5 UNIT 1 2-D and 3-D TRANSFORMATIONS Structure Page Nos. 1.0 Introduction 5 1.1 Objectives 5 1.2 Basic Transformations 6 1.2.1 Translation 6 1.2.2 Rotation 9 1.2.3 Scaling 12 1.2.4 Shearing 15 1.3 Composite Transformations 20 1.3.1 Rotation about a Point 21 1.3.2 Reflection about a Line 22 1.4 Homogeneous Coordinate Systems 27 1.5 3-D Transformations 31 1.5.1 Transformation for 3-1 Translations 32 1.5.2 Transformation for 3-D Rotation 32 1.5.3 Transformation for 3-D Scaling 34 1.5.4 Transformation for 3-D Shearing 35 1.5.5 Transformation for 3-D Reflection 35 1.6 Summary 37 1.7 Solutions / Answers 38 1.0 INTRODUCTION In the previous Block, we have presented approaches for the generation of lines and polygonal regions. We know that once the objects are created, the different applications may require variations in these. For example, suppose we have created the scene of a room. As we move along the room we find the object’s position comes closer to us, it appears bigger even as its orientation changes. Thus we need to alter or manipulate these objects. Essentially this process is carried out by means of transformations. Transformation is a process of changing the position of the object or maybe any combination of these. The objects are referenced by their coordinates. Changes in orientation, size and shape are accomplished with geometric transformations that allow us to calculate the new coordinates. The basic geometric transformations are translation, rotation, scaling and shearing. The other transformations that are often applied to objects include reflection. In this Block, we will present transformations to manipulate these geometric 2-D objects through Translation, and Rotation on the screen. We may like to modify their shapes either by magnifying or reducing their sizes by means of Scaling transformation. We can also find similar but new shapes by taking mirror reflection with respect to a chosen axis of references. Finally, we extend the 2-D transformations to 3-D cases. 1.1 OBJECTIVES After going through this unit, you should be able to: describe the basic transformations for 2-D translation, rotation, scaling and shearing; discuss the role of composite transformations;

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    2-D and 3-D Transformations

    UNIT 1 2-D and 3-D TRANSFORMATIONS Structure Page Nos. 1.0 Introduction 5 1.1 Objectives 5 1.2 Basic Transformations 6 1.2.1 Translation 6

    1.2.2 Rotation 9 1.2.3 Scaling 12 1.2.4 Shearing 15

    1.3 Composite Transformations 20 1.3.1 Rotation about a Point 21 1.3.2 Reflection about a Line 22

    1.4 Homogeneous Coordinate Systems 27 1.5 3-D Transformations 31

    1.5.1 Transformation for 3-1 Translations 32 1.5.2 Transformation for 3-D Rotation 32 1.5.3 Transformation for 3-D Scaling 34 1.5.4 Transformation for 3-D Shearing 35 1.5.5 Transformation for 3-D Reflection 35

    1.6 Summary 37 1.7 Solutions / Answers 38


    In the previous Block, we have presented approaches for the generation of lines and polygonal regions. We know that once the objects are created, the different applications may require variations in these. For example, suppose we have created the scene of a room. As we move along the room we find the objects position comes closer to us, it appears bigger even as its orientation changes. Thus we need to alter or manipulate these objects. Essentially this process is carried out by means of transformations. Transformation is a process of changing the position of the object or maybe any combination of these. The objects are referenced by their coordinates. Changes in orientation, size and shape are accomplished with geometric transformations that allow us to calculate the new coordinates. The basic geometric transformations are translation, rotation, scaling and shearing. The other transformations that are often applied to objects include reflection. In this Block, we will present transformations to manipulate these geometric 2-D objects through Translation, and Rotation on the screen. We may like to modify their shapes either by magnifying or reducing their sizes by means of Scaling transformation. We can also find similar but new shapes by taking mirror reflection with respect to a chosen axis of references. Finally, we extend the 2-D transformations to 3-D cases.

    1.1 OBJECTIVES After going through this unit, you should be able to: describe the basic transformations for 2-D translation, rotation, scaling and

    shearing; discuss the role of composite transformations;

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    describe composite transformations for Rotation about a point and reflection about a line;

    define and explain the use of homogeneous coordinate systems for the transformations, and

    extend the 2-D transformations discussed in the unit to 3-D transformations.

    1.2 BASIC TRANSFORMATIONS Consider the xy-coordinate system on a plane. An object (say Obj) in a plane can be considered as a set of points. Every object point P has coordinates (x,y), so the object is the sum total of all its coordinate points (see Figure 1). Let the object be moved to a new position. All the coordinate points P(x,y) of a new object Obj can be obtained from the original points P(x,y) by the application of a geometric transformation.




    . P (x, y)

    x Figure 1 1.2.1 Translation Translation is the process of changing the position of an object. Let an object point P(x,y)=xI+yJ be moved to P(x,y) by the given translation vector V= txI + tyJ, where tx and ty is the translation factor in x and y directions, such that P=P+V. ----------------(1) In component form, we have Tv= x=x+ tx and y=y+ty ----------------(2)

    Obj .PO

    Obj .P

    x Figure 2

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    2-D and 3-D Transformations

    As shown in Figure 2, P is the new location of P, after moving tx along x-axis and ty along y-axis. It is not possible to develop a relation of the form. P=P.Tv ---------------(3) Where Tv is the transformation for translation in matrix form. That is, we cannot represent the translation transformation in (2x2) matrix form (2-D Euclidean system). Any transformation operation can be represented as a (2x2) matrix form, except translation, i.e., translation transformation cannot be expressed as a (2x2) matrix form (2-D Euclidean system). But by using Homogeneous coordinate system (HCS), we can represent translation transformation in matrix form. The HCS and advantages of using HCS is discussed, in detail, in section 1.4. Relation between 2-D Euclidean (Cartesian) system and HCS Let P(x,y) be any point in 2-D Euclidean system. In Homogeneous Coordinate system, we add a third coordinate to the point. Instead of (x,y), each point is represented by a triple (x,y,H) such that H0; with the condition that (x1,y1,H1)=(x2,y2,H2) x1/H1 = x2/H2 ; y1/H1 = y2/H2. In two dimensions the value of H is usually kept at 1 for simplicity. (If we take H=0 here, then this represents point at infinity, i.e, generation of horizons). The following table shows a relationship between 2-D Euclidean (Cartesian coordinate) system and HCS. 2-D Euclidian System Homogeneous Coordinate System (HCS) Any point (x,y) (x,y,1) If (x,y,H) be any point in HCS(such that H0); then (x,y,H)=(x/H,y/H,1), i.e. (x/H,y/H) (x,y,H) For translation transformation, any point (x,y)(x+tx,y+ty) in 2-D Euclidian system. Using HCS, this translation transformation can be represented as (x,y,1) (x+tx,y+ty,1). In two dimensions the value of H is usually kept at 1 for simplicity. Now, we are able to represent this translation transformation in matrix form as: 1 0 0 (x,y,1)=(x,y,1) 0 1 0 tx ty 1 Ph=Ph.Tv ----------------(4) Where Ph and Ph represents object points in Homogeneous Coordinates and Tv is called homogeneous transformation matrix for translation. Thus, Ph, the new coordinates of a transformed object, can be found by multiplying previous object coordinate matrix, Ph, with the transformation matrix for translation Tv. The advantage of introducing the matrix form of translation is that it simplifies the operations on complex objects i.e., we can now build complex transformations by multiplying the basic matrix transformations. This process is called concatenation of

