Board protests job cuts. . m- *Vel. u, No. 59 VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1978 a ’‘ 228-2301 , “matt king photo STUDENT SI-EEPS ON, oblivious to infiltration of SUB by misshapen zeppelins advertising presence of UBC women‘s centre in SUB 130. Unidentified woman awoke later and was startled to find that balloon campaign is part of women’s week going on this week, with various speakers and activities. (See hot flashes, page 6). Science rep in as AMs pres By KATHY FORD Political rookie Bruce Arm- strong narrowly defeated long- time hack Bob Goodwin in a SUC- cessful bid to become the Alma Mater Society’s new president Wednesday. Science representative Arm- strong received 20 votes to com- mence representative Goodwin’s 16. Four people abstained. During his nominating speech for Armstrong, law representative Dave Qan I3larcom told the assembly Arnnstrong is “in the middle of the- political spectrum,” with grassroots political ex- perience. Armstrong has been active in the science under- graduate socie.ty. “I consider :myself a sort of in- themiddle candidate, able to take direction,” Arimstrong said. Armstrong urged cooperation with the university administration to fight educat.ion cutbacks. Both candidates showed anti- labor tendencies at one point in the question period before the vote. Asked if theywould cross picket lines and what. they would advise other students, to do, both can- didates said they would not respect picket lines. While Armslxong said it would depend on the strike and how long it had been going on, Goodwin was more definite. “I personally would cross a picket line (at UBC) because I have academic commitments,” he said. Armstrong said that if the strike was prolonged he would probably cross the picket line, also because of academic commitments. Both candidates said they would not tell students what to do about picket lines. “Both candidates seem tD put themselves forward as sitting on the fence politically,” commented senator-at-large Lorne Rogers. “Any decision is not going to be made by me,” said Goodwin. “My position would be what the students and the SRA decide,” said Armstrong. Armstrong replaces outgoing president John DeMarco. Arts senator Kate Andrew, at See page 2: SRA By MIKE BOCKING The board of governors protested Tuesday a move by the provincial government to cut UBC student research jobs for this summer by more than half. Board member Leslie Peterson asked the board to write the government asking it to formally reconsider funding for the program with a view to increasing it. And board chairman George. Morfftt recommended that a note of urgency be attached to the letter in view of the approach of summer. The government’s decision to cut the universities section of the youth employment program from $1.5 million to $700,000 slashes the number of students employed at UBC from 650 to 300. Administration president Doug Kenny said Tuesday the govern- ment”s decision was regrettable. Kenny said the student work program was highly integrated with academic work students were pursuing and was of a high calibre. “Because of my concern in this matter I have sent a letter to the ministry of laborexpressing my hope that this decision is not a general framework.” In a letter to minister of labor Allan Williams, Kenny said he hoped there would be additional funding for the program. “I was very disappointed to learn that funds available to the University of British Columbia for the 1978 youth employment program are less than half of those of last year. “While I fully appreciate the government’s efforts to restrain spending, it appears in this par- ticular case that university and college students are expected to bear the brunt of the budget cuts,” said Kenny. The value of the universities section of the youth employment Bee page 2: JOB ..I. Dept bosses join UBC outcry UBC department .heads Wed- nesday criticized a decision by the provincial government to eliminate about 350 jobs from a summer work program for UBC students. The:y said the youth employment program is a good one which should have been expanded and that it will leavestudents with little opportunity to find summer work in their field of study. “I think it’s terrible,” said physics head Roy Nodwell. “I just don’t understand it.” Last. week the labor ministry said that funding for B.C. universities’ part of the youth employment program would be cut in hall, leaving about 300 jobs for UBC students, compared to more than 650 last year, as part of an economizing move by the ministry. The program was designed to provide funds for the universities to support student summer researchprojectsco-ordinated by the.ir department or faculty. Microbiology head Jack Camp- bell said the program had been working well and that the govern- ment move was a mistake. “It(theprogram) was a very good thing and it’s being destroyed,” he said. “It’s quite a blunder on the part of the govern- ment.” Campbell said the program providd students with an op- portunity to get valuable ex- perience as well as a summer job. “It has worked wonderfully well. It has been just a tremendous thing,” he said. Elect.rica1engineering headDon Moore said a number of students in his department depend on research jobs for summer work and that the cutback will affect them. ‘‘It’s the students that are going to be .hurt. I’m concerned,” he said. “It’s been very useful for our students. The training has been very valuable.” Social work director George Hougham said the job cutback will be bad for the community as well as for students, since many social work summer jobs go to projects involving the community. “There’s a real loss and in social work it’sa loss to the community,” he said. Hougham said the program is a worthwhile one which should have been expanded this year. “We didn’t have enough (funds) to go around last year and we’re going to be in even worse shape this year,” he said. Funding for the program is divided up among UBC faculties and schools on a proportional basis, with larger faculties ob- taining more fundi4 for jobs. Students in theprogram are paid between $550 and $750 a month, a salary that has not been increased since 1975. A labor ministry official said last week the program at the univer- sities was cut to shift funds into business and farm job programs, where the government subsidizes employers by paying half the students’ salaries instead of the full amount, as at the universities. Physiology head Harold Copp said the government move to get the most jobs for the money is a mistake. “To my mind it’s an unfortunate economization because it’s one of the most worthwhile expenditures of public funds,” he said. Other department heads con- tacted Wednesday said they believe the program cutback will be detrimental by both reducing the number of jobs available to UBC students and also reducing the opportunity for them to get experience in their selected academic field.

Board protests job cuts. · Board protests job cuts. . m- *Vel. u, No. 59 VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1978 a ’‘ 228-2301 , “matt king photo STUDENT SI-EEPS ON, oblivious

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Page 1: Board protests job cuts. · Board protests job cuts. . m- *Vel. u, No. 59 VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1978 a ’‘ 228-2301 , “matt king photo STUDENT SI-EEPS ON, oblivious

Board protests job cuts. . m -

*Vel. u, No. 59 VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1978 a ’‘ 228-2301 ,

“ m a t t king photo

STUDENT SI-EEPS ON, oblivious to infiltration of SUB by misshapen zeppelins advertising presence of UBC women‘s centre in SUB 130. Unidentified woman awoke later and was startled to find that balloon campaign is part of women’s week going on this week, with various speakers and activities. (See hot flashes, page 6).

Science rep in as AMs pres By KATHY FORD

Political rookie Bruce Arm- strong narrowly defeated long- time hack Bob Goodwin in a SUC- cessful bid to become the Alma Mater Society’s new president Wednesday.

Science representative Arm- strong received 20 votes to com- mence representative Goodwin’s 16. Four people abstained.

During his nominating speech for Armstrong, law representative Dave Qan I3larcom told the assembly Arnnstrong is “in the middle of the- political spectrum,” with grassroots political ex- perience. Armstrong has been active in the science under- graduate socie.ty.

“I consider :myself a sort of in- themiddle candidate, able to take direction,” Arimstrong said.

Armstrong urged cooperation with the university administration to fight educat.ion cutbacks.

Both candidates showed anti- labor tendencies at one point in the question period before the vote. Asked if they would cross picket lines and what. they would advise other students, to do, both can- didates said they would not respect picket lines.

While Armslxong said it would depend on the strike and how long

it had been going on, Goodwin was more definite.

“I personally would cross a picket line (at UBC) because I have academic commitments,” he said.

