Two ^4 AfBMtyJ* iffunwAPf Mi:w 8 FOR FARM&H(»VIE SUPPLIES PHONE Maigaretville 0871 Dugan &. Taber bdnpontot BIABOABETVmjB, K. T. t« e M p you SAVE ONEV' Rain or shine, hot or cold, the postman will take your money fo City & County to build up your savings account. No need to go out when the weather's bod or it’s inconvenient to get downtown. And you don't have any parking problems. Jurt bank by mail and save this safe, easy way at C’ lty & County Savings Bank. Current Dividend per OMNiM Dividends Credited and Compounded Quarterly aONUS DivMaiid Days Evwy Menlh Serving the Thrifty Since 18501 100 STATE STREET AUANY 1, N.Y. ______ MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY Enelowd find my first depoiil of $_ PImm optn a savingi account for ma and moil passbook to address btlow. U rM mdJ cnk, mt ItfliiwaJM *H □S « n d FXEE Folder on Bonking by Moll M—W ftitnlOaptfM linwonctCorpofotfai S p a r k lin g Clean! A new electric range will leave your pots and pans white glove clean. Y our cu rtains and wood- work, too. Pots stay clean on the inside, as well as the outside, because the low “sim m er” heat on an electric range puts an end to sticking. Let your dealer show you the electric way to cleaner cooking. ‘‘Live Better . . . Electrically” NEW YORK STATE ELECTRIC & GAS Andes By Bin. Iva Ferris Andes, Sept. 18 Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Fleury and children, Carol, Loretta, Richard, Jeane and Christina, spent last Satiirday and Sunday in Calli- coon. They attended the wed- ding of Mrs. Fleury’? sister, Ruth Kurzeveil, to Thaddeus Manouse on Sunday. Carol was the brides- maid and Loretta was the maid of honor for their aunt. The Girls circle of the United Presbyterian churdi held a picnic last Tuesday evening on the lawn at the home of Miss Ann Ed- wards. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miller mo- tOTed to Fredcmia on Thursday to take their son, Robert Miller, who enters his junior year at Fre- donia Teachers college. His par- ents returned Friday. Mrs. Homer Burgin of Sidney was a guest Thursday afternoon of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Vaino Westerllng. ITie faculty of the Andes cen- tral school held a picnic at the school Wednesday evening. Principal and Mrs. Robert Foland, sons, Richard and Terry, accompanied by Freddie Temming, spent the weekend camping at Azure mountain in the Adiron dacks. Mrs. Mural Miller entertained her Sunday school class last-Tues- day evening at a picnic. The Women’s Society of Chris- tian Service, circle two, of the Methodist church will meet with Mrs. Earle Woolheater on Wed- nesday, Sept. 26. Mr .and Mrs. John Jakszewski and daughter, Loma, were Sun- day guests of Miss Phyllis Col- pitts at Richmondville. Mrs. Ella Ochs gave a reading at the Village Improvement so- ciety meeting at the home of Mrs. John Jakszewski last Wednesday evening. Robert Wright, son of Rev. and Mrs. R. V. E. Wright, enters his sophomore year at Westminster college at New Wilmington, Pa. He accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Decker to New Wilm- ington Friday, where they visited their daughter, Mrs. Wendell Wagner, over the weekend. Ralph Tryon, physical ed teach- er at the Andes central school, was Saturday and Sunday guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Tryon, at Marathon. Mrs. Lillian Perkins of Bing- hamton was a weekend guest of her cousins, the Misses Elizabeth and Marjorie Bruce. Miss Arvilla Taylor left this week for Winter Haven, FIel Miss Ann Wright, nurse at Columbia hospital, Pittsburg, Pa., arrived Satur^y to spend ten days with her parents, Rev. arfi Mrs. R. V^ E. Wright.' Herbert Shea of New York city spent the w^kend with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. TTiomas Degnan. Home on Furlough PFC Eugene Shaver, stationed at Fort Monmouth, N. J., spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Shaver. Mr. and Mrs. Harland Jester attended a family dinner Simday at the Worcester hotel, to help her father, Leslie MacNaughton, celebrate his birthday. • Joseph Jakszewslii wsis Thurs- day until Sunday guest of his son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dzurissis, Sidney. Miss Janet Edweu-ds, freshman at Potsdam State Teachers col- lege, and Gordon Edwards, a senior at Clarkson college, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clide Edwards. Mrs. Edith Hubbard of Albany visited friends in Andes Saturday. Mr. alid Mrs. Harold Miller were Sunday guests of relatives in Liberty. Mr. and Mrs. Allie Bramley of Unadilla were Thursday guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Jakszewski. