BRANDERMILL COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING January 5, 2015 7:00 PM - Brandennill Church Fellowship Hall AGENDA Est time 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approval of Agenda 4. Consideration of Minutes for Meeting of December I, 2014 5 min 5. Member Voice (please limit comments to maximum 0[3 minutes) 10 min 6. Reports & Appointments 15 min A. President B. First Vice-President C. Treasurer D. Members of the Board E. Community Manager F. Committee Chairs 7. Discussion of Report by the Special Committee on Abandoned & Rental Properties 30 min 8. Member Voice - Comments regarding report from # 7, above 10 min 9. Consideration of Changes to the Financial Policy: 15 min Change: Collection of Delinquent Accounts Add: Use & Sale ofBCA Assets 10 . Announcements 11. Executive Session Per the Virginia Property Owners Association Act, Section 55-51 O.I.C for the purpose of discussing Legal Matters Adjourn

BRANDERMILL COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING January 5, 2015 …s3.amazonaws.com/fp00002-bca/content_entry/5101/20150105... · 2014. 12. 28. · BRANDERMILL

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Page 1: BRANDERMILL COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING January 5, 2015 …s3.amazonaws.com/fp00002-bca/content_entry/5101/20150105... · 2014. 12. 28. · BRANDERMILL



January 5, 2015

7:00 PM - Brandennill Church Fellowship Hall


Est time 1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Approval of Agenda

4. Consideration of Minutes for Meeting of December I , 2014 5 min

5. Member Voice (please limit comments to maximum 0[3 minutes) 10 min

6. Reports & Appointments 15 min A. President B. First Vice-President C. Treasurer D. Members of the Board E. Community Manager F. Committee Chairs

7. Discussion of Report by the Special Committee on Abandoned & Rental Properties 30 min

8. Member Voice - Comments regarding report from # 7, above 10 min

9. Consideration of Changes to the Financial Policy: 15 min Change: Collection of Delinquent Accounts Add: Use & Sale ofBCA Assets

10. Announcements

11. Executive Session Per the Virginia Property Owners Association Act, Section 55-51 O.I.C for the purpose of discussing Legal Matters


Page 2: BRANDERMILL COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING January 5, 2015 …s3.amazonaws.com/fp00002-bca/content_entry/5101/20150105... · 2014. 12. 28. · BRANDERMILL


December 23, 2014

To: BCA Board of Directors

From: John S. Bailey

Topic: Cover Memo for January 5, 2015 Board of Directors Meeting

Please note that the Board meeting will take place at the Branderl1lill Church.

Item 6: Reports & Appointments

At this meeting, the Board should approve the committee appointments of those who have served previously and now desire to serve on a different or additional committee. At this time there are two appointments to be made.

Appointments to be made:

Dianne Cardea Carol Russek

Maintenance & Ecology Hearing Panel

(from ccq (in addition to ARB)

Additional appointments will be made at the February meeting, as some committees were unable to meet during December and thus we still need to have the new volunteers attend a meeting of their respective committee and meet the Board liaison prior to the Board's official appointment.

Item 7: Report o{the Special Committee on Abandoned and Rental Properties (SCARP)

The report of the Special Committee will be presented by 1 st Vice-President and the Chair of SCARP, Greg Pearson. The Board will discuss the work of the committee and its recommendations and vote, at this time, only to formally receive the committee's report. Extensive efforts will continue to be made in communicating the report of the committee to the membership throughout the month of January. The report contains some recommendations that will require the Board to consider a referendum on changing the covenants. In order to include a referendum matter with the annual Board of Directors election ballot, a decision on the committee's recommendations will be needed by February.

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Item 8: Changes to the Financial Policy

The Finance Committee recommends two changes to the Financial Policy at this time. (Additional changes are being made and will be presented to the Board in February.) The first makes changes to the existing language with regard to the intricacies of the process for collection of delinquent accounts. The second recommendation creates a new section in the Financial Policy dealing with the sale and use of BCA assets .

Executive Session

There is a need to conduct an Executive Session at the end ofthis meeting, as there are several legal matters to discuss.


