Birla life insurance

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  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance


  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance





    A report submitted i p!rti!" #u"#i""met o# BBA pro$r!mme !t


  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance


    We would like to express our sincere gratitude and thanks toMr(

    R!)es* R!o, Agency Manager, Bir"! su "i#e isur!+e "td,

    J!ipur for giving us the guidance. We owe everything we have

    gained from the project in terms of knowledge and experience to

    them, as without their timely support and encouragement the

    project would not have een as fruitful as it has een.

    We also thank Mr(As*-i s!.e! for his constant encouragement

    and guidance at every stage of this project, acting as my faculty

    guide. !e has een kind enough to spare his valuale time and

    share his corporate experiences, which helped me to approach the

    project in the right way.

    We are grateful also to the entire staff of "irla sun life insurance ltd

    who helped us to collect the relevant data and get the real gist of

    current scenario.


  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    We would also like to extend sincere thanks to few people who

    were not part of our project ut without their help things would not

    have een as easy as they were.


    B*!-!r "!" 0um!-!t1BBA 2dYe!r3

    $arishkar college of %loal



  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance


    4( (ntroduction to insurance


    #. )undamental principles of insurance


    '. -easons for taking a life insurance policy


    /. ision, Mission, alues


    . 2ompany $rofile


    *. 3ales $rocedure


    4. 2ompany5s $roducts


    4.1 )lexi $lans

    4.#2lassic 6ife $remier

    4.' %old plus (( $lan

    4./ 3upreme 6ife $lan

    4. $latinum plus $lan

    . )unds y "36(


    11. 2onclusion



  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    1#. -ecommendation


    1'. "iliography


    1/. Annexure


    6Isur!+e, in law and economics, is a form of risk

    management primarily used to hedgeagainst the riskof a

    contingent loss. (nsurance is defined as the e7uitale

    transfer of the risk of a loss, from one entity to another, in

    exchange for a premium. An isureris a company selling

    the insurance. 8he isur!+e r!te is a factor used to

    determine the amount, called the premium, to e charged

    for a certain amount of insurance coverage. -isk

    management, the practice of appraising and controlling

    risk, has evolved as a discrete field of study and practice.9

    8he evolution of human eings from the primordial :wild5

    stage to the :cave dwelling5 stage is nothing ut their saga

    of search for security. 8heir 7uest for security is eternal.

    6ife insurance is a device invented y them to seek securityagainst the most important ha;ards against which they

    found themselves 7uite helpless. (t will not e an

    exaggeration to say that progress of civili;ation is due to

    human eings5 unending pursuit for security.
  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    6ife insurance in its modern form is a western concept.

    Although it started taking shape since last '00 years, it

    came to (ndia with the arrival of the &uropeans .the first life

    insurance company was estalished in (ndia in 11 as

    oriental life insurance company mainly y &uropeans to

    provide for widows of &uropeans. 8he companies that

    followed mainly catered to &uropeans and charge extra

    premium on (ndians lives. 8he first (ndian company,

    insuring (ndian lives at standard rates, was "omay mutual

    life insurance company, which was formed in 140.this was

    the year also when the first (nsurance Act was passed y

    the "ritish parliament. 8he years suse7uent to the

    3wedishi Movement saw the emerging of several insurance


    8he end of the year 1, there were #/ insurance

    companies and provident societies out of which 1* were

    non+(ndian companies. 8hese companies were nationali;ed

    in 1* and rought under one umrella < the life insurance

    corporation of (ndia, which enjoyed monopoly of life

    insurance usiness, till almost up to the end of year

    #000."y enacting the (-=A Act #000,the government of

    (ndia effectively ended 6(25s monopoly and opened the

    doors for private insurance companies



    Some use#u" terms i Isur!+e:



  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    A contract of insurance contained in a fire, marine, urglary

    or any other policy excepting life assurance and personal

    accident and sickness insurance> is a contract of indemnity.

    8his means that the insured, in case of loss against which

    the policy has een issued, shall e paid the actual amount

    of loss not exceeding the amount of the policy, i.e. he shall

    e fully indemnified. 8he oject of every contract of

    insurance is to place the insured in the same financial

    position, as nearly as possile, after the loss, as if his loss

    had not taken place at all. (t would e against pulic policy

    to allow an insured to make a profit out of his loss or



    3ince insurance shifts risk from one party to another, it is

    essential that there must e utmost good faith and mutual

    confidence etween the insured and the insurer. (n a

    contract of insurance the insured knows more aout the

    suject matter of the contract than the insurer.

    2onse7uently, he is duty ound to disclose accurately all

    material facts and nothing should e withheld or concealed.

    Any fact is material, which goes to the root of the contract

    of insurance and has a earing on the risk involved. (t is

    only when the insurer knows the whole truth that he is in a

    position to judge

    ?a> Whether he should accept the risk and?> What premium he should charge.

    (f that were so, the insured might e tempted to ring aout

    the event insured against in order to get money.


  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    C3 Isur!b"e Iterest + A contract of insurance affected

    without insurale interest is void. (t means that the insured

    must have an actual pecuniary interest and not a mere

    anxiety or sentimental interest in the suject matter of the

    insurance. 8he insured must e so situated with regard to

    the thing insured that he would have enefit y its existence

    and loss from its destruction. 8he owner of a ship run a risk

    of losing his ship, the charterer of the ship runs a risk of

    losing his freight and the owner of the cargo incurs the risk

    of losing his goods and profit. 3o, all these persons have

    something at stake and all of them have insurale interest.