  • 8


    matrices and the resulting matrix is often referred as the composite transformation matrix. We can represent the basic transformations such as rotation, scaling shearing, etc., as 3x3 homogeneous coordinate matrices to make matrix multiplication compatibility with the matrix of translation. This is accomplished by augmenting the 2x2 matrix

    with a third column and a third row (0,0,1). That is a bc d

    0 0 1

    a b 0 c d 0 0 0 1 Thus, the new coordinates of a transformed object can be found by multiplying previous object coordinate matrix with the required transformation matrix. That is New Object Previous object Transformation Coordinate = Coordinate . matrix matrix matrix Example1: Translate a square ABCD with the coordinates A(0,0),B(5,0),C(5,5),D(0,5) by 2 units in x-direction and 3 units in y-direction. Solution: We can represent the given square, in matrix form, using homogeneous coordinates of vertices as: A x1 y1 1 0 0 1 B x2 y2 1 5 0 1 C x3 y3 1 = 5 5 1 D x4 y4 1 0 5 1 The translation factors are, tx=2, ty=3 The transformation matrix for translation : 1 0 0 1 0 0 Tv= 0 1 0 = 0 1 0 tx ty 1 2 3 1 New object point coordinates are: [ABCD] = [ABCD].Tv A x1 y1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 B x2 y2 1 = 5 0 1 . . 0 1 0 C x3 y3 1 5 5 1 2 3 1 D x4 y4 1 0 5 1 2 3 1 = 7 3 1 7 8 1 2 8 1 Thus, A(x1,y1)=(2,3) B(x2,y2)=(7,3) C(x3,y3)=(7,8) and D(x4,y4)=(2,8)

  • 2-D and 3-D Transformations

    B (5,0) A (0,0)

    D (0,5) C (5,5)

    B (7,3) A (2,3)

    The graphical representation is given below: D (2,8) C (7,8)

    a) Square before Translation b) Square after Translation 1.2.2 Rotation In 2-D rotation, an object is rotated by an angle with respect to the origin. This angle is assumed to be positive for anticlockwise rotation. There are two cases for 2-D rotation, case1- rotation about the origin and case2 rotation about an arbitrary point. If, the rotation is made about an arbitrary point, a set of basic transformation, i.e., composite transformation is required. For 3-D rotation involving 3-D objects, we need to specify both the angle of rotation and the axis of rotation, about which rotation has to be made. Here, we will consider case1 and in the next section we will consider case2. Before starting case-1 or case-2 you must know the relationship between polar coordinate system and Cartesian system: Relation between polar coordinate system and Cartesian system A frequently used non-cartesian system is Polar coordinate system. The following Figure A shows a polar coordinate reference frame. In polar coordinate system a coordinate position is specified by r and , where r is a radial distance from the coordinate origin and is an angular displacements from the horizontal (see Figure 2A). Positive angular displacements are counter clockwise. Angle is measured in degrees. One complete counter-clockwise revolution about the origin is treated as 3600. A relation between Cartesian and polar coordinate system is shown in Figure 2B. y-axis r r P(x,y)

    x-axis O Figure 2A: A polar coordinate reference-frame Figure 2B: Relation between Polar and

    Cartesian coordinates Consider a right angle triangle in Figure B. Using the definition of trigonometric functions, we transform polar coordinates to Cartesian coordinates as: x=r.cos y=r.sin The inverse transform r=(x2+y2) and =tan- 9

    ation from Cartesian to Polar coordinates is:


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    Case 1: Rotation about the origin Given a 2-D point P(x,y), which we want to rotate, with respect to the origin O. The vector OP has a length r and making a positive (anticlockwise) angle with respect to x-axis. Let P(xy) be the result of rotation of point P by an angle about the origin, which is shown in Figure 3.

    P (x, y)


    x O

    P (x, y)

    Figure 3 P(x,y) = P(r.cos,r.sin) P(x,y)=P[r.cos(+),rsin(+)] The coordinates of P are: x=r.cos(+)=r(coscos-sinsin) =x.cos-y.sin (where x=rcos and y=rsin) similarly; y= rsin(+)=r(sincos + cos.sin) =xsin+ycos Thus, R = x= x.cos-y.sin y= xsin+ycos Thus, we have obtained the new coordinate of point P after the rotation. In matrix form, the transformation relation between P and P is given by: cos sin (xy)=(x,y) -sin cos that is P=P.R ---------(5) where Pand P represent object points in 2-D Euclidean system and R is transformation matrix for anti-clockwise Rotation. In terms of HCS, equation (5) becomes cos sin 0

    -sin cos 0 ---------(6) 0 0 1

    (x', y,1) = (x, y, 1)

    = R

    That is Ph=Ph.R , ---------(7)

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    2-D and 3-D Transformations

    Where Ph and Ph represents object points, after and before required transformation, in Homogeneous Coordinates and R is called homogeneous transformation matrix for anticlockwise Rotation. Thus, Ph, the new coordinates of a transformed object, can be found by multiplying previous object coordinate matrix, Ph, with the transformation matrix for Rotation R. Note that for clockwise rotation we have to put = , thus the rotation matrix R , in HCS, becomes cos( ) sin() 0 cos sin 0 R-= sin() cos() 0 = sin cos 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 Example 2: Perform a 450 rotation of a triangle A(0,0),B(1,1),C(5,2) about the origin. Solution: We can represent the given triangle, in matrix form, using homogeneous coordinates of the vertices: A 0 0 1 [ABC]= B 1 1 1 C 5 2 1 cos450 sin450 0 2/2 2/2 0 The matrix of rotation is: R = R450 = sin450 cos450 0 = 2/2 2/2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 So the new coordinates ABC of the rotated triangle ABC can be found as:

    [ABC]=[ABC]. R45 = 0 0 11 1 15 2 1

    2 / 2 2 / 2 0

    2 / 2 2 / 2 00 0

    1 =

    0 0

    0 2

    3 2 / 2 7 2 / 2 1



    Thus A=(0,0), B=(0,2), C=(32/2,72/2) The following Figure (a) shows the original, triangle [ABC] and Figure (b) shows triangle after the rotation. y






    Figure (a)

  • 12




    B A x O

    Figure (b) Check Your Progress 1 1) What are the basic advantages of using Homogeneous coordinates system.

    2) A square consists of vertices A(0,0),B(0,1),C(1,1),D(1,0). After the translation C is found to be at the new location (6,7). Determine the new location of other vertices.

    3) A point P(3,3) makes a rotating of 450 about the origin and then translating in the direction of vector v=5I+6J. Find the new location of P.

    4) Find the relationship between the rotations R, R-, and R-1 .

    1.2.3 Scaling

    Scaling is the process of expanding or compressing the dimensions (i.e., size) of an object. An important application of scaling is in the development of viewing transformation, which is a mapping from a window used to clip the scene to a view port for displaying the clipped scene on the screen.

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    2-D and 3-D Transformations

    Let P(x,y) be any point of a given object and sx and sy be scaling factors in x and y directions respectively, then the coordinate of the scaled object can be obtained as: x=x.sx y=y.sy --------(8) If the scale factor is 01 and consider (x,y)(x,2.y), i.e., Magnification in y-

    direction with scale factor sy =2.

    (3,3) (3,6)

    (2,2) (4,2) sy=2 (2,4) (4,4)

    (2,1) (4,1) (2,2) (4,2)

    iii) Consider (x,y)(x.sx,y) where 0< sx = y2

  • 14



    In terms of HCS, equation (9) becomes:

    (x,y,1)=(x,y,1) 0 0

    00 0 1





    that is Ph=Ph.ssx,sy ----(11) Where Ph and Ph represents object points, before and after required transformation, in Homogeneous Coordinates and ssx,sy is called transformation matrix for general scaling with scaling factor sx and sy . Thus, we have seen any positive value can be assigned to scale factors sx and sy. We have the following three cases for scaling: Case 1: If the values of sx and sy are less then 1, then the size of the object will be reduced. Case2: If both sx and sy are greater then 1, then the size of the object is enlarged. Case3: If we have the same scaling factor (i.e. sx=sx=S), then there will be uniform scaling (either enlargement or compression depending on the value of Sx and Sy) in both x and y directions. Example3: Find the new coordinates of a triangle A(0,0),B(1,1),C(5,2) after it has

    been (a) magnified to twice its size and (b) reduced to half its size. Solution: Magnification and reduction can be achieved by a uniform scaling of s

    units in both the x and y directions. If, s>1, the scaling produces magnification. If, s

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    2-D and 3-D Transformations

    (a) choosing s=2 2 0 0

    The matrix of scaling is:Ssx,sy = S2,2 = 0 2 0 0 0 1 So the new coordinates ABC of the scaled triangle ABC can be found as: 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 [ABC]=[ABC]. R2,2 = 1 1 1 0 2 0 = 2 2 1 5 2 1 0 0 1 10 4 1 Thus, A=(0,0), B=(2,2), C= (10, 4) (b) Similarly, here, s=1/2 and the new coordinates are A=(0,0), B=(1/2,1/2),

    C=(5/2,1). The following figure (b) shows the effect of scaling with sx=sy =2 and (c) with sx=sy =s=1/2.


