Zulfikar Bayu Further Sudies in Prose 180410090097 It’s a Good Things, Bad Things too Biography of Major General Raden Soebiantoro (purn) 1. My Father and I My father, Moeljadi Prijohadi Prodjo, was walking to the regent’s throne. His unusual attitude surprised the regent, because he didn’t walk in squatting position. He wanted to straightly sit beside him. He ordered to do that squat position, realize that he was a regent’s assistant, and so start to do that position. Feudalism had taught that everyone who wants to meet a regent had to do that squat-walk. When he was doing that squat-walk, suddenly his keris that he brought was fall to the floor. The regent stare it and startled. His countenance became paler. Ill-thinking descended upon his mind. “Are you pined to slay me?” said him with an open- eyed. My father begs pardon that it was inadvertently dropped. The regent didn’t accept the reason and he was, at the drop of hat, suspended. T here was nothing can be proved to defend him-self. He was using his suspension phase by reading a lot of books; include a Taurat which was influencing me. When I was born on 13 October 1924, in Gresik, at once he had me a sobriquet, “toret”, which was taken from that book. Officially, I was named Raden Soebiantoro, which still feudally things. - Be ready on feudalism circle Presumably, it wasn’t pleonastic if my family lives in a viscosity of feudal. If considered from my forefather, either the man line or the female line of the family, both of them was feudality family. It was a tradition, every indigene who worked as guard of Dutch’s functionary of Nusantara’s invasion, allowed to bring up their children in council school. It called OSVIA (Opleidengschool voor Indlandse Ambtenaren). Just because my father had an opportunity to read anything and kept abreast of 1

Biography of Mayjen R. Soebiantoro

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Page 1: Biography of Mayjen R. Soebiantoro

Zulfikar Bayu Further Sudies in Prose


It’s a Good Things, Bad Things too

Biography of Major General Raden Soebiantoro (purn)

1. My Father and I

My father, Moeljadi Prijohadi Prodjo, was walking to the regent’s throne. His unusual attitude surprised the regent, because he didn’t walk in squatting position. He wanted to straightly sit beside him. He ordered to do that squat position, realize that he was a regent’s assistant, and so start to do that position. Feudalism had taught that everyone who wants to meet a regent had to do that squat-walk.

When he was doing that squat-walk, suddenly his keris that he brought was fall to the floor. The regent stare it and startled. His countenance became paler. Ill-thinking descended upon his mind.

“Are you pined to slay me?” said him with an open-eyed.

My father begs pardon that it was inadvertently dropped. The regent

didn’t accept the reason and he was, at the drop of hat, suspended. T here was nothing can be proved to defend him-self. He was using his suspension phase by reading a lot of books; include a Taurat which was influencing me. When I was born on 13 October 1924, in Gresik, at once he had me a sobriquet, “toret”, which was taken from that book. Officially, I was named Raden Soebiantoro, which still feudally things.

- Be ready on feudalism circle

Presumably, it wasn’t pleonastic if my family lives in a viscosity of feudal. If considered from my forefather, either the man line or the female line of the family, both of them was feudality family. It was a tradition, every indigene who worked as guard of Dutch’s functionary of Nusantara’s invasion, allowed to bring up their children in council school. It called OSVIA (Opleidengschool voor Indlandse Ambtenaren). Just because my father had an opportunity to read anything and kept abreast of the world, inciting his mind to become more critically think that his job was demanding loyalty to the colonizer. He was confronted with two choice, serving the Dutch and sizing up the feudalism for his allegiance, or doing that job for the ragtag and bobtail prosperity. He was dedicating his job to the indigene and took part in informing the outside world to them. In the middle of public fidgetiness about the Dutch despotism, he was searching for general equilibrium.

- Serving in isolated island

In 1929, my father was ordered on Bawean island which was northernmost Madura, out and away on the high seas, small island with numerous hillocks. I have had every holiday there, look in on him. Using a sea vessel, I enjoy the wind, ever once in a while the Maduran invite me to circulating Sidoarjo and Surabaya. As a seven years old boy, he entrust me to that Maduran seaman.


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Around 1929-1932, my father had been representing the government on that island. He was in the good grace there, because he could raise income of the inhabitant. His good fellowship was obtained by giving them non-directive counseling about health treatment. Every Saturday, he orders them to spread out their mattress in the sunlight. Knowledge about agriculture was given to them too. He told to the smallholder to plant kapok tree on their rice field which giving them cotton. This way was giving them an extra income which made them become more prosperous.

