better world for the youth

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  • 8/10/2019 better world for the youth






  • 8/10/2019 better world for the youth


    Building a Better World:Partnering with Youth

    Amid the reports of exodus of North-Easterners from some states of India to their'homeland', sudden firing at the wake of midnight by a US teen at the premiere of

    a hit superhero sequel, suicide by young boys and girls in response to their poor

    performance in exams, molestation cases and other such drastic news making

    headlines time and again have forced me to think that where the youth of this era

    is heading to? The madness that has gripped all over, leading to the exodus of

    young North-Easterners is not only an impression of fear and doubt but also a

    stark reflection of how even after 66 years of independence; we have not stopped

    discrimination based on religion or ethnicity. I wonder why, we the youth havent

    learnt from the slaughter of innocent Sikhs in 1984, when two Sikh bodyguards

    murdered Indira Gandhi. Communal violence of any kind is totally unacceptable

    as nothing-absolutely nothing justifies the shedding of blood of even a single

    person in the name of caste, creed, religion etc. Ours is a young nation with above

    50% of our population below 30 years. How can such community differences arise

    if we decide not to be seen as Sikhs, Hindus or Muslims but only as Indians?

    The youngsters are a powerful force to reckon with. They are energetic,enthusiastic and full of zeal. They cannot remain idle as it would increase their

    frustration. We need to divert their unchannelised and surplus energy towards

    useful work so that they meet the needs of the nation and realise their worth.

    Contrary to this fact, many youngsters are committing suicides which have

    become the second largest cause of death of youngsters after accidents around

    the world. Though I am supposed to be sympathetic towards them but it makes

    me all the more angry when I hear about such cases as it is mere foolishness to

    end your life because you failed in your exams or your boyfriend dumped you on

    a social networking site. How can one let go off such a precious gift as life given by

    the Almighty. We need to accept the fact that life is not a bed of roses but a bed

    of thorns too. We need to take challenges and difficulties in our stride and learn

    to face them courageously. Our spirit should be such that it remains unconquered

    come what may. It is extremely essential to utilise this power of the youth in

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    eradicating economic and social evils that have plagued the nation for long such

    as corruption, dowry and female foeticide. These days almost every young Indian

    is talking about the burning issue of corruption, but still do not hesitate to bribe

    the traffic policemen to save their own skin. Is this how we are going to eliminate

    corruption from grass root level? With new scandals and scams coming to the

    fore every now and then, it is high time that we say a big no to greasing palms and

    contribute in our own way to get rid of this economic problem which is getting

    deeper into the roots of this nation day by day. Our bid to move towards a better

    world without the empowerment of young women is very much incomplete.

    Though we boast of being modern and adapting to the changes of 21st


    dowry is something that is still prevalent in the so-called coming of agesociety.

    Started initially as a gift to the girl by her parents on her marriage as a sign of love

    and affection towards her, it has now taken the form of one of the most heinous

    acts in relation to as sacred an institution as marriage. There is nothing more

    saddening that many young girls have lost their lives owing to the atrocities

    committed on them by their in-laws due to their never-ending greed for dowry.

    This has led to parents seeing their girl child as a mere burden on them leading to

    another wrong-doing i.e. female foeticide. They dont realise that whether a boy

    or a girl it is their own child. In todays era where girls have outdone boys in

    almost every field be it science, arts or literature, it is very essential to let girls seethe light of the day. They need to be freed from the chains of patriarchy and lead

    their way to success. Let girls be born and bloom. The government is going to play

    its part by implementing strict laws, but it is we who have to wake our inner voice

    and vow not to indulge in any of these social evils.

    Youth is the spring of Life. It is the age of discovery and dreams. The role of youth

    is of utmost importance in todays time. We have underplayed ourselves in the

    field of politics. It is time that we become aspiring entrepreneurs rather than

    mere workers. In countries where young people have opportunities to advance in

    business, civic participation, and education, societies are more stable. We have

    travelled the roads of Indian democracy in the same rickety ancient grubby

    vehicle for 66 years but now is the time when we need to replace it with a newer

    and better one. For the establishment of Rule by the People in the worlds

  • 8/10/2019 better world for the youth


    largest democracy as we proudly declare ourselves to be, it is important to

    understand who these people really are. Is it really democracy that a nation

    where a majority of population is below 30 elects a majority of people above 60

    to power? With a major portion of our population being young, it is obvious that

    participation of youth in the functioning of our countrys political practices is

    integral. The methods of working need to be revolutionized at a grass root level

    which can be attained by giving the youth the power to create a world in which

    they wish to live. Their innovative way of assessment and unacceptability towards

    injustice and unfair practices, makes them the ideal class of people to work for

    the people and strengthen their representation. The country desperately needs

    some young leaders who personify energy, enthusiasm, morality, and diligence.