Armstrong said that if the strike was prolonged he would probably cross the picket line, also because of academic commitments.

Both candidates said they would not tell students what to do about picket lines.

“Both candidates seem tD put themselves forward as sitting on the fence politically,” commented senator-at-large Lorne Rogers.

“Any decision is not going to be made by me,” said Goodwin.

“My position would be what the students and the SRA decide,” said Armstrong.

Armstrong replaces outgoing president John DeMarco.

Arts senator Kate Andrew, at See page 2: SRA

By MIKE BOCKING The board of governors protested

Tuesday a move by the provincial government to cut UBC student research jobs for this summer by more than half.

Board member Leslie Peterson asked the board to write the government asking it to formally reconsider funding for the program with a view to increasing it.

And board chairman George. Morfftt recommended that a note of urgency be attached to the letter in view of the approach of summer.

The government’s decision to cut the universities section of the youth employment program from $1.5 million to $700,000 slashes the number of students employed at UBC from 650 to 300.

Administration president Doug Kenny said Tuesday the govern- ment”s decision was regrettable.

Kenny said the student work program was highly integrated

with academic work students were pursuing and was of a high calibre.

“Because of my concern in this matter I have sent a letter to the ministry of labor expressing my hope that this decision is not a general framework.”

In a letter to minister of labor Allan Williams, Kenny said he hoped there would be additional funding for the program.

“I was very disappointed to learn that funds available to the University of British Columbia for the 1978 youth employment program are less than half of those of last year.

“While I fully appreciate the government’s efforts to restrain spending, it appears in this par- ticular case that university and college students are expected to bear the brunt of the budget cuts,” said Kenny.

The value of the universities section of the youth employment

Bee page 2: JOB

..I. Dept bosses join UBC outcry

UBC department .heads Wed- nesday criticized a decision by the provincial government to eliminate about 350 jobs from a summer work program for UBC students.

The:y said the youth employment program is a good one which should have been expanded and that it will leavestudents with little opportunity to find summer work in their field of study.

“I think it’s terrible,” said physics head Roy Nodwell. “I just don’t understand it.”

Last. week the labor ministry said that funding for B.C. universities’ part of the youth employment program would be cut in hall, leaving about 300 jobs for UBC students, compared to more than 650 last year, as part of an economizing move by the ministry.

The program was designed to provide funds for the universities to support student summer research projects co-ordinated by the.ir department or faculty.

Microbiology head Jack Camp- bell said the program had been working well and that the govern- ment move was a mistake.

“It (the program) was a very good thing and it’s being destroyed,” he said. “It’s quite a blunder on the part of the govern- ment.”

Campbell said the program providd students with an op- portunity to get valuable ex- perience as well as a summer job.

“It has worked wonderfully well. It has been just a tremendous thing,” he said.

Elect.rica1 engineering head Don Moore said a number of students in his department depend on research jobs for summer work and that the cutback will affect them.

‘‘It’s the students that are going to be .hurt. I’m concerned,” he said. “It’s been very useful for our

students. The training has been very valuable.”

Social work director George Hougham said the job cutback will be bad for the community as well as for students, since many social work summer jobs go to projects involving the community.

“There’s a real loss and in social work it’s a loss to the community,” he said.

Hougham said the program is a worthwhile one which should have been expanded this year.

“We didn’t have enough (funds) to go around last year and we’re going to be in even worse shape this year,” he said.

Funding for the program is divided up among UBC faculties and schools on a proportional basis, with larger faculties ob- taining more fundi4 for jobs.

Students in the program are paid between $550 and $750 a month, a salary that has not been increased since 1975.

A labor ministry official said last week the program at the univer- sities was cut to shift funds into business and farm job programs, where the government subsidizes employers by paying half the students’ salaries instead of the full amount, as at the universities.

Physiology head Harold Copp said the government move to get the most jobs for the money is a mistake.

“To my mind it’s an unfortunate economization because it’s one of the most worthwhile expenditures of public funds,” he said.

Other department heads con- tacted Wednesday said they believe the program cutback will be detrimental by both reducing the number of jobs available to UBC students and also reducing the opportunity for them to get experience in their selected academic field.

Page 2: Board protests job cuts. · Board protests job cuts. . m- *Vel. u, No. 59 VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1978 a ’‘ 228-2301 , “matt king photo STUDENT SI-EEPS ON, oblivious

Paas 2 T H E U B Y S S E Y Thursday, March 9, 1978

For UBC students

Job cuts called criminal From page 1

program is that the jobs created are not “make-work” projects but are closely related to students’ career goals, said Kenny.

Alma Mater Society president John DeMarco said he supports the action Kenny and the board have taken.

“The program was inadequate to start with and here they (the

‘Daycare, equal pay’ say women

From page 1 Travailleurs du Quebec, and the Corporation des Enseignants du Quebec.

government) are cutting it back,” said DeMarco.

“The only excuse I’ve heard is that they want to put their money where it will create more jobs. But I have a feeling they are cutting back the amount of money spent on these programs,” said DeMarco.

A labor ministry official said March 2 the program cuts were made to save money without cutting the over-all number of jobs.

“We have attempted to put money this year into programs where employers have maximized the number of jobs for the amount of money involved,” said Bob Plecas, executive director of the ministry’s manpower planning and policy division.

“Obviously the cost of creating jobs is less in the farm and business programs,” he said. “We .

feel that the number of jobs for students (over-all) will not be cut.”

But DeMarco said it is questionable how many jobs the government is really creating in these areas. He said the govern- ment will probably be paying for many jobs which would have been created by business anyway.

“With the employment situation the way it is, it’s criminal to cut back in any area,” DeMarco said.

DeMarco said the advantage of the university program is that it gives students experience in areas which are directly related to their academic studies.

DeMarco suggested that the government’s action is an effort to hide its inadequate handling of unemployment.

“This shuffling around is in. tended to give the appearance of positive action,” he said.

maternity leave, abortion on SRA consjdefs leadersh jp The marchers demanded paid

demand and equal pay for equal work for women.

Parliament Hill and then marched In Ottawa, 400 persons rallied on buf makes no dec js j0.n

through downtown with a list of 23 demands to improve the status of women.

Among the most important demands were equal pay for equal work, abortion on demand, free daycare and instituting In- ternational Women’s Day as a statutory holiday.

At the Parliament Hill rally, Dodie Zerr of the Vancouver-based Service, Office and Retail Worker’s Union (SORWUC) said the economic status of women has increased only slightly in the last centurv.

From page 1 one point considered a potential presidential candidate, was ac- claimed external affairs officer, replacing Paul Sandhu.

And arts representative Bruce Ross defeated Goodwin for the position of secretary-treasurer 19 votes to 18. Ross replaces Arnold Hedstrom.

In other business, the new assembly voted to accept student administrative commission minutes that included the decision

A.U.S. presents

THURSDAY NOON BONANZA!!! * Thursday March 9th - Pete n’ Tillie

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A.M.S. 1978-79

Student Administrative Commission (S.A.C.); Student Representative Assembly (S.R.A.) Commissioners, and A.M.S. Ombudsperson.

