Biogenesis Biogenesis Or Or Life Life Comes from Comes from Life Life

Biogenesis - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/.../documents/Biogenesis_5.pdf · 2015-05-03 · The term ‘biogenesis ’ has also been used in reference to the biogenetic (or

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Page 1: Biogenesis - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/.../documents/Biogenesis_5.pdf · 2015-05-03 · The term ‘biogenesis ’ has also been used in reference to the biogenetic (or



““LifeLife”” Comes from Comes from ““LifeLife””

Page 2: Biogenesis - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/.../documents/Biogenesis_5.pdf · 2015-05-03 · The term ‘biogenesis ’ has also been used in reference to the biogenetic (or

Darwinian Evolution is Based on Darwinian Evolution is Based on Spontaneous Generation or Spontaneous Generation or ““AbiogenesisAbiogenesis””

GarbageGarbageDecaying MeatDecaying Meat“Abiogenesis” the process of living material (‘life’)originating from non-living material (‘non-life’)

It was once thought that……………

Page 3: Biogenesis - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/.../documents/Biogenesis_5.pdf · 2015-05-03 · The term ‘biogenesis ’ has also been used in reference to the biogenetic (or

The ancient philosopher Anaximander of Miletus (550 BC) taught that life first generated by materialistic processes fromsea slime. However, this idea failed to explain the issue of organic design: Why does the universe appear to be ordered and designed to function so well together? Origin of the Laws of Mathematics/Physics?

The Idea of Spontaneous Generation is Not The Idea of Spontaneous Generation is Not ‘‘NewNew’’

ItIt’’s at Least 2500 Years Old!s at Least 2500 Years Old!

Empedocles (450 BC) was one of the first to appreciate this problem when he realized that the phenomenon of adaptive complexity required a specific naturalistic explanation. Empedocles proposed that the fantastic shapes of organic and inorganic objects was the result of the continual, random flux of matter. Everything that exists was generated by the purely chance interaction of all possible combination of elements, withthose combinations that were ‘stable’ surviving.

(…..But why is this not going on today?)

Page 4: Biogenesis - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/.../documents/Biogenesis_5.pdf · 2015-05-03 · The term ‘biogenesis ’ has also been used in reference to the biogenetic (or

“The universe began with a ‘big bang’ 15 billion years ago. The stars formed 10 billion years ago, the sun formed 5 billion years ago and the molten earth came into existence about 4.5 billion years ago”.

“Water formed on the earth some 3.8 billion years ago and over hundreds of millions of years life formed from non-life through the processes of Natural Selection and Mutation; then evolved into fish, then amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, then ape-like creatures and then man—a process involving chemical & biological innovation, death and extinction.”

Naturalistic Explanations of Origins Must Begin Naturalistic Explanations of Origins Must Begin with with ““Spontaneous GenerationSpontaneous Generation””

Page 5: Biogenesis - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/.../documents/Biogenesis_5.pdf · 2015-05-03 · The term ‘biogenesis ’ has also been used in reference to the biogenetic (or

The theory of abiogenesis or more commonly, spontaneous generation, was challenged by scientific experiments, such as those performed by the Italian biologist Francesco Rediin 1668. Redi demonstrated that maggots (the young of flies) did not appear in meat from which adult flies were excluded. Previously, many scientists had believed that flies developed from decaying meat. Up until the late 1700’s some scientists still believed that mice were generated in piles of rotting garbage.

But Darwinian Evolution is based on Spontaneous Generation!

Spontaneous Generation or Spontaneous Generation or AbiogenesisAbiogenesis Was Disproven Was Disproven

BeforeBefore Darwin Published Darwin Published Origin of SpeciesOrigin of Species

Page 6: Biogenesis - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/.../documents/Biogenesis_5.pdf · 2015-05-03 · The term ‘biogenesis ’ has also been used in reference to the biogenetic (or

Francesco RediFrancesco Redi’’s Experimentss Experiments

�� The theory of spontaneous generation was disproven by a series The theory of spontaneous generation was disproven by a series of scientific of scientific experiments performed by the Italian biologist and founder of exexperiments performed by the Italian biologist and founder of experimental biology, perimental biology, Francesco Redi, and published in 1668 as Francesco Redi, and published in 1668 as Experiments on the Generation of InsectsExperiments on the Generation of Insects; ; which is regarded as a milestone in the history of modern sciencwhich is regarded as a milestone in the history of modern science.e.

