BIOL 3301 - Genetics Ch9A - Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria

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  • 8/18/2019 BIOL 3301 - Genetics Ch9A - Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria


    Genetic Analysis and Mapping In

    Bacteria And Bacteriophages• Bacteria, bacteriophages - prokaryotes

    • Circular single chromosome

    • They are haploid (no masking!

    •  "e# generation is produced e$ery %& minutes!

    • 'asy to gro# in '")M*+ "*MB')+!

    • Indi$idual members o these large populations areG'"'TICA. I/'"TICA (or $ery nearly so!

  • 8/18/2019 BIOL 3301 - Genetics Ch9A - Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria



    • Genetic inormation o most bacteria is stored in asingle main chromosome #ith a e# thousand

    genes and a $ariable number o 0mini-chromosomes1- plasmids and episomes 2  3lasmid 2 autonomously replicating, circular /"A, 4 to

    5&&s genes• +ome bacteria can contain up to 55 dierent plasmids

    • +ome can contain only one plasmid (lo# copy and high copynumber

     2  'pisomes - same as plasmid but can be integrated into bacterial chromosome

  • 8/18/2019 BIOL 3301 - Genetics Ch9A - Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria


  • 8/18/2019 BIOL 3301 - Genetics Ch9A - Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria



    • '6trachromosomal heredity unit

    • '6ist autonomously in bacterial cytoplasm

    • /ouble-stranded closed circle molecule o /"A 2  7 (ertility actors (or plasmids

     2  ) (resistance actors 2 e!g! antibiotic resistance

     2  Col (colicinogenic actors

    • 'pisomes 2 plasmids that can be in integratedcondition! "ot all plasmids can integrate

  • 8/18/2019 BIOL 3301 - Genetics Ch9A - Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria



    • ) plasmids

     2 )esistance transer actor 2 essential to transer

    o the plasmid $ia con8ugation

     2 r-determinants 2 genes conerring resistance to


  • 8/18/2019 BIOL 3301 - Genetics Ch9A - Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria



    • ColE1 2 encodes one or more proteins that

    are highly to6ic to bacterial strains, colicins

    • Colicinogenic bacteria contain a plasmid

    gene encoding an immunity protein

     protecting the host

    •  "ot transmittable by con8ugation

  • 8/18/2019 BIOL 3301 - Genetics Ch9A - Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria


    Bacterial Mutants

     2 Color and morphology o a colony

     2 Block ability to utili9e speciic energy source 2

    can:t utili9e lactose, galactose, arabinose, etc 2 *nable to synthesi9e an essential metabolite


     2 )esistance to drugs and antibiotics

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    (PHENOTYPE)• 5! Colony morphology <

    • a! ========================== 

    •   b! +mooth→ rough ( loss o capsule• %! Biochemical acti$ity

    • Change in =================== 

    • 4! >irulence

    • Change in ability ===================== 

    • ?! /rug resistance

  • 8/18/2019 BIOL 3301 - Genetics Ch9A - Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria


    Bacteria• Gro# in li@uid culture or on solid agar 

    • Minimal medium 2 organic carbon source(glucose, lactose, $ariety o inorganic salts

    • Capable o gro#ing on minimal media 2 prototroph! Able to synthesi9e all essential organiccompounds! ild type

    •  "ot capable o li$ing on minimal media 2au6otroph, lose the ability to synthesi9e one or

    more organic components - mutant

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    Gene nomenclature• *sually %-4 letters #ith or 2 symbol

    • 3rototrophy;au6otrophy 2  met+ can synthesi9e methionine, a #ild-type prototroph

     2  met- re@uires methionine, a mutant au6otroph• 'nergy e6traction

     2  gal +< can utili9e galactose, #ild-type

     2  gal  2 < can not utili9e galactose, a mutant

    • /rug resistance 2  str  R 

  • 8/18/2019 BIOL 3301 - Genetics Ch9A - Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria


    Bacterial Gro#th

    • Characteristic gro#th pattern<

     2 ag phase 2 small amount o bacterial cells

     2 og phase 2 cell start di$iding by =======

     2 +tationary phase 2 nutrients become limiting

     2 /eath

    Ma6imum cell density achie$ed usually duringo$ernight incubation

  • 8/18/2019 BIOL 3301 - Genetics Ch9A - Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria


    Bacterial Gro#th

    • To @uantiy number o cells in li@uid culturesmall amount o culture is transerred to a

    3etri dish #ith solid medium• 'ach bacterial cell #ill di$ide and produce

    a $isible colony

    • Count colonies, multiply by dilutions (idone 2 determine number o bacterial cellsin li@uid culture

  • 8/18/2019 BIOL 3301 - Genetics Ch9A - Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria


    +electi$e systems

    • Allo#s the desired mutant to reproduce

    - antibiotic resistance

     2 minimal medium supplemented #ith speciic


    • )e$ertant< re$erse change rom mutant to

    #ild-type 2 similar selection regimens

  • 8/18/2019 BIOL 3301 - Genetics Ch9A - Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria


    Do# To Map Genes In Daploids

    • Da$e circular chromosome

    • Daploid

    • /o not ha$e ================= 

    • Da$e mutants (dierent phenotypes

    • )ecombination

  • 8/18/2019 BIOL 3301 - Genetics Ch9A - Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria


    Mechanisms o Genetic

    '6change• Transormation - uptake o ree /"A

    molecules released rom one bacterium by

    another bacterium• Con8ugation 2 direct transer o /"A rom

    donor cell to a recipient cell

    • Transduction 2 bacterial genes are carriedrom a donor cell to recipient cell by a bacteriophage

  • 8/18/2019 BIOL 3301 - Genetics Ch9A - Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria


    Bacterial )ecombination

    • ederberg and Tatum, 5E?F

    • 'scherichia coli, E. coli, strain 5%

     2 +train A 2 thr+, leu+, thi+, met-, bio-

     2 +train B 2 thr-, leu-, thi-, met+, bio+

    • Gre# separately, then mi6ed together and

     plated on minimal media• 3rototrophs appeared at rate 5 cell;5&H cells

     plated! Controls

  • 8/18/2019 BIOL 3301 - Genetics Ch9A - Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria


    Bacterial )ecombination

    • Genetic recombination occurred 2

    replacement o one or more genes present in

    one strain #ith those rom a geneticallydistinct strain

    • Do# did it happen

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    Cells "eed Contact 7or


    • Bernard /a$is, e6periment #ith *-tube

    • /ierent strains o bacteria are in$ol$ed in aunidirectional transer o genetic material 2

     bacterial se6

    •7 cells 2 donors o genetic material

    • 7- cells 2 recipients o genetic material

  • 8/18/2019 BIOL 3301 - Genetics Ch9A - Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria


    7 and 7- Bacteria•

    Cell contact is essential or chromosomal transer • 3hysical interaction occur through a con8ugation tube 7 pilus (or se6 pilus, pili

    • 7 cells contain 7 actor ( plasmid, one o many types!

    •  7 actor (ertility actor rom E. coli is the most studied plasmid! 2  7 actor carries genes encoding the se6 pilus or physical

    transer o genetic material!

     2  7 actor 2 circular, double-stranded /"A molecule about5&&,&&& bp, J%& genes (plasmid

    • Ater con8ugation 7- al#ays become 7

  • 8/18/2019 BIOL 3301 - Genetics Ch9A - Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria


    Con8ugation< /"A transer 

    • Transer is originated at a speciic site _______  2 theorigin o traner 

    • 7 actor also ha$e ________  2origin o replicationK and

    oriS  2 secondary origin o replicationK do not take part intranser 

    • /uring con8ugation one strand at oriT  is cut by an en9yme,one end is transerred =================== 

    • 7 actor replicates during transer by rolling-circle

    replication• /uring con8ugation, only ============ o the donor

    chromosome is synthesi9ed in the donor cell and thetranserred strand is replicated in the recipient cell

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    • 7 actor 

     2 7 actor can e6ist in autonomous state, replicate

    independently (7 cell 2 r integrated state, inserted into bacterial

    chromosome 2 episome 7:

     2 hen 7 cell con8ugates #ith 7- cell, only 7actor is transerred

  • 8/18/2019 BIOL 3301 - Genetics Ch9A - Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria


    Dr Bacteria And Chromosome Mapping

    • 5EL&, Ca$alli-+or9a used a mutagen (nitrogen

    mustard on E. coli 5%

    •  "e# mutant #ith recombination rate 5&-? (5&&&times more

    • Dr mutation 2 high re@uency o recombination



     6 7B

     ----------- recipient becomes 7• Dr 6 7- ---------- recipient remains 7-

  • 8/18/2019 BIOL 3301 - Genetics Ch9A - Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria


    Dr cells

    • A cell that carries 7 actor integrated in bacterialchromosome is called Dr cell

    • 7 actor integrates into bacterial chromosome bysite-speciic recombination, mediated by shortse@uences that are present in multiple copies in

     both chromosomes 2 integration in multiple sites

    • In integrated state, 7 actor mediates transer o/"A rom Dr cell to a recipient 7- cell 2 partialtranserK 7 actor is not transerred ully

  • 8/18/2019 BIOL 3301 - Genetics Ch9A - Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria


    Con8ugation< /"A transer in Dr

    cells• Transer is initiated #ithin the integrated 7 actor 

    • 3art o 7 actor is transerred prior to transer o

    chromosomal /"A in Dr 6 7-• The rest o the 7 actor is transerred ater the

    chromosomal genes

    •Thereore 7- cell does not recei$e ull 7 actor($ery rarely the #hole chromosome is transerred

  • 8/18/2019 BIOL 3301 - Genetics Ch9A - Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria


    Dr Bacteria And Chromosome Mapping

    • In any gi$en Dr strain, certain genes are ====================== recombined thanothers

    •  ================== pattern o transer • Interrupted mating techni@ue 2ollman and acob

    • Chromosome o Dr bacterium #as transerredlinearly and order and distance bet#een genes

    could be determined• Ma8or dierence bet#een Dr strains 2 point o

    the origin and ======================= 

  • 8/18/2019 BIOL 3301 - Genetics Ch9A - Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria


    Dr Bacteria And Chromosome Mapping

    • 'ntire E. coli chromosome #as mapped by

    this techni@ue

    •  =============== long

    • ?&&& =============== se@uences

    • Appro6imately ============= genes

  • 8/18/2019 BIOL 3301 - Genetics Ch9A - Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria


    Dr Bacteria And Chromosome Mapping

    • Conclusions<

     2  E.coli chromosome is circular 

     2 7 actor integrates into chromosome at dierent points

     2 Its position determines the origin o transer (-

    site or original point o transer  2 Genes ad8acent to are transerred irst

     2 hole chromosome is ne$er transerred

  • 8/18/2019 BIOL 3301 - Genetics Ch9A - Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria


    Dr Bacteria And Chromosome Mapping

    • Dr cells 2 7 actor integrated into


    • 7 - 7 actor is present in cytoplasm

    • 7N - 7 actor in Dr strain re$erts to

    cytoplasmic condition but carries se$eral

    ad8acent chromosomal genes

    • Mero9ygote 2 partial diploid

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    • Another #ay o introducing /"A into cell,

    not through con8ugation<

     2 'ntry o oreign /"A into a recipient cell

     2 )eplacement by the donor /"A o its

    homologous region on recipient chromosome

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    • Competent bacterial cells take up /"A

    • 'ntry occurs through a limited number o receptorsites on the surace o bacterial cells, re@uires

    energy•  "ucleases digest /"A molecule lea$ing only one


    • /"A aligns #ith complementary chromosomalregion

    • This segment o /"A replaces the chromosomal/"A ( e6cision and degradation

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    • Can occur #ith 8ust taking up the plasmid

    • Bacterial cell #ill ha$e

     ======================= i plasmidcarries dierent genes

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    Bacterial )ecombination

    )ec 3roteins• Mutants #ith almost no recombination 2 recA 

    (5&&& times less

    • ther recB, recC  and recD 2recombination lo#er5&& times

    • Compared #ild type and mutant bacteria

    • 7ound )ecA protein

    • +ingle-strand displacement as a mechanism o

    recombination 2 )ecA acilitates the process

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    Bacterial )ecombination 2 )ec

    3roteins• )ecA protein 2 single strand recombination

    • )ecBC/ protein 2polypeptide, en9yme,

    important or double-stranded /"ArecombinationK un#inds the heli6

  • 8/18/2019 BIOL 3301 - Genetics Ch9A - Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria


    /"A )ecombination

  • 8/18/2019 BIOL 3301 - Genetics Ch9A - Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria


    Transfer Of Genetic Material In

    Bacteria• Three methods o transer<

    • A! Common properties<

    • 5! *nidirectional - donor cell→ recipient cell

    • %! 7ragment o /"A transerred• B! Conjuation

    • a! ccurs amongst bacteria #ith se6 pili

    •  b! Bridge ormed bet#een cells by pilus

    •   c! 7ragment o /"A (plasmid transerred rom one bacterialcell (donor to another bacterial cell (recipient

    • C! Transfor"ation• >iable bacteria absorb Onaked1 ragments o /"A released rom dead


    • /! C! Trans#uction 

    • Bacterial $irus (bacteriophage transers /"A ragments rom one bacterial cell to another 

  • 8/18/2019 BIOL 3301 - Genetics Ch9A - Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria


    Gene Transer In Bacteria

    • *nidirectional

    • )ecombination occur bet#een a ragment o one

    chromosome (rom a donor cell and a complete

    chromosome (in a recipient cell

    • )ecipient cell become partial diploid (merodiploid

    • Crosso$ers must occur in pairs and must insert a segment

    o the donor chromosome into recipient chromosome

    • dd number o crosso$ers #ill destroy the integrity o the

    recipient chromosome - non$iable