Applications will be received for the positions of:

-Director of Services (SAC) -Director of Finance (SAC) “Commissioners of S.A.C. ( 8 positions) -Commissioner for Teaching and Academic Standards Committee (SRA) -Commissioner for Student Housing Access Committee (SRA) -Commissioner for Programs Committee (SRA) -A.M.S. Ombudsperson

at the AMS business office Rm. 266, SUB

Applications close 4:OO p.m. on Friday, March IO, 1978. Applications may be picked up at Room 246 and 266 SUB

Secretary-Treasurer Arnold Hedstrom

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to conduct an efficiency study of the Alma Mater Society. Although SAC finance director Shanon Hart was ready and willing to answer questions on the study, viewed by some people as a waste of money, few were forthcoming from assembly members.

The assembly also tabled a motion to support in principle the idea of a student leadership con. ference similar to one held last fall, The request for support and help came from Alumni Association spokesman Grant Burnyeat.



7 Identity crises in modern Judaism


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Page 3: Board protests job cuts. · Board protests job cuts. . m- *Vel. u, No. 59 VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1978 a ’‘ 228-2301 , “matt king photo STUDENT SI-EEPS ON, oblivious

- .. - .. - ....................... --- ................................................ .... ....

Thursday, March 9, 1978 T H E U B Y S S E Y Paw 3

e- -

Britain’s chief of subversion and sabotage planned to create a revolution in Nazi-occupied Europe during the Second World War, a visiting University of Victoria professor said Wed- nesday.

Under the leadership of Hugh Dulton, then minister of economic warfare, t.he Special Organization Executive had planned a campaign of industrial and military sabotage, strikes, boycotts, riots and terrorist attacks to cause dissension against the Germans, David Stafford told more than 20 people in Buchanan 102.

“He (Dulton) intended to set Europe ablaze.”

The SOE:, formed in 1940 as part of Britain’s defence measures, was

its subversion than prime minister Winston Churchill and Britain’s leaders had originally hoped, according to Stafford.

“The SOE was the victim of a great deal of wishful thinking, in an overestimation of Europe’s will to resist,” said Stafford.

He also cited Britain’s political obligations to exiled governments, inter-bureaucratic rivalries, and conflicts with Britain’s other in- telligence organizations as con- tributors to the SOE’s in- effectiveness.

Dulton underestimated the thoroughness and brutality of Nazi occupation and had not anticipated the reluctance of occupied territories to follow Britain’s lead, Stafford said.

organized to ,support and stimdate The SOE did manage to blow up the European resistance movement:. a German viaduct in Greece and

movements comparable to the Kt!erway by the in Dulton planned to organize also destroyed a Norwegian

Nazis’ own terroiist groups and hoped to ‘,‘stimulate the seeds of The organization supported a revolt in ]Europe,” Stafford said. Yugoslavian guerrilla movement

But the SOE was less effective in and trained shock troops of Jewish

soldiers in Palestine later in the

Exiled governments protested the SOE’s terrorist and sabotage activities because it undermined their authority and threatened their power, Stafford said.

They also feared their coun- trymen would face severe civilian reprisals.

Even Britain’s Secret In- telligence Service (SISI did not want the SOE to encourage revolt against the Germans, Stafford said.

The service wanted to keep its own network intact by “not creating loud noises and big bangs in Europe,” he said.

Between 1940 and 1944, Britain gave the intelligence service priority over the SOE in sabotage and resistance. On occasion the service even used its power to withhold information from the SOE which could have been useful to the organization, he said.

“The SOE met with rivalries and bureaucratic warfare from the intelligence service, but the SOE


”geof wheelwright photo

UNWITTING PIGEONS COME close to falling into nefarious briefcase bird trap. Fortunately pigeons grew suspicious and flew off after noticing Tom Tautorus, left, and Randy West, both microbiology 3, eating chicken salad !sandwiches during lunch break outside SUB Wednesday.

proved extremely useful in gathering intelligence for the SIS,” he said.

,Some members of the British government made attempts to disband the SOE and the issue came to a head in December, 1943 when SOE’s Dutch networks were penetrated by the Germans, said Stafford.

‘*Fifty-three agents dropped into Holland, right into the hands of the Germans.”

This created a huge scare that all SOE agents had been detected across Europe, said Stafford.

But instead of disbanding the organization after the disaster, Churchill gave the SOE a reprieve.

“He declared that the SOE would remain an independent organization.”

Inter-bureaucratic rivalries and STAFFORD

. . reveals British sabotage

hostilities contributed to the SOE’s but this required brave agents and ineffectiveness. The organimtion considerable training, Stafford was treated with suspicion from said. Britain’s regular forces and was For the first two years, the called amateurish and ignorant, organization depended heavily on Stafford said. Britain’s intelligence service, said

“The SOE was so endowed with Stafford. SOE did not become secrecy its own top officials hadn’t seen crucial documents.”

The organization was caught in a Catch-22 situation, he said.

“The SOE could only prove it was doing a decent job if it im- proved its resources. But it could only improve its resources if it was doing a decent job.”

Dulton had wanted the organization “to become professional and do a little body line bowling of the Hun,” said Stafford.

The organization’s major drawback was that it was a “novelty” operation, said Stafford. As a new operation, it was difficult to find suitably trained personnel and maintain satisfactory com- munications.

Since border lines were heavily guarded, it was too dangerous and difficult to bring agents in by boat. Instead, the SOE resorted to using planes and parchuted its agents in,

operational until 1942, but by then it was already assuming a low- priority role, he added.

“It (SOE) was an extremely thin skeletal network in 1941.”

The organization had only 100 agents in 1942 and 1,OOO across Europe in 1943, said Stafford.

TheSOE met with much hostility and resistance from Britain’s bomber command which was unwilling to provide its aircraft to drop SOE agents, he said.

In 1941 SOE shared one plane with the intelligence service and held two squadrons at most the next year, thus limiting its ef- fectiveness, said Stafford.

The air force was against “dropping assassins” and saw ethical barriers to using its planes to drop SOE agents, Stafford said.

The bomber command con- sidered the SOE a gamble which could either be “a gold mine or completely worthless,” he added.

Students begin adm.in takeover

OTTAWA (CUP) - Students at a third Ontario university have begun to occupy administration offices in a show of opposition to government cutbacks in post- secondary education.

Fourteen students at Carleton University here began occupying acting administration president John Porter’s office early Wednes- day and promise to continue their occupation until their demands are met.

Occupations at Trent and Mc- Master Universities, also promp- ted by the funding crisis, were ending as the Carleton action began. The students were demanding cancellation of classes on March 16.

The Carleton students, who were joined by other students throughout the first day of the occupation, are also demanding

Regina students fight fuition increase REGINzCUP) -Forty students occupied After the meeting, Parr spoke to 500 people and table thumping was louder than any rock

a board last. week of governors meeting room in the student pub. “I have just come from a band has ever received, one pub veteran said. at the University of Regina last week to argue board of governors meeting,” he said. Cutbacks in education funding and tuition against possible tuition fee increases and “People demonstrating this afternoon increases hurt everyone except the rich, Parr education cutbacks. impressed upon the board that students can’t said later. “Somehow we’ve got to voice our

The! students watched the nine board members d’evour $25 meals, then refuse to discuss anything with students present. The board finally moved to another room to meet in private.

There they decided to raise tuition fees 8.2

affbrd a tuition fee increase. “Instead of going with a 9.6 per cent fee

increase, the board went for a 8.2 per cent increase. If students don’t want any increases they should start kicking back.”

