“When life knocks you down, just get back up when it knocks you down,” Keri Hilson.

Book: My Story

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The book is about a woman who goes through a lot, but she gets through and she makes it.

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“When life knocks you down, just

get back up when it knocks you

down,” Keri Hilson.

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Chapter One

“Granny, what was your life like. I mean when you

were younger. I mean not that you’re old…. Never

mind….” Madison says.

“Sweet heart, its ok. I understand.” Mary Elizabeth


“OK. So what happened?”

“Well apparently, I’m from Africa. I was born there

and I lived there until I was three or four.”

“That sounds fun.”

“It was fun honeybun, but let me tell you my story

since you want to know so badly. My parents went to

Africa and they found a man and a woman who were

stealing. In some way, my parents got the hostages

safe, because of that they were “heroes”. Anyway,

the woman was pregnant and due in a few weeks. My

parents went back to America to get their house

ready for a new baby. They had a deal. If my parents

got me then the man and woman wouldn’t go to jail.

But the problem was my biological parents and I were

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gone. They moved to a different country right after I

was born. It took my parents three years to find me

and them, but when they did, the African police found

out what happened. The police were going to take me

away, but my parents stepped in and took me home.

The weird thing was I did remember my parents

eating like a king and a queen. They treated me like a

servant at three years old. I was lucky that they came

when they did. I really don’t know how they got my

citizenship or my adoption or anything. All I knew was

that I was being taken away from the only thing I

knew, but at the same time I was being rescued.”

“Granny, did all that stuff really happen? How did you

react when they took you away?”

“How would you react if you were being snatched

away from the only thing you knew? From what I was

told, I screamed and hollered like any three year old

would. The car ride was terrible as my mom told me.

She said I cried and hollered. When we got to the

airport that all the Africans didn’t pay any attention to

me, but all the Americans who were at the airport that

day looked at us really crazy. She said I looked

scared and was crying and wigging out.”

She laughs.

“What’s so funny?”

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“I just can't imagine, you out of all people crying.

Come on now. I mean granny you never cry. You are

always the strong one. Always.”

“Well honeybun at that age, I wasn’t very strong.”

“So what happened when you got back here?”

“Come on you two. We’re waiting on you so we can

eat,” says Abigail.

“Can you pass the potatoes?” questioned Taylor.

Now they all sit around the table eating corn on the

cob, smoked ham, butter rolls, rich pecan pie, peach

cobbler, warm red velvet cake, fried chicken, creamy

macaroni and cheese, green beans, and hot dogs for

the little one. Mary Elizabeth (mom) Joshua (Mary

Elizabeth’s husband), Natalie (oldest daughter),

Abigail (oldest grandchild), Madison (only great

grandchild), Daniel, DJ, Tiffany, Paisley, Juliana,

Julian, James, Kristen, Noah, Taylor, Sophie, Derek,

Mary Ann, Edward, Elijah, Angelica, Isaac, Terri,

Cory, Alexandria (youngest grandchild), Alexander,

and Matthew.

“Pass me my grandchild,” demands Mary Elizabeth.

“She is just so adorable. The only reason why I like

any of y'all husbands is because y’all gave me my

grandchildren and great grandchild.”

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Everyone laughs.

Madison asks “Granny what was the house look like?”

“We can talk after dinner,” states Mary Elizabeth.

“Ma, what are y’all talking about?” questions Tiffany.

“I was just telling her about my life.”

“Why don’t all of your children, grandchildren, and

Madison hear your story?” Tiffany suggests.

Everyone either shakes their head or says “Yeah.”

“Madison tell them what I told you.”

“Well basically granny’s parents aren’t her real


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Chapter Two

“So, is every one caught up now?” questions


They either nod their head or say “yes”.

“Wait, I need to use the bathroom,” says Mary Ann.

“You always have to pee. We should just get a diaper

like Alexandria. As much as you pee,” argues Kristen.

