"l*!!*jf !!.. ^;LUI~-I i / V0L.XI.-N0.13?. 1 11 i' II 'LJIJ i 1 j/iil) II TV ""n? I ., u i, EOlHUTilMMl. ilrs. Marks' ^eminaiy nOflHNS ITS eEOyJUDfTEftMNPV.-SS, FHE DAILY TIMES. W(OB Hoofla^jjov 7-* » to! f buM>ivt> raou 8 n> 16 ilDA u New Yoik Kortb, Emtyul Watt. Jl ., m_ IK * llid H II ui ^ ~ S^kea Li. hot tlifmt f.Ojn out tbe coollvg Irougb Tdung WSiea trbo diil stnaieir may featw any ol \h&cUut< >' t | MiadicBniUi Tllinione, Hulliigen Origgitowi »1»j1i.b«f((rfl5l»«llU»jl!. UopitoU, W«5lvBl« ui li 130 | ore-rude, lifwallf « £»tliw»T rough coiuiaat gVowl tbinl2« , r . rod Prliiteloj, uo eiioira Bilrltugton Camden u TfSy aft.tu (W m To Close the Business. I f , , , fHKCHOICE B1OCK OP — - BOOTS AND SHOES "~\ to J>e found at No. 3-Peace •Street," At Wholesale Rates. c All Gocfds marked down to Cost prices! '""* ' BARGAINS offered even for these hard times. Call and examine before going elsewhere to purchase, , 3 PEACE STREET, New Brunswick, ' ' - t , NEARLY OPPOSnt THE POSl-OFFItTE ' Frisbie & Fischer, n BOR&'ICU'ROl* OAHLANP General Music Store, Masonic Hall. * tf'tlfcBWJkY'S PI A HO*. 'J. & O. FISCHER and other PIANOS.'; Masoni & Ham tin's Celebrated Organs. ' V "P%WFr#&s'Sfa<£fYoMl> ORGANS AND ttELODHQM ONE PRICE ONLY. Pianosj Ograns and Melodeons to Rent ON MQNf ITfiY iotKe Late EtlAS 'BA'Kt^ .•':'• W A T C H MAKERS A NO $4" 8 S Fine^ Watches, Clocks, Jewelrv, Silver and Plated Ware, IN AMjJ'flKIH VAUIETIK8, AT THE OLD S1AND, NO/17 -PEACE' STREET, FOOT OP.'CEUBCH- 1 , »er UEPAIRINQ AND manA VINQ QF t. VERT KIND >NEA<I%Y DONE. ' ' ft I • I ) . i for the>Winter Trade. PREPARE FOR' .THE, 'WINTER ! Fon.tlie coming Season we have again mudo special arrangements, wblcb, tqgetber wltl* strict attention to our business; atyl pur practue to «UY FOU CABH, will glvt. our cu tomers full Hssurance tbat we bavo looked fo (heir !o<erest as well as ours, anil mtt be enabled tn sell tbem LOWER than atay oiler boiue tu tills clly, Look Here! Look Here! CO1 V FEKB > dlrLct from the Importirs, at 2"), 10, V, 88 Copts JOT llr- ) TCEA 1 *, 1 fcytbe InraJro liddt, n? 40, 50, CO, VO, 80 conls, besl New Vajencia Raisins, 12i Cts Ib, j OUrraTits 9c.' f pW Best\Ci£ron 35c. 4b. Musical Instrumentsof Every Description: ' Yiollpe, jfreeorAcbne, Gu tars, Conccriinns, Fhili-B^Jarnionlcons, Piccolos, TumuprluJs, FlngcolotS, Dpnes, Dim fs. DrmiiR, Fife"-, 'Iillliiijldfl, Plicll PlfXS, Tuliliig Forks, lew's ilnrim, Muslo Boitis^Vmlln Strlncu, Guitnr Strings, Banjo Strings. SHEET -MUSlO—The Largest Collection 5 ' - *" ever kept iathis city. BonsryV Cheap Musical Publications, LHolfl> Cheap Classical Music, Hitchcock'nVimc and Half Dime Music— - - - MUSIC BOOKS of every dcsoi iptloa, foi Sunday, Public and Private Sahools Pianos.Orpans and Melodeona Tuned by an txpei ienced Tuner from IXexv Vork. ^ - FiFeherV G encralTHir Store HaW, New Brunswick, N. J. S! FBfRSI -. A LARGE i^.OHTMrNT OP GENTS'.AND CHILDREN'S^FURS. ETC, IN ALL 1 TireiR VARIETIES TOK 1 HE WjfcTER TRADE, AT J. S. & E. STEWART'S, ( Fyir Trimming for Ladies'. Pacques,, t GeritV Fur n isni ng Goods, Shi rts, Umblrelte, Gloves, < ! ""'" ' *" E t a Agents (or. , , A Singer Imprbved Sewip'^jil/racHlneVi 1 for,an Sewing Machines. W HIGHEST PRICE PAID IfJR RA W FlfliS. Dissolution^ of Partnership.«, lbo(lrii),Iiofolpforo oxlstlns under llm lMmo of FRANlJfiiNBTEflfJi rffdlfEL Kfa i ibi i!ld j l Ibo (InnJioyoloforo existing under tin) lmmo of . „, lias tflfa flaybfeen flliWolved Ity iliululil conhent An early selllciriLnt of all accounts duo Uie flrqi Is respectfully roquMtcd, ninl all cl>i|ms ngutnet (he firm should llkewlw bo pre- Bfcnlral for payment '• •>' »'» <.;KiUiW The business of the ll c ftruTSlll be- K "* "" ' r~ !js r; i\: run at the Old,Stand, ]>y (1)0 qndenigned, who, tliankful fpr Hie llWralialafe of ipalrof}n*b..oxtJlia 1 td (blillfl louse berclofoa, hopes to bu ublo to monl a conlinuatlop of favor CAISR SICHEIi, CA W E D GOODS, under special rrangtmiMits, lower tiian cvtr / Cliofrest now Prtnoli PRUNES a. 14 CCIHS^HI Ib SOAP at 0>snufucUtn.rslurjcc8 L BUTTER, .BUTTER, BUTTER, Headquarters for best Oran^B Comity Butter, ot whalpsnlc and retail Being tlid direct agents tor tbeso Dairies wo will sell at lirst cost, tliercby matilug only a striull couimlsslon from tbe p;oduccr~ We arc also dealers in "WJjo^osnlo Olid p o t a l l . I Come to tins old andreliable Firm, andsatisfy yourself as to odrgoods. No t ducement except ONE LCiW PRICE far tbc,bUt of Qrocork No. 193 BurHet & EAUFMAKN, ^ i oci'« irri.ll. CARDi. AMES ID: ,Clty 11. Paterson Street. ld O E WUIII, GiVil Engineer, (ReUey.& Ctrimttead's Building] D. D. Williamson, AroMteet, OPFIOE, 'REILEY & 'GBIJISTEAD' Now Brunswick. STREET, aoll ly A UCVBTVS BATFJELD, AR'CJHITEOT nib BNOINBBH OfAcb, 141 Gcbrgd street, arover's Building Mwr 0 1VIK. up> r i u s rnni>li«l gtvand., otc, JOHN TOLLHOUSE REMITTANCES '.TO Ousters inJEvery Style. iNCREAfeED FAOILITIES. i s f fc. t) Mjvs. J- H. - oooo nuRnn > NU CO O. R K NN o o o O It () K N EEKEEE I, I, N K J, R NN N J! L ,j R H N N B L L, O O II H N N N E I, _i O 0 U^ U _JL KLL_ _L L L h L O O K ^ B . « H N "0 -""U " ftRfttf > * JT UN O;iT "-0vB( H 1 ,' M N N E . O O, xip-,.^,, g . ?f NN E CCCO 0000 R K N NN E E _ _ _ _ EEEEEK LLLLL LLLllL Respectfully ^nformther numerous Customers and the public in general tha l rrt ' she has recentli/'/luid up, in addition to hey commodious Ladies' .and GentlemciiV Etfreshment Rooms. THREE LARGE ROOMS, For ihCacelyrnmo&atMi o/ ? LAhlES ana PRIVATE PARTIES, whiohare reached by appvate entrance, thus obolatmg the necessity of passing through I iShe-ihar seaurM the iepoidesof a FIRST CLASS BAKER and ORNA if ENTER of FANCi' CAKE. PARTIES ASJD WEDDINGS SUPPLIED/ FArRS AND FESIIVALS 8UPPLIB.D WITH 1R& JBE8Z *2 XQRTY CENTS Umbrellas. Furs, Salcfiels, Tuinks, Canes Td, rejliilrw «nil inado to Umbrellan (Irder FURS ALTERED' & REPAIRED NO 'Arnold, Constable ^Co. COM.. coiittatli.dan* 6C3 under fonalderatidn f J 'I 'nil ot \r\kii II I li III M HAICKgS. (fill h iw»)lilf!r/DjiMil 1 iniHlNK'i 1 ''Wi | ) < < ! I 1 lot Air Vuriuws, R*ngw and Baltljnara lit*! GRAIN, FLOUR, FEED, a lit •wopU.Ttape.-t- luio jcra m mi if (iliiuiititirji fill I iit iuiititirji fill I iit i/nui fully Invite attention to my stock of i 11 I PraotieaL ...Watchmaker, ti> ) >i r JO f I IJ^g ) * I ) I 1 ' r .... wurrauUd nnnqiriT llMVim, vnnxn :o floxo«*ncaUy rei aired and ami ingrmjlog u«llj warranUd , Atunogrun). ana £ngr»jc|og u dono at uliort imtice . I'l in Gold Ufagsttion'e'Udtfr > «"ir6ttrt l < Porsoiis re Idlng out of the city can order good* madv^ud take thoui Aw«J tha u i a i Hay and Scotland, iy purl IA uqd for £ 1 RUJ up^at <la, p lyi^blo in an Passage. Tickets to by all tiro flrflUcU s Lltlds of Steamnlur», lowutiatea ^ ' ^ordufes orjiailinir aDl! rates of nat ace. oi nding' n o n e ; to Ylie Old CoUilrj, 'upplyto BANKERS, lira * f <•! 1 (?<«•. Cteorgj and ijhurah -Streets, «a>»m _ BOO88 i > V through to !| Mwwrat, Hbw t\irk| Mil.tlalliJi lo Uitilr l.iyo tail .leg«Q} f«jwrtni0iit of ill i_ { il^mii^^A^h^d J. Tho Jail DoiiimttWe of[th»i Board of i'rdo' holder), at h'meetlnjj helO-Hito CoUrt 'nous J«UT Iff, ad</proff tha i ful auitaAl V lfNortli, Ewt ml Wmf, I, B, ».»», 11 ovO>.> N ll N.wirk EUul»th iimywB/ lln ;plifl.3?l,.bl'» nuRno If a in 4 0 vt\ T i nu Vlldl l | .7 f 4 vt\ T i nu j f Viilludol, ill •m| oo We»t uil Omdeu >u<I Am oy-way ir« lii AbdTp in ~ Uiddlrbu^ Mlll J l U Ol lOUUillgtOU lOlDtf tO.T'i Buiitu 1 .nr 1(>1W ui Miltlpfr ^ 10&, in BARGAINS f* AtL DEPARTMENTS. Lord & Taylotf llrfVINU I'UnoHASHITlILKNTIKl. BALANCE Oi AI^KIDIUU IMlfOltTiiUB BrOCKeOlT Black Cashiriere Silks, •WILLOl|liKONANDAnii.BNOV 800 PIKCKS AT LBSS THAN CO»t Ol' IUFOKTATIUN. 0O0D ilOALITIl. AT 1 sr 1 So ana II 4l<y eul OUt I) B1LKB al f\ Ui i Sails and Over Dresses, A LA(tOt LOT Ol OVhlt UlttSe^S IK AL] TUh tKAftltfU 1 O"UI At MitLl 1AL8 A l (< ,)ii) til to «IJ fu «I6, ii tinso :, UK1IMA riKVUX'U}li4nilJLM(i1)tI WALKING! J4th.bri(«f»SI jm »u,»l A | Ul "j^ AIBO IUHLlNFDanl fUUTKIMMFD dLUAKS Seal Sncqiies at $10$ and $110. BLACK BILK SUITd AT IBO tDO and »70 UIAOKBILK DKlia WITH OAMitS HAI OVKU DUKii to JORTlll- BUfl SAME, WITH ULACK OASfUMtBU OTK Ut, tUtOltlULBUU tlMBLfll/AUCBLITi) oimiplulo. and BLACK CAbllltt'l !• SUIr-i nt (31) All TUIMMLII INTHE NEWEST 81 TLieB AIw.MIB i. •olUOlB'BtllTB Irom wo ;e uld il| ward, al equally luw prices AH th* Puhlonabl* EtyJ«j»od Sb>d» ol br _ Camel's Hat*- - UKESS u'oODS Al VERY LOW M.1UE8 SHAWLS II. OKI VT\A11I1Y UtOMAHtlOO INDIA TC A *2 Wl.AP OCKorrADI ro LAH at coat 111AN CO31 LADiKS FINHJtiBllLKGOATBUTTOKBUOKil \.l W) AHD Jl em i Di LN s O(JOD FI r-rnro AND DUI A8LI ieuooi,BuotijAi ti, woi.m ejjxi IIAMD-Jl t DP, DOItlELIi una &INOLB UOIIh. hXlU-<ItIO-< nod D i n . r I01IT WARM OVf B HOC in grMt T»rf« OTIS 11IIOS KAItiWAY tLKVA-TOIB IN CON »i VN1 UBt 1 0 Ull'LB FU004.B Broadtray, cor. 20th Street, N.Y, Only ono block woat of Fourth i?enue Grand Slresctj cor. Chrystlc, N.Y, Ono bloolt: eut of Dowtry LEIPZIGER HAUL; No. 231 Peace ' ' * ' ADOLPHBTABH - . JOSFPH IIENSLER'S Newatk Lager Beer od Draught. raaBH AND oooi..' ' PUKE LUNCITfrt) n »to \i 6'cloA a \h IQUO^H UI BtST QUALITY con.tanilji o "•'1 HU-P 1/ &C0., Broadffay, cOr, win anil far tho rcuialbdor ef tho Bftasbn? lh« t«lana of tlulr alookv at < KLATi!H)U(niOhs H:OM TOKHEB rnioss Dress G-Oods. Wild afid BlHped Ml ui (Jo daat&oenta, worth<O •%> llo do, 8<Wk«i 1 'lOOieo lilckorbookors al 40 ctnt« worLli COeent.. i laolol. Ilalr Bauw Jrmlto ahd other a ylei rfqdAlly' Black^Silks, ' ' ' !5S'. 1 ." ggS •: C JS " M»« 8llk.au Wlorod tobe I ho gnatul ban>lia iTt-r oleral Broohe Shawls; « U>oH.w8' ' , uLuilib ilia^AGQtfK ionUuil<!ltlioNa<l»t8tTl«k' 8KU8K1N JACKETS MUF d (h luvo'iuot l I t onUuil<!ltlioNa<l»t8tTl«k fl I t I 8KU8K1N JACKETS MUFFS ANDi BOAS, 1 I / Ud Fuller«t,if d»klfl(>lloii" y * i(l WP laM UUakaU, prlou. ELOCDTIOItf &I0* UTATJ^ S WjWCJl wlllriiiabither imtiiiciioa In ELOCUUO aad STUDY OP«HAKisPEABE, to clatsm aid priratt pnplU, on' MONDAf, StPT Address I> O Boi HO, or call at Ko 'in acliuniman Uttqi. 11 l7ama PRICES TffBVErif LOWEST at . SAMPSDriS BOOKSTORE MO IS VXACE 9tRKXTj A Proclamation ,7110'UDdQrslgued iUkea pl*aa(iro iia^r ou baiul tbo largest and bell •fock ufl Turkejii. ChickenB and DuckH t6 bt) faiiuU It) tlitff city itousekcepers are requLstcdto cull and, aqo btft lumno^t ditpla He has iqmle #r fin0ociept8 to keep up hia t^tock u/i^ll altor tb*j Uolldft 8} and tin pricea wl.l be so low-that all canbui Doli t be ifMd 6( tha rusli, as .iU co pB af anjatantd frill prompt 1^ atlcoil to all ordtra S. C. Billal-d's MODEL GROCERY \Vholosu\u and Retall< Ovaa Xj ]faAn» »O 1*0* *Alt AT B. EISIG& CO,, 318 SIXTH AVENUE, M. T. 66EAT DAROATNS iX.bdtJ foys 1 <3AMn UI88 0AN>DOO0U8 HjlNOt'BAHIO'19 WOltl foys <3AMn AHIO'19 WOltl DOXKS POltTUONSJU.8 and p^L It prfco. to suit pto tlDltia, All gooda A liberal aitLOunt tu ITalra aud Sunday achoolB WKEJSmils ither Uolidaj QoodJ ypUDg g i r l R l l U U t d ' ECOIOHT IS WEALTH, Wbeoier 4 Wtlun's Bowing MaoblccB, at the catablisbqd plicea, aro by tv the most KCONOHiOAL and Titutr LII^AJ-, by ro eon of the r superiority in all doslrabta qualities, unu morcuTcr are made sold andwamnted by li rb Bpoukible Cqliipaby of long uuindtog and established reputalloq Wheeler & Wilson Manufg Co ' 0FFIOB 64 OHUaOB ST. THbSJ c QJUl Tli£0. Diese'nreiter's , tnenf, dorntrof" ALBANY M«nifa«t'af«t aqd^)e»Ier In Psrlof u.4 Llhra rjr, bultarf,-anas,'Louilgo« and ChalrS, of mi lWTas,lioge« nd ChalrS, of my wn iakki aid tnttinfed In thb' teat ati* latoat ityleJIi-Ji I II , i l I i li I * l d I C mado., Ma' 1 *' itlMatlltUinlir Bollcltliig ybnp patronage, I am; Ttry'it; speotf ully yDura, mhlfl-Iy u THllOODRB BIBBKNBBlTElt. 1 ll | } H«| 1 I I III/I I*. . formerly at3^5 Btt'nttrftroot/N^w Bruubwldli lAt tho abort plaoa will found a cliolco. aortnitnt^l .utilli »W lo oMtnu il i > / i U U l ) yl 11 »>> Ms* VFf^f&M r'liiwtt? gtaakutju W1MJ tor IV. l?l(t!^'l*-"'' i '-"" J ""?^-' J .'. i * 1 "' UWll)fljU]till BCAUfUI ETBryv Som.tlmet' mea, bfit oft^n Iroii^ci^ < VODDV ajid.fajr »rt Udr tougiua drop Ibt fortw allme, Ur tougiua drop Ibt fortw al CullQg uiia oi?tbom^boollMbby '^ aimo41i«a,«Uunlli«nu.j«jij Tbe/ work andwortb. Dr. Haren's Birthday Gift Thif liiBl 'purtoaph or the tetter rejtd lulls' ''My darling,though way- ward 61nl^ t 1 ieel th^t I have dona fill Aud tbobedt that a' dying father can do for *bis tbilil wtea I have en Lrualed you to the care anifguardian Miip ol my dearest Itnd loyal fnet d, Dr Haveo I kpow 1 that my daugb- ter (I^B the reputation oi being a wild, untamable mad cap, yet I d6 BO idol ws ilia meinory of yOtir mother that Mcetelie could not beartaea ohitd wfi'o did not' hivo a fountatp of pure, womanly nature Bornewhej-o in her b$art th it should burst forth some timo to t'Vf.rlastii]g_ life. Believing JIUB, 1 uliull leave you. with perieot trust lo {he cam 'br & prajerhcanng God, who knpVs the dearest wishes oirayheart, aud will fulfil them ac- cording to fits own wiae-counsel " ffio young gWlaid down the letter with a tiuick, impatient mgn, poial,ng heraelf tarat on one foot and then on the other, finally lUrniDg,*and gliding ,to { tho window with a light, springing, lastie sUp, which B«arce1y deigned to touch the floor. Two large tear- drops trembled upon her Inshes, which ulio dasbod away as she tnurmnrcd " Poor, dear papa 1 No oho will ever love me again as you did. Mam ipa I never knew, but it is of no use ^--1 never can be ~durf and stupid as moBt girls are ' Life must be gay— lull ot suuslnne and floweis—and I must be J letl to roam when audTrhere ever I please, or I know X shall not bu'good Why is it tbat 1 feel so le belltouB and wicked when 1 am in tho society ot people who are diBlreusing- |y g<pod 1 And about {his doctor— well, we shall see * I feel now like handling pistols and bowle kmves in di-^so ol my rights sbould he at j tempt lo coerce nie. I greatly fe~ar this precious^ pious guardian of mine will rue the day be ever took me uu- ioipl ijare and kepping " Wmin.1 a^, Kay tune, five aftr ouo wks injlm^Bdwuthe fane ^'at brealcneek Bpeed, followed hard by~a~ youtig turner wliO wits atruitung every nerve to caluh thii tilreamers of a white mormnfr dress that floated so temptingly behind 1'bo result of the race was mado known, when, hall an hour later, tho ; girl, relumed with heir dresa BO •J lorn that its jurtber service wus utterly tjut pi the quemion Pcacon Bria.nt'a wile, with whom Kittle liad made her home since her lather's death, merely gave her a hopeless, patient glance, murmuring lo herself as she turned lo pursue her "morning's work— v ''Only one vytek more—only_ono week more, and then, 1 am thinking, Or v IIaven will rue tho day she ever mlered his house. I have leard he ^as a quiet, stern sort pi/ man, one not likely to be vpry patient with tho lollies, ot, young girl?, and I should like to knpw how hu will manage with such a uigh-flier as Kutie. £iko as not hq will turn her out.ot doors tefore a week After all, 1 love at girl", and Bboujd take her backif e worried my lift* oulj pi me. How can I help it, whoa she comes to my bedside nearly every night, and, put- ling her, sweet, young laco lo mine, while she puts back my hair so softly, says,/Id? so love yon, aunty, and ,iam,ye'ry sorry I eyer gaye you any ia|n./ , jlu's my opuiion. lfjt^at girl yer loyos tr^fy and worthily) it will L be the saving oi tier, otherwise she will bt^lqsl, thjnk Eittio iWestley had an pnemy in Vhe whole world. She was -handsome and daring, though (rank, and cordial j the young people u '-'- p her, while th.0 old folka _ir heads ominoy ly and de- ,.,,, jiegiHjjfould tertaiuly. come 9, rnip, alpine day, ^uless Dr. Haven ~as Bipart enpngb to govern her, hioh j.h^ug i)over had deendonej jough A?t, without a sWli, fortune iu ; truste4 lor s^fe keeping, aud'wilh •*.••»«» a-v IU VI4V TIMUIP uif to livo'with Dr. Ilaveu so^was Biiualed a little out of yj in, a rfet»,red 1 lo},aUty, ho hav- ig givtq up the,, grea^r, ^art of his pravtiua^ to his partner, who 'look bargoofth^jOfflooin tbe, pily Tho Joutor's household cousiatod of him- J/ (i faabipna^e, y ou,ngej widowed fi-fH^d lfl(ekecper ftd^yBar rvantB, ,(,,,,, , - Mrs Thai-tor, the doctor's sister, aBj perfcot|)y^ charmed, aqahd ex- ressed it, /nyith puttie, and mado ihrowd ,oalculationa as to t,lte Bonsa- loo sWJfould-maka When jntroilucc'd j'epmet^tno QOjhing Wlli|tek ' po'reDDiQcla mo .now of will { a& ub* " tonin 10 doubt'. 1 "'" r ''KiAfeMia'n6'l ( see'tKe f <KMr Until htfsebbnd dliylaKer^e^aWVai; then ho"wa« sitarnorled t'bmeet blm'lu'tho '^rarfr ' ' " ' "' ' ' ' *' «1 Vhitir halb^'hlm'^I khrj'w.i'-'s'hb

