Birla Sun Life Insurance Platinum Plus Plan Confidential Copyright Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited 2008 Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited

Birla Sun Life Insurance Platinum Plus Plan - Parekh · PDF fileBirla Sun Life Insurance, BSLI Platinum Plus and Platinum Plus Fund IV are only the Disclaimers Birla Sun Life Insurance

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Birla Sun Life Insurance Platinum Plus Plan

Confidential Copyright Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited 2008

Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited

Page 2: Birla Sun Life Insurance Platinum Plus Plan - Parekh · PDF fileBirla Sun Life Insurance, BSLI Platinum Plus and Platinum Plus Fund IV are only the Disclaimers Birla Sun Life Insurance

BSLI Platinum Plus

� Investment risk in the investment portfolio is borne by the policy holder.

� The premiums paid in Unit Linked Life Insurance policies are subject to investment

risks associated with capital markets and the NAVs of the units may go up or down

based on the performance of the fund and factors influencing the capital market and

the policy owner is responsible for his or her decision.

� Birla Sun Life Insurance, BSLI Platinum Plus and Platinum Plus Fund IV are only the


Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited

Copyright Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited 2008


names of the Company, Policy and the Investment Funds respectively and do not in

any way indicate the quality of the Policy, Investment Funds or their future prospects or


� Insurance is the subject matter of the solicitation.

� Tax benefits are subject to changes in tax laws.

� Refer to product brochure for more details.

For Internal Use Only

Prepared by Product Management

UIN: 109L037V02


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Why should you let your money go anywhere else?

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Protects your NAV and its growth

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Why BSLI Platinum Plus Plan

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The Plan – Basics

Entry Age of Life Insured

Policy Term

Policy Features

Premium Paying Term

Premium Paying Frequency

Minimum Policy Premium

18 to 70 years

10 years

3 years

Annual / Semi-annual / Quarterly / Monthly

Rs. 50,000 per annum, Rs. 25,000 half yearly

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Minimum Policy Premium

Premium Reduction

Top-Up Premium

Partial Withdrawal

Sum Assured



Rs. 50,000 per annum, Rs. 25,000 half yearly

Rs. 15,000 quarterly, Rs. 10,000 per month

Not Allowed

Not Allowed


5 x Annual Premium

Subject to Underwriting

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The Plan - Charges

Premium Allocation Charge

(% of Premium Received)

Policy Administration Charge

plusplus in years 1 to 3 only

Surrender Charge

(% of Annual Premium)

10% First Year Premium

4% Renewal Premium

Rs. 720 in all years

6 per 1000 SA

16.0% in year 1

13.0% in year 2

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(% of Annual Premium)

Mortality Charge (per 1000 SaR)

Miscellaneous Charges

Revival of Policy

Premium Redirection

Fund Switch

Partial Withdrawal

13.0% in year 2

10.0% in year 3

Nil thereafter

95% BSLI Table

Rs. 100




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The Plan

Welcome to Innovation



Allocated*to purchase units in

Platinum Plus Fund IV

Applications to participate in Platinum Plus Fund IVApplications to participate in Platinum Plus Fund IV

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Guaranteed Maturity Unit Price

HIGHEST Unit Price in 7 years

recorded on business days between September 15, 2009 to December 15, 2016

is Minimum Value of Units at Maturity

Applications to participate in Platinum Plus Fund IVApplications to participate in Platinum Plus Fund IV

will be accepted until December 15, 2009will be accepted until December 15, 2009{No need to select Investment fund option in the application}

*Premium net of premium allocation charge is allocated

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The Plan – Platinum Plus Fund IV

Objective – to optimise the participation in an actively managed well diversified equity

portfolio of fundamentally strong blue chip companies while using debt instruments &

derivatives to lock-in capital appreciations.

Derivatives are for hedging purposes only and as approved by the IRDA.

Risk profile is high and asset allocation is –

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Risk profile is high and asset allocation is –

0 – 40% in Money Market & Cash

0 – 100% in Debt Instruments & Derivatives

0 – 100% in Equities & Equity Related Securities

Initial asset allocation in equities – 80% to 100%

Fund Management Charge 1.50% p.a.

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The Plan – Guarantee

Guaranteed Maturity Unit Price

� Starts at Rs. 10 on the first business day which is September 15, 2009

� Until December 15, 2016, increased on subsequent business days to then prevailing

price of Platinum Plus Fund IV, if higher

� Applies only at maturity and not in case of death, surrender or partial withdrawal

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The Plan - Benefits

Death Benefit

� Higher of Fund Value or Sum Assured (less applicable partial withdrawals)

� Fund Value is not guaranteed in any way

Surrender Benefit

� Full liquidity after 3 policy years – 100% Fund Value

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� Full liquidity after 3 policy years – 100% Fund Value

� Fund Value is not guaranteed in any way

Maturity Benefit

� 100% Fund Value plus an amount equal to

� the number of units at maturity; times

� any excess of the Guaranteed Maturity Unit Price over the then prevailing unit price

of Platinum Plus Fund IV

Value of Units at Maturity is HIGHEST Unit Price

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Let the Experts do all the Work for You

Strategy – Allocation between equities and fixed income instruments will be dynamically

managed. The equity investment strategy will revolve around building and actively

managing a well-diversified equity portfolio of value & growth driven fundamentally strong

blue-chip companies by following a research-focused investment approach. On the fixed

income side, investments will be made in government securities, high rated corporate

bonds and money market instruments.

