B E V I N N E W S www.ernestbevin.london Issue 107 Friday 7th October 2016 TRINITY MUSIC EXAM SUCCESS Well done to all the musicians who were successful in their Trinity Music Grade exams in the summer. Ms Sheikh presented the cerficates at a lunchme recital and award ceremony on Monday 26th September. A number of boys achieved Grade 6 and above which will go towards UCAS points when they do their university applicaons. Adam Kona 13JMO Piano Grade 6 Tyreke Bartley 11MJH Clarinet Grade 7 with merit Dejean Bartley 11MAS Flute Grade 7 Sharwyn Gordon 11BXB Violin Grade 7 Ravin Ramroop 11TP Violin Grade 4 Ajeebshan Kuthubkhan 9SH Violin Grade 3 with merit James Chin 9SAA Violin Grade 3 Kelvin Ung 9DD Piano Grade 4 Milosz Sekowski 8ML Piano Inial Robert Walker 9JDB Clarinet Grade 1 Vibushan Tharmathasa 9CW Violin Inial Darcy Crecan-Harris 9AAB Violin Grade 2 Arshan Kuthubkhan 10JAS Guitar Grade 1 with merit Abdullah Ahmed 9SAA Rock Guitar Grade 1 Cyrprian Gut 9DD Rock Guitar Grade 2 with merit Oswald Manning 9AAB Rock Guitar Inial with disncon Zain Muhammed 9TM Rock Guitar Inial Jaisul Naik 13JMO Rock Guitar Grade 2 Rayyan Akram 10JAS Grade 1 Rock and Pop Gideon Boateng 10CJW Grade 1 Rock and Pop Bass with dist. Eben Berhane Berhe 9SH Rock Guitar inial with merit Darren Cardoz 9SAA Rock Guitar inial with disncon Joseph Ferguson 11TP Rock Bass inial with disncon Enrik Lah 12AMA Classical guitar grade 7 EUROPEAN DAY OF LANGUAGES The MFL department celebrated the European Day of Languages with a number of acvies. The day started with a special connental breakfast for the Red Ties in the school canteen. All tutor groups had the chance to take part in a quiz that tested their knowledge of European languages. Purple Ties wore sckers to indicate which languages they spoke in addion to English; the students had to find as many members of staff as possible who spoke different languages. The Baking Club also baked some special European cakes to celebrate the day. DUKE OF EDINBURGH The Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award group headed off to the Brecon Beacons in Wales for their two night expedion. On the first day they climbed Table Mountain at a height of 450m and on the second day they managed to make it to the top of Sugar Loaf Hill at 656m. The weather was kind to the group who spent the nights under canvass and everyone came back to London, having enjoyed a few days in the Welsh hills. PARENTS COFFEE MORNING On Friday 14th October, we will be holding our first Parents’ Coffee Morning of the year. All parents are very welcome to aend this informal meeng. Usually it is of most interest to parents with a son who has just started in Year 7 or who is new to the College. The coffee mornings are held once a term and are an opportunity for parents to ask quesons. The Principal Ms Sheikh will be answering your quesons on 14th October and Ms Boateng will also give a short presentaon about Doddle, the online homework tool. Unfortunately we can not answer specific quesons about your son’s progress/well-being etc – you should contact your son’s form tutor or Head of Year for this informaon. If you would like to aend this meeng please leave a message for Mrs Wilkins on 0208 772 5728 or email [email protected] so we know how many people are planning to aend. RECEIVE BEVIN NEWS BY EMAIL Bevin News is emailed to parents once a fortnight. If you do not currently receive it please check with the main school office that we have an up to date email address for you. Alternavely you can download a copy from the college website www.ernestbevin.london

Bevin News 107 7 10 16 - Ernest Bevin College€¦ · Zain Muhammed 9TM Rock Guitar Initial ... Bevin News is emailed to parents once a fortnight. If you do not currently receive

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BEVIN NEWS www.ernestbevin.london Issue 107


Well done to all the musicians who were successful in their Trinity Music Grade exams in the summer. Ms Sheikh presented the certificates at a lunchtime recital and award ceremony on Monday 26th September. A number of boys achieved Grade 6 and above which will go towards UCAS points when they do their university applications.

Adam Kona 13JMO Piano Grade 6 Tyreke Bartley 11MJH Clarinet Grade 7 with merit Dejean Bartley 11MAS Flute Grade 7 Sharwyn Gordon 11BXB Violin Grade 7 Ravin Ramroop 11TP Violin Grade 4 Ajeebshan Kuthubkhan 9SH Violin Grade 3 with meritJames Chin 9SAA Violin Grade 3 Kelvin Ung 9DD Piano Grade 4Milosz Sekowski 8ML Piano Initial Robert Walker 9JDB Clarinet Grade 1 Vibushan Tharmathasa 9CW Violin Initial Darcy Crecan-Harris 9AAB Violin Grade 2 Arshan Kuthubkhan 10JAS Guitar Grade 1 with meritAbdullah Ahmed 9SAA Rock Guitar Grade 1 Cyrprian Gut 9DD Rock Guitar Grade 2 with meritOswald Manning 9AAB Rock Guitar Initial with distinctionZain Muhammed 9TM Rock Guitar Initial Jaisul Naik 13JMO Rock Guitar Grade 2 Rayyan Akram 10JAS Grade 1 Rock and Pop Gideon Boateng 10CJW Grade 1 Rock and Pop Bass with dist.Eben Berhane Berhe 9SH Rock Guitar initial with meritDarren Cardoz 9SAA Rock Guitar initial with distinctionJoseph Ferguson 11TP Rock Bass initial with distinctionEnrik Lahti 12AMA Classical guitar grade 7

EUROPEAN DAY OF LANGUAGESThe MFL department celebrated the European Day of Languages with a number of activities.

