Braced Barrel Vaults

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  • 8/18/2019 Braced Barrel Vaults




  • 8/18/2019 Braced Barrel Vaults


    •A barrel vault, also known as a tunnel vault or a wagon vault,

    is an ar!itetural ele"ent #or"e$ b% t!e etrusion o# a single urve'or (air o# urves, in t!e ase o# a (ointe$ barrel vault) along a given $istan

    • T!e urves are t%(iall% irular in s!a(e, len$ing a se"i+%lin$rial

     a((earane to t!e total $esign*

     T!e barrel vault is t!e si"(lest #or" o# a vault e-etivel% a series o# ar!es(lae$ si$e b% si$e, i*e*, one a#ter anot!er*

    •.t is a #or" o# barrel roo#*

    •Barrel vaults are known #ro" Anient Eg%(t, an$ were use$ etensivel%

    in Ro"an ar!iteture*•Earl% barrel vault $esigns was an i"(ortant ele"ent o# stone onstrution i

    tower !ouses an$ ot!er strutures* T!is #or" o# $esign is observe$ in

    ellars, r%(ts, long !allwa%s, loisters an$ even great !alls*


  • 8/18/2019 Braced Barrel Vaults


    Brae$ barrel vaults•/ave a si"ilar s!a(e to rein#ore$ onrete s!ell

    •But it is obtaine$ b% 0ar!ing0 a gri$ along one$iretion*• T!e result is** a %lin$rial #or" t!at "a% involve one,two or "ore la%ers o# ele"ents• T!e gri$ are atuall% an asse"bl% o# bars known as

    lamellas• T!ese lamellas  an be arrange$ to #ollow eatl% t!elines o# "ai"u" stresses•.n (ratie several t%(es o# braing are use$, ea! o#w!i! results in a $i-erent t%(e o# strutural be!avior*

     T%(es o# barrel vaults1* 1) Single la%er2* 2) Double la%er4* 4) Co"(oun$ barrel vaults

  • 8/18/2019 Braced Barrel Vaults


    single la%er barrel vault t!at is obtaine$ b% ar!inga $iagonal 5at gri$* A barrel vault wit! a $iagonal(attern is o#ten re#erre$ to as a 0la"ella barrelvault0*

    si"ilar to t!e one but t!is t%(e got t!ree+wa%(attern*

    $ouble la%er barrel vault wit! bot! t!e to( an$botto" la%ers !aving a two+wa% (attern*

    La"ella '$iagonal) barrel vaults

     T!ree wa% barrel vaults

     Two wa% on two wa% $ouble la%er barrelvaults

  • 8/18/2019 Braced Barrel Vaults


    barrel vault !as a to( la%er an$ a botto" la%erwit! interonneting web ele"ents* /owever, int!is ase t!e $is(osition o# t!e ele"ents resultsin a 0truss barrel vault0* T!at is, a barrel vaultt!at onsists o# interseting urve$ trusses

     T!e sur#ae o# t!e la"ella barrel vault is a (arto# a !%(erboloi$ o# revolution*

     T!e sur#ae o# t!e barrel vault is a (art o# anelli(soi$ o# revolution*

    La"ella '$iagonal) truss barrel vaults

    /%(erboloi$al la"ella barrel vaults

    Elli(soi$al la"ella barrel vaults

  • 8/18/2019 Braced Barrel Vaults


    A o"(oun$ barrel vault onsists o# two or"ore barrel vaults t!at are onnete$toget!er along t!eir si$es*

    Co"(oun$ t!ree+wa% barrel vaults

  • 8/18/2019 Braced Barrel Vaults


     T!e Lamella s%ste" is a urve$ gri$ s%ste" t!at utili6es a largenu"ber o# i$ential "e"bers alle$ la"ellas*

     T!ere are two t%(es o# "aterial (ossible #or barrel vaults1) Ti"ber2) Steel an$ Alu"inu"

     Ti"ber Brae$ Barrel Vaults

     T!e gri$ is arrange$ in a $ia"on$ orr!o"bus (attern, an$ one "e"ber isontinuous t!roug! ea! 7oint* Ea!la"ella is twie t!e lengt! o# t!e si$e o#t!e $ia"on$* T!ese are 7oine$ b% a single


  • 8/18/2019 Braced Barrel Vaults


    8igure s!ows ti"ber la"ellaonstrution w!ere t!e la"ellasare 7oine$ wit! bolte$onnetion* T!e en$s o# t!e two

    o((osite la"ellas butt on to t!eontinuous la"ellas at t!e 7oint,being slig!tl% staggere$ to(er"it t!e 9ing bolt to (asst!roug! t!e entral !ole an$ (iku( t!e en$s o# t!e la"ellas*

    Deking or (urlins are use$ totriangulate t!e $ia"on$ to "ake t!e

    struture "ore stable in t!e (lane o#t!e sur#ae* A "o$i9e$ #or" 'alsos!own) !as a "ore o"(liate$ 7ointinvolving steel (lates but w!i!(reserves t!e visual ontinuit% o# t!eribs*

  • 8/18/2019 Braced Barrel Vaults



    •Brae$ barrel vaults are onstrute$ in "etals on t!e lines $esribe$#or ot!er gri$ s%ste"s*

    • T!e "et!o$s #or overing are si"ilar as #or lattie (lates*

    •Steel an$ alu"iniu" la"ella onstrution an also be use$;inor(orating ol$ #or"e$ or etru$e$ setions #or t!e la"ellas*