“Why are you always starting stuff with me. You have

never liked me since childhood. You were always so

mean to me. Always taking and breaking my barbies,

ripping off the heads of my teddies. I just want to

know why.”

“Hey remember there are children in the room. Y’all

are grown adults. You need to stop.” says Mary

Elizabeth with anger in her voice.

“Ok on that note, I need to change the baby,” states


“I need a snack and something to drink,” says Noah.

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Daniel,Taylor, Isaac, and Alexander agree then they

all run into the kitchen.

“Granny are you gonna get us a snack?” asks Isaac.

“I’ll be right there sweety pie.”

“No MaMa, I’ll get them a snack you sit there,” says


“OK. Anybody else need to do anything?”

They just shake their head no. Everyone enters back

into the room and settles down. Mary Ann and Kristen

glare at each other.

She starts by saying “The house was huge. It was the

biggest house I have ever seen in my whole entire

life. There were huge pictures hanging on the wall.

Beautiful sculptures of the most artistic people in the

world. This house was a 10 bedroom 10 bathroom

with crystal chandlers and glass stained doors. My

room was the size of two average size classrooms. I

had a king size canopy bed and a customized 80 inch

TV. My playroom had customized playhouse and

kitchenette. The real kitchen was stocked with

American and African food. I had my own gym. It’s

the size of an NBA basketball court. In the backyard

was an olympic size swimming pool that can be an

outside pool or an inside pool. The pool has an

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electronic “house”, so basically you can go

swimming all year around. I had 5 different “cars”

(like the little cars that have a battery that has to be

charged) that I could drive all around 2500 acers of

land. We had 3 German shepherds, 3 labs, 4 pit bulls,

and 4 shizoo-poodles.”

“I need to put the kids down it’s 8:00.” Says Terri.

“Ok. I’m getting pretty tired myself. We can pick back

up tomorrow,” says Mary Elizabeth.

Angelica says “Good night granny I love you.”

She answers “I love you too baby. Goodnight. I love

all of you. Good Night to all of you.”

Slowly they all get up kiss each other good night and

they all go to bed.

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Chapter Three

“Good morning MaMa,” says Natalie

“Good morning sweetie. I have a question. What is

going on with y’all girls? I treated y’all all the same. I

didn’t treat any one better than the other. I am so sick

of this arguing. When I was raising y’all it was fine. All

I want to know is what happened. It just doesn’t make

any sense.”

“Good morning MaMa. Good morning Natalie.” Says

Terri. “What are y’all talking about?”

“As mom says it…. Our sister drama.” Natalie says.

“Oooh. I got you.” Terri quietly says “I think I’m the

only one who gets along with everybody. It’s so

crazy. I don’t understand.”

“Where’s the baby?” questions Mary Elizabeth.

“She’s asleep with Dee.”

“Good morning MaMa.” Kristen says as she grinds

her teeth.

“Good morning love, now where is Mary Ann and


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“Well I’m right here but I don’t know where Mary Ann

is.” Tiffany says.

“Good morning MaMa. Hey… everybody else…” says

Mary Ann.

“Why don’t y’all get along? I don’t understand, I

showered all of you with the same amount of love and

care. Now why do some of you get along and others

can’t stand each other it’s just night ri….” says Mary


“Mommy….. My stomach hurts.” Elijah says as he

rubs his stomach and his eyes.

“We’ll have this conversation later.”

“I’ll help you get breakfast started.” Kristen says

helpfully with a gleam of joy in her eye.

“Granny can you start the story again?” asks


“We can start after breakfast. Do me a favor any go

wake up your cousins and uncles. Tell them I said get

up and get dressed. And while you’re at it tell the rest

of your aunties to get down here and help me and

Auntie Kristen come cook.

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“We have eaten now. Can you start the story again?”

asks Madison.

“Ok. Ok. Ok. When I first got there I was treated like

a queen. I had access to as much food as I could get

my hands on. I had as much freedom as an adult who

just inherited millions and millions and millions and

millions of dollars. I felt like I was on top of the world.