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Glendening and children of Endicott were weekend guests of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Arch Glendening. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jackson and children of Binghamton were weekend guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Roney. Mr. and Mrs. George Redden and children were weekend guests at the home of her mother, Mrs. Jay Mould, at Westford. Mrs. William Ruff gave a baby shower Saturday for Mrs. Joseph Whittaker. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Van Steen- burg* entertained the' past week- end Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Farrell, Charles Ebert of Pittman, N. J., and Pete Ebert of Deposit. A special meeting was called Monday evening by the American Legion Auxiliary president, Mrs. W. J. Roney. The meeting was held with Mrs. Lawrence Emer- son. Rev. Bruce Barrett of Robards, Ky., was a guest for a couple of days of his brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bar- rett. He was guest preacher at the Methodist church and the Pleasant Valley church Simday. Mr. and Mrs. Jlay Northrup of Walton and Mre. Bess Sloan of Sidney were guests Sunday after- noon of his cousins, Mrs. Alice MiUer. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Emer- son spent a weekend recently with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Jenks, in Morris- ville. Mrs. Anna Brisbane and sc«. Grant, of Dingle hill were Sun- day. guests of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clide Edwards. The IS^es Elizabeth and Mar- jorie Bnice returned to their home Friday evening after spend- Pine HiU By IM ts. Helen Merwln Pine Hill, Sept. 18 Wayne and Larry Decker spent the weekend with their father and grandmother at Hobart. Mrs. Otto Spehr of Arkville and Mrs. F. F. VanKeuren of High- mount were Thursday afternoon guests of Mrs. Mildren Edmiston. Mrs. Thomas Healey is spend- ing several days with her daugh- ter at White Plains. Miss Betty Remick is eniployed as nurse for the baby daughter of Mrs. Edward T. Shean, who spent the summer in Dry Brook. Sun- day they went to Mrs. Shean’s home at Greenwich, C<Min., for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Fred N. Remidc, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur H. Dittmer of Lockport are spending several days at the Lane bungalow on Rose mountain. Mrs. I. Hershkowitz and Mrs. Grossman are spending a few days in Bnxrfdyn. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rosenthal, Diane and Jayne, of Syosset, L. L, spent from Friday until Monday with Mrs. Dreifus and Miss Mae Pessenar. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ahrensfeldt of New York were recent guests of his sister. Miss Betty Ahrens- feldt. Audrey Stanzl of Hoboken cele- brated her 18th birthday Sept. 15. She spent the weekend at the A. Rothman home. After attending the movies at Margaretville, they dined at Al’s diner in Phoenicia to celebrate. Mr. and Mrs. James Gaughan Sr. and famUy of Cooperstown were Sunday guests of Marguerite and Elsie Smith. Ten members of the Ladies Aid Society of the Community, church enjoyed their annual luncheon party at Kass’ Thursday noon. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Oster- houdt spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Stuart Pierce, and famUy at Oneonta. Richard Bertrand of Colonie spent Wednesday here with his parents. Grace Shaw and Bob Remick are both owners of a 1956 Plymouth. at Keesler air base, Biloxi, Miss., where he attended school. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Bertrand, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schaedle spent from Thursday until Sat- urday at Lake George and at- tended a watCT company conven- tion at the Sagamore hotel. Arthur Schwartz of East Orange, N. J., spent the weekend with his uncle and aunt in Chelsea Park. Mr. and Mrs. Her- bert Dawson of Margaretville joined the Schwartz family at din- ner Friday veening. Caught Bride’s Bouquet Mr. and Mrs. John Pfenning and J(^ce attended the weddSng of his cousin, Miss Geraldine Pfenning, and Kenneth Kafka, both of Brooklyn, Saturday af- ternoon. At the reception Joyce caught the bride’s bouquet Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hamilton and children have moved from the Vredenburgh farm house below the village to an apartment in Rich- ard DerAris’ house by Funcrest lake. Mre. P. Tuccillo is