Memorandum of Agreement with Midlothian Tennis Club

Last month, the Board deferred a decision on this topic to the January meeting. However, since that time, I have met with the leadership of the MTC and had more detailed conversations with them about a marketing arrangement. A revised agreement is in the works and should be ready for the Board's consideration at the February meeting.

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December 1, 2014

1. Call Board Meeting to Order - The December 1, 2014 BCA Board of Directors Meeting was called to order by President Charlie Davis at 7:00 PM at The Brandermill Church, 4500 Millridge Parkway, Midlothian, VA 23112. Directors Jack Bettin, Don Blom, Charlie Davis, Frances Hillman, Bob Malek, and Greg Pearson, Community Manager John Bailey, and Recorder Judy Agee were present. Director Tom Leonard participated by phone access to the meeting.

2. Director Blom led the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Approval of Agenda MOTION: Director Hillman moved to approve the Agenda. MOTION SECONDED: Director Malek MOTION CARRIED: Unanimously approved.

4. Consideration of Minutes for Meetings of November 3, 2014 and November 18, 2014 MOTION: Director Malek moved to approve the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of November 3, 2014, and the Special Board Meeting of November 18, 2014, as amended. MOTION SECONDED: Director Hillman MOTION CARRIED: Unanimously approved.

5. Member Voice - Mamie McNeal, Planter's Wood, expressed her concern that recently the BCA maintenance staff used leaf blowers to clear the streets in her neighborhood. She noted the leaves were blown along curbs and driveways, which resulted in drainage problems and difficult access to driveways. She suggested that the BCA maintenance staff remove the leaves, and Community Manager Bailey noted he will check with the maintenance staff for additional action.

6. Reports & Appointments

A. President (Committee Liaison assignments) - Commmtity Manager Bailey noted the board liaisons assignments to committees: ARB - Director Leonard, Communications & Marketing - Director Pearson, Community Services - Director Bettin, Finance -Director Hillman, Hearing Panel - Director Malek, Maintenance & Ecology - Director Hillman, NRC - Director Leonard, and Planning - Directors Blom and Pearson.

B. 1" Vice President - Director Pearson reported that the Special Committee on Abandoned and Rental Properties (SCARP) analysis and recommendation will be presented to the Board at the January 5 meeting. The recommendations will include a proposal that an annual charge be paid by the owner of rental properties to cover costs associated with a rental property monitoring program. Such a proposal would require a change to the Brandermill Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions. The Board would have to approve placing this proposal on the ballot in April. It is the intention of the Board that the membership be aware of what is involved with this proposal, and further information will be provided in The Village Mill and weekly online newsletters.

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December 1, 2014

C. Treasurer's Report - Director Hillman noted the monthly Budget Variances and Year to Date Operating reports are available, with no major changes.

D. Members of the Board - Director Blom presented his recommendations for an alternative 2015 pool fee structure that is intended to make the BCA pools more accessible to residents.

MOTION: Director Leonard moved to approve keeping the same rate structure for the 2015 pool season as last year, and to track this rate structure for one more year with board review at that time. MOTION SECONDED: Director Hillman Discussion: All board members were involved in the discussion of this motion. MOTION FAILED: Directors Leonard and Pearson approved. Directors Bettin, Blom, Davis, Hillman and Malek opposed.

AMENDED MOTION: Director Blom moved to implement the alternative fee schedule setting the 2015 resident family/couple rate at $195.00, along with the other fees reflected in the schedule, and further recommended that the fee for guests of Brandermill residents be the $6.00 daily resident rate. MOTION SECONDED: Director Hillman MOTION CARRIED: Directors Bettin, Blom, Davis, Hillman and Malek approved. Directors Leonard and Pearson opposed.

E. Community Manager - Community Manager Bailey provided an update on the Property Management Department activities, ARB meeting reviews, and the minutes of the Hearing Panel's November meeting. -Manager Bailey reported there are only 8 brown mailboxes remaining to be upgraded. He noted 6 mailboxes will require legal action against the contractor who failed to complete the orders, and 2 properties have been referred to legal counsel through the Hearing Panel process. -Tree management work for 2015 will begin January 12 starting at the Brandermill Parkway roundabout area to Millridge Parkway. -Manager Bailey read the "Resolution of Appreciation to J. Mickey Blalock" for his dedication and devotion in making Brandermill what it is today, as presented by the Brandermill History Project Committee at its November 12, 2014 meeting.