BOOTS AND SHOES · "l*!!*jf !!.. ^;LUI~- iI / V0L.XI.-N0.13?.1 11 i' II 'LJIJ i 1 j/iil) II TV ""n? I., u i, EOlHUTilMMl. ilrs. Marks' ^eminaiy nOflHNS ITS eEOyJUDfTEftM NPV.-SS,

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Page 1: BOOTS AND SHOES · "l*!!*jf !!.. ^;LUI~- iI / V0L.XI.-N0.13?.1 11 i' II 'LJIJ i 1 j/iil) II TV ""n? I., u i, EOlHUTilMMl. ilrs. Marks' ^eminaiy nOflHNS ITS eEOyJUDfTEftM NPV.-SS,

" l * ! ! * j f ! ! . . ; L U I ~ - I i /V0L.XI.-N0.13?.1

11 i ' II ' L J I J i 1 j / i i l ) II TV ""n? I

., u i, EOlHUTilMMl.

ilrs. Marks' eminaiynOflHNS ITS eEOyJUDfTEftM NPV.-SS,

FHE DAILY TIMES.W(OB Hoofla^jjov 7-* » t o ! f

buM>ivt> raou 8 n> 16 ilD A u

New Yoik Kortb, Emtyul Watt. J l . , m_ IK* l l i d H II ui ^ ~

S^kea Li. hot tlifmt f.Ojn out tbe coollvg Irougb

Tdung WSiea trbo diilstnaieir may featw any ol \h&cUut< >'

t |MiadicBniUi Tllinione, Hulliigen Origgitowi»1»j1i.b«f((rfl5l»«llU»jl!. UopitoU, W«5lvBl« ui

l i 130

|ore-rude, lifwallf « £»tliw»T roughcoiuiaat gVowl t b i n l 2 « , r . rod

Prliiteloj, uo eiioira Bilrltugton Camden uTfSy a ft. tu ( W m

"» •

To Close the Business.I f, , , fHK CHOICE B1OCK OP — -

BOOTS AND SHOES" ~ \ to J>e found at No. 3-Peace •Street,"

At Wholesale Rates.c

All Gocfds marked down to Costprices!

'""* ' BARGAINS offered even for thesehard times.

Call and examine before goingelsewhere to purchase,

, 3 PEACE STREET, New Brunswick,• ' ' - t , NEARLY O P P O S n t THE POSl-OFFItTE '

Frisbie & Fischer,n BOR&'ICU'ROl* OAHLANP

General Music Store,Masonic Hall. *

tf'tlfcBWJkY'S PI A HO*.'J. & O. FISCHER and other PIANOS.';

Masoni & Ham tin's Celebrated Organs.'V"P%WFr#&s'Sfa<£fYoMl> ORGANS AND ttELODHQM

ONE PRICE ONLY.• Pianosj Ograns and Melodeons to Rent


iotKe Late E t l A S 'BA'Kt^ .•':'•

W A T C H M A K E R S A N O $4" 8 SFine Watches, Clocks, Jewelrv, Silver and Plated Ware,



' ft I • I ) . i

for the>Winter Trade.PREPARE FOR' .THE, 'WINTER !

Fon.tlie coming Season we have again mudo special arrangements, wblcb, tqgetberwltl* strict attention to our business; atyl pur practue to « U Y FOU CABH, will glvt.our cu tomers full Hssurance tbat we bavo looked fo (heir !o<erest as well as ours, anilmtt be enabled tn sell tbem LOWER than atay oiler boiue tu tills clly,

Look Here! Look Here!CO1VFEKB> dlrLct from the Importirs, at 2"), 10, V, 88 Copts JOT l l r - )

TCEA1*,1 fcy tbe InraJro liddt, n? 40, 50, CO, VO, 80 conls, besl

New Vajencia Raisins, 12i Cts Ib,jOUrraTits 9c.'fpW Best\Ci£ron 35c. 4b.

Musical Instrumentsof Every Description:' Yiollpe, jfreeorAcbne, Gu tars, Conccriinns, Fhili-B^Jarnionlcons, Piccolos, TumuprluJs,FlngcolotS, Dpnes, Dim fs. DrmiiR, Fife"-, 'Iillliiijldfl, Plicll PlfXS, Tuliliig Forks, lew'silnrim, Muslo Boitis^Vmlln Strlncu, Guitnr Strings, Banjo Strings.

SHEET -MUSlO—The Largest Collection5' - *" ever kept ia this city.BonsryV Cheap Musical Publications, LHolfl> Cheap Classical

Music, Hitchcock'nVimc and Half Dime Music— - - -MUSIC BOOKS of every dcsoi iptloa, foi Sunday, Public and Private Sahools

Pianos.Orpans and Melodeona Tuned byan txpei ienced Tuner from IXexv Vork. ^ -

FiFeherV G encralTHir StoreHaW, New Brunswick, N. J.





(Fyir Trimming for Ladies'. Pacques,, t

GeritV Fur n isni ng Goods, Shi rts, Umblrelte, Gloves,<! ""'" ' *" Eta Agents (or . , , A

Singer Imprbved Sewip'^jil/racHlneVi 1for,an Sewing Machines.


Dissolution^ of Partnership.«,lbo(lrii),Iiofolpforo oxlstlns under llm lMmo of FRANlJfiiNBTEflfJi rffdlfELKfa i i b i i ! l d j lIbo (InnJioyoloforo existing under tin) lmmo of . „ ,

lias tflfa flaybfeen flliWolved Ity iliululil conhent An early selllciriLnt of all accounts duoUie flrqi Is respectfully roquMtcd, ninl all cl>i|ms ngutnet (he firm should llkewlw bo pre-Bfcnlral for payment '• •>' »'» <.;KiUiW

The business of the ll c ftruTSlll be-

K "* "" ' r~ !js r ; i\: r u n

at the Old,Stand,]>y (1)0 qndenigned, who, tliankful fpr Hie llWralialafe of ipalrof}n*b..oxtJlia1td (blillfllouse berclofoa, hopes to bu ublo to monl a conlinuatlop of favor


CA W E D GOODS, under special rrangtmiMits, lower tiian cvtr /Cliofrest now Prtnoli PRUNES a. 14 CCIHS HI IbSOAP at 0>snufucUtn.rslurjcc8L

BUTTER, .BUTTER, BUTTER,Headquarters for best Oran^B Comity Butter, ot whalpsnlc and retail Being tlid directagents tor tbeso Dairies wo will sell at lirst cost, tliercby matilug only a striull couimlsslonfrom tbe p;oduccr~ We arc also dealers in

"WJjo^osnlo Olid p o t a l l .I Come to tins old and reliable Firm, and satisfy yourself as to odr goods. No t

ducement except ONE LCiW PRICE far tbc,bUt of Qrocork

No. 193 BurHet& EAUFMAKN,

^ i oci'« irri.ll.




11. Paterson Street.l d


GiVil Engineer,(ReUey.& Ctrimttead's Building]

D. D. Williamson,


Now Brunswick.


aoll ly




OfAcb, 141 Gcbrgd street, arover's BuildingMwr


up> r ius rnni>li«lgtvand., otc,



Ousters inJEvery Style.iNCREAfeED FAOILITIES.

i s f fc. t)

Mjvs. J- H.- oooo nuRnn > NU

CO O. R K NNo oo

O It() K


R N N N J! L ,jR H N N B L L,

O O II H N N N E I, _ iO 0 U^ U _JL K L L _ _ L L

L hL

O O K ^ B . « H N"0 -""U " ftRfttf > * JT U N

O;iT " - 0 v B ( H1,' M N N E. O O, x i p - , . ^ , , g . ?f NN E


Respectfully ^nformther numerous Customers and the public in general thalrrt' she has recentli/'/luid up, in addition to hey commodious

Ladies' .and GentlemciiV Etfreshment Rooms.THREE LARGE ROOMS,

For ihCacelyrnmo&atMi o/?LAhlES ana PRIVATE PARTIES, whioharereached by appvate entrance, thus obolatmg the necessity of passing through

I iShe-ihar seaurM the iepoidesof a FIRST CLASS BAKER and ORNAif ENTER of FANCi' CAKE.




Furs, Salcfiels, Tuinks, CanesTd, rejliilrw «nil inado toUmbrellan




'Arnold, Constable Co .

COM..coiittatli.dan* 6C3under fonalderatidn f

J 'I 'nil ot \r\kii II I li III

M HAICKgS.(fill h iw»)lilf!r/DjiMil1iniHlNK'i1''Wi |

) „ < < ! I 1

lot Air Vuriuws, R*ngw and Baltljnara lit*! GRAIN, FLOUR, FEED,a lit

•wopU.Ttape.-t- luio jcra m mi if (iliiuiititirji fill I iitiuiititirji fill I iit i / n u ifully Invite attention to my stock of i

11 I

PraotieaL ...Watchmaker,ti> ) >i r JO f I I J ^ g ) * I ) I 1 '

r ....wurrauUd

nnnqiriT llMVim, vnnxn:o floxo«*ncaUy rei aired and

ami ingrmjlog u « l l jwarranUd , Atunogrun). ana £ngr»jc|og udono at uliort imtice .

I'l in Gold Ufags tti on'e'Udtfr>«"ir6ttrtl <Porsoiis re Idlng out of the city can order

good* madv^ud take thoui Aw«J tha u i a i Hay

and Scotland,

iy purlIA uqd for £1 RUJ up^at <la, p lyi^blo in an

Passage. Tickets to

by all tiro flrflUcU s Lltlds of Steamnlur»,lowutiatea ^ '

^ordufes orjiailinir aDl! rates of nat ace. oinding' none; to Ylie Old CoUilrj, 'upply to

BANKERS,lira * f

<•! 1

(?<«•. Cteorgj and ijhurah -Streets,



i >


through to ! | Mwwrat, Hbw t\irk| Mil.tlalliJi loUitilr l.iyo tail .leg«Q} f«jwrtni0iit of

ill i_ {


J.Tho Jail DoiiimttWe of[th»i Board of i'rdo'

holder), at h'meetlnjj helO-Hito CoUrt 'nous

J«UT Iff, ad</proff tha i ful

auitaAl VlfNortli, Ewt m l Wmf, I, B, ».»», 11

ovO>.> Nll

N.wirk EUul»thiimywB/ lln

;plifl.3?l,.bl'» nuRnoIf a in 4 0 vt\ T i nu

V l l d l l |


f4 vt\ T i nu j fViilludol, ill •m| oo We»t u i l Omdeu >u<I Am

oy-way ir« lii AbdTp in ~Uiddlrbu^ Mlll J l U Ol

lOUUillgtOU lOlDtf tO.T'i

Buiitu 1 .nr 1(>1W ui

Miltlpfr ^ 10 &, in





Black Cashiriere Silks,•WILLOl|liKONANDAnii.BNOV

8 0 0 PIKCKS AT LBSS T H A N C O » tOl' I U F O K T A T I U N .

0O0D ilOALITIl. AT1 sr 1 So ana II4l<y eul OUt I) B1LKB al f\ Ui

i Sails and Over Dresses,A LA(tOt LOT Ol OVhlt UlttSe^S IK AL]

TUh tKAftltfU 1 O"UI At M i t L l 1AL8 Al (<,)ii) til to «IJ fu «I6, i i tin so

:, UK1IMA riKVUX'U}li4nilJLM(i1)tIWALKING! J4th.bri(«f»SI jm » u , » l A | U l " j ^


Seal Sncqiies at $10$ and $110.BLACK BILK SUITd AT IBO tDO and »70UIAOKBILK DKlia WITH OAMitS HAI

OVKU DUKii to JORTlll- BUflSAME, WITH ULACK OASfUMtBU OTKUt, t U t O l t l U L B U UtlMBLfll/AUCBLITi) oimiplulo. and BLACK

CAbllltt'l !• SUIr-i nt (31)A l l TUIMMLII IN THE NEWEST 81 TLieB

AIw.MIB i. •olUOlB'BtllTB Irom wo ; euld il| ward, al equally luw prices

AH th* Puhlonabl* EtyJ«j»od Sb>d» olbr _

Camel's Hat*- -



A *2 Wl.AP

OCKorrADIro LAH at coat

111AN CO31


ieuooi,BuotijAi ti, woi.m ejjxiIIAMD-Jl t DP, DOItlELIi una &INOLBUOIIh. hXlU-<ItIO-< nod D i n .

r I01IT WARM OVf B HOC in grMt T»rf«


Broadtray, cor. 20th Street, N.Y,Only ono block woat of Fourth i?enue

Grand Slresctj cor. Chrystlc, N.Y,Ono bloolt: e u t of Dowtry

LEIPZIGER HAUL;N o . 2 3 1 P e a c e ' ' * '



Newatk Lager Beer od Draught.raaBH AND oooi..' '

PUKE LUNCITfrt) n » to \i 6'cloA a \hIQUO^H UI BtST QUALITY con.tanilji o"•'1 HU-P 1/

&C0.,Broadffay, cOr,

win anil far tho rcuialbdor ef tho Bftasbn? lh« t«lanaof tlulr alookv at <

KLATi!H)U(niOhs H:OM TOKHEB rnioss

Dress G-Oods.Wild afid BlHped Ml ui (Jo daat&oenta, worth<O

•%> l lo d o , 8<Wk«i 1 ' l O O i e oli lckorbookors a l 40 c t n t « worLli CO e e n t . . i

l a o l o l . I la lr Bauw Jrmlto ahd o t h e r a y l e i rfqdAlly'

B l a c k ^ S i l k s , ' ' '

!5S'.1 ." ggS •: C JS "M » « 8llk.au Wlorod to be I ho gnatul ban>lia

iTt-r oleral

• Broohe Shawls; «U>oH.w8' '

, uLuilib ilia^AGQtfKionUuil<!ltlioNa<l»t8tTl«k'


(h luvo'iuotl I tonUuil<!ltlioNa<l»t8tTl«k f l I t I

8KU8K1N JACKETS MUFFS ANDi BOAS, 1I / Ud Fuller«t,if d»klfl(>lloii" y *i(l W P l a M UUakaU,



wlllriiiabither imtiiiciioa In ELOCUUOaad STUDY OP«HAKisPEABE, to clatsmaid priratt pnplU, on' MONDAf, StPT

Address I> O Boi HO, or call at Ko 'inacliuniman Uttqi. 11 l7ama




A Proclamation,7110'UDdQrslgued iUkea pl*aa(iro

iia^r ou baiul tbo largest and bell•fock ufl Turkejii. ChickenB andDuckH t6 bt) faiiuU It) tlitff city

itousekcepers are requLstcd tocull and, aqo btft lumno^t ditpla

He has iqmle #r fin0ociept8 tokeep up hia t tock u/i^ll altor tb*jUolldft 8} and tin pricea wl.l be solow-that all canbui

Doli t be ifMd 6( tha rusli, as.iU co pB af anjatantd frill prompt1 atlcoil to all ordtra


\Vholosu\u and Retall<Ovaa Xj ]faAn»

»O 1*0* *Alt AT

B. E I S I G & CO,,318 SIXTH AVENUE, M. T.

6 6 E A T DAROATNS iX.bdtJ foys1 <3AMnUI88 0AN>DOO0U8 HjlNOt'BAHIO'19 WOltl

f o y s <3AMnAHIO'19 WOltlDOXKS POltTUONSJU.8 and p L

It prfco. to suit pto tlDltia, All goodaA liberal aitLOunt tu ITalra aud Sunday achoolBWKEJSmils

ither Uolidaj QoodJ ypUDg g i r l R l lUUtd '

ECOIOHT IS WEALTH,Wbeoier 4 Wtlun's Bowing MaoblccB,at the catablisbqd plicea, aro by tv themost KCONOHiOAL and Titutr LII^AJ-,by ro eon of the r superiority in alldoslrabta qualities, unu morcuTcr aremade sold and wamnted by li rbBpoukible Cqliipaby of long uuindtogand established reputalloq

Wheeler & Wilson Manufg Co



Tli£0. Diese'nreiter's

, tnenf, dorntrof"


M«nifa«t'af«t aqd^)e»Ier In Psrlof u.4 Llhrarjr, bultarf,-anas,'Louilgo« and ChalrS, of milWTas , l ioge« nd ChalrS, of mywn iakki aid tnttinfed In thb' teat ati* latoat

i t y l e J I i - J i I II , i l I i l iI * l d I C mado., Ma'

1 * '

itlMatlltUinlirBollcltliig ybnp patronage, I am; Ttry'it;

speotf ully yDura,mhlfl-Iy u THllOODRB BIBBKNBBlTElt.

1 ll | } H«| 1 I I II I / I I * . .formerly at3^5 Btt'nttrftroot/N^w Bruubwldli

lAt tho abort plaoa will t» found a cliolco.aortnitnt^l .utilli »W lo oMtnu il i > /

i U U l ) yl

11 »>> Ms* VFf^f&Mr'liiwtt? gtaakutju W1MJ tor IV.l?l(t!^'l*-"''i'-""J""?^-'J.'.i*1 " '

U Wll) fljU] till BCAUfUIETBryv

Som.tlmet' mea, bfit oft n Iroii ci <VODDV ajid.fajr

»rt Udr tougiua drop Ibt fortw allme,U r tougiua drop Ibt fortw alCullQg uiia oi?tbom^boollMbby'^ aimo41i«a,«Uunlli«nu.j«jij


work and wortb.

