Big Yellow Taxi

Big Yellow Taxi. Flashback 9/24/12 pg. 35 ISN Using page 27 Geography Alive textbook, Give the relative location of the following cities: Houston, TX

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Page 1: Big Yellow Taxi. Flashback 9/24/12 pg. 35 ISN Using page 27 Geography Alive textbook, Give the relative location of the following cities: Houston, TX

Big Yellow Taxi

Page 2: Big Yellow Taxi. Flashback 9/24/12 pg. 35 ISN Using page 27 Geography Alive textbook, Give the relative location of the following cities: Houston, TX

Flashback 9/24/12 pg. 35 ISN

• Using page 27 Geography Alive textbook, Give the relative location of the following cities:

• Houston, TX

• Cheyenne, WY

• Bismarck, ND

Page 3: Big Yellow Taxi. Flashback 9/24/12 pg. 35 ISN Using page 27 Geography Alive textbook, Give the relative location of the following cities: Houston, TX

Flashback 9/25/12 pg. 35 ISN

•Sketch, label and describe the 3 rings of a city.

Page 4: Big Yellow Taxi. Flashback 9/24/12 pg. 35 ISN Using page 27 Geography Alive textbook, Give the relative location of the following cities: Houston, TX

Flashback 9/26/12 pg. 35 ISN

•Describe 2 positive and 2 negative effects of urban sprawl.

Page 5: Big Yellow Taxi. Flashback 9/24/12 pg. 35 ISN Using page 27 Geography Alive textbook, Give the relative location of the following cities: Houston, TX

Flashback 9/27/12 pg. 35 ISN

•Briefly explain the 3 ways that a city sprawls.

Page 6: Big Yellow Taxi. Flashback 9/24/12 pg. 35 ISN Using page 27 Geography Alive textbook, Give the relative location of the following cities: Houston, TX

Flashback 9/28/12 pg. 35 ISN

• Briefly explain 3 responses (solutions) to sprawl that we have learned about in Toronto and Portland.

Infill in Toronto where the urban core is razed and rebuilt. Smart Growth (mixed-use) where business and living space is together and Urban Growth boundaries beyond which sprawl cannot occur.

Page 7: Big Yellow Taxi. Flashback 9/24/12 pg. 35 ISN Using page 27 Geography Alive textbook, Give the relative location of the following cities: Houston, TX

Flashback 10/1/12 pg. 42 ISN

How are population density and Smart Growth related to each other?

Page 8: Big Yellow Taxi. Flashback 9/24/12 pg. 35 ISN Using page 27 Geography Alive textbook, Give the relative location of the following cities: Houston, TX

Flashback 10/3/12 pg. 42 ISN

Explain two ways the urban core changed because of sprawl.

Page 9: Big Yellow Taxi. Flashback 9/24/12 pg. 35 ISN Using page 27 Geography Alive textbook, Give the relative location of the following cities: Houston, TX

Flashback 10/2/12 pg. 42 ISN

• Name the kinds of infrastructure that are needed in order to sprawl.

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Flashback 10/4/12

•What is the difference between an urban area and a rural area?

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Flashback 10/5/12 pg. 42 ISN

•Why is Versailles’ growth into the rural fringe not called sprawl?

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Page 13: Big Yellow Taxi. Flashback 9/24/12 pg. 35 ISN Using page 27 Geography Alive textbook, Give the relative location of the following cities: Houston, TX
Page 14: Big Yellow Taxi. Flashback 9/24/12 pg. 35 ISN Using page 27 Geography Alive textbook, Give the relative location of the following cities: Houston, TX

Look at Preview 5 on page 36 ISN,

What effect will continued urban sprawl have on Phoenix?

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Urban SprawlAn Overview

Page 16: Big Yellow Taxi. Flashback 9/24/12 pg. 35 ISN Using page 27 Geography Alive textbook, Give the relative location of the following cities: Houston, TX

What IS urban sprawl?

• Urban Sprawl: Rapid, poorly-planned spread of development from an urban area

into rural areas

• Shorter Definition: Development on rural land at the edge of a city.

