1 Board Members President-Mike Jacobs Vice President-David Fosmire Secretary-Sue Cox Treasurer-John Hollinrake Activities-Brian Branagan Building and Remodel- Robert Allen Clubhouse-Harley O’Neil Grounds-Kathi Peterson Reserves-Rick Leary Activities Announcements 1 June Agenda 2 Greg Staley Memorial 2 May Meeting Minutes 3 Tennis Registration 6 Bulletin Board 8 Inside this issue: May 2013 Bulletin Activities Announcements Domenick Dellino, left, shows off his Man Cave to Dace Campbell, Kenny Drake and Mark Latz Man Cave Tour--Our first “Men’s Night Out” was so successful the men in the neighborhood are clamoring for more. There were four Man Caves featured including a “retro” Man Cave garage with well- organized tools, a room-sized model train set, an affordable home theater set up and a bachelor pad with a rock memorabilia collec- tion. Before the tour began, everyone met at the Clubhouse to en- joy appetizers of smoked duck and salmon and the first two flights of the eight Scotch whiskies featured throughout the evening while learning from experts from Definitive Audio and Fusion 9 Design on how to equip a Man Cave. Kelly Sanders also gave a presentation on the different regions of Scotland where the whiskies came from and the qualities of each on hand. Many thanks to our Man Cave (Continued on page 3)

Board Members - Innis Arden

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Board Members

President-Mike Jacobs

Vice President-David Fosmire

Secretary-Sue Cox

Treasurer-John Hollinrake

Activities-Brian Branagan

Building and Remodel-

Robert Allen

Clubhouse-Harley O’Neil

Grounds-Kathi Peterson

Reserves-Rick Leary

Activities Announcements 1

June Agenda 2

Greg Staley Memorial 2

May Meeting Minutes 3

Tennis Registration 6

Bulletin Board 8

Inside this issue:

May 2013 Bulletin

Activities Announcements

Domenick Dellino, left, shows off his Man Cave to Dace Campbell, Kenny Drake and Mark Latz

Man Cave Tour--Our first “Men’s Night Out” was so successful the

men in the neighborhood are clamoring for more. There were four

Man Caves featured including a “retro” Man Cave garage with well-

organized tools, a room-sized model train set, an affordable home

theater set up and a bachelor pad with a rock memorabilia collec-

tion. Before the tour began, everyone met at the Clubhouse to en-

joy appetizers of smoked duck and salmon and the first two flights

of the eight Scotch whiskies featured throughout the evening while

learning from experts from Definitive Audio and Fusion 9 Design on

how to equip a Man Cave. Kelly Sanders also gave a presentation on

the different regions of Scotland where the whiskies came from

and the qualities of each on hand. Many thanks to our Man Cave

(Continued on page 3)


Agenda for the June 11, 2013 7:00 PM Board Meeting

1. Approve minutes 2. Committee Reports

A. Treasurer B. President/Vice President C. Secretary D. Building and Remodels — None Scheduled E. Activities F. Grounds G. Clubhouse H. Reserves

3. Board Agenda 4. Community Comments 5. Adjourn

Do you have any new neighbors? If so, please contact the Hospitality Committee so they can deliver a welcome packet. The hospitality commit-tee is:

Lella Norberg 542-4949

Blockwatch Reminder

Please report criminal activity to police at 911 (emergency) or 296-3311 (non-emergency) as well as to [email protected]. See https://www.crimereports.com/ for crime reports. Enter any address and ‘search’.

Greg Staley Memorial

Innis Arden residents Jim and Sonja Staley lost their son Greg in 2007 due to complications from schizophrenia. The family is donating two inscribed park benches for the clubhouse grounds in their son Greg's memory. Greg spent a lot of time at the clubhouse growing up, especially in the pool and on the pathway, so Jim and Sonja felt the club-house would be the best place to honor Greg. The park benches will replicate the benches in front of the