Dr. Haren's Birthday Gift

Thif liiBl 'purtoaph or the tetterrejtd lulls' ''My darling,though way-ward 61nl^t 1 ieel th^t I have donafill Aud tbobedt that a' dying fathercan do for *bis tbilil wtea I have enLrualed you to the care anifguardianMiip ol my dearest Itnd loyal fnet d,Dr Haveo I kpow1 that my daugb-ter (I^B the reputation oi being a wild,untamable mad cap, yet I d6 BO idolws ilia meinory of yOtir mother thatMcetelie could not bear tae a ohitdwfi'o did not' hivo a fountatp of pure,womanly nature Bornewhej-o in herb$art th it should burst forth sometimo to t'Vf.rlastii]g_ life. BelievingJIUB, 1 uliull leave you. with perieottrust lo {he cam 'br & prajerhcanngGod, who knpVs the dearest wishesoi ray heart, aud will fulfil them ac-cording to fits own wiae-counsel "

ffio young gW laid down the letterwith a tiuick, impatient mgn, poial,ngheraelf tarat on one foot and then onthe other, finally lUrniDg,*and gliding,to{ tho window with a light, springing,lastie sUp, which B«arce1y deigned

to touch the floor. Two large tear-drops trembled upon her Inshes, whichulio dasbod away as she tnurmnrcd

" Poor, dear papa 1 No oho willever love me again as you did. Mamipa I never knew, but it is of no use^--1 never can be ~durf and stupid asmoBt girls are ' Life must be gay—lull ot suuslnne and floweis—and Imust beJletl to roam when audTrhereever I please, or I know X shall notbu'good Why is it tbat 1 feel so lebelltouB and wicked when 1 am in tho •society ot people who are diBlreusing-|y g<pod 1 And about {his doctor—well, we shall see * I feel now likehandling pistols and bowle kmves indi-^so ol my rights sbould he at j

tempt lo coerce nie. I greatly fe~arthis precious^ pious guardian of minewill rue the day be ever took me uu-

ioipl ijare and kepping "Wmin.1 a , Kay tune, five

aftr ouo wks injlm^Bdwuthefane 'at brealcneek Bpeed, followedhard by~a~ youtig turner wliO witsatruitung every nerve to caluh thiitilreamers of a white mormnfr dressthat floated so temptingly behind1'bo result of the race was madoknown, when, hall an hour later, tho

; girl, relumed with heir dresa BO•J lorn that its jurtber service wus

utterly tjut pi the quemion —

Pcacon Bria.nt'a wile, with whomKittle liad made her home since herlather's death, merely gave her ahopeless, patient glance, murmuringlo herself as she turned lo pursue her"morning's work— v

''Only one vytek more—only_onoweek more, and then, 1 am thinking,Or vIIaven will rue tho day she evermlered his house. I have leard he^as a quiet, stern sort pi/ man, one

not likely to be vpry patient with tholollies, ot, young girl?, and I shouldlike to knpw how hu w ill manage withsuch a uigh-flier as Kutie. £iko asnot hq will turn her out.ot doorstefore a week After all, 1 love

at girl", and Bboujd take her back ife worried my lift* oulj pi me. How

can I help it, whoa she comes to mybedside nearly every night, and, put-ling her, sweet, young laco lo mine,while she puts back my hair so softly,s a y s , / I d ? so love yon, aunty, and,iam,ye'ry sorry I eyer gaye you anyia|n./ , jlu's my opuiion. lfjt^at girlyer loyos tr^fy and worthily) it will

Lbe the saving oi tier, otherwise shewill bt^lqsl,

thjnk Eittio iWestley hadan pnemy in Vhe whole world. Shewas -handsome and daring, though(rank, and cordial j the young peopleu '-'- p her, while th.0 old folka

_ir heads ominoy ly and de-, . , , , jiegiHjjfould tertaiuly. come

9, rnip, alpine day, uless Dr. Haven~as Bipart enpngb to govern her,hioh j.h^ug i)over had deendonej

jough A?t, without a sWli, fortuneiu;truste4 lor s fe keeping, aud'wilh

, « •*.••»«» a-v IU VI4V TIMUIP

uif to livo'with Dr. Ilaveuso^was Biiualed a little out of

yj in, a rfet»,red1lo},aUty, ho hav-ig givtq up the,, grea^r, ^art of his

pravtiua^ to his partner, who 'lookbargoofth^jOfflooin tbe, pily Tho

Joutor's household cousiatod of him-J/ (i faabipna^e, y ou,ngej widowed

fi-fH^d lfl(ekecper ftd^yBarrvantB, , ( , , , , , , -Mrs Thai-tor, the doctor's sister,

aBj perfcot|)y^ charmed, aq ahd ex-ressed it, /nyith puttie, and mado

ihrowd ,oalculationa as to t,lte Bonsa-loo sWJfould-maka When jntroilucc'dj'epmet^tno QOjhing Wlli|tek '

po'reDDiQcla mo .now ofwill


a& ub*" tonin

10 doubt'.1"'"r''KiAfeMia'n6'l(see'tKef <KMr Untilhtfsebbnd dliylaKer^e^aWVai; thenho"wa« sitarnorled t'b meet blm'lu'tho'^rarfr ' • ' " ' "' ' ' ' * '

«1 Vhitir halb^'hlm'^I khrj'w.i'-'s'hb

Page 2: BOOTS AND SHOES · "l*!!*jf !!.. ^;LUI~- iI / V0L.XI.-N0.13?.1 11 i' II 'LJIJ i 1 j/iil) II TV ""n? I., u i, EOlHUTilMMl. ilrs. Marks' ^eminaiy nOflHNS ITS eEOyJUDfTEftM NPV.-SS,

houfi oomet-iopf freelcbools

' But When.*blooded,

wa/t agalnat the' Cbthollp Church We Jeff-BTfWbtC the l d tb ju

forth to meet her atiardliqniok, emphatio rsp at the solid idoor, she opened it at tbe real}and walked ip. With aglance the doctor; motionachair, and then oontiuued nsat-ion with a woman evidently of thepoorest olass, aod wlio had been

miV.BamsMmaiW«p* «*• Y^..***good woman, ii I"aeal wjlTplly,;! jnii.t Mil yod toatnust die. It is a aad oasivf,

down In a moment, aa it wete,' in tbiflower of bis youth; the hsrfidt e( alfIB that lie is uot prepared to meet hitMaster, w-bo has called him io an un-expected hour." '

" And lba», 18 wSfhis poor mother'sheart is breaking 1 And Jimniiesaya:'' Ask the^djotorV-tor be doulTrilDt thll miniitftr.™* if tlP wnn r. pnma

to me by-and-by'; for be thinks' heyywill pasB away at

\ Kittie'a heart thro with a greath

\ Kittiea hear t o gtujiu; she could never forget thosepiteous words BO long as she lived,and, in spite ol alCTier pride1 and sternresolve, two lsrgp, hob tears tell upron her .band,,'s&he,,,dashed, theniquickly w a y , and, with a hard,ik'tiaui look, uazedstea(Jily,at a paint-ing, for she was almost siirii..tbe'doOftor had been coverl-ly regarding''ber,

'.' f And ep' rhayer^t )s« the'pletuJTd " K i i ' f

have lived ilove you in spite of all yourwan, your unparalleled willulness»ad utter disregard of m'y every wish

- - LJLdMtofoknew

claim tooboioe of'.a

Btyad..mJL^WjWyou that 1 couoottmBn! WaM$

f' U l e v iolditofei* to»'.'»iexemplary before the

lay tomethat, in th*



in all my religious ,,di»ties, and'aapirailions. But, ab met 1 .am juaj *ifoolish and weak M most mvu are-i-my heart has madq fool ot my headS I l — • •So I love,ling!—HOfpfa Jte, and

ii^Su-Wlilcb'D.sent to be1 toy'Wife. And remember,I charge you, for I oafa't help believ-ing you have a woman's heart aoine-where, lhal if you accept my love I.


. f And ep rhayer^t ) s« thepletuJTuru of »ddres8ing T4i8s" Kiltie Wes't-fIpy ?' WU1 jp'^ please, to come andiniake myacquiiulan^

'" The.ypuqg girl came Jorward Wtho air ol ope'to vVhpni DOtliing could1 : '——- Jiqagreealile. She, made a

yflprt', 19, wtyk at. btm, .y>—"'•' '-'"' dnc6'wiili"the iiict

be more.

overp M V ^

' that bi9 vauntej guafdianBlijp\wr, or any thing like kftid.care, was a

- matier.pl 'prpflbundinSfflSreiitJe, il iaoi^tremuly JistaBteful to her.. Sheclioso to" be left to berself, and BcbVned

•V/ '"Wihf l ika^d«f fSA'""Bi 'a6 il io^sl ie looked oiily a moment intothelucool theman belorjjlier,and tlienher heaviiy-fringcd ' ejrejjda. gUi'yereq

" audsisll, and%sbe"stobd!)fk() a" Wllteij,flowef'bjeJpre" him; ' p ,.'-"' 1.; •

y "df bbarpfi she was' not' van4uVBhfed/before the b a ( U e ; he w%ld aiid'thathe liad'caiiglif a ifcrtar it he u'n ejr-J

in her down to" tuti dule j i g f fc ^ j

tooklo'ohain her down to" tuti dullproprieties oflife.'; It' seemed to!tifjithat this'keen, calm, Beif-poBsesaei}m^i of almoBl,courtly^ poirsb^Ea<i,~in*

r tsy hichhe had ]surtue'Tuw momenta'wiiic"h,-he.had'*Bttrryey^iTTiwi read: every page in thelicfok ot kur life through, and that helrjuj anolyiedrevery thought arid feel.

1 iag in regard to himself; and that it;only ainusod hiriii '.For ihe'lirst tirnain hef life Bljefiltliku. a littlej Billysworthless no^eutity. ' ""'!,• "'.."'•••'" j

' And the| dofttoi''? . .Well , the 'youjiggirt was rif^bt; lie had read',' and iiiHderatood her 'tborou^hfy ;' but iti;wao|

: partly''Woa'ifte' he liad-received athorough, artaljsiadl her el

very.heart would break; but, whenshe. iwas1. pressed tor •nanswer, "aftermuch, soothing; and caressing,. l|er "an:

«wer was:,

W«K?I,T—InvarlaUyHk advance, JUSOa

year7 toi-witaaooprfsrW

Prldces Bismarck and Qortschakoff havemade aaMamementaar a DaaceablaadlaUo

DAILT—Iby career, 'or !7;0fi a year, U advan'oe,when seat by mall.' " -

Commiulcatloos,' of whatever nature,must be uMresaed to

A. B . « » B U U H .



Tn* -VlrglnlarpDmocrallc Legislativecaucus baa tbus, fa.r failed to nomiuate acandidate for U. K Seotter. On the fifthand la«t ballot, Friday evening, llie ballotstood/ Jobqslou 41, Goude 47, Stuart 47.Tbe caucus meets again to day. ,



" Ouly try roe, sir, only try me J. for1 (eel as tho'ugh all Iho willulneas bad

gi'cibl fei*tlhaft confa:to me now-thai? 1am going to let -myaell.love you all 1

'.*' Tka -'AnMni -Hfifl' abtttiftiiiV'-- ' knil*T'be.'dpctoi1!;w!a8when another birthday came aroundhe accepted the,so longed for, a»(J.-thputl.

,,has never i^regrelted it.

urcll' has a commnnlon'numbering rallllooflp la f»f. more powerfulthin tbe Roman' Catholic, has a' marveldm-iy per/ooted disoipllue, inU.pusliea Itsiuuir-

geDerationover It. We wtah no lnterforonco'ln our pol-itics by any 'church whatsoever; and IfbiBhopa and prlesU: undertake to addto their

boftltog her hand' iu: a" wartni close

"lara;really glS3 tliat'you'b'avecome to live:vvith me. •' Lileia'ratKer

taste", living an I do, and_I "anithiukiug-youJvViUadd sbmtthiufi-likijpoetry lo it. I am 30 yearp old to-jda^Y"! sliall'regard yoU "as'a birth-

'preBeni." |Vuii he mocking .her?

hinj a qniok tierce glanc'KittleAV g

gave hinj a qniokf tierce glance^ andlaughed 'outright, putting bacvfe'liirhair very geutly 'aiHh^gmdjAmc: I!'hair very gently 'atHhe_sstnB_Ume. ! j

— — - ' Kittle lelt'th'at tho iceiie was grow-!fug diftgeyouB, auuTTeai'iiig lest Jierreserve Bbould' thaw out, she sprangup, un<), tnk'nig a luw impatient tariiaaround' .the'" room, 'said, pa'uBilig' infront of hi ni

" I am alra'uime at all; aiid.if tyowith you wjll'jjiveNjub.will be disappointed,-fqrrl {tk'^W'tfojjust as I pleaBe, and -'yiJu! will Tr'nTi-lliewith'arod'61 ir0ii, iaiid»"'*W4"^'w'J


ift*af - vtiw 1

d—,—~::«The docto'r was'ykstfy aina:« M vdear youhg"girj/'y6

or w y k y i p ^r youhg"girj/'y6u' amfiieiiS^lyj'tWtl'wduld rbi:im;e ^ y j .

possible:, ;Think wfiatxin'c t s t j The'war would b


cuntestT The'wiironu side; "Whenunderstand ''eadli

would bb/'all' 'dn,id • I1 c6rae.tb

----- -, . w<»hall;be'the best possible IritfndB." !••- - '• "J:;»

'Kittie;doobted it/an'd1 went'sU)Trtdthat' night" more!,'augr'y•"'<jlili' hersulflliah the ddotorj' '.•'".' ' '•'•"' ." :":"'' -'

'I wish' I had litne and space. •you-'all "'the rniriuto: details;6f' "ihe-ballles-a'qd/ 8kiritilBnep,';the:Sriot6Hes:

iintl defeals'ttiat did c6irio"ofi bsiyveen'•' KlttiS'a-n'd'-tnfe abbtor 'b^fbre the^eBd

oSme; they would nearly mat6"a^ook;"Buli'l-will' rt^l f ! tyou hoV it-ended,1 ihtyngh,'tor Kitlie,Weetlby'snutno wirt banrsbed Irddi the house.

She had been Da\igh'ly alan'd dilud and detied her 'gii^r'Jianllthe most ri'ckWs manner.' Ja6'' tlie

' ' J ' i d ithe most rickWs manner. Ja6tliedoctor caniu'to her a'nd Jard.'ined'iiy :

"lOuty I WvefclVcnydeiTftryourlullro ^4rdrobe 'to Be'pattiid

lOuty I WefclVcnydeftryourlullro ^4rdrobe 'to Be'pattiid,1 r . i . <—.«_• .A !/.i.j -^'a' back t'o

for whom we ,«ba|l:»ote-for PresldeDtithey will .neither save souls nor succeedla- making Presidents/ "If Blsliop Ha-ven and the two ;bun<Jrea". Metbodlafparsons who adopted ana appliqded htathird-term gabble'wialrto V6te !for BossGrant for next PrealdODt, tliey have a per-fect right to do it, tbougb If- I hoy do theywill Odd themBelvea lo a pitiable' minority

f h Aa niiulalers o{, religion.of the voters;Jiowev"purposes,their toug

. elseuoiniiali&jwi

One of Ihe brlefeBt'.porlloDB, hut by fartbe most Imporlaut, of the Pretldent'J lues-sagila that relsting to education.: In .briefUla recommtddatloni are that Congress pro-DOM io the BtaTea" a'conitltinioDal'nmerjdf

;tfaiingHtyto establish and forever maintain free pub-lic ichools adequate to the education of allthe amareu 'lp j tbe rudiuieutory- branr.hes

i ' i epetive Ilrilus irrespectivethe amawithin to'

e tyctive- Ilriilus, irrespectivet l l l l ^

r r p v , por, blrltlplacp or rellglod jIManning In/aaid schools of

..„ fefetfo or pa(tan..ienets, a'tfd'p'ro-biWtlng tbe granting nfuuy sohool fimflsorscbualtazea, or any part thereof, either bylegJBlallye, municlpnl or other ^ullfor.ity,tni to'^eneftti on In) ^d,'\\dlreetly or, jndl-recttyj "of any'rb'lgiouH'sect or dehomin»rtlon, or In.aidw 'or Ibe benefit of anyother object .of.any uaiu.re.or Jcjqii. what-ever." ; ! ' ? ! l r ; , , | ; i ' i -.) - | . i*.--And, seoonuly, - proposing that nil the

cliurcb property 1u Ihe country bo subjectedto (^Federal tax.'

j [ railjs jJosltlojn "on,.thls Swe havo no objection, if he means what he

aad^pdthlui; more, cisccpt on theuiBiiopsanapriesuimucriiKO 10»UQ 10mcir ^-*r'-; ~ - j : r " ~ " ---.•-• .--?-r-cure of Pauls the business o t instructing u» ^rouDdof Its timeliness and -lie practica-

bility. '• Inthe first- pluee- no- State-wouldadojit'such an .amendment (IDICSB It wereprepared to adopt (be theory of compulsoryeducation already; and so few States have•nowfi al'd'.8po's.tlon' t6':do ;:ih1s for ' iuein-iielyes i\iel tliev, will notpiaUablj; make It apart of the organic law for. themselves andalt other .States. "In tho /occoud piano,, if

ver, in eonvemloua called f r religious 1 the States did eo elecUJr Is not n'rotmbtyses, they :wlll, lie^wise'It they hold iliatthefaw'couldWonforced.,-It'wouldtongues about voting- for Grant or .„• • , . . .„ • ,„ . .^._.M_-..., „.„, „ ,i«,,i.voting

' President.;"A. sectarianIJdl lgocUancea Qt'i tho

Thursday evening last iras not attended atall" It^^wr>eic^t;a^Aieii':orBd;<rf^^pewl

The JIull wo? literally crowded with J3inptl-nW'^WVreretled this oxceedln^iy^bothisnW^WVregret ld this oxceedln^iy^bocause we koow that tho iuoiit'indifferentcould but be interested In the subject andpleased with the lecturer and his manner of

i J ^vjt^ltbstanilhig (be.sD)ailncssy C p r 6 c e e a 6 d W'j<iv6of " t l a C j o n e s p r a 6 Wj<v6

hla'rerslon of tho Kansas troubles.' He Wasairealdent of.Kausas duVing the memoraliloperiod of. its hjahiry. aud T¥M ap actor Iamany of tlie stirring events of tbo lime,beipg upon the ullw; prtjslay^ry side ' He

ybeipg upon the

ie. :' He

fpg p l w ; p j ^ a y ^ y :

gave a running but connected account oftbe various scenes which finally culminatedIn therebclllonVt3getberwlth a crltlclam ofeach of tho prominent actors therein, treat-

tT~^^~ ~~'~= """FwiiUTevTdent

A. DouRlaas,tn Horace Greeley and io Ahraliam Liucoluwere especially foroyilo s'uil'eloquent.'' '•

KJol. Jonea 19 too good a talker' to wasteLid, w A w i a h .11*^^^ - aHv.n# w turnr%linn b hrl %tiJI

entaU sudden expense, of vast proportions•on communities 111 ablo to bgar it, and mubhOf tbo yxpeuse -uselcas. Aaldc fropi thequestion.; of. compulsory rudlraentery, eclucii-tlon by. lbo'States, which would-hardly- he.a good l^ilog Iflt was s-proctlcabLo thing,w.0 think; tho flresideot^riglit;-, luV his, advd1

cacy of 1 oilseclilrian nlucallou}- the nou-divislon of school funds and the taxation ofchurch properly,-tfceptiiurlal grounds audnon-expensive cliurnii eclifieds. But Prcsi.SenrrjfranTnieaiirsometniu'g fiiofb tltaiTlhoexpression of bis Individual 0[)luioa In this"messafi[C ""He ni'earit ia\ announce' Tt^as aforced iSBUC of a great party. ^ He has aaunqueetionBb.le"rli;b(f• .not.often exorcised;however,-;to ; recommend the .adoption ofconslitutiqnal arnendmei ts, even though hehas no voice Hi the formal recommendation

-But this subject wos^not- one" that

hiB^words'-Updh h

, liencbca, .anil weh

hiB^wordsUpdnetiipfjr, liencbca, .anil wetrust that wherever he may appear here-,nftcr.hn wlll.be greeted by more numerouiaudiences.—Somcrville Unionist. •


ODbiJflU^&ste.agefitlemautiVorOb/faanswer to idquirles after bia -healtb, com-)

l i T t l h l i t h i S " O i J l d "

fltrij.' Fish, Eiq., of Tretitob, aweeks ago celebrated his OOtUWrtli

i.bmiricntlatit)n-:from-.the-- Prealdc'ut at thistime. It is uot n questlou iu natural lsasuo•bofor'oithep^pple; not one which called furthe expression of any opinion, on tho parjtot a public oOlcer.Ju other.words, it is nottlmciy;" 'Our:fbreftithers did not originallymake it. part of -;our /irganlc,law, in full

l O t tboeductio'rji[ o x p e r l t j o fmake it. part o ; r g a c , a , n fuvlew.Ot tboeducatio'rjai[ oxperltjnce.of ages;;

fitli foielhouglit'•'••"" '""a'itaiV

plaineoTotsaid M Pr. Pish, 'Lvpu wjltget

tSpAben,SvAafIyoiJallll bale and hearty

.!: S"OuiirJevern]lud,"j l t t ' "

, g j p A , S A a I y J u _ .FIsU Is allll bale and hearty, with an activestep e at• "of a Jaau o f fifty, a

ifSii^ffi b.&tVf.Jkarland"

the snow from the walk'In fdwelil'ng ~

and.lhey mual

U-lh'r^iJupon free educationbefore, the peo,(bJllirtiteatltUeutselvia'b;ofgaDlalavv,. JTbere Uas boeu ub, nucessltyshown'for flucu eitrdoruluary''ni'easureB

Tbetrlffb is-, that PAJaldent Gfatit incol--!

ueof thoomade

trli r gavei. , franklin B. Scacor gavbonds, forjUaiUmonnt, Required, andaUenfccusea was released. , \

adopted bj( tpa/tyjF*.t*tln,l&lpn (uvolvcs the1

ai^hipV,se' lwi

bi»g )s

; those

both fought well, bull I have 'surren-dered at/'discretion. I bear you u'p

B ip,y ibe ^mcirme be follpwed,

haVc prayed, and alwayh slIHll, as lorittjas 1 live, that somewjrere,' atad-at,Bonm tlmff in fdnV llti^theH will bffa-]! qulrlcs ren;turning pbiril lor thi) bolter. I bid ' '"

oti gSkd-byK5*" ' '' ' ' • ">'KittiB Abod like 6no

Tbe erbicitalit* oft KhodS Island liavonbeea lerrlblyeiclted over the presence, In9 onaof their edi


side belQru be left the * r o om, iHfo' \xclntmed: ' ' " ' l r ' '


"Oh, Dr. rlavcn,

J ' i'ddn'

1 ung asierid Woi »K»>nd

ay-Jinaued.doiitdVit,!" ; "Coulri'tlns pale, b ^ i n g facs^o

you >M»err«usRn, tf ,Baw you, whe



A centenarian of Moulton,ly, after thinklof, Uu matter over


Jersey Oltj,'dledji>u Thui101 yijur»"^U<i waithe-

wa« burn lnTriUnirtiaiOpU^lwiiJli f°w

:#'ha mstat a'tiariy, tt'<!(«;•*'»•""•«»