Page 17: Big Yellow Taxi. Flashback 9/24/12 pg. 35 ISN Using page 27 Geography Alive textbook, Give the relative location of the following cities: Houston, TX

Three Types of Sprawl

• Low Density: Single-family homes on large lots

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Three Types of Sprawl

• Ribbon: Single family homes on large lots that front an existing road.

• About one lot per 5 acres.

Page 19: Big Yellow Taxi. Flashback 9/24/12 pg. 35 ISN Using page 27 Geography Alive textbook, Give the relative location of the following cities: Houston, TX

Three Types of Sprawl

• Leap Frog: Neighborhoods outside the city that are more dense. These

developments aren’t directly connected to the rest of the city.

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Causes of Sprawl

• Strong Economy

• Population Growth

• Lack of Planning

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Urban Sprawl Typically:

• Is low density

• Single use

• Creates heavy car dependency

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Benefits of Sprawl :pg. 82 GA

• Cheaper land

• Life-style

• Creates jobs

• More taxpayers

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Harmful Effects of Sprawl:

• Loss of farmland

• Increase in taxes

• Loss of wildlife habitat

• Increase in air and water pollution

• Increase in obesity

Page 24: Big Yellow Taxi. Flashback 9/24/12 pg. 35 ISN Using page 27 Geography Alive textbook, Give the relative location of the following cities: Houston, TX

Versailles and Sprawl

• Size of Versailles has gone from 80 acres in 1793 to 288 acres in 1887 to 2800 acres today.

• Population in 1887 was about 4,500, today it is about 7,500.

• Population has increased 60 percent in 122 years, land use has increased 1,000 percent.

• 3 residents per acre today. About 20 residents per acre in 1887.

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What are we doing about it?

• Versailles is working to avoid sprawl

• Created Planning and Zoning Commission in 1954

• This meant that the city controlled how new neighborhoods could be built.

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Urban Growth

• Lexington was first city in U.S.(1954) to establish an urban growth boundary.

• This kept the city from sprawling uncontrollably.

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“Smart Growth”

• City is walker and mass-transit friendly.

• Includes neighborhood retail and commercial business.

• Preserves open space.

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Chapter 5 Questions• 1. Which city has been most effective in

controlling sprawl? Why?• 2. Which has been least effective and why?• 3. Are we likely to see the same living

patterns 50 years from now? If so, why. If not what will be the change?

• 4. Which response to sprawl seems to have been used most in the 3 cities we looked at?

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Video Questions pg. 39 ISN1. What are the myths related to a higher quality of

life in the suburbs?Pollution is mostly from cars which abound in suburbia.

There are more traffic accidents and fatalities in suburbia

Clean water sources may be affected by concrete runoff and industrial waste

2. What does sustainable mean? Using resources today but not using them up

3. What is infrastructure? Necessary public facilities needed for growth (water,

gas and telephone lines, streets…)

Page 30: Big Yellow Taxi. Flashback 9/24/12 pg. 35 ISN Using page 27 Geography Alive textbook, Give the relative location of the following cities: Houston, TX

Urban Sprawl Wrapup pg. 89 GA

Look at map on pages 90-91 GA.

What interesting details do you see?

What do the different color dots represent?

Which have the most urban areas?

Europe. Then Asia, North America, So. America. India, U.S., China, Brazil and Japan are the countries.

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Urban Sprawl wrap-up continued

• In your ISN write this and answer:

What are the physical and human factors that determine where many or few people live?

Climate and landform type. What landform types?

Economic opportunity

Mountains, deserts, rainforests

Page 32: Big Yellow Taxi. Flashback 9/24/12 pg. 35 ISN Using page 27 Geography Alive textbook, Give the relative location of the following cities: Houston, TX

Urban Sprawl Wrap-up

• Why are there so many large cities in the world?

• Why so many urban areas over 5 million in Asia?

• What challenges do metropolitan areas have because of growth?

• Read page 90 GA

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The End