Kruckeberg Gardens and each will be inscribed with a unique dedication to Greg. The benches have been ordered and will be installed at the clubhouse upon their arrival. Here is a biography Jim and Sonja wrote to share with the Innis Arden community: “Greg was our first child. He was born in Davis, California in 1964 and lived with us in Michigan and North Carolina before we moved to the Seattle area in 1971. Greg was a delightful, spirited youth who was interested in many dif-ferent activities. At the time he attended Shorewood High School, he was on the football, swim and tennis teams. Also he was school photographer for the student paper. Greg played drums in the High School Band and Jazz Band and was a Boy Scout. He loved swimming in the In-nis Arden pool and being on the IA swim team. He en-joyed traveling with us to Australia, Hawaii, Tahiti, Tonga, Samoa, Fiji, Florida, Canada and the Caribbean. As one of his cousins recently commented, “When Greg came to vis-it, it was like the circus coming to town!” He completed his first year at Washington State University in Pullman before he became ill with schizophrenia, which made life very difficult for him. He died in 2007. We wish to pay tribute to his short but full life and his love for Innis Arden by providing two commemorative benches along the jog-ging trail and near the pool and playgrounds that he en-joyed so much. We want to thank all the family and friends who contributed to Greg’s memorial. We also thank the Innis Arden Club and Swimming Club for their support of this endeavor.” --Jim and Sonja Staley and sister Wendy Staley Colbert On behalf of the Innis Arden Board of Directors and share-holders, I would like to thank the Staley family for their generous and thoughtful donation to the clubhouse grounds in memory of Greg. I know the benches will be used and appreciated by the many visitors who spend time at the clubhouse each week. —Kathi Peterson, Grounds Chair


hosts whose identities will remain a secret, to

Maggie Tabor for smoking good and gamey appetiz-

ers, and to Brian Branagan and Kelly Sanders for

putting on this event. The Activities Committee

welcomes ideas from the Innis Arden community

for the next Men's Night Out event.

Activities Committee Social on June 2nd at 7PM

Please join us for a quick meeting followed by

drinks and appetizers. Come and socialize with

your neighbors. The purpose of this meeting is to

meet people and find out what the Activities Com-

mittee is all about. All are welcome. We are look-

ing for new faces and fresh ideas. Meeting held at

Randi Fattizzi’s house – 17750 13th Ave NW. Hope

to see you there.

Field Day and Chili Cook-Off: June 23rd

Do you ever long for the good-ole-days of neigh-

borhood picnics, three-legged races, and tug-a-war

competitions? What about the ice cream cups,

lemonade, and egg-spoon race? Well, your Innis

Arden Activities Committee is sponsoring what we

hope will be a new neighborhood tradition – the

Innis Arden Field Day and Chili Cook-off.

This new event is scheduled for June 23rd and will

include something for everyone who shows up!

From a bike trip through Innis Arden, scavenger

hunt thru the Reserves, to 3 on 3 basketball, gunny

-sack races, and water balloon toss. We’ll even

throw in a little free-spirited competition amongst

the Innis Arden Divisions! Plus our neighborhood

chefs will have a chance to show off their chili

cooking skills with a friendly taste-off.

Everyone can participate and anyone can help! Re-

mote events will begin Sunday morning while the

majority of the activities will run from 1pm - 5pm

Sunday afternoon at the Innis Arden fields and

Club House. We're looking for Field Masters,

Event Managers, Chili Chefs and many other volun-

teers. If you'd like to help or learn more about the

event send a note to [email protected].

Get a jump start on summer and share your com-

munity spirit at this wonderful new event!

Annual Salmon BBQ – Come See Some Changes on

Wednesday, July 24th. We are making some chang-

es to our Annual Salmon Barbeque. Many of you

remember when the barbeque was held on a week-

day in July. Just to mix things up, we are going to

try that this year. Put Wednesday, July 24th on

your evening calendar and come see what other

changes we will make. There will be live music and

the pool will be open to everyone. June Howard

and Randi Fattizzi will co-chair the event so tell

them if you can help out.

(Continued from page 1)

INNIS ARDEN BOARD MEETING – May 14, 2013 The May 14, 2013 Board meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by President Mike Jacobs. Board members pre-sent: John Hollinrake, Mike Jacobs, Sue Cox, David Fos-mire, Bob Allen, Brian Branagan and Harley O’Neil. Ab-sent: Kathi Peterson and Rick Leary. The minutes of the April 9, 2013 Board meeting were ap-proved as published. PRESIDENT – Mike Jacobs: The Club reached an agreement with Frazer Cook with regard to the Club vs. Cook lawsuit arising from the Town vs. Cook Compliance

Petition and decision. Mr. Cook has agreed to pay the Club $26,000 in attorney's fees and $26,000 in fines. The Club will rebate $2000 provided he removes from his boundary vegetation, all invasives and underbrush, eliminates habi-tat for pests and vermin, and creates a neat appearance by June 30, 2013. He will be required to reduce the height of his boundary vegetation every two years or be subject to court action, including injunctive relief. The Club will return $7000 if he height reduces all his boundary vegetation to six feet, including trees he asserts are not part of the hedge, by June 30, 2013.