IW '«P»iJflftJ

i H E H^ • . ' • ; 1

01 icnod ftbi

porated'.'bj&ylews.i message be-'fore a Presidential, campaign with a pur-;

wed lu'a,Vp?

foro referred, (andibj£w^c,biw/))havedieted what Is now apparenjlj in which!President Grant,, at an..army reunion, mode'UBe. of the following language to an asaeln.-'biy A'fsoldlew; - — ' ;"""'j5_ jyo areiiij) h^ve a'nWl

Mluri'of our naiWrialdicljlhat tuBdiviajng |ioo will .not be Mson* 'and.'Dlxm'g.'but' between patriotftmnnd intelligence on tbq ono biile, aud super'slftion, ambition and lxnoruuco OD theother."

with those rema ich Giant took theqnusunl trouble Jo writo but buforo ha - do-llvcted them, They foicaUdow a politicalcontest In llils coniitiy/iver rfrep schoolsCan bis .melluWuiean a>iyihlug else thanan atlonipt'to torro 'this tssue_i_^What hoBhappened ' since bis lies Molncs spacch tTho Ohio BopublicanB 9pdettyortd to go totbe people- on tho school question; tbo NowYork Republicans made a M fpr votes onthe sajne.qucullon. Tbo ffow York Wit-nets, j[ie{-B<$|f/}g$Mnoed< Ijut mshJnlQcautorgan of ,OUrlstlan people, has nominated0rant fpr( a third tqrpi on that IssueBishop Uawen ,of 11)0 Methodist Church'L-_ ^ .»-;.''.—zr-2—'' ' • ' . . . ' . — f — ^ — . —has dono Jho same ,tbln4. __echfjol Union has. douo ihe same. A. sornade to lbo Prasldent wound up with threecheers for his staiAl on this question. JTor-

'lean baa:U Do

Do theybeen firing aall tbaaonot mean tkartlio word has jjono all alongtu«i'Ri)|)ubllcoD lines,' >C* Brfng"1 Tqrth (lieacbool question t". Blalbersklte dominiesllko,Ta|magu priaeh on seclaflau scboolB intlie pulpit, arguing (bal public scb '

public feeling and exolte It on rellsloua.M * 113& Jl'ttft-RHbte wn,|n«lrt2iplo


r (lii love *vA tbe preju-dices of -Catholic MdJProtStimtnfalUM may

solving to seek It by means of sectarianprejudices. He is endeavoring to put him-

forcing the people of this country Into afabie position, dlvltother, when,

done, on educational subjects,very strong latent affgcUoiu^ijd cre|udlcaiin our Protestant pet>jnf,*4hici> itVere inill omen for us to arouso; but they can

to enlist theirjprejudlcej befarflappealloK iotlielr rta8Otu>- Tblals¥l!»t, Grant 1« dolu<.For reason ahowatu that tlie - schools are Inno danger. Qraut's- tneeoage reada Inno-cently enough; but taken lutjjconneclionwltli tho eotfet ^oy44s | l spf hl«|ftiil«9 and'the forces Wbloh'arer'ai work under'tbe aor-face of tbe Republican .party, it ls; a das-tardly and disgraceful piece of business. '

Jfflf,WASBlNOTOkl, .

'-^t&e'Presldoot'slinger over tbft St. Louis wbiaty complica-tions has cuknlnated, as many of hla jadlrclous friends feared, UjWouli culinl nale,.Inthe peromp'tory VliarfilBsalvot ei-ScnatorHenderson, the counsel for the-Govern-the perompt' „Henderson, the counselnieWt. It Is already getidrsJly known 'thatthe Immediate cause o£ itho President's an-ger was the speech of • Henderson In lueAvery trial, In the course 'of which UianAmo of Gen. Bubdockwaa mentioned In anunfavorable ^connection, abd In which tboProsfdent himself . tvaj: also .alluded to,

any knovvledee or suspicion o f any of thefrauds whatever, or'.any connection withthem. Evox tluce the report of. the speechreached ibV President id the'newspapera. hehas shown unnsual feeling OD tho subject;"^o.ApotrioidecWvo, action unfifc lassworn statement' of 4ne%ord-«f Mr." Hen-derson, reachod him, Tbe exac(.wordiLWcn>laid - r . , - , ,General" tcf-di

^Attorney* General,

*• r^avwv** -HIM sa^vsr#«fsrw^* MMV V W . A vt*A%l£ VlljKortt) HempsttMd', Ji. I, for the murder ofCapt Iiiwrence.

Interest crodltoJ ou the l i t 4ajr ot Jtnnaijrjpd July o ^ e w h R a r . j ^ ^ B S! 1 g f

penaea can be reduced $48,000,600.Emetine Olark, who escaped from tl><

Paaaaic county Jail several weeks ago, nai

The Newark Industrial Iostltuie closed Its

The Chicago Times contained a telegramrom ^Ipkaburg, Mi*a>, Baying that a fighticsntly-oocurh)d>al Rolling PorRVbenVeen

a baud of 76 wbltes'and 200 negroes, live01 ibeJatt^GelqjJdlled. •-., r ••-•;• ./

Tae!cBrifqer'a.4ury lu<tbe ciae of 'MarySullivan of Jetvey City, chnrgod witli In-


tanlicia«,.prought,lu a verdict stating •tha/a ws /n» .^vi4«n^'to show 4hatchild Was alive, and she was discharged..; James KlUein of BrunBwlck strett, JerseyCity, gave ball In f 1,900 to answer for an

' Patrick Kleman.. Tljey-1- TT-'- 1 J$™* bmwiirtandhad.iiduukTeenieut whlcUireaulled I n K i l l - - - 'sanlling Klornan with a sluog-shot.

Sueclql Counsel Hendersob was dischargedtJjfU " • - • - - - •sky ti


'Tha.i-eapire iof .'Dolao",-con'vloied ia the"until

us, the whole Cabinet consenUnir,nployed; .the, MiUtory

ck'B' case Will not actilV trial in Si. LoubV,

murderer of. -Mr. Hoc, occaslous surprise.Tu<DeR-^rlde1lco,,»ulmiilted _ld,tb(8 caselnVUils case

ral belief thatthorlght'rnaujvas' convicted, especially aano other .16 imiier8UBplclpn> and the•;V|Dia-mond Jim !.Vstory^bigars marks, of lmnroba<bllity. ; •

Two more bodies were found at the wreckof lue Buunyslde, being tho e of Mrs. 81owrart, a passcuijor from Now York, and Na-thanle . Walter. , J bpai5T

ertaker, andX ! One body

only remains to be found—that of SarahY i r . . ' f l l ~ _ I L L - I ' k- * J. * t*l •** /^l-_._ . - _ _ 1 1 ^ '

- -i »•«

thanleg JBBfpijVa. Walter.ar&hpw.lh' the bands of tbewill be forwarded to New Yurk

theref<)rB,,has telegraphed (9. Unlted;Btatea ^ admit^d; -It-js*Attprpey Dyer at at, toula, dlrectuig. i l m qon-ect the mlafakirt Hiuminti M/, Henderson and.eulpl6ybtbcr i i .IJ~»~-. —--.,.'-

Codgress for reducing tlie postage on printedmatter • - - • ^ -• -• v---'-'lt'---«---•-.relief;^ . „ . . . . .dor that was made iu flxlugtho higher rate'

[lvesMiope that ilils^ measure ofllnol'Wng.bedelayed. .Theblun

;{jUJsinorti Impprtantr now;iomistake than to. spend time in

counsel..The.aeUon of the.Cab.ne, ,a tbe bject ^ j ^ ^ ^ S ^ S

like Tweed aud the two counterfeiters, liassuddenly vanished, and is nowhere1 fuund.'

so, with cUlKeun not under Jock' aud

1/D, but llicy'liave alt been fracctl,

Tlie acton ofof universal 'discussion tljla tiVenlnR, /there Is no mlstaklgn tho'public sentimentwith" rreferenco;: to Ui,:Jrfila sontlmout,;among friends and foes alike, 1» unques-tionably agalo.4Ulie w|silooi of the .decision^The Preafdent has suffered1 aha1 'every daysuffers jseverot nerspnaj atfacka upon .him-self uud his ofllclal family than that .madeby Mr. Iluudereou, and it'Is, therefore, tobBmBLj^aj\htt|CftnJ^J)jElUtoUiBB

4. fnhave cofneI T ^ l &

with-uipre pr

espec.k^iyirfltnirwl(£f$^^jrihougliimuie In Court, l& not Ukely itolnjuMhim, and should be oonskloreU JI Buialtmatterin any light. But thoViiiunscl iwas Very"severe ua .Uen.,Babcock, and promised togliow.thatta.-Wtu.uuuncctcd.wlUi.tho.cop-splrireyr"Tho~EfeslJeiit'BfrJleUds here" fearthat the couhfryiwir loPkS w4tB " •"Ufl6n=1lleJ»aimVB(|>ff J i f f ^ ^beeis of that declaraliorf,Iho President bugut 'to have beenmore ready to glvchhh tho chanco to makegood bis"prouilse, and Inntead of dlsmisslpghim sbould" havo aided blih; ;Wih--aII, themoral force of IIIB contiuuefl supports .

Already people hero are beginning to saythat it Is an unmistakable Invitation to Dis-trict Attorney DyMrLtij lecti some one, for,jounee|_wiiu_wUl litt lMUB-CBniful ia men-tioulug the names of people covered by tberoof of . the Whito House. People also saythni.'lp cas 'Qi.-n'iBaJicock Is innocent, theacfion of. to-day will bo lnjurlous~lo him,and that if guilty suspicion' will restrupon-tho President. If he is Innocent, it werebutter b«: should be shown, so under theprosecution of Mr. Honderao'nv who knowsmore' of? the " ramldcations of theWhisky • Ringfor, whatever

. Honderaonv horamldcations of the

..than anybody ' else.;may' be the result

k'S tr i l b f th 8ffor, y tof: Gen'. Babcock'S trial .before the 8f.;Ijjula court," there will always tea BUSplclbiithat the AUrninlstration. did not. caru tohave him' prosecuted by the Bams lawyerinr lpBt^ l f «<«««•••—--—

Joyce/Avory and others, anH tbat.u Inter-fered at a critical period. It is generallysuBDOsed Jieju, ttojit Jlr,,>HBnder»on "wasfered at a critical period.supposed .heru, tout Jif..,acting" ngalrnt,}, t)treoyin(trrt«lo&s »of :A».,Blatant Attorney Qtue'ral liluford Wilson.Solicitor . o t i h u Treasuryt and SecretaryBristow.

y^ yastonlshuient <lsezpresasdhero to-nlghl that Secretary Brlstow con-'

senlcd to Ihe dismissal Of Mr. Henderson,It was supposed that tbeirLcauso was one—^ao^y^tUB^e^ylc^n^t^gu^tj.per^iiai

d that the Scretary would sustain thoand that- the (Scoratafy Would sustain tholawyer.

much from day to day, except that he con-tinually _from the, ...nourishment. The only articles of foodthat Ire takes now are pears and toast walei,which ho has as pfleu as he wishes. Yet

her." - tu^/fonuootfbhjiad another --tfevcro at- tjlT^S^^SZaZ^h ' "H i s menage , , to ,Congress must V_j(!iibV lack , similar to thoso bo has had beforfc, u « i u i m t n i l s t J o w t i u . . . , . , . , . ,,,aHI. , I . ^ , " » * : J , 1 . .-1..-1. n r . - r . L u . . . . and which btthas Uot.beta oxoec i t t l to aur- Sowvr«oy Sootawn . . . 1 . 1and which be, has Uotjhetij, qxpected to sur-

vive About noon, however, he ral lud and'bttam His

ed ' him 'as nau. ls phyBicUu visit-

yesterday. It Is notp b U ( l J 4 f < '0«jnor-"wllh llvo mucblonger, and be is said to be anxious to puss

j quickly The nldo Interest which 1Bm bis condition Is shown by tbe fact

that members of his tamlly are In dally *<•-

iemedlesl .. . .celve iospectrul utten(lpn, although In thenature of tho caae tt is Impossible that allof them can bo tried, KeaVlVall are cures

stomach, of neither_pf which dlseasea MrO'Couor has any symptoms.' His maladyis said to be lufreguout, and, Ia iDQurablo.

The Waahlnglon-(D. C.) iorreapondeotof tho Freehold Democrat (fives the (ol'lowing Item ,^-"- ' l | l l "

M*. John TL pfttfcnoOQJC .yoiir countyJ -" " it gallant flgUt f,o/ the- position

._ ln,t.|itrArnu,l .tnanafttnrlns; '*jjp.strength afterward lo Ihe PoBtrautenliipTHe maq> a wonderful eanvass In a shortapace of Ume, a^d )l Is atserttd among tbeknowing ones oef e l In Washington that Ifhehadiitlertottlt'iloinf ~ " " —Arroa Iniea^i'o£ wlthd'Of wJthdrafflri-tf'in favor of

'fbeywerB uiOBtlylu hiding from creUitqrs,which,'may"accpithe scent that uniafiBeirttiem.'

the., [ sharpness jp£

session, and ..transacted some unimportantbusiness, afterJwhlcb It adjourned "to Tues-day next. Previous to-adjourning n billwas introduced, to alter the postal laws, and

ttaiurrl lnBi i f tlie Prealdout)B'mes»aKefcts "vfore^rfie'fed t be re-

appolnfeU.Democratic members'of' tbe^House womuhold a caucus next Monday at two p. ni.

, ,;4h«;J\iWVrecraii"tS'of Newark,liadsabaDdoued1 • bis family, affdeloped with.•Mre?,Eliifi VftelSnCwIdow of tlie lal'e 6 . C.'Vreelaud,-l8dcnled . . . . . . . . . . .

p |In purBu

tMr.i iKo

BOO miles of his present residence.

einplated plan,!ia_uot.wllhln


.and Stock Drokets, cor. Church —J .-.-.-. TlMB, 1.3U li. m., Doceaiber 11.

OOVEUNMKNT8.Oold . . . IU . S . 0'aSl.Ooup

• - ip. '8a . . . . . . . . r•' *'M.;r..'.' ; . . . . i . . . ii6>i•_'65..f.. :,..... ....... uu,

:«(••«•)•• " ""

Toledo and Wabash.......Ft. W«ii».rOB , »»X

d Miaalulpp! ' II«jkin........:^.!.'..'.....;.:..!.......'mi,

d " 1

J ?!HE 'HOLIDAYS,at luuid, and ' ,

NEW BRUN8WICK»:N. J;.jnness. holers,'and op

' eveoliiga iroin T to 8

Deposits recalTid from teu cents to thoujauds tit dolUn.

om thp

CTflOlt a,'OOItBT, Jfteasifi*.nolt-lvdavr

fortbeiHolldayVradejlaoarkM down beioiNew ) ork prices, to aull tbe times Tl)UHibaring meoej to lores^ will fludjt to tbeir in

1,8 abitVcampirisoD *<o 'aliy otTier'etvab'hali.roent, In regard to variety or styles aud prices/Call gud eicaniiae *

We hav« alao.iust received iQ oa «s of beautiful VtiAXBB, wbich «e areselllnii for loc ,worth 30c

A full f took ot Blaufcetn, -Flannels, glotliB,Cassiiueres, Uomestlcs, Calicos, Notions, etc ,cdQstuuUy on liaudr * * ''r

•Iho t»ai|?l|8ldpUn1h»Ufy for03K«-* • f t ' 1 . D I E D . ' J»S - .

K4KLE— to tills My, on Friday morning, I t a . 1 0 .; l-.AUBUita Ulftluw, ftire or Jom.lL.6 E.rie.«S-TLe rol»tl«M and frleods or Uie family am

speoifully loTled to atMod the iuaeraj, fniml»l« rel J»K»., In Bartktt itrojlAnaor ColltjDX.-n\lB, fln MonJjy _J|or>ilnp. l)\af 18, at 11 o'clock.Th'sVemilii wlllbS'lBtorreil In Oreenwoud Oma-'«ry. . . ,-.', i*. , , , , , . . , . . , •.'*!

', Dia.'V,X.ilz[o 6:, youDCt-flt

E V f l B Y T H l N Q I N OUR 6T0OK 19M A U K 3 D DOWN ,60 -ptB.. "OtlNT. BBLOW LA8T


and' nienda- uf llie family are re-.jxotflillj lny1U4 to aU^dhBfuiaHIUaUlitrreal-dencoofLBr/nUiar, Kij'W Al Jny iuSit, on Bun-da)-', tnir.J»5s{.onoo'jpfli, v^houHSuier notlofl.

Villon I,odgt! Nit: 10, A . F . A; A,M;'>' ( rAn jBnrcrgent ComJmunkation of UNION

„ Lodge, 4 . K 4 Ai» * Uahous, will beheld at

llmlr Lodgo llo«m. inMasonic Hall; THIS([ttaturitay)' -i KTemnK|at eight. otaleokVprefcisely. A fiill tadpQngtual tttendanoe is

>,amf renderyourBoata -li a

lg*ncy, at .RustV Drug .Storesi l s l l d a w • ' • ' - ! ' " . - ' • • • : ' 5 i - • . > 1 . 1 ' J . . . '

, RcBcr?cd •t. "T'l

, S5.

seats at

SO A N D 7 5 OTB,

Wells'.: «ltlioul ertrat1 v. ;J .1..A ««-•'

Iii8tit>anoe Broker,oonmi JSXONBB or

for NevrVoricaud PemisTlvania, sod NOTARYPUBLIC. :, ;, ( l

elO-luiw jj | , ° , . . _ • ,

7 - — f Jr: rr

Mrs. Garland .wishes to announce that Bhe baa open*il a ui.vMusic Store WV j ' ' ' ( - ' *



aA3l Sheet

usic and B kkaadAjkin........:^"Preferred r

J OJeraoy Cei1 PaolOo

. 103



PennaylTtsU 11. Risv n. H T r v T - i


" VulloV .i JUof N I



. 1H

of ar cards atTnn TIMES offli e.

nrootl. It Ills bettar and looks better thanWlcMMra.^i.V.Blreet, between fatorgou

atrteta,?j iyl9-0ui

K H n i i n d others who use tagswould do "ell tye'iamlne our ptlcoa.

u, - ' ^Hogaman'A, Go.j drugnlsts, New Vbrk,

I t d l J l thi t E l y 'i HogamanA, Go.j d r g n t , New brk,

are IntroduclngJnlo this couutiy Epploy'.

Soe advertisement. Sold by all druggUn

8VHDP " or\vno

i l l .Oroup, Wbooplug'of'VWWWllalory

It iswli*c«tarytotaM*nfoi!»,'' ' "(are you can discover lit '"'

nalu Coughs,Coui" "" •



put up by Ine*.


Musical Infltruments, Trimmlngij. Etc.

MANOS arid ORAANS for sale on I'lulal'ltntRis aud*Tur REN1

,l«l'0S0N4 fflvou ou tfiGAltliANCh. '

\ . 1../ 1

I . V,

s n n.«iaUi>>*)"«-BB^BP

Kant-B "Beetu afc.S) | I O » v I

H Cases KUBBEKS |ua>^1 V Ha, direct frota tnVulauJ, f \ ATucturers—gnat varld y. . _

. — — pine tram • CUoutB. 8nuw fjxoluduia,elc 'I 1 ' "All goods pleaslnglj cheap } ' '1(t

a.t tue t. , „ ^ A



»o. 81 Albany.slreet foi location, and adaptotlonto tto.iualnesa tiia.ui (Jie best wusloetore in Iho city" Apnlj to

Is on hand with* a sphndld stock or

omil to pluafc your-

Shawls I . ijuwls I r Shawls* ^»1(o> (tie aUlUefn/f.oinaOc upwards

HOI S FCfR £JLAUA.MS" and the village of Livingston

rk (adjoining this city) Willie sold cheap

for cub. or exchange J for other rest'or, per-

sonal proporly.

Also.a LOT a_a"Freucli street.

ffWaSei'worth. 7Io.The beet Two Button Kids in the city


Burnet Street


Real p and; toti Will See'l


Gash Store,> WQ ; i a O^PHOH 8XSDBT,

S'liff&s particular pieasuroindirectiqeattonttonto Ills prose ut Block of New Gguda. ThpBegoods aru aUcffered u( prices ntildou>equa)vd


UO pieces ol BKAI. pi'.OWN I'LA (D Dion Uoodilil tK'ui(i»t flcllrablo ihada'', ai 19c, worlb 87 1 S cCome and.Ittspeot tbeae goods.. Tltvy. are uqlquu.

ALT-AOA8, Black, Sic, Virtu 4oo,'u'nd'ioid *l«owbero i t (he latter %ur«.,-..-

UAB11MKUK3, Hlack, 41, W, «0,' 70c lad $1—wry

Ladies'UKADY-MADK, In the lateit atyle, 11 and u|.»»rili.

i •, '• 7-IT.^WS*^^.5?*"— -~Ladles,', Children's aair Gonts' Underwear In £

•Tarlety. Bt'prl«>» "Ururlslnitlylow-'-'. -. ChUdrnfa^rilSTtt. and. l'AN'JM, 85p un. Ijullo<

aud-'lBDls, IVMN&O'THI up. ':, . /Ladlea'COBDETa.JSoup.! ..: ' . '

, LndloV aod Oanla'. IUNUKEUCUIKFd, warraatoiall linen, l » l o U o r T ' • • • - . • - -•>

Iloaks and Fancy Druses . ,

IKAN8, Slll ltTINUd, 8IIKK

last eulo»t given'Jaway,at 6d yard.