    (t is the existence of insurale interest in a contract of

    insurance, which distinguishes it from a mere watering


    D3 C!us!!+ 8he rule of causa proxima means that

    the cause of the loss must e proximate or immediate and

    not remote. (f the proximate cause of the loss is a peril

    insured against, the insured can recover. When a loss has

    een rought aout y two or

    more causes, the 7uestion arises as to which is the causa

    proxima, although the result could not have happenedwithout the remote cause. "ut if the loss is rought aout

    y any cause attriutale to the misconduct of the insured,

    the insurer is not liale.

  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    E3 Ris0+ (n a contract of insurance the insurer undertakes

    to protect the insured from a specified loss and the insurer

    receive a premium for running the risk of such loss. 8hus,

    risk must attach to a policy.

    F3 Miti$!tio o# Loss+ (n the event of some mishap to the

    insured property, the insured must take all necessary steps

    to mitigate or minimi;e the loss, just as any prudent person

    would do in those circumstances. (f he does not do so, the

    insurer can avoid the payment of loss attriutale to his

    negligence. "ut it must e rememered that though the

    insured is ound to do his est for his insurer, he is, not

    ound to do so at the risk of his life.

    '3 Subro$!tio + 8he doctrine of surogation is a

    corollary to the principle of indemnity and applies only to

    fire and marine insurance. According to it, when an insured

    has received full indemnity in respect of his loss, all rights

    and remedies which he has against

    8hird person will pass on to the insurer and will e

    exercised for his enefit until he ?the insurer> recoups theamount he has paid under the policy. (t must e clarified

    here that the

    (nsurer5s right of surogation arises only when he has paid

    for the loss for which he is liale under the policy and this

    right extends only to the rights and remedies availale to

  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    the insured in respect of the thing to which the contract of

    insurance relates.

    /3 Cotributio+ Where there are two or more insurance

    on one risk, the principle of contriution comes into play.

    8he aim of contriution is to distriute the actual amount of

    loss among the different insurers who are liale for the

    same risk under different policies in respect of the same

    suject matter. Any one insurer may pay to the insured the

    full amount of the loss covered y the policy and then

    ecome entitled to contriution from his co+insurers in

    proportion to the amount which each has undertaken to pay

    in case of loss of the same suject+matter.

    (n other words, the right of contriution arises when

    1> 8here are different policies, which relate to the same

    suject matter

    #> 8he policies cover the same peril which caused the

    loss, and

    '> All the policies are in force at the time of the loss,


    /> @ne of the insurers has paid to the insured more than

    his share of the loss.


  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    6ife (nsurance$olicy is a form of security for the person

    who insures his life and his family. 6ife insurance policies

    have helped trade and other economic activities to flourish

    in a great manner. (t has generated lots of jo opportunities.

    (t is looked upon as a lucrative career option. 6ife

    insurance companies have also entered the international

    usiness scenario.

    T*e #o""o-i$ re!sos subst!ti!te -*7 ! "i#e

    isur!+e po"i+7 s*ou"d be t!0e:

    A3 E!r"7 De!t*s

    8he mortality rate is experiencing a declining trend in

    many parts of the world. !owever it is also important to

    note that the age at which $eople die is also ever

    decreasing. 3ome reasons for this include unhealthy living

    style, stress, pollution, and some natural calamities. 8his

    necessitates people to make ade7uate measures to yieldincome for their family and dependents. 8his could e a

    serious concern if the insured happens to e the sole

    readwinner. 3ome individuals see this as an option to plan

    their retirement.

    B3 Ad8!+emets i /e!"t* C!re

    8he mortality rate has declined rapidly even though the fact

    remains that the numer of people who die at an early age

    is on the increase. 8his is mainly due to the advancement in

    healthcare and the awareness on medical facilities. 8his

    results in an increased spending at an old age. 8his

    increased spending is also due to increase in the costs of

  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    living apart from paying expensive medical ills. nless

    they invest in 6ife insurance or other forms of insurance

    like health insurance it ecomes next only too impossile to

    meet the financial demands especially during the old days.

    C3 I+re!se i t*e Cost o# Li8i$ !d Spedi$


    8he purchasing power of the consumers and the standard of

    living has experienced a steep rise over the years. 8he

    increase in Bational (ncome and gross domestic product are

    $artly responsile for this. (ndividuals incur many

    unexpected expenses due to the growing needs. (nsurance

    comes in handy to meet such an unexpected expense. (t


    Makes sure that an individual is ale to meticulously plan

    his finances.

    (nsurance option is more or less an interest free loan. An

    individual can cancel his insurance policy and otain a

    huge amount if it is imperative in meeting an urgent

    expenses and he does not have alternative sources for

    finance. 6ife insurance companies therefore do the needfulto consumers.

    D3 T!. Co+essios


  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    (ncome tax concessions are availale to individuals and

    corporate houses that adopt insurance policies. Many have

    een making investments in (nsurance with the sole aim of

    enjoying tax enefits. 8his naturally increases spending

    power. 3ince the investments increases the economic

    activities in the country automatically increases.


    To be a world class provider of

    nancial security to individuals andcorporates and to be amongst the

    top three private sectors lifeinsurance companies in India.


  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance


    To be the rst preference of our

    customers by providing innovative,need based life insurance and

    retirement solutions to individualsas well as corporates. These

    solutions will be made available bywell-trained professionals through

    a multi channel distributionnetwork and

    Superior technology.

