Bihar State Highway Project Package – II · Bihar State Highway Project Package – II ... GSB, WMM, DBM, BC, construction of CD structures, bridge works etc. ... specification

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Bihar State Highway Project Package – II


Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision for civil Work of Package-II(SH-87) under BSHP-II AF Loan No.-2894-IND

Six Monthly Report (October 2015 to March 2016) – Complianceto Specific and General Conditions of Environmental Clearance

in SH - 87

Submitted By

Egis International S.A in JV with Egis India ConsultingEngineers Pvt. Ltd. in association with

Transtek Engineers & Services Pvt. Ltd.Egis Tower, Plot No.66, Sector – 32,

Gurgaon – 122 003, Haryana

Bihar State Highway Project Package – II


Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision for civil Work of Package-II(SH-87) under BSHP-II AF Loan No.-2894-IND

Six Monthly Report (October 2015 to March 2016) – Complianceto Specific and General Conditions of Environmental Clearance

in SH - 87

Submitted By

Egis International S.A in JV with Egis India ConsultingEngineers Pvt. Ltd. in association with

Transtek Engineers & Services Pvt. Ltd.Egis Tower, Plot No.66, Sector – 32,

Gurgaon – 122 003, Haryana

Bihar State Highway Project Package – II


Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision for civil Work of Package-II(SH-87) under BSHP-II AF Loan No.-2894-IND

Six Monthly Report (October 2015 to March 2016) – Complianceto Specific and General Conditions of Environmental Clearance

in SH - 87

Submitted By

Egis International S.A in JV with Egis India ConsultingEngineers Pvt. Ltd. in association with

Transtek Engineers & Services Pvt. Ltd.Egis Tower, Plot No.66, Sector – 32,

Gurgaon – 122 003, Haryana

Improvement/Upgradation of Runnisaidpur-Bhiswa Road(SH-87) in the state of Bihar

Six monthly EC ComplianceReport-Oct 2015 to March 2016

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Six Monthly Compliance Report to Specific & General Conditions of EnvironmentalClearance ( EC ) - F. No.: 10 - 45/2010 – IA.III dated 19 September, 2011, October 2015

to March 2016

This report presents the six monthly compliance (October 2015 to March 2016) report with respect toSpecific & General conditions as stipulated in the Environmental clearance Letter (EC - MoEF,F.No.:10-45/2010–IA.III dated 19 September, 2011) for the project “Improvement / Up-gradation ofRunnisaidpur - Bhiswa Road (SH-87) Length - 67.486” kms in the state of Bihar. The compliancestatus w.r.t Specific & General Conditions of EC has been briefly summarized below in table 1 for theperiod October 2015 to March 2016.

Table 1: Compliance with Specific & General Conditions of Environmental Clearance(F. No.: 10-45/2010 –IA.III dated 19 September, 2011) From October 2015 to March 2016


Specific Conditions Compliance Status

(i) The project indicated cutting of 482trees for the widening of the road.Necessary prior permission shall beobtained for cutting of trees from thecompetent authority. Compensatoryafforestation shall be carried out as perstipulated conditions of MoEF and StateForest Division.

The BSRDC has obtained necessary permissionfor roadside tree cuttings for a number of 1511trees from the concerned DFO. A total number of476 tress have been cut so far. ForestDepartment have been given Rs.41,60,233/- videDD No. 025764 dated 25.11.2013.+ Rs.99,29,401/- vide DD No.770121 dated22.12.2014. DFO, Sitamarhi letter No. 664 dated30.12.2014 telling that tree cutting is under wayat non – forest land located between Ch. 22.00 toCh. 67.00.

(ii) Rainwater harvesting including oil andgrease trap shall be provided. Waterharvesting structures shall be located atevery 500 mts along the road. Verticaldrain type rainwater harvestingstructures shall be set up to minimizesurface runoff losses of rainwater.

Presently road construction work is in progresswhich includes Clearing & Grubbing,embankment, subgrade, GSB, WMM, DBM, BC,construction of CD structures, bridge works etc.The rainwater harvesting structures will beprovided during the side drain constructionactivities in the area where water table is morethat 5 m below the ground level.

(iii) R&R shall be as per the guidelines ofstate/Central Government.

