Body Name Reference No Supplier Name Payment DateInvoice NET Directorate Service Cod Service Description Cost Type Code Cost Type Description Kent County Council 7970236 AECOM LIMITED 01/08/2013 365.6 Business Strategy & Support 2UA Youth Services 401 Specialists Fees Kent County Council 7970225 AECOM LIMITED 01/08/2013 1530 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 411 Property Services & Construction Kent County Council 7969405 AMBER CATERING 01/08/2013 626.45 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 341 Contract Catering Kent County Council 7969819 ANDREW BARKER 01/08/2013 442.5 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees Kent County Council 7970629 ASSIMA UK LTD 01/08/2013 11925 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 064 External Training Kent County Council 7969150 BEAVER COMMUNITY TRUST LTD 01/08/2013 583.89 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 131 Contract Cleaning Kent County Council 7969150 BEAVER COMMUNITY TRUST LTD 01/08/2013 1628.7 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 124 Water Charges and Sewerage and Environmental Services Kent County Council 7969150 BEAVER COMMUNITY TRUST LTD 01/08/2013 661.19 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 111 Electricity Kent County Council 7970021 BRACHERS LLP 01/08/2013 1488.17 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees Kent County Council 7968925 BREWER STREET PRACTICE 01/08/2013 360 Business Strategy & Support 8PB Sexual Health Services - Contraception 401 Specialists Fees Kent County Council 7970691 BUSY B'S LTD 01/08/2013 466.8 Business Strategy & Support 41F KCC Res Care Older Ppl 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings Kent County Council 7968632 CELLMARK 01/08/2013 399 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees Kent County Council 7970321 CLEARWAY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD 01/08/2013 285 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 141 Premises Security Charges Kent County Council 7970386 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 800 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 303 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Software) Kent County Council 7970516 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 4730 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff Kent County Council 7970540 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 2400 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff Kent County Council 7970657 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 1147.5 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff Kent County Council 7970838 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 350 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 402 Consultants Kent County Council 7968913 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 1449.56 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 141 Premises Security Charges Kent County Council 7970660 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 1433.69 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff Kent County Council 7970535 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 1504.99 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff Kent County Council 7970663 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 1650.08 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff Kent County Council 7970523 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 1749.8 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff Kent County Council 7970023 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 2088.04 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff Kent County Council 7970112 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 947.12 Business Strategy & Support 8DF Finance 044 Agency Staff Kent County Council 7970018 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 909.38 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff Kent County Council 7970028 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 484.88 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff Kent County Council 7970126 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 367.8 Business Strategy & Support 8DF Finance 044 Agency Staff Kent County Council 7970016 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 909.38 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff Kent County Council 7970122 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 409.59 Business Strategy & Support 8DF Finance 044 Agency Staff Kent County Council 7969632 DARTFORD & GRAVESHAM NHS TRUST 01/08/2013 7175 Business Strategy & Support 8PA Sexual Health Services - STI testing & treatment 401 Specialists Fees Kent County Council 7969635 DARTFORD & GRAVESHAM NHS TRUST 01/08/2013 2815.54 Business Strategy & Support 8PA Sexual Health Services - STI testing & treatment 401 Specialists Fees Kent County Council 7969627 DARTFORD & GRAVESHAM NHS TRUST 01/08/2013 8000 Business Strategy & Support 8PH Obesity - Adults 401 Specialists Fees Kent County Council 7966861 DUNN TRAINING AND CONSULTANCY 01/08/2013 1500 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 402 Consultants Kent County Council 7969933 EDE'S (UK) LTD 01/08/2013 1720 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 401 Specialists Fees Kent County Council 7969926 EDE'S (UK) LTD 01/08/2013 286.4 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 401 Specialists Fees Kent County Council 7969936 EDE'S (UK) LTD 01/08/2013 260.2 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 401 Specialists Fees Kent County Council 7969366 EDF ENERGY CUSTOMERS PLC 01/08/2013 569.21 Business Strategy & Support 2UA Youth Services 111 Electricity Kent County Council 7970164 G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS (UK) LTD 01/08/2013 356.49 Business Strategy & Support 46N KCC Day Opps LD 141 Premises Security Charges Kent County Council 7970295 G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS (UK) LTD 01/08/2013 356.49 Business Strategy & Support 46N KCC Day Opps LD 141 Premises Security Charges Kent County Council 7970170 G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS (UK) LTD 01/08/2013 611 Business Strategy & Support 2LC Libraries, Museums & Archives 141 Premises Security Charges Kent County Council 7969033 GRACE GOVERNANCE SOLUTIONS LIMITED 01/08/2013 3500 Business Strategy & Support 8DY Policy and Review 304 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Maintenance) Kent County Council 7967099 HILTON MAIDSTONE 01/08/2013 507.5 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 120 External - Rent, Room Hire & Service Charges Kent County Council 7970815 J S KNOTT LEGAL SERVICES 01/08/2013 250 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees Kent County Council 7970812 J S KNOTT LEGAL SERVICES 01/08/2013 377.25 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees Kent County Council 7970632 JOSEPH BYRNE 01/08/2013 500 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees Kent County Council 7968983 KCS 01/08/2013 826.58 Business Strategy & Support 46N KCC Day Opps LD 112 Other Energy Costs Kent County Council 7969196 KCS 01/08/2013 861.16 Business Strategy & Support 2LG Country Parks 111 Electricity Kent County Council 7969351 KCS 01/08/2013 374.19 Business Strategy & Support 39C Children Specialist Services 111 Electricity Kent County Council 7969073 KCS 01/08/2013 831.89 Business Strategy & Support 2LE Adult Education 111 Electricity Kent County Council 7969585 KCS 01/08/2013 588.13 Business Strategy & Support 2RE Registration 111 Electricity Kent County Council 7969122 KCS 01/08/2013 579.77 Business Strategy & Support 2RE Registration 111 Electricity Kent County Council 7969876 KENT CHILDRENS FUND NETWORK LIMITED 01/08/2013 9000 Business Strategy & Support 8PK Stop Smoking services & interventions 401 Specialists Fees Kent County Council 7969870 KENT CHILDRENS FUND NETWORK LIMITED 01/08/2013 9000 Business Strategy & Support 8PK Stop Smoking services & interventions 401 Specialists Fees Kent County Council 7969349 KENT COUNTY COUNCIL - COMMERCIAL SERVICES/LASER 01/08/2013 700.54 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 350 Printing and photocopying Kent County Council 7963926 KENT ENTERPRISE TRUST 01/08/2013 411.5 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 120 External - Rent, Room Hire & Service Charges Kent County Council 7971022 KENT TOP TEMPS LTD 01/08/2013 1973.48 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff Kent County Council 7971055 KENT TOP TEMPS LTD 01/08/2013 1284.2 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff Kent County Council 7971080 KENT TOP TEMPS LTD 01/08/2013 608.85 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff Kent County Council 7971043 KENT TOP TEMPS LTD 01/08/2013 907.24 Business Strategy & Support 8DF Finance 044 Agency Staff Kent County Council 7971003 KENT TOP TEMPS LTD 01/08/2013 1839 Business Strategy & Support 8DF Finance 044 Agency Staff Kent County Council 7971008 KENT TOP TEMPS LTD 01/08/2013 979.83 Business Strategy & Support 8DF Finance 044 Agency Staff Kent County Council 7971083 KENT TOP TEMPS LTD 01/08/2013 294.24 Business Strategy & Support 8DF Finance 044 Agency Staff Kent County Council 7971047 KENT TOP TEMPS LTD 01/08/2013 521.05 Business Strategy & Support 8DF Finance 044 Agency Staff Kent County Council 7971050 KENT TOP TEMPS LTD 01/08/2013 530.25 Business Strategy & Support 8DF Finance 044 Agency Staff Kent County Council 7971024 KENT TOP TEMPS LTD 01/08/2013 2088.04 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff Kent County Council 7969085 KM CLEANING & MAINTENANCE SERVICES 01/08/2013 476.66 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 131 Contract Cleaning

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Body Name Reference No Supplier Name Payment DateInvoice NET Directorate Service CodeService Description Cost Type Code Cost Type Description
Kent County Council 7970236 AECOM LIMITED 01/08/2013 365.6 Business Strategy & Support 2UA Youth Services 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7970225 AECOM LIMITED 01/08/2013 1530 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 411 Property Services & Construction
Kent County Council 7969405 AMBER CATERING 01/08/2013 626.45 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 341 Contract Catering
Kent County Council 7969819 ANDREW BARKER 01/08/2013 442.5 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7970629 ASSIMA UK LTD 01/08/2013 11925 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 064 External Training
Kent County Council 7969150 BEAVER COMMUNITY TRUST LTD 01/08/2013 583.89 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 131 Contract Cleaning
Kent County Council 7969150 BEAVER COMMUNITY TRUST LTD 01/08/2013 1628.7 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 124 Water Charges and Sewerage and Environmental Services
Kent County Council 7969150 BEAVER COMMUNITY TRUST LTD 01/08/2013 661.19 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 111 Electricity