    Our endeavor will be to provideconstant value addition to

    customers throughout theirrelationship with us, within the

    regulatory framework.e will provide career

    development opportunities to ouremployees and

    The highest possible returns to ourshareholders.


    Integrity! "onesty inevery action.

    #ommitment! $eliver

    on the promise


  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    %assion! &nergi'ed

    action Seamlessness!

    (oundary less in letter ) spirit Speed! One step

    ahead always


    Bir"! Su Li#e A Comi$ To$et*er O# 9!"ues

    Bir"! Su Li#e is ! )oit 8eture bet-ee T*e Adit7!

    Bir"! 'roup, one of the largest usiness house in (ndia and

    Su Li#e Fi!+i!" I+(, a leading (nternational )inancial3ervices @rgani;ation. 8he local knowledge of the Aditya

    "irla %roup comined with the expertise of 3un 6ife

    )inancial (nc. offers a formidale protection for our future.

    8he Aditya "irla %roup is led y its chairman+ Mr. Cumar

    Manglam "irla. 8he %roup has over 000 employees

    across all its units worldwide. 3ome of the key

    organi;ations with the group are !indalco, %rasim, Aditya

    "irla Buvo, etc.

    8he group is (ndiaDs leading usiness house with a numer

    of key organi;ations. 8hese are as followsE


  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    1. %rasim

    #. ltra8ech 2ement 6td

    '. !indalco

    /. (ndian Aluminium 2ompany 6td

    . Aditya "irla Buvo

    *. (dea 2ellular 6td.

    ;( Bir"! Su Li#e Isur!+e Co(Ltd

    . "irla 3un 6ife Asset Mgmt. 2o.6td

    . "irla 3un 6ife =istriution 2o. 6td

    10. $3( =ata 3ystems

    11. (ndo %ulf )ertili;ers 6td.

    1#. "irla %loal )inance 6td

    3un 6ife )inancial (nc. and its partners today have

    operations in key markets worldwide, including 2anada,

    the nited 3tates, the nited Cingdom, !ong Cong, the

    $hilippines, Fapan, (ndonesia, (ndia, 2hina and "ermuda.

    3un 6ife )inancial (nc. is a leading player in the life

    insurance market in 2anada.

    S*!re /o"di$ P!tter:

    (n "irla+3un 6ife, the two companies are having

    shareholding pattern as followsE

    4/ G++H Aditya "irla %roup#* G++H 3un 6ife )inancial (nc.

    T*e $roup *!s 2 busiesses:

    1. Mutual )unds

    #. Wealth Management


  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    '. 6ife (nsurance

    Bir"! Su Li#e Isur!+e +o "td( is t*e Li#e

  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    "36( is a company that has a very uni7ue contriution in

    the history of (nsurance sector. 8he company not only has

    varying plans and funds, rather also is a pioneer in many

    aspects. 8hese pioneering features of "36( are as followsE

    4( Free Loo0 Period: "36( offers its policyholders

    with a free look period of 1 days. 2lient gets

    freedom to have an in+depth look over all the terms

    and conditions regarding hisIher life+insurance

    policy. (f he finds policy not worth opting for, he

    can also return the policy, ut at "36(, co. people

    ensures this not to happen.

    =( B!+!ssur!+e: "36( pioneered "ancassurance in

    (ndia. "ancassurance means to include "anks as

    one of the distriution channels with the company.

    "36( is the first company, which reali;ed that

    anks, with their huge customer ase and strong

    customer loyalty, are a readymade platform to

    ac7uire new usiness on a more cost effective and

    sustainale asis.

    2( Uit Li0ed Li#e Isur!+e P"!s:"36( was the

    first in (ndia to introduce nit 6inked $lans. A

    6($ is an auspicious coming together of security

    from life

    >( insurance and earnings from investment. Which

    means, apart from securing the future they offer

    efficient returns. 8hese plans provide the customer

    with a certain numer of units, in the same way as a


  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    mutual+fund holder gets units. 6($s offer market+

    linked returns to policyholders.

    5( S!"es I""ustr!tios:"36( is the first company to

    introduce 3ales (llustrations in the (nsurance

    (ndustry. 3ales people of "36( give demonstrations

    of fund

    ?( $erformance on two points of projections i.e. on *G

    and 10G. Bow (-=A has also made it mandatory to

    have sales illustrations.

    "36(5s has launched 2entury 3($, a uni7ue systematic

    investment plan offering an opportunity to create wealth

    with as little as -s 1000 per month plus a life insurance

    cover of up to 100 times the monthly installment.

    8his plan comes along with free term insurancefor an

    individual up to years of age.

    8he life insurance cover comes at no extra cost to the

    investor. 8he cover is hassle free. 8he investor need not go

    thru any medial test to avail of the life cover. All an

    investor needs to do is enroll for 23($ J sign a

    K=eclaration of %ood !ealth9. (n case of unfortunatedemise of investor the insurance claimwill e directly paid

    to the nominee y the insurance company ?"irla 3un 6ife

    (nsurance 2ompany>.

  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    Announcing the launch of 2entury 3($, Anil Cumar, 2&@,

    and "irla 3un 6ife M) said,

    K8his offering touches all aspects of an investor5s financial

    planning needs. We wish to encourage the investment hait

    among investors y providing them life insurance cover.9

    (nsurance cover to the investor would continue even after

    the 3($5s minimum maturity tenor of ' years. Any

    individual etween 1 to /* years of age mayinvestin this

    plan. (nvestment in this plan may e made through

    &lectronic clearing system ?&23>, direct deits or post

    dated che7ues.