Being Complied. Distribution of Compensation/assistance to the project affected parties (PAPs)has been started as per the Entitled matrixapproved by the State Govt.

(iv) IRC guidelines shall be followed forwidening and up-gradation of road

Being followed. The IRC guidelines andspecifications have been followed for designing,widening & up-gradation of the road

(v) The responses/commitments madeduring public hearing shall be compliedwith letter and spirit

Being complied.

(vi) All the recommendation of EMP shall becomplied with letter and spirit

Being Complied. The EMP is the part of ContractAgreement between BSRDC & the Contractor.Compliance to EMP implementation is beingstrictly monitored. Environmental PollutionMonitoring is being carried out on Quarterly basisfor air, noise, water and soil (During the wholeconstruction period). Test results during Octoberto March 2015, for air, noise & water indicate thatno exceedance w.r.t. NAAQS (CPCB/BSPCB) &IS-10500 has so far taken place in any

Improvement/Upgradation of Runnisaidpur-Bhiswa Road(SH-87) in the state of Bihar

Six monthly EC ComplianceReport-Oct 2015 to March 2016

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Specific Conditions Compliance Status

parameters for air, noise & water quality levels.The monitoring report for October to March 2016quarters as available is enclosed as Annexure-I.

(vii) Rainwater harvesting including oil andgrease trap shall be provided. Waterharvesting structures shall be located atevery 500 mts along the road. Verticaldrain type rainwater harvestingstructures shall be set up to minimizesurface runoff losses of rainwater.

Same as Sl. No. (ii)

(viii) The seismic nature of the area shall betaken into account while designing theproject.

This has already been taken into considerationduring the designing of the project.

(ix) No ground water shall be used for theproject. The project proponent shallobtain necessary permission from thestate irrigation department beforedrawing water from the river sources forthe purpose of the proposedconstruction activities.

As per CGWA policy, 2009 the infrastructureprojects are exempted from permission forwithdraw of water upto 2000 cubic meter per dayin alluvial plain. The entire project is located onalluvial plain and the abstraction of water is below2000 cubic meter per-day for the constructionactivities, therefore NOC for abstraction ofgroundwater upto 2000 cubic meters is notrequired from CGWA.

(x) Sidewalk shall be provided along thebridges

There is provision of 32 minor bridges in theproject. Sidewalk has been incorporated indesign of all the proposed bridges. Theconstruction activities for all minor bridges are inprogress.

(xi) The drain shall be at least 1 m awayfrom the toe of the embankment of theroad adopting IRC guidelines

Permanent drainage will be provided inaccordance with the IRC guidelines andspecifications. The drain work is underconstruction at Ch. 7+500 & 14+300. Thedistance of the drains from the toe of theembankment has been maintained as perspecification.

(xii) Longitudinal drains shall be provided allalong the project road to ensure properdrainage of the area. In addition,adequate number of underpasses andculverts to act as cross drainagestructure shall also be provided.

Out of 16.5 km, 2.4km of drain construction iscompleted. There is provision of 156 numbers ofculverts and 32 numbers of minor bridges in theproject as cross water drainage structure as perIRC guidelines for ensuring proper drainage ofthe area. In addition to that there is provision ofviaduct at ROB which will act as underpasses.

(xiii) The solid waste generated shall be usedfor rehabilitating the borrow area.

The solid waste in the form of earth workmaterials are generated due to roadway cuttingand drain excavation shall be reused used forsub-grade and earthen shoulder andrehabilitating the borrow areas . Besides thissignificant quantities of materials generatedduring clearing and grubbing have been alreadyhas disposed off in environmentally sustainablemanner and also has been re-used in thestrengthening of local village roads, haul roads.

(xiv) For providing safety to the crossinganimals and avoid road accidents speedbreakers/ rumble strips shall beconstructed at the identified locations ofthe animal movements. Enoughhoardings and signages shall also be

Road safety provisions will be provided byfollowing IRC guidelines and specifications.

The temporary guiding and warning signage havebeen provided as per IRC: SP:55-2001 inproviding all signs, diversions, delineators,

Improvement/Upgradation of Runnisaidpur-Bhiswa Road(SH-87) in the state of Bihar

Six monthly EC ComplianceReport-Oct 2015 to March 2016

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Specific Conditions Compliance Status

put up for public and vehiclesconvenience.

barricading and other traffic safety measuresduring Construction.