Kent County Council 7970021 BRACHERS LLP 01/08/2013 1488.17 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7968925 BREWER STREET PRACTICE 01/08/2013 360 Business Strategy & Support 8PB Sexual Health Services - Contraception 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7970691 BUSY B'S LTD 01/08/2013 466.8 Business Strategy & Support 41F KCC Res Care Older Ppl 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7968632 CELLMARK 01/08/2013 399 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7970321 CLEARWAY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD 01/08/2013 285 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 141 Premises Security Charges
Kent County Council 7970386 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 800 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 303 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Software)
Kent County Council 7970516 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 4730 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7970540 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 2400 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7970657 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 1147.5 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7970838 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 350 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 402 Consultants
Kent County Council 7968913 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 1449.56 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 141 Premises Security Charges
Kent County Council 7970660 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 1433.69 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7970535 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 1504.99 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7970663 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 1650.08 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7970523 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 1749.8 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7970023 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 2088.04 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7970112 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 947.12 Business Strategy & Support 8DF Finance 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7970018 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 909.38 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7970028 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 484.88 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7970126 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 367.8 Business Strategy & Support 8DF Finance 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7970016 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 909.38 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7970122 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 01/08/2013 409.59 Business Strategy & Support 8DF Finance 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7969632 DARTFORD & GRAVESHAM NHS TRUST 01/08/2013 7175 Business Strategy & Support 8PA Sexual Health Services - STI testing & treatment 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7969635 DARTFORD & GRAVESHAM NHS TRUST 01/08/2013 2815.54 Business Strategy & Support 8PA Sexual Health Services - STI testing & treatment 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7969627 DARTFORD & GRAVESHAM NHS TRUST 01/08/2013 8000 Business Strategy & Support 8PH Obesity - Adults 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7966861 DUNN TRAINING AND CONSULTANCY 01/08/2013 1500 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 402 Consultants
Kent County Council 7969933 EDE'S (UK) LTD 01/08/2013 1720 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7969926 EDE'S (UK) LTD 01/08/2013 286.4 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7969936 EDE'S (UK) LTD 01/08/2013 260.2 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7969366 EDF ENERGY CUSTOMERS PLC 01/08/2013 569.21 Business Strategy & Support 2UA Youth Services 111 Electricity
Kent County Council 7970164 G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS (UK) LTD 01/08/2013 356.49 Business Strategy & Support 46N KCC Day Opps LD 141 Premises Security Charges
Kent County Council 7970295 G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS (UK) LTD 01/08/2013 356.49 Business Strategy & Support 46N KCC Day Opps LD 141 Premises Security Charges
Kent County Council 7970170 G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS (UK) LTD 01/08/2013 611 Business Strategy & Support 2LC Libraries, Museums & Archives 141 Premises Security Charges
Kent County Council 7969033 GRACE GOVERNANCE SOLUTIONS LIMITED 01/08/2013 3500 Business Strategy & Support 8DY Policy and Review 304 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Maintenance)
Kent County Council 7967099 HILTON MAIDSTONE 01/08/2013 507.5 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 120 External - Rent, Room Hire & Service Charges
Kent County Council 7970815 J S KNOTT LEGAL SERVICES 01/08/2013 250 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7970812 J S KNOTT LEGAL SERVICES 01/08/2013 377.25 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7970632 JOSEPH BYRNE 01/08/2013 500 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7968983 KCS 01/08/2013 826.58 Business Strategy & Support 46N KCC Day Opps LD 112 Other Energy Costs
Kent County Council 7969196 KCS 01/08/2013 861.16 Business Strategy & Support 2LG Country Parks 111 Electricity
Kent County Council 7969351 KCS 01/08/2013 374.19 Business Strategy & Support 39C Children Specialist Services 111 Electricity
Kent County Council 7969073 KCS 01/08/2013 831.89 Business Strategy & Support 2LE Adult Education 111 Electricity
Kent County Council 7969585 KCS 01/08/2013 588.13 Business Strategy & Support 2RE Registration 111 Electricity
Kent County Council 7969122 KCS 01/08/2013 579.77 Business Strategy & Support 2RE Registration 111 Electricity
Kent County Council 7969876 KENT CHILDRENS FUND NETWORK LIMITED 01/08/2013 9000 Business Strategy & Support 8PK Stop Smoking services & interventions 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7969870 KENT CHILDRENS FUND NETWORK LIMITED 01/08/2013 9000 Business Strategy & Support 8PK Stop Smoking services & interventions 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7969349 KENT COUNTY COUNCIL - COMMERCIAL SERVICES/LASER 01/08/2013 700.54 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 350 Printing and photocopying
Kent County Council 7963926 KENT ENTERPRISE TRUST 01/08/2013 411.5 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 120 External - Rent, Room Hire & Service Charges
Kent County Council 7971022 KENT TOP TEMPS LTD 01/08/2013 1973.48 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7971055 KENT TOP TEMPS LTD 01/08/2013 1284.2 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7971080 KENT TOP TEMPS LTD 01/08/2013 608.85 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7971043 KENT TOP TEMPS LTD 01/08/2013 907.24 Business Strategy & Support 8DF Finance 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7971003 KENT TOP TEMPS LTD 01/08/2013 1839 Business Strategy & Support 8DF Finance 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7971008 KENT TOP TEMPS LTD 01/08/2013 979.83 Business Strategy & Support 8DF Finance 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7971083 KENT TOP TEMPS LTD 01/08/2013 294.24 Business Strategy & Support 8DF Finance 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7971047 KENT TOP TEMPS LTD 01/08/2013 521.05 Business Strategy & Support 8DF Finance 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7971050 KENT TOP TEMPS LTD 01/08/2013 530.25 Business Strategy & Support 8DF Finance 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7971024 KENT TOP TEMPS LTD 01/08/2013 2088.04 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7969085 KM CLEANING & MAINTENANCE SERVICES 01/08/2013 476.66 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 131 Contract Cleaning
Kent County Council 7969091 KM CLEANING & MAINTENANCE SERVICES 01/08/2013 433.33 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 131 Contract Cleaning
Kent County Council 7969062 KNOCKHALL COMMUNITY PRIMARY SCHOOL 01/08/2013 371.81 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 124 Water Charges and Sewerage and Environmental Services
Kent County Council 7969338 LEN VALLEY PRACTICE 01/08/2013 665 Business Strategy & Support 8PB Sexual Health Services - Contraception 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7858548 MAIDSTONE BOROUGH COUNCIL 01/08/2013 23079 Business Strategy & Support 8DR Corporate Landlord 123 National and Non Domestic Rates and Council Tax
Kent County Council 7969352 MISCO 01/08/2013 321.48 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 302 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Hardware)
Kent County Council 7970286 MISS ANNA SPENCER 01/08/2013 600 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7970276 MISS LAURA SCOTT 01/08/2013 1200 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7955175 MOUCHEL LTD 01/08/2013 2600 Business Strategy & Support 8DR Corporate Landlord C14 Design Fees - External
Kent County Council 7955176 MOUCHEL LTD 01/08/2013 896.91 Business Strategy & Support 2LC Libraries, Museums & Archives 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7955174 MOUCHEL LTD 01/08/2013 1861.28 Business Strategy & Support 2UA Youth Services C15 Building Works - Main Contract
Kent County Council 7970283 MSA-MARK SMITH & ASSOCIATES 01/08/2013 1162 Business Strategy & Support 39C Children Specialist Services 141 Premises Security Charges
Kent County Council 7969534 NEOPOST FINANCE LIMITED 01/08/2013 315.15 Business Strategy & Support 39C Children Specialist Services 310 Postages
Kent County Council 7970224 NPS SOUTH EAST LTD 01/08/2013 2974.17 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7970260 NPS SOUTH EAST LTD 01/08/2013 1623.13 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7969958 OPEN HOUSE LTD 01/08/2013 1310.26 Business Strategy & Support 8DR Corporate Landlord 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7970348 PILLORY BARN DESIGN LIMITED 01/08/2013 708.65 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7969043 SERVICE DESK INSTITUTE 01/08/2013 3500 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 451 Subscriptions
Kent County Council 7970192 SEVEN HILLS COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED 01/08/2013 1332.33 Business Strategy & Support 8EK Economic Development 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7970095 SIGHT & SOUND SECURITY SOLUTIONS LIMITED 01/08/2013 1165.08 Business Strategy & Support 8DR Corporate Landlord 141 Premises Security Charges
Kent County Council 7970074 SNODLAND MEDICAL PRACTICE 01/08/2013 1380 Business Strategy & Support 8PB Sexual Health Services - Contraception 522 District Health Authorities
Kent County Council 7970221 SOUTH TEES HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 01/08/2013 250 Business Strategy & Support 8PN Children 5-19 Public Health programmes 440 Conference Expenses
Kent County Council 7969518 SOUTHERN CARE MAINTENANCE LTD 01/08/2013 264 Business Strategy & Support 41F KCC Res Care Older Ppl 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7969164 SOUTHERN WATER 01/08/2013 462.28 Business Strategy & Support 2UA Youth Services 124 Water Charges and Sewerage and Environmental Services
