BIBLIOGRAPHY Abulfatih, H.A. (1987). Medicinal plants in Southwestern Saudi Arabia. Eco. Bot.,41(3);354-360 Adams, E.B. and MaCleod, I.N. (1977). Invasive amoebiasis I. Amebic dysentry and its constituents. Medicine, 56(4); 315-323 Agriculture Protection Board, (1978). Calotropis. Advisory Leaflet, No. 36, Agdex No. 647 Ahmed, A., Khan, K.A. and Ahmed, V. (1996). In vitro amoebicidal studies on the alkaloids of Prosopis julif/ora. Pak. J. Zoo., 28(4); 365-367 Ali, M.A. and Hasan, M. {1968). Chemical investigation of Commiphora mukul Engl. (Burseraceae). Pak. J. Sc. Ind. Res., 10 (1); 21-23. AI-Kamali, H.H. and Khalid, S.A. (1996). The Most Common Herbal Remedies in Central Sudan. Fitoterapia, LXVII (4); 301-306. Almagboul, A.Z., Farouk, A., Bashir, A.K., Karim, A. and Salih, M. (1985). Antimicrobial Activity of Certain Sudanese Plants used in Folkloric Medicine. Screening for Antibacterial activity, Part II. Fitoterapia, LVI (2); 203-109. AI-Robai, A.A. {1997). Toxicological studies on the latex of the usher plant Calotropis procera (Ait.) in Saudi Arabia IV. Effects of partly purified usher latex and of the poison gland secretion of the Usherhopper, Poekilocerus bufonius Klug on the desert locust, . Schistocerca gregaria Forskal. (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Arab Gulf J. Scient. Res., 15(3); 709-716 AI-Yahya, M.A. {1986) Phytochemical screening of the plants in traditional medicine of· Saudi Arabia. Fitoterapia LVII (3); 179-182 Amabeoku, G.J. (1991 ). Quinine: The rediscovered anti-malarial agent. Cen. Afr. J. Med., 37(10); 329-333 Aminuddin, Girach, RD. and Khan, A.S.(1993). Treatment of malaria through herbal drugs from Orissa, India. Fitoterapia, LXIV (6); 545-548 Anderson, M.M., 0' Neill, M.J., Phillipson, J.D. and Warhurst, D.C. (1991 ). In vitro cytotoxicity of a series of quassinoids from Brucea javanica fruits against KB cells. Planta Med., 62-64 Anderson, S.L., Berman, J., Kuschner, R., Wesche D., Magill, A., Wellde, B:, Schneider, 1., Dunne, M. and Schuster, B.G. (1995). Prophylaxis of Plasmodium falciparum malaria with Azithromycin administered to volunteers. Ann. Int. Med., 123(10); 771-773 Ang, H.H., Chan, K.l. and Mak, J.W. (1995). In vitro antimalarial activity of quassinoids from Eurycoma longifolia against Malaysian chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum isolates. Planta Med., 61; 177-178 Anis, M. and Iqbal, M. (1986). Antipyretic utility of some Indian plants in Traditional medicine. Fitoterapia, LV11(1 ); 52-55 Anis, M. and Iqbal, M. (1994). Medicinal Plant lore of Aligarh, India. Int. J. Pharmacog., 32(1); . 59-64. 112

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Page 1: BIBLIOGRAPHY - Shodhgangashodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/17052/20/20...BIBLIOGRAPHY Abulfatih, H.A. (1987). Medicinal plants in Southwestern Saudi Arabia. Eco. Bot.,41(3);354-360


Abulfatih, H.A. (1987). Medicinal plants in Southwestern Saudi Arabia. Eco. Bot.,41(3);354-360

Adams, E.B. and MaCleod, I.N. (1977). Invasive amoebiasis I. Amebic dysentry and its constituents. Medicine, 56(4); 315-323

Agriculture Protection Board, (1978). Calotropis. Advisory Leaflet, No. 36, Agdex No. 647

Ahmed, A., Khan, K.A. and Ahmed, V. (1996). In vitro amoebicidal studies on the alkaloids of Prosopis julif/ora. Pak. J. Zoo., 28(4); 365-367

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AI-Robai, A.A. {1997). Toxicological studies on the latex of the usher plant Calotropis procera (Ait.) in Saudi Arabia IV. Effects of partly purified usher latex and of the poison gland secretion of the Usherhopper, Poekilocerus bufonius Klug on the desert locust, . Schistocerca gregaria Forskal. (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Arab Gulf J. Scient. Res., 15(3); 709-716

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Anderson, S.L., Berman, J., Kuschner, R., Wesche D., Magill, A., Wellde, B:, Schneider, 1., Dunne, M. and Schuster, B.G. (1995). Prophylaxis of Plasmodium falciparum malaria with Azithromycin administered to volunteers. Ann. Int. Med., 123(10); 771-773

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Anis, M. and Iqbal, M. (1986). Antipyretic utility of some Indian plants in Traditional medicine. Fitoterapia, LV11(1 ); 52-55

Anis, M. and Iqbal, M. (1994). Medicinal Plant lore of Aligarh, India. Int. J. Pharmacog., 32(1); . 59-64.


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