spending a couple of weeks with her husl^d at Norwich. Rev. and Mrs. Leonard Kedc have a new nephew. A son was bom to Rev. and Mrs. H. L. Tooley at Bethlehem, Pa., Sept. 16. Rev. and Mrs. Tooley are missionaries at Campanis Baptist missionaries, Brazil. Fourth Daughter Bom A nine pound daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hamilton Sept. 8 in Benedictine hospital. This makes four daughters and one son. Charles Draper spei\t the week- end with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Draper, at Chestertown in the Adirondacks. Sunday afternoon Charlie went to Canton to resume his studies at St. Lawrence university. Anniversary wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Obed Cure, who will cele- brate their 44th on Sept. 22. Birthday wishes to Mrs. E. W.. France and Ray Singer, Sept. 16; Bob Plane Sept, 19; Mrs. Harry Allen, Mrs. Henry Robbins, Mrs. Margaret Warren, Mrs. Sam Spec- tor, Mrs. Harold Persons and Mrs. Betty Spector, Sept. 22; James Smith Sr. Sept. 24. Mrs. Betty Spector, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allen and son spent the weekend with relatives at Massapequa, L. L Mr. and Mrs. Allem Kalmus of New York spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Sigfried Wurzburg- er. John and Susan returned home with their parents, having spent 10 days with their grand- father and Mrs. Wurzburger. M/Sgt. R. C. Whitaker of Cleve- land, Ohio, Bill Porter and Mat Duer of the Bronx spent the weekend at the E. Spicer home. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Smith and family spent the weekend in Kingston. Sunday morning they attended the christening of their nephew, Ronald Dugan, in St. Joseph R. C. church. Godparents are Sally Steiger and James Scully of Kingston. Mr. and. Mrs. John Bigler and three children of Sleightsburg were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Longhi and family. Mrs. C. O. Howland of LaJolla, Calif., is spending a few weeks at her Rose Hill home. Have 25th Anniversary Party Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Hitchcock spent the weekend with her sis- ter, Mrs. Frances Tome, and fam- ily in Kingston. Saturday eve- ning Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bowra prepared a surprise party at their home in honor of the 25th wed- ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Hitchcock. Twenty relatives and friends participated. Refresh- ments were served. Mayor and Mrs. C. H. Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. G. Ribstein attend- ed the Cobleskil^ fair Wednesday in the evening. Nancy Thcanp- son, Joan Terry, Shirley Merwin, Deanna and Louise Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Osterhoudt, Charles Lowell, Warren and Jsunes Smith Jr. Eind Doug Mer- win and Seth Jocelyn Jr. attend- ed the fair on Saturday. Mrs. Charles Ford and chil- dren spent Saturday with her mother, Mrs. T. Liddle, at Ark- ville. Mrs. Liddle had returned from Oakdale, Ky. Her daughter, Evelyn Mackey, is employed in the Oakdale high school. Joe Feitzinger of Shandaken and Edwin France attended the Rotary, conference at Otsego hotel in Cooperstown Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Persons have received a letter from their son, A/le Harold Persons, that he and his wife and son have re- turned to his air base at Lincoln, Neb., after spending five months New Kingston By Mrs. Marvin H oi^r New Kingston, Sept. 17 The date of the roast turkey supper ofv th e New Kingston United Presbyterian church has been changed from Friday, Sept. 21, to Wednesday, Sept. 26. Miss Betty Sanford returned to Albany Tuesday to start her sec- ond year at the State Teacher’s college. Mrs. Frank Long and daughter, Nancy, left last Friday for Michigan where Miss Long will enter Hope university. Mrs. Myron Sanford returned home Saturday from Margaret- viUe hospital where she under- went a major operation. Mrs. Nelson Gray and son, Charles Leonard, returned Sun- day from Margaretville hospital. The young man weighed 8 pounds 6 % ounces. Mr. Gray’s mother, Mrs. Ruth Gray, of Roxbury is assisting with the family chores. Mr. and Mrs. James Condon of Fort Plain were Sunday guests of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Condon. Mr. and Mrs.. Howard Cart- wright of Denver were Saturday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mar- vin Hosier. Her father, John Davis, is spending some time at the Hosier home. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Kelly of Halcottville were Sunday dinner guests of his parents, Mr. and Mr^ Bruce Kelly. i Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mayes and chUdren of Fleischmanns spent Sunday visiting her mother, Mrs. Anna Cowan. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Watters attended the wedding of his brother, Royal Watters, and Jo- ann Halbert at Wallkill Sunday John Hosier assisted Qeveland Everetts with the Watters chores. Mrs. Everetts of Cornwall has been visiting her daughters, Mrs. W atters, and Harold Everetts. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Everetts took Mrs. Everetts home to Corn- wall Monday. ing over ten days at Rockville Center, L. I., where Miss E3iza- beth is supervising principal of a school. She returned to her duties again Sunday. Kelly Comers By Mrs. Ralph Felter Kelly Comers, Sept. 17 Mrs.' Bethira Morse retumed home Thursday after being away for over a month visiting her son, Harvey Morse and family at Lib- erty and Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Morse, Andes. Mrs. Nettie MeixweU of Kings- ton spent Thursday visiting Mrs. Anna Hoyt. Ernest Hall is driving a 1955 Studebaker, purchased at Marga- retville. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Grant and family visited her mother at Sid- ney Sunday. Jacob Krom and Ralph Felter Jr. left Saturday with a party of six men from Prattsville for a week’s fishing at Hawkeye. Paul Tyler of Stamford re- cently returned from California. He was a Sunday evening guest of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Finch. Mr. and Mrs. John Clement of Kingston were supper guests of his uncle, George Clum. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Felter and his mother, Mrs. Ruth Felter, of Livingston Manor were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Felter. Arthur Felter of Endicott, who came out with a bowling team, was a Sunday guest of his mother. She retumed to Endicott with him. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Neidig of Lakehurst, N. J., called on Mr. and Mrs. Emest Hall Monday. He is in the Navy. Mr. and Mrs; Robert Hoy and daughters spent Sunday with his father, Wilson Hoy, at DownsviUe. Robert Hoy went down Monday as the auction of his father’s cows was being held there Tues- day. Miss Ruth Carey of Fleisch- manns spent Tuesday with Mrs. W. Grant Kelly. M t. Vernon Family Buys Cure Property Pine Hill, Sept. 18.—^Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor and four sons of Mount Vernon have bought the late Frasier Cure place on Maide avenue. Mr. Taylor is making ex- tensive repairs before moving his family here. r ’. chickens in front o f Chevrolets cross the road than any other cart Bel Air Sport Sedan with Body by fijfier. Well, sure. There are more Chevies on the road. More people buy ’em year after year. And this year, Chevrolet’s the most popular car again—by a margin of more than 150,000 so far . ... M tist be the best one to buy, for sure! Two million more people own Chevrolets Only franchised Chevrolet dealers display this famous trademark yCHEVROLETy^ D aw so n C h ev jro let C o m p a n y Phone 1271 Margaretville, N. Y. In AAA Road T ests: BLUE SUNOCO AVERAGES 7.67 MORE MILES PER DOLLAR THAN 12 OTHER PREMIUMS They never got home with any of the other premiums! These tests were conducted by the American Automobile Association in 6 cities under normal city-country driving conditions—using typical drivers in late model high-compresT sion cars whose maiiufacturers rec- ommend a premium gasoline. POINT 1 ON MAP Cars were fueled with |3 worth of Blue Sunoco. Motor- ists, accompanied by AAA officials, drove out of town till... POINT 2 ON MAP... they ran out of gas. Cars were then refueled with $3 worth of another premium. They turned around and retraced exactly the same route. POINT 3 ON MAPUsing competitive premiums, test cars fell short of the starting point an average of 23.0 miles. Not one car made it back! AAA proved that Blue Sunoco aver- ages 7.67 more miles per dollar than 12 other permiums. Besults of test confirm, once a^ain, the fact that Blue Sunoco is Amer- ica’s greatest gasoline value. It’s the gasoline that meets today’s higher premium octane standards and sells at regular gas price. Why not maite vour own test? Start profiting by the proof of these AAA tests I Switch to Bluo Sunoco todayl SUN Oil COMPANY Philo<Mph!a 3, Pa. RAD IO NEWS “Sunoco 3-SlarExtra" Monday to Friday,NIC High-Test. . . Premium Octane. . . Regular Gas Price VERONA OIL OMWPANY, INC. ROSCiOE, N. Y., TeL ^ - 3 ^ Distiibator of Sun Oil Company Products GRAND GORGE, N. Y.