F. Commi ttee Chairs --Architectural Review Board (ARB) - November 11 and October 28, 2014 meeting minutes are attached. -Brandermill History Project Committee (BHPC) - November 12, 2014 meeting minutes are attached. -Special Committee on Abandoned and Rental Properties (SCARP) - November 4 and October 8, 2014 meeting minutes are attached.

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December 1, 2014

MOTION: Director Pearson moved to appoint members to the conunittees as presented. Let the record note that those being appointed at this time are those members that have previously volunteered to serve the community and wish to continue to serve or those that have been recently appointed. We thank you for your willingness to serve and we are already in your debt. MOTION SECONDED: Director Blom MOTION CARRIED: Unanimously approved

7. Consideration of Memorandum of Agreement with Midlothian Tennis Club - Director Bettin reviewed the proposed Memorandum of Agreement By and Between the Brandermill Community Association (BCA) and the Midlothian Tennis Club (MTC).

MOTION: Director Bettin moved to accept the Memorandum of Agreement with the Midlothian Tennis Club. MOTION SECONDED: Director Malek Discussion: All board members were involved in the discussion of this motion.

SUBSTITUTE MOTION: Director Pearson moved to defer this proposal for one month for further review with the Midlothian Tennis Club, for presentation at the January 5 board meeting. MOTION SECONDED: Director Hillman MOTION CARRIED: Directors Blom, Davis, Hillman, Leonard, Malek and Pearson approved. Director Bettin opposed.

8. Adjournment - President Davis adjourned the meeting at 8:30 PM.

Submitted by:

Charlie Davis, President Board of Directors Brandermill Community Assoc., Inc.

John S. Bailey Community Manager/Secretary Brandermill Community Assoc., Inc.

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~ . ) BRANDERMILL A W a te r fron t Com mun ity

To: John S. Bailey, Community Manager

From: AI Raimo, Director Property Management

Subject: Monthly Report - December, 2014

Date: December 24, 2014

1. Property Management Department - December A. Architectural Review Board Applications processed - 12, last month - 25 Applications approved as submitted - 10 Applications approved limiting conditions - 1 Applications not approved - 0 Applications preliminary review/deferred-1 Applications requiring consultant architect - 0

B. Covenant Enforcement Violations issued - 29, last month - 51 Violations resolved -40, last month - 141 Mailbox transition - (see below). Hearing Panel letters sent - 3 Hearing Panel cases heard- 3 Total properties with legal counsel- 7, zero court appearances for December.

C. Other Department Activities Disclosure requests received - 15, last month - 11. Disclosures compliant- 5 Disclosures non - compliant- 4 Tree removal requests received - 2, last month - 6.

2. Other Activity A. There are eight (8) properties that have non complaint mailboxes. Five of the eight have paid for a new unit but the contractor has not delivered the product One recently sold their property and the new owner will now be responsible, and one has just informed the BCA they have made arrangements with a new contractor for installation. The final property has other issues and will be refereed to legal counsel soon. B. A new improved phone system was installed at BCA offices in mid- December. We will also be changing out the pools and the sailing center, and having internet access at the pools, that will assist in capturing pool usage data. C. Tree management for 2015 will begin January 12, (weather permitting). Announcement has been made in weekly newsletter and VM.


(804) 744-1035 o · (804) 744-2839 F

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Fall 2014

Presented to the Brandermill Board of Directors January 5, 2015


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The Committee met six times from August-November 2014. The Committee included Chair Greg Pearson, Board of Directors member Jack Bettin and residents Tommy Baer and Tom Jacobson. Baer is an attorney and Jacobson is a VCU professor after serving as Planning Director and Revitalization Director for Chesterfield County. Community Manager John Bailey, Property Management Director Al Raimo, and BCA attorney Vijay Mago provided important assistance.