Kent County Council 7970157 SPELDHURST VILLAGE HALL 01/08/2013 468 Business Strategy & Support 2LC Libraries, Museums & Archives 120 External - Rent, Room Hire & Service Charges
Kent County Council 7960278 SPENCERFRANCIS LTD 01/08/2013 650 Business Strategy & Support 39C Children Specialist Services 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7969822 STOCKETT LANE SURGERY 01/08/2013 680 Business Strategy & Support 8PB Sexual Health Services - Contraception 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7969828 STOCKETT LANE SURGERY 01/08/2013 470 Business Strategy & Support 8PB Sexual Health Services - Contraception 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7969806 STOCKETT LANE SURGERY 01/08/2013 305 Business Strategy & Support 8PB Sexual Health Services - Contraception 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7968996 SUPERIOR CLEANING SOLUTIONS LIMITED 01/08/2013 360 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 131 Contract Cleaning
Kent County Council 7969867 SUPPLIES TEAM 01/08/2013 627.16 Business Strategy & Support 39C Children Specialist Services 306 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Consumables)
Kent County Council 7969932 SUPPLIES TEAM 01/08/2013 748.21 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 306 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Consumables)
Kent County Council 7968820 SUPPLIES TEAM 01/08/2013 447.15 Business Strategy & Support 8DF Finance 306 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Consumables)
Kent County Council 7970180 SWALECLIFFE COMMUNITY PRIMARY SCHOOL 01/08/2013 500 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 111 Electricity
Kent County Council 7969578 THE DTP GROUP 01/08/2013 1564.24 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 302 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Hardware)
Kent County Council 7969584 THE DTP GROUP 01/08/2013 1564.24 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 302 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Hardware)
Kent County Council 7970138 THE GENUINE DINING CO. LTD 01/08/2013 656.8 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 341 Contract Catering
Kent County Council 7969713 THE PRESCRIPTION TRAINING COMPANY LTD 01/08/2013 1280 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 330 Books, Publications and Newspapers etc
Kent County Council 7970214 THE SURGERY 01/08/2013 284.2 Business Strategy & Support 8PB Sexual Health Services - Contraception 522 District Health Authorities
Kent County Council 7970216 THE SURGERY 01/08/2013 527.88 Business Strategy & Support 8PB Sexual Health Services - Contraception 522 District Health Authorities
Kent County Council 7961904 WALKER TRAINING 01/08/2013 1500 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 402 Consultants
Kent County Council 7968919 WARDERS MEDICAL CENTRE 01/08/2013 1900 Business Strategy & Support 8PB Sexual Health Services - Contraception 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7969838 WEBCREDIBLE LTD 01/08/2013 1485 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 064 External Training
Kent County Council 7968901 WOLTERS KLUWER TAX AND ACCOUNTING LIMITED 01/08/2013 1737.45 Business Strategy & Support 8DF Finance 304 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Maintenance)
Kent County Council 7973277 ABSTRACT BUILDING SERVICES UK LIMITED 02/08/2013 1688 Business Strategy & Support 1RC Capital Projects 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7971860 ACR LONDON LTD 02/08/2013 403.71 Business Strategy & Support 46N KCC Day Opps LD 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7971832 ACR LONDON LTD 02/08/2013 470.99 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7971866 ACR LONDON LTD 02/08/2013 370.07 Business Strategy & Support 46N KCC Day Opps LD 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7971852 ACR LONDON LTD 02/08/2013 314 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7971850 ACR LONDON LTD 02/08/2013 403.71 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7971859 ACR LONDON LTD 02/08/2013 470.99 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7971845 ACR LONDON LTD 02/08/2013 437.35 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7971838 ACR LONDON LTD 02/08/2013 437.35 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7970262 AECOM LIMITED 02/08/2013 2421.14 Business Strategy & Support 2UA Youth Services C14 Design Fees - External
Kent County Council 7970242 AECOM LIMITED 02/08/2013 1000 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 411 Property Services & Construction
Kent County Council 7970242 AECOM LIMITED 02/08/2013 1500 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7970239 AECOM LIMITED 02/08/2013 900 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7970242 AECOM LIMITED 02/08/2013 2500 Business Strategy & Support 8DR Corporate Landlord 411 Property Services & Construction
Kent County Council 7970241 AECOM LIMITED 02/08/2013 384.65 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7971754 AECOM LIMITED 02/08/2013 736.43 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 411 Property Services & Construction
Kent County Council 7971754 AECOM LIMITED 02/08/2013 350.5 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7971754 AECOM LIMITED 02/08/2013 731.06 Business Strategy & Support 2LE Adult Education 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7971697 AMBIENCE (WEST KENT) 02/08/2013 382.8 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7971711 ARCHANT LIFE LTD 02/08/2013 360 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 462 Advertising (Other than for Staff)
Kent County Council 7969672 BASEPOINT CENTRES LTD 02/08/2013 4769.34 Business Strategy & Support 8EK Economic Development 523 Private Contractors
Kent County Council 7971805 BOOKING.COM LIMITED 02/08/2013 1533 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7971614 BRACHERS LLP 02/08/2013 1563.6 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7971950 BROOKES BATCHELLOR LLP 02/08/2013 650 Business Strategy & Support 8DF Finance 402 Consultants
Kent County Council 7971951 BROOKES BATCHELLOR LLP 02/08/2013 505 Business Strategy & Support 8DF Finance 402 Consultants
Kent County Council 7971970 CAPITAL & REGIONAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LTD 02/08/2013 253.09 Business Strategy & Support 8DR Corporate Landlord 120 External - Rent, Room Hire & Service Charges
Kent County Council 7972089 CELEBTIME LTD 02/08/2013 1360 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7972364 CHALKWELL GARAGE & COACH HIRE LTD 02/08/2013 2427 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 230 Public Transport (Officers and Members)
Kent County Council 7972367 CHALKWELL GARAGE & COACH HIRE LTD 02/08/2013 557 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 230 Public Transport (Officers and Members)
Kent County Council 7972371 CHALKWELL GARAGE & COACH HIRE LTD 02/08/2013 650 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 230 Public Transport (Officers and Members)
Kent County Council 7972376 CHALKWELL GARAGE & COACH HIRE LTD 02/08/2013 1285 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 230 Public Transport (Officers and Members)
Kent County Council 7972393 CHALKWELL GARAGE & COACH HIRE LTD 02/08/2013 1007 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 230 Public Transport (Officers and Members)
Kent County Council 7969897 CHILSTON PARK LTD 02/08/2013 787.5 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 120 External - Rent, Room Hire & Service Charges
Kent County Council 7969018 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 02/08/2013 6408.87 Business Strategy & Support 2UA Youth Services 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7971482 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 02/08/2013 1182.05 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7971502 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 02/08/2013 2716 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7971507 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 02/08/2013 2700 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7971780 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 02/08/2013 2351.46 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7972028 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 02/08/2013 838.51 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 124 Water Charges and Sewerage and Environmental Services
Kent County Council 7972066 COMMERCIAL SERVICES TRADING LTD 02/08/2013 251.88 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 100 Maintenance of Grounds
Kent County Council 7971972 COOMBS (CANTERBURY) LTD 02/08/2013 464 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7971902 COOMBS (CANTERBURY) LTD 02/08/2013 512 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7971980 COOMBS (CANTERBURY) LTD 02/08/2013 887 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7971639 DTZ 02/08/2013 308.94 Business Strategy & Support 2LE Adult Education 142 Premises Insurance
Kent County Council 7972195 ELITE VENUE CENTRE 02/08/2013 850 Business Strategy & Support 8PN Children 5-19 Public Health programmes 120 External - Rent, Room Hire & Service Charges
Kent County Council 7972117 ELLI CAWSE FLORAL DESIGNS 02/08/2013 711 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7972714 EPS GROUP LTD 02/08/2013 1311.34 Business Strategy & Support 8DR Corporate Landlord 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7972726 EPS GROUP LTD 02/08/2013 578.62 Business Strategy & Support 2LC Libraries, Museums & Archives 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7972730 EPS GROUP LTD 02/08/2013 310.5 Business Strategy & Support 42F KCC Res Care LD 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7972237 ESSEX MEDICAL CARE REPORTING LTD 02/08/2013 426.56 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7971616 GENERICS (UK) LIMITED T/A MYLAN 02/08/2013 413000 Business Strategy & Support 8EK Economic Development C70 Capital Grants and Advances
Kent County Council 7972402 GROUNDZERO PRODUCTIONS LIMITED 02/08/2013 2115 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 402 Consultants
Kent County Council 7971499 HAZLE MCCORMACK YOUNG 02/08/2013 5000 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7972742 HERTEL SOLUTIONS LIMITED 02/08/2013 474.99 Business Strategy & Support 41F KCC Res Care Older Ppl 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7972198 HERTEL SOLUTIONS LIMITED 02/08/2013 869.87 Business Strategy & Support 8DR Corporate Landlord 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7969851 HEYWOOD LIMITED 02/08/2013 30000 Business Strategy & Support 8DF Finance 303 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Software)
Kent County Council 7972845 INVESTEC ASSET FINANCE PLC 02/08/2013 745 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 312 Telephone/ Fax Rental
Kent County Council 7971457 JONATHAN DIXEY 02/08/2013 9087.5 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7973213 KCS 02/08/2013 404.23 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 111 Electricity