The pub exploded in a bedlam of cheering and table thumdng.

anger when governments foliow this sort of restrictive policy.

“What we’re asking is for the board to join with us to say ‘no we can’t do it this way. The government can’t cut back on one of the most important things it does.’

per cent andincur a $100,0oO university deficit “On March ‘7,’T Parr continued, “the Unless the board supports us there’ll be the in the coming year, student president and provincial government is going to bring down Same old runaround with various levels of board rep Jeff Parr said afterward. The the provincial budget. We should be there government blaming it on Someone else.’’ meeting was informal: a final decision will be demonstrating with placards against cut- A tuition f e e increase would be the third in made at a March 14 board meeting. backs in education funding.” The applause three years for Regina students.

that Porter suspend classes on March 16 to allow students, staff and faculty to attend a demonstra- tion against government cutbacks scheduled for that day at Queen’s Park in Toronto.

Although York and Trent Universities and Ryerson Poly- technical are closing March 16 to allow participation in the demonstration, Carleton’s senate defeated a motion to suspend classes that day by a 10-11 vote on March 6.

The 14 students, members of the Carleton committee against cut- backs, have initiated a petition calling for support of their demands and had gained 1,100 signatures only eight hours after it began to be circulated Wednesday, according to committee spokes- person Bill Mowatt.

The other demands are that Carleton’s senate take a public stand supporting the educational system and opposing cutbacks in social and educational services, that the university’s budget process be made democratic by allowing participation by faculty, students and staff, and that the ad- ministration renew efforts to secure a library extension.

Student association president Ben Lachance has endorsed the occupation, and said the oc- cupation was fully justified in the face of senate’s unwillingness to support the educational system and to oppose cutbacks.

Mowatt said committee mem- bers held two negotiating sessions with administration representa-

See page 7: WE’RE

Page 4: Board protests job cuts. · Board protests job cuts. . m- *Vel. u, No. 59 VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1978 a ’‘ 228-2301 , “matt king photo STUDENT SI-EEPS ON, oblivious

Page 4 T H E U B Y S S E Y Thursday, March 9, 1978

Chinese students should object The people on the staff of the

Totem Park newsletter The Pole responsible for the racist article in the last issue should do more than apologize. They should check their hearts and minds and try to un- derstand why they did what they did, and why it should never have happened.

One doesn’t have to read the increasingly disgusting graffiti appearing on toilet walls to know that racism is on the rise here at UBC. In these confusing and in- secure times, ignorance, selfishness and intolerance are increasing. Never has there been a greater need for sensitivity and understanding. Yet, the staff of the Totem newsletter chooses instead to turn the dignity of the Chinese people here at UBC into a joke.

The assertion that they did not consciously intend to insult is no excuse, for that is precisely the problem. It is difficult to grow up in a racist society completely free from racist attitudes. Sti, only a small minority are consciously racist.

But subconscious racism can

Ineffectual SRA grow - fed by ignorance and mis- information - until it starts to assert more and more control over our conscious actions. The only

waffles again The middle of the road is part of the road in which one is

most susceptible to being hit from both directions. Yet that’s where the Alma Mater Society and in particular

the student representative assembly has been standing the last couple of years, and thus i s unable to provide leadership for UBC students.

A year ago, compromise candidate John DeMarco became AMS president after the SRA failed several times to endorse either a right-wing or a liberal candidate for the position. Although DeMarco has performed well beyond our expecta- tions, he will not be remembered for strong leadership.

I f he had acted too strongly, one suspects, the fractitious SRA might have made life difficult for him - no doubt by a narrow margin.

The outgoing SRA has done little for students - except for laying the groundwork for a coffee bar in SUB, perhaps. The executive, the only group of SRA members who dared get off their asses to do some work instead of to complain, negated somewhat the severe handicap of a split SRA.

Ever since the new AMS constitution came into effect two years ago, the AMS has become more and more ineffectual. When executive elections were held Wednesday, there wasn’t even a right-liberal battle. A middle of the roader, Bruce Armstrong, who shied away from any suggestion of taking leadership, narrowly beat neanderthal Bob Goodwin.

Both Armstrong and Goodwin pledged to sit on the fence if, say, a campus-wide strike occurs. Fortunately, other execytive members appear much stronger.

But as long as the professional faculty reps are busy fighting everyone else, the incoming executive will be more hanstrung than the retired hacks.

Good luck, Bruce and company. We hope you don’t get run over.


Published Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays throughout the university year by the Alma Mater Society of the University of B.C. Editorial opinions are those of the s ta f f and not of the AMS or the university administration. Member, Canadian University Press. The Ubyssey publishes Page Friday, a weekly commentary and review. The Ubyssey’s editorial office i s in room 241 K of the Student Union Building. Editorial departments, 228-2301; Advertising, 228-3977.

Editor: Chris Gainor

Hawthorn ogled the steamlng, tempestuous f lesh wr l th lng In ecstacy on t h e As Heather Conned her way Into the Seavlew Theatre one, peeplng

b lg co lor screen. “ Y o u t o l d m e t h l s was golng t o be an art fllm,” screamed Ka thy Fo rd f rom the rear stalls as a SheeplSh look ing Mike Bock lng t r led to expla ln that he had thought “The joys of Emanuel le” was an lnsplrat lonal fantasy fllm. “Shh.“ sald ChrlS Galnor as h e strained to hear every heavy

condoms.” cr led Verne McDonald, the lecherous vendor In the shabby breath the worn but popular soundtrack had to offer. “Peanuts, popcorn,

cream colored ralncoat. ’‘1’11 have some,” sald Geof Wheelwrlght. ”Some of what?” asked the curlous Ford. “Peanuts!” shouted Steve Howard and Matt Klng. ”Oh,” sald Kathy somewhat dlsappolntedly. Marcus Gee, the qulet unasumlng one In the f ront row, addressed the seamy crowd wl th a br lef but very audlble “Shut up, you perverts, my dog’s In the nex t scene.” A hush fel l over the Crowd and then suddenly wlhhout warnlng the l ights came on whlle hundreds of embarassed and unclad quasl-cops raced for the theatre doors, leavlng the staffers t o e n j o y t h e rest o f the f l lm.


way to deal with the problem is f i r people to become more sensitive to and conscious of these backward attitudes, before they can even start to rid themselves of them, before they can even start to be sensitive to other people.

Attempts at racist humor such as that in The Pole article serve to feed that subconscious racism. The more it grows, the more difficult it is to reject, the more acceptable it

Hosted Thank you, UBC students! The 200 Burnaby grade 12

students who were hosted in February by UBC students would just like to say, “Thank you very .much.”

They appreciated your taking time out of your busy schedule to show them around and answer their questions. It was a rewarding learning experience for which they are most grateful.

A. R. Champion for school district 41

§oflies To prevent women from

becoming too uppity, a few of the young men around here have asserted superiority by erecting a phallic symbol. Too bad they couldn’t keep it up.

Maureen Colclough arts 1

Howcum? Interesting. What is the ex-

planation? Why is it, Pat McGeer, that there is a vacancy on the board? Then one of the member’s term of office may have run out (not being able to serve more six years ) .

From the press we learn that Pearley Brissenden let the govern- ment know before Christmas he would not be returning to the board.

Yes it is interesting that three people have been replaced. Given the vacancy and the six-year question only one person needed to be dropped. Why the three who were?