  • 8/18/2019 Braced Barrel Vaults


    ADVA:TAero ben$ing "o"ent sine t!e loation o# strutural o"(onents

    reeive$ eit!er $iret tension or $iret o"(ression*

    •  Allows large buil$ing s(an, w!i! is s(aiousness

    •An interesting ar!iteture #eatures an$ be able to at as sk%lig!t

    • T!e struture is ver% stable* .t oul$ stan$+alone eit!er on groun$ or to

    be (lae$ on (osts 'i# t!e s(ae nee$e$ is large)

  • 8/18/2019 Braced Barrel Vaults



  • 8/18/2019 Braced Barrel Vaults


    The mid-1950s terminal was designed by the firm of Hellmuth, Yamasaki and

    Leinweber. inoru Yamasaki !191"-19#$% was res&onsible for its design. 'hen(om&leted, his building was hailed as a mar)el. *t was, indeed, the first air&ort

    building to make a formal statement about a)iation and aerodynami(s. +)er the

    years, it has been added onto with mied results, but in s&ite of )arious im&ro)ements

    and mistreatments, the original building and the essen(e of Yamasakis )ision for it

    stand &roudly. +riginally (om&osed of three )aults, an identi(al fourth was added in



  • 8/18/2019 Braced Barrel Vaults


  • 8/18/2019 Braced Barrel Vaults


    C/E::A. RA.L@A STAT.O:

  • 8/18/2019 Braced Barrel Vaults


  • 8/18/2019 Braced Barrel Vaults


    •Typical example of a synclastic surface in which the

    curvature of any point is of the same sign in all direction.

    •The synclastic surfaces are also called surfaces of positiveGaussian curvature and are not developable, i.e. the domicsurfaces cannot be attened into a plane without stretchingor shrinking it.

    •This property is one of the reasons why domes cannot bebuilt from members of the same length even geodesic domesre!uire members of di"erent lengths.


    ?R.:C.?LE T?ES

    •Ribbe$ $o"es•S!we$ler $o"es•La"ella $o"es• T!ree+wa% $o"es

  • 8/18/2019 Braced Barrel Vaults


    • #onsist of a number ofidentical radial trussed orsolid ribs, interconnectedat the crown and usuallysti"ened by a tension ring

    at the foundation.

    • $or ribbed domes whichmaking up of timber canspan for over %&m and iscovered with wood woolslabs • 'maller, lighter ribbeddomes may be constructedwith laminated ribs

    covered with plywood or


  • 8/18/2019 Braced Barrel Vaults


    • consists of meridional ribsconnected together to a

    number of hori)ontalpolygonal rings.

    • To sti"en the resultingstructure so that it will beable to take asymmetric

    loads, each trape)iumformed by intersectingmeridional ribs withhori)ontal rings issubdivided into twotriangles by the introduction

    of a diagonal member.

    • 'chwedler*type steeldomes used to cover largecolumn* free areas. Thecircular shape leads to veryeconomic structure. +adial


  • 8/18/2019 Braced Barrel Vaults


    • #onsists of a large number ofsimilar units, called lamellas,

    arranged in a diamond or rhombuspattern.

    • +oof covering or purlins used totriangulate the diamond completesthe stability re!uirement of the

    surface of the dome.

    • n timber lamella domes, the -ointsare simply made with bolts andplates

    • xceptionally good behaviourunder excessive wind loadings , aswell as in /re and seismicdisturbances.

    •producing typical diamond or

    lo)enge shaped pattern as for bracedbarrel vaults


  • 8/18/2019 Braced Barrel Vaults



    •  $ormed by an inter*connecting grid of parabolic orcircular arches.

    •  0s the rise of the arches isgenerally !uite small in

    relation to the span, griddomes are shallow domes andare also sometimes referred toas 1'pace Grids2.

    • The feet of the dome may be

    either pinned or /xed.

    • 3inned feet are generallypreferred as they simplify theanalysis considerably.

  • 8/18/2019 Braced Barrel Vaults


  • 8/18/2019 Braced Barrel Vaults


    T63' 7$ 80T+0L'

    •Timber 9ome

    •'teel 9ome

    •0luminium 9ome

    •0luminium 9ome :Triodetic 9ome

    • Ti"ber an (ro$ue a ver% eientan$ low+ost overing*

    •@oo$en $o"es are ver% (o(ular ins!ool onstrution*

    • T!e ost (rove$ to be ver%o"(etitive*

    •Ma% be onstrute$ using la"ellaonstrution or triangulate$ sti-ene$

    (l% or #ra"e$ (anels si"ilar to t!oseuse$ #or ti"ber #ol$e$ slab

    T8;+ 978

  • 8/18/2019 Braced Barrel Vaults


    • Tubular steel gri$ $o"es "a% beonstrute$ wit! no$e onnetors

    into w!i! t!e tubes are inserte$an$ wel$e$, si"ilar to t!ose use$#or $ouble la%er gri$s but using si+wa% instea$ o# eig!t wa% onnetorsto #or" a t!ree wa% gri$*

    'TL 978


  • 8/18/2019 Braced Barrel Vaults


    +#>'T0G 978 

    +eichstag dome is a glass $o"e, onstrute$ on to( o# t!e rebuiltRei!stag buil$ing in Berlin* .t was $esigne$ b% ar!itet :or"an 8oster 

    an$ built to s%"boli6e t!e reuni9ation o#

  • 8/18/2019 Braced Barrel Vaults


  • 8/18/2019 Braced Barrel Vaults


    T>0=? 67