I felt that nothing could harm or hurt me. I felt so safe

for once in my life. I felt like I was just the biggest

thing in the whole wide world. Even though I was the

smallest in my class. All the kids always wanted to

come over my house. I had the best stuff even though

it was a private school and my parents paid a pretty

penny for me to go there except money wasn’t even a

problem for them. Everything was good up until my

dad’s mom died. When she died it went downhill from

there. Abigail, Paisley, Juliana, Julian, and Madison

take all your little cousins upstairs to the play room

and turn the TV on.”

They take all the children upstairs.

“Granny can we (Abigail, Paisley, Juliana, Julian, and

Madison) come back and finish listening to the story?

And what should we do with Alexandria?”

“Go get her bassinet Julian and bring her bag down


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He shakes his head and says ok.

“Now that everyone is back I can continue. Anyway

like I said once his mom died he changed. He started

acting weird, but I thought it was just him grieving. At

first it was, but it was like he never got better. When I

was 13 she died….. by 15 I was pregnant. He raped

me right before my 15th birthday. And it wasn’t the

first time either. One night he went out with his

friends. I remember him coming home at 1:46 in the

morning. He was so drunk. I don’t know how he made

it home safely, but he did. I was up working on a

project for school. I had just finished. I was going to

go take a shower when he walked in on me. He hurt

me that night. He said that daddy’s do this to their

little girls. He said he was teaching me and that if I

ever told he would kill me, my mom, all the workers of

the house, then he’d kill himself. So I never told

anyone, but I knew my mom knew. She was so

terrified of him. We all were. He was just so violent.

After I was attacked, she started drinking. At first it

was just wine here or there. Then it picked up. One

day I came home and she was passed out, I called

911 and that day I saved her life. After that she never

touched another drink.”

“Ma..! Ma..! I’m hungry!” screams Noah.

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Chapter Four

“What happened after that MaMa?” questions Kristen

in a quiet voice.

“After all that it seemed like he calmed down, at least

for a while. I didn’t hear them fight for a while, but it

was like he relapsed or something. I don’t know. One

night he…. He got drunk again and he blamed me for

him being violent. One day he pushed my mom down

the stairs. She had a cracked rib, sprained ankle, and

broken arm. It was bad, she had a lot of bruises. Her

face was purple. She couldn’t even look at me. She

would just kind of stare at me with hatred and fear in

her eyes. After that moment I knew. I knew I had lost

her too. After that there wasn’t as much food in the

house, my diet was restricted. I couldn’t have friends

over anymore. I couldn’t go over people’s houses.

After a month of that, they pulled me out of school

and home schooled me. They watched my phone like

their lives depended on it. I lost all love for them at

that point. A few months after that like I said I was

pregnant, he picked me up and threw me down the

stairs. I was fine and so was the baby, but he got

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worse. My mom got tired of it. She threatened to

leave. So he got clean and got treatment. He gets

better and he apologizes. During my last month of

pregnancy he relapses because he went to go get me

and he saw me half dressed. He was hospitalized for

three days.”

“What happened to the baby?” questions Natalie.

“I’d rather not talk about that in front of the children.

Why don’t you just drop it” says Mary Elizabeth


“No. I want to know what happened to the baby.”

“Why don’t you just tell her MaMa. Just tell her,” says


“Tell me what?”

“Nothing. And Tiffany if you say another word…. I will

slap you across your face. Remember who had you.

You are not too old for me whoop you.”

“Will someone please tell me what happened?” asks

Natalie frantically.

“Whatever I need a drink after this. Kids go upstairs

and check on the kids. Now!” exclaims Mary Ann.

“Me too. We can pick back up after dinner. I think we

all need a drink.” says Terri.

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Chapter Five

“The baby was born…. I took the baby home. My dad

wasn’t there. He was still in the hospital. My mom told

me at the time that she cleaned out the bank account.