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bonds and money market instruments.

At inception, 80% to 100% of the assets will be invested in equities. However

subsequently, and particularly in case of a market decline, the assets may be more heavily

reallocated in debt instruments and money market funds. As a result, the future returns of

Platinum Plus Fund IV may be lower than those of the equity market.

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Let the Experts do all the Work for You

Strategy – At Work

Following Hypothetical Fund Performance is for illustrative purposes only and in no way is

meant to indicate the expected future performance of the Platinum Plus Fund IV. Platinum

Plus Fund IV may or may not outperform other investment fund options.

Although hypothetical, the example does reflect how the company would have dynamically

managed assets of Platinum Plus Fund IVunder such circumstances.

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managed assets of Platinum Plus Fund IVunder such circumstances.

In this plan prior to maturity, the investment risk in the

investment funds is borne by you. Investment funds are

subject to investment risks associated with the capital

markets and unit prices may go up or down reflecting

the market value of the underlying assets. Past

performance is no guarantee of future results.

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Hypothetical Fund Performance* (FMC – 1.50%)

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* For illustrative purpose only* For illustrative purpose only

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Hypothetical Fund Performance (FMC – 1.50%)

Interesting scenario in second year

� Unit Price of Platinum Plus Fund IV is 8.4714

� Yet Guaranteed Maturity Unit Price (GMUP) is 10.0000

Second Year Premium of Rs. 100,000 (less 4% Premium Allocation Charge)

� Buys about 11,332 units (96,000 divided by 8.4714)

� Yet units will mature for no less than Rs. 113,322 (11,332 units x GMUP 10)

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� Yet units will mature for no less than Rs. 113,322 (11,332 units x GMUP 10)

Enjoy the best of both worlds!

� If Platinum Plus Fund IV performs well – why not invest more

� Otherwise – why not invest more given the unique guarantee at maturity

In either case, you are a winner!

Kindly note - Not all units will necessarily mature due to Policy Administration & Mortality

Charges which are covered by redeeming units on a monthly basis.

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Sample Illustration using Male with Issue Age 40

Hypothetical Fund Performance (FMC – 1.50%)

Platinum Plus Fund IV

Policy Annual Year-End Year-End

Year Return Unit Price GMUP

Issue 10.0000 10.0000

1 -15.3% 8.4714 10.0000

2 46.2% 12.3838 12.3838

3 33.9% 16.5844 17.9494

Start of Year

Premium Units Units

Paid Purchased Redeemed

100,000 9,000 544

100,000 11,332 533

100,000 7,752 313

End of Year

Unit Fund GMUP

Balance Value Value

8,456 71,637 84,564

19,256 238,458 238,458

26,695 442,714 479,152

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� Guaranteed Maturity Unit Price is highest unit price of Platinum Plus Fund IV recorded on Business

days between September 15, 2009 and December 15, 2016.

� Units Purchased is Premium (net of Premium Allocation Charge) ÷ by unit price at that time.� Units Redeemed reflect Policy Administration & Mortality Charges covered on a monthly basis.

3 33.9% 16.5844 17.9494

4 27.2% 21.0947 22.0997

5 -9.2% 19.1541 22.0997

6 20.1% 23.0103 23.0103

7 -2.9% 22.3391 24.1253

8 0.4% 22.4219 24.1253

9 5.9% 23.7500 24.1253

10 5.2% 24.9924 24.1253

100,000 7,752 313

- - 47

- - 36

- - 36

- - 32

- - 32

- - 31

- - 30

26,695 442,714 479,152

26,648 562,128 588,908

26,612 509,728 588,116

26,576 611,512 611,512

26,543 592,953 640,365

26,511 594,437 639,597

26,480 628,906 638,845

26,451 661,066 638,130

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Actual Fund Performance - Platinum Plus Fund II





11.00 Platinum Plus Fund II Guaranteed Maturity Unit Price

Despite fall in markets,

policyholders continue

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� Guaranteed returns in volatile markets

� Despite providing guaranteed maturity unit price (GMUP) to its policyholders, the fund has

maintained higher equity exposure

� Policyholders will continue to enjoy the upside while the downside is protected by GMUP (i.e. 10.25

as on 15th April, 09)

NAV as on 30th April’09 : 10.33





























































































policyholders continue

to enjoy guaranteed

maturity value of 10.25

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BSLI Platinum Plus Plan

with features to suit your needs

through shorter payment period & full liquidity

to achieve wealth creation & protection solutions

well-diversified portfolio with quality professional advice

through guarantees






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A premier plan which takes cares of your Insurance and Investment worries!

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Thank You

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