    ;( Ot*ers:3ome other @B&s with "36( areE

    4stto issue daily BAs of funds for etter


    4stto have a distinct 2-(3(6 enchmark.

    4stto disclose portfolio on a monthly asis.

    $olicyholders can view their policy details

    onlineL they can e accessed from "36(

    wesite using your uni7ue password.

  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    @ut of every 100 claims intimated to "36(

    .# stands cleared.

    Also the average 8urn Around 8ime ?8A8> E

    ?i> )rom the receipt of the last

    re7uirement till dispatch of

    che7ue is days and

    ?ii> )rom intimation of claim till its

    decision J dispatch of che7ue

    is '* days.

    S!"es Pro+edure o# Isur!+e i BSLI:

    "36( ensures that its policyholders get the est out of the

    policy offered to them y their Advisors. )or this, "36(

    follows a set procedure of selling (nsurance to the clients.

    8he sales procedure can e diagrammatically presented as



  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    8his procedure can e stepped down as followsE

    4( Pit+*i$ t*e +ustomer:8he first and foremost thing is

    that, client should e ready to purchase the (nsurance plan.

    (nsurance is not a very preferale product yet in (ndia. And,

    thus, co. has to e very vigilant. Advisors, at "36(,

    maintain relationships and make the most of their

    %oodwill. (nsurance is a -elationship oriented usiness.

    Ceeping this in mind "36( also initiated "ancassurance,





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  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    where "anks5 image of eing loyal to the customers, plays

    a major role in pitching the customer to uy (nsurance.

    "36( uses following routes for distriuting their $roduct to

    general pulicE

    a. =irect $ersonal 2ontacts ?through Advisors>

    . "ancassurance ?through "anks>

    c. $ersonal -elations ?through co. employees>

    d. &xisting $olicyholders.

    =( S!"es I""ustr!tio: "36( is the first company to give

    demonstration of the fund performance i.e. how a certain

    policy will perform or will give returns. "36( Advisors

    give sales illustration. )und performance is shown on *G

    and 10G projections. (f client find these projected returns

    suitale to hisIher risk profile, he go for purchasing the


    2( Propos!" Form: Bow as client is ready to get

    insured, advisor gives him the proposal form and

    asks for all the documents re7uired. $roposal form

    is a / page document that contains all the necessary

    information related to the (nsured and the @wner of

    the policy. =ocuments re7uired along with the

    proposal form areE

    =ate+@f+"irth $roof

    Address J (= $roof

    (ncome 2ertificate

    Medical 2ertificates ?only if (nsurer is a senior



  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    /. A#ter S!"es Ser8i+e: Bow after the (nsurance is

    sold, follow+ups are re7uired. Advisor needs to

    maintain good relations with the policyholder.

    (nsurance co. can

    %enerate further usiness, only if, existing

    policyholders are satisfied with the services eing

    provided y the advisor of the co. 8hus, "36( keeps

    this in mind and "usiness =evelopment &xecutives

    continuously track the needs of the policyholders. "36(

    provides the policyholders with monthly updates of the

    fund performance and

    also discloses the asset portfolio of the fund. 8his

    assists the policyholders to manage their policy

    according to their risk profile. 8hey can, thus, change

    their fund allocation as well as the asset allocation in

    any fund, chosen y them.



    All the plans associated with "36( are nit 6inked $lans.

    F"e.i P"!s

    )lexi $lans have three variants. 8hese variants areE

    1. )lexi 3ave $lus ?&ndowment $lan>


  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    #. )lexi 2ash )low ?Money "ack $lan>

    '. )lexi 6ifeline ?Whole of 6ife $lan>


    8his is a nit 6inked $lan with guaranteed returns.

    $rovides flexiility with 8op+p )acility.

    )or uarterly modal premium less than -s.000,

    payment can e made through &23.

    $olicyholder can attach riders to the plan according

    to hisIher needs.

    6i7uidity in the form of $artial withdrawals.

    8hree (nvestment )und options are availale with

    the policy and policyholder is free to switch

    etween funds anytime during the tenure of the


    8he 3um Assured may e increased once in every

    policy years, starting from the *th

    policy year.

    $remium can e paid annually, semi+annually,

    7uarterly and monthly

    Premium I8ested: 2ollected $remium is invested in three

    (nvestment )und @ptions. 8hese funds areE

    1. $rotector

    #. "uilder

    '. &nhancer



  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    1. Maturity "enefitsE At maturity, $olicyholder gets

    the higher of the guaranteed fund value ?min. 'G on

    premium> or the 8otal )und value.

    #. 3urvival "enefitsE

    ?i> At the end of every th2overage "enefit $eriod

    and the remainder on maturity, an amount

    e7uals to the minimum of ?a> or ?> mentioned

    elow will e reduced from the guaranteed fund

    value and transferred to the holding account for

    the purpose of partial withdrawals, where+

    ?a> %uaranteed )und alue

    ?> 3um Assured G as stated elowE

    '0G if the 2overage "enefit

    $eriod is 10 years.

    #G if the 2overage "enefit

    $eriod is 1 years.

    #0G if the 2overage "enefit

    $eriod is #0 years.

    1G if the 2overage "enefit

    $eriod is # years.

    (f survival enefits are not withdrawn, they will

    continue to e a part of the )und alue.

