Berufsbildungsverband der Versicherungswirtschaft Swiss Association of Vocational Educational and Training in Insurance Association pour la formation professionnelle en assurance Associazione per la formazione professionale nell’assicurazione Educating for results The educators' perspective: European trends in education development

Berufsbildungsverband der Versicherungswirtschaft Swiss Association of Vocational Educational and Training in Insurance Association pour la formation professionnelle

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Page 1: Berufsbildungsverband der Versicherungswirtschaft Swiss Association of Vocational Educational and Training in Insurance Association pour la formation professionnelle

Berufsbildungsverband der Versicherungswirtschaft

Swiss Association of Vocational Educational and Training in Insurance

Association pour la formation professionnelle en assurance

Associazione per la formazione professionale nell’assicurazione

Educating for results

The educators' perspective:

European trends in education development

Page 2: Berufsbildungsverband der Versicherungswirtschaft Swiss Association of Vocational Educational and Training in Insurance Association pour la formation professionnelle


Developments in the financial markets Developments in the insurance industry Technical developments Vocational education and training (VET) in Europe European trends in education development Debate on 6 propositions

Page 3: Berufsbildungsverband der Versicherungswirtschaft Swiss Association of Vocational Educational and Training in Insurance Association pour la formation professionnelle

Developments in the financial markets

Globalisation Complex products Strong interdependence Global casino

Opportunities and risks

Page 4: Berufsbildungsverband der Versicherungswirtschaft Swiss Association of Vocational Educational and Training in Insurance Association pour la formation professionnelle

Developments in the insurance industry Part 1

Problems in investment business Focus on core business Risk management versus growth (premium volume) Market concentration Internationalisation Increasing risks

Environment Life expectancy

Page 5: Berufsbildungsverband der Versicherungswirtschaft Swiss Association of Vocational Educational and Training in Insurance Association pour la formation professionnelle

Developments in the insurance industry Part 2

Focus on processes Risk management / Underwriting Claims and service management Sales

Possible break-up of the value chain Industrialisation

Page 6: Berufsbildungsverband der Versicherungswirtschaft Swiss Association of Vocational Educational and Training in Insurance Association pour la formation professionnelle

Technical developments

Unlimited storability of data Unlimited accessibility of data Unlimited reachability of each and every one of us Complete interconnectedness

Industrialised processes are being automated Complete change in the relationship with the client

Page 7: Berufsbildungsverband der Versicherungswirtschaft Swiss Association of Vocational Educational and Training in Insurance Association pour la formation professionnelle

Europe's educational systems

Age at which children start school secondary level Dual + Gymnasium education Rates of maturity

The basis for vocational education and training varies widely

What the major differences are

Page 8: Berufsbildungsverband der Versicherungswirtschaft Swiss Association of Vocational Educational and Training in Insurance Association pour la formation professionnelle

Vocational education and training (VET) in Europe

Diploma courses / Non-diploma courses Academic education / Non-academic education State / Private Traditional / Distance-learning courses Full-time / Extra-occupational On the job / Off the job

Page 9: Berufsbildungsverband der Versicherungswirtschaft Swiss Association of Vocational Educational and Training in Insurance Association pour la formation professionnelle

Switzerlands educational system

Page 10: Berufsbildungsverband der Versicherungswirtschaft Swiss Association of Vocational Educational and Training in Insurance Association pour la formation professionnelle

Definition of equivalent qualifications

Number of years after the Matura examination (BAC + x)? Number of hours' training (hours' study)? Type of educational institution? Designation of qualification? ECTS – points?

European credit transfer system for vocational education and training (ECVET)

Page 11: Berufsbildungsverband der Versicherungswirtschaft Swiss Association of Vocational Educational and Training in Insurance Association pour la formation professionnelle

European trends in education development

Focus on processes Acting-oriented learning Enhancing competence Internationalisation Integrating knowledge, methods and competence

Will we all then be equal?

Page 12: Berufsbildungsverband der Versicherungswirtschaft Swiss Association of Vocational Educational and Training in Insurance Association pour la formation professionnelle

What trends do YOU perceive?

6 propositions for debate!

Page 13: Berufsbildungsverband der Versicherungswirtschaft Swiss Association of Vocational Educational and Training in Insurance Association pour la formation professionnelle

Proposition number 1

Each national insurance market needs a vocational system customised to its own needs.

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Proposition number 2

The increasingly complex and challenging requirements of the market demand an academic background.

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Proposition number 3

Diploma courses are outdated. What we need is a series of short, flexible training sequences throughout our lives.

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Proposition number 4

Schools have been rendered obsolete. Modern coaching and training takes place directly at work.

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Proposition number 5

It is an illusion to believe that qualified insurance experts can move between markets. Different markets have different needs in terms of qualifications.

Page 18: Berufsbildungsverband der Versicherungswirtschaft Swiss Association of Vocational Educational and Training in Insurance Association pour la formation professionnelle

Proposition number 6

The mutual recognition of qualifications, ECTS, ECVET, etc, is a thing of the past. We need a Euroinsurer!