Expenditure Analysis

Internal Audit Committee of Brevard County, Florida

High Level Ten Year Expenditure Analysis

September 9, 2010

Page 2: Brevard County Ten Year Expenditure Analysis

Table of Contents

Transmittal Letter ................................................................................................................................................... 1

Executive Summary .......................................................................................................................................... 2 - 4 Overview ............................................................................................................................................................ 5 - 8

Total Brevard County Expenditures

Brevard County Population

Brevard County Property Values

Brevard County Commission Full Time Equivalents

Health Care Costs

General Fund Transfers

Charter Officers ............................................................................................................................................... 9 - 10 Board Departments ....................................................................................................................................... 11 - 15

Fire Rescue

Parks and Recreation

Public Works

Year by Year Analysis................................................................................................................................... 16 - 25

Page 3: Brevard County Ten Year Expenditure Analysis


September 9, 2010 The Audit Committee of Brevard County, Florida 2700 Judge Fran Jamieson Way Viera, Florida 32940-6699 As part of our risk assessment and financial condition process it was requested by several Board of County Commissioners that we compile a high level analysis of expenditures for Brevard County (“County”) for the past ten years. For the purposes of this analysis, fiscal year 1999 was used as the baseline for the ten year comparatives. We reviewed budget books, Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFRs), County presentations, Commission Meeting Minutes and other data sources to compile this report. Our report is organized in the following sections:

Executive Summary This section provides a high level analysis of trends and significant expenditures for the ten year period.


This section provides trends for :

Total County Expenditures

Brevard County Population

Brevard County Property Values

County Full Time Equivalents (Employees)

Health Care Costs

General Fund Transfers

Charter Officers This section shows trends for General Fund allocations for the ten year period for the Charter Officers and additional detail for the most financially significant Charter Officers.

Board Departments

We trended ten years of the more financially significant departments including:

Fire Rescue

Parks and Recreation

Public Works

Year by Year Analysis

For each of the ten years we addressed the significant variances noted during those years.

Respectfully submitted, INTERNAL AUDITORS

RSM McGladrey Inc. 7351 Office Park Place Melbourne, Florida 32940-8229 O 321-751-6200 F 321-751-1385 www.mcgladrey.com

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Executive Summary

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Executive Summary As part of our risk assessment and financial condition review process, we have compiled a high level analysis of County expenditures for the past ten years. Using fiscal year 1999 as a baseline, we reviewed Budget Books, CAFR’s, County Presentations, Minutes of Commissioner Meetings and other sources to compile this data.

Source: Brevard County Budget Department

Significant Expenditures

Healthcare Costs

Healthcare costs for the County and throughout the Country have increased significantly over the last ten years. As noted in the Overview Section, the County’s healthcare costs have increased 179% over the ten year period. Per review of National Medical trends for Employer Contributions, the County is trending equal to or below national averages for the past ten years, the County incurred approximately $340 million of healthcare expenses.

Charter Officer - Sheriff

The Sheriff’s office has grown from 806 FTE in 1999 to 1,145 FTE in 2009, which is an increase of 339 FTE or 42%. Both the Sheriff’s total expenditures and General Fund allocation increased 129% over this same ten year period. In the past ten years, the County has transferred General Fund of approximately $596 million to the Sheriff.

Fire Rescue

In 1999, Fire Rescue had 354 FTE. By 2009, FTE had increased 53% to 541. The total budget for that Department increased from $28 million in 1999 to $57 million (116%) in 2009.

Staffing spiked in 2000 through 2003 primarily due to changes from a two person basic life support engine to three person advanced life support engines. Other major expenditures included: 911 ambulance crew and equipment for a new station, Advanced Life Support fire engine, 800 mega hertz radios, new fire engines, mobile data terminals for twenty-one engines and a new fire rescue unit and equipment.












Brevard County, FloridaTotal Countywide Expenditures

Ten Year Trend

Notable Trends include:

The population of Brevard County in 1999 was 467,401. In 2009 it was 555,657. This was a 19% increase of 88,256 people.

Brevard Property Values increased 109%.

County FTE spiked significantly between 2001 and 2007 and has subsequently declined back to 2001 levels.

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Executive Summary

Significant Expenditures - continued

Parks and Recreation

The Environmentally Endangered Land (EEL) program was formed in 1990 and the County was authorized to Bond $55 million for the project. In November 2004 citizens voted to extend the EELs program which provided up to $60 million for additional funding over the next 20 years. Significant expenditures from these bonds occurred during the past ten years.