    No doubt we have progressed a lot in the last few years but the development

    pace would have been completely different had some young torchbearers led this

    process of development. At the time of independence, Gandhi called upon the

    youth to participate actively in the freedom movement. Young leaders

    like Nehru came to his reckoning and led the movement. But this is not the case

    now. Nowadays we have only a handful of young leaders like Rahul Gandhi,

    Sachin Pilot and Omar Abdullah etc. Youth are the treasures of massive power

    and zeal. It is us, the generation X (Next), Y (Youth) and Z (Zealous), who can

    restructure India. The Youth has to become a part of politics to facilitate thereconstruction of a better society and country. Though nobody can go back and

    start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. Even if

    we dont take part in active politics,we can do a duty that is enjoined upon us by

    the constitution-vote for the right candidate.

    Youngsters of today are the role models of tomorrow.

    The responsibility for

    change, progress and innovation lies on the shoulders of the youth. Youth can

    make or mar a society. The educated youth should initiate steps to teach the

    illiterate people in their neighbourhood. They could teach them elementary

    reading and writing and also educate them about hygiene and the need for


    The population of India has crossed the staggering one billion mark.

    The economic progress of the country, as a result, has been nullified. The

    government has initiated various programs to bring the economically backward

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    people into the national mainstream, but the reforms have failed to percolate to

    the masses. Family planning programs of the government have not been totally

    accepted and adopted by the masses. The governmental machinery has failed to

    reach out to the grassroots. Youth organizations should take up the responsibility

    of educating the poor about the benefits of family planning. It is quite evident

    that the rural folk are usually suspicious about the intentions of the government

    officials, nurses and doctors. Hence, it is the duty of the youth to further the

    governments efforts.

    Our dream to make a better world, a world where there is love, peace, harmony,

    co-operation and co-ordination can be fulfilled only if there is national


    It is a sentiment that makes us proud of our heritage and binds all

    people in one common bond, no matter, what their caste, religion, language andsocial custom may be. Though great deal of progress has been achieved in many

    fields but it is a pity that the spirit of unity, which had made our people think, and

    believe that they are one family and one nation, appears to have

    evaporated. Passions are inflamed in the name of language and religion. Loyalty

    to caste and community is given priority over devotion to the mother land.How

    can we conveniently kill one another placing the gun on Gods shoulder? I wish

    people were as committed about treating others nicely as they sometimes are to

    visiting gurudwaras or temples, mosques or churches. We have the will power to

    fast for days and the generosity to donate money for renovating places of

    worship, but not the kindness to give up our seat in a crowded metro or bus to an

    elderly man or woman. We need to understand that our beliefs dont make us a

    better person but our behaviour does. The engines, enthusiasm and idealism of

    the youth should be channelized in a proper way, so that the task of national

    integration becomes easy and the future more brighter.

    With the 66th Independence Day just gone by, comprising of news pieces thatspelled increasing crimes against women, oppression of the weak, a system

    riddled with corruption and scams plaguing most departments, it is time for the

    youth to ascertain their role in leading the country towards a new form of

    freedom. In todays era, Independence Day is just a small celebration for

    youngsters at the school/college level which doesnt embed patriotism in them in

  • 8/10/2019 better world for the youth


    the true sense. As we witness a free-for-all in most aspects of governance, we

    usually shudder at the mention of assuming responsibility for improving

    conditions. Over the years the meaning of independence has changed, and

    Independence Day has lost its meaning for the youth. It is now only a reason to

    enjoy a national holiday. Growing up in a free India, we have taken freedom for

    granted. It is very important for us to realise that with freedom comes great

    responsibility. No country is perfect, but it has to be made so through tireless and

    unconditional efforts. On a personal level, we should all pledge to do something

    for our motherland. It can be something as big as joining the defence services or a

    simple step such as planting a sapling. If nothing more, we should take up a cause

    or be a volunteer. Even a small contribution to a noble cause helps. We should be

    ready for sacrifices. Doing something for others makes one feel good and also

    gives a sense of pride. These days everyone seems confused about what to do in

    life. Hence, one should discover a passion. It can be hobby or a goal in life. Being

    passionate about something will drive us to do better in whatever we do. Last but

    not the least, we should identify our talent and skills and imagine working in a

    particular career. It will help us to choose the right option. As Robert Kennedy

    rightly puts it "This world demands the qualities of youth: not a time of life but a

    state of mind, a temper of the will, a quality of imagination, a predominance of

    courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the life of ease." It isundoubtedly accepted that the youth is the future of a nation. The biggest reason

    that makes them more powerful than the rest of the society is their ability to take

    risk for a change. They have the enthusiasm and innovativeness to bring about

    change. The power of youth must be harnessed properly to set the society on the

    path of change.

    Youth is that spark which needs no ignition

    We are the change-makers. We have to be the change we want to see in theworld. Our country is developing at a rapid pace and tremendous progress is

    taking place in all fields, be it science, economy or education. We should see India

    as not a land of a billion problems, but a land of a billion opportunities. Our

    country is our identity and we should be proud of our beloved motherland.

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    Before wrapping up, I would like to mention that one act of defiance can spark a

    revolution. Contemporary young world is ready for rebellion. But the big

    question is-where is the rebellion? Why arent we tearing down walls?Why are

    we satisfied with Karan Johar films and Chetan Bhagat novels? Why are we so

    tame? Have the problems crippling the world taken the fight out of us?

    Its high time that the Gen-X takes the bull by its horns.