Biology 30S Final Review Unit I: Wellness/Homeostasis 1. What characteristics do living things share? 2. Differentiate between living, non-living and dead substances. 3. What is homeostasis? How does each system of the body work together to achieve homeostasis? Qualify your answers with specific examples. 4. What does the body need energy for? 5. What is the only form of energy our body can utilize? 6. Compare and contrast photosynthesis and cellular respiration. 7. How does nutrition in green plants differ from nutrition in animals? 8. Explain the importance of water to living organisms. 9. How are cell membranes designed to allow the passage of materials in and out of the cell? 10. Explain active vs. passive transport. 11. What is diffusion? Osmosis? Pinocytosis? Phagocytosis? 12. Compare/contrast isotonic, hypotonic and hypertonic solutions/environments. 13. What is wellness? How does an organism maintain wellness? Unit II: Digestion Part I Carbohydrates 1. Three types of carbohydrates are ______________, _____________, and ___________________. 1

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Page 1: Biology 30S Final Reviewmrsmbrownshs.weebly.com/uploads/8/9/4/1/8941489/… · Web viewBiology 30S Final Review Unit I: Wellness/Homeostasis What characteristics do living things

Biology 30S Final Review Unit I: Wellness/Homeostasis 1. What characteristics do living things share? 2. Differentiate between living, non-living and dead substances. 3. What is homeostasis? How does each system of the body work together

to achieve homeostasis? Qualify your answers with specific examples. 4. What does the body need energy for? 5. What is the only form of energy our body can utilize? 6. Compare and contrast photosynthesis and cellular respiration. 7. How does nutrition in green plants differ from nutrition in animals? 8. Explain the importance of water to living organisms. 9. How are cell membranes designed to allow the passage of materials in

and out of the cell? 10.Explain active vs. passive transport. 11.What is diffusion? Osmosis? Pinocytosis? Phagocytosis? 12.Compare/contrast isotonic, hypotonic and hypertonic

solutions/environments. 13.What is wellness? How does an organism maintain wellness? Unit II: Digestion Part I Carbohydrates 1. Three types of carbohydrates are ______________, _____________, and

___________________. 2. The two main roles of carbohydrates in living systems are __________, and ______________. 3. Three sources of carbohydrates in our diet are ____________, _________, and

_____________. 4. For the following monosaccharides give examples of where they may be



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a. glucose- _______________________ b. fructose- ______________________

5. For the following disaccharides give the simple sugars which compose

them. a. maltose- __________________________ b. lactose- __________________________ c. sucrose- __________________________

6. The molecular formula for a monosaccharide is _________ while the formula

for a disaccharide is ____________. Part II: Lipids 1. The three roles that lipids play in living systems is _____________,

___________, and ___________. 2. Two major sources of fats in our diet are _______________ and ________. 3. Fats are made of three _______________ and one _____________. 4. The chemical reaction where complex molecules are formed from simple

ones by the removal of a water molecule is called __________________________.

5. The reverse reaction where complex molecules are broken down to form

simple ones by the addition of water is called ______________________. 6. A condition leading to heart disease due to the narrowing of vessels near

the heart due to the formation of fat deposits and plaques is ________________.

7. This condition can be sped up by "bad cholesterol" called _____________

where as the "good cholesterol" known as _________ can lower your risk. 8. The difference between saturated and unsaturated fats is _______________

_____________________________________________________________. Part III: Proteins 1. Three uses of protein in the body are ____________, _____________, and ______________. 2. Three sources of protein in our diet are __________, _____________, and _____________.


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3. The building block of proteins are _________________, which are joined together by _____________ bonds. 4. In the space below, draw an amino acid, label the amino group, the carboxyl group and the "R" group.

5. A group common to both fatty acids and amino acids is the __________ group what a group found only in amino acids is the __________group. 6. What is an essential amino acid?___________________________________ _____________________________________________________________. Define the following terms 7a. Denaturation-_______________________________________________ ____________________________e.g.______________________________ b. Coagulation- ________________________________________________ ____________________________e.g.______________________________ Part IV: Enzymes 1. Enzymes are made up mainly of the nutrient called ___________. 2. The substances enzymes act upon are called ___________. 3. Factors which affect enzyme activity are _____________ and ___________. 4. An example of an enzyme is ___________. 5. What is the relationship between an enzyme and a catalyst? How do they



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6. Compare the lock and key model to the induced fit model of enzyme action. Which is the current model?

Part V: Nucleic Acids 1. Nucleic acids are composed of long chains of ______________. 2a. Nucleotides are composed of a_______________, ________________ and _________________. 2b. In the space below sketch a nucleotide.