BCA President Charlie Davis appointed the committee members. The Brandermill Board asked the Committee to review BCA procedures regarding abandoned and rental properties currently in use by BCA staff and make recommendations for any changes to the Board at its January 5 meeting. The Committee' s focus was on its concern about the negative impact that abandoned and poorly maintained rental housing have on adjacent properties and the overall quality oflife and property values ofBranderrnili homes.


The Committee has sought maximum communication with the membership. All of its meetings have been open to members and minutes of those meetings are available to members from the BCA office. Member Voice has been conducted during each meeting.

The Committee has requested the Neighborhood Representatives Council and the Communications Department to report on its deliberations. The Committee chair has attended the two most recent meetings of the BCA Finance Committee and reported on its progress. After approval by its members, this report will be made available to the NRC and Finance Committee for any recommendations or endorsements. It is requested that the Communications Department post the report on the BCA website as soon as possible in advance of the January 5 Board meeting.

BCA President Charlie Davis has scheduled the Board to receive the Committee report on January 5, when it will be discussed in its entirety. Members of the Association will be able to comment on the report during Member Voice.

At the Board' s February 2 meeting, it is anticipated there will be an additional Member Voice prior to Committee report being discussed further and any vote on its recommendations. Should the Board decide to recommend a change in the Covenants, that vote would authorize those changes to be on this spring' s ballot. Any changes to the Covenants would require a minimum of 20% of the total membership voting with a minimum of75% of them necessary for approval.

As of the date this report is being approved by the Committee, no one has communicated any opposition to the Committee' s position on abandoned properties. Six members - during Member Voice, by phone, email and in person - have opposed an additional fee being charged to


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landlords for a rental oversight program. Those members indicated they owned or managed rental properties.


Abandoned properties are residences that are vacant without the property owner or tenant residing there and which owe back assessments andlor have additional charges against them for violations ofBCA standards. As of the Committee's last meeting, there were 10 homes considered to be abandoned, including the residences on Winterberry Ridge and Fortune's Ridge upon which the BCA Board has already authorized its attorney to place a lien. Those two homes also owe back property taxes to the county, but the other eight do not.

With about 80 neighborhoods in Brandermill, there is no neighborhood with more than one abandoned home.

There are another five properties that the BCA considers to be vacant and another property that is either abandoned or vacant. Two of those homes do not owe assessments and have no violations. None of the six owe property taxes to the county or have been turned over for collection.

According to BCA legal counsel, no action may be taken against an abandoned property unless there is an outstanding assessment or violation charge against it. Though a property owner may abandon his home and still continue to pay assessments, if the property is not properly maintained, it would create a violation.


Establish firm deadlines to remedy the properties.

1. Have as a part of the BCA Financial Policy that those properties be turned over to the BCA attorney for a 60 day notification of placing a lien on the property when assessments and/or violations persist for 90 days or more.


a) Collecting back assessments andlor for violations for declining properties takes too long. Staff says the process for turning a member over to the BCA attorney for collection can take up to ten months in a "best case scenario." Some abandoned homes have been in that status for over five years, putting stress on their neighbors and declining their property values.

b) If the abandoned property has been remedied or partially remedied through the BCA Self Help program on its upkeep performed by an outside contractor and paid for by the BCA, that cost is also recoverable.

c) Staff said the reason for inaction on abandoned properties was previous boards had not prioritized it.


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d) The Hearing Panel shall consider any violations against an abandoned property not later than 75 days after the BCA has issued a violation notice. Recommendation by Hearing Panel in favor of turning the property over to the BCA attorney for collection and lien is required for the process to proceed.

e) The Committee believes that when an abandoned property is still unoccupied and now 3 months in arrears on assessments and/or violations, it unlikely the property owner will meet BCA standards.

f) Because of its appearance, the property would have already begun to impact the neighborhood' s property values.

g) The deterioration of the property may invite rodents and other pests or the county may end up declaring the property uninhabitable and posting a sign on the property.

h) Such properties may be vandalized or invite unauthorized use.

i) The community manager said his experience has shown that when homeowner associations consider placing liens, those owners are more likely to bring their homes into compliance.

j) BCA staff will have the flexibility to work with property owners it believes are earnest in correcting their deficiencies.