Hi ram JDen n is arid Sts^

•^'^W'IIER'E ^tidksiitiiE '&'OLD__AT FACTOItY




sc39-lyiJ GRGWEtl.

HUi.lAN HAIR GOODS,80 CHURCH ST.^Njin p<uaswlck..Kull^tylea now rtady Hpcciplty o£ 3tru'ght

uulng mid Heading Ootribfh^a by cfiu ntwmet bod aiBkmg them equal to cut hatr All

* manufactured oH the pramigea


(foi merly Not throp'n),


PlaiF and Fancy CukiTBalTcry,


Old Oomrr, klr'ani and tfcr&ia Street;New.J3rt!ntwiQtt,N. '

BiralSaia TJa". 181°.

fST By tirlot atttentlon J/ibuslnoss and.to tbe wants, pf

ltin » | onlar to

!iiq< tlldipTrtilltlinlbtip*! to merits. >sliaro of luolr twiroliauo.

no3»d>wlui' -



20 " Hew Brunawie'knubber'Co.>5U0 Bond McMetair tt. g ofiNJ.. Ut.5600 •• CHetapeaha and Ohio. lit.JIO00 " St JoHcph & Venvef'OHy.Ut.

Apply to '


few BrunsMrick. MOT. 10.-

Edwin Elb^rson «fe Qor,Comer of George and Chureh Street

[e2l-da.wtf - - •

The sale of Property for UNPAID

TAXKHiit'Kercby adjourned ia. - " __-,

Wedncsdayi December15,1875,

af the City Hall, in liberty Ureet', at

i o'clock p. vi, at which time tt will,

positively tajcv ptace.,^. ...:.:.. -

ROHT.O. MILLER, Collector.


3fia! Estate.aDlSioctJrgkep.-;• omgK AMD BALKSROOII,

Odd FaUowa1 Hall, N.Uion BtrMt.


•- HOUSE IN TH£ o/rr. ..

Has on haad aome" ot the• " • • ' - . • i

. . Best Property in the City^-For Investment. , , ." ,• ;

All kinds ol Goods reoeived.to be sold . t Pri-vate Sale or jubllo Auqtlon^. . _ . • , ., .... .

Real' Estate and Stock botfiht a'.dsold. . -Monej Loaned on Ueaeouable termp. ' -'' '' .

No Ocmmisaion demaadei) until sales artconsummated, . .

" Audtlui8BJ.ey:«'tI»nded ttlnoity or soontrj.'--

A. Bloodgood. Jr.,

WHOLEBAIJI and BMTA1L FIBH and --.-^. _OSBIBE DBAIiBR,—-rl—-iiri. -

may still be fo'uud.at tbe bid stand,; I f-\.

No. 3 ;Hiram Street^whera he keeps a full aBBortment ot ererytlt^gthut vumusijsut of tlie water. . '6ystofs. Hard Clams, Soft Olama, Lobsters.

; Crabs, Scollopa and FIBU of all kinds reVt ceived dally direct from Princess Bay•'- . dud'sbipped to dealers in<all pa'rU

,- , 0,000 EXTRA FINE. V


ron •At NOB. 3 and ly Hiram street, fit loir ^ricoa.... Large ojrsiers opeoed, freitb froraAmboy, offtils buds etery day, at 2j peats per quart,- atibc old fltaud. Come one, come all.

Persons so desiring may hare the wagonSKitt Ihreo ifmtisft wtct toAjteir residences totako orders.- T * '

J^~ AH goods Bold out of his waeon with\iU tiaii.d oti It Will bo will-ranted FRESH.- ' «

se^t-3ni .,

Wine arid Lager BeerSALOON, , ,

Commercial Ave.f -cor. Bale SI,

RHINE AND OTHEff WINES.Also Iraportad and Domeetlo Oh.ass

andBl gonaa. #

CHARLESlTOSTENt Prop'r.aulH-ly • ! . •;•",. - . . . • , . .

PETTE & BURTON SMm Store,' . . . • • • - ; " ' ; i ; I • ' • ' • ; ; i ? J

2 3 Atoany Street.Wlierc can uu Touud orery articlo Iu U40 niualcul liuo „. '



Haines "Bros. PianosAND

Ma^on & Damlln Organs.LBSSONS QlVBN ON PIANO Bl1


H. XILTON,isule and Retail dealer In all kl1-8 aud Vi QETABI.Ea ia iU«lr. s

NO, 41 DlStfNZS STREET,Agint for liordontown Fruit Farm Mine*

Stoat.I S * Goods dollvered to all purls of Ibe cltjr,

rrun of <liarn.'. IIO'J04IU

„ Jlia'uudonlgtieil

F.om 100 Bumot street 10

* 3 Baya*d St., ,ifitA»*r-«t«oV

GrEO. KING.UoiOlm' ' ' 1 n' ta,)M .rtnil.'tM

tent;1iiiw *nrasi vtihT

ulliL.rr I1 Hired • oirmlMlour, Nn H A|..:, .n; strt'l, vn MO.NllAlf. UKy. »7, at ap m,. 1<d hear «nj obr«tl.iia> irYlth pVUdi fnte^' - 'nlad 1 la/wlil to rt t( ihl MM n m (

Page 3: BOOTS AND SHOES · "l*!!*jf !!.. ^;LUI~- iI / V0L.XI.-N0.13?.1 11 i' II 'LJIJ i 1 j/iil) II TV ""n? I., u i, EOlHUTilMMl. ilrs. Marks' ^eminaiy nOflHNS ITS eEOyJUDfTEftM NPV.-SS,

l -,.;


About all o'clock Fnuq.Chsrles' S Holdfd t d M

T v U ^ U «>• Weather,A t BO«T * S0K8' DUSO STOBE. 7 PEACE ST,

strange'wan called at the residence of Dr.£ Vd

pthodnano gel bis cap full of peal, while ^ 2S, 1871

Feler-Wyckoft to-Emnla Rogerh ^ y oorkees* in CarrolIng tbe Jitter's absence, and to fft.e )who answered'*hi» ring, be said that be

Dt t t bt

menoed tbe^ practicethe'olher«-wenV4n-»aier-dJreetton» l o getin Bordentown, Burlington cannty, jfmain-d, the pbjeot lying to »t»tt» Jrcon, the $pril i, J 8 » , opnvoying_but a portion- •<

« ia f f C l l RoftJie8teenhUliwliie1r"«1ope»^5wn to fug there about a year, when at tbe earnest «aia fract; from Cliorles Rogers and wl,wanted to get tbe Doctor ,to go to. Bo)lcit»tioft o t ktf fei|fer4#r<iu>jjed tcgiiU*

clty;*ndpr«cllceD\tbe cjlnai at'tbat point, leaving liuf« i t ^ : r o i ^ t h s i p a t p

aleawPefer^yckoff to Charles U Roger*

M 28 1874 ffto attend a man

.- 'Tfi^'lidy ga|uat%be w^s

of tbe Doctor

abore tbehaJhad£tbs man to

that some'Of tue^eate* iwere crumpled andDr. Han ell, about IT was offered In evimuuluittoa of Union

latter las co'JiluiieasThis tbe boy explained by saying tbat whenla called to meet ibis gAuoul elgbtlybtS*

ctoor Ml

g j J prfated March of 1875, and also a transcriphere ever since, beln«r esteemedjp and 'oube «a> ruDnlDK toward Jbe bill lie stutabled

oVeVtbebpokJiDd, stepping on the Iwtvet, tbe profession as flhnnVbomiall'rioald' o f a, judgment of Justice Jlartln Nevuis,Vesldracf, and was autw Courteous in all biswe of ih» coniiug Legislature wd tbua soiled them 7 Being satisfied with Ibe

correctness of tbe Soy's story, men were at making a friend of everyune wliu whomlie'rtwlftili'by Ihe. Controller «pUl the 234 bouse iigiwiuau/, and also that the1 Doctort e d Vo hi ffice i r

DAce tot to work dredging the canal alongreturned Vo his office. clnl|y_ referred to, but^stlU Jv

; " -»> '• . * -At hsltpatt^elgiit o'clock he to)d"thesince belng^the lea

,/WOUJU allowy fallowing, i

—Tba New Brjlawick City Miasroa will^ D;y4 »nhe Y MvO A.' rooms on Mondayevening next at eight o'clock. A full at-

.jLeydao/M hi-requested.—Professor Cook, State Qcologist, has

received epooiuiens from the trunks of« ummmoth ccd&rjre&wown iu tbe northern

portion of the Stale-. XThey measure aboufour feet in diameter \

—The polished and /graceful speaker,Bayard Taylor, will lecture uu " Literatureas an Art" noil. Friday evcuiug, at theOpera House, which lecture la the secondof tbe Star course ''

•Hi. North Carolina cdiloi will dress bt'paper in mourning for $10, if auyoue dies,«uj Ills liberal terms hove endeared biin to

' the hearts ofjlie whole couuliy One hun-dred dollars Is our mluiuium.

—Mrs Lillle Devereut Blake, whosefather lu law reside* lu this city, lectured iu

J'llmptiin Hall, Now York, before the Liber-al Club last evening ou "Trial by Jury.'She was liBtcued to with cvtdcnl^uiercEt bya crowded'audience. After'1'a general de-scription of the Grand Jury, its couiposllland functions, Bbo proceeded to detail tworklugs of petit juries^and lo descanfllength on tbe hardship to woman that Lrlghtsof penon and property should.hesubmitted to juries in all en M composedBolely' of men f "

« . SunUathNotices.Rev. 0f. IT F Smith wln-Vat lDU*''uIf l

serlvs of sermons to-UPorro-augeoiflg In theFirst Baptist Cbarcb^Qpv «*THe Five«f bnmanuel,'^ that for tbVoccasion being"Tbe Mighty God,'1

Tbo usual Y. M. C. A. prayer meetingwill bo beld at 4 30 o'clock lu'lha SecondPresbyterian Church.' Ou Suuday evening the R"v. Dr Nich-olson of Philadelphia, Bishop elect of tbeReformed Episcopal Church, will preaob inIbe Assembly Room of the Masonic Halland otherwise assist the Rev. Mason Gallngber in the service on that occasion. ThL

'very distinguished ability of Dr Nicholsoupromises a rare treat for bis audience onIJrtf'bccaslou Tie service will commenceat 7.30 o'clock, and. a full cbolf will renderthe usual chants and psalmody of the Re

r torumd JSplscopal Church.

At Liberty street ffl E . Church to mor-row afternoon, nt 3 16 o'clock, Dr. andMrs, Dr. Lawrence, the eminent Boston•dyacates of total abstiuance, will lectureon tbo " Physical and Moral Aspects ofTemperauce." Tho speakers come witlithe \cry uqst of tcalleuonmls from tbo press

ter, as MraT Dunham w u not borne,then went out l ie'was met lu Gstreet, between the First PresbyterianChurch and CbUrcb street, by Mr. Theodore1) . Booraein, wbo -aaluied biui and wasBBluted*lii return. TJila must htte beenjust after he bad left bis'office He wassmoking a cigar, wblcb bad evidently beenfreshly lit, ami there was uothiug UnOiisln his appearance. was: seen a'fej?in h pp ^ j

moments afterward lii Masonic Hall by Mr.ihsrles C Wells, wbo contented with him

Mr. Wells also noticed that be. smoked afreshly-lit cigar. l ie asked Mr. Wells wnatkind of an audleuos there was ta the thea-> Tjh8 aboanf*ot It'hayinf been injured, Sqrtrc There was a small anulebcc, and Mr. o f &uy „„„ | n , n e y | e | B n y gum iB t h e note

it of toonflie7 country, aniiawun letters

from well-kuouu pasture and friends of thecause, and tbo»e who attend will not fallto be in trucled aud bighlly entertained.3'bey are to Bpeak again on Monday-eveningnext, at 7.pO o'clock, In the Second Picshy.terlan Church. 1

* Anniversary.The anniversary exercises of the Historir

cal Club, on Thursday evening of nextweek, promise,to bcuuusually InterullngRev C D Hailral(fPwJ1l deliver an oia-tlon, Which, from his well-known reputa-tion, we are justitled In anticipating will befully up to the occasion. Mr. Dcsblcr'spaper will have special appropriateness at

I _(bu'nraen( tilnO, shico it.wlll relate to theProvincial Congress of Now Jersey, whichheld a great part of Its Bittine in NcU

| _ Brunswick 100 years ago. The exeiclseswill be held in the Optra Hout>c, beginningat eight o'clock p in Admission will beby ticket on'y, and we understand tbat theybavc becu quite generally seut to such ofourcH lien's n&" we're thought ltkcly to 1M In-terested) A limited number of tickets canlie procured at the office of T. I) Booraein,Esq., by those desning them, ou Wednes-day or Thursday of next week.

Mission. Meetings.Tlie "following arc tbe engagements of tbo

City Missionary, Mr. Silos Weir, for theensuing week:

On. Sunday afternoon, at tbe roa'dcur-o ofMr. Hams, Remaen avenue, above Seamanstreet. —

Ou Monday evening Board of Missions.On Tuesday evening, ut the rcildeuro of

Mr. RubhiHou, Robluum street, ucir Haul-ilton.

On Wednesday evening, at tbe residence ofMr. Fern, French street, near Sujdnm.

On Thursday ovenlug. at the residence ofMiss Pyatt, 102 Nfcllsou street. '

On Friday evening,.at the residence ofMr Hoagland, 84

Social Entertainment.fTheentertalnqept which is to bo given

by he ladles of tho Second RoformedCburcb. on Monday evening promlsea-to bea very interesting affair. Besides Ibe musl-cslportlon of, the iirogrninnic n gentlemanof. this eity has kindly volunteered to reada Dmcbinanju description of ".Rapid Tran-sit." . ,A ulock Bpolling match will also take

_fi!oce, at_wblcb the spelljgg of a wordcorrectly would be vory Improper, tv*will be prayed about nlue o'clock. Admis-sion 16 cents.1 ,

Adjourned Steeling.Tbo Board of .Directors of tho Y. M, O.

A. vfll! Ifold'an adjourned meeting at theirrooai»sluls (Batnrda^J^orenlng, at 7.00o'clock sharp.' Important business of vitaljDUreiC^Vbe.As^ciallon will coino op for

~ cpraldOrAtlon and •rrangcmenli mado for' b e beld uexl Week. Eyrry Inehi-

All p^rllesi who'bate arlTclts (exceptenables) ortliDfajrara requested la Bondthem by Monday sftordnnp'to" Mrs. Wfaiid.v*lsBor; n Bchu'retrimi ttree), or, id liioroconvenient/, t in Mr. I TlsbeVs store, No. 1

'draoW tnd t* b.«U iflen W f bosrdyji founJ M uooq tQ&f „

WellB answered tbe Doctor's question tothat effect, and asked him It be Would notgo In aud sec the "show," to wblcb tboDoctor responded tbat bo would be back ib

few moments, and departed in apparentlygood spirits* going out of the>Qeor«[e-Btreatentrance of tho store. °Mr Wells nollfceiithat ha went toward tbe depot. That wastlio list seen of him, so far as is known atIbis, willing.

At the th\e when he left blfl office Mrs.Duuhaui was attrfnding- a- meeting" Df tbeiunday-school teacheni of tbe First Pros

JVterlaa Church, which, was being held at;h.e {(.Blilonce ot Mr. Wells, In Frenchstreet When Mief returned to her bouseBbe retired as usual, bipposlng (hat theDoctor was simply ausworhig a tick callIt Is said that the Docfw-fceeordlnj: to hislsual custom »f leaving a notice on a slatenfnrming his urife of his whereabouts—mil loft a notice stating that bo had gone toittend a enso at tbe upper level. The ex-

istence of t this notice could not be ascer-tained at Ibe residence Mua .fact, out Mrs.

'unborn did not commence to feel uneasyintil yesterday mornlug.,~;rb£n., he badInquiries privately made, and, not beingsuccessful lu learalog anything of her bus-band, she, at jboutuoon, au_ great alarm,,sent for Dr Henry R B ldwlu, to whomshe related her fears^ __

In tho morning, w ben Mrs. Dunham firstbegan to feel uneany, she went into theDoctor's oflico and found tbe followingnoto from him to Dr. N. Williamson

Thursday was obtained. Tbe night engi-neer at the upper lock re<nVmber«r tGat aschooner towed by mules,,driven by a mannamed,. Peter Clark, and having a whitelight, 'bad •passed' tbroiifch' tb i ' lock. Ashort tune afterward^.; f>»ua\ ,hoat with agreen light tied up some distance above thelock, remaining until after seveiA'ctock onFriday morning, when It paued throughChief Oliver and Dectectlve Guloe were setto work ou this clue and learned tbe nameof the boat, tbote aboard of It and Itsdestination! >No . one , knew ,ot any

been a failure tbe blow would bare killedhim

I t the tints' of Ms' deiAb, h'e-w'BS PastMaster of Pnlon,Lod^e, rNo,^lft A, F.and A -M, and hoi Instils lifetfnie'Been' t6e

having' received: any Injuries -whatever.This was all that was learned up to daylighttbli morning."About elgbt oSclock this morning Dr

Williamson, lu rummaging through the Doctor's'waste Uksket, found wi.ttcn scraps of

bar, ajjid, ^Ultiug them together,_ _ j note ahoot, the oonteuts of whlcl\

were1' exactly like tboee of "tho note left,except that tbe note was dated Wednesday,Dec. tf. ^Another similar note was formedby other pieces. The presumption woe tbattbe notes were wrlKSS; the mtlUkis Intbe notes were wrjthem were not discovered until afterward,

presiding officer .p^searjy ,organisation In thls^lty. ,

He was married 10 or 12- yean ago, litto a, highly AQP9»plJ*hed Jfldy»

T, Deo. 0tb,DKIII DOOTOII—J bare boon

d t t i t dri b

r. M,just Bumd b

DKIII DOOTOIIJ bare boon just Bum-monrd to ace a patient dri board a boatlying in the upper level. From the reportof the messenger tbo case Is one of severeInjury to the foot, and I may require 811019ossis'ttnco If you can command your timeIf

aud they were then torn to pieeeeir~^| kLast Tuesday tbe Doctor, left ibis watch

with Mr. F. A. Wiseman to'be repaired,and he consequently did 001'have that withbluTwuen he left his office. It Is also Baldby those wbo are mo»t likely to know thillbe had but about % 10 in his pocket, so thatIf he were waylaid there • was 'scarcelyenough,-on his person to induce even, tlienjoat-depraved to murder him, unless It wanwfth the Uea that'ho hlid a Infue sum ofmoney in his possession belonging to theMasonic nail ABspclatloU; ;

,The Doctor was scvuujversally liked thatit IB safe to say ho had'nijit an enemy in theworld', sir thai Bo on? rlould do him anyharm frpm hatred. •fA.Jet»jnontbs ago y

ot sickness and has since beeu gfeatly Buf-fering-with acuteIISDS rffiUie bead. Attimes he would see double, or see ob|oc|athat bad no exisleuce. SomolImis ho wouldbeconfe so dizzy under blr Intense Bufferingthat he would be unable lo stantj, and It IBaverred as just possible that under one ofthese attacks of dizziness,, while walkingnear tho canal be hits fallen overboard, and,

BTSIO where you can be found, so to thoevent of my needing a '• helpieg hand " Imay. bq able to'get bold of iyou.

Y in baste,C_ CnAM.ua DIIMIAM

"Tba jolo had been wntlon ovldcntly with_irb on the tlfst page of a whole sheet

of cream colored note paper, and on thelast page the name " Dr. WilhamBon " wasevidently written after tbe sheet had beenfolded This letter was the only clue up toyesterday afternoon

Mr. Augustus Stout, wbo Is *Mrs Dun-ham's father, and Mr, F R. Stout, herbrother, together with other relatives, bodmade csrcful search during tbo morning.In tbo afternoon tbe search'was renewedwith lncre«K!d''cnergy.'4" •' J - •*•?--

The Doctor's colored driver, " Ben,"Btated, in answer lo interrogations, that atabout 8 IS Thursday night tho Doctor toldhim to put tho borse in the stable, as hehad been diiven hard all day and must betired Consequently^ It is Inferred tbathe left bis office with the intention of goingon his journey alone,

By three o'clock yesterday afternoon thenews of his absence bad spread in all direc-tions, notwithstanding the exertions madeto have tbe search made privately, the hopebeing that he might possibly be kept awaywith an extraordinary case. _ Towards even-,lug, however, the (allure to find 'him dis-pelled this delusion '

WCJIB' pharmacy was made the bead-quarters to which all gathered for news,aud where directions, were, given Aboutnine o'clock last night a large' party startedwith Dt," Baldwlq, Mr.-Wllllam U.Fisher and Col. John W. Newell to searchthe upper luyel Two ineu got lnto**j>largo, fiat boat, aud, commoncisg attue upper end of Iho level, dredged the canaldown as far as the raceway gates ofthe Hosiery Cgmpany^r water power, with-out finding any traco of tbo lost' otto Thenpermission was obtained' from Mr. HenryMcMurtry, Superintendent of tbe HosieryWorks, to draw off tlio -water In tbo race-way, Tho wickets were raised, and about12 o'clock tbe water was drawn off, buttbero was stilt nulling to reward tbo search-


At about this time Mr. C. J. Kutgen ar-rived, and stated that a son ot Mr. John A.