    ?ii> (f the life insured is a minor,

    policyholder can withdraw the survival

    enefit payout within one month from


  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    the scheduled payout date from the fund


    '. =eath "enefitsE

    A$e !t time o#

    De!t*De!t* Bee#its

    2 d!7s to 4 7e!r )und alue @nly

    A$e 4 Ye!r to ?


    !igher of 3um Assured less all partial withdrawals made in #/

    months preceeding the death of life insured or the fund value or

    the guaranteed fund value.

    O or A#ter

    !tt!imet o# ?


    !igher of 3um Assured less all partial withdrawals made since

    the life insured attained the age or the fund value or the

    guaranteed fund value.


    1. Mortality 2hargesE 8hese charges are deducted y

    canceling units on a monthly asis at the prevailing

    BA. 8he annual mortality charges per 1000 sum

    assured for sample ages are as followsE

    A$e = 2 > 5 ?

    M!"e 1.01* 1.141 #.10 .'# 1'.4'#

    Fem!"e 0.* 1.1*' 1.*4 /.0'0 10.**0

    #. $artial Withdrawal 2hargesE # withdrawals in a

    policy year are free of charge. -s100 for every

    additional partial withdrawal are charged.

    C"!ssi+ Li#e Premier


  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    8his is the plan that not only helps to save for the future ut

    also helps to get rich enefits from the investments,

    especially at a time when the need for family protection

    reduces significantly.


    8he plan is a unit linked, non+participating plan.

    8his plan has the option of seven+investment fund

    with the flexiility to allocate the premiums in

    varying proportions into the different )und @ption.

    8op up facility is there. 8he minimum amount of

    top ups is 10000.

    8he plan offers further enefits in the form of

    additional units, which will e added to the )und

    value at the end of the 10thpolicy year.

    8here is high li7uidity in the form of $artial

    Withdrawals and 3urrender "enefits.

    =eath "enefits, which will e higher of the )und

    value or 3um Assured, reduced y the applicale

    partial withdrawals.


    &ntry AgeE

    MinimumE '0 days for #0 J '0 term years for 10 terms

    '0 years for whole life

    MaximumE )or 10 years term+ *0 years

    )or #0 years term+ 0 years

    )or '0 years term+ /0 years


  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    )or Whole 6ife+ *0 years


    MinimumE 10 years

    MaximumE 40 years ?assuming whole life to

    e 100 years>

    Maturity AgeE 40 years for the term+ 10,#0,'0 years

    100 years for whole life

    $remium $ayment 8ermE )or 10 years term+ ', yrs

    or regular coverage

    paying period.

    )or #0 yrs, '0yrs term

    and Whole 6ife+ yrs, 10

    yrs or regular coverage

    paying period.

    Premium I8estmet: $remium collected is invested in

    3even (nvestment )und @ptionsE

    1. Assure

    #. $rotector

    '. "uilder

    /. &nhancer

    . 2reator

    *. Magnifier

    4. Maximiser


    1. %uaranteed AdditionE (t is in the form of additional

    units, which is added to the fund value on the 10 th


  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    policy anniversary and on every th policy

    anniversary thereafter, while policy is in effect.

    #. $artial Withdrawal @ptionsE $artial Withdrawals

    can e made after ' policy years or when the life

    insured attains maturity, whichever is later. 8he

    minimum partial withdrawal amount is -s.10000

    '. 3urrender "enefitsE $olicy offers the flexiility of

    surrendering the policy, if the need arises. 8here is

    no surrender charge after * completed policy years.

    !owever, if the policy is surrendered within ' years

    from inception, the surrender value is paid after the

    completion of the third policy anniversary.

    /. =eath "enefitsE

    "elow yearsE (f the death of the life

    insured take place efore years, only the

    fund value shall e payale to the policy


    "etween to *0 yearsE !igher of the fund

    value or the sum assured less all applicale

    partial withdrawals made in the last #/

    months preceding the death of the life


    *0 years and AoveE !igher of the fund

    value or the sum assured less all applicale


  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    partial withdrawals made since the life

    insured attained the age of .

    . Maturity "enefitsE @n maturity of the policy, the

    fund value is payale. nder the whole life option,

    on maturity of the policy, when the life insured

    attains the age of 100, then fund value is payale

    and the policy will e terminated.

    *. 8ax "enefitsE 8ax enefits on premium payment are

    governed y section 02 of the (ncome 8ax Act

    1*1. 8ax &xemptions on the amount received on

    maturity in the unfortunate event of death and the

    withdrawals are governed y section 10?10=>.

    4. Addition of -idersE $olicy holder can customi;e the

    plan y adding any of the following * ridersE

    1. Accidental =eath J =ismemerment -ider

    #. 8erm -ider

    '. 2ritical (llness -ider

    /. 2ritical (llness $lus -ider

    . 2ritical (llness Women -ider

    *. Waiver of $remium -ider


    1. $remium Allocation 2hargesE 8hese charges duringthe premium paying term are as underE

    Po"i+7 Ye!r 1 # or ' 8hereafter

    C*!r$e 1'G /G #G


  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    8his charge on 8op+up and underwriting extra is #G.

    #. Mortality 2hargeE 8his charge will e deducted y

    cancellation of units on a monthly asis at the

    prevailing BA. 8he Annual Mortality charge per

    1000 of the 3um at risk for sample ages are as


    A$e =5 25 >5 55 ?5

    Fem!"e 1.0#' 1.1*# #.' *.//1 1.#

    M!"e 1.0' 1.'*' '.110 .41 #1.0*

    '. )und Management 2hargeE 8his is charged y

    adjustment of the daily BAs. 8he charge isE

    1G p.a. for Assure, $rotector, "uilder and

    &nhancer )und.