Leslie Peterson said it wasn’t political. In fact he wouldn’t have accepted if it were political. My logic suggests it is political.

The whole process places the board under question. Government interference?

Peter Collins arts 4

becomes, and the more difficult it becomes for these people to become conscious of their racism.

Knowing the article to be of- fensive, the editor showed it to some Oriental residents before publication, who gave no indication that they were offended. Any Chinese would have been offended.

Yet I can see that there are some who would have swallowed the insult, trying to be nice guys, to keep a low profile. That is the saddest part of all, and that is why this letter is written as much for my Chinese brothers and sisters as for the white people. Because the other side - indeed the mirror image of subconscious racism - is subconscious colonialism.

A brother who had read The Pole article said to me last night,

“Sure, I read the article. I didn’t like it but I don’t object.” Dammit ! We should object!

Every time we turn the other cheek like that, people start to feel they have a license to slap our cheeks. Every time we eat that kind of shit, people start believing it’s part of the “oriental” diet. Every time we accommodate racism we make it grow. It carries all of us, white, Chinese or whatever, backward.

Stand up and express yourselves and stop repressing your feelings and your dignity. That way we kill two birds with one stone. We destroy both the racist and the colonized man and prepare the way for a new man to be born in each of us.

Pat Chen

Pole goes back 100 years Students unite! Burn down Main! Picket the Faculty Club! Refuse to

write finals! Brilliant. Totem Park has had its wrist slapped by housing for including in its

newsletter (I use the term loosely), “some derogatory, racist com- ments.” Because of this, housing is going to preview all future editions of The Pole to ensure that any items of the same nature are excluded. So in a letter to The Ubyssey (March 2), the editor of The Pole com-

plains that student opinion has been censored and that we’re all headed back to the oppressed 1950s. He states in his letter that these “racist comments . . . were made purely for the amusement of the residence people, not as a slur against any minority group.” Well if these “racist comments” were perceived by any one person as slurs, then they were slurs, whether or not that was their intention.

Rather than worry that censorship is taking us back to the 1950s, the editor of The Pole should consider that student opinion as portrayed by The Pole is taking us all back to the 19th.century.

And if the comments were made “purely for amusement,’’ how can censorship of them have anything to do with censorship of student opinion?

People pay This is a bit of a response to the

advertisement placed by Placer Development Ltd. in the Feb. 28 Ubyssey showing B.C.’s mining operations as a dot representing .013 per cent of B.C.’s total land area.

B.C.’s mining industry seems to have risen to the fore in public relations advertising in recent years, largely due to the ascen- dency of the Provincial NDP. While our mining industry con- tributes millions of dollars to our economy, every mining venture is largely subsidized by the govern- ment.

Who pays for the roads and railways to provide access to and from the mines? The government, not the mining industry. For example, Pine Point in the Nor- thwest Territories was established at a total cost of $130 million.

Of this, $30 million was con- tributed by the mining firm and the rest by the federal government through construction of a railway, road system and settlement.

The same process occurs here in B.C. - costly Hydro projects are often constructed with a milling operation in mind. The B.C. Railway’s Dease Lake extension

Shawn Wilson commerce 1

for mining represents a massive subsidy of the B.C. mining industry.

The mining industry whined about oppressive taxation under the NDP government. Well, they got their way and the Socreds were returned to a position of astute leadership. However, the mining industry continues to flounder; the most recent evidence being the closure of Granduc mines and the inevitable abandonment of Stewart, B.C., which must follow in its wake.

Government dollars in the form of unused infrastructure going down the drain again, un- fortunately for the mining in- dustry, and as was said all along during the last provincial election, poor finances in the B.C. mining industry are not the fault of the NDP’s royalty system, but of poor world copper markets.

S o , Placer Development, your dimes may only represent .013 per cent of B.C.’s land area, but your infrastructure and your pollution (and good old Utah Mines on Vancouver Island) cost us a hell of a lot more in terms of land use and dollars.

David Avren law 1

Rod revolts Dodd An open letter to “Uncle Rod

Mickleburgh”: Dear Rod: I’ve had your recent letter to The

Ubyssey (Feb. 23) brought to my attention. I haven’t read the Livesay book or review in question that you felt called upon to lam- baste, so have no comment on it. However, I’m writing as your vituperation of leering self-right- eousness managed to include me in its sting.

In light of the criticism of me, I’ve felt compelled to consider you as the source, seriously, for the first time in our acquaintance.

Your condescension seems rather ironic to say the least.

But of course, far be it for a person of my limited intellectual capacity and undoubtedly re- visionist ways to reproach your untouchable ideological purity and long record of sacrifice to the progressive cause.

And no need to worry, I’ll do my best to assure you aren’t further bothered by reminders of my existence. I wouldn’t want to divert you from your lofty pursuits and revolutionary struggles.

Ken Dodd Halifax, N.S.

Page 5: Board protests job cuts. · Board protests job cuts. . m- *Vel. u, No. 59 VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1978 a ’‘ 228-2301 , “matt king photo STUDENT SI-EEPS ON, oblivious

Thursday, March 9, 1978 T H E U B Y S S E Y “Page 5 “

Women work uguinst attitudes

c -A<- ’ ‘ L ’


The point of Women’s Week is to draw to the attention of the university community (that’s you folks) the problems of women on this campus. “Since when do women have problems on this campus?” we hear you say. We all know the flippant responses but because this is Women’s Week we’ll hold back the deadly feminist humor and answer the $20 million question seriously. Where to begin?

Because the situation of women in society and therefore on this campus has progressed beyond the atrocities of the Middle Ages, many students assume that the spectre of sexism is a cliche of the past. To a certain extent this holds true. For example, women are no longer stoned for adultery, ma:y use the precious democratic tool of the vote and are permitted to wear the pants in the family, literally, even if not figuratively. However, the reality of the situation is not so happy.

Consider, flor example, the following points: Despite the fa’ct that overwhelming evidence proves that

rape is a very real problem on this campus, services such as rape counsellors, self-defence courses, semen-testing facilities and proper lighting are not provided on a con- sistent and well-publicized basis.

Even after 63 years of progressive thought, faculties such as medicine, forestry and engineering are still male- dominated and faculties such as nursing and hame economics are still largely female. Why is this still hap- pening when equal numbers of men and women are not taking the first-year science prerequisites?

The answer is many faceted. Off campus in the big ‘bad world beyond Blanca, women are systematically steered away from such areas. There are few role models to emulate and employers are reluctant to hire wornen because they think that they lack the character to do a man’s work.

On campus, these problems are compounded by cerlain professors who feel that women have no place in certain faculties, by a profound lack of information about the requirements, the expectations and the opportunities; in these fields and once again by the lack of any role models and, finally, by students themselves who perpetuate the “male-macho, no women allowed” myth, through such things as the Red Rag and the Lady Godiva ride.

Role models are very important, regardless of which minority group you come from. Yet this university has virtually no women in any high-profile influential positions. Our sole female dean (Margaret ,Fulton) is leaving the university at the end of this term, not to be replaced, and one of the only two female departmental heads on this campus is up for review next year.

Facultywise, women tend to monopolize the lower echelons of the teaching hierarchy - they are the lowest paid, the first to bite the dust in the budget cutbacks and least likely to be promoted.