* * * . . flhumnn linn rtwhttflful tlin rtmiitnaf avAUAmiiHl

iu this city over since It was flrst known,and'the strongest sympathy Is manifestedfor his esteemed wife In this most sad' af--flfcllots-,— r — — V


pyher. She had ant seen,'anything ^book ; Bbe Hated that'sbe'batl heard nothingof It, and could" not rgmomber (Be b

bd( , y

wbo "•tl'»b«ldo-' 'youog'iFlBgg^" Afteri g l b d Dd e t Q lgoing- lo bed Did esp young

rttdijiod Wlftg d StgHimd ttdijiod iWbMe of, tlio boy, ^hlcb waiOpnrlei Qroujt,•on of'Mr. Volney Cron6,ian ebjlheerwllqlog il'tio H'HSrrls'.'iriet" Ho W«i

At 11 o'olock this mornuig-a-necklle,-,be'longing to Dr. Duuham, was fouud 60 footSouth-west of Where the empty pockclbookwas found, and upon tho hill about 76 feetfrom tbo canal Tbo tie was not milled,and only slightly soiled with shale. -

At 12 o'clock a cannon belonging to Mr*David BiBlrop was discharger? over the canalwith the hope of bringing tbe body loathesurface by concussion.

. A telegram. baa~becn_sant-lo Mr,_VunHome of Trenton foebme ou to this cityimmediately with grappling irons to searchfor the body in theycaual, and-lf,tbls searchIB unsuccessful thejwotcMs to be cjrawu offtbe canal to night.?. "-

At one o (.lock Detective Outse andTjbiefOliver were seBMo New York to qpprelicndtbe party aboard W - b o a t Wwlllcb be isbelieved to have gone.'' Ho Was. Known tobsveJbeoD attending a woman Inconfloemcnlaboard of a boat located above Ibe upperlevel about two weeka'ago. At times sincetbero have been as many as fonr boats tied

then Miss Elizabeth Stout, daughter of Mr.Augustus Blout Sy this insarriage Srf bashud two children, one of whom f» 'dead.,The other is a prepossessing girl of ,1Vyears of age^namea iifler bVmotbBr.iEJteabcth.

The following are the names of the Doctor's j ancestors -wbo were born and havelived and died la' this county ' LawyerCharles Dunham, father , ' Dr. Jacob Duu-bam, M. D , grandfather,, Col Azurlahpunham of Revolutionary fame, greatgrandfather , Her. Jonathan Dunham, pastor of the (then) Beyemday UaptUt Cburcbat Stclton, great grcst-Krandfather, Hev,.Samuel Dunham,, predecessor of Rev. Jon-athan In the charge ,of 11)0. Banie churcb,great great jpeat-graudfathef? T\O 'firsttwo aro buried In Christ' Church burying

and the others in theChurch at

tbe grave of

stated wcr>> Cons^blc. John L De-Hart andMessrs. J&nWaWytkoff iuHToler Wyck-off.

1600 oslhe date of'rfflngKboY;Ifi* *-'

Certainly we have lost, 0qe In whose bjuoveins coursed as pure blood'as'^robably canho claimed by auy living American, and onelu ail renpfccU worthy of the ostccm andaffection in which be has long boeu beld.


At 3.30 the romaiusof Dr. Danbam tore

found In the canal, opposite Xhe'spVt.Jvhoropptbtyo( kcthooh. was nuiktsl ti|v_

some marks of violence'on his body. On

ead snd forehead^-were J l j J S ^ idontly mado by some lieary wjeavtife. OnGts neck, under tho chin, wen scratches asif made by finger nails, allthe Doctor bail been murdered. $"

The body was found 4iy Isaac- Bartow,'ffonry Pittlnger, noward Ryan,' William

absenciThaB created thc^groatcst exoitemoqt i R' e r « . DavlJ Taylor,' Wallace Laiiono,George Reed.

Coronor KIbbe empanelled a jury, whowill hold an inqurat at room No. 10, Ma-sonic Hall. Tbe following are the jurorsA. Graff, D_ G StUublebine,. J6Un VanNeat, C _C. WelU, ' Isaiah Holfc,Ool. D. H. Bplce,. / Isaac iu . \yil-

jjuttcom and grain in 1

i ihaoved In Itojgiyo Mr. W,yokon*.^

na)n whichha3,a lot of

rhieh Would beand bj»j agreed

If hewould ,allow him tp remain uutfL^fie Monay foljowlugr

Last evening Ibo sixth' of the. series ofunion meetings Inaugurated by the pastorsof the Methodist, Presbyterian and Reformed churches was beld la St. James'M. E'Courtitt, Vhlchrwa» completely filledthe woathor boftig favorable aud tbe moonlending its aid to guide ibe foptelops of thoprayerful and tbe gnnltent. The meeting.was considered n good one, pn the vtMaaud would no doubt have been better iron I

it for the diffidence exhibited by those whousually"carryJonr liuoh exercises Anothergreat drawback wa# the Intense heat fromU19 registers, whloh1 brought (orth Its sftiilt

ushed ot;ec^aarnop^ thejadles aud rest-seas abd Somuolcpcy among the Blernei•" Wurmth la aV«r> deslrablo"nnitlll«ry•fraycf' moeftug'J but it should noLUedclal. *>^ ' , W

.Jilward Wilson, the pastor, pred ovor the meeting, which, was openedthojinglng ot\he "Coronjtlon Hymn,'Jjy Mr. Qartot Conover. Rev. Dr,plbrldga offeftd the opening3 prayer,

»bjrii was followed by tbe singing of -theIOW well known Sankey hymn, " Hold theFort1.'1 < t i' - ' y

Jar. Thomas Ellog innda the first address,referring to the pleasure which this unionamong Christiana afforded blip, and whichhe said should alwaya bo practiced. »Tnoyill briuugufl-tfi glnn JEausrHe-antoTsBetT^ — 1 ~vould rather- belong to Him tlmn bo the'rOaBent of the United; St^KOVIth all hisloney and power, "And more, he woulditner belong ta Jesus, even though he wc.roi beg his bread, and by the grace of GnU•hoDepyJo reach. Hcaven_nl lasL_Ttt. Moore"Sf Lancaster. Pa , thea offered

irayer, which 'yras^ncccedcd by the singing>f " ' I love to tell the story,1'' and prayi'r

Rev P H. Scliock of tbefitman M. 11Ihurch was tho next spcaker%-He referred

Paul's mode of laboring for God, whichwas an example for all wbo would attail

A*" billy*—otborwiso a "cfub—which tbeDoctor bad been accustomed to carry abouthim as a means of protection if attacked,whlfo making visits at night, has bean foundat his bouse, lio not having taken It withhim on this occasion. j |

la searching among a boap of paper iniDr.~punhara's vrnsto bosket L>r WllllamspuhaV found, pieces of nrUtoujiopor, which1,nben put toge^er, make tour exact copiesof tbo letter published above. Only one ofthe letters Is dated Wednesday; tho ibrpeothers,'together with the onofpuullBkeo'," t>o-log datod Thnr*dayi '•'' ' ' •>

, , BJKTCIUjOV CUtPDNJtAJl'a unf f

Charles Dunham was born about \l yearsago Jn Bsvannau, Georgia, tbe secondeldest ot six children—three boyslanol'tbrcogWsrttEe'ojg!fl."*Hls t)longed to this city,foot bt Church street, tbe family at thisday being among Ibe oldest-if not tbe old-

Flogg bad seen o boofc In po9#ssl6n of the «•'—'•> tbla^county. When a' young manof tbo boy wbpsatbealdo him m school, and l"8 father and bid brotber,, James, weptthat tbe name of Dr. Dunham was"on the f r o m 'hi* o l t y *{ooi to Savanuah, wherecover. Mr. Flagg's sou could not remem-ber tbo boy's name, but as soon as the facthod l»ea 'ruaAo known by Mr. •Fla'gk! ihtcluo'was followed up. .The,boy la. Ip'Mfs,'1

Olntt'sreom' In* tbe Bayafd-H[reet te&ooLA party went to her resldonco and' aroused

llapisdn, h Itmor, W. H

Cleof, II.. 8. Bolce.

Dunham, Joseph

Taylor,' ' J.' CharlPal-Van

Tho church bolls wore tpjlcd, and Ih'e flagon Masonic Hnll was displayed at half-mast. ^ ~~

MUMUstx- County CourttLJudge Beadder PreildlDg*

FBIDAT, pec. 10.

_After tbo discharge of tho jury In thecase of jBre wBlor y. Browstcr,!case,i}o.I7{on the Circuit list was moved. This wasAbraham P, Provoat,y, Jsaac Birtles.Mr.,James H. Van CIM^ "fof "plaintiff andMr? Mf. f. Voorhecifor"dM*ng«. I

This was a suit to recover on a book ac-count, the total amount being $844.00. andbeing1 for iu-lioles purohaseji front plaintiff,1

as nuctlouccr to defendant, the' highest bid-der. On-April 2,1808,' f40, and la Qctdbelof the same" year, |30, were paldithese credits the, balance qbtjnutd was tWI. ,09. i , t ,. ( M I " i

Mr. Provoot eubmitted his [books,,by'which the hill was proved correct.Jonathan IYJUI and, Johb-.Vi

It appeared JjhatVtho,?#iTua(( been, byc)irectlnn of tho Court, referred to 'jDt?.'A.K. Cogswell oa referee, and- be, by crcd-Ijlrtgdefendant wlttrwrtalo: Items, AducAlt'o*240, which did^ not satlBfy defendant,who olalmod other credit!M

Messrs. A?*"

After biwas given to-thajniy at S 80 r/jinT, whtt \eturned at 181J5 v m with a,1 verdict for!

b ' ' ' , " } |Case No 22, Circuit Issues, was moved.

i { $ M t e l S &fl& gMachlue Company to recover $10,776 00ana IdVeM^fSS'Jobfi'yaq* A.'ten. fo'rsowing machines sold to h|n>.' Mr. EdwartBtcong represimed pialdllft^d, Jb r1. <Jft'Adralndefeqdqnt.^ < 1,

Tho pnly trlty-fc"' forCharles Ci Puwlor, Jr.,

eil Sewlng'Mftolillio'Coduccd the books, ibowltjg entries of


.^r.,married an There was noJeferue, owlsence-o

- »*!»3/ew .,Duob»tnt .Br.'.'moWlWlth. Ui Mrallf to wouldOllotoji, Hu6t«rd(A ' ooilnty) HhU State, Ltruera'ba'eng'a^i) in1 tWe^lihg ix£&At» \[K

idicrefore, requested/ to see that

rannlogJnto It," He represenU that Mayor

.About 1840 Kt. Dqihank WurpOdclo-IUh% d J l n d l t t l l & 5 ' f t t ' i '

Paul first told of hl« own expqrl-ncefl, and lf-we^pali) tue eppakor, fall to

follow his example, we lay aside ono of theImplements of success, one of_ the very bestand ablest of InBtfnuifcu'fallHcs1 that QM haspur In our hands, and if we full to tell ourChristian experiences wo fail to do ourduly. When he addressed on audience Itwas always wlth^ Jhe thongbb that God hodopened up' the xnj, ami ho was but sow-Ing tbo seed-" Wa b»ve come here to singaud pray and auk-God to pour out IllsSpirit, but will Wo follow up tub effort ofprsyor &ud praise by personal effort t Itseemed to him that prayers oftci^ fall be-cause no answers are looked for. i If Isolect one of my family orra compan-ion as « subject;tan' J believe^ that Gixihaj nflt^ueaid^nioj, J f l ^ d o RelievoHo'hasfioard We," then my'first duty ls'tosee him or Her faco to face and plead withthem and have a talk about tbe matterprayed far." Taking such a step we will be,more successful.; and of,.my o n.exporlencoI can sny^thai U iUrty evei>y.'oase wherepersons have bcon~brpugbt lu(o our clmrcUtt has.Jjeeri after f,lia'ys talked, wlthrtl.em attheir hornet orln the street. i

After stoning «g«lu &o(Lpraxfr £y/Mr.Eliof Re-r. Mr. Wilson1 made.au earnest ad-dress, ' expressing bis fear "tnit Christiana

msolvcasuch meetipractica(ly ya warm appeal to iUc'nnsavfed abd uublnt

The renialplng ^xer«tsea iprayers by Messrs. E. HlBWart, Dr. EogllBbandunoth,gr'ge'htb:raan.' Tbe meeting was1

t'MrT(3. II. BtoariuSr a mason nanacdMr. lleod, a foi/dayanfig<j fu|l' from'thesecond story oi tbe "new, ,laneway bullddg,a distance of about, 8ft,<ee.tv.tllB plank on

twhich tb,«j; WJW,he'cause of their


no bones • were broken.

Both men haveilapo

Ulllougl,Mr. Reed is the


'AN EXPLANATION.To I D I Efliiirf vft'TiiK

youin rootlfylng'a tnlslake'lbAt was mad^ by agentleman'and pabllBhod 1 In1 your'paper ofhe ipth.'« Tou Mate lhat. a 'genllemate In-

spected, tylo'a Brook/or the purpomf ofl U f l h l l f t h i


Grand .ExhibitioN

37 Churoh St.



Fancy Ink Stands,

Work Bbxes.







































TOYS« - > 1







BRtNSWjCK, lN. J .

We are receiving our great Invoice* of

reduce stock to make room for them.' W

following month we shall bffer Kxtraordl

I B B£qoraoua reductlpnsln Rlbbont.

' * '(S-'tncli1 Sub Ribbons, 28c. yard.7 Inch black gros-graln Sash Ribbons, SOo.

6-tacb ail silk gros-graln Baab Ribbons,09c yard. '

7Jneb jail lUk grosj!rala Bash Ribboni70c yard. ' ~,

8-lncb all silk gros grain Saab Ribboni-BBS. yard. ,„ , ^ T

The above ribbons can be bad In all theuewest shades. " •> ,

> » T

AH Blltgros-graln Ribbons, jovery (hade,atlj, 10,%, ISandaio.


Children's Striped Wool Hose at 4, 0, 7,and 10c. up." '

Children's Underwear of every deserlntlou at priecs that defy competition.

Ladles' Vests, good quality, 39c.Ladles' Merino Vests, "fashioned,"

SOc. and up.Youth's and. Gents' Undervests

Dhiwera at 2 5 c 8ffc, and up,,

Diess Trimnn'Dirs.Oreapttductions in this department.'

200 pieces of finest Guipure Locos from 20c,



For the Mlllloa,

yard up, t _ _700 pieces black Yak XACCS frdm 10c. yard

up.100O piece* of Beaded and Plain Gimps In

width, 10c. yard up.oflbliok BlVk-toi Bead Fringes

19c yard up.Worsted Fringes lo all colors.

Wo bave an immense stock of tbe abovegoods, and are closing them" out at less thanIro|K>rters'prices.

HOSIERY.Wo aro 'offering extraordinary Induce

tnentB in this department, as will be foundon examination. '

Ladle' and Gents' 1-2 Hose and Hose at8 c , , 9 c , and extra heavy af 10c. and12c a pair. Striped at 10, 16, 25alr\ 1- J

EXAMINEBargains Iji Pfatnburgr

10,040 Embossed Felt Skirts at 6 9 c , 69c,Handsomely triuimej Felt Skirts at $1.00,

ChlWren'sJ-elt^ Skirts, neatly trjmnjcd,1at


. - , , „ , , . , - - • • - , -,— spected, tyloa Brook/or the purpomf ofthe,Bflt(|«^eWpl»os<lio^lb»t'Ui»-d»fBPd4aVl»«tUfylng hlnuelf that there,was, stweii

STORE,» n I in |i , v i . I II iwf.

* * • . i i , a ' h' ">>>**»«—>'5"



Jftcuah, Woren iln* white.' and coloredmarked down to 48c each.

20-bone band-made Corsets In white andcolored at 8Bc. eAobi ' '

Our skeleton-Siting hand-made 40 bonoCorset at 7<Sft cannot be fouud at any otherestablishment. - ' l l 1 r

Our Corsets are all warranted pure whale-bone.

i i ' " ~ ~ ~ \ K

Sweeping tleduotions

sore,37 Churoh St.,


Holiday G iod*, and we are compelled to

reduce stock by reducing prices, and for tho

nary Inducements In every department.

HAT SITbe largest stock 1n tbe Bute,

Best Felt Hats, every shape and color,at 46 cents.,"l£»t French Felt-Hals, lu eyery shape

and color, at 76 cents, _ _ *!!


FEATHERSJust received another large lot of Wings

In every color at 2c. each.Two cases of Couue Flume Wines iu

ivety color at 28 cents.Ono case fine colored Birds at OOo. Tins

in all colors to match.

Feather Trimmings.V F



600 dozen In black, 2, 3 and 4 Buttons,ut $1 a pair.

*I,000dozed pf our "Duchess," to draband brown, at 76c. u pair.

Our "Boulevard" 2 Botfoni, In-eferycolor, $1 pair, the best Glove lu the marketat the price. —

FUFTS:We manufacture all our own Furs andn warrant every article, even tbe cheap-

est, to give satisfaction, In every respect.No misrepresentations. Every1 articlemarked In plain figures, ^Au examinationwill prove our prices tbe cheapesT Ta theState. •

Ladles' Seal Skin Caps, 75c.'&p.Beal Sets, Muff and Boa, at %1, % 10,

1C, up."Real Mink Sets, Muff and Boa, at $9,

P'renoh Lyux Betor'Muft aud^kia, at4 60, $0 and %S.French Mink Sets, $5.60, $6.Children's JTurs at remarkably low pnecj.

.Clijldrcnjs^CpBSyjDansit.fllc. - t - - ._Childj«n> Coney Hoods neatly tnmmed-

it 75c. and 6oc.Children's Sets, Muff and Boa, at 76c.


Bafpio, it Laflies' Silt TIM.

g &oods.Gentlemen -will find it to tbolr direct ad-

vantage to Inspect tbls department.

OeDtB'JDtess^hlrta at 75, BSc. up.i H - $ ta

OOB JQWBUIT OBPAHTMBNT.Largs .variety'.V RuoMna; Linen

ToUcvri and Ouffi, Vollatettet, eld.i, < L _ / ' / 1

i• -» ' rj FTaj(ljl4 „ W^I^HBM •

no largest, la xip. Stele, It .alwaysrlth tbo nawestfflbveHiea.


Sweeping Reduotibns

' l j XII .i 111 nu i ' Mil , ' l .


Page 4: BOOTS AND SHOES · "l*!!*jf !!.. ^;LUI~- iI / V0L.XI.-N0.13?.1 11 i' II 'LJIJ i 1 j/iil) II TV ""n? I., u i, EOlHUTilMMl. ilrs. Marks' ^eminaiy nOflHNS ITS eEOyJUDfTEftM NPV.-SS,

AjtJ'if ft. ( * i *,• i<>_ >ij

38 Chuicn btreet. 33


w r f i w l t ffifolj, (UUy,exceplBn»da»(

g C l l d f » d


On ami aftfrett Tralnsi

- Uarpfsburg,<• Westjiwl'

' ^ S ! 1 ' iand Chicago*,with Pa-rlof-Carl from New

t US P. I L for Plttebnrz, dally exH.U P. M.'Paoltlo Express,tPittsbura:, Cleveland, an _ _ _ _ _^ a n Palaoe tttfrs through,lrllhooTohitifPiAtBburj-.CreKitue, Fort W ay ue and OkliConnects at Philadelphia, wlthj abuping

For Baltimore. WasB&Kjlnd thi South. S.B IA M duily exceprolnday^Vmh flew Pullma

Purlor (jars, 4 JU8 P. M with new Pullman Paland Bleeping Qara^_nd IP SO P. U

'••"• T " M L Bleeping Oat i

Kor0.SO, ?.'la.66, »

•mw i o n , 108, 4 C2, DS!B.ti) H69.JO36, li.66 A H

- - -"a 16 J.!USand»O

or Eliiabeth, 8.08, i.62,6.S2, 6 30, 7.16. 8IX ,6 06, » OS, » 52,10 85, 11 66 A M , 11L66, 3 I) ,

»'25, » (Wr\M. • • • • " "

I jr_K»hwev, 8. 30, 7 15, 8.C6, ».62 10 S i11 b i A ^ f lt»»l/Mft fiW Mtlfc « . »»day trains, lu.8i> A M . and V IIO P. M.

tdr West Philadelphia, 1 43, 8SJ,'8,S8, 1,.10.46, AiM , 4 M "koi, » Ml 1 « , 8,U», »IU 9U Sunday trains, 0 TO, a 29, 0 45, 10.8P

i If U..' - . . . \» , >\ i i ' 'Far.Eaal. Millstone, 1! 86.4 10,0 S3 P.M.For ifanWrtvlIloami fl.nlinglon,-ld.<6ll'. M

aud a U P. M. .For all points on Meroer and Somerset Ral- road at * 10 P. M - -For PhiHii>abu-a; and Belridere, 10 46 A. *

--**«.*= ~-TdM>8l— 8.iS: ForVreebold, 8.2a A. M.j 8.S8 and 5.S6 t. M?T

lFor I'rln».a>, 8,s

,9.5s;,A: •jM.,^4sy4«.»|1

rmlngd'alc'juid'Sijuan,- S.iiS'ATlf' »Dl''. M . . „ . ' .*•-'"'!' '.••'• t a8.83 P.