Kent County Council 7973241 KCS 02/08/2013 908.54 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7973242 KCS 02/08/2013 900.34 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 350 Printing and photocopying
Kent County Council 7973243 KCS 02/08/2013 4448.1 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 111 Electricity
Kent County Council 7973244 KCS 02/08/2013 4434.39 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 111 Electricity
Kent County Council 7971445 KCS 02/08/2013 378 Business Strategy & Support 8DR Corporate Landlord 350 Printing and photocopying
Kent County Council 7971584 KCS 02/08/2013 359.32 Business Strategy & Support 39C Children Specialist Services 350 Printing and photocopying
Kent County Council 7971465 KCS 02/08/2013 759.4 Business Strategy & Support 31C KCC Residential Short Break Units 111 Electricity
Kent County Council 7972154 KCS 02/08/2013 772.42 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 350 Printing and photocopying
Kent County Council 7971600 KIER CONSTRUCTION LTD T/A KIER CONSTRUCTION - SOUTHERN 02/08/2013 28331.17 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 660 Reallocation of Costs Within Directorates
Kent County Council 7971585 KIER CONSTRUCTION LTD T/A KIER CONSTRUCTION - SOUTHERN 02/08/2013 8709.18 Business Strategy & Support 8DF Finance 300 Equipment, Furniture and Materials and Livestock
Kent County Council 7971593 KIER CONSTRUCTION LTD T/A KIER CONSTRUCTION - SOUTHERN 02/08/2013 19193.6 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 660 Reallocation of Costs Within Directorates
Kent County Council 7972151 MEDWAY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 02/08/2013 30730 Business Strategy & Support 8PN Children 5-19 Public Health programmes 522 District Health Authorities
Kent County Council 7971826 MIDDLETON MAINTENANCE SERVICES LIMITED 02/08/2013 372.35 Business Strategy & Support 2LE Adult Education 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7971048 MR CLIVE RAWLINGS 02/08/2013 1200 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7972255 MR DYLAN EVANS 02/08/2013 570 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7972040 NISBETS 02/08/2013 259.99 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 340 Catering Provisions and Catering Equipment
Kent County Council 7971627 OAKLEAF ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS LTD 02/08/2013 283.28 Business Strategy & Support 8DR Corporate Landlord 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7971932 OBSIDIAN SUPPORT SERVICES LIMITED 02/08/2013 441 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 312 Telephone/ Fax Rental
Kent County Council 7971931 OBSIDIAN SUPPORT SERVICES LIMITED 02/08/2013 441 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 312 Telephone/ Fax Rental
Kent County Council 7971928 OBSIDIAN SUPPORT SERVICES LIMITED 02/08/2013 441 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 312 Telephone/ Fax Rental
Kent County Council 7972065 ORBISS LTD 02/08/2013 280 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 300 Equipment, Furniture and Materials and Livestock
Kent County Council 7960114 P L TAYLOR ELECTRICAL SERVICES LIMITED 02/08/2013 288.5 Business Strategy & Support 2LC Libraries, Museums & Archives 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7972061 PARMAR NEWSPAPERS 02/08/2013 617.6 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 330 Books, Publications and Newspapers etc
Kent County Council 7958174 PH JONES FACILITIES MANAGEMENT LIMITED 02/08/2013 270.49 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7972621 PH JONES FACILITIES MANAGEMENT LIMITED 02/08/2013 1104.42 Business Strategy & Support 39C Children Specialist Services 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7972751 PREMIER ALARMS LTD 02/08/2013 871.77 Business Strategy & Support 2LG Country Parks 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7972080 RED ALERT LTD 02/08/2013 599.18 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 141 Premises Security Charges
Kent County Council 7972226 REDSTOR LIMITED 02/08/2013 31058 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 307 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (IT Technical/Installation Services)
Kent County Council 7971576 RESULTS DRIVEN TRAINING LIMITED 02/08/2013 6277.5 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 064 External Training
Kent County Council 7961978 RIGHT GUARD SECURITY UK LTD 02/08/2013 285 Business Strategy & Support 8DR Corporate Landlord C15 Building Works - Main Contract
Kent County Council 7971913 ROBIN & SUE YOUNG TRAINING LTD 02/08/2013 714.4 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 402 Consultants
Kent County Council 7972081 SAVILLS (L&P) LIMITED 02/08/2013 26122.2 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7971637 SWALE BOROUGH COUNCIL 02/08/2013 10000 Business Strategy & Support 8DS Council Secretariat 461 Miscellaneous
Kent County Council 7971557 THE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY UK LTD 02/08/2013 1408 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 402 Consultants
Kent County Council 7971657 THE PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICE 02/08/2013 3313.34 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7971811 TUNBRIDGE WELLS BOROUGH COUNCIL 02/08/2013 896 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 120 External - Rent, Room Hire & Service Charges
Kent County Council 7971621 VILLAGE HOTEL & LEISURE CLUB 02/08/2013 1218.54 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 120 External - Rent, Room Hire & Service Charges
Kent County Council 7972194 VODAFONE LIMITED 02/08/2013 19163.55 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 305 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Comms Charges)
Kent County Council 7972973 ACR LONDON LTD 05/08/2013 294.24 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7973164 AECOM LIMITED 05/08/2013 8550 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 402 Consultants
Kent County Council 7973166 AECOM LIMITED 05/08/2013 10800 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 402 Consultants
Kent County Council 7971752 AECOM LIMITED 05/08/2013 832.04 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 411 Property Services & Construction
Kent County Council 7974835 AJS LIMITED 05/08/2013 278.49 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7972843 BETTERIDGE & MILSOM LTD 05/08/2013 500 Business Strategy & Support 8EM Open Spaces C04 Design Fees - External
Kent County Council 7973352 BOURNES 05/08/2013 565.08 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7973729 BRIGHTON & SUSSEX UNIVERSITY HOSPITAS NHS TRUST 05/08/2013 524.52 Business Strategy & Support 8PD Health Intelligence 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7972420 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 05/08/2013 1950 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7972097 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 05/08/2013 1900 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7973856 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 05/08/2013 566.1 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7972178 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 05/08/2013 1000.11 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7972465 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 05/08/2013 1103.1 Business Strategy & Support 8DF Finance 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7972244 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 05/08/2013 420.66 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7972240 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 05/08/2013 1113 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7972219 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 05/08/2013 896.68 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7972215 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 05/08/2013 492.47 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7972222 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 05/08/2013 492.47 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7972234 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 05/08/2013 2374.4 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7972092 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 05/08/2013 2089.9 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7972206 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 05/08/2013 484.88 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7972416 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 05/08/2013 1001 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7972103 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 05/08/2013 2150 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7972201 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 05/08/2013 3333 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7972413 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 05/08/2013 299.59 Business Strategy & Support 8DF Finance 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7973869 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 05/08/2013 982.5 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7973437 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 05/08/2013 10500 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7972779 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 05/08/2013 347.55 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7972783 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 05/08/2013 317.76 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7972781 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 05/08/2013 372.38 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7973861 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 05/08/2013 566.1 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7973805 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 05/08/2013 2207.37 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7973483 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 05/08/2013 2338.15 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7974041 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 05/08/2013 1572.96 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7973809 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 05/08/2013 696 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7973792 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 05/08/2013 323.25 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7973801 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 05/08/2013 323.25 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7972017 COMMERCIAL SERVICES TRADING LTD 05/08/2013 298.84 Business Strategy & Support 39C Children Specialist Services 100 Maintenance of Grounds
Kent County Council 7973866 COMMERCIAL SERVICES TRADING LTD 05/08/2013 1340.57 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7972073 COMMERCIAL SERVICES TRADING LTD 05/08/2013 251.58 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 100 Maintenance of Grounds
Kent County Council 7973654 CYCLOCAFE 05/08/2013 252 Business Strategy & Support 8EJ Support For Business 465 Hospitality
