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Page 1: Bibliography - Shodhgangashodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/70780/11/11_bibliograph… · Bibliography 1. ADB Report(2003), Toward E-Developmentin Asia and thePacific: A Strategic


1. ADB Report(2003), Toward E-Development in Asia and the Pacific: AStrategic Approach for Information and Communication Technology:Policies and Strategies, Web Site:http://www.adb.org/Documents/Reports/Annual_Report/2003/default.asp.

2. Allen, A.B.,]uillet, L., Paquet, G. and Roy,]. (2001) E-Governance andGovernment, Online in Canada: Partnerships, People and Prospects,Government Information Quarterly, 18, 93-104. .

3. Ani! Srivasthava (2004). E-Government from Vision to Implementation:A Practical Guide with Case Studies (Bhatnagar S), New Delhi: SagePublications.

4. Asian Development Bank Institute (1998), URL:http://www.adbi.org/discussion-paper /200S/09/26/1379.governance.indonesia.comments/definition.of.governance/

5. Bhatnagar S (2004). E-Government from Vision to Implementation: APractical Guide with Case Studies. New Delhi: Sage Publications.

6. Biggs, Tyler and Pradeep Srivastava (1996) Structural Aspects ofManufacturing in sub-Saharan Africa:Findings from a Seven CountryEnterprise Survey, World Bank Discussion Paper No. 346,Africa,Technical Department Series.

7. Buckinger, Carol, Francisca Mar, and Patricia Mokhtarian (1997).Residential Area-Based Offices Project:Final Report on TelecenterOperations. Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-97-28, Institute ofTransportation Studies, University of California, Davis,URL:http://its.ucdavis.edu.

8. C Kenny,] Navas-Sabater, C Qiang (2001), Information CommunicationTechnologies and Poverty, World Bank,URL:http://www.unbotswana.org.bw/undp/docs/bhdr2002/ICTs%20and%20Poverty%20.pdf.

9. Cecilia W.P. Ii-Tsangl , Chetwyn C.H. Chanl, Chow Lam2 , ChristinaHui-Chanl and Siu-sze Yeungl (2004) "Computers Helping People withSpecial Needs- Evaluations of an Information and CommunicationTechnology (IC1) Training Programme for Persons with IntellectualDisabilities", Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Volume 3118/2004.

10. Computerised Rural Information Systems Project (CRISP-1986),URL:http://crisp.nic.in/

11. Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and useracceptance of information technology. MIS Quarterly, 13(3), 319-340.

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