There is adequate provision of permanent safetysignboards, zebra crossing, barricading, speedbreakers, etc. which shall be provided as per IRCspecifications and guidelines before allowing thetraffic over the constructed road.

(xv) Minimum of three times the number oftrees to be cut shall be planted. It shallbe ensured that the trees planted as apart of the afforestation shall be of thesame species/ local species and survivalshall be monitored. Transplantation oftrees shall be carried out whereverpossible. The tree plantation shall betaken up on the extreme end of theroad.

At present the road construction activities are inprogress. The tree plantation shall be carried inthe ratio of 1:3 in consultation with the ForestDepartment and by following the IRC guidelineson plantation on substantially completed sectionin order to maintain the survival of the trees.BSRDC has tied up with government nursery forsupply of healthy tree saplings for the plantationactivity.

(xvi) Necessary permission for tree fellingfrom the concerned department shall beobtained before commencement of theproject work and copies of the sameshall be submitted to this Ministry.

The permission for felling of 1511 number oftrees has been obtained from concerned forestdepartment vide letter No.1471 dated 16.5.2012.

(xvii) Adequate number of underpasses shallbe provided in the habitation areas. Thedetails of such underpasses shall beprovided to the Ministry within 6 monthsfrom the date of issue of this letter.

The underpasses will be provided whereverwarranted in accordance with the IRC guidelines.Two viaducts have been provided at ROB whichcan be used as underpasses.

(xviii) Necessary Clearance from the StateGovernment shall be obtained forextraction of sand from rivers.

Presently the sands are being procured fromlicensed sand quarry. The legal compliances withrespect to sand extraction have been ensuredand necessary royalty has been paid accordinglyto the concern department. In case of opening ofContractors own quarry, the compliance with thestatutory norms will be ensured prior to extractionof materials from such area.

(xix) Proper signage shall be installed atappropriate locations for theconvenience of the traffic movement.

Temporary Traffic Diversion signages have beenprovided during construction at the constructionzones as per IRC guidelines and is strictlymonitored for adequacy and effectiveness. Thepermanent signages will be provided on the roadas per IRC Guidelines before allowing the traffic

(xx) The embankment/slopes and the slopesleft after cutting shall be provided withvegetative turfing to avoid erosion.

Presently road construction works in progress.The slope protection measures will be provided athigh embankment slopes in the form of grassturfing and stone pitching to avoid soil erosionproblem.

(xxi) The hot mix plant shall be located atleast 500 mts. Away from habitation andon the barren land to avoid its adverseimpact on the human population

The new site for Hot mix Plant has been identifiedfor establishment at Bahera Village and Gopalpurvillage along the project stretch. The siting criteriaas per norms has been followed by thecontractor.Consent to Establish was obtained for setting upa HMP/Batching Plant/WMM Plant at Khasra Nos1328.294 and 1784, Mouza-Bahera,Jahidpur,PS- Nanpur, District-Sitamarhi.. Valid from

Improvement/Upgradation of Runnisaidpur-Bhiswa Road(SH-87) in the state of Bihar

Six monthly EC ComplianceReport-Oct 2015 to March 2016

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Specific Conditions Compliance Status

25.08.2014 till 24.08.2015,

Consent to Operate has been obtained, Validfrom 03.12.2014 till 31.12.2017 [for HMP,Batching & WMM (120TPH, 70Cu.m/day2000TPA) located at Bahera Jhaidpur P.S.Nanpur District –Sitamarhi .

Consent to Operate has been obtained and validfrom 03.12.2014 till 31.12.2017 [For HMP,Batching Plant. WMM Plant (120 TPM,70Cu.m/day, 2000TPM) located at Gopalpur P.O.Bhitha More Sursand District – Sitamarhi

(xxii) Rehabilitation and payment ofcompensation to the project affectedpeople (PAPs) shall be made as per thepolicy of the State Government.

The updated Resettlement and Rehabilitationplan for Project Affected Peoples (PAPs) hasbeen prepared for the project as per the policy ofstate government and ADB Policy. The BSRDChas appointed experienced NGO forimplementing the R&R plan.