    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 O



    4 3 2 1



    1 2 3 4 5


    A O






    x x

    Figure b: Object after scaling with Sx = Sy = 2 Figure c: Object after scaling with Sx = Sy = 1/2 1.2.4 Shearing Shearing transformations are used for modifying the shapes of 2-D or 3-D objects. The effect of a shear transformation looks like pushing a geometric object in a direction that is parallel to a coordinate plane (3D) or a coordinate axis (2D). How far a direction is pushed is determined by its shearing factor. One familiar example of shear is that observed when the top of a book is moved relative to the bottom which is fixed on the table. In case of 2-D shearing, we have two types namely x-shear and y-shear. In x-shear, one can push in the x-direction, positive or negative, and keep the y-direction unchanged, while in y-shear, one can push in the y-direction and keep the x-direction fixed. x-shear about the origin Let an object point P(x,y) be moved to P(x,y) in the x-direction, by the given scale parameter a,i.e., P(xy) be the result of x-shear of point P(x,y) by scale factor a about the origin, which is shown in Figure 4.

  • 16




    P (x,y)

    x x

    y ay P(x,y)

    O O x

    Figure 4

    Thus, the points P(x,y) and P(x,y) have the following relationship: x' = x + ay y' = y = Shx(a) ------(11a) where a is a constant (known as shear parameter) that measures the degree of shearing. If a is negative then the shearing is in the opposite direction. Note that P(0,H) is taken into P'(aH,H). It follows that the shearing angle A (the angle through which the vertical edge was sheared) is given by: tan(A) = aH/H = a. So the parameter a is just the tan of the shearing angle. In matrix form (2-D Euclidean system), we have 1 0 (x,y)=(x,y) a 1 -------(12) In terms of Homogeneous Coordinates, equation (12) becomes 1 0 0 (x,y,1)=(x,y,1). a 1 0 -------(13) 0 0 1 That is, Ph = Ph Shx(a) --------(14) Where Ph and Ph represents object points, before and after required transformation, in Homogeneous Coordinates and Shx(a) is called homogeneous transformation matrix for x-shear with scale parameter a in the x-direction. y-shear about the origin Let an object point P(x,y) be moved to P(x,y) in the x-direction, by the given scale parameter b. i.e., P(xy) be the result of y-shear of point P(x,y) by scale factor b about the origin, which is shown in Figure 5(a).

    P (x,y) Y Y

    P (x,y) b.x

    P(x, y)

    X X

    Figure 5 (a)

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    2-D and 3-D Transformations

    Thus, the points P(x,y) and P(x,y) have the following relationship : x' = x y' = y+bx = Shy(b) ----------(15) where b is a constant (known as shear parameter) that measures the degree of shearing. In matrix form, we have 1 b (x,y)=(x,y) 0 1 ----------(16) In terms of Homogeneous Coordinates, equation (16) becomes 1 b 0 (x,y,1)=(x,y,1) 0 1 0 ---------(17) 0 0 1 That is, Ph = Ph.Shy(b) ---------(18) Where Ph and Ph represents object points, before and after required transformation, in Homogeneous Coordinates and Shy (b) is called homogeneous transformation matrix for y-shear with scale factor b in the y-direction. xy-shear about the origin Let an object point P(x,y) be moved to P(x,y) as a result of shear transformation in both x- and y-directions with shearing factors a and b, respectively, as shown in Figure 5(b). Figure 5 (b) The points P(x,y) and P(x,y) have the following relationship : x' = x +ay y' = y+bx = Shxy(a,b) ----------(19) where ay and bx are shear factors in x and y directions, respectively. The xy-shear is also called simultaneous shearing or shearing for short. In matrix form, we have, 1 b (x,y)=(x,y) a 1 ---------(20) In terms of Homogeneous Coordinates, we have 1 b 0 (x,y,1)=(x,y,1) a 1 0 ---------(21) 0 0 1




    P (x, y) a.y

    b.x a.y P (x, y)


    That is, Ph = Ph.Shxy(a,b) ----------(22)

  • 18


    Where Ph and Ph represent object points, before and after required transformation, in Homogeneous Coordinates and Shxy(a,b) is called homogeneous transformation matrix for xy-shear in both x- and y-directions with shearing factors a and b, respectively, Special case: when we put b=0 in equation (21), we have shearing in x-direction, and when a=0, we have Shearing in the y-direction, respectively. Example 4: A square ABCD is given with vertices A(0,0),B(1,0),C(1,1), and D(0,1). Illustrate the effect of a) x-shear b) y-shear c) xy-shear on the given square, when a=2 and b=3. Solution: We can represent the given square ABCD, in matrix form, using homogeneous coordinates of vertices as: A 0 0 1 B 1 0 1 C 1 1 1 D 0 1 1 a) The matrix of x-shear is: 1 0 0 1 0 0 Shx(a) = a 1 0 = 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 So the new coordinates ABCD of the x-sheared object ABCD can be found as: [ABCD]=[ABCD]. Shx(a) A 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 [ABCD]= B 1 0 1 . 2 1 0 = 1 0 1 C 1 1 1 0 0 1 3 1 1 D 0 1 1 2 1 1 Thus, A=(0,0), B=(1,0), C=(3,1) and D=(2,1). b) Similarly the effect of shearing in the y direction can be found as: [ABCD]=[ABCD].Shy(b) A 0 0 1 1 3 0 0 0 1 [ABCD]= B 1 0 1 . 0 1 0 = 1 3 1 C 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 4 1 D 0 1 1 0 1 1 Thus, A=(0,0), B=(1,3), C=(1,4) and D=(0,1). c) Finally the effect of shearing in both directions can be found as: [ABCD]=[ABCD]. Shxy(a,b) A 0 0 1 1 3 0 0 0 1 [ABCD]= B 1 0 1 . 2 1 0 = 1 3 1 C 1 1 1 0 0 1 3 4 1 D 0 1 1 2 1 1 Thus, A=(0,0), B=(1,3), C=(3,4) and D=(2,1).

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    2-D and 3-D Transformations

    Figure (a) shows the original square, figure (b)-(d) shows shearing in the x, y and both directions respectively. Figure (a) Figure (b)

    C (1,1) D

    A B


    O X B X O




    D (2, 1) C (3,1)

    B(2, 1)

    C (3,4) D (1, 3)






    B (1, 3)

    C (1, 4)





    Figure (c) Figure (d) Example 5: What is the use of Inverse transformation? Give the Inverse transformation for translation, rotation, reflection, scaling, and shearing. Solution: We have seen the basic matrix transformations for translation, rotation, reflection, scaling and shearing with respect to the origin of the coordinate system. By multiplying these basic matrix transformations, we can build complex transformations, such as rotation about an arbitrary point, mirror reflection about a line etc. This process is called concatenation of matrices and the resulting matrix is often referred to as the composite transformation matrix. Inverse transformations play an important role when you are dealing with composite transformation. They come to the rescue of basic transformations by making them applicable during the construction of composite transformation. You can observed that the Inverse transformations for translation, rotation, reflection, scaling and shearing have the following relations, and v, , a, b, sx, sy, sz are all parameter involved in the transformations.

    1) Tv 1 =T-v 2) R 1 = R- 3) (i) Shx-1(a) =Shx(-a) (ii) Shy-1(b) =Shx(-b)

    (iii) Shxy-1(a,b) =Shx(-a,-b)

    4) S-1sx,sy,sz =S1/sx,1/sy,1/sz

    5) The transformation for mirror reflection about principal axes do not change after inversion.

