Processional Seating of Parents/Grandparents Jon and Boys take place at altar to my left Emily starts song Norah processes first and stands to my right Kelly and Dad process second (Dad on Kelly’s right) Jon meets Kelly just shy of altar and takes her arm up to the altar

Bigher Real Final Ceremony Script_FROZEN

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Processional Seating of Parents/Grandparents Jon and Boys take place at altar to my left Emily starts song Norah processes first and stands to my right Kelly and Dad process second (Dad on Kellys right) Jon meets Kelly just shy of altar and takes her arm up to the altar Welcome Welcome everyone.We are gathered here on this beautiful day as friends and family to celebrate the joyous union of Kelly and Jon as they create a new family together with Max, Norah, and Kenny. As families and friends you are the ones who have taught Kelly and Jon how to love.Through you they have learned what it is to love and be loved and they wish to thank each of you for being here to share this day with them. While weddings are and should be fun, they are also solemn and sacred rites of passage.The vows spoken here today are profound and binding, creating a lasting union based on loyalty, trust, devotion, and, of course, love. Bond of Family Weddings are also an opportunity for us all to reflect on our families, and how they have helped guide and shape each of us.And so before we begin our celebration, let us take a moment to bow our heads and think about our own families and also to remember those who are unable to be with us today.In particular, Gramma Kelly, Papa, Gramma and Grandpa Silvia, and Uncle Wayne.We feel their presence with us here and know that they live on in our hearts. Charge to the Couple Marriage is, above all, a sacred vow and one that should not be entered into lightly.So I will ask each of you to declare your intentions to us. Please respond with a Yes. Jon and Kelly, do you come here freely and willingly, and is it your wish that I join you in the bonds of marriage? Declaration of Support Collectively, those of you gathered here represent the families, friends, and traditions that have brought Kelly and Jon to this point in their lives. Please affirm your support for this marriage by responding Yes, we do to the following question:As part of the community that surrounds Kelly and Jon, do you offer your love and support to strengthen their marriage and bless this family created by their union? Marriage Address Kelly, I have known you almost your entire life. I remember you as the mascot for the majorette squad, and rocking out to New Kids on the Block (I have the video ). Ive had the privilege of seeing you grow and find your place and figure out who you are supposed to be. And now, I am honored to be able to join you with Jon as you begin this new journey.As I searched through countless poems and essays on love and marriage, I discovered none of them really spoke to me. None of them conveyed the message I wanted to deliver here in my brief remarks. Sure, many of them were flowery and pretty and dripping with sugary-sweet emotion, but thats not what marriage is really about. People will tell you that marriage is hard work but thats not exactly true either. Marriage is the quiet spaces between the sugary sweet and the hard work. The big expressive times are the easy part. Remember your anniversary, buy a card, send flowers, have a fight, make up. Anyone can do those things. A real marriage, though, is in the small things you do for each other every day. Knowing what is important to each other and being there with support and help just when its needed. Its being good at things your spouse is bad at, its being a team, and its always about putting the other person first without even thinking about it. Kelly and Jon, I know youve had some of the best teachers, I know because I learned from them too.Marriage Address You both said you werent romantic but I know thats not true. I see the romance in how you look at each other, and in how you value each other. Its there in how well you fit together, and its even more visible in how you fit within the family. Jon, you mentioned to me you feel incomplete without Kelly. And Kelly, you said you knew you wanted to marry Jon because of how effortlessly he just fit into your family and your life. Finding the right person is like trying to match a jigsaw puzzle piece. And like placing that piece, when it fits, you know it. You and Jon are clearly two pieces who fit. I wish you both all the love and happiness in your new life. I look forward to being a part of it Beer Ritual Kelly and Jon have decided to include a traditional wine ritual in their ceremony, but with a unique and appropriate twist. Kelly and Jon, please join me at the table. From the most ancient times, drinking from the same cup has been a powerful symbol of agreement, of affection, and of peace. Sipping from the same cup is symbolic of the life Jon and Kelly will share, each giving to the other generously and freely, each receiving from the other fully. Please take your beer and pour some of each into the ceremonial cup. Combining the beer symbolizes the blending of two lives into one.As the beers mix, they retain their original character but become an inseparable whole.As you sip from the combined cup, remember that you too are now an inseparable pair. Vows It is now time for the two of you to commit your lives to one another. Jon and Kelly, please face each other and join hands.Jon, please repeat after me: I, Jon, take you, Kelly,to be my wedded wife.to have and to hold,from this day forward,for better, for worse,for richer, for poorer,in sickness and in health,to love and to cherish,until the end of time. Vows Kelly, please repeat after me: I, Kelly, take you, Jon,to be my wedded husband.to have and to hold,from this day forward,for better, for worse,for richer, for poorer,in sickness and in health,to love and to cherish,until the end of time. Vows to Children Any marriage is the blending of two families.This marriage is blessed to include three wonderful children.Max, Norah, and Kenny would you please join hands with your dad and Kelly.Norah, Max, and Kenny; Kelly and your dad welcome you into this new family. They would like to make some special promises to each of you, because you are very important people in their lives. They would also like to remind you that their loving commitment to one another opens up a whole new world of people who will become your family.People who will love you and care about you and help you to find your way in the world. Vows to Children And so on your behalf, I will ask them the questions: (Please answer We Will) Kelly and Jon, will you continue to love and support these children? Will you make the time to listen to them, cherish and guide them? Will you show them respect, kindness, tolerance and honesty? Will you provide a safe and loving home where each is encouraged to develop their own unique qualities, in the knowledge that they will always be loved and valued for themselves? Will you make these promises lovingly and freely? Ring Exchange May I have the rings? The tradition of the wedding ring dates back almost 5,000 years.The ring, as a circle, has no beginning and no end and is thus a symbol of the infinite love between you. Jon, please repeat after me as you place this ring on your beloveds finger: Kelly, this ring I give as token and pledge, as a sign of my love and devotion. With this ring, I thee wed. Kelly, please repeat after me as you place this ring on your beloveds finger: Jon, this ring I give as token and pledge, as a sign of my love and devotion. With this ring, I thee wed. Pronouncement Kelly and Jon you have publicly committed yourself to each other and to your new family in front of me, your family and friends, and the community.And so it gives me great pleasure to say that by the power vested in me by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You can most definitely now kiss! Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my distinct pleasure to introduce to you for the very first time as husband and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jon and Kelly Pye! Recessional