In November of 2000 and again in November 2006 voters approved Parks and Recreation bond referendums. The County bonded approximately $155 million to fund these projects through voter approved millage. The expenditures related to the referendum projects were predominately incurred during the past ten years.

Public Works

Public Works Department has $99 million of road and sidewalk construction projects funded through Local Option Gas Tax Bonds, Constitutional Gas Tax Bonds and Municipal Service Taxing Unit’s during the ten year period.

Year Other Significant Annual Expenditures

2000 Solid Waste Management had a total increase of approximately $13.8M primarily due to a capital expenditure increase of $10M and additional costs for the 1999 hurricanes. These were funded by general assessments, charges and fees and grants.

2001 Tourism Development Office had an approximate increase of $8.5 million which was due to the beach re-nourishment project and paid for by the hotel sales tax.

2002 Solid Waste Management increased by approximately $7.6 million of which $5.4 million was capital expenditures.

2003 Utility Services increased by approximately $60 million all primarily due to the refunding of utility bonds, which was paid for by User Fees.

Transit Services increased by approximately $3.8 million primarily due to increased capital expenditures for buses. These expenditures were funded by grants.

2005 Natural Resources Management increased by approximately $21 million primarily due to beach and dune restoration projects initiated by hurricanes Frances and Jeanne. These expenditures were funded by grants and the Tourism Development office.

Solid Waste Department expenditures increased by approximately $16 million and this was primarily due to additional waste collections as a result of the 2004 hurricanes. There was an increased bond payment of $2 million. These expenditures were paid by assessments, charges and fees and grants.

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Executive Summary - continued

Year Other Significant Annual Expenditures

2006 Planning and Zoning increased by approximately $26 million, due primarily to impact fee collections.

Facilities increased by approximately $7 million primarily due to an expansion of the detention center. These expenditures were principally funded via sales taxes, bonds and the General Fund.

Housing & Human Services increased by approximately $5.9 million primarily due to CDBG grant project costs, state mandated expenses, and BOCC approved COLA adjustments. These expenditures were funded by grants, General Fund and charges.

2007 Utility Services increased by approximately $11.6 million primarily due to an increase in construction projects and debt payments. These expenditures were funded by user fees.

The Tourist Development Office increased by approximately $7.2 million in large part due to debt payment, promotional advertising and beach re-nourishment. These expenditures were funded by a hotel sales tax.

Solid Waste Department increased by approximately $4.3 million primarily due to increased salaries, FRS premiums, increased capital expenditures and increases in capital reserves. These expenditures were funded with assessments, charges and fees.

Facilities increased by approximately $3.9 million as a result of the continuation of construction projects. These expenditures were funded by sales taxes, bonds and the General Fund.

2008 Transit Services increased by approximately $4.7M primarily due to bus purchases and repairs and maintenance. These expenditures were funded by grants.

2009 The Merritt Island Re-development Agency increased by approximately $3 million primarily due several construction projects and land acquisition for the Fortenberry Stormwater Project. These expenditures were funded by taxes from within the district.

Natural Resource Management increased by approximately $2.5 million primarily due to emergency beach and dune restoration projects initiated as a result of Tropical Storm Fay. These expenditures were funded by grants.

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Overview Overall Brevard County Expenditures Brevard County total expenditures for the last ten years has had significant fluctuations as noted below.

Brevard Population The Population as reported by the State of Florida Bureau of Labor Market Information has been on a steady 1% to 3% increase over the ten year period with the exception of year 2008 and 2009 as noted below.

Source: State of Florida Bureau of Labor Market Information












Brevard County, FloridaTotal Countywide Expenditures

Ten Year Trend










Brevard County, FloridaPopulation

Ten Year Trend

The population of Brevard County in 1999 was 467,401. In 2009 it was 555,657. This was a 19% increase of 88,256 people.

Total Countywide Expenditures as reported by the Budget Office show significant spikes in 2002, 2003, 2005 and 2007. There is an overall increase of 86% for the ten years.

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Overview - continued Property Valuation Property values in Brevard County had steady increases of 9% and 10% through 2004 with significant spikes in 2005 and 2006 before declines in 2007 through 2009.