Kent County Council 7974061 DELL COMPUTER CORPORATION LTD 05/08/2013 2976.6 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 302 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Hardware)
Kent County Council 7973360 DELRON SERVICES LTD 05/08/2013 530.6 Business Strategy & Support 46N KCC Day Opps LD 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7974638 DUNN TRAINING AND CONSULTANCY 05/08/2013 2500 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 402 Consultants
Kent County Council 7973117 EDF ENERGY 1 LTD T/A EDF ENERGY 05/08/2013 251.44 Business Strategy & Support 2UA Youth Services 111 Electricity
Kent County Council 7973109 EDF ENERGY 1 LTD T/A EDF ENERGY 05/08/2013 1757.64 Business Strategy & Support 2UA Youth Services 111 Electricity
Kent County Council 7973138 EDF ENERGY CUSTOMERS PLC 05/08/2013 724.89 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 111 Electricity
Kent County Council 7972072 EDGE TRAINING AND CONSULTANCY LTD 05/08/2013 1700 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 402 Consultants
Kent County Council 7973634 FC SOLUTIONS LIMITED 05/08/2013 385 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 131 Contract Cleaning
Kent County Council 7973701 GLENDALE CREATIVE SOLUTIONS 05/08/2013 3500 Business Strategy & Support 8EK Economic Development 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7972990 GOLDSTAR MAIDSTONE LTD 05/08/2013 1709.8 Business Strategy & Support 2LC Libraries, Museums & Archives 131 Contract Cleaning
Kent County Council 7973679 GROUNDWORK SOUTH TRUST LTD 05/08/2013 2055 Business Strategy & Support 8EF Community Development 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7973366 H GOODSELL & SON LTD 05/08/2013 1820 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7973380 H GOODSELL & SON LTD 05/08/2013 364 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7973396 H GOODSELL & SON LTD 05/08/2013 271 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7973390 H GOODSELL & SON LTD 05/08/2013 878 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7973374 H GOODSELL & SON LTD 05/08/2013 598 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7973823 HEYWOOD LIMITED 05/08/2013 31065 Business Strategy & Support 8DF Finance 303 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Software)
Kent County Council 7973130 IDH ALARMS CO LTD 05/08/2013 390 Business Strategy & Support 46N KCC Day Opps LD 141 Premises Security Charges
Kent County Council 7974151 JORDAN PUBLISHING LIMITED 05/08/2013 3525 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 330 Books, Publications and Newspapers etc
Kent County Council 7974524 KCS 05/08/2013 260 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 100 Maintenance of Grounds
Kent County Council 7974952 KCS 05/08/2013 1047.74 Business Strategy & Support 8DR Corporate Landlord 350 Printing and photocopying
Kent County Council 7972930 KCS 05/08/2013 402.95 Business Strategy & Support 8DR Corporate Landlord 300 Equipment, Furniture and Materials and Livestock
Kent County Council 7972870 KCS 05/08/2013 655.36 Business Strategy & Support 8DR Corporate Landlord 350 Printing and photocopying
Kent County Council 7973713 KENT CATERING SERVICE LTD 05/08/2013 260 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7973709 KENT CATERING SERVICE LTD 05/08/2013 280 Business Strategy & Support 41F KCC Res Care Older Ppl 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7973715 KENT CATERING SERVICE LTD 05/08/2013 3058.5 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7973816 KENT ENTERPRISE TRUST 05/08/2013 381 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 120 External - Rent, Room Hire & Service Charges
Kent County Council 7973754 KENT INVICTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 05/08/2013 2000 Business Strategy & Support 8EK Economic Development 523 Private Contractors
Kent County Council 7974932 KIER CONSTRUCTION LTD T/A KIER CONSTRUCTION - SOUTHERN 05/08/2013 8434.45 Business Strategy & Support 8DR Corporate Landlord 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7973730 KM CLEANING & MAINTENANCE SERVICES 05/08/2013 476.66 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 131 Contract Cleaning
Kent County Council 7973860 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS (UK) LTD 05/08/2013 1599.43 Business Strategy & Support 8DR Corporate Landlord 350 Printing and photocopying
Kent County Council 7972952 LANGTON BUSINESS SERVICES 05/08/2013 500 Business Strategy & Support 8EK Economic Development 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7973135 LAWN PRIMARY SCHOOL 05/08/2013 717.29 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 111 Electricity
Kent County Council 7973406 MIDDLETON MAINTENANCE SERVICES LIMITED 05/08/2013 357.83 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7974156 MILLENIUM BUSINESS SYSTEMS LTD 05/08/2013 758 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 302 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Hardware)
Kent County Council 7973263 MISS ELISE KIT-MARIE JEREMIAH 05/08/2013 480 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7973567 MISS MONICA FORD 05/08/2013 1740 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7954964 MOUCHEL LTD 05/08/2013 362.76 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 411 Property Services & Construction
Kent County Council 7973137 PA GROUP (UK) LIMITED 05/08/2013 463.41 Business Strategy & Support 2UA Youth Services 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7973361 PATRICK CONNEELY 05/08/2013 268.65 Business Strategy & Support 8DS Council Secretariat 242 Casual User
Kent County Council 7972951 PH JONES FACILITIES MANAGEMENT LIMITED 05/08/2013 1545.78 Business Strategy & Support 46N KCC Day Opps LD 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7972955 PH JONES FACILITIES MANAGEMENT LIMITED 05/08/2013 563 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7959821 PHILLIP SHORTHOUSE PROFESSIONAL TOASTMASTER 05/08/2013 300 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7974581 PHS WASTETECH LIMITED 05/08/2013 986.32 Business Strategy & Support 2LC Libraries, Museums & Archives 124 Water Charges and Sewerage and Environmental Services
Kent County Council 7974925 PRINTERBASE LTD 05/08/2013 525.39 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 350 Printing and photocopying
Kent County Council 7973818 PROTEC FIRE DETECTION PLC 05/08/2013 595.62 Business Strategy & Support 31C KCC Residential Short Break Units 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7973400 PROTEC FIRE DETECTION PLC 05/08/2013 297.85 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7973644 RED ALERT LTD 05/08/2013 535.8 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 141 Premises Security Charges
Kent County Council 7973636 RED ALERT LTD 05/08/2013 965 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 141 Premises Security Charges
Kent County Council 7974178 RENTOKIL 05/08/2013 1699.14 Business Strategy & Support 8DR Corporate Landlord 124 Water Charges and Sewerage and Environmental Services
Kent County Council 7973858 SGS UNITED KINGDOM LIMITED 05/08/2013 1416.3 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7973659 UBM INFORMATION LTD 05/08/2013 510.31 Business Strategy & Support 8EF Community Development 330 Books, Publications and Newspapers etc
Kent County Council 7973402 UK GROUNDWORKS 05/08/2013 5280 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7975697 ABEL ALARM CO LTD 06/08/2013 766 Business Strategy & Support 2LG Country Parks 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7974796 ABSTRACT BUILDING SERVICES UK LIMITED 06/08/2013 9510 Business Strategy & Support 2LC Libraries, Museums & Archives 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7974759 ABSTRACT BUILDING SERVICES UK LIMITED 06/08/2013 2988.92 Business Strategy & Support 2LC Libraries, Museums & Archives 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7975542 ACR LONDON LTD 06/08/2013 336.43 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7975539 ACR LONDON LTD 06/08/2013 571.91 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7971755 AECOM LIMITED 06/08/2013 262.7 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7970255 AECOM LIMITED 06/08/2013 297.97 Business Strategy & Support 2UA Youth Services 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7975053 ALLSTAR BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LTD 06/08/2013 301.89 Business Strategy & Support 8DS Council Secretariat 201 Petrol, Derv and Oil
Kent County Council 7975064 ARKAS LIMITED 06/08/2013 446 Business Strategy & Support 2UA Youth Services 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7975660 ASTRA SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD 06/08/2013 429.09 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7975460 ASTRA SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD 06/08/2013 278.57 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7975681 ASTRA SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD 06/08/2013 418.56 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7975450 ASTRA SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD 06/08/2013 258.57 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7975648 ASTRA SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD 06/08/2013 418.56 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7975654 ASTRA SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD 06/08/2013 278.57 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7975640 ASTRA SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD 06/08/2013 331.06 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7975614 ASTRA SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD 06/08/2013 418.56 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7975657 ASTRA SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD 06/08/2013 418.56 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7975100 AUARIKI CONSULTING LTD 06/08/2013 11700 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7975828 BEAVER COMMUNITY TRUST LTD 06/08/2013 428.4 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 123 National and Non Domestic Rates and Council Tax
Kent County Council 7976011 BOURNES 06/08/2013 464.41 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7975511 BRITISH GAS BUSINESS 06/08/2013 802.55 Business Strategy & Support 2UA Youth Services 112 Other Energy Costs
Kent County Council 7958008 CAXTONS CHARTERED SURVEYORS 06/08/2013 3750 Business Strategy & Support 8DA Corporate services C14 Design Fees - External
Kent County Council 7975716 CHRISTIE, OWEN & DAVIES LTD T/A CHRISTIE & CO BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE06/08/2013 2500 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 411 Property Services & Construction
Kent County Council 7966772 CIPP 06/08/2013 2482 Business Strategy & Support 8DF Finance 064 External Training
Kent County Council 7971937 CIVICA SERVICES LIMITED 06/08/2013 373.3 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 302 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Hardware)
Kent County Council 7974754 CIVICA SERVICES LIMITED 06/08/2013 370.7 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 302 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Hardware)