    1.#G p.a. for 2reator, Magnifier and

    Maximiser )und.

    /. $olicy administration 2hargeE 8he charge is

    deducted y canceling units on a monthly asis at

    the prevailing BA. 8he annual charge differs

    according to the 6ife (nsurance 2overage 3um

    Assured and 6ife (nsurance 2overage $aying

    $eriod. 8he maximum charge is *.10 and the

    minimum charge is 0.00


  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    . 3urrender 2hargeE 8hese charges are levied as the

    percentage of the annual life insurance coverage

    $remium payale. 2harges are as followsE

    Po"i+7 Ye!r 1 # ' / * 4N


    C*!r$e'0G #0G 1G 10G G *G B(6

    *. -ider $remium 2hargeE (f the riders are attached,

    this charge will e reali;ed y cancellation of units

    on a monthly asis ased on the e7uivalent monthly

    rider coverage premium payale, when rider

    coverage payment period e7uals the rider coverage

    enefit period.

    'o"d P"us II P"!

    8he plan gives much more than a good insurance cover, an

    opportunity to grow investment for the medium term. (t is

    worth more than %old.


    (t is a nit 6inked, Bon+$articipating, (nsurance


    =uration of plan is years.


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    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    $remium paying term of ' years with the flexiility

    to reduce premium up to -s. 10000 from the second

    policy year.

    $lan also has 8op+up facility.

    6i7uidity in the form of $artial Withdrawals and

    3urrender "enefits.

    $lan has 4 fund options.

    )ree unlimited fund switching and premium



    &ntry AgeE 1 to 40 years.

    Minimum $remiumE -s.0000

    Minimum sum AssuredE x Annual $remium

    Premium I8estmet: $remium collected is allocated in

    varying proportions in seven investment fund options.

    $olicyholder can switch etween the fund options anytime

    during the tenure of the policy. 8he seven (nvestment

    )unds availale areE

    1. Assure

    #. $rotector

    '. "uilder

    /. &nhancer

    . 2reator *. Magnifier

    4. Maximiser



  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    1. Maturity "enefitsE

    @n maturity fund value will e paid to the


    #. =eath "enefitsE

    (n the nfortunate event of the =eath of the 6ife

    (nsured prior to the maturity date of the policy, the

    nominee gets the greater of

    1!3 )und alue

    1b3 3um Assured reduced for partial withdrawal

    as followsE

    "efore the life insured attains the

    age of *0, the sum assured payale

    on death is reduced y partial

    withdrawals made in the

    preceeding years.

    @nce the 6ife (nsured attains the

    age of *0, the 3um Assured

    payale on death is reduced y all

    partial withdrawals made from age


    '. 8ax "enefitsE

    $olicyholder is eligile for tax enefits I3 02 and

    I3 10?10=> of the (ncome 8ax Act 1*1.

    I3 02+ $remium up to -s.100000 is

    allowed as deduction from taxale income

    each year.

    I3 10?10=> + 8he "enefits received under

    plan are exempted from tax.



  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    1. $remium Allocation 2hargesE

    (t is deducted from premium when received and

    efore allocation of units.



    Policy Years

    1 2 3 4+

    On Policy

    Premium 8% 4% 4%On top-up

    Premium 2% 2% 2% 2%

    #. )und Management 2hargesE

    )und Management charge not exceeding 1.G per

    annum of the fund value will e charged y

    adjustments of the daily unit price. 8he charge is

    1G p.a.+ Assure, $rotector, "uilder and


    1.#G p.a. < 2reator, Magnifier and


    '. $olicy Administration 2hargesE

    8hese charges are recovered y canceling units on a

    monthly asis proportionately from each investment

    fund. 8he annual -ate per 1000 of 3um Assured isE



    Policy Years

    1 2 3 4+



    19.4 19.4 19.4 14.4


  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    Charge *

    O An additional per 1000 will e charged in the

    first ' policy years only on any excess 3um Assured

    over -s. 0000

    /. Mortality 2hargesE 8hese charges are deducted on a

    monthly asis. 8hese charges are taken y canceling

    units proportionately from each of the investment

    funds at that time. 8he annual rate per 1000 of 3um

    Assured less fund value for sample ages areE

    A$e =5 25 >5 55 ?5

    Fem!"e 1.0#' 1.1*# #.' *.//1 1.#

    M!"e 1.0' 1.'*' '.110 .41 #1.0*

    . 3urrender 2hargesE

    8hese charges are applied when the policyholder

    surrender their policy in the first ' policy years. 8he

    surrender charge as a percentage of the annual

    policy premium chosen at issue is



    Policy Years

    1 2 3 4+

    Surrender 15% 12.5% 10% nil


  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance


    Supreme Li#e P"!


    8he plan is a nit 6inked (nsurance $lan.

    (t provides the nominee with an increased sum

    assured and uilds savings faster.

    8he plan offers more protection of money at

    supremely low cost.

    $rovides with 3upreme Accidental 8$= ?8otal

    $ermanent =isaility>.

    $olicyholder gets freedom to choose premium

    amount as low as -s.#000

    8he plan provides with * (nvestment )und @ptions.

    8he plan is flexile as it provides the policyholder

    with 8op+p $remium facility to ensure fastergrowth in the )und alue.