Source: Brevard County Property Appraiser (excerpted from 2008 and 2009 CAFR)

County Full Time Employees

Source: Board of County Commissioner’s meeting dated August 12, 2010.











Brevard County, FloridaAssessed Property Valuation

Ten Year Trend

Property values in Brevard County peaked in 2006 and 2007. Subsequent declines from 2008 to 2009 continue in 2010 coinciding with the recession.

County FTE spiked significantly between 2001 and 2007 and has continued to decline back to 2001 levels.

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Overview - continued Health Care Cost

Source: Brevard County Human Resources Department

History of Health Plan

Expense & Membership








(% of total








2000 $18,167,363 3,707 553 (14.9%) $ 408.40 6%

2001 $19,508,415 3,809 586 (15.4%) $ 426.81 5%

2002 $23,316,319 3,911 594 (15.1%) $ 496.81 16%

2003 $27,884,416 4,122 631 (15.3%) $ 563.73 13%

2004 $30,450,939 4,272 626 (14.6%) $ 594.00 5%

2005 $35,842,121 4,384 654 (14.9%) $ 681.31 15%

2006 $39,749,113 4,560 749 (16.4%) $ 726.41 7%

2007 $45,090,211 4,757 778 (16.4% $ 789.89 9%

2008 $48,793,767 4,852 861 (17.7%) $ 838.03 6.1%

2009 $50,740,856 4,902 911 (18.6%) $ 862.59 2.9%

Projected 2010 $47,071,394 4,717 893 (18.9%) $ 830.63 (-3.7%)

Employer Contribution History











2002 10.76% 11.10% 2007 11.50% 11.30%

2003 12.00% 13.10% 2008 8.25% 10.70%

2004 5.75% 13.70% 2009 6.00% 10.00%

2005 7.82% 12.40% 2010 -13.61% 10.97%

2006 12.00% 12.00% 2011 5.00% 10.50%

AVG: 9.67% 12.70% AVG: 3.43% 10.69%

* www.segalco.com/publications

Employer Funding Increases vs. Medical Trend

Source: Brevard County Human Resources Department

Health Plan expense increased 179% over the ten year period.

This table compares the County (Employer) Contributions to National Medical Trends.

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Overview - continued General Fund The General Fund increased 95% over the ten year period.

Source: Brevard County Budget Office

The make-up of the General Fund transfers are shown below between Board Departments, Charter Officers, Court Operations and Outside Agencies. The most significant General Fund transfers include the Sheriff, Fire Rescue, Parks and Recreation and Public Works. They are reviewed in more detail in the following sections.

Source: Brevard County Budget Office








Brevard County, FloridaGeneral Fund

Ten Year Trend







Total Outside Agencies

Total Court Operations

Total Charter Officers

Total Board Departments

The General Fund budget support activities throughout the County and includes significant allocations to Charter Officers as noted


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Charter Officers

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Charter Officers The Charter Officers include: The Sheriff, Property Appraiser, Tax Collector, Supervisor of Elections, and Clerk of the Court.

Source: Brevard County Budget Office






























Supervisor of Elections

Tax Collector

Property Appraiser


Most significant allocations for the Charter Officers is for the Sheriff.

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Charter Officers - continued The Sheriff’s Office A significant portion of the Sherriff’s budget is funded by the General Fund. We have shown the General Fund transfer and the total expenditures in the graph below.

The Full Time Equivalents for the Sheriff’s Office are included below and have increased significantly over the ten year period.

































Total Expenditures

General Fund










Brevard County, FloridaSheriff FTE

Ten Year Trend

Both the Sheriff’s total expenditures and the General Fund allocation increased 129% over the ten year


The Sheriff FTE peaked in 2008 at 1,163 with a reduction in 2009. Total increase over the ten years was from 807 to 1,146 or an overall increase of 42%.

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Board Departments

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Board Departments – Fire Rescue Department

Fire Rescue DepartmentExpenditure Trend


















Actual Expenditures

Source: Brevard County Budget Department

Fiscal Year

High-level Variation Analysis

2000, 2001 and 2002

Total increase of $7.5 million for staffing which includes a change from two person basic life support engines to three person advanced life support engines. Per Budget Books, the FTE increased 49%. See FTE trends below.

2004 Increase of $3 million due to additional 911 ambulance crew and increases as a result of collective bargaining.

2005 Approximately $3 million for additional 911 ambulance crew, increased first responder funding and an increase in staffing.