BLUE SUNOCO AVERAGES 7.67 MORE MILES PER DOLLAR …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031247/1956-09-21/ed-1/seq-2.pdfNEW YORK STATE Mrs. Anna Brisbane and sc«. ELECTRIC & GAS Andes

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Dugan &. Taberb d n p o n to t

B IA B O A B E T V m jB , K . T .

t « e M p you


Rain or shine, hot or cold, the postman will take your money fo City & County to build up your savings account. No need to go out when the weather's bod or it’s inconvenient to get downtown. And you don't have any parking problems. Jurt bank by mail and save this safe, easy way at C’lty & County Savings Bank.


per OMNiM

Dividends Credited and Compounded Quarterly

aONUS DivMaiid Days Evwy Menlh

Serving the Thrifty Since 18501

100 STATE STREETAUANY 1, N.Y. ______


Enelowd find my first depoiil of $_

PIm m optn a savingi account for ma and moil passbook to address btlow.

U rM mdJ cnk, mt ItfliiwaJ M*H□S « n d FXEE Folder on Bonking by Moll

M—W ftitnl OaptfM linwonct Corpofotfai

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L e t y o u r d e a le r sh o w

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‘‘Live Better . . .Electrically”



AndesBy B in. Iva Ferris

Andes, Sept. 18 Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Fleury and

children, Carol, Loretta, Richard, Jeane and Christina, spent last Satiirday and Sunday in Calli- coon. They attended the wed­ding of Mrs. Fleury’? sister, Ruth Kurzeveil, to Thaddeus Manouse on Sunday. Carol was the brides­maid and Loretta was the maid of honor for their aunt.

The Girls circle of the United Presbyterian churdi held a picnic last Tuesday evening on the lawn a t the home of Miss Ann Ed­wards.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miller mo- tOTed to Fredcmia on Thursday to take their son, Robert Miller, who enters his junior year a t Fre- donia Teachers college. His par­ents returned Friday.

Mrs. Homer Burgin of Sidney was a guest Thursday afternoon of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Vaino Westerllng.

ITie faculty of the Andes cen­tra l school held a picnic a t the school Wednesday evening.

Principal and Mrs. Robert Foland, sons, Richard and Terry, accompanied by Freddie Temming, spent the weekend camping at Azure mountain in the Adiron dacks.

Mrs. Mural Miller entertained her Sunday school class last-Tues­day evening a t a picnic.

The Women’s Society of Chris­tian Service, circle two, of the Methodist church will meet with Mrs. Earle Woolheater on Wed­nesday, Sept. 26.

Mr .and Mrs. John Jakszewski and daughter, Loma, were Sun­day guests of Miss Phyllis Col- pitts a t Richmondville.

Mrs. E lla Ochs gave a reading at the Village Improvement so­ciety meeting at the home of Mrs. John Jakszewski last Wednesday evening.

Robert Wright, son of Rev. and Mrs. R. V. E. Wright, enters his sophomore year a t W estminster college a t New Wilmington, Pa. He accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Decker to New Wilm­ington Friday, where they visited their daughter, Mrs. Wendell Wagner, over the weekend.

Ralph Tryon, physical ed teach­er a t the Andes central school, was Saturday and Sunday guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Tryon, a t Marathon.

Mrs. Lillian Perkins of Bing­hamton was a weekend guest of her cousins, the Misses Elizabeth and Marjorie Bruce.