2. Sixty (60) days after the lien has been filed, have the BCA attorney file for a non-judicial foreclosure to sell the property.


a) State law requires a minimum 60-days lien before a foreclosure action. However, said action must occur within 12 months of the lien being filed.

b) BCA Covenants permit the collection of assessments and violations, late fees, attorney fees, court costs, interest, etc. in a foreclosure.

c) In addition to a foreclosure, a lien can be collected by wage garnishment or bank account levies.

d) lfthe property still has a mortgage on it, it is likely that the bank will purchase it, and move to sell the property. The new owner would be responsible to correct any violations. Given the property owner's noncompliance, the BCA would be better off dealing with the bank.


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e) In the unlikely event that the BCA would end up owning the property at the end of the foreclosure process, the BCA would move to put the property on the market for purchase by any potential buyer including "flippers."

3. Time Line Summary

a) Day I : Abandoned property becomes delinquent in assessments or incurs a violation.

b) Day 2-30: Property owner of abandoned property with violations is notified by BCA staff of a Hearing Panel date.

c) Day 31 -75: Hearing Panel meets to determine its recommendation on the abandoned property.

d) Day 90: Abandoned property is turned over to the BCA attorney for collection and notification of a lien to be filed against the property if sufficient improvement (as determined by BCA staff) hasn't been met.

e) Day 150: BCA attorney files a non- judicial foreclosure for the abandoned property to be sold.


Because there is no requirement in our documents to register a property as a rental, the BCA doesn't know how many rentals there are in Brandermill. The Committee views not knowing for sure which properties are rental as a problem area.

However, the SCA mails its quarterly assessments to about 450 addresses other than the actual property address, so staff and the Committee assumed those properties are rental. That would make 12% ofthe homes in Branderrnill rental. However, a true and accurate accounting of the number of rental properties is elusive because there is no requirement to register properties as rentals.

Committee member Tommy Baer, an attorney, said BCA documents place the legal responsibility for meeting community standards on the property owner and not the renter since the owner signed Brandermill's agreements at the time of purchase. Rental agreements typically require the renter to maintain the property, but few renters have copies of BCA documents and are frequently surprised when they are notified by copy (the original goes to the owner) of a violation.

At the Committee's request at its second meeting, staff reported that it had 323 non-compliant properties for keeping their properties maintained. Of that total, 259 were owner-occupied or vacant, which represented 7.8% of the owner-occupied properties. Of the 448 assumed rental properties at that time, 64 or 14.3% ofthe rentals were noncompliant or almost double the percentage of owner-occupied homes.


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Committee member Tom Jacobson, a former county planning director, said that "in general, numerous national and Chesterfield County studies document that rental single family properties in older neighborhoods were in worse physical condition than owner-occupied properties. The County Planning Department focused concern on neighborhoods that exhibited a trend of increasing rental single homes rising over 20% of all homes.

About 12 years ago, Jacobson said the county attempted to pass an ordinance requiring rental properties to be inspected annually inside and out paid for by an inspection fee levied against the property owner. That Chesterfield proposal failed by one vote.


1. The Committee believes BCA staff should be informed on which properties are rental, including tenant contact information. However, BCA documents do not require it.

2. Therefore, the Committee unanimously recommends that a Covenant change be considered by the BCA Board of Directors and recommended to the membership for a vote in the spring of 2015, and preferably included in the annual election ballot mailing. The specific Covenant change would require property owners to notify the BCA if their properties are rental and keep current the tenant contact information.

3. Owners of rental properties would be required to pay a tenant fee equal to 50% of the annual residential assessment. Said fee would be in addition to the regular annual assessment.

The tenant fee is recommended because:

a) BCA amenities are available for use to both the property owner and the tenant.

b) to pay for the cost of the BCA providing a copy of applicable BCA documents to the tenant.

c) the BCA would incur an administrative cost of registering and maintaining a list of tenants and their relevant information, which may require the addition of another employee.

d) BCA records indicate that rental properties have more violations than owner-occupied properties.

e) the BCA will be conducting an annual 360-degree inspection of rental properties.

f) it is the consensus of the committee that the number of rental properties in Brandermill may be increasing and will likely impact property values negatively if it


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reaches a critical point. The increase in rental properties, however, is a national trend, which could change in the future.