S.iS. (

H. M., anil i s 'night, Sunday) l.Ml; 8.80 null9.00p.ja. ( ,._.. t Xj*I'ENtfa'riiVjUnA MJB.—JkMBifTf DIVISION.trains'between Hlgfilstown and Boirh An

boyII S»

raakurrjflt»47e#4l» %iw: 4 s . . .ttlo,;jfejj

AfrWSaV'Bbu'tb.Ainboy, f r f , llTa. m.;"tU9,05 p. m. i '•

Leave Boiith Anibo^ O^So.ji^i&Oivi^O^ia-lh: 4 85 D. W , M - I ' V|. ...-'l 'V'-'1 >< • 1 wv'.'T

HpofoKud, 0 50, Bf!l5.a:1in.j i2t)&,fi,83fp.;!i

Arrive at'liigb'tstown f 1 0 , SI 2J'a;.'(u'i';l'*<6 P7 p. in. • . • • • '

- - ' Qtneral Manager. Gtn. itaM. Affmi

' 't?m'f' Stmt. D. It. U. ot x'j.Div. * '"'' i


"Tpbuy Hoots notl Shder.forthe-tbrtdrBiil > Canyou do better there V Xes; What mak'uB You-Ihiiik 96! Wily, I havii tried'there, au'4,1 ,tellyou(in these times when inoney aud-work iiru.so scurcii^ml hurd'to get, it'st .uda every man

look itrtjin^ an&sflfc w i r t i i o cap^dp the best,*and 1 l|tid Uic limoU>oopuua shoe awre 'roundtbe e"0rit«*i(uw*to»BiI!afo?a Grocery) Is the|)lnco-to_buy cheap goods. There ull kiadi,

"m'cluHlnp;vthe ' very~mto'st~st)li?a:-of- Men's,


ttiddlenex—Levi D. Jarrard....,. .187 fMonmouth—Win. H.'HendrlcluoD.fjj. J f i )Morria—John Hill.... \ XI. £% TOceao-John & SchultStl. \*\Passaic—JoliD Hopper \ . 187 TSalem—J. Plummer. \.. . . . w . 1871

Jf is:Buesei-Satn'l T. aitU, T\.. i.. .187 rVn\op-Wm. J. Wd\i?7r. *. . 1871Warren—Wm. BilTertborae . . . . 187)

Republicans 18; J p i o M t | t a » ; Republ"to nOTr©tffctfS*E|lcaJ, |D italic.

BLt.Atlasflo—Leonard H. Ashley.

JjkJfjStffnU B. M. FerJoD

W. Payne. • . ,

Jtensst laer, James M Patterson, Charlieiif. 'Ha*babn,<-£UtUnttirt PrUMj Mtircua

non, J. D. Caracallen, jfenry jB^auligaJiJohn J. 'fbffey, T. C. Brown, KuiiolpKobe. Alexander-JacobUH.

Huotcrdon — James Bird, Wm. W.Bwa^za. r fr ^ - i k £1 1 % i

Brevier, Robert^L. Huloldnspn.

Campbell, DanioTzi Martin.,' ..._ •Monit


Somerset—^bs. 11. Voqrhees, ]ime» 1ittt&M.iiil)*'. c*;-», JSS:;HM|-I '-I Mt'.-i ->•! T

SUSBOX—Wm. Owen. ...i**-;*.1!'^.Union—John Eimu. Moaet F. .Corji

XeMj.i'&Vatk*'-" ifeiS'"'1; ••"" <>'•.Warren— Wnt.Carpttoter, E.1 J.'THafek'tVj.Republicans 37; Democrat 23; Kepubl|-

caa majority )4.__UepubllcanB In italic.

1776. NEW T3BH,

teoa hmwlred and MVeBty*Blx Is tlie Coufounliear. It la also lh& year4n wlilcb all1 Ouboaltla

Uuatorjtep^uUritVthiantkli i ttruuiiwIuij ' i l jb ID pow«r m WobblngtoDl and<itbaiyrai< or. the 2aelection ol» President ol t l n l f i l t S f SU'flV. AlHthess erenta are aqjfljto bo.of.great.Intereat ana \atrartancu, esiiedally tbe twolallcr; vd'All.or^tUeaand tverytl imgcoitawlwiuiujjiu WHUt rdliy l

Elgbteou hmidred and aorei

trartancu, esiiedally tbe twand tverytlimgcoit.awlw

3Ulry-«nMl^ Jreara ago by TltauUr,lnteBtlg-ate.the corrun

up the Up. uf.'l'iw i l l s - - ' 'and t

Tor It, will basj>lraU»Uistill man f

ocurti}a^ail,lh6bBiubiecls Iim»« wtiar€*d T««8u«II havtt ho conqlfttu jiheaas of b^luij(tijorpui:lily well

ronhfed-1;"'.."; T Ml Us ".n-;..-»PIr*^iri 5 M . jTltt) WKIKLT SUM, wbloS baa nlt&loed a circulati

f « W . ^ j y ^ u n o n d :?(W« alt t atfj taH»1i»nJideu ! W BlijW .nil :Te

year 1S76 vrill B«e theirU t U t b


Have W

: Nearly opposite Post Often,

' ' JVe'propose tb'inauWrate' our settloinent^iiour uew quarters by ouerlng great Induceme'nU

, u, purchasers... AUe tlpfa l^.peetaUy oalled.tiour large scocic o" * • i '

Children's darria^esj

Matsic Matting]

Also au immenso' assortment of House*nii• <nishlngWoodR; farming' rmptotoenFa;'WLee

wrlglus'/ipa.;Pla<ik«iQlt(iB'; Mat«Ial»,,etc..,'• n p - T J a w * • • . ' . '

r<«r 1810 w i l l , w l t e l r n u w & r . f c u M ^ y U w l l U onloue to:baralthoroaga tMmiAfntW- AllthaeMietnuwa of thu day will bo found In lt,:oon ifinaed win.unimportant, at full l ;iwaya,'i.e ii-uat, trwtedatruelwaiaqnir.liin-; „

Ik la oitrfllm.to.uiak^thtVmaty newipapel; ft tho world: alo glvo.-ln lta colflmnB al refar'anH



has a loll Us. si


Most Seasonable. G.ood4whloh will ba made up to order ID the most ap.

rod style. « '



A. Wolfton's

Cry&tal Clothing Store,049 ODMSnBOa B9.VA.UXt,'.

where Is to ba louud livB3|r£»W & / leststook and the latest atrles of

& Made to Order.Mttjbj'^'Hoys' , at prloat

Great'attenttou is paid'to < istomor Wortrhioh Is lasblonably ent by tb moBI ' ; .


nd flti

>lendld" TIB of



'1 GUatom' » • t l »• 1

d f t i


, G£N1W

__ i r,_. ^^^ide/rt'Stfeclaltsr.1an* »aljtaf»otion igjiaraiijeed'.j jf largjMstooi; ofi'ne ,'


i ir. iu' («lu


pe ElbowstdED B5f THOSE 6ES1EDI&' <

Economyt ^eanty?JHeanHne«8, ami


<Ibt «kolu or irblah .batl.luw pritwa, tbey am vuaUi


&< Beddi&tf,rt.s at'«Mr J»sly

L to offer atk 1 -Bargainsii!-

B 1*iaeli«erSleT(i-


to «l|ooviqtrya j

LORD & TAYLORVfl tp 86; Qraod BL, A Trua Iway Cor 20th 8t,. K r .

ffaoiniWCWtXiAllIjaATED EifiOW CO. or U. B., Bi OUff Street. N. T.

45 i 17 Baoe Street, Citiclniiu|l, 2 IB & 21T Iiai» Btreut, Chicago?

Alan ItokWlniUiiki Krttariml SIMI Stamps.. 1 . . . . . . , . . ^ . * * ^* . . . a . i _ L . . . _ > . . - . . ! •




•li^ -:i3Elt(liB«,'' ' ! < "i'J:-:}:; E i « . - J i ' i " i n . - . ' . . . • • • ! . , ; : , . r . . . - • • . : • .


MO. * 3 NBII.BOW BTBIDBT. ;.^.'W»;ly

A n esh supply of .Imporiedtndres.loie./ou FiaJa;'whWh *m bethe la'ieBf style, tfc.iufrag, CW»olpairing will bocarried on/as hereto


eBf style, tc.iufwill bo.carried o


is, Cassi-ade utiIn

C J :«mt Br-heretolore. r.cut'iid made to



"^IKADQOABTBM 85187 VE8KY BT,- Jf. Y;> i

••'SJae'iniall broKt.i ttiawuraiiQU, Ctr»mi«.

1 to'nurcba.serspf 1,11, S, 4,

I'M Ohromo eol l lM "Nil- ANUJ i t 1 V _ 1 1_"^L*^ "I* - ll AJ..— 2 ' r~B_ 1 I^L I .

BO!£e«crlttUoabaa.ti)ll,th«Bliiry ao.wetliM tbaslmplotitle or the tltlpt.' Tie' battle la Jmt Mo anil Tufeli,and imiilfcs'aton tobe »i.|>rMl»l»l. Now run); fur.W ' y J f t i ' ' L

•trie* ,•)// Pailur, Library, (Jlinnber, Hail and1 Ulnliig-Iipom 0ultea. T * . . • ,

— C^iUjtt-ityliei.iaA.bw^pHood-.WtlDatFiirriityi1*•nil MaVllregaeR can be hid Vroin as u cheap uirutn

•other honMIn theoitv... . .•?•-.-"• •"?• •:'T{.~n iu»i*iitloii:pQlloltva, i|Bd*|l norlc:,w»iTantad;

•trial/flo'tepreienud. • ' .' iC'-\.i iry, .vM FBKEMAMA^MlIiEE,.; W i *ocH-6wb ' , J" " " • - ' - — • • *

. Street^


tfi-juutitivQL eu^ocldlly Ii une of Its jjirotnlpont fi

Htidku kre ibe uiarketR oftvorr, ltlpu. s • ' 1•: "fuo VfdiiLi- atiW.VlyW W ^ V t h W ' broad '&)-utoDn, is only »1,SQu.ytwr, pimUfo^piptMitd.'iAlitltltVprice barely rtpiyu iht* coat of Ibe psjrt<r. oodltcuuqtcan be tundt) mm tbla rate to club*, poHtautvr$, »iraar ope. - . , . . . - • • j

Tbe UAILT BOH, ft largo four-ptga newspaper of fla'two ceuta I copj.


NOTA BENE.hvt'>)

.-l VSK:«I flA



, # c o 6 b KHUHlOitlvi BOXE8»:i u


JOHN A. VIGU8,PracUcal Watchmaker, .

(Ellto wtHTEIIasffialirr).

al atti

sierr DeoNorfolk Hosiery Compaj

a^ayuS^fttOo^ailancreiantlne. osr ae>itock bolufc pnrchaslDf "elaawtaorei an'it'Sri'

opobr fair dealli]|nt,toatlll maintain tba patrsnai>[ tbe t*abllc, as It baa .bean aoretqfor. beatewea otne Ola reliable ' ' ' > < <,:


1 242 Oommercn

f . NBW I

- Orders left at' PROfjeorge, stroetcand at u>y< ,,v,.,,..;';:,..-, ,;

Residocce, 23 Albany etroot;'

wm:bcprptaptiT''attenaoaio. {! ; i ; . j *

' - ) ' i ' , ••

Hi S.234


(orroaiTK BaKKK'a HAL

Is m>w oQerlng a

At- ducoO Prlcea,



• Wtw.'lPresidonl tl*

»w BrunBwick, N. J.'

wioc, n.i:- E r o t «3«S» tgi H. Cook,


, ell ,Saw Brana4



•!(:IKI fit







• • • . i . l i i l ' , - '

.;AUof the,p«wea(.aty)MJand'jalterna:se!H»( at costIo reduce atocli.

L,VaT!OnSrcb.lndsfT6anal i3li 1 door

ment orffisj'Coll

Excelolor Clotsaen

lond-band Olot^lnffJ J •^tiVKtol '..:-'.' ' ' ! :

trom corner, ol: eiram stree*.• ; • ' , — . • - i . - - i t . n i , V • • • ( ' • ' '

lfeilcea Kqairti and Fainted. All: work neat'ly'ilone nud warrauted, . . . . .

A,ddrea; N,.S' inylii-ly • p.

wilj , Ije c o n t i n u e d . . . LlnuorB o t a l l Xr.-,-tritl's Xiger'on'Ura'ujiht'. BoaVdlnfe ko'd JWiTgigTorjilaUiaild uors&, •• .•;• -..O. SCHICK.'.mhB-ly... ,.,. . . '. ',,.,.,. .T,i',_.• ,/ * • . . , . .'•

ritus' Express andPassenger Co.


ArtlBcl«l Tectb Idtfrtml «ll hmlextracting ihetrobli.V-fey'alew proossa. Teeth given on•rlal.'M'culh' ropalreiTand ro-modeled. Una Bdml&Veired.

I Moro Xouflff ..Moo jlo,,learu, = - - .^ . - . _I Good etiuatlCoi'gWiht.'ed.- Address; with' • '|l.,8.nM||nMnil,.ot UNION TELKOIiiPU Co.,rllB. tibia.' '- • •' - - ' . • ne.4R.s.vn

-^riK ^ L i j A i i horao, i inal* -orifbtnalii;'• (80-r-per'I mf O r & w c o l i . duy or evening, No Capital.f&d:+± jr>|]W«B&uu v.luablo.paolvaeo ot gooda byX O J * BJIuinl l frW. Addrcaa. wltli als cent rotun aUmp, M..YOUNO, ITS Uraouwleh:Btnot,<Kev.. Y o r k . . - - . - ,, • • • • ! • . • *OU4WD

r\ *rpALOQtTE of Naw Books

»i.»ot. New York.

Books on.BUH.DlNblI ^ i C ; « Warren

'")itiidAN*—OI1-'-CBBOMM.|iu,leililili Vx 1( for *1. ttr,l20/f,irroiestl NATIONAL OHUUMO

ahed/Agonla NA


af"» • . 4 . ! Cho'iicnCfor 'AIII. v W i l l and Female in*

lfe«Wllli,afrrinlerr H!o . BillO, IM Worth »tnym Mew Yort.


vSd the poblraio

^aol tn

or Ba a any par iPutB!


'ail'iissortinent, which la ai largo W • any* 'inNew, BrnnBwiok. I eall particular attention tolVi/1'^"" n>y«tookoonsistlugo(';:>;^<!i! i

tainted, Chcstnnt, Walnni «tfd

UT Mahogaay SjUfts, ! < (;;

WbieVl am selling a l V > S R Y LOW FKtOB

I haTa oonatanrf tftf^bjand , , ' ;,(tT . •• .• ". ' . . in')

l | f . LOUfjtGtSS, AND ; - | , ; < j , j


tffTmy own make,

•JfUsnJed In th?oei t manner BtidTfarrarititt arepoesented. ' > > .

P l e u e o a l r y d Biataloe the stook 'ol Fura^OreiXiotiumeioiu showrooms. •"••> . < ' « i



J AHo, Baggage ohooltijd *o ail pbrnts.

REMOVAL.ThehareremoTcdtheiroDloeifroin the-corner 61Church and DenplBjstroeta to . . . . \ ' \

- i * 0 i A l / B A W * H T R G B T i



'epoMtory of Fashion, Pleasure!and •Instruction" >r " ! ( ) ! { •

.rper's B a z ^ ,ILLUBTRATBD.

NOTIOES OF THE PIIE8S.. •-•- :'•".'TheBAEABla edlledrwith.-a&comuluatlon of tact!

and talent that w . seldoui find in any Journal;. andtbB Jouma IMasjjBBj])Bn]aMaj| )BjB! aj u|ft ^ world o ffaahlon.—[

The'Hwhousohpicture., t<

torus for ilIU taatafu: M tliixnri 'ofthellal

Domber of»ud pretty

he yonng ladloa by tta faah! o-platea Intmdleu vat ty, to'the provt^ent tnatroi l*y lt» pat-

But tba re.a


J8i-"V^trglve all'orders- o

Freeman. & Millerler(l|ueoOB>on to KoWt Frwinan ic Co ) , ^ j

No,' 45 North $tcpnd Street,PHI^ADBLFHIA, PA.,

Msnur^oturvra aji^ Desist I.



r - r V Decctub.r iM, 1SI5,

at 3jo'ljock"p/tn', at th« Court House, In thecity Bf i<ew Bfonawlok, New Jersey. '

• M M , LUPAHDUB, Late Blierlllfihaler & Durand. Solicitor ef Complainanl

county of Hlddloaex, n .bor,A 1). ]|i71,th«Bubacrlber, adollnlatrator, etc, of'ouii Crafted, deceased, wUl sal atfuhlle T.adna, «u

i< i ^

Wednesaay, Dec. 89, A. I). 1875,

at the hour or 8 o'clock. Iniho aftoraoou, at Uu OitrHotel, la the diyuf KSx Brunswick, la aald ixmnly.all the following descibad luula and prcanuw, ofwhich too aald J<um kxistaa, dLoaaaalt, AU|d.aaUMd. to

V P J ; ? V 1

rr of New Jersey.—Between TheMnILireIntun>noeCKnipany, <'om

t C U e r f e J r y . B e t w e e n heX"WashlngMnILireIntun>noeCKnipany, <'omplainliiilB,kj>il#vaJiE OmUb et, »•„ v»«feodants,- Fl Fa , etc , ou foreclosure Pated

Th. s*le«nd«rttie above. aUted wpt, otsnisadipurned to^ "TUE8DAT, December H-WTB, -stso'olock p. m., at the'Couri.House, la thecity of {Jew '•

p. m.,Urvns

MQ M I.ummis, Solicitor ol Complainants.

Bolwaoo Tho1 ^ilqne.blBturauce poinpaRy i>( NewarkNe» Jersey, Complainants, am< Ebcr II Hall,administrator, etol, or Jacob I. Marliu, deceaaedi aud/aU., DefendantB.—pi, Fa . etc., oaforeeiosurr Daled Sept. 13 1876. s

The sale under the i/liore BtaV)d writ sUndsadjourned to ,

TUESDAY, December 28, 1S75,at 2 o'clock p m,, »t UmCtiurt Uome, In the1

city of New Brunswick, New Jersey1 M. M LUTARDUB Late Sherlll

i McOartcr, Coult & Keeu, Solicitors of. Com

WABEES & car:.Vul<ir S l r c e l , ' '


ChiNew York and ChinaTea Company.

d wutl C4U1Uib6d Iinuae'ta abvt itWCv'goftba • : •llent Tea

' At' Prices''to SiuUtheJ-Time's.COrrEKa - are steam roaatid freah dally; Teas

and ConVoa' sold 'by tho Chest, Puik'aife ahu Pound,tina-ars .old at ro^lagrs'jtrlcca., AlTonlcra ar. nund-tually atiehded to. M II. M06K-I Ji'CO., ProiirietoraMi Ik SI; Sl»nd ss V.'soj atnlotj oppoalt. Wask ns-ton Market. . . uo4 §WD .


WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS'.• .'•'PajVpfoalrltianJlEiB(oi«i.'.-;.;.:;::'\'A THIBD AND 8tj!RB

BlierMI'a u l e .fN Uhanocry ol Ketr Jo.aoy - Bctweeu Me]_JL SwUt aitd al , Co^plainautB, and JauuiiFstihenlkand nta ,Dilfendai.tB -F l Fa , i'onifoceclogure Dated July 28, 1875.,, Ti^esalQ-undertheaboTO Btatcd-wrlt fitatidskdjourncd to '

•v'TUKBDAY,' "Deoombef 88, 1675,at So'elock'b.'m,,-al the'Ooiirt House, In Oic*eltjrqfitlew Jjrunuwlck, New.JersoV. -__,-

..-CpgsweU, Idbtic.tor'OfiCoiUkilainftUts..

A«IJi.urned Hiorin'a hulo .

INClioiiterr of New. Jersey.—Between IraC,.*Yoorhees, Coiuplaiituhi, and. Jacob

Vanderveer, Caleb B.Vanoie Veer, etal.^Ue-fQndanfts.-nlTi Yin dcti op l9rcplonurer DatedAuguBtgO, 1878. . • ' • ; ' :. 'the sale under the above stated writ standsadjourned to ; i;-! -: u '.. ,;, .:> :.

i.,, TUESDAY,! December 28,16T5,*t,2 o'cloolc p.'. m;, at ilie Court llbuse, iu thecitJofNeWBruD»Wlck',' Now Jersey. -• "•;'w •/., M.M..LUEAKPUa,.Late8heriB<.

James H. .Van^leef, Solicitor of Complain.-

"., A«qourucd MicrlU'* SaleK'cjianeery oi'MeV Jersey.—Between Ttie' i dnnaiBsLoiiLrs -ol the' Ulnkinir 'tVihd ofBW^ersey, ^omplaln8oi'B,.:sud. Aaher b . Ku'n,

viuiietuxi et al., Deleudants - Fi - tu.,-*e.'e.:;0Hforei!li5Bure:" Dated July 14,-il B76; > '. ..•',:.';-. /rhe,saje,under,the Bbojre.:»tiited writ atmijadjouined to.- , • ^

r'":.;TDESpA'Y,'lJe'c'i!niber'2li 1875,al i o*clodfci>.i:m.; it-'tn'e1 Court House, in thiicity-of New. Brhuswlck.-iiew. Jersey. .