Miss Arvilla Taylor left this week for W inter Haven, FIel

Miss Ann W right, nurse at Columbia hospital, P ittsb u rg , Pa., arrived S a tu r^ y to spend ten days w ith her parents, Rev. arfi Mrs. R. V^ E. Wright.'

H erbert Shea of New York city spent the w ^kend with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. TTiomas Degnan.

Home on Furlough PFC Eugene Shaver, stationed

a t F ort Monmouth, N. J., spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Shaver.

Mr. and Mrs. Harland Jester attended a family dinner Simday a t the W orcester hotel, to help her father, Leslie MacNaughton, celebrate his birthday. •

Joseph Jakszewslii wsis Thurs­day until Sunday guest of his son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dzurissis, Sidney.

Miss Janet Edweu-ds, freshman a t Potsdam State Teachers col­lege, and Gordon Edwards, a senior a t Clarkson college, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clide Edwards.

Mrs. Edith Hubbard of Albany visited friends in Andes Saturday.

Mr. alid Mrs. Harold Miller were Sunday guests of relatives in Liberty.

Mr. and Mrs. Allie Bramley of Unadilla were Thursday guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Jakszewski.

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Glendening and children of Endicott were weekend guests of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Arch Glendening.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jackson and children of Binghamton were weekend guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Roney.

Mr. and Mrs. George Redden and children were weekend guests a t the home of her mother, Mrs. Jay Mould, a t Westford.

Mrs. William Ruff gave a baby shower Saturday for Mrs. Joseph W hittaker.

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Van Steen- burg* entertained the' past week­end Mr. and Mrs. W ilbert Farrell, Charles Ebert of Pittm an, N. J., and Pete Ebert of Deposit.

A special meeting was called Monday evening by the American Legion Auxiliary president, Mrs. W. J. Roney. The meeting was held with Mrs. Lawrence Emer­son.

Rev. Bruce B arrett of Robards, Ky., was a guest for a couple of days of his brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bar­re tt. He was guest preacher a t the Methodist church and the Pleasant Valley church Simday.

Mr. and Mrs. J la y Northrup of Walton and Mre. Bess Sloan of Sidney were guests Sunday after­noon of his cousins, Mrs. Alice MiUer.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Emer­son spent a weekend recently with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Jenks, in Morris- ville.

Mrs. Anna Brisbane and sc«. Grant, of Dingle hill were Sun­day. guests of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clide Edwards.

The IS ^ e s Elizabeth and Mar­jorie Bnice returned to their home Friday evening after spend-

Pine HiUBy IMts. Helen Merwln

Pine Hill, Sept. 18Wayne and Larry Decker spent

the weekend with their father and grandmother a t Hobart.

Mrs. O tto Spehr of Arkville and Mrs. F. F. VanKeuren of High- mount were Thursday afternoon guests of Mrs. Mildren Edmiston.

Mrs. Thomas Healey is spend­ing several days with her daugh­te r a t White Plains.

Miss Betty Remick is eniployed as nurse for the baby daughter of Mrs. Edward T. Shean, who spent the summer in Dry Brook. Sun­day they went to Mrs. Shean’s home a t Greenwich, C<Min., for the winter.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred N. Remidc, Mr. and Mrs, A rthur H. D ittm er of Lockport are spending several days a t the Lane bungalow on Rose mountain.

Mrs. I. Hershkowitz and Mrs. Grossman are spending a few days in Bnxrfdyn.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rosenthal, Diane and Jayne, of Syosset, L. L, spent from Friday until Monday with Mrs. Dreifus and Miss Mae Pessenar.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ahrensfeldt of New York were recent guests of his sister. Miss Betty Ahrens­feldt.

Audrey Stanzl of Hoboken cele­brated her 18th birthday Sept. 15. She spent the weekend a t the A. Rothman home. After attending the movies at M argaretville, they dined a t Al’s diner in Phoenicia to celebrate.

Mr. and Mrs. James Gaughan Sr. and famUy of Cooperstown were Sunday guests of M arguerite and Elsie Smith.

Ten members of the Ladies Aid Society of the Community, church enjoyed their annual luncheon party a t Kass’ Thursday noon.

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Oster- houdt spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. S tuart Pierce, and famUy a t Oneonta.