    (i) Mx-1 =M-x= Mx (ii) My-1 =M-y= My

    (iii) Mz-1 =M-z= Mz ,

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    6) The transformation for rotations made about x,y,z axes have the following inverse:

    (i) R-1x, = Rx,- = RTx, (ii) R-1y, = Ry,- = RTy,

    (iii) R-1z, = Rz,- = RTz, Check Your Progress 2 1) Differentiate between the Scaling and Shearing transformation.

    2) Show that Sa,b .Sc,d = Sc,d .Sa,b = Sac,bd

    3) Find the 3x3 homogeneous co-ordinate transformation matrix for each of the following: a) Shift an image to the right by 3 units. b) Shift the image up by 2 units and down 1 units. c) Move the image down 2/3 units and left 4 units.

    4) Find the condition under which we have Ssx,sy .R= R. Ssx,sy.


    5) Is a simultaneous shearing the same as the shearing in one direction followed by a shearing in another direction? Why?



    We can build complex transformations such as rotation about an arbitrary point, mirror reflection about a line, etc., by multiplying the basic matrix transformations. This process is called concatenation of matrices and the resulting matrix is often referred to as the composite transformation matrix. In composite transformation, a previous transformation is pre-multiplied with the next one.

  • 2-D and 3-D Transformations

    In other words we can say that a sequence of the transformation matrices can be concatenated into a single matrix. This is an effective procedure as it reduces because instead of applying initial coordinate position of an object to each transformation matrix, we can obtain the final transformed position of an object by applying composite matrix to the initial coordinate position of an object. In other words we can say that a sequence of transformation matrix can be concatenated matrix into a single matrix. This is an effective procedure as it reduces computation because instead of applying initial coordinate position of an object to each transformation matrix, we can obtain the final transformed position of an object by applying composite matrix to the initial coordinate position of an object. 1.3.1 Rotation about a Point Given a 2-D point P(x,y), which we want to rotate, with respect to an arbitrary point A(h,k). Let P(xy) be the result of anticlockwise rotation of point P by angle about A, which is shown in Figure 6.

    Figure 6


    X O

    Y P(x, y)

    P(x, y)

    A(h, k)


    Since, the rotation matrix R is defined only with respect to the origin, we need a set of basic transformations, which constitutes the composite transformation to compute the rotation about a given arbitrary point A, denoted by R,A. We can determine the transformation R,A in three steps: 1) Translate the point A(h,k) to the origin O, so that the center of rotation A is at the

    origin. 2) Perform the required rotation of degrees about the origin, and 3) Translate the origin back to the original position A(h,k).

    Using v=hI+kJ as the translation vector, we have the following sequence of three transformations: R,A = = Example 5: Perfoarbitrary point P( Solution: Given thomogeneous coo 21

    =T-v. R. Tv 1 0 0 cos sin 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 sin cos 0 0 1 0 h k 1 0 0 1 h k 1

    cos sin 0 sin cos 0 -------(23) (1 cos).h+k.sin (1 cos).k h.sin 1 rm a 450 rotation of a triangle A (0,0), B (1,1), C (5,2) about an 1, 1).

    riangle ABC, as show in Figure (a), can be represented in rdinates of vertices as:

  • 22


    [ ]













    From equation (23), a rotation matrix RQ, A about a given arbitrary point A (h, k) is:

    ( ) ( )







    Thus ( )






    ,45 AR o

    So the new coordinates [ ]CBA of the rotated triangle [ABC] can be found as:

    [ ]BA = [ABC] . = . AoR ,45


















    1.3.2 Reflecdiscussymmneed t2-D oC 125 ( ) 1121( )







    = ( 1, A 12 ), ( )1221,B = , and = 1229,1223C . The ing figure (a) and (b) shows a given triangle, before and after the rotation.

    Y y

    B (1, 1)

    C (5, 2)








    1 2 3 4 5 6




    X 1 2 3 4 5 6

    Figure (a) Figure (b)

    Reflection about a Line

    tion is a transformation which generates the mirror image of an object. As sed in the previous block, the mirror reflection helps in achieving 8-way etry for the circle to simplify the scan conversion process. For reflection we o know the reference axis or reference plane depending on whether the object is r 3-D.

  • 23

    2-D and 3-D Transformations

    Let the line L be represented by y=mx+c, where m is the slope with respect to the x axis, and c is the intercept on y-axis, as shown in Figure 7. Let P(x,y) be the mirror reflection about the line L of point P(x,y).


    (O, C)

    Y = mx + c L



    Figure 7 The transformation about mirror reflection about this line L consists of the following basic transformations: 1) Translate the intersection point A(0,c) to the origin, this shifts the line L to L. 2) Rotate the shifted line L by degrees so that the line L aligns with the x-axis. 3) Mirror reflection about x-axis. 4) Rotate the x-axis back by degrees 5) Translate the origin back to the intercept point (0,c). In transformation notation, we have ML= T-v.R-.MX.R.Tv , where v=0I+cJ 1 0 0 cos sin 0 1 0 0 cos sin 0 1 0 0 ML = 0 1 0 sin cos 0 0 1 0 sin cos 0 0 1 0 0 c 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 c 1 cos2 sin2 2.cos.sin 0 = 2.sin.cos sin2 cos2 0 ----------(24) 2.c.sin.cos c.(sin2 cos2)+c 1 Let tan=m, the standard trigonometry yields sin=m/(m2+1) and cos= 1/(m2+1). Substituting these values for sin and cos in the equation (24), we have: ML= (1 m2)/ (m2 +1) 2m/(m2 +1) 0

    2m/(m2 +1) (m2 1)/(m2 +1) 0 ------------(25) 2cm/(m2 +1) 2c/(m2 +1) 1 Special cases 1) If we put c = 0 and m=tan=0 in the equation (25) then we have the reflection

    about the line y = 0 i.e. about x-axis. In matrix form: 1 0 0 Mx= 0 1 0 ----------(26)

    0 0 1 2) If c = 0 and m=tan= then we have the reflection about the line x=0 i.e. about

    y-axis. In matrix form: 1 0 0 My= 0 1 0 ---------(27)

    0 0 1

  • Transformations

    4) To get the mirror reflection about the line y = x, we have to put m=1 and c=0. In matrix form:

    0 1 0 My=x = 1 0 0 -----------(28)

    0 0 1 5) Similarly, to get the mirror reflection about the line y = x, we have to put m = 1

    and c = 0. In matrix form: 0 1 0 My=-x = 1 0 0 -----------(29)

    0 0 1 6) The mirror reflection about the Origin (i.e., an axis perpendicular to the xy plane

    and passing through the origin). 1 0 0 Morg = 0 1 0 ----------(30) 0 0 1

    Figure (b) 24



    x mirror

    Figure 7(a)

    Example 6: Show that two successive reflections about either of the coordinate axes is equivalent to a single rotation about the coordinate origin. Solution: Let (x, y) be any object point, as shown in Figure (a). Two successive reflection of P, either of the coordinate axes, i.e., Reflection about x-axis followed by reflection about y-axis or vice-versa can be reprosecuted as: (x, y) (x, y) (x, y) ----(i) (x, y) (x, y) (x, y) ----(ii)


    C B



    .P(x, y)

    Mx My

    My Mx

    Figure (a) The effect of (1) and (2) can also be illustrated by the following Figure (b) and Figure (c) E D A Reflection about x-axis P B


    B C C B

    P P A D D A

    E Reflection about y-axis E

  • 25

    2-D and 3-D Transformations


    Reflection about y-axis

    Figure (c)


    B C

    D A



    C B

    A D



    From equation (i) and (ii), we can write:

    Reflection about x-axis

    (x, y) ( x, y) = (x, y) (iii)



    Equation (3) is the required reflection about the origin. Hence, two successive reflections about either of the coordinate axes is just equivalent to a single rotation about the coordinate origin. Example 7: Find the transforation matrix for the reflection about the line y = x. Solution: The transformation for mirror reflection about the line y = x, consists of the following three basic transformations.