(Continued on page 4)


With regard to the Martsolf vs. Wright Compliance matter, a hearing will be held tomorrow night at 7:30 p.m. to con-sider Mr. Wright's request that the fines imposed by the Club be rescinded. A survey of the Porter property was ordered and Dave will check on the status. We will have a conflict with a large Swim Club meet on the second Tuesday of July (the Board’s regular meeting date) so it was agreed to change the July Board meeting to the 10


VICE-PRESIDENT – Dave Fosmire: There is a new com-pliance matter concerning a residence at 1038 NW Innis Arden Drive where the home has been foreclosed. GROUNDS – Kathi Peterson: (Harley read Kathi’s report in her absence.) Greg has begun seasonal mowing every Thursday. This past week he planted new perennial bed-ding plants around the clubhouse patio and moved the first of several Japanese Maples from the entrance to the club-house. He's also spread more woodchips on the flower-beds for weed control and repaired some broken sprinkler heads. Thanks to those who have continued to place plastic bags in the containers around the clubhouse for doggie poop. Cleaning up after one's dog helps keep the grounds an enjoyable and clean place for everyone to visit. Someone in the audience pointed out the trash cans are not being emptied weekly and Harley will check with Greg to see that this task is done. Harley read a note from Sonja and Jim Staley regarding the benches donated in memory of their son, Greg. Their letter will be published in the Bulletin. Entrance – Jean Muir: The Entrance Committee is excited

to report some significant progress since last month. The City of Shoreline signed off on the clearing and grading and right of way permits and determined that a signage permit was not required since the proposed sign is on Innis Arden property. The initial right of way and erosion control protections have passed inspection as well. Lucinda Clark, Danielle Angiono, and Juniper Nammi of the City Planning

Department have been particularly helpful in accomplishing these steps. A celebratory meeting was held on April 29 with the vari-ous contractors and sub-contractors involved in the project to coordinate the work and kick things off on the project. If you have been by the entrance, you have noticed that new soil has been added to the central island, the Innis Arden sign has been moved to the back of the area and will be there until the permanent sign is completed, and the sign monument footing has been poured. In the last two days, the core wall has been erected and it will shortly be covered by rocky mountain ledge stone and the blue stone cap. Next steps include installing the lighting on the sign monu-ment, installing the deep blue gray powder-coated steel letters, staining the concrete circles, installing the blue stone cap on the circles and the rocky mountain ledge stone on the planter boxes. The planting of the central is-land will follow shortly. Depending on the weather, this part of the project should be completed by early – mid June. To date, the project is within both budget and schedule. BUILDING & REMODEL – Bob Allen: Bob moved that the Board approve the plans for Hull, 18411 – 17

th Ave

NW, enlarging decks, to be approved. The motion was seconded and carried. A motion by Bob to approve the Bley request to tear down an existing home and build a new home (1533 NW 190

th St) was seconded and unani-

mously approved. TREASURER – John Hollinrake: The cash balance on April 30 was $340,095 and accounts payable were $213. Year-to-date expenditures are approximately $9,775 below budget. Unpaid mandatory dues for 2013 are $31,249. A list of shareholders delinquent in paying 2013 dues has been provided to the Swim Club. CLUBHOUSE – Harley O’Neil: The Clubhouse was rent-ed for the following events in April: a retirement party, and celebrations for 100

th, and 80

th a centennial and 80

th birth-

days. Total deposits were $1,000.00 and damage deposits were refunded for $450.00. Photos of the Clubhouse were updated on the website to reflect the beautifully maintained grounds and Innis Arden Clubhouse sign. In addition a sketch diagram with meas-urements is also available on the website to help with dec-oration and room arrangement planning. Holiday events are already being planned, so please con-tact Elizabeth soon if you are thinking about events over the next 4-6 months. Watch for an on-line calendar coming soon to the Innis Arden website, and a new recycling program at both the pool and clubhouse. (Submitted by Elizabeth Yurczyk.) Please contact Elizabeth Yurczyk at (206) 550-7007 or by e-mail at [email protected] In order to add a recycle collection bin, a 10’ x 10’ base of poured concrete or maybe concrete blocks needs to be added near the garbage bin. Harley estimates it will cost around $350 and he will see that the job is done.