On a more personal and individual level, there are vast areas where nothing is offered to female students. The daycare on this campus is not adequate for the needs of the students - there is not enough and it is not the type that many people can use (i.e., 24-hour dropin).

If your husband or lover takes after you with a frying ,pan Kate Andrew and Fran Watters are members of the Allma

Mater Society woven’s committee and are active in student politics. Perspectives is open to all members of the UBC community.


Women’s Week (and yes, Virginia, it does happen on this campus - it happens disturbingly often), there is no place that you can go for support and/or help. And for those of you planning to work this summer, it’s reassuring to know that only seven per cent of the returning women will be self-sufficient, while a hefty 20 per cent of the returning men qualify.

Finally, workshops on assertiveness training, on mechanics, on bike repair, on music and poetry (oriented towards women) are few and far between. The reasons are simple: there are not enough women in the administration to push for them and there are not enough women in the student representative assembly who continue to ask for them, who support them when they are suggested and who work for them when they are implemented.

There is hope however, on an academic level. The dean of women is attempting to encourage women to enter new fields through her new co-op program, through pressure on the relevant deans and through supportive and sensitive counselling of those interested in new opportunities.

Continuing Education runs numerous courses relating directly to women’s interests that are open to both men and women. At the students’ level, the Alma Mater Society Women’s Centre runs workshops, counselling sessions, speakers, entertainment and more. Women’s Week is almost over. So come out to the events, listen to what the people have to say, think about it and take it back with you, because really folks, this is just the beginning.

Indonesia coup

By EWA CZAYKOWSKI Indonesia is undoubtedly among the

world’:; worst offenders against human rights. According to the Kopkamtib, Indo- nesia’s state security force, the number of political prisoners being held in Indonesian penal institutions in October, 1977 was 31,461.

Amnesty International estimates, on the basis of various reports, that the number of political prisoners held without trial is at least 55,000 and probably as high as 100,000. More recently, in December, 1977 the In- donesian government issued a report stating that 10,000 political prisoners have been released. This fact, if true, is of course to be welcomed.

In 1965 a number of left-wing army of- ficers tried to destroy the leadership of the Indonesian army by assassinating six senior generals. The coup was suppressed by the army, which eventually took 5 over the government. As a result of the coup, the army carried out a massive purge of anyb0d.y connected in any way with the coup or with left-wing groups, especially with the Communist F’arty.

At that time MI Indonesia, about 10 million people’were members of mass organizations under communist leadership. As a result of the repression, more than half a million people were killed (many estimates set the number killed as well over a million) and at least half a nnilllion were imprisoned.

In the years following 1965, many prisoners have been released. But many new arrests have been made. Thousands of human beings have died in prison and thousands are still in prison.

Immediately after 1965, Indonesia’s political prisoners were divided into three categories. T w o other categories were added 1,ater when new people were arrested.

Category A: Prisoners in this category are those considered to have been directly

Ewa Czaykowski is a first-year science student and a member of Amneaty UBC, which will be holding an information week about the Malay archipelago next week.

involved in the 1965 attempted coup. The government has said that it intends to bring these prisoners to trial. According to official Indonesian reports, since 1965 about 800 A category prisoners have been tried and 1,925 are still in jail. It would be safe to assume that these numbers are rather low.

The government would like to complete the trials of these detainees by 1979; even if it does this it would still mean that some people would have been held in prison for almost 15 years without trial. Of those that have come to trial, Amnesty International reports that not one has been found in- nocent. Sentences range from about 15 years in prison or labor camp to execution.

Category B: This category encompasses those who have “assumed an attitude” of support for the aborted coup, and those who were thought to have been “indirectly in- volved.” None of these prisoners have been put on trial because there is insufficient evidence against them.

Instead they are being held until they have undergone “ideological rehabilitation,” that is, abandoned their left-wing ideology and adopted the principles of “Panca Sila,” including nationalism and democracy. By January, 1975 only 14 of these prisoners has been released. And this is the largest category of prisoners, containing, Amnesty International believes, at least 50,000 men and women.

In December, 1976 the government an- nounced plans to release and/or “trans- migrate” all category B prisoners. This is not as good as it sounds as the prisoners are usually “transmigrated” to what amount to penal colonies and in this way are ef- fectively exiled from their families and home areas.

Category C: Category C comprises people connected in some way with the communist movement, including those who have “shown sympathy” for the Parti Komunis Indonesia by their “attitudes and actions.” This was the largest category and still contains very large numbers of prisoners, though many have been released.

An especially shocking example of an In-

donesian detainee is Bambang Supeno. He is blind, deaf a n d mute, was arrested in connection with the 1965 coup, and has been held without trial ever since.

Though all political prisoners are under the jurisdiction of the army, their treat- ment, detention and even their actual arrest is left largely to local military commanders.

Prisoners, when they are first arrested, are often extremely brutally interrogated. Torture is common and is used not only for interrogation, but also as a punishment and with sadistic intent. Since the prisoners’ welfare is left almost entirely to the local commanders, conditions in prisons vary. However the conditions are generally grossly inadequate.

For example, food allowance is about 20 cents per day per person. This pays for a few spoonfuls of plain boiled rice. There is ex- treme overcrowding in most prisons, and there is lack, of adequate medical care. Tuberculosis is endemic among prisoners; in extremely overcrowded prisons it affects more than half the prisoners. Virtually every item the prisoners use, apart from food and drugs is supplied solely by people outside.

The families of political detainees face enormous difficulties in the Indonesian society. Indonesians have become terrified of being suspected of personal acquaintance

with political prisoners as such acquain- tance could be interpreted as “showing sympathy” and could result in im- prisonment.

“Certificates of Non-Involvement” in the 1965 attempted coup are still necessary for attending schools, obtaining employment, and moving from district to district, though this has now been denied by the govern- ment.

And it is questionable whether all those arrested were in fact communist. Whatever the actions of the Indonesian political prisoners, they had every right to have been given a fair trial by now, and to decent human treatment.

It is hard to believe that the great majority are held imprisoned for anything but their political beliefs. The more so as the government, by denying them trial, admits as much. It is also hard to believe that so many years after the aborted 1965 coup, the political prisoners in Indonesia still pose a real threat to the government.

But this of course is only an additional consideration. The issue is one of basic human rights and such massive and per- sistent breaking of them by the Indonesian government should not be condoned by public opinion in the West.

Page 6: Board protests job cuts. · Board protests job cuts. . m- *Vel. u, No. 59 VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1978 a ’‘ 228-2301 , “matt king photo STUDENT SI-EEPS ON, oblivious

. .

Page 6

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .

Thursday, March 9, 1978

3 3 3 3 3 3 3


. . . . . . e 'Tween classes TODAY AWARDS OFFICE

R e p r e s e n t a t l v e a v a l l a b l e f o r ln fo rmat lon on student f lnanclal asslstance, 1-2 p.m., S U B Speak- easy.

General meetlng, 1:30 p.m., S U B 230.

Organlzatlonal meetlng for dance, noon, S U B 211.

journal lsm, noon, S U B 115. Speaker: LOIS Llght on marketable

Speaker: Peg Brennan on Imagery In wrlt lng. 1:30 p.m., S U B 117. Vldeo: Sexlsm In Schools, noon, Scarfe lounae.





Speaker: Dr. Gr l f f loen on The b lb l l - cal prlnclple of stewardshlp. noon, Chem. 250.