- Be investigated by Dutch’s spies

Objectively, the Dutch boned up on changing era signal. However, they were able to felt the wind of change was come to this civilization. New movement in Europe was inducing the Asian land; include Nusantara, which at that time was called Hindia Belanda. Nationalist political movement was rising; we got Budi Utomo, the Dutch ethical politic, a rude awakening from Jong Java, Jong Sumatra Bond, Jong Minahasa, Jong Celebes, Jong Ambon, which in 1927 was merged into Pemuda Indonesia. As the climax, nationalism awareness of the youth could create a a red-letter day, Sumpah Pemuda was held in October 28, 1928. They made an affidavit which is:

bertanah air satu, tanah air Indonesia

berbangsa satu, bangsa Indonesia

berbahasa satu, bahasa Indonesia

This Sumpah Pemuda wasn’t easy to construct. The Dutch spies were actively infiltrated into every social class to gather as much of information. They were allergic of “merdeka” and “Indonesia”. Everybody who deemed to be an insurgent of the government was arrested.

- My father’s arrestment

Expeditious Japan was briskly pierced through and through into Hindia Belanda. In a short time, the Dutch soldiers start to disappear, their government were replaced by the Japanese. The Dutchmen were captured and jailed. The residents, resident-assistants, and controllers; all of them were jailed. The regents and its subordinations were left to work away by the Japanese soldiers. The Japanese who had worked as businessmen in the Dutch administration was changing their job, many of them were using soldier uniform and bring a rifle.

By degrees, after entry of colonizer of Japan in 1942, incredulity was rising. The Japan military administrator was benefitted by the regents, regent-assistants, and its subordinations in collecting raw material, especially foodstuff. All of the crops were collected and overspread to the inlanders, 300 grams per day per head. With that daily porridge food, they were famished. Every school were deactivate, the pro-Dutch indigene teachers were jailed. Until 1943 and half a year, there were no opened school, but after this idiocy years, school were activate again, by employing the anti-Dutch indigene teachers. It was creating an insufficient teacher. Therefore, Japan train fresh teachers and insert spirit of keeping Japan sovereignty in Indonesia (Boshido).

I heard my father was arrested in 1943, when his job was district chief of Benculuk, Banyuwangi. He was arrested with the other district chiefs because of his attempt to maintain food for inlanders, this one was deemed as a rebellion.

Japan wickedly kidnapped my father. Head of Gunclo (demagogue) said there was guess that needs to be picked in the train station. At the dawn, my parents ate in the dining room, then bike to the station. He looks up and down the station’s train arrival, but there were no guess was coming that day. The station-master said to wait for a couple hours, the next train would be arrived. A little while, there came a car from the distance.


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The people that came from that car were come closer to him. Suddenly they bind up his hand with a handcuff, forcing him get inside of the car. My mother was crying, she could only see the car run through the field path, the people pretend to didn’t see, they afraid of their arrestment. It was rumored that he was brought to Banyuwangi, on the morrow he was brought to Jakarta with the other rebellions. I remember to the inlanders that work as a romusha worker and brought to Muangthai. Thousands was brought there, and no one has been back to Indonesia. The rumor said they were constructing Kwai steel bridge, which connecting Burma and Muangthai. Many of the Dutch’ and Great Britain’ soldier were worked and dead there because of diseases.

My father was confined in the churches circles, isn’t far from Gambir Train Station, Jakarta. He was tortured, hit by a bouncer, it was caused by his faith to Indonesia. After struck with the fists, the bouncer bonded and hung him. His fingers were beaten by a club until his rings were crushed.

The car and our valuable items were taken by Japanese soldier. We walk away with nothing, there’s only a horse-drawn carriage which we use to walk away from the town. My sister was always seduced by Japanese soldiers that we met, it compelled us bring her to the closest hamlet. Someone who knows about my father sympathized us, took us to a save shelter, it used to be an old shaky granary.

My father was confined by Japanese Ken Pe Tai soldier until August 14, 1945 and was released in Penculo, 15 km from Banyuwangi. I had back to Surabaya, but expelled by the district. When Japan was retreated, he was moving to Bondowoso. Then, he was employed as chief of social welfare department of Bondowoso.

I always remember, when my elder brother walked to the train station, he saw three middle-aged men, dressed filthy shabby clothes, loitered around the station.

“What a poor old man,” said him.

He was trying to get closer to them, trying to look after their wrinkled face. First man had a wound on his temple, the second man was baldheaded, had lost his left earlobe, and the third man, was filthier than the others, was trying to veiled his face with a dirty shroud. When my brother looked at his eyes, he was dumbfounded, he knew who he is, and he was his own father, my beloved father.

- 3,5 years nightmare

After short-term colonialism which in fact became a bad dream for the inlanders. By 3,5 years, Japan had been purged our granaries and natural resources. Foodstuffs were taken away for their war necessity. The indigenous ate a brew of banana trunk, an unripe-cassava, and employed as a romusha until our death came. We wear improper clothes, it made of a sack, and our bike was using deflated tires. People and Gakukotai students were mobilized to pull out iron fences then manufactured to become ammunition for firearm. In the beginning of their occupation, inlanders car neither confiscated nor looted. However, by and by, their power was weakened and every lost that taken by them made us getting felt deeper misery, because they took everything that we got.