(xxiii) Noise barriers shall be provided atappropriate locations particularly in theareas where the alignment passesthrough inhabited area so as to ensurethat the noise levels do not exceed theprescribed standard.

Noise pollution mitigation measures shall beprovided as per EMP guidelines.

(xxiv) For road safety, IRC guidelines inrespect of road signages, service roads,bus bays, intersections, pedestrianscrossings, etc. shall be strictly adheredto.

Temporary Traffic Diversion signages have beenprovided during construction at requiredconstruction zones as per IRC guidelines and isstrictly monitored for adequacy and effectiveness.The permanent signages will be provided on theroad as per IRC Guidelines before allowing thetraffic. There will be 4 bus-bays at Nanpur,Hariharpur, Barahi and Parihar village.15 numberof junction improvement have been proposed.

6. General Conditions(i) Adequate provision for infrastructure

facilities including water supply, fuel andsanitation must be ensured forconstruction workers during theconstruction phase of the project toavoid any damage to the environment.

The workers camp has been provided at Baherabase camp. At camp site all the basic facilities forthe workers including safe drinking waterfacilities, toilets & bathrooms with covered septictanks & soak pits, covered wastewater drainagesystem, first aid facilities, supply of LPG forcooking, other sanitation facilities have beenprovided as per norms and EMP guidelines.Aforementioned housekeeping issues are strictlymonitored on regular basis. Periodic healthcheckups and HIV/AIDS awareness programmehave also been organized for workers.

(ii) Appropriate measures must be takenwhile undertaking digging activities toavoid any likely degradation of waterquality.

No incidence of water quality degradation havebeen encountered so far during constructionactivities. All precautionary measures given in theEMP are followed strictly under supervision ofConsultant & BSRDC.

(iii) Borrow sites for each quarry sites forroad construction material and dumpsites must be identified keeping in viewof the following:

During borrow area selection, due considerationhas been given to ADB guidelines & IRCguidelines in order to avoid environmentalsensitive features in the proposed borrow area.

Improvement/Upgradation of Runnisaidpur-Bhiswa Road(SH-87) in the state of Bihar

Six monthly EC ComplianceReport-Oct 2015 to March 2016

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Specific Conditions Compliance Status

(a) No excavation or dumping onprivate property is carried outwithout written consent of theowner.

(b) No excavation or dumping shallbe allowed on wetland, forestareas or other ecologicallyvaluable sensitive location.

(c) Excavation work shall be donein close consultant with the soilConservation and WatershedAgreed. Development Agenciesworking in the area and

(d) Construction spoils includingbituminous material and otherhazardous materials must notbe allowed to contaminate watercourses and the dump sites forsuch materials must be securedso that they shall not leach intothe ground water.

Complied. Consent Letters from concerned landowners have been obtained and records areavailable with BSRDC/ Consultant & Contactoroffices.

Complied. No borrow area is located in wetland,forest area or any other ecologically valuablesensitive location. No excavation or dumping isbeing carried out on such sensitive area.


The construction spoils have been/ are beingreused for road construction and strengthening oflocal village & haul roads. The appropriatedumping site will be identified for disposal of notre-usable construction waste and will be disposedin environmentally & socially sustainable manner.

(iv) The construction material shall beobtained only from approved quarries. Incase new quarries are to be opened,specific approvals from the competentauthority shall be obtained in this regard.

The construction materials are being obtainedonly from approved /licensed quarry. No newquarry has been opened in this project till date.

(v) Adequate precautions shall be takenduring transportation of the constructionmaterial so that it does not affect theenvironment adversely.

Materials are being transported in coveredvehicles to prevent any spillage & dust emissions.

(vi) Borrow pits and other scars createdduring the road construction shall beproperly leveled and treated.

Total number of 36 borrow areas have beenidentified. Out of which 21 are completed andrehabilitated. 9 are still to be operated on and 6are under process. All the borrow pits will berehabilitated as per IRC /ADB guidelines as givenin the IEE

(vii) Adequate financial provision must bemade in the project to implement theaforesaid safeguards.