4. Furthermore, it is recommended that the percentage of residential properties that are allowed to he rentals be capped at 15% of the total number of residential lots. If the amount of rental properties as of the date of the Covenant change is determined to exceed 15%, existing rental properties would be grandfathered from the limit until such time as the property has a change in ownership.

5. The Committee recommends that the hudget for the Self Help program be increased when budgeting permits.

The program should be increased because:

a) It offers the quickest means of remedying the substandard appearance of an abandoned or rental property.

b) When the Self Help improvements are completed by an outside contractor, the cost of those improvements are passed along to the property owner.

H. CONCLUSION: By consensus, this report on Abandoned and Rental Properties is agreed to by the Committee members.


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(1) Assessments, Violation and Miscellaneous Charges

Assessments are billed on the first day of each quarter (January, April July and October). Assessments are due in full by the 25th day of the first month of each quarter. Assessment accounts not paid in full by the last day of the billing month are considered as delinquent accounts. Late charges and interest will be included as part of the total delinquent assessment amount Statements are sent monthly to aU past due accounts.

(2) Delinquent Assessment Notices and Liens:

Second Statement - 2nd month of quarter

A past due statement for all delinquent assessment accounts (annual and special assessments) will be billed on the first day of the month immediately following the account becoming delinquent. Both a late fee and finance charge are applied.

Assessment accounts that remain delinquent more than 60 days past due will receive a third notice of delinquency (past due statement) and another finance charge is applied.

A collection letter is sent stating that the account is going to be sent to the collection attorney with the third statement of the quarter.

A week after the collection letter is sent, the resident will receive a phone call from the BCA (if a telephone number is on file) stating the account will be sent to the collection attorney.

Part of the attorney' s collection process will include placement of a judgmentllien against the delinquent property.

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A. Personal Use Statement of Scope The BCA assets and related expenditures are for the improvement and maintenance of the Brandermill Community. Personal use of the BCA assets by employees, directors, officers, committee members, and members of the Association is prohibited. Prohibited actions include charging personal expenses to the BCA, use ofBCA assets (vehicles, lawn equipment, office equipment) for personal activities, use ofBCA employees on non-BCA projects (IE, personal home/lawn care) and loans to BCA employees, directors, officers, committee members, and members of the Association.

B. Exclusions Incidental personal use of the BCA computer assets (e-mail, internet), local telephone and

fax machine use is allowed. This personal use must create a negligible cost to the BCA and not interfere with the BCA employee's work duties.

C. Disposal ofBCA Assets

If the community manager decides to sell a BCA asset, the following process will apply: The sale of any BCA asset valued over $500 must be advertised on the BCA website, included in two weekly newsletters and in one issue ofthe Village Mill for at least two

weeks prior to completing the sale. Written offers will be received at the BCA office through the closing date: This sale transaction will be awarded to the highest bidder and must be paid in full at the time of the sale. No notes and/or loans are allowed to fund these purchases.

D. Monitoring Compliance with Policies

Compliance with this policy will be monitored by BeA Officers with oversight from the

BCA Finance Committee assisted by the external audit firm.

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BeA Prop Managment


Seven Oaks

Regatta Pointe


December 4, 2104

HP Mi nutes


Campe r in driveway

Remove mold from all surfaces, repair HVAC

screeni ng, screen trashcans, replace rotted wood on th e front porch rai l ings, paint to match, level & repair or remove the wooden wa lkway, remove gardening too ls, whee lbarrow and fl owering pots with dead plants from view, remove weeds/grass from dri veway, replace rotted landscape timbers defin ing the dri veway & secure, trim shrubs back from the street, remove deadfall & leaves from yard and clean out gutters.