Kent County Council 7975327 CIVICA SERVICES LIMITED 06/08/2013 641.43 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 302 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Hardware)
Kent County Council 7975048 CLEARWAY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD 06/08/2013 525 Business Strategy & Support 1RC Capital Projects 141 Premises Security Charges
Kent County Council 7975051 CLEARWAY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD 06/08/2013 1575 Business Strategy & Support 1RC Capital Projects 141 Premises Security Charges
Kent County Council 7975113 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 06/08/2013 1499.23 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7975104 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 06/08/2013 1065.14 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7975111 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 06/08/2013 1668.73 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7975123 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 06/08/2013 3169.43 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7975120 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 06/08/2013 1117.92 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7975128 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 06/08/2013 4150.9 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7975116 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 06/08/2013 1386.32 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7976261 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 06/08/2013 847.2 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7976263 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 06/08/2013 847.2 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7976368 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 06/08/2013 732.34 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7975332 COMMERCIAL SERVICES TRADING LTD 06/08/2013 4321.13 Business Strategy & Support 8EK Economic Development C16 Building Works - Other
Kent County Council 7975390 COMMERCIAL SERVICES TRADING LTD 06/08/2013 980.49 Business Strategy & Support 8EK Economic Development C16 Building Works - Other
Kent County Council 7975325 COMMERCIAL SERVICES TRADING LTD 06/08/2013 604.12 Business Strategy & Support 8EK Economic Development C16 Building Works - Other
Kent County Council 7975379 COMMERCIAL SERVICES TRADING LTD 06/08/2013 591.8 Business Strategy & Support 8EK Economic Development C16 Building Works - Other
Kent County Council 7975777 COOMBS (CANTERBURY) LTD 06/08/2013 4393 Business Strategy & Support 42F KCC Res Care LD 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7976695 DELRON SERVICES LTD 06/08/2013 422.53 Business Strategy & Support 41F KCC Res Care Older Ppl 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7976708 DELRON SERVICES LTD 06/08/2013 682.2 Business Strategy & Support 42F KCC Res Care LD 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7976692 DELRON SERVICES LTD 06/08/2013 359.92 Business Strategy & Support 39C Children Specialist Services 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7821149 DOVER DISTRICT COUNCIL 06/08/2013 4620 Business Strategy & Support 8EK Economic Development 123 National and Non Domestic Rates and Council Tax
Kent County Council 7840295 DOVER DISTRICT COUNCIL 06/08/2013 349 Business Strategy & Support 8EK Economic Development 123 National and Non Domestic Rates and Council Tax
Kent County Council 7974961 DR MOHSEN FAHMY & DR SANJIV PATEL 06/08/2013 736.27 Business Strategy & Support 8PB Sexual Health Services - Contraception 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7975521 EPS GROUP LTD 06/08/2013 974.06 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7973074 EPS GROUP LTD 06/08/2013 344.25 Business Strategy & Support 2LE Adult Education 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7973068 EPS GROUP LTD 06/08/2013 444.66 Business Strategy & Support 2UA Youth Services 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7974616 HALLCONSULT 06/08/2013 900 Business Strategy & Support 8EK Economic Development 523 Private Contractors
Kent County Council 7975197 HAMILTON RENTALS LTD 06/08/2013 1720 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services C32 Computer Equipment - Hardware
Kent County Council 7975692 HERTEL SOLUTIONS LIMITED 06/08/2013 730 Business Strategy & Support 46N KCC Day Opps LD 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7975365 HILTON MAIDSTONE 06/08/2013 386.67 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 120 External - Rent, Room Hire & Service Charges
Kent County Council 7975374 HILTON MAIDSTONE 06/08/2013 1146.67 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 120 External - Rent, Room Hire & Service Charges
Kent County Council 7960070 IT RESOURCE MANAGEMENT LIMITED 06/08/2013 2802.44 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 302 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Hardware)
Kent County Council 7975078 JD SERVICES HVAC LIMITED 06/08/2013 371.25 Business Strategy & Support 2RC Kent Scientific Services 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7976372 JESSEL FARMS 06/08/2013 649.8 Business Strategy & Support 2LG Country Parks 120 External - Rent, Room Hire & Service Charges
Kent County Council 7976372 JESSEL FARMS 06/08/2013 507.19 Business Strategy & Support 2LG Country Parks 142 Premises Insurance
Kent County Council 7975842 JONATHAN DIXEY 06/08/2013 1817.5 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7974684 MEMS LTD T/A MEMS POWER GENERATION 06/08/2013 642.58 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7975386 MERCURE TUNBRIDGE WELLS HOTEL 06/08/2013 320 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 440 Conference Expenses
Kent County Council 7974980 MISS SARAH FORSTER 06/08/2013 570 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7974943 MOUCHEL LTD 06/08/2013 8550 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7975152 MR JULIEN FOSTER 06/08/2013 1200 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7975553 PA GROUP (UK) LIMITED 06/08/2013 310 Business Strategy & Support 2UA Youth Services 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7975749 PH JONES FACILITIES MANAGEMENT LIMITED 06/08/2013 508.95 Business Strategy & Support 2LC Libraries, Museums & Archives 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7975754 PH JONES FACILITIES MANAGEMENT LIMITED 06/08/2013 477.03 Business Strategy & Support 2LC Libraries, Museums & Archives 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7975731 PH JONES FACILITIES MANAGEMENT LIMITED 06/08/2013 408.71 Business Strategy & Support 2LC Libraries, Museums & Archives 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7975747 PH JONES FACILITIES MANAGEMENT LIMITED 06/08/2013 948.78 Business Strategy & Support 45G KCC Day Care Older Ppl 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7972710 PH JONES FACILITIES MANAGEMENT LIMITED 06/08/2013 318.33 Business Strategy & Support 46N KCC Day Opps LD 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7975133 PHS ALL CLEAR LIMITED 06/08/2013 705.58 Business Strategy & Support 31C KCC Residential Short Break Units 124 Water Charges and Sewerage and Environmental Services
Kent County Council 7975774 PINDERS PROFESSIONAL AND CONSULTANCY SERVICES LTD 06/08/2013 1750 Business Strategy & Support 8DQ Property Asset Management 411 Property Services & Construction
Kent County Council 7975206 PRESTIGE GUARDING LIMITED 06/08/2013 451.5 Business Strategy & Support 8DQ Property Asset Management 141 Premises Security Charges
Kent County Council 7975178 PRESTIGE GUARDING LIMITED 06/08/2013 9108 Business Strategy & Support 8DQ Property Asset Management 141 Premises Security Charges
Kent County Council 7975202 PRESTIGE GUARDING LIMITED 06/08/2013 313.5 Business Strategy & Support 1RC Capital Projects 141 Premises Security Charges
Kent County Council 7975212 PRESTIGE GUARDING LIMITED 06/08/2013 627 Business Strategy & Support 8DQ Property Asset Management 141 Premises Security Charges
Kent County Council 7975215 PRESTIGE GUARDING LIMITED 06/08/2013 398.5 Business Strategy & Support 1RC Capital Projects 141 Premises Security Charges
Kent County Council 7975222 PRESTIGE GUARDING LIMITED 06/08/2013 446 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 141 Premises Security Charges
Kent County Council 7975182 PRESTIGE GUARDING LIMITED 06/08/2013 667.5 Business Strategy & Support 1RC Capital Projects 141 Premises Security Charges
Kent County Council 7975186 PRESTIGE GUARDING LIMITED 06/08/2013 7100 Business Strategy & Support 1RC Capital Projects 141 Premises Security Charges
Kent County Council 7975936 PROTEC FIRE DETECTION PLC 06/08/2013 512.86 Business Strategy & Support 2LG Country Parks 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7976050 RPC LAND & NEW HOMES LTD 06/08/2013 1000 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7972860 SECECETRA EXPERT SERVICES 06/08/2013 1747.4 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7975049 SHEPWAY DISTRICT COUNCIL 06/08/2013 10577 Business Strategy & Support 8DR Corporate Landlord 120 External - Rent, Room Hire & Service Charges
Kent County Council 7975042 SHEPWAY DISTRICT COUNCIL 06/08/2013 390 Business Strategy & Support 8DR Corporate Landlord 120 External - Rent, Room Hire & Service Charges
Kent County Council 7975448 SOUTH EAST WATER PLC. 06/08/2013 371.97 Business Strategy & Support 42F KCC Res Care LD 124 Water Charges and Sewerage and Environmental Services
Kent County Council 7975421 SOUTHERN WATER 06/08/2013 711.26 Business Strategy & Support 2LG Country Parks 124 Water Charges and Sewerage and Environmental Services
Kent County Council 7975406 SOUTHERN WATER 06/08/2013 1201.98 Business Strategy & Support 41F KCC Res Care Older Ppl 124 Water Charges and Sewerage and Environmental Services
Kent County Council 7975209 SOUTHERN WATER 06/08/2013 605.27 Business Strategy & Support 2LE Adult Education 124 Water Charges and Sewerage and Environmental Services
Kent County Council 7960274 SPENCERFRANCIS LTD 06/08/2013 800 Business Strategy & Support 39C Children Specialist Services 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7975717 THAMES WATER UTILITIES LTD 06/08/2013 399.96 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7974589 THE ARK DOVER 06/08/2013 340 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 120 External - Rent, Room Hire & Service Charges
Kent County Council 7975141 THE DTP GROUP 06/08/2013 1666.33 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 302 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Hardware)
Kent County Council 7975139 THE DTP GROUP 06/08/2013 1564.24 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 302 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Hardware)
Kent County Council 7975134 THE DTP GROUP 06/08/2013 1564.24 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 302 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Hardware)
Kent County Council 7975132 THE DTP GROUP 06/08/2013 1564.24 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 302 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Hardware)
