Birth of Doctors Band

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music makes the people come together! (:

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When the Projects of EMSA announced us, I really wanted to focus on this choir and orchestra! Because we are the ones always busy with studying and need to feel relax!

I share my opinion with my friends and started working immediately! How lucky I am! we gathered our group in 1week

Ali Murat Karadag

Artun Onat Yılmaz

Buket İpekcioglu

Ceren Sultan Altay

Kutal Mete Tekin

After the creation of DB, our first public appearence took place!

But we had 5days for the programme!

Of course this was not that much important for DB because we are all professionals!

For the concert first we decide for the songs, then we went studio for practising!

Eveything was perfect during practising, we had fun a lot! WE LOVE MUSIC !

It is time to concert !

Here we go!

Our first performance was amazing! Feedbacks were great, and most of the audience insisted us to make an album!

Now we ARE ready for another concert which is on 8th of May at Shareton Hotel in ISTANBUL.

Lastly guys, all i can say is, it is not so hard to come together and do something, especially music helps to refresh your brain if you leave all the bad things outside!


IPEK GIDERYEDITEPE UNIVERSITYCoordinator of EMSA Choir and Orchestra