    Figure (a)


    y = x


    1) Rotate the line L through 45o in clockwise rotation, 2) Perform the required Reflection about the x-axis. 3) Rotate back the line L by 45o i.e., ML = . Mo45R x . o45-R

    = .












    45 45 045 45 0

    0 0

    o o

    o o

    Cos Sin

    Sin Cos


  • 26


    = .
















    = =




    090Sin90Cos 1 0 0

    0 0 00 0 1

    = My = x

    Example 8 : Reflect the diamond-shaped polygon whose vertices are A(1,0), B(0, 2),C(1,0) and D(0,2) about (a) the horizontal line y=2, (b) the vertical line x=2, and (c) the line y=x+2. Solution: We can represent the given polygon by the homogeneous coordinate matrix as 1 0 1 V=[ABCD] = 0 2 1 1 0 1 0 2 1 a) The horizontal line y=2 has an intercept (0,2) on y axis and makes an angle of 0

    degree with the x axis. So m=0 and c=2. Thus, the reflection matrix ML= T-v.R-.Mx.R.T-v , where v=0I+2J 1 0 0 = 0 1 0 0 4 1 So the new coordinates ABCD of the reflected polygon ABCD can be found

    as: [ABCD]=[ABCD]. ML 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 4 1 = 0 2 1 . 0 1 0 = 0 6 1 1 0 1 0 4 1 1 4 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 Thus, A=(-1,4), B=(0,6), C=(1,4) and D=(0,2). b) The vertical line x=2 has no intercept on y-axis and makes an angle of 90 degree

    with the x-axis. So m=tan900= and c=0. Thus, the reflection matrix

    ML= T-v.R-.My.R.T-v , where v=2I 1 0 0 = 0 1 0 4 0 1 So the new coordinates ABCD of the reflected polygon ABCD can be found

    as: [ABCD]=[ABCD]. ML 1 0 1 1 0 0 5 0 1 = 0 2 1 . 0 1 0 = 4 2 1 1 0 1 4 0 1 3 0 1 0 2 1 4 2 1 Thus, A=(5,0), B=(4,-2), C=(3,0) and D=(4,2)

  • 27

    2-D and 3-D Transformations

    c) The line y=x+2 has an intercept (0,2) on y-axis and makes an angle of 450 with the x-axis. So m=tan450=1 and c=2. Thus, the reflection matrix

    0 1 0 ML= 1 0 0 2 2 1 The required coordinates A,B, C, and D can be found as: [ABCD]=[ABCD]. ML

    1 0 10 2 11 0 10 2 1

    0 1 01 0 02 2 1

    . =

    2 1 14 2 12 3 1

    0 2 1

    Thus, A=(2,1), B=(4,2), C=(2,3) and D=(0,2) The effect of the reflected polygon, which is shown in Figure (a), about the line y=2, x=2, and y=x+2 is shown in Figure (b) - (d), respectively.

    Figure (a) Figure (b)













    C A





    A O

    Figure (c) Figure (d)

    1.4 HOMOGENEOUS COORDINATE SYSTEMS Let P(x,y) be any point in 2-D Euclidean (Cartesian) system. In Homogeneous Coordinate system, we add a third coordinate to a point. Instead of (x,y), each point is represented by a triple (x,y,H) such that H0; with the condition that (x1,y1,H1)=(x2,y2,H2) x1/H1 = x2/H2 ; y1/H1 = y2/H2. (Here, if we take H=0, then we have point at infinity, i.e., generation of horizons).

  • 28


    Thus, (2,3,6) and (4,6,12) are the same points are represented by different coordinate triples, i.e., each point has many different Homogeneous Coordinate representation. 2-D Euclidian System Homogeneous Coordinate System Any point (x,y) (x,y,1) If (x,y,H) be any point in HCS(such that H0); Then (x,y,H)=(x/H,y/H,1) (x/H,y/H) (x,y,H) Now, we are in the position to construct the matrix form for the translation with the use of homogeneous coordinates. For translation transformation (x,y)(x+tx,y+ty) in Euclidian system, where tx and ty are the translation factor in x and y direction, respectively. Unfortunately, this way of describing translation does not use a matrix, so it cannot be combined with other transformations by simple matrix multiplication. Such a combination would be desirable; for example, we have seen that rotation about an arbitrary point can be done by a translation, a rotation, and another translation. We would like to be able to combine these three transformations into a single transformation for the sake of efficiency and elegance. One way of doing this is to use homogeneous coordinates. In homogeneous coordinates we use 3x3 matrices instead of 2x2, introducing an additional dummy coordinate H. Instead of (x,y), each point is represented by a triple (x,y,H) such that H0; In two dimensions the value of H is usually kept at 1 for simplicity. Thus, in HCS (x,y,1) (x+tx,y+ty,1), now, we can express this in matrix form as: 1 0 0 (x,y,1)=(x,y,1) 0 1 0 tx ty 1 The advantage of introducing the matrix form of translation is that it simplifies the operations on complex objects, i.e., we can now build complex transformations by multiplying the basic matrix transformations. In other words, we can say, that a sequence of transformation matrices can be concatenated into a single matrix. This is an effective procedure as it reduces the computation because instead of applying initial coordinate position of an object to each transformation matrix, we can obtain the final transformed position of an object by applying composite matrix to the initial coordinate position of an object. Matrix representation is standard method of implementing transformations in computer graphics. Thus, from the point of view of matrix multiplication, with the matrix of translation, the other basic transformations such as scaling, rotation, reflection, etc., can also be expressed as 3x3 homogeneous coordinate matrices. This can be accomplished by augmenting the 2x2 matrices with a third row (0,0,x) and a third column. That is 0 a b 0 0 c d 0 1 0 0 1

  • 29

    2-D and 3-D Transformations

    Example 9: Show that the order in which transformations are performed is important by applying the transformation of the triangle ABC by: (i) Rotating by 45o about the origin and then translating in the direction of the vector

    (1,0), and (ii) Translating first in the direction of the vector (1,0), and then rotating by 45o about

    the origin, where A = (1, 0) B = (0 ,1) and C = (1, 1). Solution: We can represent the given triangle, as shown in Figure (a), in terms of Homogeneous coordinates as:

    C (1,1) B


    [ ]






    Figure (a) Suppose the rotation is made in the counter clockwise direction. Then, the transformation matrix for rotation, R , in terms of homogeneous coordinate system is given by:


    = o45R =












    and the Translation matrix, Tv, where V = 1I + 0J is:












    where tx and ty is the translation factors in the x and y directions respectively. i) Now the rotation followed by translation can be computed as:

    o45R . Tv =




    2/1 . =








    So the new coordinates CBA of a given triangle ABC can be found as: [ ] [ ] v45 T.R.CBACBA o=

    = .







    2/1 =

    ( )( )





    12/1 (I)

    implies that the given triangle A(1,0), B (0, 1) C (1, 1) be transformed into







    and ( )2,1C , respectively, as shown in Figure (b).

  • 30


    Figure (b) Similarly, we can obtain the translation followed by rotation transformation as:

    Tv . .o45R













    And hence, the new coordinates CBA can be computed as: [ ] [ ] o45v RT.CBACBA =

    = .









    2/1 =




    2/2 (II)

    Thus, in this c

    ( 2,2/2AFigure (c). Figure


    A B


    By (I) and (II) Check Y 1) Show that

    equivalentrotation of


    11ase, t




    , we s

    our P

    trans to th 900.

    2/he given triangle A(1,0), B(0, 1) and C(1,1) are transformed into

    ( ) ,2



    CandB respectively, as shown in


    ee that the two transformations do not commute.

    rogress 3

    formation matrix (28), for the reflection about the line y=x, is e reflection relative to the x-axis followed by a counterclockwise

  • 31

    2-D and 3-D Transformations

    2) Give a single 3x3 homogeneous coordinate transformation matrix, which will have the same effect as each of the following transformation sequences. a) Scale the image to be twice as large and then translate it 1 unit to the left. b) Scale the x direction to be one-half as large and then rotate counterclockwise

    by 900 about the origin. c) Rotate counterclockwise about the origin by 900 and then scale the x direction

    to be one-half as large. d) Translate down unit, right unit, and then rotate counterclockwise by 450.