(Continued from page 3)

(Continued on page 5)


Regarding the retaining wall issue, we have the permits and now we’re waiting for the contractor to start working on the project. ACTIVITIES – Brian Branagan: Man Cave Tour - Saturday, May 4th 6-9pm -- The First-Ever Innis Arden Man Cave Tour was a great success. Eighteen people attended, including two guests from out-side the neighborhood. There were four Man Caves fea-tured. Attendees enjoyed smoked duck appetizers provid-ed by Maggie Tabor, a flight of whiskies at the start of the event, and heard presentations about how to equip a Man Cave. Many thanks to our Man Cave hosts whose identi-ties will remain a secret and to the event chairs Kelly Sand-ers and Brian Branagan. Tennis Program -- The Tennis Program is open for resi-dent and non-resident registration. Mackenzie Bang and Hunter Nelsen will coach. Please contact Shelley Brodersen and Karen Sando for more information. Field Day and Chili Cook-Off – Sunday, June 23

rd, 1-5pm --

Field Day planning is moving forward with a final list of events in the works. We are seeking volunteers to help coordinate events throughout the day. We are also looking for participants for the Chili Cook-off. If you’re interested in either please email [email protected] Salmon BBQ – Wednesday, July 24th -- We are still look-ing for a volunteer to chair this much-loved event. June Howard will call people to find volunteers for the supporting positions. Randi Fattizzi is looking at having a live band play. Since the pool will be open, we are looking at not having the bouncy house this year. Please contact Randi Fattizi if you would like to help this event to happen Mark your calendar for these 2013 community events Events Date Chairs Bridge Marathon Ongoing Nirmila Dash Tennis Program Spring/Summer Shelley Brodersen and Karen Sando Innis Arden Field Day Sunday, 6/23 Brian Branagan and Chili Cook-Off Tasting and Kelly Sanders Salmon BBQ Wed. 7/24 NEED CHAIR Oktoberfest early Oct. Tim and Mary Cleaveland, Sheri Miller Holiday Party 12/8 Julie and Kelly Sanders Next Meeting: The next Activities Committee meeting will be Monday June 3rd at 7pm at Randi Fattizzi’s home. NATURAL RESERVES – Rick Leary (Sue read Rick’s report): The 100 ft. section of trail that was destroyed by the mud slide in Boeing Creek was permanently repaired by EarthCorps. It took three days to accomplish the work. The trail was moved 5 ft. to the south so that the French drains put in by Innis Arden residents earlier this year will continue to drain water from the edge of the trail. Both Al Wagar and I talked with the crew everyday to make sure that they didn't damage the French Drain and that they had the supplies that they needed. Eleven steps were added to the steeper part of the trail. Maggie Taber contributed the tie downs used to hold down the burlap fabric to cover the exposed soil created by the slide. Strawberry plants were planted into the soil through the burlap fabric. Several Sword Ferns that were dug up