�� In one experiment he put raw meat into three jars; one jar remaIn one experiment he put raw meat into three jars; one jar remained uncovered, one ined uncovered, one was covered with gauze & the third was sealed with a cork. was covered with gauze & the third was sealed with a cork.

�� Redi demonstrated that maggots (the larval stage of flies) did Redi demonstrated that maggots (the larval stage of flies) did not appear in meat from not appear in meat from which adult flies were excluded. Maggots only appeared on surfawhich adult flies were excluded. Maggots only appeared on surfaces accessible to flies ces accessible to flies such as the opened jar and the gauze on top of the jar.such as the opened jar and the gauze on top of the jar.

�� Also, when dead flies or maggots were put in sealed jars with deAlso, when dead flies or maggots were put in sealed jars with dead animals or veal, no ad animals or veal, no maggots appeared, but when the same thing was done with living fmaggots appeared, but when the same thing was done with living flies, maggots did.lies, maggots did.

�� He continued his experiments by capturing the maggots and obserHe continued his experiments by capturing the maggots and observing them ving them metamorphosizing into flies demonstrating their complete lifemetamorphosizing into flies demonstrating their complete life--cycle.cycle.

�� Although these experiments seem simplistic and selfAlthough these experiments seem simplistic and self--evident compared to modern evident compared to modern science, they were considered remarkable at the time.science, they were considered remarkable at the time.

But, surprisingly, even up until the late 1700But, surprisingly, even up until the late 1700’’s some scientists still s some scientists still

believed that mice were generated in piles of rotting garbage!believed that mice were generated in piles of rotting garbage!Perhaps even more surprising is that prominent scientists today Perhaps even more surprising is that prominent scientists today think that life think that life

arose spontaneously from a arose spontaneously from a ““primordial soupprimordial soup”” under the under the ““rightright”” conditions!conditions!

Page 7: Biogenesis - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/.../documents/Biogenesis_5.pdf · 2015-05-03 · The term ‘biogenesis ’ has also been used in reference to the biogenetic (or

The theory of spontaneous generation was largely abandoned in the mid-1800's. By then, improvements in microscopes and other scientific instruments had enabled scientists to see the eggs and sperm of higher animals, the ovules (eggs) and pollen of plants, and bacteria and other microorganisms.For example, in the mid-1800's, the French scientist Louis Pasteur observed reproduction and growth in microorganisms. He demonstrated that the microorganisms would grow in sterilized broth only if the broth was first exposed to air that contained their spores (reproductive cells).Pasteur's discoveries led to the development of the cell theory of the origin of living matter. The cell theory is based on all life originating from pre-existing living material. This is also known as the “law of biogenesis”. Living material always comes from living material.

Louis PasteurLouis Pasteur’’s Experimentss Experiments

Page 8: Biogenesis - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/.../documents/Biogenesis_5.pdf · 2015-05-03 · The term ‘biogenesis ’ has also been used in reference to the biogenetic (or

The term ‘biogenesis’ has also been used in reference to the biogenetic (or recapitulation) theory. This theory, which was popular during the late 1800's, stated that “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny”. This statement means that during its ontogeny; that is, during its development in the embryonic stage each organism recapitulates (repeats) various stages in its species' phylogeny (evolutionary history). Scientists disproved this theory in the early 1900's.

Recapitulation is classically depicted in Ernst Haeckel’s[faked] drawings. He was a German zoologist who lived from 1834 to 1919.

Biogenesis and Biogenesis and ““RecapitulationRecapitulation’’

Page 9: Biogenesis - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/.../documents/Biogenesis_5.pdf · 2015-05-03 · The term ‘biogenesis ’ has also been used in reference to the biogenetic (or

Ernst Haeckel’s Fake Drawings (top row)

Page 10: Biogenesis - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/.../documents/Biogenesis_5.pdf · 2015-05-03 · The term ‘biogenesis ’ has also been used in reference to the biogenetic (or

What the modern textbooks and encyclopedias fail to mention is that the original drawings of embryonic stages, by a German zoologist named Ernst Haeckel [1834-1919], that supposedly shows that each animal during its growth as an embryo, repeats the changes its ancestors underwent, were found to be faked. Yet these pictures still appear in many modern biology textbooks to support the discredited theory of abiogenesis or spontaneous generation of living material.

Thus, this false idea of spontaneous generation(abiogenesis) is carried over into modern times. Note the following quotes from the Grolier’s and World Book encyclopedias…………...

