Birthday Speeches - Ten Tips on What Not to Say or Do

Birthday Speeches - Ten Tips on What Not to Say or Do

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Niamh Crowe is the CEO of the web's leading speech site (ispeeches.com) according to Alexa.com and Ranking.com. Online since 1994, her site has thousands of speeches for every event and occasion including birthdays, weddings, graduations etc. She lives in Ireland where she is married to Fred. The have 5 children.

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Birthday Speeches - Ten Tips on What

Not to Say or Do

1. Don't mention age in your birthday speech unless it's a specific birthday that

is being celebrated like a 21st or a 50th. Some people like to celebrate every

birthday but prefer not to have their actual age mentioned.

2. Never tell a rude story. Birthdays are quite often family events and grandma

might be offended whatever about the birthday boy or girl.

3. Don't mention anything embarrassing. The celebrant might not want it known

to his or her guests that he/she has a drink problem and his/her family

might not want it mentioned either.

4. Never talk about deceased family or friends in your birthday speech unless the

guest of honor does or it is appropriate to say that the deceased is surely

there in spirit. Sometimes grief is still raw and it is better to leave such

mentions unsaid rather than upset anyone at the party.

5. Don't mention sad events. Birthday speeches should be upbeat and optimistic.

There may be exceptions, of course, but unless you are sure it is better to

avoid anything that might awaken sad memories.

6. Don't try to be too funny. Comedians are people with excellent timing and

training. Most of us cannot write witty speeches and certainly cannot deliver

them. It's better to be light-hearted and genuine rather than trying to write a

script suitable for a TV comedy hour.

7. Don't call the celebrant by a pet name if it is an intimate one between you. A

husband might not want all the guys in the football team to know you call him

cuddly bear! Your son would be hugely embarrassed to be called mummy's

baby boy. It's alright of course to call him Pat instead of Patrick.

8. Your birthday speech should not offend anyone in any way. So you don't say

that John's friends are only there for the free bar. It may be true in a few

cases but you should never insult guests.

9. In your birthday speech, don't mention things the guests don't know about or

understand. If you have a secret joke with the celebrant keep it secret or

explain to the guests the background to your story.

10. Don't write reams. Birthdays are social occasions and people want to party not

listen to your rambling on for twenty minutes. Three or four minutes would be

more appropriate:

Keep it short

When you have the floor

You'll wow the guests

Have them shouting – More

Niamh Crowe

Copyright Speechwriters 1994-2007

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Tel. +353 1 8333599

Website: http://ispeeches.com