She said ‘I only left enough money for hospital bills, 3

weeks in a hotel room, and food.’ She told me those

exact words. I felt so relieved. My dad came home

from the hospital only to find that all his things thrown

out and a restraining order against my mom, myself,

and my new baby. Weeks later he was arrested for

endangerment of a child and for 2 counts of assault in

the first degree. He was sentenced to 50 years, but

after he came home that night I never saw him again.

Ever. It wasn’t until right before I had Terri that I

found out he died from a stroke.”

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Chapter Six

“MaMa, I’m so sorry for what happened to you. I feel

really really bad,” Terri says. Kristen, Mary Ann,

Natalie, and Tiffany agree.

“My babies, if you don’t remember anything else…..

remember this….. when life throws things at you….

You can either except it and deal with it….. or….. you

can run away. That’s all I have to say about it. Now,

go deal with the children so we can start back up

again.” Mary Elizabeth says.

“Ok MaMa.” Terri agrees.

“Granny, what’s your full name?” Sophie asks


“Baby, my name is Mary Elizabeth Jamille Pickets. My

African name is Abimbola Amaka Amara Udo. My

American name means wished for child, oath or

fullness of God, and beautiful. My African name

means rich child, God is gorgeous, and elegance or


“I didn’t know you had two names Granny.” Sophie

says smiling.

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“Me either. At least not until I was pregnant with your

mommy. But I haven’t gotten that far into my story

yet. I’ll come back and get you when we get past the

bad stuff.”

“Ok Granny. I love you.” Sophie says as she walks

away smiling.

“What happened next Granny?” Paisley asks eagerly.

“Ok. Shortly after I had the baby I couldn’t say there

anymore, so I left. The maid helped me. It wasn’t like

money was an issue because my dad was paying

child support and paying me. My mom was also

paying me. So I was good on money. One night I said

my good byes to everyone except my mom. The next

morning she didn’t find me or the baby, so she called

911 and had an amber alert put out on us. No one

found us. I didn’t leave the state. I got a job and an

apartment. I put my baby in daycare and I supported

myself and the baby.”

“Who is this baby you keep talking about?” Natalie

asks tiredly.

“Just let it go,” says Mary Ann.

“Mommy…..” Alexander says.

“Yes baby….” Terri says with a worried face.

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“I thowed up. I don’t feel good.”

“You thowed up? Where did you throw up baby?”

“In the bathroom.”

“Ok, I’ll go get daddy.”

“Come here baby and I’ll get you cleaned up.” Mary

Elizabeth says.

“Ok Granny.”

“We’ll start back up later. Let’s just go check on all

the kids.” Mary Elizabeth says with power in her


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Chapter Seven

“How’s Alexander?” questions Mary Elizabeth with

concern on her face.

“He’s fine. He ate something he wasn’t supposed to.

Just being a six year old kid.” Terri says.

“Back to the story….”Mary Elizabeth continues.

“Your story just amazes me. I didn’t even know some

of these things MaMa. Why didn’t you tell us earlier?”

Mary asks.

Mary Elizabeth responds “Because you didn’t ask.

And anyway are you gonna let me finish? Well not

finish, because I’m only about half way finished

telling my story. Anyway, picking back up from

yesterday… Once I was on my own and I was

settled, I met a police officer. I think I saw my dad

one day, so I called 911. This handsome police

officer shows up, but it turned out that it was just

someone who looked like him. I was really

relieved. We started talking. He was so nice. He

treated my daughter like she was his. He moved

in with us. Everything was going really well.

When I found out I was pregnant, he was

overcome with joy. He was so excited. He went

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and bought a whole bunch of baby stuff. Even

before I was out of my first trimester. I was so in

love with that man. I didn’t marry him though. I

knew better than that. I mean not that he wasn’t

hinting, because he was. Life was just going

really well for me. I was in a good place. I was

happy and healthy, so was my daughter, and so

was my ‘boyfriend’. His name was Darrell. Darrell

Wayne. But at some point he lost it. He started

abusing me just as my dad had done. At first it

was just a slap here or there, then it turned into

real abuse. First it was just at home, then it

turned into public places. I don’t know how, but I

got away. I got out. I couldn’t take it anymore. He

tried to take custody of my unborn child. That

didn’t work. I was smart. Every time he hit me I

took a picture of it. I started wearing a wire, and

after that I put hidden video cameras in every

room of our apartment. After I showed the judge

that. I was granted full custody. I got a

restraining order for me, my unborn child, and

my baby girl. As far as I know, even to this day,

he was fired and then put in jail. He’s still there to

my knowledge. One because apparently I wasn’t

the only one he has hurt before. Two because he

killed a few people in jail. Three is for assault.