Unapproved la ndscape plan - clear cut lot



Ja nuary 5, 2014

January 5, 2014

Janua ry S, 2014

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Brandermill Architectural Review Board Minutes

November 25, 2014

MEMBERS: Andy Wyman, Sherry Blom, Miguel Chueca, Graham Henderson, Nanette Parsons, Chuck Rayfield, Carol Russek

BCA Board of Directors Liaison - Tom Leonard

Staff: Al Raimo, Tom Quish



APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Chuck Rayfield to approve the November 11,2014 minutes, seconded by Graham Henderson, approved one abstention.



Item # 1 Market Square Chinguitty Tobacco Shop 4910 Mill Ridge Pkwy Permanent Sign age existing

AAS- Motion by Miguel Chueca to approve as submitted, seconded by Sherry Blom, unanimously approved.


Item# 1 AAS- Motion by Sherry Blom to approve as submitted, the Harbour Ridge/8 pergola, and driveway materials. Stairs to the water 5701 Harbour Ridge Rd. application was withdrawn. Seconded by Nanette Parsons, Frank Fomari & Gwen Bauer unanimously approved. Pergola Driveway concrete with natural stone aggregate Stairs to the water

ltem#2 Quail HilliS 3601 Quail Meadows Place B. Scott Marshall Front Door Exterior colors

AAS- Motion by Nanette Parsons to approve as submitted , seconded by Chuck Rayfield , unanimously approved.

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ltem#3 Crosstimbers/4B

AAS-Motion by Nanette Parsons to approve as submitted, seconded by Miguel Chueca, unanimously approved.

13807 Crosstimbers Rd. Gay Stokes Replacement Door Replacement Windows

ltem#4 Sagewood/7l

AAS- Motion by Chuck Rayfield to approve as submitted, seconded by Miguel Chueca, unanimously approved.

3004 Sagebrook Place Matt & Meghan Herron Garage door

Item#5 Chimney House/28

AAS-Motion by Andy Wyman to approve as submitted, seconded by Nanette Parsons, unanimously approved.

14307 Chimney House Rd. John Toler Roof

ltem#6 Sutters Mill/55

AAS- Motion by Andy Wyman to approve as submitted, seconded by Graham Henderson, unanimously approved.

13709 Sutters Mill Circle Ron & Helen Fitch New deck

Item#7 Whispering Oaks/42

AAS- Motion by Andy Wyman to approve as submitted, seconded by Graham Henderson unanimously approved.

25 18 Whispering Oaks Ct Allen & Kathy Glazebrook Hot Tub existing

Item#8 Whispering Oaks/42

AAS- Motion by Andy Wyman to approve as submitted, seconded by Graham Henderson unanimo usly approved.

2518 Whispering Oaks Ct. Allen & Kathy Glazebrook Fence existing

Item#9 Preliminary review- Submit more detail tying the porch roof to the Deer Meadow/59 14300 Deer Meadow Drive Paula Marshall Screened Porch

house rear elevation, side elevations and plan to scale. County approval and building permit required.


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Item#10 Barnes Springs/4S

ALC- Motion by Graham Henderson to approve the shed with limiting conditions, door and window to remain in same location, siding board orientation and colors to match house. Seconded by Andy Wyman unanimously approved.

13813 Barnes Springs Rd. Lance Berbert Shed existing Chicken Coop existing-----ALC- Motion by Andy Wyman to approve with limiting

condition to remove structure above the coop.

Item#11 Muirfield Green/IS

Seconded by Nanette Parsons, unanimously approved.

ALC- Motion by Andy Wyman to approve with limi ting conditions, pickets and railings on gazebo

3717 Murifield Green Dr. and walkway to match existing deck. Seconded by John & Lauren Hughes Deck addition

Nanette Parsons unanimously approved.

Item# 12 AAS- Motion by Nanette Parsons to approve as submitted, Barnes Spring Terr.ll9 seconded by Miguel Chueca unanimously approved. 3214 Barnes Spring Terr. Michael & Rebecca Henderson Shed existing

Item#13 East Bluff/26 5904 East Bluff Ct. Steve & Suzi Braun Exterior Colors

AAS- Motion by Sherry Blom to approve as submitted, seconded by Miguel Chueca unanimously approved.