    3) Obtain the transformation matrix for mirror reflection with respect to the line

    y=ax, where a is a constant.

    4) Obtain the mirror reflection of the triangle formed by the vertices A(0,3),B(2,0) and C(3,2) about the line passing through the points (1,3) and (1, 1).

    1.5 3-D TRANSFORMATIONS The ability to represent or display a three-dimensional object is fundamental to the understanding of the shape of that object. Furthermore, the ability to rotate, translate, and project views of that object is also, in many cases, fundamental to the understanding of its shape. Manipulation, viewing, and construction of three-dimensional graphic images require the use of three-dimensional geometric and coordinate transformations. In geometric transformation, the coordinate system is fixed, and the desired transformation of the object is done with respect to the coordinate system. In coordinate transformation, the object is fixed and the desired transformation of the object is done on the coordinate system itself. These transformations are formed by composing the basic transformations of translation, scaling, and rotation. Each of these transformations can be represented as a matrix transformation. This permits more complex transformations to be built up by use of matrix multiplication or concatenation. We can construct the complex objects/pictures, by instant transformations. In order to represent all these transformations, we need to use homogeneous coordinates. Hence, if P(x,y,z) be any point in 3-D space, then in HCS, we add a fourth-coordinate to a point. That is instead of (x,y,z), each point can be represented by a Quadruple (x,y,z,H) such that H0; with the condition that x1/H1=x2/H2; y1/H1=y2/H2; z1/H1=z2/H2. For two points (x1, y1, z1, H1) = (x2, y2, z2, H2) where H1 0, H2 0. Thus any point (x,y,z) in Cartesian system can be represented by a four-dimensional vector as (x,y,z,1) in HCS. Similarly, if (x,y,z,H) be any point in HCS then (x/H,y/H,z/H) be the corresponding point in Cartesian system. Thus, a point in three-dimensional space (x,y,z) can be represented by a four-dimensional point as: (x,y,z,1)=(x,y,z,1).[T], where [T] is some transformation matrix and (x,yz,1) is a new coordinate of a given point (x,y,z,1), after the transformation.

  • 32


    The generalized 4x4 transformation matrix for three-dimensional homogeneous coordinates is:

    a b c w d e f x (3x3) (3x1) [T]= g h I y = --------(31)

    l m n z (1x3) (1x1) The upper left (3x3) sub matrix produces scaling, shearing, rotation and reflection transformation. The lower left (1x3) sub matrix produces translation, and the upper right (3x1) sub matrix produces a perspective transformation, which we will study in the next unit. The final lower right-hand (1x1) sub matrix produces overall scaling. 1.5.1 Transformation for 3-D Translation Let P be the point object with the coordinate (x,y,z). We wish to translate this object point to the new position say, P(x,y,z) by the translation Vector V=tx.I+ty.J+tz.K , where tx , ty and tz are the translation factor in the x, y, and z directions respectively, as shown in Figure 8. That is, a point (x,y,z) is moved to (x+ tx,y+ ty,z+ tz). Thus the new coordinates of a point can be written as: x=x+ tx y=y+ty =Tv ---------(32) z=z+tz

    Figure 8 In terms of homogeneous coordinates, equation (32) can be written as 1 0 0 0 (x,y,z,1)=(x,y,z,1) 0 1 0 0 --------(33) 0 0 1 0 tx ty tz 1


    vP (x, y, z)


    P (x, y, z) (x + tx, y + ty, z + tz)



    i.e., Ph = Ph.Tv ----------(34)

    1.5.2 Transformation for 3-D Rotation Rotation in three dimensions is considerably more complex then rotation in two dimensions. In 2-D, a rotation is prescribed by an angle of rotation and a centre of rotation, say P. However, in 3-D rotations, we need to mention the angle of rotation and the axis of rotation. Since, we have now three axes, so the rotation can take place about any one of these axes. Thus, we have rotation about x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis respectively.

  • 33

    2-D and 3-D Transformations

    Rotation about z-axis Rotation about z-axis is defined by the xy-plane. Let a 3-D point P(x,y,z) be rotated to P(x,y,z) with angle of rotation see Figure 9. Since both P and P lies on xy-plane i.e., z=0 plane their z components remains the same, that is z=z=0. Z

    Z P(x, y )

    , zY

    P(x, y, o)



    X P(x, y, z) P(x, y, o)

    Figure 9 Figure 10

    Thus, P(xy,0) be the result of rotation of point P(x,y,0) making a positive (anticlockwise) angle with respect to z=0 plane, as shown in Figure 10. From figure (10), P(x,y,0) = P(r.cos,r.sin,0) P(x,y,0)=P[r.cos(+),rsin(+),0] The coordinates of P are: x=r.cos(+)=r(coscos sinsin) =x.cos y.sin (where x=rcos and y=rsin) similarly; y= rsin(+)=r(sincos + cos.sin) =xsin+ycos Thus, x= x.cos y.sin [Rz] = y= xsin + ycos ----------(35) z=z In matrix form, cos sin 0 (xy,z)=(x,y,z) sin cos 0 ----------(36) 0 0 1 In terms of HCS, equation (36) becomes cos sin 0 0 (xy,z,1)=(x,y,z,1) sin cos 0 0 ----------(37) 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 That is, Ph = Ph.[Rz] ---------(38)

  • 34


    Rotations about x-axis and y-axis Rotation about the x-axis can be obtained by cyclic interchange of xyzx in equation (35) of the z-axis rotation i.e., x= x.cos-y.sin [Rz]= y= xsin+ycos z=z After cyclic interchange of xyzx y= y.cos-z.sin [Rx]= z= y.sin+z.cos --------(39) x= x So, the corresponding transformation matrix in homogeneous coordinates becomes 1 0 0 0 (xy,z,1)=(x,y,z,1) 0 cos sin 0 0 sin cos 0 0 0 0 1 That is, Ph = Ph.[Rx] -------(40) Similarly, the rotation about y-axis can be obtained by cyclic interchange of xyzx in equation (39) of the x-axis rotation [Rx] i.e., y= y.cos-z.sin [Rx]= z= y.sin+z.cos x= x After cyclic interchange of xyzx z= z.cos-x.sin [Ry]= x= z.sin+x.cos -------(41) y= y So, the corresponding transformation matrix in homogeneous coordinates becomes cos 0 sin 0 (xy,z,1)=(x,y,z,1) 0 1 0 0 sin 0 cos 0 0 0 0 1 That is, P=P. [Ry] -------(42) 1.5.3 Transformation for 3-D Scaling As we have seen earlier, the scaling process is mainly used to change the size of an object. The scale factors determine whether the scaling is a magnification, s>1, or a

  • 35

    2-D and 3-D Transformations

    reduction, s

  • 36


    Mirror reflection about xy-plane Let P(x,y,z) be the object point, whose mirror reflection is to be obtained about xy-plane(or z=0 plane). For the mirror reflection of P about xy-plane, only there is a change in the sign of z-coordinate, as shown in Figure (11). That is, x=x Mxy = y=y -------(48) z=-z In matrix form, Figure 11 1 0 0 (xy,z)=(x,y,z) 0 1 0 ----(49) 0 0 -1 In terms of HCS (Homogenous coordinate systems), equation (49) bec 1 0 0 0 (xy,z,1)=(x,y,z,1) 0 1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 1 That is, P=P.Mxy -----(50) Similarly, the mirror reflection about yz plane shown in Figure 12 can as: x=-x Myz = y=y -----(51) z=z

    In matrix form, 1 0 0 (xy,z)=(x,y,z) 0 1 0 ------(52) 0 0 1 In terms of HCS, equation (52) becomes 1 0 0 0 (xy,z,1)=(x,y,z,1) 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1


    P(x, y, z)

    Figure 12

    P (x, y, z)





    Z 0 plane

    P(x, y, z)

    P(x, y, z)

    Y =omes

    be represented


  • 37

    2-D and 3-D Transformations

    That is, P=P. Myz ; ------(53) and similarly, the reflection about xz plane, shown in Figure 13, can be presented as: x=x Mxz = y= y -------(54) z=z In matrix form, 1 0 0 (xy,z)=(x,y,z) 0 1 0 -------(55) 0 0 1 In terms of HCS, equation (55) becomes 1 0 0 0 (xy,z,1)=(x,y,z,1) 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 That is, P=P. Mxz --------(56)

    Figure 13

    P (x, y, z)




    1.6 SUMMARY In this unit, the following things have been discussed in detail: Various geometric transformations such as translation, rotation, reflection, scaling

    and shearing. Translation, Rotation and Reflection transformations are used to manipulate the

    given object, whereas Scaling and Shearing transformation changes their sizes. Translation is the process of changing the position (not the shape/size) of an

    object w.r.t. the origin of the coordinate axes. In 2-D rotation, an object is rotated by an angle . There are two cases of 2-D

    rotation: case1- rotation about the origin and case2- rotation about an arbitrary point. So, in 2-D, a rotation is prescribed by an angle of rotation and a centre of rotation, say P. However, in 3-D rotations, we need to mention the angle of rotation and the axis of rotation.