After some of the bruises he left on me……

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Before he was arrested and put in jail, he stalked

me. He found out that I had a new man in my life.

It took me forever to trust him. I had been hurt by

men all my life. So for him to truly love me and

show me that he loved me was tough. I thought

he would break and he would beat me. I thought

he would hurt me and my kids…. But he didn’t. it

took me months and months for me to trust him. I

don’t know how he did it, but he earned my trust

and I loved him. I loved that man. After a while we

got married. We bought a house together and

settled in. My kids loved him and he loved them.

Wanna take a wild guess at who this person is? If

you guessed Joshua Pickets…. You are correct.

He actually/truly treated me like a queen. I fell for

that man. After we got married, I was still finding

new ways to love him. He was finding new ways

to love me.”

“Hey is anyone else kind of hungry?” questions

Kristen. “I need a snack and I know my kids are


“Mommy can I have some puff puffs?” Angelica asks.

“Yes you can have some puff puffs.” Kristen


“What are puff puffs?” Tiffany asks.

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“According to Angelica, they are cheese puffs. Like

Cheetos.” Kristen says.

“MaMa who is this baby and what happened to her?”

Natalie says angrily.

“I don’t know why you keep asking me because I’m

not gonna tell you right now.”


“I’m going to take a walk. Anybody else want to

come?” Mary Ann says.

“I’ll come with you baby.” Jacob (Mary Ann’s

husband) says.

“We’ll all go together as a family, we need to change.

Everybody go get dressed. That means you

Abigail, Paisley, Juliana, Julian, Madison, Noah,

Daniel, Matthew, Isaac, Taylor, Alexander,

Angelica, Sophie, Elijah, and even Alexandria.

That includes Natalie and John (Jay), Tiffany and

Davis (Sonny), Kristen and Michael (Mike), Mary

Ann and Jacob (Jake), and Terri and Derek (Dee).

Everybody go get dressed. Let’s go!” Mary

Elizabeth decrees.

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Chapter Eight

“I’m tired I need a nap.” Madison says out of breath.

“You aren’t the only one. Your auntie is sleepy and

tired too baby.” Tiffany says also out of breath.

“Let’s take a nap and get back up later and eat and

talk some more.” Mary Elizabeth says.

A Few Hours Later

“Shortly after we got married, I got pregnant again.

Josh, my daughters, and I were heading out one day.

My ex-boyfriend saw me with them. Darrell got out of

the car and attacked my new husband. They got into

a fist fight. I called 911 and that’s why he was

charged with assault. ”

“What specifically happened during the fight?”

Abagail asks.

“Well…. Josh helped me into the car and closed the

door. That’s when Darrell got out of the car. He

walked over to Josh with rage. I had never seen him

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so mad. He was so drunk. You could smell him from a

mile away. It was making me sick. I was worried

about our safety. So I called 911. By the time they

showed up Darrell and Josh were both covered in

blood. But it wasn’t Josh’s blood it was Darrell’s. No

one knew this but Josh was a fighter back in the day.

He has done his fair share of damage to people. So

when Darrell attacked him, it was like Josh being

pulled into that other person. At the same time he

was being defensive because he was very protective

over all of us, not just me. Especially since my kids

were in the car and witnessed it, he lost it. Josh

almost killed him. He was protecting me and my kids.

He was fighting for our lives. Darrell was taken to the

hospital and arrested on the way there. We never did

make it to where we were going, but I was just glad

that he was alright and so was myself and the kids.”