‘‘RecapitulationRecapitulation’’ Ernst HaeckelErnst Haeckel’’s Legacys Legacy

Page 11: Biogenesis - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/.../documents/Biogenesis_5.pdf · 2015-05-03 · The term ‘biogenesis ’ has also been used in reference to the biogenetic (or

……..Although Discredited, ..Although Discredited, Spontaneous GenerationSpontaneous Generation, or , or ‘‘AbiogenesisAbiogenesis’’ Is Still Being Taught as Fact!Is Still Being Taught as Fact!

“Although it is now known that all present life on Earth is the result of the reproduction of pre-existing life, many scientists accept a modified theory* of spontaneous generation to explain the origin of life itself. The theory holds that billions of years ago LIFE originated in the oceans as the result of spontaneous aggregations of dissolved organic molecules, which in turn arose from inorganic chemical reactions energized by ultraviolet light, electrical discharges, and heat.”

Grolier’s Encyclopedia (1998)

*The only thing that’s ‘modified’ is the hypothesis (although disproven) that Abiogenesis occurred at least once!

Page 12: Biogenesis - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/.../documents/Biogenesis_5.pdf · 2015-05-03 · The term ‘biogenesis ’ has also been used in reference to the biogenetic (or

The Impossibility of The Impossibility of AbiogenesisAbiogenesis is Explained is Explained Away As a Away As a ““OneOne--Time EventTime Event””

“Today, most scientists believe that spontaneous generation took place at least once when certain chemicals came together to form the first simple living organism more than three billion years ago. This process is not thought to be occurring in nature today, since conditions on the earth no longer favor such chemical combinations. In addition, any simple organisms that did form in this way would almost certainly fail to compete successfully against more complex existing organisms. However, laboratory experiments since the mid-1900's have showed that many molecules found in living organisms can be synthesized (produced artificially). Most biologists believe that it will eventually be possible to produce simple forms of life in the laboratory*.” World Book Encyclopedia (1998)

*Wrong! Please refer to the Creation Topic “Biogenesis”

Page 13: Biogenesis - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/.../documents/Biogenesis_5.pdf · 2015-05-03 · The term ‘biogenesis ’ has also been used in reference to the biogenetic (or

““Rocks of great antiquity have been examined over the Rocks of great antiquity have been examined over the

past two decades and in none of them has any trace of past two decades and in none of them has any trace of

abiotically produced organic compounds been foundabiotically produced organic compounds been found…….. ..

So ancient are these rocks that they must have been lain So ancient are these rocks that they must have been lain

down not long after the formation of the oceans down not long after the formation of the oceans

themselvesthemselves………….Considering the way the pre.Considering the way the pre--biotic soup is biotic soup is

referred to in so many discussions of the origin of life as referred to in so many discussions of the origin of life as

an already established reality, it comes as something of a an already established reality, it comes as something of a

shock to realize that shock to realize that there is absolutely no positive there is absolutely no positive

evidence for its existenceevidence for its existence..””

Michael Denton, Ph.D., Microbiologist, Michael Denton, Ph.D., Microbiologist, Evolution: A Evolution: A

Theory in CrisisTheory in Crisis, (Adler & Adler, 1986), p. 261., (Adler & Adler, 1986), p. 261.

But No Evidence of But No Evidence of AbiogenesisAbiogenesis ‘‘OneOne--Time EventTime Event’’

Page 14: Biogenesis - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/.../documents/Biogenesis_5.pdf · 2015-05-03 · The term ‘biogenesis ’ has also been used in reference to the biogenetic (or

•• Life Is ALWAYS Observed As Coming From PreLife Is ALWAYS Observed As Coming From Pre--existing existing

Life. This Is True Even in Life. This Is True Even in ““CloningCloning””..

•• Reversibility of Chemical Reactions in Water Works Reversibility of Chemical Reactions in Water Works

Against Spontaneous Generation of Against Spontaneous Generation of ““LifeLife””..

•• Spontaneous Generation or Spontaneous Generation or AbiogenesisAbiogenesis Has Never Been Has Never Been

Observed or Successfully Demonstrated Under Observed or Successfully Demonstrated Under

Laboratory Conditions. [e.g., Laboratory Conditions. [e.g., next series of slidesnext series of slides]]

•• Many scientists have tried to reMany scientists have tried to re--create create ““lifelife”” from from

inorganic compounds such as the inorganic compounds such as the MillerMiller--Urey Experiment Urey Experiment

only to fail each time.only to fail each time.

