Expert Group Meeting on Road Maintenance and Management Bhupendra Bahadur Basnet Bhupendra Bahadur Basnet Director General DoLIDAR/MOFALD 05/07/2013 1 DoLIDAR/MOFALD Nepal

Bhupendra Bahadur Basnet - ESCAPBhupendra Bahadur Basnet Director General DoLIDAR/MOFALD 05/07/2013 1

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Page 1: Bhupendra Bahadur Basnet - ESCAPBhupendra Bahadur Basnet Director General DoLIDAR/MOFALD 05/07/2013 1

Expert Group Meeting on Road Maintenance and Management

Bhupendra Bahadur BasnetBhupendra Bahadur BasnetDirector GeneralDoLIDAR/MOFALD

05/07/2013 1


Page 2: Bhupendra Bahadur Basnet - ESCAPBhupendra Bahadur Basnet Director General DoLIDAR/MOFALD 05/07/2013 1

Acronyms• ADB: Asian Development Bank • ARMP: Annual Road Maintenance Plan • BG: Building Group • DDC: District Development Committee • DfID: Department of International Development‐UK • DoLIDAR: Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads • DRCN: District Road Core Network • DRILP: Decentralized Rural Infrastructure and Livelihood Project DRSP: District Road Support Program • DTO: District Technical Office • ILO: International labour Organization • LRN: Local Road Network • LRUC: Local Road User Committee • MoFALD: Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development • MoPPTM: Ministry of Physical Planning and Transport Management • OFID: Opec Fund for International Development • RAIDP: Rural Access Improvement and Decentralization Project • RAP: Rural Access Program • RIDP: Rural Infrastructure Development Project • RRRSDP: Rural Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Sector Development Program • RTIMSWAp: Rural Transport Infrastructure Maintenance Sector‐wide Approach • SDC: Swiss Agency for Development and Co‐operation • SRN: Strategic Road Network • VDC: Village Development Committee • WB: World Bank 

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Page 3: Bhupendra Bahadur Basnet - ESCAPBhupendra Bahadur Basnet Director General DoLIDAR/MOFALD 05/07/2013 1

Nepal at a Glance• Landlocked  Country (China in the north and 

India in the East, West & South)

Li b 80º 4' d 88º 12' l i d• Lies between 80º 4' and 88º 12' east longitude and 26º 22' north latitude. 

• Area: 147 181 sq km• Area: 147,181 sq km– Himala region 15%

– Hilly region 68%

– Terai (Plain) 17%

• Population: ~ 26 million with 93 local languages and 113 ethnic groups

• Capital city: Kathmandu

• 83%  is rural population

• Agrarian economy

• 25 % population below poverty level.05/07/2013 3

Page 4: Bhupendra Bahadur Basnet - ESCAPBhupendra Bahadur Basnet Director General DoLIDAR/MOFALD 05/07/2013 1

Background: Road ManagementBackground: Road Management• Total Road Length: 62,579 Km

S. No.

Description SRN LRN TotalNo.

1 Black Top (km) 5574 1576 7150

2 Gravel (km) 1888 14602 16490

3 Earthern (km) 4173 34766 38939

4 Total (km) 11635 50944 62579

5 Density (km/100sqm)

7.91 34.31 42.22

6 Population  2288 840 3128Influenced (nos/km)

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Page 5: Bhupendra Bahadur Basnet - ESCAPBhupendra Bahadur Basnet Director General DoLIDAR/MOFALD 05/07/2013 1

Background: Road Management dBackground: Road Management cntd.....

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Page 6: Bhupendra Bahadur Basnet - ESCAPBhupendra Bahadur Basnet Director General DoLIDAR/MOFALD 05/07/2013 1

Background: Road Management cntd.....Background: Road Management cntd.....• Management of Strategic Road Network (SRN) Department of Roads responsible (MoPPTM)

15 national highways 

51 feeder roads

• Management of Local Road Network (LRN)a age e t o oca oad et o ( )

Local Bodies (VDCs, Municipalities & DDCs) responsible

DoLIDAR/DTOs of MoFALD provide technicalDoLIDAR/DTOs of MoFALD provide technical backstopping

Huge numbers of projects are implemented

Around 25% of LRN is serviceable

Priority is new construction 05/07/2013 6

Page 7: Bhupendra Bahadur Basnet - ESCAPBhupendra Bahadur Basnet Director General DoLIDAR/MOFALD 05/07/2013 1

Background: Road Management dBackground: Road Management cntd.....

• Major donor funded projects in LRN (Transport Plus):( p )

RRRSDP (20 District): ADB, SDC, DfID, OFID

DRILP(18 District): ADB OFIDDRILP(18 District): ADB, OFID

RAIDP (30 District): WB, SDC

RAP (7 District): DfIDDRSP (6 District): SDC

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Page 8: Bhupendra Bahadur Basnet - ESCAPBhupendra Bahadur Basnet Director General DoLIDAR/MOFALD 05/07/2013 1

Evolution of LRN Maintenance• National Plan for Rural Roads Maintenance (NPRRM) approved in 1999 AD(NPRRM) approved in 1999 AD

Total target (km): 14,000.00

Defined maintenance types

Yearly budgetary requirement calculated Yearly budgetary requirement calculated

Total amount  forecasted (till 2007 US$ million): 1.85

C t h i h i i t d d Cost sharing mechanism introduced Routine‐ GoN/Local Body 50:50