The day started with a special continental breakfast for the Red Ties in the school canteen. All tutor groups had the chance to take part in a quiz that tested their knowledge of European languages. Purple Ties wore stickers to indicate which languages they spoke in addition to English; the students had to find as many members of staff as possible who spoke different languages. The Baking Club also baked some special European cakes to celebrate the day.

DUKE OF EDINBURGHThe Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award group headed off to the Brecon Beacons in Wales for their two night expedition. On the first day they climbed Table Mountain at a height of 450m and on the second day they managed to make it to the top of Sugar Loaf Hill at 656m. The weather was kind to the group who spent the nights under canvass and everyone came back to London, having enjoyed a few days in the Welsh hills.

PARENTS COFFEE MORNINGOn Friday 14th October, we will be holding our first Parents’ Coffee Morning of the year. All parents are very welcome to attend this informal meeting. Usually it is of most interest to parents with a son who has just started in Year 7 or who is new to the College. The coffee mornings are held once a term and are an opportunity for parents to ask questions. The Principal Ms Sheikh will be answering your questions on 14th October and Ms Boateng will also give a short presentation about Doddle, the online homework tool. Unfortunately we can not answer specific questions about your son’s progress/well-being etc – you should contact your son’s form tutor or Head of Year for this information.If you would like to attend this meeting please leave a message for Mrs Wilkins on 0208 772 5728 or [email protected] so we know how many people are planning to attend.

RECEIVE BEVIN NEWS BY EMAILBevin News is emailed to parents once a fortnight. If you do not currently receive it please check with the main school office that we have an up to date email address for you. Alternatively you can download a copy from the college website www.ernestbevin.london

Diary DatesFriday 14th October

Parent Coffee MorningTuesday 18th October

STEM Celebration eventThursday 20th OctoberYear 11 Parents Evening

CROSS COUNTRYCongratulations to Jaden Kennedy 8SYS for his performance in the Wandsworth Schools Cross Country Event. Jaden was presented with his medal by the Mayor of Wandsworth,

FOOTBALLThe Football season has started with friendly matches for the Year 9 and 7 teams against Coombe Boys School. Purple Ties drew 2-3 and Red Ties who were playing together as a team for the first team, gave a spirited performance in a close match that finished 5-4 against them.

The Year 10 team have also opened their season with a 3-0 win against Bolingbroke Academy: Theo Medhurst 10YC, Myles Wilson 10JAS and Robert Nuamh 10CJW were the goalscorers and Theo was named ‘man of the match’.

JUDOOn the Saturday 24th September we participated in the Green Belt and below Judo Open 2016 at the University of East London.Adem Aouicha 9SAA in the Under 42kg (Green belt) competition won all 4 of his matches by Ippon to reach the final. A tight final saw a narrow defeat for Adem but a well-deserved Silver medal.Ahmed Raja 9SH, fresh from his bronze medal the previous week, also took a Silver medal in the Under 60kg Yellow belt and below, with team mate Amar Loukrichi 9SAA taking the Bronze medal.Zain Choudry 9DD also took part and came 9th in these championships. Well done everyone! Sensei Mike

TABLE TENNISOn Saturday 24th September we had 3 boys representing Bevin in the 2-Star Tournament at Milton Keynes: Howard Onweng 9SH, Adam Benmohamed 9SH & Nahom Goitom 9SAAAdam said: “I faced Nahom in the semi final & was winning 2 sets to 1 but he came back so it was 2-2. The final set was really close and I just won it 17-15.”The result was Adam came 2nd, Nahom 4th & Howard 7th. The top 8 from the Under 14 age group then had a free pass to play in the Under 16 tournament on the same day.The boys did well in the older age group with Nahom coming 6th, Adam 7th & Howard 8th.

The tournament itself was fantastic with many outstanding players: Adam just lost in the U14 and U16 against the same player who won both categories U14 and U16. It was a great performance from all the three Bevin Boys, but a special day for Adam in particular as he made it on to the podium.

Coach Renan

SIDNEY LEWIS BLUE PLAQUEMembers of the Bevin History Club attended the unveiling of a the first new Blue Plaque in Tooting on Saturday 24th September. The plaque on No 934 Garratt Lane (just down from Tooting Broadway) was placed on the former home of Sidney Lewis, believed to be the youngest soldier to have served in the British Army in the First World War. He was 12 years old when he joined up and at the age of 13 fought in the Battler of the Somme, until his mother sent his Birth Certificate to the British Authorities and he was sent home!

One hundred years on, Sidney’s Son, Grandson and other family members joined Tooting residents for the special ceremony. Mr Brookes, Naqibullah Azizi 8DD, C. Strong Nwachukwu 8DD and Sheraz Ahmed 8PCB represented Bevin with Naqi reading out a special tribute that he and C. Strong had written about Sidney’s bravery. Money for the plaque had been raised by a local fund raising initiative called A Quid for Sid organised by the Summerstown 182 project which is researching the 182 men remembered on the war memorial in St Mary’s Church, Summerstown.

Councillor Richard Field. Cllr Field made a special point of attending the race after meeting Jaden and other young athletes at a special reception to celebrate Wandsworth’s sportsmen and women who took part in the Rio Olympics and Para Olympics earlier this year.