WOMEN'S COMMITTEE Speaker: Val Embree on Femlnlsm: A class analysls, n o o n S U B 213. Speaker: Darlene Maizarl on Equal

s tudy noon S U B 205. Opportun l t les for Women - A case

ca l s t ructure and how women have Fllm,'Dr. D'orothy Smlth: Ideologl-

Women's health collectlve, medlcal been excluded, noon, Scarfe lounge.

self-help for women, noon, S U B 130.

Cheer up - we will store everything from a suitcase to a houseful of furniture - a t a low monthly cost. Rent your own private locker - you keep "the key. Easy 7-day a week

CHINESE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Speaker: Dr. Hexham on UFOs and yoga, noon, Regent College.

Speaker: Gary Lauk on What's the mat ter wl th Socred?, noon, Buch.


Speaker: Nancy Goldsberry on Rape In B.C.. n o o n , S U B 207. Br le f lnq fo r Nat lona l Ac t lon Com-


L l L.

students. noon, Buch. 1213. General meet lng o f all Engllsh ml t tee- o f Women Conference,

Ottawa, 1:45 p.m., S U B 130.


Bear garden, men and women wel- come, 8:30-11:30 p.m., Garden

Wendo, self-defence for women, r e g Room, Grad. Student Centre.

ls ter at SUB 130, f o r t o d a y a n d Sunday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.. S U B 200.


a.m., park lng lo t B In f r o n t o f 1978 l ion and lamb car s la lom, 8:30

Totem Park resldence.


Women's dropln. n o o n , S U B 130.


Women's commlttee meetlng, noon, S U B 130.


Weekly student fel lowshlp, noon, S U B 205.

(24 hrs) (Palletized storage also available) PRE-DENTAL SOCIETY

Speaker: Dr. Donaldson on paln control and acupuncture, noon, I RC DOWNTOWN U-LOK STORAGE LTD. Semlnar : R inn lng a co-op publ lca-

t lon, noon, S U B 130.

B.C.. 4-6 p.m., S U B 205. Update on the s ta tus o f women In


864 Cambie Street. Downtown Vancouver. V6B 2P6 I S ~ A E L SERIES Speaker: Jonathan Baum on Back- g round o f Israel's Ml l l tary Doctr lne, noon, Hl l lel House.


Weekly c lub meet lng wl th speclal lecture and vldeotape. noon, Buch. 21 7.

Annual general meetlng and execu- t lve e lect lons, noon, Memor la l Gym 21 1-213.

Hot flashes



Speaker: Dr. M. Chancdler on Ego. centr lsm and eplstemologlcal lonel l - ness, noon, Angus 321.

In fo rmal ta lk on the Baha' l Falth, noon , SUB 115.

General meetlng, noon, SUB 117.

best teams, outslde SUB. Rerun o f boat races, beer prlzes f o r

CHINESE VARSITY CLUB Genera l meet lnq wl th cof fee and



sus Women's week forges on

donuts. noon, SUB 207. Sllde show and meetlng, noon, SUB WOMEN'S COMMITTEE

Five events will highlight UBC HANG-GLIDING CLUB WEDNESDAY

women's week today, including a 215. Lesblan drop- In , noon, SUB 130.

creative writing workshop in marketable journalism lead by Lois Light at noon in SUB 1 1 5.

Sexism in Schools is the video presentation a t noon in Scarfe lounge, and a seminar on running a co-op publication will take place a t noon in the women's centre.

Pat Brennan will lead a creative writing workshop on imagery in writing a t 1 :30 p.m. in SUB 117, and from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. a seminar on the status of women in B.C. i s scheduled f o r SUB 205.

PSYCHOLOGY GRADS OF '78 DINNER & DANCE Saturday,l8th of March Tickets Available ($12.00 per person)

Monday - Friday, 12:30 - 1 :00 pm., Angus 24 Until March 10th'



b 5784 University (Nex t to Bank of Commerce) d

THE CLASSIFIEDS RATES: Campus - 3 tines, 1 day $1.50; additional lines 35c,

Commercial - 3 lines, 1 day $2.50; additinnal lines 5Qc. Additional days $2.25 and 45c.

Classified ads are not accepted by telephone and are payable in advance. Deadline is I f:30 a.m., the day before publication. Publications Office, Room 24 f , S. U.B., USC, Van., B. C. V6T 1 L1/5

5 - Coming Events 85 - Typing (Continued) TYPING - 7% per page. Fast and .o-

669-8479. curate by experienced typist. GorQna,

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2'743010. ers and thesis. 75c per page. Phone

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FAST EFFICI'ENT TYPING near 41st and Marine. 2W50.53.

90 - Wanted

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will have a representative available )n campus on Friday, March 10, 1978 to interview students (all najors) interested in pursuing vlaster's and Ph.D. programs in iusiness. 'lease contact your Placement Iffice for an appointment.

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- " rlTl.-i"~

I SONGFEST '78 Presented by the f raterni t ies and sororities of UBC, tonight, March 9th, 800 p,m. at the Orpheum. The proceeds of the show will benefi t

%e Children's Place." Adults,

able at the door. $250; Students, $1.50. Tickets aval-

AQUA-SOC PARTY. Members only. Fri- day, March loth, 1930-24:OO S.U.B. 207-21)9. ( m t i o n s lZX&13:30 S.U.B. all same day).

10 - For Sale - Commercial '76 HONDA. 8,000 miles Qaaoo. 6694Zl3.

900 a.m. -600 p.m. Dealer Nb. w0508A.

$25,000 40 - Meuager NIOTICzE TO JUDY GARLAND fan, club!

L i za M ine l l i appears in Subfilms' presentation, "New York, New Ymk'.

LISTEN TO the cry ' t h e abmted &. dren. Their cry is a e r ~ r of terror. Heed the i r cry. Professional Circuit

.Aerials Ballet Moguls Mac 25e26,Grouse Mountain

65 - Scandals BREAK A LEG m get released. Come

90 the s k i club's Spring dance for members and guests. Advance t ickets only available in SUB 210 or SUE3 foyer.

SUS PULLED NO-SHOW last Friday. Was th is an a t tempt ta psyche out the opposition? Come out miday, -30 outside SUB and see.

~ ~ ~~~~

Vancouver (National Championship)

CESA. sanctioned Events

70 - Services PREGNANCY TESTS, counselling, e m r -

gency help, free, confidentiil. BIRTH- RIGHT 687-7ZB3, 584-731k

85 - Typing NE'E,D ANY TYPING DONE? phone 689-m.

Page 7: Board protests job cuts. · Board protests job cuts. . m- *Vel. u, No. 59 VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1978 a ’‘ 228-2301 , “matt king photo STUDENT SI-EEPS ON, oblivious

Thursday, March 9, 1978 T H E U B Y S S E Y Page 7 -

Sfudenfs. sav

‘We’re staying here’ From page 3

tives Wednesday and will continue negotiating today.

“Progress has been made, but we’re staying here until those demands are met,” he said.

A five-day Occupation of the university comptroller’s office at Trent 1Jniversity ended Tuesday when the seven occupying students agreed they had accomplished what they set out to do.

The university administration agreed ‘to cancel classes March .16 to allow participation in- the anti- cutbacks march, and will not press charges against the students.