Periodic‐ GoN/Local Body 67:33

Rehab‐ GoN/Local Body 75:25

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Page 9: Bhupendra Bahadur Basnet - ESCAPBhupendra Bahadur Basnet Director General DoLIDAR/MOFALD 05/07/2013 1

Evolution of LRN Maintenance cntd...• Ad‐hoc and Project based budget allocation RIDP (ADB funded) initiated culture of establishing RIDP (ADB funded) initiated culture of establishing maintenance fund from design phase

RAIDP (WB funded) adheres to access improvement RAIDP (WB funded) adheres to access improvement

RRRSDP (ADB funded) establishes maintenance fund d d hduring design phase 

• Spot improvement under pressurep p p

• Roads Board allocation in maintenance only.

d ll ll d• Road toll collection initiated  Local Bodies employees deployed

Out sourcing  05/07/2013 9

Page 10: Bhupendra Bahadur Basnet - ESCAPBhupendra Bahadur Basnet Director General DoLIDAR/MOFALD 05/07/2013 1

LRN Maintenance MechanismLRN Maintenance Mechanism• LRUC's responsibility : dysfunctionalp y y

• LEP Approach : mixed result maximum labour input required during rainy season but less maximum labour input required during rainy season but less 


roads opted to be closed during rainy season but high vehicle mobility for accessing markets 

• Length‐person : mixed result

• Team‐based Approach : mixed result

• Outsourcing: BG, Qualified Contractors, Transport g , Q , pOperators

• RTIMSWAp: PilotingRTIMSWAp: Piloting 

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Page 11: Bhupendra Bahadur Basnet - ESCAPBhupendra Bahadur Basnet Director General DoLIDAR/MOFALD 05/07/2013 1

Documents Prepared: LRN MaintenanceDocuments Prepared: LRN Maintenance

• National Plan for Rural Road maintenance, 1999

• Team‐based Maintenance of Rural Roads (ILO)

R l R d M i Di i 2007• Rural Road Maintenance Directive, 2007

• Rural Road Maintenance: Technical Handbook, ,2009

Si lifi d DTMP M l 2012• Simplified DTMP Manual, 2012

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Page 12: Bhupendra Bahadur Basnet - ESCAPBhupendra Bahadur Basnet Director General DoLIDAR/MOFALD 05/07/2013 1

Challenges in LRN MaintenanceChallenges in  LRN Maintenance• 75% of LRN requires to convert to maintainable 


• Political parties opt for new construction

• Absence of maintenance culture and maintenance planningp g

• Acute shortage of fund: Poor management of available resources

• Rugged topography fragile geology• Rugged topography, fragile geology

• Lack of accountability and ownership

• Very weak monitoring mechanism

• Lack of qualified human resource in required numberq q

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Page 13: Bhupendra Bahadur Basnet - ESCAPBhupendra Bahadur Basnet Director General DoLIDAR/MOFALD 05/07/2013 1

Challenges in LRN Maintenance cntdChallenges in  LRN Maintenance cntd....• Unplanned growth of non‐engineered road network

f• Haphazard use of heavy equipment: Bulldozer drivers decide the road route 

• Partially or completely non‐compliance with national standard and guidelinesGradient more than 12 percent

Small radius along the curve

• No concern onGeologyGeology

Water management

Disaster risk managementDisaster risk management

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Page 14: Bhupendra Bahadur Basnet - ESCAPBhupendra Bahadur Basnet Director General DoLIDAR/MOFALD 05/07/2013 1

Future Initiatives: Bringing created Asset toFuture Initiatives: Bringing created Asset to Serviceable condition cntd.......

• Quality concern• Quality concern

• Institutional arrangement

F it i• Focus on monitoring

• Management of HR

• Fiduciary risk action plan

• Technical auditing

• Coordination and Collaboration

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Page 15: Bhupendra Bahadur Basnet - ESCAPBhupendra Bahadur Basnet Director General DoLIDAR/MOFALD 05/07/2013 1

Future Initiatives: Bringing created Asset to Serviceable condition

• RTIMSWAp : under piloting for initiation ofRTIMSWAp : under piloting for initiation of planned maintenance culture

Identification of DRCN

Annual Road Maintenance Plan (ARMP)Annual Road Maintenance Plan (ARMP) Preparation

B d ll iBudget allocation 

Implementation Mechanism including Technologyp g gy

Close Monitoring

Updating road inventory and ARMP05/07/2013 15

Page 16: Bhupendra Bahadur Basnet - ESCAPBhupendra Bahadur Basnet Director General DoLIDAR/MOFALD 05/07/2013 1

ConclusionConclusion• Go for planned maintenance with sufficient

budget (allocation planning procurement)budget (allocation, planning, procurement).• Coordinate and collaborate with respective

k h ldstakeholders Construct engineered roads only

LRN maintenance should be technically feasible, economically viable and socially acceptableeconomically viable and socially acceptable




More Sustainability

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Page 17: Bhupendra Bahadur Basnet - ESCAPBhupendra Bahadur Basnet Director General DoLIDAR/MOFALD 05/07/2013 1


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Rugged Terrain

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Before MaintenanceBefore Maintenance


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After MaintenanceAfter Maintenance


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Before Maintenance


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After Maintenance


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