when the trail was moved were split and replanted along-side the trail. The new trail bed consists of a layer of large spall rock, 5/8 minus crushed rock, and a surface of fine crushed rock. John Hushagen picked up and delivered the rock to Boeing Creek; this probably saved Innis Arden resi-dents $500 in delivery fees. So far I have had good feed-back on the trail repair from several residents. The city has just approved 25 hazardous trees for pruning or removal. These trees are located in Eagle Reserve (18), Blue Heron Reserve (2), Running Water Reserve (2) Coyote Reserve (1), and Boeing Creek Reserve (2). The work on these trees will probably be done in June after we go through the process of getting bids. Some trees will need to be planted in place of trees removed, depending upon the arborist's recommendations. Ed Barnes, a Fire Marshal with Shoreline Fire Department, planted 10,000 Coho Salmon in upper Boeing Creek near the Seattle Golf Course Dam. With luck some will return in 3 years. This last year Ed Reported that more than 40 Co-ho and Chum returned to Boeing Creek. COUNCIL OF NEIGHBORHOODS – June Howard: The Council of Neighborhoods met Wednesday, May 1, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at the Shoreline City Hall. Lee Lageschulte and June Howard represented Innis Arden. Lee Lageschulte served on the nominating committee for the CON. June Howard was elected Secretary of the Council of Neighbor-hoods for the year 2013-2014. The CON has chosen a new logo from among the entries submitted. The new logo was presented at the meeting and a $250 check given to the designer. Sergeant Katie Larsen, Criminal Investigations Unit, Shore-line Police, made a presentation regarding crime preven-tion and crime analysis. The Shoreline City Council web-site has extensive information regarding these topics. (CityofShoreline.com) Council Member Will Hall attended and spoke briefly at the meeting. The CON will again have a presence at the Shoreline Farmer’s Market and Celebrate Shoreline this year. BOARD AGENDA: John Hollinrake and Mike Jacobs have reworked some By Law amendments, but first the Board needs to have an Executive Session with Peter Eglick before the changes are presented to the sharehold-ers. There was some discussion on the cost to install some plants at the entrance earlier than planned, but we’ve missed one of the prime planting seasons so the next planting will take place this fall. The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. and turned over to Mark Relph to speak on the impact of nine coal trains as well as the status of the Point Wells development and im-pact on Innis Arden streets. Innis Arden residents are urged to take part in upcoming meetings if we’re to have any input on these intrusions. Sue Cox, Secretary

(Continued from page 4)



The Innis Arden Activities Committee is proud to sponsor the 2013 tennis program. Our program provides QuickStart-inspired instruction for girls and boys ages 6-16, team tennis, adult classes, and drop-in drills (new this year!) All residents and non-residents are eligible to participate in the Innis Arden Tennis Program activities.


Sign-up Deadline 06/14/13

Class Session (6 weeks) 06/24/13 – 08/02/13

Team Tennis Matches 07/10/13 – 08/07/13

End-of-Season Party 8/4/13

Classes - All classes meet twice weekly for 6 weeks (12 lessons) for 1-hour at the Innis Arden Tennis Courts. 1-2 make up classes may be offered the week of 8/5 to cover any rained out classes. Coaches - We are excited to welcome back MacKenzie Bang as our head coach. MacKenzie was the Assistant Coach for 3 years, and head Coach last year. She grew up taking lessons and playing tennis at IA and Shorewood. She is currently a Junior at Seattle Pacific University. Our returning assistant coach is Hunter Nelson. Hunter just finished his Freshman year at Whitman. Hunter also took lessons at Innis Arden, played for IA tennis, and Shorewood. We are very happy to have MacKenzie and Hunter returning as coaches this year. Registration – Follow the instructions on the attached form to register. Class rosters will be posted on the board across from the tennis courts by June 23rd.


YOUTH BEGINNER: This class is generally recommended for children 6-8 years old and is a good introduction for kids who have had no formal tennis exposure. These participants are essentially 1st time players who want to learn the fundamentals of the game. Tracking and contacting the ball will be a focus of this class with an introduction to forehand, backhand and volleys (possibly serves). Confidence through FUN & success is important for these kids. ADVANCED BEGINNER: This class is generally recommended for children 9 and up. These players have a foundational understanding of the game of tennis and know the fundamentals of backhand, forehand & volleys. Emphasis will be on developing strokes, consistency of play and the basics of scoring all in a FUN environment to develop a love of tennis. INTERMEDIATE: Players must have a solid understanding of the game of tennis, as well as strategy. Players have mastered the fundamentals of basic strokes & can serve the ball from the service line. Improvement of volleys & net play will be the focus of instruction. Instruction will also focus on base line play. The importance of sportsmanship will be emphasized. ADULT BEGINNER/ADVANCED BEGINNER: These classes are designed to give adults an opportunity to play & learn with others. Instruction will cover fundamental tennis strokes. No previous tennis experience is required. Considerable amount of instruction will be given to developing and refining forehand, backhand, volleys & serves. Participants learn through specific stroke drills & match play. COMPETITION: Players must have a very solid understanding of tennis rules & court etiquette during match play. These players are able to clearly understand the concepts of winning & losing. Players are able to enjoy being partnered with other players to compete. Players are dedicated to practice and enjoy playing competitively. There is consistency with forehands, backhands, volleys and serves. Players must be able to keep score within a tennis game format. These players have good agility, balance & coordination. TENNIS TEAM: Players who are ready for competitive matches are encouraged to sign up for Tennis Team. Innis Arden participates in the North End Junior Tennis League (similar to swim team format) and plays in 5 matches on Wednesday afternoons at league tennis courts in the north Seattle area. The schedule is determined by the League and will run from July 10th through August 7th.