“The occupation has succeeded in creating a resurgence of ac- tivism on the Trent campus,” according to Trent student senator Paul Mason.

About 400 of .the university’s 2,400 students participated in a com- mittee to fight cutbacks mass rally Tuesday, March 7, and will meet

again today to press their demands for an end to tuition increases and improved facilities for students.

At McMaster University, 40 students ended their all-night sit-in at an Ontario students’ assistance program office on campus when they received support from the university’s faculty association for their demand for a half-day can- cellation of classes March 16. The university’s board of governors was meeting at press time and it is not known whether they will comply with the demands.

The McMaster students were also protesting recently leaked proposed changes in the OSAP program, and were demanding the plan allow for an unlimited period of eligibility for grant assistance, independent status for students after 12 months in the work force, a fiveyear freeze on tuition fees, and abolition of differential fees.

The McMaster occupation ~-



SATURDAY, MARCH 11 - 9 P.M. - 1 A.M.

CHATEAU GRANVILLE 1100 Granville Street


NATIVE RIGHTS Thursday, March 9 Buchanan 104 12:30

Daniel Johnson Council for Yukon Indians I Friday, March 10 Buch 104 - 12:30 I Chief Delbert Guerin, Musqueam Indian Band I

~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ __

Women’s - Athletic Association


Thursday, March 9th, 12:30 pm Room 21 1-213 Memorial Gym


Forms Available From Athletic Office, War Memorial Gym

1978179 Men’s Intramural Program Women’s Intramural Program Co-Recreation Intramural Program

Applicants are invited to fil l the position of Intramural Director for each of the above programs for the 119’78-79 academic year. Several Associate Direletor positions are also available.

Those interested should contact the Intramural Office (Rm. 208 - War Memorial Gym - 228-2401) before March IO, 1978.

started Tuesday after 100 students at a general meeting to discuss the March 16 rally decided more action was needed, particularly in light of the aid changes leaked Sunday by the Ontario federation of students.

The McMaster student union did not take a position on the oc- cupation, but council members were involved.

At Trent, the student union supported the occupation in principle and has endorsed the objectives and activities of the campus cutbacks committee. Spokesperson Paul Mason said he expected financial support would

granted to the commit&- 1


438-6496 4857 Kingsway, Burnaby ,“I“”“


UBC Directed Study ‘78

General Information The Office of Extra-Sessional Studies in conjunction with various UBC departments, offers the following seven Spring and Summer Session courses in locations outside of British Columbia. Costs generally include application and registration fees as necessary, air and course-related ground travel, some accommodations and meals. For an informational brochure on individual courses, write or telephone:

The Office of Extra Sessional Studies, UBC, 6323 Cecil Green Park Road, (228-2581 1.

Education Education 490 section 968 (3 units), Special Studies in Elementary Education: Field Study of Community Education in Australia - A study of the objectives, programmes, processes, personnel, facili- ties, and support systems of community education in Australia, in the Melbourne area, Adelaide, Ballarat, and selected rural townships. July 1 - August 15: $1850 . $1943; $210 deposit deadline April 1.

Education 490 section 969 (3 [units) Special Studies in Elementary Education: Field Study of Educational Provisions for Maladjusted and Autistic Children in England - The historical background and present practices related to education of maladjusted and autistic children plus visits to schools and residential centres in the Birmingham area. June 16 - August 8 (main study tour June 16 - July 14; remainder free time): $1378 - $1487; Deposit deadline March 16.

Education 508 section 969 (6 units) Review of Research in Educational Methods: French in Quebec - Research into the development of elementary or secondary French programs. July 3 - August 4 $1 576 (students may apply for a $800 Federal bursary if desired); deposit deadline April 3.

English English 365 section 969 (3 units) Shak- espeare in London and Strat- ford-upon-Avon, England - Morning lectures on Shakespearean plays and evening attendance a t a variety of Shake- spearean works where students may discuss performances etc. with members of the Royal Shakespearean Theatre. July

deposit deadline April 1. 1 - August 5: $1452 - $1512; $210

Library Science Library Science 661 section 969 - ( l % units) Historical Bibliography in England - British libraries hold important collec- tions of some of the greatest books with some of the libraries holding significant histor ic association with particular aspects of the book trade; both aspects will be studied in libraries in London, Oxford, Cambridge etc. July 7 - August 19: $1720 - $1810; $210 deposit dead- line April 7.

Fine Arts Fine Arts 397 section 968 (3 units) Historical Techniques: Sculpture, Paint- ing, Fine Arts, and Applied Design as it relates to Architecture in Europe - The tour will attempt to cover most of the works of art, sculpture and architectural design in Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, Limoges, Carcassone, Nimes, Florence, Rome, Venice and Munich. June 30 - August 21 : $1395 - $1500; $210 deposit deadline April 1.

Fine Arts 397 section 969 (3 units) The Renaissance in England in London - Studying the influence of the Italian and French Renaissance on English Art, archi- tecture, and sculpture from the Tudor period to the mid-1850‘s. July 7 - August 19: $1310 - $1395; $210 deposit dead- line April 7.

Note: Course to Peru now filled.


Page 8: Board protests job cuts. · Board protests job cuts. . m- *Vel. u, No. 59 VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1978 a ’‘ 228-2301 , “matt king photo STUDENT SI-EEPS ON, oblivious

Page 8 T H E U B Y S S E Y Thursday, March 9, 1978

Financial Summer job outlookgloomy,

Post report states OTTAWA (CUP) - A province-

by-province list of manufacturing and mining layoffs compiled by the Financial Post lays out the problems students are going to have finding work this summer.

There won't be many big-money jobs this summer - many of the 50,000 jobs that have disappeared are from traditional summer employers of students, such as Inco and the forestry companies in B.C.

Althugh these jobs have enabled many students to return to school in the fall in previous years, they don't exist any more.

The major layoffs in the Atlantic provinces are in important manufacturing jobs: 1,300 jobs lost in Newfoundland at Alcan in St. Lawrence, Iron Ore Co. in Labrador City, and Labrador Linerboard in Stephenville; and 3,500 jobs in Nova Scotia at Hawker-Siddeley in Halifax and Sysco, a government-owned plant in Truro.

In New Brunswick the problem areas are forestry and con- struction where almost 7,000 jobs no longer exist. Real employment in New Brunswick is in fact down






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- the only province where the employment level hasn't at least grown even if it hasn't kept up with the growing labor force.

Forty per cent of the country's layoffs have occurred in Quebec, where unemployment is now more than 12 per cent. The textile, paper, furniture and rubber industries have all been hard hit.

The level of employment in manufacturing declined by almost 30,000 in 1977, according to the Post; in agriculture by 2,000 and in transportation by 10,000. The situation has been only partially offset by a massive increase in public employment, up by almost 10 per cent.

2,800 workers is merely the tip of the iceberg," says the Post. In Ontario 10,000 workers have been laid off in the past four months in almost all sectors: mining, manufacturing, electrical in- dustries, transportation and equipment, automobiles and ap- pliances. A prolonged U.S. coal miners' strike could mean tem- porary layoffs for more than 45,000.

The provincial government is the source of most layoffs in Manitoba. More than 1,600 jobs have been lost through a slowdown in Hydro projects alone.

Inco's layoffs in Thompson, Man. may be complemented by a four- to seven-week shutdown this sum-

"Inco's spectacular layoff of mer.

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