Bond Street Stoyr Book

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A story about the experience at Bond Street

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Page 2: Bond Street Stoyr Book

When one first arrives in New York, walking around Soho is exciting and thrilling but for someone who has to work in this part of town it is not so exhilarating to walk through streets full of tourists, fashionistas and street vendors that make it very difficult to move from one block to the other with ease. Yes, it is charming and you can find beautiful art and accessories around but if you are used to l iving in a qu ieter part of the city (say Upper East Side) and you have to take a train all the way downtown to go to work it gets a l it t le annoying.

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"S ress is an ignorant state. It believes that everything is an emergency.” Yes, it is charming and you can find beautiful art and accessories around but if you are used to living in a quieter part of the city (

thrilling but

for someone

who has

to work

in this







so exhilarating

to walk

through streets

full of

tourists, fashi

Yes, it is charming and you can find beautiful

art and

accessories around but if you are used to living in a quieter part of the city (


it is

charming and

you can

find beau







but if

you are


to living

in a

quieter part

of the

city (

Yes, it is charming and you can find beautiful art and accessories around but if you are used to living in a quieter part of the city (

thrilling but

for someone

who has

to work

in this







so exhilarating

to walk

through streets

full of

tourists, fashi


it is

charming and

you can

find beau







but if

you are


to living

in a

quieter part

of the

city (

Yes, it is charming and you can find beautiful

art and

accessories around but if you are used to living in a quieter

part of the city (

Yes, it is charming and you can find beautiful

art and

accessories around but if you are used to living in a quieter

part of the city (

thrilling but for someone who has to work in this part of

town it

is not

so exhilarating to walk through streets full of tourists, fashi


it is

charming and

you can

find beautiful



accessories around

but if

you are

used to

living in

a quieter

part of

the city


Page 4: Bond Street Stoyr Book

thrilling but

for someone

who has

to work

in this







so exhilarating

to walk

through streets

full of

tourists, fashi

Yes, it is charming and you can find beautiful art and accessories around but if you are used to living in a quieter part of the city (


it is

charming and

you can

find beau







but if

you are


to living

in a

quieter part

of the

city (

Yes, it is charming and you can find beautiful

art and

accessories around but if you are used to living in a quieter

part of the city (

thrilling but for someone who has to work in this part of

town it

is not

so exhilarating to walk through streets full of tourists, fashi


it is

charming and

you can

find beautiful

art and

accessories around

but if

you are

used to

living in

a quieter

part of

the city


t r a n q u i l i t y

Page 5: Bond Street Stoyr Book

Thankfully, there are quieter streets in Soho or little hidden treasures, as I would like to call them, which give you some tranquility in the midst of this chaos.

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“This street became a pause from the mayhem that was going on a few blocks south.”

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One of these places is Bond Street. I did not know much about this street but because of classes and materials I had to buy and the convenience of this street being so close to work I started to go to Blick Art, which is located on this street. As I started to visit the store more often I found myself feeling calmness as I got to that part of town. I almost felt as if I was walking to a different place, a closed bubble where I stopped hearing all the noises and where I was not making my way through people.

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Bond Street is a two-block street located between Broadway and Bowery, it has been in development and construction is ongoing in this street, building and remodeling the old buildings and turning them into luxury housing and offices. The street has a few stores including Bond No 9, a well-known fragrance boutique. It might be these boutiques or just the old

architecture mixed with the new but once you enter to this street you feel not only the quietness of which I spoke before, but also a sense of luxury. This is finally the place where you can walk and feel at ease in Soho. Apart from all these, is the fact that Bond Street is wider than the other smaller Soho streets.

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Now painting is different. It’s something recollected in tranquility.

-Jack Levine

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I started thinking about color and the palette or scheme that was found in the street. All the colors here were subtle, with a lot of gray in the surroundings, and obviously the green of the trees.Truthfully I had never put any thought to the fact that Bond street made me feel relax in this area so as my research went on I started analyzing different aspects that might contribute to this other than the fact that this street is wider. Thinking about color was helpful for this.

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BONDc o l o r s

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There are obviously all the noises and materials from the constructions, but still the calmness remains.

When one first arrives in New York, walking around Soho is exciting and thrilling but for someone who has to work in this part of town it is not so exhilarating to walk through streets full of tour-ists, fashionistas and street vendors that make it very dif-ficult to move from one block to the other with ease. Yes, it is charming and you can find beautiful art and accessories around but if you are used to living in a quieter part of the city (say Upper East Side) and you have to take a train all the way downtown to go

to work it gets a little annoy-ing. Thankfully, there are qui-eter streets in Soho or little hidden treasures, as I would like to call them, which give you some tranquility in the midst of this chaos. One of these places is Bond Street. I did not know much about

this street but because of classes and materials I had to buy and the convenience of this street being so close to work I started to go to Blick Art, which is located on this street. As I started to visit the store more often I found myself feeling calmness as I got to that part of town. I

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I personally feel that this is street is brighter and although it has some buildings with strong colors all the grays and subtle neutrals overpower. almost felt as if I was walking

to a different place, a closed bubble where I stopped hear-ing all the noises and where I was not making my way through people. This street became a pause from the mayhem that was going on a few blocks south.Bond Street is a two-block

street located between Broad-way and Bowery, it has been in development and construc-tion is ongoing in this street, building and remodeling the old buildings and turning them into luxury housing and offices. The street has a few stores including Bond No 5, a well-known fragrance bou-tique. It might be these bou-tiques or just the old architec-ture mixed with the new but once you enter to this street you feel not only the quiet-ness of which I spoke before, but also a sense of luxury. This is finally the place

where you can walk and feel at ease in Soho. Apart from all these, is the fact that Bond Street is wider than the other smaller Soho streets.

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“The life of man in every part has need of harmony and rhythm.”


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In overall it’s a natural palette mixed with all the neutrals, giving this street a feel of lightness and openness that I haven’t felt in other streets. I know it might sound a bit exagerated, but this street really makes me feel like I just

stepped into a bubble. It’s my little bubble of silence in Soho or as some call it, Noho. I can walk the street and get my moments of tranquility while I’m downtown.

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“The fruit of silence is tranquility.”

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But like everything in life, nothing lasts forever and given the fact that Bond Street is only two blocks long, this moment of tranquility in Soho/Noho is over pretty quick. So I’ll have to start learning to take the best of it each time I get the chance to walk the area.

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thrilling but for someone who has to work in this part of

town it

is not

so exhilarating to walk through streets full of tourists, fashi

Yes, it

is charming

and you

can find


l art


Yes, it is charming and you can find beautiful art and accessories around but if you are used to living in a quieter part of the city (


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Yes, it

is charming

and you

can find


l art


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