,, . . . M M, LUFAUDUSi l a i e Sherlll.' G.'p; W.'Vroom, SolUlt6r6r<3oniplainants,

• i d e i t - t d - . ; . • ( • > ' ) • ; • . I U ; . , . ; - . - ' •' '

A t l j o t i r i i e d «horl l l>» S a l e :'TTA ' 'Cnaneel'y .01' 'Now -'Jersey. -^ BetweenA Klcburil T,,:For|iiau, admlnlalrator. etc;,:cl-EliZi l i . Forman, deocaaed, Ooinplalnaut,hntl GiiirctQ. Brokaw And wife and ollier*;DofcndantB.—-Fit j Fa', 6to,j- on, foreclosure,:Datod September 7,-1875. '•'., ' : -.'. ••

The sate under tho abDf e stated writ standiadjournedtp. • . - . i . . . i . . . • : . ;i, . . j X U B ^ D A T , December 3i, 1875,.,at 2 o'clock p. tn.,attlip.aourt_JJouie, la th:icity o f l l e w Brunswlckv New Jersey; -

-:,!, Mi .V/iLUl-AKDUf, Wte Bberl .A. C. HartBhojnu, Sollcltorof Complaiuaul,

' d u ! > - W - f - - •••'•: . - ; ' • • ••'• i . • « - • • • . "

estate is tbe Fourth Wanrof thecltf of «aw'ASS

jvrmar wrauaui, uj uses H H N 4 ant1 r y ^ d ind dtviiled toiolofsand parerb Mty81,1948, by Daniel Uwuo, Gliy Bor)*.yor," %» L.Unumbered ftiur liivudrcd ftnrt <lity-flre [4fl&] «»A fourltuDdrt>d and sixty HK ,4IHJ1,1Q uarufl number forly-ruur [4*] , *

OuDtlltiona inada-tBown oa day of l&Ut. 1

AdnilnlBirator, etc, of Julio Craftwo, <leoc*a«4.October 38 1 8 , 6 ^ ^ & t

Admlniistratoi 'a Waltsor

REAL ESTATE.by \irtne-of an ord(.r or tbe OrpUin*' Court of |b»

(.utility uf Mlddkm x, umde yu Uto lKtli day ol Octu-Ikr, A. D IHIS. Hie ttubuct-lUr, «dniinbrtr»tor, ttc ,of LUwanl Uuuu, decuwbd, iflU aell tvt Publlo V«uflilo, on

Wednesday, the 29CA day of &cccrnbert

A D iay6V*ttl« hour of I o'clock 1B the mlitrnoQii,•I t le Ui y Holt 1 In luti cUy of New Brunawick, iu

ild couuty, all tbe fotlowlug JeKrtbed UoiU andIUIJSUI of wtilcli tbe said Ldwaru r *

iribcd Jpti or parceU of laud,lu tbe city of New Bruoi

IldaieaexaiKi State of Htw.„ Jolm street. Aftjr feet fr«m

__ I street uul John ttreet. tiUuc*rtmulug soutli tWmty.flve Joet to the corner .of lotiiumber forty-fobr. [44] on aaldi street;-tbeocawctit oue liuudred feet; tbeuoe uorth tweDty-Uvafeet J'thfluce east oiia hundred-footto thw plsee' of --^.

MUtysQt lauuluuwii PB:< K\no all ibkt certain bcity of New Bruuawio;., '»itdBlul«oM- -\m forty-tlm

yplsee' o

the«3] oo *Meadowa, " ' '

*Dd lot of liniLia tbacuuuty of MlddloseK

aud BtuW oAKew Jersuy, aud dealgUkted aa lota.... _ „ - . i ff^tS] mid forty-four [44] on a m^rl&nd knowu in ltlolituoiid'sMcadowa: BegtnniijgJobu Btreet, Ofty f«ot from too iwrusr of UawartBirvetand'Jolm flt.-eet ;'»nd tbeiice'rnuulng uoutUfifty i t t t o a akld Btree.; tneuce west one huudrodfuel: tlieuuti uortb fifty foot; tbuQca eaat ona hun-dred feet to the iilftCt. of beginning. ' . .

Coudltions made lcuowu on day of Bale.: WILLIAM BOYLAN1,•"•'•

•- AdinlnlBtrator, etc., of £4ward jpuun, deoeaaedOctober as, 18T&. . -• ooft-oawt

: Itr th|t!injUte^ or t lib flpplfciitlop of'John W. ;Cami>b^ll. Kdwurd S, Campbell,, tfuaun'K..U-apampMl, Guardian of Uearge 8. Cuapball,a minor, Mary E. Catnybell/a minor, ana Jen*n!e 8. t'miinbell, ,B minor, apd Susan,Ki Oamp-Uoll.iyi<3ow;, on order to ap'I:-, ' »

Piueudut to an oader of the'Orpliatifl' Cpurtof the couoty.of Middlenex, made on tbe 21stday of October, A. D. 1873, tlie subscribers,Commlsflioiiera in Partition, will sell at publicv e n d u e ^ o n ' • • • . • - . ./ ; O

- fiKi;Cliancpry of NOTI... OarroUou and alfclmcr fcst( lit ami vetc., oiiToK-tlomJrt)'.

n Illram

c:, onTdretlObura. DaedAug. l f t / lSTS/ ,•Tb«:Ba!e'uucit'rthe-ubovt!HttiiL'iI \rrft Blaiuia

d t o • , - _ • • ' • • • r v

at-2 oMlock'pi. hi.',' at-llio Coorl 'HOUBL>,city of New BrurisWlcku Hew Jersey. • •

' : i:Mi K. X.yi'AKUL'8, Sbarifl:U T. Uowenhoyeu, Solicitor of Cumplalu-

ata."' : . • . .. -nolB-tt.

.np26-4w'Q . . . ,

rnlrraTiaJOilkriiiladelphia, P i -

. r. i .

^BW BOO^ FOR THB, l.QOttppp,


"'"AQtapbioHiatoiy'oT tho Heiirto Epoch'ofJoriler Wr f . . l u ihrill;i,g conOlcU pr IleoVa V b l esea: Koltlng Aavc•ntllro^ 'Oapllvlllea, For.)-.,

oneer women and b a l d u i r i t u i i b s

Jorilsea: ''fricoiitB, Pioneer women7

Jamp Ltfo and Bpo'nNot a dud pag r No

rlMioVaail Vblteea For.)-.

Camp "Llfoand Bptfrw. - A book forbid"apd" oang.

Clrcalara frca Addreat

Btinnl att«ntlon and uuaraoleo uttsfactton.tfjfr^ P A s n n T l ? ^

&' ^~^~* " "~- mw r % a .« a . **rm IJilt'KSO free. TUMBltlOGK *


8prfead8i ' '$200


enty !dH«V» pfrr<!iitaw) th• any S imi lar Koud. -.. •

^B.Sa''for1pVt«ulJr.:'!"-VL •••','"''3 :'-\...i«|V-. I U --.i'MTOV) [.•..V-.-l'l rl- /.' i . I l l - a n ' ! i;.;:ilvl"j

W.H. CURTIS, Oeneral(igeat.

Jelptto, ft. .

fcated WblLkl(orthaiiire ol


isud Is unlytraally ^Mifoaboedth. u s t ikind ever cOitrod In the IT. p. We lq> " -W « s m|ueJltt''fi"ldt>eniy''by"flrst'f r l ee t lpcr hatt|«-,r i i , ,.. ;'• ...

i A 4 WrfJji ?Chancery of New-Wfsey;—Between AmosKobte»^Ad,iiilui»£rilriI OJlnpliluan^unillKobte»Ad,ii lui»£rilriI , OJlnpliluan^unil

Jv Elmer Btout and als.yDefendanttt.^-rFi' Fa.,etc.. on foreclosure'* -Dated Aug. .18,1876.' 'TlKj's'alo'under tlib abore.stated writ standsadjouruod.to . .;•! .' , . .;:, , .

TUESDAY, December. 81, Igrs, \ ,~at'J o'clock l)..m.,.at,tho Opurt House," In aliccity of Now Jirunawlek,-Now Jera :> • •-:•• ;.. M M I U f A R D i

awlek,Now Jerav, . . ,M. M.I.UfARDire.SKerln".

h d l i f C l i

a-v, .ire.Sf C


M. M.I.UfARDire.SKerln., T. -Cowenhovou,. tdolictor; of - Complain'.-; .'; ,• * • noas-td

1 I L « l iuncctymo-WIMiIAM-Ki:J.-: BELSON,TOOKEtt iM U


at li o'clock«. in ,at the City Hole', in tho cl ybf New- :BiunBwickt ihc- loMowlng-dcflcrlb^rt'al estaUj-flltuato iu tbe cdunt; at- MlddlufibxAnd-^tate. pf New Jerfioj, tfhereof Bt-vld F.CampbeUfutely jned seized aud more pkrllc -.ularlydescribed ofl roilows, 10-wit: • -. : ., :

1st,; All. that cerium house and lot of groundsituate,-lying andbelug. in;tbo<.lty oi 'Nivf-Brunaw.ck, couDtyot Middlejex.ana State of -Wew^i-.rsey^iegiuiijjDg.jpn. the .no?tln:rly,si4p -,.of Albany.Bireeit'at'tlie'so'utu'wesferlyi'corner ^of-a lot tbrmerlr belonging to Cornelius L.Hardchbtirgh; lately occupied by Airs., Julia1 udl'ow, lu tbo alley; tlicnce raaiilag westerlyulonji auld Albany atrect, 38 led H luubea to alutXorra-rly of Jobu Rteder'e, uow or lute be* ulodging to tile heirs of CorneHue Vao NeBte,deceased.; ^Quce-along^hv^line of ;,iba,tlot, ^nortberly 128 feel, 9 inches, more or ipsB to^fiiS^^MTeofi^^a^ofifnfi^ce^iMtoriv " • ;

along hi* line,'jtu al'el wilb >Vashingtqn atreet,»8'f e' 8 inches. moreorJoas to tllo mtddla ots Id* loy.und liQdof Mrs. Ludlovr*slot; tbeuca~_Houtborly along tlio same, 1&1 fqet; four J bmoru or less to tuept&ce of beginning;'tbo same premises 'convey a .I'nmpbcU.la'-hla lifetime, by Peter Conover and

if b l i d d i l t d May fat, A D., 186Q,Da 30i

e ; u r J n binning;' beingto',David- F.C dInmpbcU.lahla lifetime, by

wifu, by >l]uir derd.ilatod ynnd rcuQiUca loBouk y^ oie t c . ' . . , , : ; - , v ; , , . • • • „ . , , , ; . , - . j - - : - ,- . : . . . •*

2d. AU thftt certain.other,Int. piece or parcelof laiid1, situate', lying; and being in the cl\f~t>tNew Brunaiylck, In the couuty of Middlesex,fti d Stale ot JNoty Jtrnuy, b lug blotted andbounded flsroUo\vn, to wft:1 Bdginmo'g on thesouth' side of Albauy street, af ibe northwestcorner of tlie hou-o mid lot of land formerlyJ t f ^ d i d o « u p i e d U y b t t t h d n t B l a v l te o p U y t r t t B v ,deceased f.tbenco running souther y along theIIIUJ tbrmeily or the said Abraham J*!auVeH,-loafeet to the rear line of the lots fronting, on™ . - • - • •• iOpg the «j ir

mr ch •street.Churclrstrcet;, thonce westerly alolitifKof sard lots sbfron'ttbg bn Chuand parallelf t t o a lot

aforesaid,^licn thfeet,to a JotoI'Jolm Van Nulsa; tlicnce north

orlya'oDg'the Hue of the said JoBti'Van Nulse,ills feet'Vo Albany street aforesaid; " "



I f e : ; , , , , i j , . - . . - , , . - , . , , ; ; - . • • ! . . i : - :•• : . - : ' " . i . - \ .

JJy virtue orata order ol ihq'Court of Chun-ty* 6f''.NiBWvJffrfleyi mU'de on the day':of-thete hejrcpA InacausewherQlnJeroinlalr-lf

Vain De vomer 'iB*, cQnini^lnaut and you. andiJtIicra'ai-i'rfcfoiidkn1*, yon ire rtqulred to up.jie»r aud|i>)eadr,aiMwer.pr,deraur to >be.blH ofaald romplafnanv on oV. belore 'tho, twenty.aereiith 5»y-bf iecembor.'rieii;' or the sild

Oolobi.plttli, A'.'D-ISCS o'atfriiiordoJlQ Mkl-"dlesox.Coun-v Clcrk'«OIUcc, u Book 104 01.peeds, pa;a 103, etc. ,'. ; '„ • , .• 'Terms made knoWD 6h the day of.i<a!e'by '•:>•»•••-: , : i KRO8EN.T.Bi!8BADEtt,

:. "•.-.-,• XEWI.iAPPLKQATa.. .,-•~ :" Vp •pANIKrrM.TXrL," ' ';^_

George Q, Ludloor, Proetpr..,-.,D-ted November'!, 1875.' nO3-

Tlio srt'b

bill is. IllcclI H l i l

j lo-cclbse a i u ^ . . ar andivlft! fo Oorie

•*WP I e^ioumbralices on said lands > and you, Samuel'. , OWoke&are'iiiade'defendant'bVcaSiie1 at'theR - B V . • ' • " « " * » » » s « v , ^ ^ . . . KWokef,'!arevinade 'defendant' bceailse1 at1 the

. H . M A C Y - < f c COi«iN°lWlUbiB'tiald..bllhypn^i>ftnpeaire«Iby,:Ule'Isf A.*jt¥r'/*-' "SrV i«»ii«l't'flfiV'it'i(*tfe'v*'jV' y iOrl T0^01^*- w a d (pe owner of aaid landa, or.someMA-^AtawsUmporuraaodreWllKa^AiarilgY ?WttiJfereof.kul'allerWardBJSldHVesatAahd,


• * * . ^ . ^ a - * v -^vsjaia'aaaBiii-ajBaiBat^i1!

MA'lll* tntnittd Cmtctihlal fjMA.>at. reaa Onleraalton'cMAOY MAOY MAOY '

Vi l>\

pra-" luijrna, '" a!

i.Y.lfclawaM.'•} .T

amlUaa byppers audUK matter

Brunswick TransferJ/,






, Munanr

. ^.. Jer Bum*, are w _ .ouilni Lutlory;«hlalt IsponitnotW by


OT'OB Is hereby riven that ru the aftoonlhday rfgeptoinboVJ-1B70, „ , attachment

Jf^l°! «2iSH!i *>»'>. of J j i county.

WlHlllft)!,.., .UoioberSil iH7o.


ocii8-oawd«wBllddlOifX OrpliBna'

aworn oommrf,oill), L f 1,1*.

• tor ,_ rloa«U'Theaalo)


htSdmln, for an

ptp«r u u acquired a vldfiupi^ritr for the ArMldoflujoyment It iffordi.—[N. Y. Evening Pott.

la IU w«y there li uothlug Wtt IL -Fresh %Mtruitwortby *• » fuhlod ^Udo, Ui stories aud o»-H7B, Jts jwotry and •qulln, »ro ill luvlgorBtlng totbe mind.—loklcigo Kreuing Joumal.

lUapsR'BBAZAII,oaejaar , 7 S400fti.Ou luoludea'preiiayment of U. 8, poalatfe by the

publishers.Bnbsorlptlons to IlAUrER'a HanABf HB,WXBKLT and

-Aa*n, to one aildrcaa for une year, $10,00, or, twoofllar •- -• "

Au X l t a alp? of either the HAaufHiTWuxLT ora f.r every Olirb cf Vlre

, - . . . — , OHO remittance i or, DigOoplvB for »».«!, without mtra oupy; postage )rw.

Jlaok numbers can be-auppUsd at any litna..

S2.00Q Wanted.

-A ^0<Jd<|iUdlBaJ>liv«Blm«ntl'r •

" M^Ws^iSfOTlOfiM ' , I IWSkul l ;iii'

ill! tflj-oii .'it

Wi n Ufa In

Iiss Sawyers iKaivei



p r t tnereofj buiaUerWBrasiiold.ilie sanie, ahdnow hold an encumbranon;oHiiiald Und*;, andyou H t M l k d d f d t

w h lu, Horliatiae'y

; nde defendant

i i t T o liatiaeyouaMit/WlleorVsldMaiiiiietToolc.oc, mid atitto tlmo,o( Hluigi»aid WU had an In-

l^r1^*JA8K6bNrSolicitorso£fComplainant,. BUllroau's Block,

"—!tlirant Walnflflld N J-!iDatca;0ci ft*.4i

In «5lianccr7 of New Jer*ej;,BY virtue of a decretal order Issued out of the Court

orobancorrbr-Hew'Jeraey! btt' the 19tb d.V ofOctobor. A. D. 1SI6, |n a cauao deneodlnj. therein, lawhich E'iwaril M*BUrr la complainant ana Uary U'BulllTan ant olhrri-are derandanta, laauuittot of pit-tttlon, directed to the subacriber, oao of ,the feriedalMasters of aald Ck>url, I ahallwppsfto! aslk -at Pub-lic Auction, to the hlcheat bl Ji-r. on WEDNESDAY,theTWENTY-NlNTU [SDth'J (fay of.DEOEUBBltnext, at Uio.O'ty Hotel, la tWeltyof SaWBrunawIck,In,thooountj ol MWIesej anil Blalo of Kew Jetauy,at tho'lloor of t»o o'clock In,thBalKHiMO, the'lotaor jiarcoM off land mentioned 18 tho~blll of, nomjtfaLat' i aald cau'Aa, and described therein as followa, ijaniely :

• '—<T' TllE FIBaT LOT. ' ' "•' ':x'""'Situate, lylai and belrig In the'dty of New Bru'na-

rick, in th'e.oounty, of Mldiloiei, rotmerly Botneraet,and titatu of Now Jers«y : Beginning- on tha southside of Albany street and on theesat side uf Brownstreet, at-tae junction or Inleraeo: on of the aaluo;}hfno._raiinlD|[ *• - •unct

loranlKeasterlyUy,stree't'elpty fof;llilewltli-BrowaBttwt

gr Inlersalong. Uthence

ilnent atlentlou will be glvm iVllA»jia'a

FREBi' 'S0HEESLE11|jj), 1>I .1/1 I II J7ll 4.) IIJII-I itlHlt 1M.T7 i|„ < u q o « m « | t/f W»lMw4,i,th»t,,hl>,. K»BJI *•!

1. OiHned»>flrBl«dlUB!aa(Dopluoilar theli'-'.'11 aborolcaption, ona oitittSMnfiiititf

I" but'gtntdUBSBrlloktito tna jlil'ahlnhw"1'-:'

n utw • i ill 1


nlTJPQui'iiijll i.

•nil KMfl


' (Mjobj,

rseo on of the along. Uia^nfh alii. oiAl*

y ; thence uutherly on naraUdlieltliBrowa.Bttwtnlnoty-nlnorMtanJ'tli-lockMto an alley called North alley ; thence alona; aatdialteyon a parallolUM with.Albany, rlreet algnty; fwt toBrowd Itrc«t; thcnM ncrtberly along the eaitdde orBrown street nlnuty.nln. ladiand alx Inehea'lo'ilispVu»..ot:b«glnnlna;i;.bqunded1vt»rtliBrly,,bJt Albanyanil, easl by ITIcah WllllamaMut, aoulherly byNorth alloy, an* wcatfrli b/lttoirn sw«r; brfiii In.aunaipivniUcs'coaviyeilby.FeterSuydutt'ioJCdivardSullWan and l|t>pry.T. Bell, by deed daud. April SO, 'IS.5. and recorded In book' 11 or.drada, pa«. S1I3' bfdecda for.Bouioraet county.^-

iu the .city of

WWoouWof SSiae?add BtJto 8f«egUuihig^nthajlo*aUl*sC.Bu(!ua)i acoruep of Mosea Wllcox'a lot: thance ruf>l)[aj*|f MW3iel/slra.tthltiy faetiler

wldk, in tou cZntr or MjJwiei , farmarly 8 0 1 S " !(uJ.B.ut.ur New,J«ra»yiiJJegl«ali«f!i>o: thDlsoallivast aide or llio New Jersey turo|ilka rea-l [now oallrdKaatofi a'reouej, at tasnorthaaataorJ.ri6r-alotiiwWor late ot lauiu Matthowt: thence mniUiu n l l

ouej, at tasnrthaaata•lauiu Matthowt:, thenonj tho turnulka a)x>y iS

i a book

_._. LJ—"—-rtaialiw i iKUDVti, Bberi



ice uortii eaiUrly Uanr bit hw Utifn* tmnty-iiln*iobli.nortli OMtcorBflr; thf--*- --•"*- - *rtHt)Uetkii'lMt: ihenwuoi

h:l tw ot«h ln .er: thenoo.ao'Uth. iaatarlrbtelnortheaaVod a pafflli

t8ii%SNa8Z8-Un« witti.tlio tvrnjuip fifty QTUtho.iliiooorbtgllihlnK.

td B , UtXxiWe,dow r. In ntidlTldeil parts ol ths uld.liereipberur»itateO ; mil «liu ndudlnAiHturost of tttB dBfcodsoti, kbaurxrr II• " - ' > ^ C d - J l l > t

As icnt&tV 10

and bj t__

2^. . . — and

Bwiaaey and —

h u h , Judraenl of the^ubanlbir nay ba bloat l» U . i ,InUrest or thi psrllos, or which nplloj will A . g t n aattatllmeofaiuo. l i v l l i ' i I . I M 1 * ' , .1 •


NOTICE la hereby glron that Ooorge W.Vlienliof t io township q(Harttan, in the

lounty of MWdlotioi? Stalei «o> NifW Joraey, 'latb tills dayfliafleanMslgnu.eptto,t'" -*inBasr of lus oBtate, real ucdpenitQ

il bollelttV till tircdllonv ul)« thal\!tflrn-nmst eiblblt their rroalUors '— -'


Notice of A alarmkicliB1. j .