    $artial Withdrawals, are allowed, after ' years to

    meet li7uidity needs of the policyholder


    $olicy 8ermE 10, 1, #0, #, '0, ', /0 Pears.

    $remium $ayment 8ermE $olicyholder can chooseto pay premium at short or regular intervals.

    Premium I8estmet: $remium 2ollected is investment in

    six investment fund options. 8hese funds areE

    1. Assure


  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    #. $rotector

    '. "uilder

    /. &nhancer

    . 2reator

    *. Magnifier


    1. =eath "enefitsE

    =oule =eath "enefits i.e. =eath "enefitsQ

    3um Assured N 3avings

    (ncreasing =eath enefits i.e. =eath "enefitQ

    3um Assured N #G every thyear

    #. Accidental 8$= "enefitE

    $olicyholder immediately gets the original sum

    assured up to -s.0 lac

    2o. pays the future premiums up to age *0.

    '. 3witches J -edirectionE

    $olicyholder gets flexiility to switch etween

    the fund options. 8wo switches are free per



    1. Mortality 2hargesE 2harges are deducted monthly

    y canceling units from the associated fund option.

    8he charge is G

    #. $olicy Administration 2hargesE 8hese charges are

    deducted monthly y canceling units from the

    investment fund. 8he annual charge is -s. 4#0 on

    the first 1000 3um Assured in all years i.e. -s.'.*0


  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    per 1000 3um Assured p.a. 8he additional charges

    for years 1+ are as followsE

    Term B!d 4 B!d = B!d 2

    4@45 /.4 /.# /.00

    = '.4 '.# '.00

    '. $remium Allocation 2hargesE 8hese charges are G

    for the 1stpolicy year and #G for suse7uent policy


    /. )und Management 2hargesE 8hese charges are 1

  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    $lus )und ( recorded on reset dates starting on

    March 14, #00 and ending on Fune 1, #01.


    &ntry Age of 6ife (nsuredE 1 to 40 Pears.

    Minimum Annual $remiumE -s. 1,00,000

    Minimum 3um AssuredE xAnnual $remium.

    Premium Co""e+ted is i8ested i t*e Euit7 Debt

    M!r0et !++ordi$ to t*e preset Asset A""o+!tio o# t*e

    P"!tium P"us Fud I(


    1. %uaranteed Maturity nit $rice

    Minimum of -s. 10 on the first -eset =ate

    At maturity, is the highest nit $rice recorded on

    -eset =ates

    #. Maturity "enefits

    Bumer of units multiplied y higher of %uaranteed

    Maturity nit $rice or prevailing nit $rice at


    '. 3urrender "enefits

    )ull li7uidity after ' policy years

  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    I3 02+ $remium up to -s.100000 is

    allowed as deduction from taxale income

    each year.

    I3 10?10=> + "enefits from the plan are

    exempted from tax.


    1. $remium Allocation 2hargesE 10G of

    premium in the first year and /G of

    premium in suse7uent years.

    #. )und Management 2hargesE 1.00G+1.0G

    p.a. for Assure J 1.0G+#.00G p.a. for

    $latinum $lus )und (.

    '. $olicy Administration 2hargesE 8hese

    charges are deducted monthly y canceling

    units from the investment fund Assure first

    and then, from $latinum $lus (, if re7uired.

    8he annual charge is -s. 4#0 on the first

    1000 3um Assured in all years plus -s.* per

    1000 3um Assured in years 1 to ' only.

    /. Mortality 2hargesE 2harges are deducted

    monthly y canceling units from the

    associated investment funds. 8he Annual

    2harges for sample ages are as followsE

    Att!ied A$e =5 25 >5 55 ?5

    Fem!"e 1.0#' 1.1*# #.' *.//1 1.#0


  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    M!"e 1.0' 1.'*' '.110 .41 #1.0*0

    . 3urrender 2hargesE 8his charge, as a

    percentage of the annual premium at issue,

    is 1*G, 1'G and 10G for policy year 1, #

    and ' respectively.

    *. -evival 2hargeE 8he charge for policy

    revival is -s. 100+1000 per revival


    "irla 3un 6ife (nsurance, a leading 6ife (nsurance

    company, offers its clients with a long range of )unds.

    8hese funds are designed to cater to a variety of needs of

    people who are from different life stages. "36( offers a

    road range of 1# funds, each having differing asset


    4= #uds o##ered !re:

    1. (ndividual $rotector

    #. (ndividual Assure

    '. (ndividual "alancer

    /. (ndividual "uilder

    . (ndividual 2reator


  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    *. (ndividual &nhancer

    4. (ndividual 6ife Maximiser

    . (ndividual Magnifier

    . (ndividual Multiplier

    10. $ension Bourish

    11. $ension &nrich

    1#. $ension %rowth

    A new fund named P"!tium P"us Fud Iis also added in

    this list of funds.

    Asset Allocation is decided y the )und Managers of the

    company. 8hese fund managers continuously tracks the

    movements of volatile market and comine this volatility

    with the fund re7uirements of the policyholders.

    Accordingly he decides allocation of assets in major

    investment optionsE

    %overnment 3ecurities

    2orporate =et

    3ecuriti;ed =et


    Money Market (nstruments

    $roportion of allocating the fund in these options, vary

    according to the needs and fund re7uirements of

    policyholders. 8he most important thing to e noticed here

    is that this portfolio is decided, ased on the regulations of

    (-=A. $erformances of these funds are rated y the rating



  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    All the 1# funds y "36( are descried elow along with

    their respective Asset Allocations.