    Scaling process is mainly used to change the shape/size of an object. The scale factors determine whether the scaling is a magnification, s>1, or a reduction, s

  • 38


    The transformations such as translation, rotation, reflection, scaling and shearing can be extended to 3D cases.

    1.7 SOLUTIONS/ANSWERS Check Your Progress 1 1) Matrix representation are standard method of implementing transformations in

    computer graphics. But unfortunately, we are not able to represent all the transformations in a (2 x 2) matrix form; such as translation. By using Homogeneous coordinates system (HCS), we can represent all the transformations in matrix form. For translation of point (x, y) (x +tx, y + ty), it is not possible to represent this transformation in matrix form. But, now in HCS;

    ( ) ( )







    The advantage of introducing the matrix form for translation is that we can now build a complex transformation by multiplying the basic matrix transformation. This is an effective procedure as it reduces the computations.

    2) The translation factor, tx and ty can be obtained from new old coordinates of vertex

    C. tx = 6 1 = 5 ty = 7 1 = 6 The new coordinates [A B C D] = [A B C D] . Tv

    = .























    Thus A = (5, 6), B = (5, 7), C = (6, 7) and D = (6, 6) 3) The new coordinate P of a point P, after the Rotation of 45o is: P = P O45R.

    ( ) ( ) ( )










    1,y,x1,y,x oo



    = ( ) ( ) ( )1,2/6,01,yx2


    1 =


    Now, this point Pis again translated by tx = 5 and ty = 6. So the final coordinate P of a given point P, can be obtained as:

    ( ) ( )






  • 39

    2-D and 3-D Transformations

    = ( ) 1 0 0 60, 6 / 2,1 . 0 1 0 5, 6, 165 6 1

    = +

    Thus P (x, y) = 6(5, 6)2+


    = Cos



    ( )( )

    ( )( )

    = Cos


    CosR =



    Q = Identity matrix

    = Cos








    Therefore, we can say that are inverse because R.R .IR.R = So

    i.e., inverse of a rotation by degree is a rotation in the opposite direction.

    1RR =

    Check Your Progress 2 1) Scaling transformation is mainly used to change the size of an object. The scale

    factors determines whether the scaling is a compression, S < 1 or a enlargement, S > 1, whereas the effect of shearing is pushing a geometric object is a direction parallel to the coordinate axes. Shearing factor determines, how far a direction is pushed.

    2) S a,b = , S


    c,d = and S


    ac,bd =



    Sa,b. Sc,d = .






    and Sc,d. Sa,b = . = (2)




    from (1) and (2) we can say: Sa,b. Sc,d = Sc,d. Sa,b = Sac, bd

    3) a) Shift an image to the right by 3 units

    S = 0 0 00 1 03 0 1

    b) Shift the image up by 2 units and down by 1 units i.e. Sx = Sx + 2 and

    Sy = Sy 1

  • 40


    S = S = =






    1 0 00 1 00 2 1

    1 0 00 1 00 1 1

    1 00 10 1

    c) Move the image down 2/3 units and left 4 units

    S = 1 0 00 1 04 2 /3 1

    4) SSx, Sy = and R







    we have to find out condition under which SSx, Sy. R = R. Ss, Sy

    so SSx, Sy. R = . =




    cossinsincos .cos .sin

    .sin .cosx x


    S SS S


    and R. SSx,Sy = . = (2)




    SooS cos . .

    . cos .

    x y


    S Sin S

    S Sin S

    In order to satisfy SSx, Sy. R = R. SSx,Sy We have Sy. sin = sin.Sx either sin = 0 or = n , where n is an integer. sin (Sy Sx) = 0 or Sx = Sy i.e. scaling transform is uniform.

    5) No, since Shx (a). Shy(b) = . = (1)




    Shy (b).Shx (a) = = (2)





    and Shxy (a, b) =


    from (1) , (2) and (3), we can say that Shxy (a, b) Shx (a) . Shy (b) Shy (b). Shx (a)

    Check Your Progress 3

    1) and1




    M xxy



    Counter clockwise Rotation of 90o; =

    = o




    90 90Cos90Sin

    90Sin90CosR o




  • 41

    2-D and 3-D Transformations

    We have to show that My = x = Mx . o90R

    Since Mx . o90R = xM01






    y ==


    Hence, a reflection about the line y = x, is equivalent to a reflection relative to the x-axis followed by a counter clockwise rotation of 90o.

    2) The required single (3 x 3) homogeneous transformation matrix can be obtained

    as follows:

    a) T = S2,2 . Ttx-1, ty = .



    002 1 0 0 2 0 0

    0 1 0 0 2 01 0 1 1 0 1


    b) oyx



    = = 90 903/ 2 0 0 0

    0 1 0 . 90 90 00 0 1 0 0 1

    o o

    o o

    Cos Sin

    Sin Cos

    = =3/ 2 0 0 0 1 0

    0 1 0 . 1 0 00 0 1 0 0 1

    0 3/ 2 01 0 0

    0 0 1

    c) T = 390 ,2

    90 90 0 3/ 2 0 0. 90 90 0 . 0

    0 0 1 0 0o

    x y

    o o

    o o

    S S

    Cos Sin

    R S Sin Cos+

    1 0



    = .100




    3/ 2 0 00 1 00 0 1

    = 0 1 0

    3/ 2 0 00 0 1

    1 1 45,2 2

    1/ 2 1/ 21 0 0 0. 0 1 0 . 1/ 2 1/ 2

    1 1 1 0 0 12 2

    oytx t

    T T R +

    = =


    1/ 2 1/ 2 01/ 2 1/ 2 0

    0 11 2

  • 42

    Transformations 3) Let OP be given line L, which makes an angle with respect to

    The transformation matrix for reflection about an arbitrary line y = mx + c is (see equation 25).




    2 2

    2 2

    21 011

    2 1 0 t1 1

    2 2 11 1



    m mM wm m

    cm Cm m

    anhere m

    ++ = = + + + +

    For line y = ax; m = tan = a and intercept on y-axis is 0 i.e. c = 0. Thus, transformation matrix for reflection about a line y = ax is:







    MM 22





    axyL ==




    == =

    4) The equation of the line passing through the points (1,3) and (1, 1) is obtained as:

    y = 2x + 1 (1)



    y = ax



    x C (3, 2)

    B (2, 0)

    P1 (1, 1)

    (0, 1)

    P2 (1, 3) L


    Figure (a) If is the angle made by the line (1) with the positive x-axis, then tan = 2 Cos =

    21 and Sin


    To obtain the reflection about the line (1), the following sequence of transformations can be performed: 1) Translate the intersection point (0, 1) to the origin, this shift the line L to L 2) Rotate the shifted line L by o (i.e. clockwise), so that the Laligns with the x-


  • 43

    2-D and 3-D Transformations

    3) Perform the reflection about x-axis. 4) Apply the inverse of the transformation of step (2). 5) Apply the inverse of the transformation of step (1). By performing step 1 step 5, we get


    1XVL T.R.MR.TM









    . .100







    5/1 .