Kent County Council 7975130 THE DTP GROUP 06/08/2013 1666.43 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 302 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Hardware)
Kent County Council 7975079 THE DTP GROUP 06/08/2013 1666.43 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 302 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Hardware)
Kent County Council 7975219 TOWN & COUNTRY CLEANERS LTD 06/08/2013 406 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 131 Contract Cleaning
Kent County Council 7974623 TRANZITIONS LTD 06/08/2013 2400 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 402 Consultants
Kent County Council 7975033 TURKEY MILL EVENTS LIMITED 06/08/2013 866.09 Business Strategy & Support 8DS Council Secretariat 340 Catering Provisions and Catering Equipment
Kent County Council 7975708 TURNER CONTEMPORARY 06/08/2013 7686 Business Strategy & Support 2LB Arts Development 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7975023 W S PARSONS LTD 06/08/2013 772.46 Business Strategy & Support 41F KCC Res Care Older Ppl C14 Design Fees - External
Kent County Council 7975820 ALPHASTREAM LTD 07/08/2013 530 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 402 Consultants
Kent County Council 7977298 ARJOHUNTLEIGH GETINGE GROUP 07/08/2013 1143.06 Business Strategy & Support 42F KCC Res Care LD 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7976637 ASHFORD CLEANING CONTRACTORS LIMITED 07/08/2013 352.98 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 131 Contract Cleaning
Kent County Council 7977641 BEST WESTERN THE RUSSELL HOTEL & CONFERENCE CENTRE 07/08/2013 330.4 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 120 External - Rent, Room Hire & Service Charges
Kent County Council 7976539 BESURE BUILDING & MAINTENANCE SERVICES LIMITED 07/08/2013 1486 Business Strategy & Support 1RC Capital Projects 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7978946 BRACHERS LLP 07/08/2013 3782 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7978948 BRACHERS LLP 07/08/2013 7800 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7978301 BRIDGE HEALTH CENTRE 07/08/2013 299.51 Business Strategy & Support 8PB Sexual Health Services - Contraception 522 District Health Authorities
Kent County Council 7978090 CAXTONS CHARTERED SURVEYORS 07/08/2013 2000 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7976550 CEDAR HARP LTD 07/08/2013 8324.88 Business Strategy & Support 8DR Corporate Landlord 120 External - Rent, Room Hire & Service Charges
Kent County Council 7975779 CIVICA SERVICES LIMITED 07/08/2013 2497.66 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 302 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Hardware)
Kent County Council 7977659 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 07/08/2013 1189.89 Business Strategy & Support 8DF Finance 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7977194 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 07/08/2013 303.7 Business Strategy & Support 8DF Finance 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7975682 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 07/08/2013 566.1 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7975131 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 07/08/2013 11606.4 Business Strategy & Support 8DY Policy and Review 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7975138 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 07/08/2013 6598.8 Business Strategy & Support 8DY Policy and Review 044 Agency Staff
Kent County Council 7978089 CREATIVE FOUNDATION TRADING LTD 07/08/2013 6045 Business Strategy & Support 2LE Adult Education 120 External - Rent, Room Hire & Service Charges
Kent County Council 7977598 DOVER DISTRICT COUNCIL 07/08/2013 2750 Business Strategy & Support 2LC Libraries, Museums & Archives 120 External - Rent, Room Hire & Service Charges
Kent County Council 7975827 DUSTBUSTERS (SOUTHEAST) LTD 07/08/2013 858 Business Strategy & Support 2LE Adult Education 131 Contract Cleaning
Kent County Council 7972064 EAST KENT TRAINING 07/08/2013 920 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 064 External Training
Kent County Council 7972175 EDENBRIDGE MEDICAL PRACTICE 07/08/2013 870 Business Strategy & Support 8PB Sexual Health Services - Contraception 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7976026 EDIFY TRAINING 07/08/2013 645 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 402 Consultants
Kent County Council 7976033 EDIFY TRAINING 07/08/2013 905 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 402 Consultants
Kent County Council 7978037 GLENNY LLP 07/08/2013 1742.96 Business Strategy & Support 46N KCC Day Opps LD 142 Premises Insurance
Kent County Council 7977882 GUARDIAN SECURITY & FIRE LTD 07/08/2013 431 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 141 Premises Security Charges
Kent County Council 7978305 HAMSTREET SURGERY 07/08/2013 405.27 Business Strategy & Support 8PB Sexual Health Services - Contraception 522 District Health Authorities
Kent County Council 7977611 HEYWOOD LIMITED 07/08/2013 128501.3 Business Strategy & Support 8DF Finance 303 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Software)
Kent County Council 7977701 HIRE STATION LIMITED 07/08/2013 864.16 Business Strategy & Support 2LE Adult Education 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7975935 HORNBILL SERVICE MANAGEMENT LTD 07/08/2013 611.18 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 302 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Hardware)
Kent County Council 7977571 INVESTEC ASSET FINANCE PLC 07/08/2013 770 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 312 Telephone/ Fax Rental
Kent County Council 7960063 IT RESOURCE MANAGEMENT LIMITED 07/08/2013 4785.73 Business Strategy & Support 8DF Finance 300 Equipment, Furniture and Materials and Livestock
Kent County Council 7948783 IT RESOURCE MANAGEMENT LIMITED 07/08/2013 1809.67 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 302 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Hardware)
Kent County Council 7948770 IT RESOURCE MANAGEMENT LIMITED 07/08/2013 5264.8 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 302 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Hardware)
Kent County Council 7975082 IT RESOURCE MANAGEMENT LIMITED 07/08/2013 1809.67 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 302 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Hardware)
Kent County Council 7974146 IT RESOURCE MANAGEMENT LIMITED 07/08/2013 1161.44 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 302 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Hardware)
Kent County Council 7976278 KCS 07/08/2013 1006.09 Business Strategy & Support 2UA Youth Services 111 Electricity
Kent County Council 7975670 KCS 07/08/2013 311.53 Business Strategy & Support 41F KCC Res Care Older Ppl 130 Cleaning Materials and Domestic Supplies
Kent County Council 7976280 KCS 07/08/2013 17490.75 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 310 Postages
Kent County Council 7976277 KCS 07/08/2013 3674 Business Strategy & Support 8DM Management 674 Charge to Commercial Services
Kent County Council 7974818 KCS 07/08/2013 307.45 Business Strategy & Support 41F KCC Res Care Older Ppl 130 Cleaning Materials and Domestic Supplies
Kent County Council 7976923 KENT CATERING SERVICE LTD 07/08/2013 250 Business Strategy & Support 42F KCC Res Care LD 124 Water Charges and Sewerage and Environmental Services
Kent County Council 7977564 KNIGHT FRANK 07/08/2013 3000 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7976528 LATEROOMS LTD 07/08/2013 323.25 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7973822 LEARNING NEXUS LTD 07/08/2013 360 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 402 Consultants
Kent County Council 7976537 LICENSING PARTNERSHIP 07/08/2013 350 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7972067 MERCURE MAIDSTONE HOTEL 07/08/2013 372.52 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 120 External - Rent, Room Hire & Service Charges
Kent County Council 7977966 MINSTER SURGERY 07/08/2013 795 Business Strategy & Support 8PA Sexual Health Services - STI testing & treatment 522 District Health Authorities
Kent County Council 7974964 MISCO 07/08/2013 550.62 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 302 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Hardware)
Kent County Council 7978012 MISS AMINA AHMED 07/08/2013 510 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7977781 MISS CAMILLE HABBOO 07/08/2013 8850 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7978088 MOUCHEL LTD 07/08/2013 475 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7954963 MOUCHEL LTD 07/08/2013 1187.16 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 411 Property Services & Construction
Kent County Council 7955182 MOUCHEL LTD 07/08/2013 450 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 411 Property Services & Construction
Kent County Council 7955178 MOUCHEL LTD 07/08/2013 499.34 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 411 Property Services & Construction
Kent County Council 7955179 MOUCHEL LTD 07/08/2013 599.67 Business Strategy & Support 2GA Gateway Delivery 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7977755 MS SARA HAMMOND 07/08/2013 2010 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7977750 MS SARA HAMMOND 07/08/2013 720 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7976938 NEOPOST FINANCE LIMITED 07/08/2013 315.15 Business Strategy & Support 39C Children Specialist Services 310 Postages
Kent County Council 7976546 NEOPOST LIMITED 07/08/2013 423 Business Strategy & Support 39C Children Specialist Services 310 Postages
Kent County Council 7977590 NEOS IT TRAINING LTD 07/08/2013 3575 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7977952 NORTH EAST LONDON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 07/08/2013 267 Business Strategy & Support 8PA Sexual Health Services - STI testing & treatment 522 District Health Authorities
Kent County Council 7961789 POWERSENSE TECHNOLOGY LTD 07/08/2013 675 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 302 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Hardware)
Kent County Council 7972079 ROMNEY RESOURCE 2000 LIMITED 07/08/2013 365 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 402 Consultants
Kent County Council 7978848 SOUTHERN WATER 07/08/2013 427.71 Business Strategy & Support 2UA Youth Services 124 Water Charges and Sewerage and Environmental Services
Kent County Council 7977208 ST JAMES THE GREAT ACADEMY 07/08/2013 851.23 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 111 Electricity
Kent County Council 7978857 THAMES WATER UTILITIES LTD 07/08/2013 678.81 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7978854 THAMES WATER UTILITIES LTD 07/08/2013 676.21 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7977272 THE BAY TRUST 07/08/2013 625 Business Strategy & Support 2LC Libraries, Museums & Archives 120 External - Rent, Room Hire & Service Charges
Kent County Council 7978003 THORNHILLS MEDICAL PRACTICE 07/08/2013 955 Business Strategy & Support 8PB Sexual Health Services - Contraception 522 District Health Authorities
Kent County Council 7977836 WARD SECURITY LIMITED 07/08/2013 325 Business Strategy & Support 39C Children Specialist Services 141 Premises Security Charges