    Idi8idu!" Assure

    Ob)e+ti8e: 8he primary ojective of this fund is to provide

    2apital $rotection, at a high level of safety and li7uidity

    through judicious investments in high 7uality short+term


    Str!te$7: %enerate etter return with low level of risk

    through investment into fixed interest securities having

    short+term maturity profile.

    Asset A""o+!tio:


    2orporate =et .4G

    Money Market (nstruments 14.4G

    TOTAL 4(


  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance





    Corporate Debt

    Money Maret



    Idi8idu!" B!"!+er

    Ob)e+ti8e: 8he ojective of this fund is to achieve value

    creation of the policyholder at an average risk level over

    medium to long+term period.

    Str!te$7: 8he strategy is to invest predominantly in det

    securities with an additional exposure to e7uity,

    maintaining medium term duration profile of the portfolio.

    Asset A""o+!tio:


    %overnment 3ecurities 10.*4G

    2orporate =et '.0/G

    &7uity #'.//G

    Money Market (nstruments #*.G


  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    TOTAL 4(

    Pesio 'ro-t*

    Ob)e+ti8e: 8his fund option is designed to uild the capital

    and to generate etter returns at moderate level of risk, over

    a medium or long+term period through a alance of

    investment in e7uity and det.

    Str!te$7: %enerate etter return with moderate level of risk

    through active management of fixed income portfolio and

    focus on creating long term e7uity portfolio which will

    enhance yield of composite portfolio with low level of risk


    Asset A""o+!tio:



  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    %overnment 3ecurities 1'.0G

    2orporate =et /./1G

    &7uity 1.*'G

    Money Market (nstruments ##.0*GTOTAL 4(

    Pesio Eri+*

    Ob)e+ti8e: !elps to grow the capital through enhanced

    returns over a medium to long+term period through

    investments in e7uity and det instruments, therey

    providing a good alance etween risk and return.

    Str!te$7: 8o earn capital appreciation y maintaining

    diversified e7uity portfolio and seek to earn regular returnon fixed income portfolio y active management resulting

    in wealth creation for policyholders.

    Asset A""o+!tio:


  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance


    %overnment 3ecurities 1/.'G

    2orporate =et './0G

    &7uity '#.*GMoney Market (nstruments 1'.4G

    TOTAL 4(


    @ur training was a very enriching experience for us, we

    have learnt so many things, and we got insight into the

    insurance world.(nsurance sector today playing a major


  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    role in everyone5s life lot more than ever efore life

    currently there is a comprehensive range of products

    covering each type of policy availale in the market. We

    have studied various insurance plans covered under "36(,

    and their features. "36( also gives various -iders, which

    provides extra enefits to the customers. And we came to

    know aout the pioneering features of "36(, like sales

    procedure, 3($, etc.

    While most insurance plans lock money for certain period

    of time, a "36( plan gives the doule enefit of life

    insurance along with easy li7uidity through lump sum


    "irla 3un 6ife (nsurance ?"36(>, one of the largest private

    life insurers, is gearing itself to take advantage of the vastrural opportunity that has opened up as a result of the

    revised definition of rural areas y the (-=A. @ver the last

    four years, "36( has painstakingly uilt its rural

    infrastructure to create a cost+effective distriution

    network across the country.

    @ur training gave us corporate exposure, and helped in

    improving our communication skills. We learnt to deal

    with customers, we made them aware aout various plans,

    and their respective features, even helped them to select

    the est plan as per their re7uirements.


  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance


    1. 2ompetition from pulic sector and foreign anks remains a

    key challenge for private sector anks. 8hey need to reorient

    their staff and effectively utili;e technology platforms to retain


    #. 8hey have to update their portfolio timely.

    '. "irla 3un 6ife (nsurance 6td should have proper division of

    departments under heads.

    /. "irla 3un 6ife (nsurance 6td should have more pension plans.

    . "irla 3un 6ife (nsurance 6td should have more children plans,

    and more help line plans

    *. 8hey should provide more information to the customer so that

    they ecome more aware aout insurance


    4( =ated 1'I*I0 8ime 'E'0

    #. www.$aisawaisa.comI6ife(nsurance =ated 1'I*I0 8ime /E00

    2( 2ompany rochure

    >(2ompany rochureI %@6=+ $63(( $6ABI er 01I1#I04

  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    5(2ompany rochureI 2lassic 6ife $remierI er II04


  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance


    4( Do 7ou m!0e i8estmetsG



    =( /o- mu+* 7ou e!r !u!""7G

    A( Be"o- 5,

    B( 5,

  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    5( /o- did 7ou +!me to 0o- !bout itG

    A Ne-sp!pers

    B( O"ie

    C( Perso!" Re#ere+e

    D( Ot*er

    ?( &*!t !ssets do 7ou o-G

    A( Perso!" *ouse


    C(Credit +!rd

    ;( &*ere -ou"d 7ou "i0e to i8estG

    A( Mutu!" Fud


    C(Re!" est!te



  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    H( &*!t -ou"d u "i0e to isureG

    A( 9e*i+"e

    B(Li#e isur!+e

    ( &*i+* isur!+e p"! o# BSLI !re

    7ou iterested iG

    A(S!r!" Jee8!

    B('o"d P"us IIC(P"!tium P"us

    D(C"!ssi+ Li#e Premier

    4( /o- do 7ou r!te our p"!sG

    A( A8er!$e

    B( 'ood

  • 8/10/2019 Birla life insurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    C( E.+e""et