Item# 14 Conceptual Review: Not released for construction. Winterberry Ridge Rd./51 Doug Green BCA Architectural Consultant reviewed 13708 Winterberry Ridge Rd. the plans for this proposed new home and he has no Buildable Lot issues with the design other than the expansion of the Preliminary/Conceptual Review two car garage into a three car garage. Applicant ARB to review the concept prior to want to re-study the front fa<;:ade and roof. purchase of property. The recommendation is the third bay be set slightly

forward or back from the main garage and that the roof be re-studied. Simply making this garage gable larger by widening the structure will visually overpower the rest of the house and be unattractive.


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Item# l Litchfield Bluffl21 13414 Wood briar Ridge Leita Rosamilia Exterior Color


AAS- Motion by Andy Wyman to approve as submitted, seconded by Nanette Parsons, unanimously approved.


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Brandermill Architectural Review Board Minutes

December 9, 2014

MEMBERS: Andy Wyman, Sherry Blom, Miguel Chueca, Graham Henderson, Nanette Parsons, Chuck Rayfield, Carol Russek

BCA Board of Directors Liaison - Tom Leonard

Staff: AI Raimo, Tom Quish



APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Chuck Rayfield to approve November 25, 2014 minutes, seconded by Miguel Chueca, approved with one abstention.



Item #1 AAS- Motion by Chuck Rayfield to approve as submitted. Bradley Real Estate, LLC DBA-Gallagher Lawn Service 3115 E. Boundary Ct

Applicant to submit landscape and signage plans along with a copy of county permit Seconded by Sherry Blom, unanimously approved.

New building construction

Item#2 Union First Market Bank 6030 Harbour Park Dr. Temporary signage

AAS-Motion by Nanette Parsons to approve as submitted, seconded by Andy Wyman unanimously approved.


ltem# 1 Winterberry Ridge/49 13712 Winterberry Ridge Sandy & Leathie Gibson Replace existing deck Add screened porch

ALC- Motion by Chuck Rayfield to approve with limiting conditions. Increase slope of roof to highest possible angle without interfering with window framing. All materials, roof, siding, trim and colors to match house. Seconded by Andy Wyman unanimously approved.

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Item#2 Long Shadow/Ol-A 5101 Long Shadow Ct Brian Brown

Preliminary review- Not released for construction­Applicant must submit a complete set of drawings to scale, including elevations. If replacing windows submit cut sheet with all relevant information. New windows should be of a similar design to what exists on front of the house. Provide BCA office

Enclose screen porch

with a copy of County permit.

ltem#3 Deer Meadow/59

AAS- Motion by Sherry Blom to approve as submitted, seconded by Carol Russek unanimously approved. All materials and roof to match and colors to match 14300 Deer Meadow Dr.

Paula Marshall existing house colors. Screening under deck is Re-Submittal Screened porch required if used as a storage area.


Item#1 McTyres Covel15A 13S00 McTyres Cove Place Jordan & Akiko Brilliant Roof Vinyl siding Gutters and gutter-guard

Item#2 Sagewood/63 300 I Sage brook Place Casey Southard Fence picket

Item#3 Planters Wood/SEI 13201 Gate Post Ct Amy Potter Vinyl siding New roof

Item#4 Sutters Mill/39 13806 Sutters Mill Rd. Arthur & Jacqueline Goodall Shed

AAS-Motion by Andy Wyman to approve as submitted seconded by Nanette Parsons, unanimously approved.


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ltem#l ARB Officers and Terms Here are the member terms: Andy Wyman- Chairman, term one year. Nanette Parsons· term two year. Sherry Blom- term two year. Chuck Rayfield· Vice Chairman, term one year. Miguel Chueca- term three year. Graham Henderson- term three year. Carol Russek- Secretary- term three year.

Thomas Leonard- BOD Liaison

1 st Alternate - Vacant- TBD 2nd Alternate - Vacant- TBD

Advisory Member - Vacant- TBD Advisory Member - Vacant- TBD

ltem#2 On site reviews for 12/23 meeting is - Nanette Parsons