(viii) The project proponent will set upseparate environmental managementcell for effective implementation of thestipulated environmental safeguardsunder the supervision of a SeniorExecutive.

The BSRDC has appointed EGIS IndiaConsulting Engineers India Pvt Ltd asSupervision Consultant to supervise the entirework progress of construction activities includingcompliance to the contractual obligations andspecifications by the Contractor and to monitorthe compliance to EC conditions & EMPimplementation including its reporting.

Improvement/Upgradation of Runnisaidpur-Bhiswa Road(SH-87) in the state of Bihar

Six monthly EC ComplianceReport-Oct 2015 to March 2016

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Specific Conditions Compliance Status

Supervision Consultant has site office/sconsisting of experienced Team Leader, ResidentEngineer, Pavement & Material Engineers,Quality & Quantity Engineer & Field Engineersbesides an Environmental Specialist who carriesout periodic onsite assessment of EMPimplementation and regular monitoring of EMPimplementation & all conditions of environmentalclearance by interacting with the entire team ofSupervision Consultant, Contractor & BSRDC.The Contractor has appointed EnvironmentalHealth and Safety Officers for implementing theenvironmental safeguard measures as percontract conditions and specification on day today basis for different construction activities.

(ix) Full support shall be extended to theofficers of this Ministry/Regional Officeat Bhubansewar by the projectproponent during inspection of theproject for monitoring purposes byfurnishing full details and action planincluding action taken reports in respectof mitigation measures and otherenvironmental protection activities.

Noted and Agreed

(x) A six Monthly monitoring report shallneed to be submitted by the projectproponent to the Regional Office of thisMinistry at Bhubansewar regarding theimplementation of the stipulatedconditions

Complied. The six monthly reports are beingsubmitted as required.

(xi) Ministry of Environment and Forests orany other competent authority maystipulate any additional conditions ormodify the existing ones, if necessary inthe interest of environment and thesame shall be complied with

Noted. No additional condition or modification inthe conditions has been received from MoEF orany other regulatory authority till date.

(xii) The Ministry reserves the right to revokethis clearance if any of the conditionsstipulated are not complied with thesatisfaction of the Ministry


(xiii) In the event of a change in projectprofile or change in the implementationagency, a fresh reference shall be madeto the Ministry of Environment andForests

There is no change in project profile or change inimplementing agency.

(xiv) The project proponent shall inform theRegional Office as well as the Ministry,the date of financial closure and finalapproval of the project by the concernauthorities and the date of start of land

Commencement date of the project is31.10.2013. Date of financial closure will beintimated after physical completion of the project.

Improvement/Upgradation of Runnisaidpur-Bhiswa Road(SH-87) in the state of Bihar

Six monthly EC ComplianceReport-Oct 2015 to March 2016

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Specific Conditions Compliance Status

development works

(xv) A copy of clearance letter shall bemarked to concerned Panchayat/ localNGO, if any from whom any suggestion/representation has been made receivedwhile processing the proposal

Already Complied

(xvi) Safety provision such as bus bays,service roads intersection improvementetc. will be carried out by the projectproponent. The project proponent shallprovide adequate facilities as per IRCnorms/guidelines

4 numbers of additional bus bays at Nanpur,Hariharpur, Barahi and Parihar villages and 15junction improvements have been proposed inthe project as safety features others safetyprovisions will also be provided in the project asper IRC Guidelines.

(xvii) State Pollution Control Board shalldisplay a copy of the clearance letter atthe Regional Office, District industriesCentre and Collector’s Office/Tehsildar’s office for 30 days.

Already complied

7 These stipulated conditions would beenforced among others under theprovisions of Water (Prevention andControl of Pollution) Act, 1974 and theAir (Prevention and Control of Pollution)Act, 1981, the Environment (Protection)Act, 1986, the Public Liability(Insurance) Act, 1991 and EIANotification, 2006, including theamendments and rules madethereunder

The conditions stipulated in EnvironmentalClearance under EIA Notification, 2006 andEnvironmental (Protection) Act have beencomplied in the project. The other stipulationsunder different environmental statutes and normsare also being complied as applicable.

8 All other statutory clearance such as theapprovals for storage of diesel fromchief controller of Explosive, FireDepartment, Civil Aviation Department,Forest Conservation Act, 1980 andWildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 etc shallbe obtained as applicable by projectproponents from the respectivecompetent authority.

