BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER. CAUSES -Genetic factors since twins and families member might inherit them from others in their family or strong associated

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Page 1: BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER. CAUSES -Genetic factors since twins and families member might inherit them from others in their family or strong associated


Page 2: BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER. CAUSES -Genetic factors since twins and families member might inherit them from others in their family or strong associated


-Genetic factors since twins and families member might inherit them from others in their family or strong associated with other mental disorders

-Environmental Factors since many people with this disorder suffer from a history of childhood abuse or neglect or separation from loved ones

-Brain Abnormalities since researchers have noticed changes in the brain in certain areas of the brain that involve emotion, impulsivity, and aggression

Page 3: BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER. CAUSES -Genetic factors since twins and families member might inherit them from others in their family or strong associated


-Impulsive and risky behavior

-awareness of destructive behavior but sometimes feeling unable to change it

-wide mood swings

-short but intense episodes of depression and anxiety

-inappropriate anger

-difficulty controlling emotions or impulses

-suicidal behaviors

-feeling misunderstood, neglected, alone, empty, or hopelessness

-fear of being alone

-feelings of self-hate and self-loathing

-sometimes an insecure feeling of oneself

Page 4: BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER. CAUSES -Genetic factors since twins and families member might inherit them from others in their family or strong associated


-interview with doctor or mental help provider

-psychological evaluation

-complete clinical history

-signs and symptoms

Page 5: BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER. CAUSES -Genetic factors since twins and families member might inherit them from others in their family or strong associated



-Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): teach to regulate emotions, tolerate distress, and improve realtionships

-Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT): work with therapist to become aware of inaccurate, negative or ineffective ways of thinking and search for alternate strategies instead

-Mentalization-based Therapy (MBT): talk therapy that help identify and separate your own thoughts from people around you

-Schema-focused Therapy (SFT): uses different therapy approaches to notice patterns and to change the negative patterns

-Transference-focused psychotherapy (TFP): helps understand the emotions and interpersonal difficulties by developing a relationship between a person and their therapist which can be applied to ongoing situations.


-Medications can't cure borderline personality disorder, but they can help associated co-occurring clinical problems, such as depression, impulsiveness and anxiety.


-this is for long care treatment to keep a person safe from self-harm or in an intense form of the disorder

Page 6: BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER. CAUSES -Genetic factors since twins and families member might inherit them from others in their family or strong associated


Other mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, bipolar, eating disorder

Alcohol and drug abuse

Risky and impulsive behavior that can lead to accident, injuries, abusive relationships

Self harm such as suicide, cutting, burning that lead to hospitalizations

Page 7: BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER. CAUSES -Genetic factors since twins and families member might inherit them from others in their family or strong associated


In 1938, the American psychoanalyst Adolph Stern first described most of the symptoms that are now considered as diagnostic criteria of borderline disorder

Originally, doctors thought BPD was just a result of a combination of depressive, schizophrenic, and psychotic disorders because symptoms tended to be shared.

1.6% of adults in the US have BPD at any given time

Symptoms begin to appear in teens and young adults

People with just BPD were not considered to have an actual disorder, some Scientists still believe this is true today (falsely)

It is common to be paired with PTSD, Anxiety, ADHD, and other personality disorders

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http://bpdvideo.com/ a video about BPD and its affects


a personal assessment test for BPD

Page 9: BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER. CAUSES -Genetic factors since twins and families member might inherit them from others in their family or strong associated