Drop-in Drills for Adults and Teens Organized workout designed to make the student hit a maximum number of balls for an hour, using all the basic strokes; ball machines are often

used. First-come and pay-as-you-go format. Drop-in Drills are held 1-2 times per week. Schedule will be posted on bulletin board across from courts.


2013 INNIS ARDEN TENNIS REGISTRATION FORM Complete this form for each participant and mail to the address below BEFORE June 14th. Include a $10 late fee for each player after June 14th.

IAAC - Attn: Shelley Brodersen 16725 15th Avenue NW, Shoreline, WA 98177

Make checks payable to: IAAC (or Innis Arden Activities Committee)

Include a $10 late fee per player for registration after June 14th.

Non-resident fee an additional $10 per class per participant.

Class rosters will be posted on the board across from the tennis courts June 24th. For additional questions regarding the registration process, contact Shelley at [email protected] or 425.381.3060.

PLAYER’S NAME___________________________________________________________________________CHILD’S AGE_______ PARENT/GUARDIAN’S NAME__________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS__________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PHONE______________________________________EMAIL________________________________________________________

Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT SHELLEY BRODERSEN FOR PRIVATE/SEMI-PRIVATE LESSON INFORMATION.

Class Title/Description Days Time Resident Fee Non-resident


Youth Beginner (ages 6-8 ) T/Th 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. $95

Youth Beginner (ages 6-8 ) M/W 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. $95

Advanced Beginner (ages 9 and up) T/TH 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 a.m. $95

Advanced Beginner (ages 9 and up) M/W 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. $95

Intermediate (11 and up) T/Th 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. $95

Intermediate (11 and up) M/W 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. $95

Adult Beginner/Advanced Beginner T/Th 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. $95

Adult Beginner/Advanced Beginner M/W 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. $95

Competition class M/F 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. 2:00 - 3:00 (assigned by skill level)


Tennis Team (includes FREE T-shirt) W Matches are from 12:30 - 3:30 p.m. starting approx. 7/6


T-shirt (optional purchase if not on Team) Circle Size YS/YM/YL/YXL/AS/AM/AL/AXL $10




P.O. Box 60038 Richmond Beach, WA 98160

We’re on the Web! www.innisarden.com


Activities Meeting June 3, 7:00 at Randi’s

Board Meeting June 11, 7:00 PM

Field Day and Chili Cook-Off June 23

At the Clubhouse

Deadline for June Bulletin— June 16th

Community Notices (no anonymous items) Carol Solle, 542-4978 [email protected]

17061 12th Avenue N.W.

Remodels—Robert Allen 542-3219


U.S. Postage


Seattle. WA

Permit No. 12410

Open House: June 29th 1 pm to 4 pm

Come see our electric meter

spin backwards and enjoy

some refreshments. Last

year we installed a 6.63 KW

system as part of our home

remodel (26 solar pan-

els). Take advantage of the

IA sun exposure, reduce or

eliminate your electric bill

and help the environment. The installers will be here

to answer questions. Caroline Mandich & Mark Davies

at 1045 NW Innis Arden Drive.

Attention Graduating Seniors!

The June issue of the Bulletin will feature students in

our neighborhood who are graduating from high

school or college this year. If you know someone who

fits this description, please email the editor at

[email protected] by June 16th. Please include the

school, area of study and future plans.

Note about keys:

If you are moving out of the neighborhood, please

remember to give your reserve and/or tennis keys to

Reserves Chair Rick Leary (546-2516)

From the City

Shoreline SummerSet 2013 – A Celebration of the

Arts in Shoreline is looking for enthusiastic Shoreline

residents to help plan the event. This second annual

festival will be held at Ronald Bog Park on Saturday,

September 7th. You do not have to be an artist but

you do need to reside in Shoreline and be someone

who would enjoy planning an afternoon of art, music,

and nature exploration for all ages. If this appeals to

you, please contact Cynthia Knox

at [email protected] or Kathy Plant at

[email protected] or 206-372-3234.

Innis Arden Bulletin Board