    So the new coordinates ABC of the reflected triangle ABC can be found as: [A B C] = [ABC] . ML

    = .







    5/3 =





    Thus, A =


    11,5/8 , B = ( 2, 2) and C = (1, 4), which is shown in Figure (b). X







    B A

    4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4

    Figure (b)

  • 44


    UNIT 2 VIEWING TRANSFORMATION Structure Page Nos. 2.0 Introduction 44 2.1 Objectives 45 2.2 Projections 45 2.2.1 Parallel Projection 47 Orthographic and Oblique Projections 51 Isometric Projections 61

    2.2.2 Perspective Projections 65 2.3 Summary 83 2.4 Solutions/Answers 84


    In unit 1, we have discussed the geometric transformations such as Translation, Rotation, Reflection, Scaling and Shearing. Translation, Rotation and Reflection transformations are used to manipulate the given object, whereas Scaling and Shearing transformations are used to modify the shape of an object, either in 2-D or in 3-Dimensional. A transformation which maps 3-D objects onto 2-D screen, we are going to call it Projections. We have two types of Projections namely, Perspective projection and Parallel projection. This categorisation is based on the fact whether rays coming from the object converge at the centre of projection or not. If, the rays coming from the object converge at the centre of projection, then this projection is known as Perspective projection, otherwise it is Parallel projection. In the case of parallel projection the rays from an object converge at infinity, unlike perspective projection where the rays from an object converge at a finite distance (called COP). Parallel projection is further categorised into Orthographic and Oblique projection. Parallel projection can be categorized according to the angle that the direction of projection makes with the projection plane If the direction of projection of rays is perpendicular to the projection plane then this parallel projection is known as Orthographic projection and if the direction of projection of rays is not perpendicular to the projection plane then this parallel projection is known as Oblique projection. The orthographic (perpendicular) projection shows only the front face of the given object, which includes only two dimensions: length and width. The oblique projection, on the other hand, shows the front surface and the top surface, which includes three dimensions: length, width, and height. Therefore, an oblique projection is one way to show all three dimensions of an object in a single view. Isometric projection is the most frequently used type of axonometric projection, which is a method used to show an object in all three dimensions (length, width, and height) in a single view. Axonometric projection is a form of orthographic projection in which the projectors are always perpendicular to the plane of projection.

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    Viewing Transformations

    2.1 OBJECTIVES After going through this unit, you should be able to: define the projection; categorize various types of Perspective and Parallel projections; develop the general transformation matrix for parallel projection; describe and develop the transformation for Orthographic and oblique parallel

    projections; develop the transformations for multiview (front, right, top, rear, left and bottom

    view) projections; define the foreshortening factor and categorize the oblique projection on the basis

    of foreshortening factors; derive the transformations for general perspective projection; describe and derive the projection matrix for single-point, two-point and three-

    point perspective transformations, and identify the vanishing points.

    2.2 PROJECTIONS . Given a 3-D object in a space, Projection can be defined as a mapping of 3-D object onto 2-D viewing screen. Here, 2-D screen is known as Plane of projection or view plane, which constitutes the display surface. The mapping is determined by projection rays called the projectors. Geometric projections of objects are formed by the intersection of lines (called projectors) with a plane called plane of projection /view plane. Projectors are lines from an arbitrary point, called the centre of projection (COP), through each point in an object. Figure 1 shows a mapping of point P(x,y,z) onto its image P(x,y,z) in the view plane.

    Figure 1


    P(x, y, z)





    If, the COP (Center of projection) is located at finite point in the three-space, the result is a perspective projection. If the COP is located at infinity, all the projectors are parallel and the result is a parallel projection. Figure 2(a)-(b) shows the difference between parallel and perspective projections. In Figure 2(a), ABCD is projected to ABCD on the plane of projection and O is a COP. In the case of parallel projection the rays from an object converges at infinity, the rays from the object become parallel and will have a direction called direction of projection.

  • 46


    Figure 2(a): Perspective projection

    Figure 2(b): Parallel projection Taxonomy of Projection There are various types of projections according to the view that is desired. The following Figure 3 shows taxonomy of the families of Perspective and Parallel Projections. This categorisation is based on whether the rays from the object converge at COP or not and whether the rays intersect the projection plane perpendicularly or not. The former condition separates the perspective projection from the parallel projection and the latter condition separates the Orthographic projection from the Oblique projection.

  • 47

    Viewing Transformations

    Oblique (par

    Orthographic (parallel rays intersect view plane perpendicularly)

    allel rays intersect view plane not perpendicularly)

    Perspective (Rays from the object converges at the COP)

    Parallel (Rays from the object are parallel)

    Single-point Two-point Three-point

    Multiview (view plane parallel to principal axes)

    Axonometric (vie plane not parallel to principal axes)

    Cavalier Cabinet

    Trimetric DiametricRear Isometric Left-SideRight-Side Front Bottom



    Figure 3: Taxonomy of projection

    The direction of rays is very important only in the case of Parallel projection. On the other hand, for Perspective projection, the rays converging at the COP, they do not have a fixed direction i.e., each ray intersects the projection plane with a different angle. For Perspective projection the direction of viewing is important as this only determines the occurrence of a vanishing point. 2.2.1 Parallel Projection Parallel projection methods are used by engineers to create working drawings of an object which preserves its true shape. In the case of parallel projection the rays from an object converge at infinity, unlike the perspective projection where the rays from an object converse at a finite distance (called COP). If the distance of COP from the projection plane is infinite then parallel projection (all rays parallel) occurs i.e., when the distance of COP from the projection plane is infinity, then all rays from the object become parallel and will have a direction called direction of projection. It is denoted by d=(d1,d2,d3), which means d makes unequal/equal angle with the positive side of the x,y,z axes. Parallel projection can be categorised according to the angle that the direction of projection makes with the projection plane. For example, in Isometric projection, the direction of projection d=(d1,d2,d3) makes equal angle (say ) with all the three-principal axes (see Figure 4).

  • 48


    d = (d1, d2, d3)

    View plane

    x z


    Figure 4: Direction of projection Rays from the object intersect the plane before passing through COP. In parallel projection, image points are found as the intersection of view plane with a projector (rays) drawn from the object point and having a fixed direction.(see Figure 5).





    P1 (x,y,z)

    Direction of projection

    P,(x,y,z) P2

    Figure 5: Parallel projection

    Parallel rays from the object may be perpendicular or may not be perpendicular to the projection plane. If the direction of projection d=(d1,d2,d3) of the rays is perpendicular to the projection plane (or d has the same direction as the view plane normal N), we have Orthographic projection otherwise Oblique projection. Orthographic projection is further divided into Multiview projection and axonometric projection, depending on whether the direction of projection of rays is parallel to any of the principal axes or not. If the direction of projection is parallel to any of the principal axes then this produces the front, top and side views of a given object, also referred to as multiview drawing (see Figure 8). Axonometric projections are orthographic projection in which the direction of projection is not parallel to any of the 3 principle axes. Oblique projections are non-orthographic parallel projections i.e., if the direction of projection d=(d1,d2,d3) is not perpendicular to the projection plane then the parallel projection is called an Oblique projection.

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    Viewing Transformations

    Transformation for parallel projection Parallel projections (also known as Orthographic projection), are projections onto one of the coordinate planes x = 0, y = 0 or z = 0. The standard transformation for parallel (orthographic) projection onto the xy-plane (i.e. z=0 plane) is: Ppar,z =

    ''' 0

    x xy yz

    = = =

    In matrix form:

    Ppar,z = ------------------------------(1)


    Thus, if P(x,y,z) be any object point in space, then projected point P(xyz) can be obtained as:

    (x,y,z, 1) = (x, y, z, 1) ------------------------------(2)


    Ph =Ph.Ppar,z ------------------------------(3) Example1: Derive the general transformation of parallel projection onto the xy-plane in the direction of projection d=aI+bJ+cK. Solution: The general transformation of parallel projection onto the xy-plane in the

    direction of projection d=aI+bJ+cK,