Kent County Council 7950758 XMA LTD 07/08/2013 6326.69 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 302 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Hardware)
Kent County Council 7976566 AMBER CATERING 08/08/2013 402.05 Business Strategy & Support 8DT Information Services 341 Contract Catering
Kent County Council 7979142 ASHFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL 08/08/2013 399 Business Strategy & Support 2UA Youth Services 123 National and Non Domestic Rates and Council Tax
Kent County Council 7972947 ASTRA SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD 08/08/2013 379.5 Business Strategy & Support 8DR Corporate Landlord 141 Premises Security Charges
Kent County Council 7976586 AYLESFORD PRIORY LIMITED 08/08/2013 392.5 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 120 External - Rent, Room Hire & Service Charges
Kent County Council 7975610 BEST BUSINESS EVENTS LIMITED 08/08/2013 420 Business Strategy & Support 8EJ Support For Business 300 Equipment, Furniture and Materials and Livestock
Kent County Council 7979486 BOOKER & BEST LTD 08/08/2013 675 Business Strategy & Support 2LC Libraries, Museums & Archives 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7977252 CATERING HYGIENE SPECIALIST LTD 08/08/2013 699 Business Strategy & Support 41F KCC Res Care Older Ppl 131 Contract Cleaning
Kent County Council 7976722 CLEANSING SERVICE GROUP LTD 08/08/2013 271 Business Strategy & Support 2LG Country Parks 523 Private Contractors
Kent County Council 7977159 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 08/08/2013 613.9 Business Strategy & Support 2LE Adult Education 124 Water Charges and Sewerage and Environmental Services
Kent County Council 7977159 COMMERCIAL SERVICES KENT LTD 08/08/2013 260.97 Business Strategy & Support 2LC Libraries, Museums & Archives 124 Water Charges and Sewerage and Environmental Services
Kent County Council 7968970 COOMBS (CANTERBURY) LTD 08/08/2013 895 Business Strategy & Support 2LE Adult Education 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7975822 COOMBS (CANTERBURY) LTD 08/08/2013 780 Business Strategy & Support 2LC Libraries, Museums & Archives 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7979108 DUSTBUSTERS (SOUTHEAST) LTD 08/08/2013 858 Business Strategy & Support 2LE Adult Education 131 Contract Cleaning
Kent County Council 7977213 EDGE TRAINING AND CONSULTANCY LTD 08/08/2013 840 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 402 Consultants
Kent County Council 7979555 ELITESEC LIMITED 08/08/2013 5760 Business Strategy & Support 1RC Capital Projects 141 Premises Security Charges
Kent County Council 7979289 FRONTIER-PITTS LIMITED 08/08/2013 805 Business Strategy & Support 8DR Corporate Landlord 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7979963 GUY HOLLAWAY ARCHITECTS LLP 08/08/2013 6154 Business Strategy & Support 8EF Community Development 402 Consultants
Kent County Council 7979958 GUY HOLLAWAY ARCHITECTS LLP 08/08/2013 7885 Business Strategy & Support 8EF Community Development 402 Consultants
Kent County Council 7979342 HAWKINGE AND ELHAM VALLEY PRACTICE 08/08/2013 715.66 Business Strategy & Support 8PB Sexual Health Services - Contraception 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7976593 HILTON MAIDSTONE 08/08/2013 1244 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 120 External - Rent, Room Hire & Service Charges
Kent County Council 7979502 HIRE STATION LIMITED 08/08/2013 918.19 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7979551 HOOK SURVEY PARTNERSHIP 08/08/2013 7150 Business Strategy & Support 8DQ Property Asset Management 411 Property Services & Construction
Kent County Council 7977049 HYTHE TOWN COUNCIL 08/08/2013 5812.5 Business Strategy & Support 2LC Libraries, Museums & Archives 120 External - Rent, Room Hire & Service Charges
Kent County Council 7979306 IRENE MARTIN-ALAM 08/08/2013 478.12 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7977241 IT RESOURCE MANAGEMENT LIMITED 08/08/2013 2802.43 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 302 Computer and Other IT Expenditure (Hardware)
Kent County Council 7979351 JOHN HALLETT 08/08/2013 250 Business Strategy & Support 8PY Other Public Health Services 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7979421 KCS 08/08/2013 289 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 350 Printing and photocopying
Kent County Council 7979420 KCS 08/08/2013 759.93 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 350 Printing and photocopying
Kent County Council 7979389 KCS 08/08/2013 406.75 Business Strategy & Support 8DR Corporate Landlord 130 Cleaning Materials and Domestic Supplies
Kent County Council 7979385 KCS 08/08/2013 530 Business Strategy & Support 8DR Corporate Landlord 320 Uniforms, Protective Clothing, Footwear Laundry, Toiletries, Personal Req Medical, First Aid
Kent County Council 7979380 KCS 08/08/2013 358.5 Business Strategy & Support 8DR Corporate Landlord 350 Printing and photocopying
Kent County Council 7979380 KCS 08/08/2013 494.7 Business Strategy & Support 8DR Corporate Landlord 130 Cleaning Materials and Domestic Supplies
Kent County Council 7979379 KCS 08/08/2013 384.41 Business Strategy & Support 8DR Corporate Landlord 350 Printing and photocopying
Kent County Council 7979378 KCS 08/08/2013 280.53 Business Strategy & Support 8DR Corporate Landlord 350 Printing and photocopying
Kent County Council 7979386 KCS 08/08/2013 260.83 Business Strategy & Support 39C Children Specialist Services 350 Printing and photocopying
Kent County Council 7979377 KCS 08/08/2013 693.23 Business Strategy & Support 39C Children Specialist Services 350 Printing and photocopying
Kent County Council 7979292 KEMBER LOUDON WILLIAMS LLP 08/08/2013 280.36 Business Strategy & Support 8DQ Property Asset Management 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7979290 KEMBER LOUDON WILLIAMS LLP 08/08/2013 697.95 Business Strategy & Support 8DQ Property Asset Management 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7979189 KENT TOP TEMPS LTD 08/08/2013 3362 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 230 Public Transport (Officers and Members)
Kent County Council 7977524 KNIGHT FRANK 08/08/2013 3000 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 401 Specialists Fees
Kent County Council 7979228 MARTEN WALSH CHERER LIMITED 08/08/2013 886.38 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7979512 MIDDLETON MAINTENANCE SERVICES LIMITED 08/08/2013 317.15 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7979327 MOUCHEL LTD 08/08/2013 1350 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 411 Property Services & Construction
Kent County Council 7977606 MR DYLAN EVANS 08/08/2013 570 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7976699 MR DYLAN EVANS 08/08/2013 2640 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7977603 MS SARAH POPE 08/08/2013 600 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7973157 P L TAYLOR ELECTRICAL SERVICES LIMITED 08/08/2013 980 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7966945 P L TAYLOR ELECTRICAL SERVICES LIMITED 08/08/2013 286.95 Business Strategy & Support 2LC Libraries, Museums & Archives 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7979477 PA GROUP (UK) LIMITED 08/08/2013 805.39 Business Strategy & Support 46N KCC Day Opps LD 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7979460 PH JONES FACILITIES MANAGEMENT LIMITED 08/08/2013 479.1 Business Strategy & Support 39A Childrens Comm and Soc Work 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7976694 PROTEC FIRE DETECTION PLC 08/08/2013 393.71 Business Strategy & Support 46N KCC Day Opps LD 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7979294 RINGWOULD ALPINES 08/08/2013 612 Business Strategy & Support 39C Children Specialist Services 100 Maintenance of Grounds
Kent County Council 7977602 SANDRA FOLKES 08/08/2013 1080 Business Strategy & Support 8DL Legal Services 404 Legal Fees
Kent County Council 7979262 SECURITAS SECURITY SERVICES LIMITED 08/08/2013 460 Business Strategy & Support 39C Children Specialist Services 141 Premises Security Charges
Kent County Council 7979269 SECURITAS SECURITY SERVICES LIMITED 08/08/2013 740 Business Strategy & Support 39C Children Specialist Services 141 Premises Security Charges
Kent County Council 7979273 SECURITAS SECURITY SERVICES LIMITED 08/08/2013 436 Business Strategy & Support 39C Children Specialist Services 141 Premises Security Charges
Kent County Council 7979265 SECURITAS SECURITY SERVICES LIMITED 08/08/2013 436 Business Strategy & Support 39C Children Specialist Services 141 Premises Security Charges
Kent County Council 7979094 SEVENOAKS DISTRICT COUNCIL 08/08/2013 1000 Business Strategy & Support 2LG Country Parks 141 Premises Security Charges
Kent County Council 7979146 SHEPWAY DISTRICT COUNCIL 08/08/2013 1742.69 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 123 National and Non Domestic Rates and Council Tax
Kent County Council 7978951 STEADFAST CLEANING CO LTD 08/08/2013 663.75 Business Strategy & Support 2UA Youth Services 131 Contract Cleaning
Kent County Council 7977510 THE GENUINE DINING CO. LTD 08/08/2013 915.9 Business Strategy & Support 8DP Property 341 Contract Catering
Kent County Council 7977216 THE GENUINE DINING CO. LTD 08/08/2013 680.55 Business Strategy & Support 8DS Council Secretariat 340 Catering Provisions and Catering Equipment
Kent County Council 7977502 THE WHITTINGTON HOSPITAL NHS TRUST 08/08/2013 495.07 Business Strategy & Support 8PA Sexual Health Services - STI testing & treatment 522 District Health Authorities
Kent County Council 7978924 TRUSTEES OF ST MARY OF CHARITY VA SCHOOL 08/08/2013 2375 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 120 External - Rent, Room Hire & Service Charges
Kent County Council 7977250 V S TRAINING LTD 08/08/2013 3362 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 402 Consultants
Kent County Council 7976590 V S TRAINING LTD 08/08/2013 1287 Business Strategy & Support 8DH Personnel and Development 120 External - Rent, Room Hire & Service Charges
Kent County Council 7981082 ACR LONDON LTD 09/08/2013 470.99 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7981337 ASHFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL 09/08/2013 104178 Business Strategy & Support 8FA Localism Contributions 510 Other Local Authorities
Kent County Council 7980529 ASTRA SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD 09/08/2013 418.56 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7980525 ASTRA SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD 09/08/2013 418.56 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7980509 ASTRA SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD 09/08/2013 418.56 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 101 Repairs, Alterations and Maintenance of Buildings
Kent County Council 7978987 BOUGHTON VILLAGE HALL MANAGEMENT CMTTE 09/08/2013 900 Business Strategy & Support 2LC Libraries, Museums & Archives 120 External - Rent, Room Hire & Service Charges
Kent County Council 7980905 BRIARY PRIMARY SCHOOL 09/08/2013 365 Business Strategy & Support 36P Children's Centres 131 Contract Cleaning