Bibliography Evaluation in terms of Validity and Reliability Website Validity Reliability 1 http:// www.imdb.com/ name/nm0006033/ bio? ref_=nm_ov_bio_sm I would say that this website is valid as it is well known, mainly in film, as a source of factual information about actors, directors but in this case, composers such as Debussy and therefore i would class this website as valid. The information found on this website contained much of the same information found on other websites i have used for unit 43, therefore i would say that this website is reliable. 2 http:// www.biography.com/ people/claude- debussy-9269290#sy nopsis This website is valid as it has the option for people to contact them if they find any information on their website which is not correct. The information found on this website contained much of the same information found on other websites i have used for unit 43, therefore i would say that this website is reliable. 3 http:// www.musicacademyo nline.com/composer/ biographies.php? bid=30 This website is valid as it uses difference references to make sure the information on their website is correct. Also the website is called music academy online which has a list of composer biographies form different musical periods which suggests that they are serious and a valid source. The information found on this website contained much of the same information found on other websites i have used for unit 43, therefore i would say that this website is reliable. Number 1

Bibliography Unit 43 Validity and Reliability

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Level 3 BTEC Music TechnologyUnit 43Special Subject

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  • Bibliography Evaluation in terms of Validity and Reliability

    Number Website Validity Reliability1 http://


    I would say that this website is valid as it is well known, mainly in film, as a source of factual information about actors, directors but in this case, composers such as Debussy and therefore i would class this website as valid.

    The information found on this website contained much of the same information found on other websites i have used for unit 43, therefore i would say that this website is reliable.

    2 http://www.biography.com/people/claude-debussy-9269290#synopsis

    This website is valid as it has the option for people to contact them if they find any information on their website which is not correct.

    The information found on this website contained much of the same information found on other websites i have used for unit 43, therefore i would say that this website is reliable.

    3 http://www.musicacademyonline.com/composer/biographies.php?bid=30

    This website is valid as it uses difference references to make sure the information on their website is correct. Also the website is called music academy online which has a list of composer biographies form different musical periods which suggests that they are serious and a valid source.

    The information found on this website contained much of the same information found on other websites i have used for unit 43, therefore i would say that this website is reliable.



  • 4 http://www.debussy.fr/encd/bio/bio1_62-82.php

    This is an entire website dedicated to Debussy with copyright. Someone has decided to put down their knowledge of the composer, and as this information matches that of other websites, i would say this website is valid.

    The information found on this website contained much of the same information found on other websites i have used for unit 43, therefore i would say that this website is reliable.

    5 http://www.funtrivia.com/en/Music/Debussy-7908.html

    At the bottom of the website it says that the owners of the website want to keep the information on that website as accurate as possible, therefore increasing its validity.

    The information found on this website contained much of the same information found on other websites i have used for unit 43, therefore i would say that this website is reliable.

    6 (also reference for 18)


    This website is not as valid as other websites, although containing similar information from other websites. there is no copyright or references to the information which is there and so this decreases its validity.

    The information found on this website contained much of the same information found on other websites i have used for unit 43, therefore i would say that this website is reliable.

    Website Validity ReliabilityNumber


  • 7 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claude_Debussy#Early_life

    Wikipedia will not be as valid as other sources, as this website can be edited by anyone who has access to the internet therefore creating their own facts. Although, the chances that someone has edited this particular website is low, as most people edit celebrities wikipedia pages rather than 19/20th century composer pages and their works therefore increasing the validity of the website.

    Comparing information found in books and on other websites with that on Wikipedia, i would say that the information found on this website os reliable as these comparable sources display the same information, there increasing its reliability.

    8 http://www.classicfm.com/composers/debussy/pictures/debussy-20-facts-about-great-composer/tchaikovsky/

    Classic fm is a radio station which strives to give people accurate information on composers and musicians and deliver their music. As this source is highly reputable, i would say it is valid.

    The information found on this website contained much of the same information found on other websites i have used for unit 43, therefore i would say that this website is reliable.

    9 http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Claude_Debussy#Legacy

    I would say this website has validity as you can see when it was last updated, showing that they strive for accuracy, also they have a list of credits displaying their sources of information.