2006 Increase of almost $9 million includes Advanced Life Support fire engine, 800 mega hertz radios, increased staffing and EMS and salaries. 911 equipment for the new station.

2007 Increase of $1.5 million for new fire engines, additional personnel and equipment for the new station.

2008 Increase of $7 million for new fire engines, mobile data terminals for 21 engines and new fire rescue unit and equipment.

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Board Departments – Fire Rescue Department - continued General Fund Transfers

FTE Department Trends











Brevard County, FloridaFire Rescue

Ten Year Trend








2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Brevard County, FloridaFire Rescue FTETen Year Trend

General Fund showed significant spikes in 2007, 2008 and 2009 due to funding changes for Emergency Management Services which is now funded by General Fund.

Fire Rescue was part of Public Safety during 2000 through 2003 and thus comparable FTE data was not available. In 1999, the Fire Rescue FTE was 354 and increased 53% during the ten year period.

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Board Departments – Parks and Recreation Department

Parks and Recreation DepartmentExpenditure Trend


















1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 Tentative Budget

Actual Expenditures

Completion progress on Referendum projects and EEL’s CIP/Land acquisition

Reflects completion of Referendum projects

Source: Brevard County Budget Department

Fiscal Year

High-level Variation Analysis

2000 Increase of $6 million for EELS Construction and Land acquisition from EELS Ad Valorem.

2002 Increase of approximately $35 million EELs debt and Parks Construction.

2005 Increase of $34 million in Construction and EELs debt service expenditures from referendum and EELs Ad Valorem.

2008 Approximately $55 million in EELs one-time land acquisition funded by EELs referendum.

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Board Departments – Parks and Recreation Department - continued General Fund Transfers

FTE Department Trends









Brevard County, FloridaParks and Recreation

Ten Year Trend








Brevard County, FloridaParks and Recreation FTE

Ten Year Trend

Parks and Recreation FTE peaks in 2006 at 495 FTE during the height of referendum construction. Overall FTE increased 53% for the ten year period.

General Fund spikes in 2007 are consistent and trends with Ad Valorem and continue to decline in 2010.

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Board Departments – Public Works Department

Public Works DepartmentExpenditure Trend


$41,689,569 $33,281,502

$70,126,013 $55,995,456













Actual Expenditures

Source: Brevard County Budget Department

Fiscal Year

High-level Variation Analysis

2000 Increase of approximately $7 million includes expenditures for electrical and streetlight costs, four new positions, additional traffic signals and related maintenance program, landscaping maintenance, dredging contract and repaving. These expenditures were funded by CGT and MSTU.

2003 Increase of $5.6 million which was part of a $37 million road and sidewalk construction project funded by CGT Bonds and MSTU’s.

2005 Increase of $36 million in road and sidewalk construction projects and capital equipment purchases as well as hurricane repairs.

2008 Increase of $7 million as part of $99 million in road and sidewalk construction projects funded through LOGT Bonds.

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Year by Year Analysis

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Year by Year Analysis for Fiscal Year 2000 High-Level Financial Overview: Overall, expenditures for Fiscal Year 2000 increased by approximately $27M. Increases in expenditures are primarily due to the following:

Financial Highlights:

1. Solid Waste Management had a total increase of approximately $13.8M primarily due to a capital expenditure increase of $10M and additional costs for the 1999 hurricanes. These were funded by general assessments, charges and fees and grants.

2. Human Resources had an approximate increase of $8.4M primarily due to an increase in health insurance premiums. These were funded by user fees.

3. Public Works had an increase of approximately $7 million which includes expenditures for electrical and streetlight costs, four new positions, additional traffic signals and related maintenance program, landscaping maintenance, dredging contract and repaving. These expenditures were funded by CGT and MSTU.

4. Parks & Recreation had an approximate increase of $6.2M primarily due to Environmentally Endangered Land’s (EEL) construction in process (CIP) and land acquisition. Funded by EEL’s Ad Valorem.

5. Public Safety/Fire Rescue had an approximate increase of $4.6M due to an increase in staffing. This was funded by Ad Valorem/General Fund and user fees. The FTEs for this period jumped from 354 to 528.

6. Water Resources increased by approximately $2.3M and this was primarily due to an increase in debt service payments funded by user fees.