Richard Bertrand of Colonie spent Wednesday here with his parents.

Grace Shaw and Bob Remick are both owners of a 1956 Plymouth.

a t Keesler a ir base, Biloxi, Miss., where he attended school.

Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Bertrand, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schaedle spent from Thursday until Sat­urday a t Lake George and at­tended a watCT company conven­tion a t the Sagamore hotel.

A r t h u r Schwartz of E ast Orange, N. J., spent the weekend with his uncle and aunt in Chelsea Park. Mr. and Mrs. Her­bert Dawson of Margaretville joined the Schwartz family a t din­ner Friday veening.

Caught Bride’s Bouquet Mr. and Mrs. John Pfenning

and J(^ce attended the weddSng of his cousin, Miss Geraldine Pfenning, and Kenneth Kafka, both of Brooklyn, Saturday af­ternoon. At the reception Joyce caught the bride’s bouquet

Mr. and Mrs. W alter Hamilton and children have moved from the Vredenburgh farm house below the village to an apartm ent in Rich­ard DerAris’ house by Funcrest lake.

Mre. P. Tuccillo is spending a couple of weeks with her h u s l^ d a t Norwich.

Rev. and Mrs. Leonard Kedc have a new nephew. A son was bom to Rev. and Mrs. H. L. Tooley a t Bethlehem, Pa., Sept. 16. Rev. and Mrs. Tooley are missionaries a t Campanis Baptist missionaries, Brazil.

Fourth Daughter BomA nine pound daughter was born

to Mr. and Mrs. W alter Hamilton Sept. 8 in Benedictine hospital. This makes four daughters and one son.

Charles Draper spei\t the week­end with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A rthur S. Draper, a t Chestertown in the Adirondacks. Sunday afternoon Charlie went to Canton to resume his studies a t St. Lawrence university.

Anniversary wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Obed Cure, who will cele­brate their 44th on Sept. 22. Birthday wishes to Mrs. E. W.. France and Ray Singer, Sept. 16; Bob Plane Sept, 19; Mrs. H arry Allen, Mrs. Henry Robbins, Mrs. M argaret W arren, Mrs. Sam Spec- tor, Mrs. Harold Persons and Mrs. Betty Spector, Sept. 22; James Smith Sr. Sept. 24.

Mrs. Betty Spector, Mr. and Mrs. H arry Allen and son spent the weekend with relatives at Massapequa, L. L

Mr. and Mrs. Allem Kalmus of New York spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Sigfried Wurzburg- er. John and Susan returned home with their parents, having spent 10 days with their grand­father and Mrs. Wurzburger.

M /Sgt. R. C. W hitaker of Cleve­land, Ohio, Bill Porter and Mat Duer of the Bronx spent the weekend a t the E. Spicer home.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Smith and family spent the weekend in Kingston. Sunday morning they attended the christening of their nephew, Ronald Dugan, in St. Joseph R. C. church. Godparents are Sally Steiger and James Scully of Kingston.

Mr. and. Mrs. John Bigler and three children of Sleightsburg were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Longhi and family.

Mrs. C. O. Howland of LaJolla, Calif., is spending a few weeks a t her Rose Hill home.

Have 25th Anniversary PartyMr. and Mrs. Merrill Hitchcock

spent the weekend with her sis­ter, Mrs. Frances Tome, and fam­ily in Kingston. Saturday eve­ning Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bowra prepared a surprise party a t their home in honor of the 25th wed­ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Hitchcock. Twenty relatives and friends participated. Refresh­ments were served.

Mayor and Mrs. C. H. Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. G. Ribstein attend­ed the Cobleskil^ fair Wednesday in the evening. Nancy Thcanp- son, Joan Terry, Shirley Merwin, Deanna and Louise Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Osterhoudt, Charles Lowell, W arren and Jsunes Smith Jr. Eind Doug Mer­win and Seth Jocelyn Jr. attend­ed the fair on Saturday.

Mrs. Charles Ford and chil­dren spent Saturday with her mother, Mrs. T. Liddle, a t Ark­ville. Mrs. Liddle had returned from Oakdale, Ky. Her daughter, Evelyn Mackey, is employed in the Oakdale high school.