    The information found on this website contained much of the same information found on other websites i have used for unit 43, therefore i would say that this website is reliable.

    Website Validity ReliabilityNumber


  • 10 http://www.medici.tv/#!/claude-debussy

    Medici.tv is a reputable website regarded highly by classical musician who strive to bring people the best of classical music and therefore i would say the information supplied on Debussy by them is valid.

    The information found on this website contained much of the same information found on other websites i have used for unit 43, therefore i would say that this website is reliable.

    11 http://brenthugh.com/debnotes/debussy-gamelan-cdnotes.pdf

    I would say that this source has some validity as it does have references at the end of each page but as i cannot be sure of this publications origins, i would say its validity is low.

    The information found on this website contained much of the same information found on other websites i have used for unit 43, therefore i would say that this website is reliable.

    12 http://www.laphil.com/philpedia/music/nocturnes-claude-debussy

    This is the website of the Los Angeles philharmonic orchestra and as this group is highly regarded in the music world i would say information by them has a high validity.

    The information found on this website contained much of the same information found on other websites i have used for unit 43, therefore i would say that this website is reliable.

    Website Validity ReliabilityNumber


  • 13 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nocturne_(painting)

    Wikipedia will not be as valid as other sources, as this website can be edited by anyone who has access to the internet therefore creating their own facts. Although, the chances that someone has edited this particular website is low, as most people edit celebrities wikipedia pages rather than 19/20th century composer pages and their works therefore increasing the validity of the website.

    Comparing information found in books and on other websites with that on Wikipedia, i would say that the information found on this website os reliable as these comparable sources display the same information, there increasing its reliability.

    14 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nocturnes_(Debussy)

    Wikipedia will not be as valid as other sources, as this website can be edited by anyone who has access to the internet therefore creating their own facts. Although, the chances that someone has edited this particular website is low, as most people edit celebrities wikipedia pages rather than 19/20th century composer pages and their works therefore increasing the validity of the website.

    Comparing information found in books and on other websites with that on Wikipedia, i would say that the information found on this website os reliable as these comparable sources display the same information, there increasing its reliability.

    Website Validity ReliabilityNumber


  • 15 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children's_Corner

    Wikipedia will not be as valid as other sources, as this website can be edited by anyone who has access to the internet therefore creating their own facts. Although, the chances that someone has edited this particular website is low, as most people edit celebrities wikipedia pages rather than 19/20th century composer pages and their works therefore increasing the validity of the website.

    Comparing information found in books and on other websites with that on Wikipedia, i would say that the information found on this website os reliable as these comparable sources display the same information, there increasing its reliability.

    16 http://www.favorite-classical-composers.com/claude-debussy.html

    This website has information about many other composers such as Ravel, Chopin, Sibelius and Wagner and so i would say that as it has information on other composers that it is valid but with some doubts as there isn't any references to where the information has come from or information about the author and their education.

    The information found on this website contained much of the same information found on other websites i have used for unit 43, therefore i would say that this website is reliable.

    Website Validity ReliabilityNumber


  • 17 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suite_bergamasque

    Wikipedia will not be as valid as other sources, as this website can be edited by anyone who has access to the internet therefore creating their own facts. Although, the chances that someone has edited this particular website is low, as most people edit celebrities wikipedia pages rather than 19/20th century composer pages and their works therefore increasing the validity of the website.

    Comparing information found in books and on other websites with that on Wikipedia, i would say that the information found on this website os reliable as these comparable sources display the same information, there increasing its reliability.

    18 (also reference for 6)


    This website is not as valid as other websites, although containing similar information from other websites. There is no copyright or references to the information which is there and so this decreases its validity.

    The information found on this website contained much of the same information found on other websites i have used for unit 43, therefore i would say that this website is reliable.

    19 The Oxford Companion to music 780 REF Ninth edition pages 281 - 282

    This book contains over 1000 pages of information linked to music over hundreds of years which also includes information of other composers, eras and instruments. As it is in its ninth edition, they clearly want to be as up to date and accurate as possible and as this book has been published this source clearly has validity.

    Informations within this book matches the information found on websites looked and and also my other book source and so i would say that this book has reliability.