All applicable statutory clearances have beenobtained. Records available with Contractor, CSC& BSRDC.

9 The Project Proponent shall advertise inat least two local Newspapers widelycirculated in the region one of whichshall be in the vernacular languageinforming that the project has beenaccorded Environmental Clearance andcopies of the clearance letter areavailable with the Bihar State PollutionControl Board and may also be seen onthe website of the Ministry ofEnvironment and Forests athttp:/www.envfor.nic.in.The

Already complied and reported in the previousreport.

Improvement/Upgradation of Runnisaidpur-Bhiswa Road(SH-87) in the state of Bihar

Six monthly EC ComplianceReport-Oct 2015 to March 2016

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Specific Conditions Compliance Status

advertisement should be made within 10days from the date of receipt of theclearance letter and a copy of the sameshould be forwarded to the RegionalOffice of this Ministry at Bhubaneshwar.

10 Environmental Clearance is subject tofinal order of the Hon’ble Supreme Courtof India in the matter of Goa FoundationVs Union of India in Writ Petition (Civil)No. 460 of 2004 as may be applicable tothis project.


11 Status of compliance to the variousstipulated environmental conditions andenvironmental safeguards will beuploaded by project proponent in itswebsite.

Shall be executed

12 The project proponent shall also submitsix monthly report on the status ofcompliance of the stipulated ECconditions including results of monitoreddata (both in hard copies as well as byemail) to the respective Regional Officeof MoEF the respective Zonal Office ofCPCB and the SPCB

Complied. The six monthly compliance report isbeing submitted.

13 The environmental statement for eachfinancial year ending 31st March inForm-V as is mandated to be submittedby the project proponent to theconcerned Bihar State Pollution ControlBoard as prescribed under theEnvironment (Protection) Rules, 1986,as amended subsequently, shall also beput on the website of the companyalongwith the status of compliance onEC conditions and shall also sent to therespective Regional Offices of MoEF byEmail.

The six monthly report on EMP Compliance hasbeen submitted to the Regional Office of MoEF,Bhubaneshwar vide letter no. 597(we) dated19.10.2015.

Improvement/Upgradation of Runnisaidpur-Bhiswa Road(SH-87) in the state of Bihar

Six monthly EC ComplianceReport-Oct 2015 to March 2016

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ANNEXURE-IAir, Water, Noise and Soil Quality Monitoring Report (October 2015 – March 2016)

Improvement/Upgradation of Runnisaidpur-Bhiswa Road(SH-87) in the state of Bihar

Six monthly EC ComplianceReport-Oct 2015 to March 2016

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ANNEXURE-IAir, Water, Noise and Soil Quality Monitoring Report (October 2015 – March 2016)

Improvement/Upgradation of Runnisaidpur-Bhiswa Road(SH-87) in the state of Bihar

Six monthly EC ComplianceReport-Oct 2015 to March 2016

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ANNEXURE-IAir, Water, Noise and Soil Quality Monitoring Report (October 2015 – March 2016)

Improvement/Upgradation of Runnisaidpur-Bhiswa Road(SH-87) in the state of Bihar

Six monthly EC ComplianceReport-Oct 2015 to March 2016

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Improvement/Upgradation of Runnisaidpur-Bhiswa Road(SH-87) in the state of Bihar

Six monthly EC ComplianceReport-Oct 2015 to March 2016

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Improvement/Upgradation of Runnisaidpur-Bhiswa Road(SH-87) in the state of Bihar

Six monthly EC ComplianceReport-Oct 2015 to March 2016

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Improvement/Upgradation of Runnisaidpur-Bhiswa Road(SH-87) in the state of Bihar

Six monthly EC ComplianceReport-Oct 2015 to March 2016

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Improvement/Upgradation of Runnisaidpur-Bhiswa Road(SH-87) in the state of Bihar

Six monthly EC ComplianceReport-Oct 2015 to March 2016

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Improvement/Upgradation of Runnisaidpur-Bhiswa Road(SH-87) in the state of Bihar

Six monthly EC ComplianceReport-Oct 2015 to March 2016

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