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Year by Year Analysis for Fiscal Year 2001 High-Level Financial Overview: Overall, expenditures for Fiscal Year 2001 increased by approximately $9M. Increases in expenditures are primarily due to the following:

Financial Highlights:

1. Tourism Development Office had an approximate increase of $8.5M which was due to the beach re-nourishment project and paid for by the hotel sales tax.

2. Public Safety/Fire Rescue increased by approximately $2.9M primarily due to an increase from a 2-person basic life support engine to a 3-person advanced life support engine. This was funded by ad valorem, General Fund and user fees.

3. Sheriff’s Office had an increase of approximately $3M in General Fund allocations.

4. Human Resources increased by approximately $2M primarily due to health, property, auto and liability insurance premiums. These expenditures were funded by user fees.

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Year by Year Analysis for Fiscal Year 2002 High-Level Financial Overview: Overall, expenditures for Fiscal Year 2002 increased by approximately $102M. Increases in expenditures are primarily due to the following:

Financial Highlights:

1. Parks and Recreation had an increase of approximately $35M primarily due to an increase in EELs debt and parks CIP, mainly paid for by referendum and EELs Ad Valorem.

2. Human Resources increased by approximately $9.9M primarily due to an increase in health, property, auto and liability insurance premiums. These expenditures were funded by user fees.

3. Solid Waste Management increased by approximately $7.6M of which $5.4M was capital expenditures.

4. Public Safety/Fire Rescue increased approximately $6M primarily due to an increase in personnel and salaries. This increase was funded by Ad Valorem, General Fund and User fees. FTE for this time period increased by approximately 12.

5. Library Services increased by approximately $5.1M primarily due to increase in staffing, operating for new and expanded libraries.

6. Utility Services increased by approximately $5.2M due to an increase in debt service payments. These expenditures were funded by user fees.

7. Mosquito control increased by approximately $2.2M due to the purchase of a helicopter for aerial spraying. This was funded via Ad Valorem.

8. Information Technology increased by approximately $1.9M due to the purchase of capital assets to improve the IT infrastructure.

9. The Merritt Island Redevelopment Agency increased by approximately $1.2M due to a construction project for the installation of sewer lines at Merritt Park.

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Year by Year Analysis for Fiscal Year 2003 High-Level Financial Overview: Overall, expenditures for Fiscal Year 2003 increased by approximately $66M. Increases in expenditures are primarily due to the following:

Financial Highlights:

1. Utility Services increased by approximately $60M all primarily due to the refunding of utility bonds and this was paid for by User Fees.

2. Public Works had an increase of $5.6M which was part of a $37M road and sidewalk construction project funded by CGT Bonds and MSTU’s.

3. Transportation and Engineering Department increased by approximately $4.4M, primarily due to road and sidewalk construction projects.

4. Human Resources increased by approximately $3.9M due to an increase in health premiums which were funded by user fees.

5. Transit Services increased by approximately $3.8M primarily due to increased capital expenditures for buses. These expenditures were funded by grants.

6. Of the total increase for the Sheriff’s Office, approximately $3.5M was a General Fund appropriation.

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Year by Year Analysis for Fiscal Year 2004 High-Level Financial Overview: Overall, expenditures for Fiscal Year 2004 decreased by approximately $79M. Increases in expenditures are primarily due to the following:

Financial Highlights:

1. The Sheriff’s Office received an increase in transfers of approximately $5.2M from the General fund.

2. Planning & Development increased by approximately $1.4M primarily due to increased staffing. These expenditures were funded by user fees, General Fund and impact fees.

3. An increase in Fire Rescue by approximately $3.6M primarily due to the addition of 911 ambulance crews and increased personnel costs as a result of collective bargaining. These expenditures were paid by Ad Valorem, General Fund and user fees.

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Year by Year Analysis for Fiscal Year 2005 High-Level Financial Overview: Overall, expenditures for Fiscal Year 2005 increased by approximately $126M. Increases in expenditures are primarily due to the following:

Financial Highlights:

1. Public Works increased by approximately $37M primarily due to road and sidewalk construction and $4.5M in equipment purchases, debt service, installation and maintenance, and hurricane-related road and drainage repairs. These expenditures are funded by FPL franchise fees, impact fees, MSTU, FEMA and CGT.

2. Transportation Engineering Department increased by approximately $35M primarily due to road and sidewalk construction projects and equipment purchases, debt service, installation and maintenance and repairs for streetlights, and hurricane related road and drainage repairs.