    Website Validity ReliabilityNumber


  • 20 Modern Music a consise history from debussy to boulez pages 7-13

    This book looks at music and composers spanning years and as it has been published, this book has validity as publishers would not release a book like this if they had doubts about its contents, therefore making it valid.

    As the information within this book matches information found of websites i have used in my bibliography and with my other book source, i would say that this book is reliable.

    21 http://mrmaestro.tripod.com/debussy.html

    The validity of this source is in doubt as there are no links or references, although they have tried to be as serious and professional as possible.

    The information found on this website contained much of the same information found on other websites i have used for unit 43, therefore i would say that this website is reliable.

    22 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impressionism_in_music

    Wikipedia will not be as valid as other sources, as this website can be edited by anyone who has access to the internet therefore creating their own facts. Although, the chances that someone has edited this particular website is low, as most people edit celebrities wikipedia pages rather than 19/20th century composer pages and their works therefore increasing the validity of the website.

    Comparing information found in books and on other websites with that on Wikipedia, i would say that the information found on this website os reliable as these comparable sources display the same information, there increasing its reliability.

    Website Validity ReliabilityNumber


  • 23 http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/c/claude_debussy.html

    This website i would say has a low validity as there is no reference to where these quotes came from as they could have just been made up. It would help if there were references to where the quotes are from.

    The information found on this website contained much of the same information found on other websites i have used for unit 43, therefore i would say that this website is reliable.

    24 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impressionism_in_music

    Wikipedia will not be as valid as other sources, as this website can be edited by anyone who has access to the internet therefore creating their own facts. Although, the chances that someone has edited this particular website is low, as most people edit celebrities wikipedia pages rather than 19/20th century composer pages and their works therefore increasing the validity of the website.

    Comparing information found in books and on other websites with that on Wikipedia, i would say that the information found on this website os reliable as these comparable sources display the same information, there increasing its reliability.

    25 http://www.thefamouspeople.com/profiles/claude-debussy-400.php

    This website aims to give recognition to famous people who deserve it, but they do not have any references to where th information came from or where the author is from and their education and so this casts some doubt on its validity.

    The information found on this website contained much of the same information found on other websites i have used for unit 43, therefore i would say that this website is reliable.

    Website Validity ReliabilityNumber


  • 26 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pellas_et_Mlisande_(opera)

    Wikipedia will not be as valid as other sources, as this website can be edited by anyone who has access to the internet therefore creating their own facts. Although, the chances that someone has edited this particular website is low, as most people edit celebrities wikipedia pages rather than 19/20th century composer pages and their works therefore increasing the validity of the website.

    Comparing information found in books and on other websites with that on Wikipedia, i would say that the information found on this website os reliable as these comparable sources display the same information, there increasing its reliability.

    27 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prlude__l'aprs-midi_d'un_faune

    Wikipedia will not be as valid as other sources, as this website can be edited by anyone who has access to the internet therefore creating their own facts. Although, the chances that someone has edited this particular website is low, as most people edit celebrities wikipedia pages rather than 19/20th century composer pages and their works therefore increasing the validity of the website.

    Comparing information found in books and on other websites with that on Wikipedia, i would say that the information found on this website os reliable as these comparable sources display the same information, there increasing its reliability.

    Website Validity ReliabilityNumber


  • 28 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%27aprs-midi_d%27un_faune_(poem)#Translations

    Wikipedia will not be as valid as other sources, as this website can be edited by anyone who has access to the internet therefore creating their own facts. Although, the chances that someone has edited this particular website is low, as most people edit celebrities wikipedia pages rather than 19/20th century composer pages and their works therefore increasing the validity of the website.

    Comparing information found in books and on other websites with that on Wikipedia, i would say that the information found on this website os reliable as these comparable sources display the same information, there increasing its reliability.

    29 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolism_(arts)#Etymology

    Wikipedia will not be as valid as other sources, as this website can be edited by anyone who has access to the internet therefore creating their own facts. Although, the chances that someone has edited this particular website is low, as most people edit celebrities wikipedia pages rather than 19/20th century composer pages and their works therefore increasing the validity of the website.

    Comparing information found in books and on other websites with that on Wikipedia, i would say that the information found on this website os reliable as these comparable sources display the same information, there increasing its reliability.

    Website Validity ReliabilityNumber