Theory of Darwinian Evolution Violates the “Law of Biogenesis”

Scientist in labScientist in lab………………

““If I can create life in a test tube, then it will prove that If I can create life in a test tube, then it will prove that

no intelligence was necessary to create it!no intelligence was necessary to create it!””

Page 15: Biogenesis - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/.../documents/Biogenesis_5.pdf · 2015-05-03 · The term ‘biogenesis ’ has also been used in reference to the biogenetic (or

The MillerThe Miller--Urey Experiment (1953)Urey Experiment (1953)

•• Starting Materials Completely HypotheticalStarting Materials Completely Hypothetical

•• NO Oxygen allowed!NO Oxygen allowed!

•• Large Amounts of Ammonia and MethaneLarge Amounts of Ammonia and Methane

•• Had Had ‘‘traptrap’’ to condense out to condense out harmful gases.harmful gases.

•• Spark mechanism Spark mechanism provided the energyprovided the energy……......

……....but destroyed but destroyed

some productssome products..

Page 16: Biogenesis - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/.../documents/Biogenesis_5.pdf · 2015-05-03 · The term ‘biogenesis ’ has also been used in reference to the biogenetic (or

MillerMiller--Urey Experimental ResultsUrey Experimental Results

•• Major Product was Tar {Organic Sludge} = 85.0%Major Product was Tar {Organic Sludge} = 85.0%

•• Carboxylic Acids Not Important to Life = 13.0%Carboxylic Acids Not Important to Life = 13.0%

•• Only Two of the Simplest Amino Acids Formed. Only Two of the Simplest Amino Acids Formed.

–– Glycine = 1.05%Glycine = 1.05%–– Alanine = 0.85%Alanine = 0.85%

•• Other Amino Acids = 0.1%Other Amino Acids = 0.1%–– Glutamic Acid Aspartic acid ValineGlutamic Acid Aspartic acid Valine–– Leucine Serine Proline ThreonineLeucine Serine Proline Threonine

•• Only a total of Only a total of 99 out of the out of the 2020 Amino Acids Amino Acids Comprising the Comprising the ““Building Blocks of LifeBuilding Blocks of Life”” Were Were Formed and Only in Very Small Quantities.Formed and Only in Very Small Quantities.

Page 17: Biogenesis - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/.../documents/Biogenesis_5.pdf · 2015-05-03 · The term ‘biogenesis ’ has also been used in reference to the biogenetic (or

MillerMiller--Urey Experimental SummaryUrey Experimental Summary•• Equal Mixtures of Equal Mixtures of ““LeftLeft”” & & ““RightRight”” Handed Amino Handed Amino

Acids Formed. In Nature Amino Acids Occur Acids Formed. In Nature Amino Acids Occur

Only in the Only in the ““LeftLeft--handedhanded”” Form.Form.

•• In Many Cases In Many Cases ““RightRight”” Handed Amino Acids are Handed Amino Acids are

““PoisonousPoisonous”” to Enzymes and Living Cells.to Enzymes and Living Cells.

•• Proteins Cannot Be Formed in the Presence of Proteins Cannot Be Formed in the Presence of

Amino AcidsAmino Acids

•• This Process Cannot Form Cellular ComponentsThis Process Cannot Form Cellular Components

–– Cell Nucleus, Mitochondria, Endoplasmic ReticulumCell Nucleus, Mitochondria, Endoplasmic Reticulum

–– DNA Cannot Be Produced by These ReactionsDNA Cannot Be Produced by These Reactions

•• No Nobel prize ever awarded!No Nobel prize ever awarded!

More More ““LifeLife”” Can Be Found in a Bowl of Can Be Found in a Bowl of

Chicken Soup!Chicken Soup!

Page 18: Biogenesis - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/.../documents/Biogenesis_5.pdf · 2015-05-03 · The term ‘biogenesis ’ has also been used in reference to the biogenetic (or

““LifeLife”” in A Test Tube?in A Test Tube?