“So granddaddy was a fighter?!?!” Madison asks


“Yes. Yes he was.” Mary Elizabeth said.

“Wow. I didn’t even know that.” Kristen and Terri


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Chapter Nine

“Hey MaMa, what you doing?” Mary Ann asks


“Nothing really. Just doing some stuff for work.”

“Now I know better. You bringing us all the way out

here. You tell us not to work and you’re sitting there

working. Oh No! Give me that. You will not be

working. No ma’am! If I can’t work…. Neither can

you. This makes me really upset.” Mary Ann says


“Remember who you’re talking to. If you must know

it’s a family tree for the kids. Now, please leave.”

“MaMa, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled.”

“It’s ok. Next time before you blow up, make sure you

have all the facts.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Hey good people.” Abigail says as Madison, Paisley,

Julian, Juliana, Kristen, Natalie, Tiffany, and Terri

walked in.

“What happened after that Granny?” Julian asks.

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“Well, shortly after the fight I found out my mom had

been very sick. She was dying of liver disease

because of her drinking problem she had. She was

hospitalized. So I left and went back to that house. I

don’t know why but I did. Then I went straight to the

hospital. I could barely take it because I was still

pregnant. So I didn’t stay very long. But it was like

she knew me and knew what I had been through.

When I walked into her room she started to cry.

Which made me cry. I could still see the bruises my

dad had left on her from when I was a child. That

brought back all the bad that had been done to me. I

began to cry and cry and cry. It was like I couldn’t

stop. Even in her being sick she comforted me. I

could tell she was strong again. I felt so bad for not

spending time with her spending time with her over

the years. She understood and I felt so much better. I

was so glad that she understood and she forgave me.

She said if it had been her she would have done the

same thing. I went back every day to see her after

that. I even brought Josh and the kids up there

sometimes. I have never taken them to the house and

I never will. When I die it will die. I know that sounds

kind of harsh, but it’s the truth. I will never return

back to that house and neither will any of you. I had

the baby a few weeks later. I took the baby to see her.

She was so happy and peaceful. I knew something

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was wrong. That day she died. It was my husband all

of my children I had at the time and me. We were all

standing around her. I didn’t even feel bad when she

died. I didn’t feel guilty I mean. That’s why you need

to give people their flowers while they are still alive. I

cried that night. Once her funeral was over and

finished I got the worst surprise of my life.”

“What surprise?” Juliana question eagerly.

“You’ll find out after we eat.”

“Who and where is this baby?” Natalie asks


“Stop asking me that you will find out soon enough.

Now leave me alone and stop asking me. You will find

out soon enough.” Mary Ann says tiredly (tired of her


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Chapter Ten

“What was this worst surprise?” Julian asks.

“What I didn’t tell you was on their death bed she told

me that I was adopted and she told me the whole

story about how I got here and who my parents were

and what they did. That whole story. But the last thing

she told me that day was they were looking for me.

My biological parents were looking for me. After she

died and after the reading of the will I found out I was

pregnant again. What I got out of the will was

everything they had. All their stocks and bonds. All

the money. All the estates. A few months after that

they showed up at my door. I began to cry that’s

when Josh stepped in. He was so protective of me.

They came back a few days later. They told me their

side of the whole story. I couldn’t take it. It was too

much stress. Josh put them out. He knew it was too

much for me. I don’t know how I got over it but I did. I

let them in. And I told them that if they ever hurt me

again, especially after what they did to me, they were

finished. They apologized and I forgave them.

Apparently I have a whole lot of brothers and sisters.