3. DNA stands for _____________________________________________. 4. Cells use the energy stored in ATP for ____________________________. 1. Label the following:


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2. The following diagram is a ___________, which one would find in the


3. The function of this structure is to ________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________


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4. The two types of digestion are _____________ which occurs in the __________ and the ___________, where____________ digestion occurs in the _____________ and the ________________.

5. The circular muscle which control the flow of food into the stomach is the

_____________ whereas the __________controls the flow of chyme out of the stomach.

6. List 4 hormones involved in the digestive process, the organs which

secrete them, their target organs and their function in the process. HORMONE GLAND TARGET EFFECT (FUNCTION)

7. Name the enzymes that digest the following nutrients and the end

products of their chemical digestion.

8. State two functions of the large intestine. 9. Describe the structure and function of the villi in the small intestine. 10. Name 3 stomach secretions and give the function of each. 11. Describe the role of insulin and glucagon in controlling of blood sugar.


. proteins 6

. lipids5

4. sucrose

3. lactose

2. maltose

. starch1


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12. Give the pathway that a mouthful of food would take from the time it enters your mouth until the solid waste is removed from the anus.

Part II Matching liver bile lipids mucus pepsin appendix gallbladder pancreas peristalsis epiglottis 1. Hydrochloric acid is used to activate this substance. __________ 2. Protects the gastrointestinal tract from digestion. __________ 3. Used in the emulsification of lipids. __________ 4. Produced by the liver. __________ 5. Prevents food from entering the trachea. __________ 6. The organ which produces bile. __________ 7. The organ which stores excess bile. __________ 8. On organ which is a legacy of our evolutionary past. __________ 9. The movement of food through the digestive system. __________ PartIII Nutrition 1. The six main nutrients of the human diet are ___________, __________,

___________, ____________, ______________, and ______________. 2. How do vitamins differ from minerals? 3. Why is water important in the body? 4. According to Canada's Food Guide the main food groups are ___________

___________, _____________, and ________________. Unit III: Respiration 1. Label:


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2. What 2 body systems connect in the above diagram? 3. List and differentiate between the three types of respiration.


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Type of Respiration Definition 1. 2. 3. 4. Four characteristics of a respiratory surface are? 5. How is the structure of the alveoli related to their function? 6. List all body movements, which are associated with breathing. 7. The two phases of breathing are _____________ and ____________. 8. Muscles between the ribs are called _____________. 9. Cellular respiration occurs in the ________________ and the chemical

equation for the process is _______________________________________________. 10. Compare the diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the alveoli/

capillaries and the body cells/capillaries.

11. Describe the function of hemoglobin. 12. The ________________ are two membranes stretched across the larynx. 13. The main type of tissue keeping breathing passages open is __________. 14. Explain how the breathing rate is controlled. 15. Two waste products of respiration are _______ and __________. 16. Describe the benefits of breathing through the nasal passages rather

than through the mouth. 17. How do alveoli increase the efficiency of the respiratory system? 18. List and describe the 5 lung volumes. 19. Explain the relationship between metabolic rate and carbon dioxide

production. 20. Define the term diffusion, and how it is important in respiration. Circulation


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1. Label the following diagrams.

2. Trace the flow of blood through the heart starting at the vena cava and ending at the aorta. Mention all chambers, valves, and organs, through which it passes.

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________.

3. List 4 ways in which the circulatory system maintains homeostasis in the human body. _________________________________, ______________________, ________________________, _____________________________________

4. The flow of blood between the heart and the lungs is called

_______________ circulation, whereas the flow of blood to all body systems is called ____________ circulation.

5. The two heart sounds are ______ and ________. The first sound is created

by the ___________ of the valves during ___________while, the second sound is created by the _________ of the valves during _____________.


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6. The heart is controlled by 5 major factors which are the _______________, ______________, _______________, ______________and _____________. 7. The hormone which increases heart rate is ____________ whereas, the

hormone which decreases heart rate is __________________. 8. The instrument which is used to hear the heartbeat is a _____________and

the instrument used to determine blood pressure is the ________________. 9. Differentiate between vasodilation and vasoconstriction. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. 5 different types of blood vessels include _________, _____________,

________________, _________________ and _____________. 11. Label these three vessels.

12. List 4 differences between them.

a) _________________________________________________________ b) _________________________________________________________ c) _________________________________________________________ d) _________________________________________________________

13. The instrument used to measure blood pressure is: ____________________. 14. The instrument used to measure electrical impulses in the heart is:

________. Blood and Lymph

The Lymphatic System 1. List 2 functions of the lymphatic system


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a) _________________________________________________________ b) _________________________________________________________

2. List the major structures of the lymph system:

___________________________________________________________. Blood

1. List the three major functions of blood in the body ____________,

_______________, and _________________. 2. Name the 4 components of blood and beside each, state its function. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Using a flow chart, describe the blood clotting mechanism. Blood vessel is severed fibrin threads form clot 4. Differentiate between blood antigens and blood antibodies. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. ______________ and _______________ are two types of lymphocytes. 6. B-cells fight infection by the production of _____________, whereas, T-cells

like macrophages fight infection by ______________________. 7. List the 3 lines of defense and give a description of each. 8. Fill in the chart:








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ALL 9. Describe the result of transfusing the wrong type of blood into a person. 10. Differentiate between passive and active immunity. 11. Describe the differences between primary and secondary immune

response. 12. Explain how a vaccination may prevent a person from contracting a

disease. Unit IV: Excretion



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1. ______________ is defined as the removal of metabolic wastes, whereas ____________ is the removal of solid wastes.

2. The primary metabolic wastes of the body are ________, ___________, __________, and___________.

3. The major excretory organs are ____________, ____________, __________ and __________, whereas the ____________ is really an organ of the digestive system. 6.Every vertebrate has a pair of kidneys consisting of functional units



Label the following diagrams.

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7.The _______________arteries and veins carry blood to and from the kidney. 8.The collected waste material leaves the kidney via the ______________ and

is stored in the _________________; it is then expelled from the body through the _________________.

9.The nephron's cup shaped _______________________surrounds a knot of blood capillaries called the glomerulus.

10. The material filtered out is then passed through the nephron tubule, which has 4 main parts: ___________________, __________________________, _____________________, and ________________________.

11. In the __________________________, a considerable amount of reabsorbtion occurs. Small proteins, glucose, and ions are returned to the blood by active transport.

12. The ______________________, lie in the medulla of the kidney. Salt is actively transported out of the filtrate, and since this area impermeable to water, water cannot follow the ions out here.

13. It then leaves the collecting duct into the pelvis of the kidney, which leads to the ureter and the __________________where it is stored.

14. Urine composition and the rate of urine formation are largely regulated by hormones _______________________, and __________________________.

16. _________________________ (ADH) is produced by the posterior pituitary gland and increases the bodies ability to reabsorption of water. It increases the permeability of the collecting ducts.

17. List the 3 processes required for urine production __________, ____________, and_____________.

18. Define filtration. 19. What is the filtrate? 20. Describe reabsorption. What substances are reabsorbed from the loop

into the bloodstream? 22. How is secretion important to urine formation? 23. How does kidney function relate to homeostasis?


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Unit V: Controlling Mechanisms 1. Label the following diagrams.

2. List the main functions of the nervous system_________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 3. Define the following: stimulus, receptor, impulse, and effector.


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4. _____________ carry an impulse from the receptor toward the spinal cord, where _____________ relay the information to the ______________ which stimulate the effecter.

5. Describe a reflex arc. 6. A __________ is an involuntary, automatic response to a given stimulus. 7. Describe the electrical state of a resting neuron. How does that change

as an impulse travels down it? Diagram this. 8. When is the nerve cell unable to carry impulses? 9. Explain the following statement, " A neuron fires on an all-or-none

response" 10. What 2 factors determine the intensity of the impulse? 11. How is the transmission of an impulse across a synapse performed?

Diagram this. 12. The two main divisions of the nervous system are _________________ ,

which consists of the ________ and _____________. The other is the ________________, which contains

__________________________________. 13. The structures which offer protection to the brain are ____________,

_____________, and _____________. 14. The type of nerve tissue which can carry nerve impulses faster is the ________ ___________ where the __________ ________ does not allow for this advantage. 15. The two divisions of the autonomic nervous system are the ______________

and the __________________. Part II: Chemical Regulation / Endocrine System


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1. Hormones are _________________________________________________ which are composed of _______________ and travel through the ___________ to target organs.

2. One type of hormones are ________________ composed of ________, can

move through cell membranes and are produced in the _____________. The other type are ____________ and are composed of ______________ which are unable to pass through cell membranes.

3. Many hormone secretions are controlled by the process of _________

___________. For example ____________. 4. Hormones are secreted by ____________ glands. 5. Why is the pituitary gland the “master gland”? 6. What gland produces adrenalin? 7. Describe the “fight or flight” response. Email us if you have any questions: [email protected] [email protected]