Joe Feitzinger of Shandaken and Edwin France attended the Rotary, conference a t Otsego hotel in Cooperstown Monday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Persons have received a le tter from their son, A /le Harold Persons, that he and his wife and son have re­turned to his a ir base a t Lincoln, Neb., after spending five months

New KingstonBy Mrs. Marvin H oi^r

New Kingston, Sept. 17The date of the roast turkey

supper ofv the New Kingston United Presbyterian church has been changed from Friday, Sept. 21, to Wednesday, Sept. 26.

Miss Betty Sanford returned to Albany Tuesday to s ta rt her sec­ond year a t the S tate Teacher’s college. Mrs. Frank Long and daughter, Nancy, left last Friday for Michigan where Miss Long will enter Hope university.

Mrs. Myron Sanford returned home Saturday from M argaret- viUe hospital where she under­went a major operation.

Mrs. Nelson Gray and son, Charles Leonard, returned Sun­day from M argaretville hospital. The young man weighed 8 pounds 6 % ounces. Mr. Gray’s mother, Mrs. Ruth Gray, of Roxbury is assisting with the family chores.

Mr. and Mrs. James Condon of Fort Plain were Sunday guests of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Condon.

Mr. and Mrs.. Howard Cart­wright of Denver were Saturday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mar­vin Hosier. H er father, John Davis, is spending some time at the Hosier home.

Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Kelly of Halcottville were Sunday dinner guests of his parents, Mr. and M r^ Bruce Kelly. i

Mr. and Mrs. M urray Mayes and chUdren of Fleischmanns spent Sunday visiting her mother, Mrs. Anna Cowan.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell W atters attended the wedding of his brother, Royal W atters, and Jo­ann H albert a t W allkill Sunday John Hosier assisted Qeveland Everetts with the W atters chores. Mrs. Everetts of Cornwall has been visiting her daughters, Mrs. W atters, and Harold Everetts. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Everetts took Mrs. Everetts home to Corn­wall Monday.

ing over ten days a t Rockville Center, L. I., where Miss E3iza- beth is supervising principal of a school. She returned to her duties again Sunday.

Kelly ComersBy Mrs. Ralph Felter

Kelly Comers, Sept. 17M rs.' Bethira Morse retum ed

home Thursday after being away for over a month visiting her son, Harvey Morse and family a t Lib­erty and Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Morse, Andes.

Mrs. N ettie MeixweU of Kings­ton spent Thursday visiting Mrs. Anna Hoyt.

E rnest Hall is driving a 1955 Studebaker, purchased a t Marga­retville.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Grant and family visited her m other a t Sid­ney Sunday.

Jacob Krom and Ralph Felter Jr. left Saturday with a party of six men from Prattsville for a week’s fishing a t Hawkeye.

Paul Tyler of Stamford re­cently returned from California. He was a Sunday evening guest of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Finch.

Mr. and Mrs. John Clement of Kingston were supper guests of his uncle, George Clum.

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Felter and his mother, Mrs. Ruth Felter, of Livingston Manor were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Felter. A rthur Felter of Endicott, who came out with a bowling team, was a Sunday guest of his mother. She retum ed to Endicott with him.

Mr. and Mrs. Newton Neidig of Lakehurst, N. J., called on Mr. and Mrs. E m est Hall Monday. He is in the Navy.

Mr. and Mrs; Robert Hoy and daughters spent Sunday with his father, Wilson Hoy, a t DownsviUe. Robert Hoy went down Monday as the auction of his father’s cows was being held there Tues­day.

Miss Ruth Carey of Fleisch­manns spent Tuesday with Mrs. W. Grant Kelly.

M t . V e r n o n F a m i l y

B u y s C u r e P r o p e r t yPine Hill, Sept. 18.—^Mr. and

Mrs. Jack Taylor and four sons of Mount Vernon have bought the late Frasier Cure place on Maide avenue. Mr. Taylor is making ex­tensive repairs before moving his family here.

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They never got home with any of the other premiums!

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Besults of tes t confirm, once a^ain, the fac t th a t Blue Sunoco is Amer­ica’s greatest gasoline value.

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