I did get to meet them once. They were ok but

something just wasn’t right. I couldn’t put my finger

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on it but it was like they were controlling them in

some freakish way. I knew that the customs were

different in Africa than in America but it was like an

extreme. I would never let my brother and sisters

meet my children. I just wouldn’t do that. I couldn’t. I

didn’t. I don’t think they even know that any of you all

exist. I have nieces and nephews that I don’t know

about. It’s like I don’t even want to know them. I just

wished I could have stayed a single child. I don’t and

still don’t want any brothers and sisters. I really don’t

want anything to do them at all. Really only because

of the way they treated me. I don’t know I just guess

it’s different. I still don’t know how I feel about it, but

slowly I’m coping with it. I’m taking my time. For me

the healing process is a lot longer than most people’s

and now you know why. I was so glad I had Josh, I

just don’t know what I would have done had he not

been there for me and my children.” Mary Elizabeth


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Chapter Eleven

“Hey, what happened when you let them meet us?”

Tiffany asks.

“Well, they came back a few days later. They brought

gifts and presents for y’all. Some were from Africa

and some were America toys. They wanted y’all to

know my ‘heritage’. I didn’t want you to have any of

the African toys. I told them that I wouldn’t allow the

toys. At first they objected, but they let it go. They

wanted to spend time with their grandchildren. I was

very emotional after they meet you. I couldn’t stop

crying, that’s when he had had enough. He put them

out. He was protecting me. My hero. He was such a

good man. Always there when I needed him. He did

things for me just to make me smile. Flowers, jewelry,

candy, chocolate…… and other things. That man

treated me so well. He was just like me. Well at least a

male version.” Mary Elizabeth says with tears in her


“Wow MaMa. I never knew he did so much.” Terri


“Yeah. He did so much and y’all didn’t even realize.

He treated all of you the same. He didn’t love any one

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of you more than another. He treated you like

princesses. Gave you everything you ever needed or

wanted. I loved that man.”

“I think we should take a break and give her a break.”

Juliana says as she walks over and hugs her.

“Thank you baby but I’m ok.” Mary Elizabeth says


Terri, Alexandria, Matthew, Alexander, Dee, Mary

Ann, Elijah, Isaac, Jake, Kristen, Sophie, Noah,

Taylor, Mike, Tiffany, Juliana, Julian, Paisley, Sonny,

Natalie, Abigail, Madison, Daniel, and Jay all pile

together and hug. They calm Mary Elizabeth down.

They start humming. All of them. After that everyone

went to bed. They all slept in Mary Elizabeth’s room.

On the floor, on the bed, on 5 different air mattresses,

on 3 different couches, and for Alexandria in a


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Chapter Twelve

“How are you feeling this morning?” Paisley asks.

“I’m fine. Better now.” Mary Elizabeth says as she

drinks her coffee.

“Good morning auntie.” Paisley says as Terri walks in

with Alexandria.

“Give me my cousin. Aww… Alexandria… you smell

so good and you’re so cute… and you’re so sweet…

and you’re such a good baby….” Paisley says as she

walks away with Alexandria.

“Go wake up everybody and get them up.” Mary

Elizabeth says.

“Ok MaMa.” Terri says.

While the men were cooking breakfast and the

children were playing outside the girls and Julian

were listening to Mary Elizabeth again.

“What happened after grandpa put them out?”

Madison asks.

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“Honestly, I found out I was pregnant again. Which is

why I was so moody and crying a lot. It was because I

was pregnant and because I was under so much

stress. Then your auntie Kristen scared us half to

death. She got sick. We had to hospitalize her. We

almost lost her, but she’s a fighter. She came

through. That didn’t help anything. It only put me

under more stress. Josh made me got to the hospital.

It was a good thing he did. I almost lost your auntie

Terri. If I hadn’t gone to the hospital she wouldn’t be

sitting here right now looking at us. I was alright.

They did some tests to make sure she and I were

alright. I don’t exactly remember what had happened,

but they gave me some medicine. I felt better they

kept me overnight for observation and I was

discharged the next day. My biological parents and

his parents showed up to help. They spent a few

weeks at our house to help out. Then all four of them

packed up their lives and moved closer to us. So they

could be around their children and grandchildren.”

Mary Elizabeth explains.

“Well thank God for daddy right?” Terri adds.

“Yeah. Thank God for your daddy.” Mary Elizabeth


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