3. Parks and Recreation increased by approximately $34M primarily due to an increase in CIP and EELs debt service expenditures. These expenditures were funded by a referendum and EELs Ad Valorem.

4. Natural Resources Management increased by approximately $21M primarily due to beach and dune restoration projects initiated by Hurricanes Frances and Jeanne. These expenditures were funded by grants and TDC.

5. Solid Waste Department expenditures increased by approximately $16M and this is primarily due to additional waste collections as a result of the 2004 hurricanes. Also there was an increased bond payment of $2M. These expenditures were paid by assessments, charges and fees and grants.

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Year by Year Analysis for Fiscal Year 2006 High-Level Financial Overview: Overall, expenditures for Fiscal Year 2006 increased by approximately $36M. Increases in expenditures are primarily due to the following:

Financial Highlights:

1. Planning and Zoning increased by approximately $26M primarily due to impact fee collections.

2. Fire Rescue increased by approximately $9M primarily due to the purchase of an additional advanced life support fire engine, 800 MHz radios, increase in staffing and EMS salaries, and emergency equipment for new station.

3. Facilities increased by approximately $7M primarily due to an expansion of the detention center. These expenditures were primarily funded via sales taxes, bonds and the General Fund.

4. Housing & Human Services increased by approximately $5.9M primarily due to CDBG project costs, state mandated expenses, health insurance premiums and BOCC approved COLA adjustments. These expenditures were funded by grants, General Fund and charges.

5. The Sheriff’s Office received an increase in transfers of approximately $5.7M from the General Fund.

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Year by Year Analysis for Fiscal Year 2007 High-Level Financial Overview: Overall, expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007 increased by approximately $85M. Increases in expenditures are primarily due to the following:

Financial Highlights:

1. The Sheriff’s Office received an increase in transfers of approximately $10M in appropriations from the General Fund.

2. Utility Services increased by approximately $11.6M primarily due to an increase in CIP projects and debt payments. These expenditures were funded by user fees.

3. The Tourist Development Office increased by approximately $7.2M primarily due to debt payment, promotional advertising and beach re-nourishment. These expenditures were funded by a hotel sales tax.

4. Human Resources increased by approximately $6.6M and this is primarily related to increases in health insurance premiums. These expenditures were funded with user fees.

5. Solid Waste Department increased by approximately $4.3M primarily due to increased salaries, FRS premiums, increased capital expenditures and increases in capital reserves. These expenditures were funded with assessments, charges and fees.

6. Facilities increased by approximately $3.9M as a result of the continuation of CIP projects. These expenditures were funded by sales taxes, bonds and the General Fund.

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Year by Year Analysis for Fiscal Year 2008 High-Level Financial Overview: Overall, expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008 increased by approximately $57M. Increase in expenditures are primarily due to the following:

Financial Highlights:

1. Parks and Recreation increased by approximately $55.7M and this is primarily due to one-time land acquisitions for EEL. This expenditure was funded by an EELs referendum.

2. Human Resources increased by $11.6M primarily due to increases in health, property, auto and liability insurance premiums. These expenditures were funded by user fees.

3. Fire Rescue increased by approximately $7.1M primarily due to a new fire rescue unit and related equipment, an aerial engine, mobile data terminals for 21 engines, and new fire engines. These expenditures were funded by Ad Valorem, General Fund, user fees and assessments.

4. The Sheriff’s Office received an increase in transfers of approximately $8.6M in appropriations from the General Fund.

5. Transit Services increased by approximately $4.7M primarily due to bus purchases and repairs and maintenance. These expenditures were funded by grants.

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Year by Year Analysis for Fiscal Year 2009 High-Level Financial Overview: Overall, expenditures for Fiscal Year 2009 decreased by approximately $118M. Increases in expenditures are primarily due to the following:

Financial Highlights:

1. The Merritt Island Re-development Agency increased by approximately $3M primarily due to several CIP projects and land acquisition for the Fortenberry Stormwater Project. These expenditures were funded by restricted use taxes.

2. Natural Resource Management increased by approximately $2.5M primarily due to emergency beach and dune restoration projects initiated as a result of Tropical Storm Fay. These expenditures were funded by grants.

3. The Sheriff’s Office received an increase in transfers of approximately $1.5M of General Funds appropriations.