Regarding the products of the MillerRegarding the products of the Miller--Urey experiment, Urey experiment,

evolutionist Robert Shapiro stated:evolutionist Robert Shapiro stated:

““Let us sum up. The experiment performed by Miller yielded Let us sum up. The experiment performed by Miller yielded tar as its most abundant product....There are about fifty small tar as its most abundant product....There are about fifty small organic compounds that are called 'building blocks'.....Only organic compounds that are called 'building blocks'.....Only two of these fifty occurred among the preferential Millertwo of these fifty occurred among the preferential Miller--Urey Urey products.products.””––Robert Shapiro, Robert Shapiro, OriginsOrigins--A Skeptics Guide to the A Skeptics Guide to the Creation of Life on EarthCreation of Life on Earth, (1986),pg. 105., (1986),pg. 105.

In the past forty years, many scientists have repeated the In the past forty years, many scientists have repeated the work of work of Miller and UreyMiller and Urey. Electrical sparks, heat, ultraviolet . Electrical sparks, heat, ultraviolet radiation, light, shock waves, and high energy chemical radiation, light, shock waves, and high energy chemical catalysts have been used in an attempt to create the building catalysts have been used in an attempt to create the building blocks of life. In general, when amino acids have been made, blocks of life. In general, when amino acids have been made, they occur in approximately the same proportion, with they occur in approximately the same proportion, with glycineglycine and and alaninealanine predominating, as in the predominating, as in the MillerMiller--UreyUreyexperiment.experiment.

Page 19: Biogenesis - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/.../documents/Biogenesis_5.pdf · 2015-05-03 · The term ‘biogenesis ’ has also been used in reference to the biogenetic (or

Summarizing AbiogenesisSummarizing Abiogenesis

��Darwinism requires Darwinism requires spontaneous generationspontaneous generationto to ““kickkick--startstart”” the process of evolution.the process of evolution.

��But But spontaneous generationspontaneous generation, i.e., , i.e., abiogenesisabiogenesis, has been disproven repeatedly , has been disproven repeatedly by scientists such as:by scientists such as:

•• Francesco RediFrancesco Redi (1668)(1668)

•• Louis PasteurLouis Pasteur (1862)(1862)

•• Stanley MillerStanley Miller & & Harold UreyHarold Urey (1953)(1953)

��Where does that leave Darwinism?Where does that leave Darwinism?

If Spontaneous Generation Does Not Occur If Spontaneous Generation Does Not Occur

then Macrothen Macro--Evolution Cannot Occur!Evolution Cannot Occur!

Page 20: Biogenesis - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/.../documents/Biogenesis_5.pdf · 2015-05-03 · The term ‘biogenesis ’ has also been used in reference to the biogenetic (or

Dogmatic Adherence to Darwinism in the ‘Face’of Overwhelming Evidence Reveals “Blind Faith”

Dr. George Wald (1906-1997) was professor Emeritus of Physiology at Harvard University and shared the Nobel prize in that field in 1967. He summarizes the real issue:

“There are only two possibilities as to how life arose. One is spontaneous generation arising to evolution, the other is a supernatural creative act of God. There is no third possibility. Spontaneous generation, that life arose from non-living matter was scientifically disproven 120 years ago by Louis Pasteur and others. That leaves us with only one possible conclusion: that life arose as a supernatural creative act of God. I will not accept that philosophically because I do not want to believe in God. Therefore, I choose to believe in that which I know is scientifically impossible—spontaneous generation arising to evolution.”—Scientific American, August 1954, p. 46.

Page 21: Biogenesis - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/.../documents/Biogenesis_5.pdf · 2015-05-03 · The term ‘biogenesis ’ has also been used in reference to the biogenetic (or

““Darwinism is a creed not only with scientists Darwinism is a creed not only with scientists

committed to document the allcommitted to document the all--purpose role of purpose role of

natural selection. It is a creed with masses of natural selection. It is a creed with masses of

people who have at best a vague notion of the people who have at best a vague notion of the

mechanism of evolution as proposed by Darwin, mechanism of evolution as proposed by Darwin,

let alone as further complicated by his let alone as further complicated by his

successors. Clearly, the appeal cannot be that of successors. Clearly, the appeal cannot be that of

a scientific truth but of a philosophical belief a scientific truth but of a philosophical belief

which is not difficult to identify. Darwinism is a which is not difficult to identify. Darwinism is a

belief in the meaninglessness of existence."belief in the meaninglessness of existence."

Dr. R. Kirk, "Dr. R. Kirk, "The Rediscovery of CreationThe Rediscovery of Creation," in National ," in National

Review, (May 27, 1983), p. 641.Review, (May 27, 1983), p. 641.

An Honest Assessment of DarwinismAn Honest Assessment of Darwinism