- Affection of the exercise


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Basically, Japan didn’t train inlanders as ready fight soldier called Keibodan. They just educated us on forming a line, carry a weapon, fake weapon made of wood, with a bamboo stick on its muzzle. They had no trust to armed inlanders. We only trained as civilian defender with skills of turning lights when an air strike came, or divide an area with the fire extinguisher. Young ager (15 – 25 years old man), Japanese call them Seinendan, was recruited on a platoon, trained as an assault. Women were ordered to cook for Japanese soldiers. Pembela Tanah Air (PETA) was formed to defend this land from the Dutch and the Alliance. Heiho was formed from inlanders, had a duty to support Japanese soldier.

Behind this war brutality, our nationalism spirit raised. That war simulations increase our knowledge how to confront our foe. I had already 20 years old, was burnt by one strength spirit, set free or perished. Our national anthem “Indonesia Raya” which had been forbidden by them was distinctly sang. There was no afraid of Japanese.

2. My Childhood

I was 13 years old (1963), lived in Kepanjen. Every day I went to the school in Malang by train. My ticket is subscribed for the third train-class, for inlanders of course. But one day when there was no seat for me, I encourage myself to sit in the second class. There were only two classes. The second one was for the Dutch. I calmly sit in that class. The conductor, Blanus, checks on my ticket and said that I was sitting in wrong class. There was a boy in front of me, his name was Jannemaan, as far as I know he could take a seat in third class. He mad on me, and tried to evict me. I think had to respond it, I bucked him. Jan hit me and I hit him back, we were doing cockfighting, and he lost.

A week after the quarrel, my father was summoned by administrateur. It seems Jan prosecuted me to his father, the head of coffee farming

administrateur here. But I didn’t know why Jan’s father and mine had a good relationship.

Therefore, my father summoned me.

“Toret, are you had a fight with Jan?”

“Ya dad….”

“Tell me the truth. Did you win it?”


“Don’t fail on them kid.”

I’m smiled, I thought he would mad to me.

3. Internatio Hall Abduction

After the proclamation, August 17, 1945 in Jakarta, Soekarno as the first Indonesia’s president instructed the regional administrator to construct a centralized government. In East Java, ex-district-head-administrator of Bojonegoro, Raden Mas Tumenggung Surio was picked as the governor. Soon, he composed his staffs to control every issue. Therefore, he summoned every residents of East Java in order to arrange a meeting at Surabaya in October 25, 1945. Main agenda of the meeting was economic issue. However, at the same time, information


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was obtained, the Alliance soldier was getting closer and would docked in Ujung and Tanjung Perak.

By Japan surrendered, England was given an order to disarm Japan soldier, include in Indonesia. Three aims that was tried to be done by the Alliance army that led by England. First, release this war hostages and internee. Second, send back the Japan soldiers and disarm them. Third, restore regional peace.

To reach their goals, England soldier did that as them like and underestimate the government. That was become serious when they express their stance to Governor Surio. They arrogantly left the meeting and negotiation. Surio respond it and said to us that we shouldn’t have to be frightened.

Before the Alliance docked in Ujung and Tanjung Perak, they were disguising themselves. I saw some patrol-boat which intended to land their soldiers in Kenjeran. Soon, one armed unit summoned there, people was ready on the street all day.

At last, the Alliance that commanded by England docked in Ujung and Tanjung Perak. I used a jeep which was taken from Japanaese saw their soldiers was spread and occupied some building. But it wasn’t easy, we gave them resistance. The combat had been happened for days. Many Alliance soldiers were pressed, some of them surrendered by shouting “Kami Muslim” and did desertion, mostly from India soldiers. Some of them surrender and arrested, the other flee to their base. The Alliance army was almost destroyed if there were no an instruction from the President. This situation gave the Alliance a chance in a negotiation. President Soekarno and his entourage came from Jakarta. A group of Alliance soldier was headed by General Hawthorn. All of them came in October 30, 1945. Vice-President Mohammad Hatta came too, with the

other functionaries. In this critical situation, England obviously was in a weak side, it made them accept the negotiation agreement.

I, as a pupil-army, play my role as an informant. People were mobilized to stay struggle. I tried to get closer to Roeslan Abdulgani and Soengkono. They were mature juveniles and quite respected. I was having a same car with them when we went to Internatio Hall. There was a grenade and a mauzer pistol on our belt-sack. Dusk was coming when people started to gather there. They were asking some petitions. Inside of the building, Alliance soldiers were aiming their muzzles to the people on the outside.

The deliberator had been sent to the hall, but in a jiffy, we heard a shooting sound from the hall. Mallaby was in a car when exchanging gunfire was happened. His adjutant left him and the car. I wasn’t stay on the car and hid under that car with Roeslan and Soengkono. Sound of gunfire deafens our ears until dusk. I saw many of them and us were shot and fallen. Roeslan and Soengkono escape to a river-side. I was lying flat, join them shooting and throwing grenades below the car. The day turn into night, but the shots was still not

abated. Mallaby’s car was burnt, when I was trying to jump over the river-side. Few seconds later, sound of an explosion was heard. General A. W. S.

Mallaby was dead.